EUROPEAN WOMEN IN MATHEMATICS NEWSLETTER NUMBER 7 March 2000 Editors: Nadia Larsen Department of Mathematics, University of Copenhagen DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark e-mail:
[email protected] Maren Riemenschneider Arbeitsgruppe 2 – Geometrie und Algebra Fachbereich Mathematik Technische Universit¨at Darmstadt D-64289 Darmstadt, Germany e-mail:
[email protected] This is the seventh EWM Newsletter, mainly to be distributed via the EWM e-mail network. Contents: 1 Editorial 2 Information and useful e-mail addresses 3 Report on the 9th General Meeting of EWM 4 Reports on other meetings held in 1999 5 Announcements of forthcoming meetings 6 Other News 7 Questionnaires 1. EDITORIAL Irene Sciriha, convenor Mentoring in 2000 Means Future Women Mathematicians With apologies to US Awise The year 2000 has been designated as the World Mathematical Year, a tribute to the importance of our subject as the backbone of a true scientific approach. It is also the 150th anniversary of the birth of Sonia Kovalevskaya, a pioneer of women mathematicians. The situation for women mathematicians has improved considerably and yet in most civilized countries the opportunities for women are too restricted. To alleviate these difficulties for members of EWM who work in isolation or who are embarking on a mathematical career, we are setting up a mentor ring. Members are urged to fill in the questionnaire that is included in this issue. It is meant to provide us with information to set up a data base that should serve as a talent bank which we can access when a member needs mathematical help.