Environmental Noise Management in Latvia
UNIVERSITY OF LATVIA FACULTY OF GEOGRAPHY AND EARTH SCIENCES Zanda Krūkle ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE MANAGEMENT IN LATVIA DOCTORAL THESIS Submitted for the scientific doctor's degree - doctor of science (Ph.D.) in earth sciences, physical geography, environmental sciences Scientific advisor: Assist. Prof., Dr. phys. Rūta Bendere Rīga, 2020 1 The doctoral thesis was carried out in the Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences over the period from 2010 to 2020. Scientific advisor: Dr. phys., Assist. Prof. Rūta Bendere, University of Latvia Reviewers: Dr. geogr., Assoc. Prof. Iveta Šteinberga, University of Latvia Dr. sc. ing., Prof. Ritvars Sudārs, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies Dr. techn., Prof. Linas Kliučininkas, Kaunas University of Technology Doctoral Committee: Dr. biol., Prof. Viesturs Melecis, University of Latvia, chairman of the Committee Dr. geogr., Prof. Oļģerts Nikodemus, University of Latvia Dr. habil. chem., Prof. Māris Kļaviņš, University of Latvia Dr. geogr., Assoc. Prof. Iveta Šteinberga, University of Latvia Dr. habil. paed., Prof. Raimonds Ernšteins, University of Latvia Dr. sc. ing., Prof. Gatis Bažbauers, Rīga Technical university Dr. geog., Assist. Prof. Oskars Purmalis, University of Latvia, secretary of the Committee The defence of the doctoral thesis will be held on the 12th of June, 2020 at 12:00 in a public session of the Doctoral Committee at the Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences of the University of Latvia, 1 Jelgavas iela, Rīga. The dissertation is available at the Scientific Library of the University of Latvia, 4 Kalpaka blvd. References should be addressed to Dr. biol. Viesturs Melecis, University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences, 19 Raiņa blvd, LV-1586, Rīga.
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