T\Y1'.\ I \ NINTH





NEW YORK Cent- . Fifth Avenue and 8*4 Street THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART.



President :


Vice-Presidents :


Treasurer :


Secretary :


Honorary librarian :



Curator of the Department of Painting GEORGE H. STORY

Curator of the Department of Casts JOHN A. PAINE

Curator of the Department of Sculpture

Assistant Curator of the Department of Sculpture P. H. REYNOLDS

Assistant Treasurer IIIOMAS 1). DUNCAN

Secretary to the Director • u lo W. EUMPLER OFFICERS OF THE MUSEUM


Curator of the Department of Painting GEORGE H. STORY

Curator of the Department of Casts JOHN A. PAINE

Curator of the Department of Sculpture

Assistant Curator of the Department of Sculpture P. H. REYNOLDS

Assistant Treasurer THOMAS li. DUNCAN














Committee on Painting SAMUEL P. AVERY DARIUS O. Mill - DANIEL HUNTINGTON THE PRESIDENT iEx-Officio) Committee on Sculpture


Committee on Objects of Art and Textile Fabrics


Committee on Casts


Committee on Buildings


Law Committee


RECEIPTS Balance in Bank, Jan. l, 1898 $7,698 56 From Income pf the Wolfe Fund "..... 10,727 08 •• Income of the Marquand Art Fund... i.soo oo Income Of the Lazarus Fund 1,223 33 " Income of the Johnston Fund 250 00 " the limine/ Committee: For the Jacob H. Lazarus Travel­ ing Scholarship 1,016 26 For City taxes on real estate 1,789 M " Principal of Loan on real estate 20,00000 •• Bailroad Bonds retired 40,9*0 00 Executors of the estate of Simon Qoldenberg (Legacy) 1,0110 00 •' Interest on balances... 199 48 $86,352 49

ADMI.MSTKATION lUWWJ I Balance In Bank, Jan. l, 1898 $8358 16 From Department of Parks 95,000 00 Annual Members 18,650 00 " Admission Fees 4,846 00 Sale of Hand-DOOks 11 nel I'ai-cel ChceW- tng -V.I44 75 the Ihoinei Cumiiiittie: Income of the v*anderbil1 Fund. MOO on Income of the Astor Fund L6 83 Income of the' Marquand Fund.. 0 00 Income of the Reed Fund 0 00 Income of the Library Fund w.w 00 Income of the Maghee Fund 854 86 li in' of th.' Henderson Fund.. 101 income of the Strong Fund 101 H Income of the Cotheal Fund 50 (.ir Income of the 11 • >• - Fund $8 Income <>r tin' Qoldenberg Fund. 80 on Income of tin- Wolfe Fund for ear,' of Wolf,- Collection Income of tin' Colei Fund for can of Coles Collection 19 $1 n.-' : !5 03 9 SPECIAL FUNDS PAYMENTS For Income of the following Funds, paid to the finance Committee: Wolfe Fund $10,727 68 Marquand Art I'lind L,S0O 00 l.;i/;inis Fund L,223 88 Johnston Fund 250 00 For the Jacob II. Lazarus Traveling Scholarship 1,016 26 For Ciiy taxes on real estate 1,780 84 For Purchase of picture (Kobert Gordon donation.) 2,600 00 War the following items paid to the Finance Committee: Principal of Loan on real estate: Astor Fund 20,000 00 Proceeds from Railroad Bonds re­ tired: Coles Fund 21,000 00 Well IV Kernel 10,950 00 Simon Goldenberg1 Legacy 00 For labeling Architectural and Sculptural (lists 104 1(1 Balance 5,19188 $80,352 49

AmiTXTRTttATTON I' AY MK NTS For salaries and wages $S'.),8C>2 71 For fuel, stationery, printing', postage, car­ penter's, engineers and electri­ cian's supplies, general repairs, etc 08 58 For Art purchases 8,118 88 l'eir additions to, and maintenance of the Library 81 For ears of Wolfe Collection 3,590 00 ire of Coles Collection ' :;'-> interest em special fundi IW H Ten- real of Safe' iii Mercantile Safe Deposil i.-. no I'..?- seiTieea of an Auditor of Accounts.... 188 00 rawuss of the Finance Committee: Dei iIces of an Accountant 100 00 leer payment to finance Committee, for premium em Bonds purchased for the IstOT I'und 893 Tl Balance 1,089 09 $ HI,982 54 $228, IJeoeiptR for Administr.'iti.m. ISM $111. of Vdministration, 1898 $136,89 anee as above 5,089 09 $141,1 IO

REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE FOR THE YEAR 1898 VANDERBILT FUND PRINCIPAL, $100,000. Invest, el in Bonds and Mortgages on Property and Uailroael lionels. Income to i»- used as Hoard may direct. Income used for Budget Expenses $4,300 00

ASTOR FUND PRINCIPAL, $48,000. Invested in Bands and Mortgages on New York City Property, and Cash on l lepi Income to be used as Board may direct. Balance of Fund. December 31, 1897 '. $48,000 00 Income Interest allowed em deposit 18 08 Ine- need for Budget Expenses $2,223 08 Income ii--<-

MARQUAND FUND I'KIMII'AI., $50,000. Invested In Railroad Bonds. nie- tee be used for Budget Expenses. Income used for Budget Expenses $2,500 00

MABQUABTJ II \D I'lllNe'll'M., $30,000. Invested In Railroad Bonds, Income tei be seed fen- the increase of Marquand Collection of Old Mai • • me transferred to Marquand Income Account $1,500 00

MAKl.H WD l\Cu\li: \i . ul NT. and, December 31, 1807 $3,ooo 44 Income from Marquand Fund 1.500 00 Interest allowed on deposit 61 21 Be lance em deposit $4,621 65 $4,621 65 II


1'IIINCIPAL, $200,000. Invested in Bonds and Mortgages on New York .City Property, Real Estate in New York City, Kailroad Bonds, and Cash on deposit. Income to be used for expenses and increase of Wolfe Collection. Balance of Fund, December 31, 1897 $200,000 00 Income 10,727 68 income transferred to Wolfe Income Account $10,727 68 lnv.'sted 199,875 00 Balance on deposit 125 00 $210,727 68 $210,727 68

WOLFE INCOME ACCOUNT Balance of Fund, December 81, W97 $7,158 53 Income from Wolfe Fund 10,727 68 Interest allowed on deposit 227 70 Expenses of taking care of Wolfe Collection. . $:i,:V.I0 00 city Taxes em Seal Estate 1,788 M Loss on Bonds retired 50 00 Balance on deposit 12,684 67 $18,113 91 $18,113 91


PRINCIPAL, $50,000. Invented in Railroad Kernels and stocks. lne ii' to lie' nsi'il as Board may direct. Income ns

l.U-.KAKV I'l Ml I'IIIM'ir.u., 88,800. Invented iii Railroad itemels and Stock, Income to be used for additions t»> Library. ...-.• ..f Fun.i. December 81, 1897 $7,200 oo farmssi 881 oo Mis On and Bteel Co'i Bonds $2,000 00 Incases esed feu- additions t.> Library 881 00 Balance Inverted MOO 00 $7,5:11 oo 87,881 00 12


PRINCIPAL, $24,000. Invested in Bonds iiiul Mortgages on New York City Property. Income to be need foe a Traveling Scholarship. Income transferred to Lazarus Income Account $1,223 33

LAZARUS INCOME ACCOUNT. I lalance of Fund, December 31, 1897 $8,88 Income from Lazarus Fund 1,223 33 Interi'st allowed


l'lUM II'AI., $5,000. Invested in lionets and Mortgages on New York ciiy Property, Kail- roael liemels, and Cash on deposit. Income te> be used as Board may direct, Italancc of Fund, December 31, 1897 $5,189 M Income $« '•'•'- [nteresi allowed on deposit 9 42 Income used for Budget Expenses Invested 4.860 oo Balance on deposit 140 00 |S,340 88 $.-.

COLES FUND l-iiiM n'Ai., $:.'o,ooo. Invested in Railroad Bonds, and Cash on deposit. Income te> IM' need for care- and maintenance of Coles Collection. ince of Fund, December 81, 1897 $20,000 00 l'riiniimi on Bonds retired 1,00000 1 lie eelm- Interest allowed on


PRINCIPAL, $2,000. Invested in Bond and Mortgage on New York City Property. Legacy for General Endowment, Income used for Budget Expenses $101 95 JOHNSTON FUND

PRINCIPAL, $5,000. Invested in Railroad Bonds. Income to be used for eare and maintenance of Johnston Collection. Income transferred to Johnston Income Account $250 00

JOHNSTON INCOME ACCOUNT Balance of Fund, December 81, 1897 $705 18 Income from Johnston Fund 250 00 Interest allowed em deposit ii 10 1 lalanos on deposit $969 23 $969 23 $969 83 HENDERSON FUND

l'KiM ii-Ai,, $2,000. invested In Bond and Mortgage on New Tors. City Property. Legacy for General Endowment. Income use-el fen- Budget Expenses $10195


l'KlNCII-AI., $1,000. [•vested i" Bond and Mortgage on New York City Property. Donation for General Endowment. Ille'.mii' Us.'ii for BudgCl 1EI pellse'S $50 97


I'liiMii'Ai , |8,000. Invested in and Mortgage on New York City Property. icj for General Endowment. Income used feir Budget Ex] ses $254 8« 14


PRINCIPAL, $101.08. Legacy of $100 for General Endowment. Balance of Fund, December 31, 1897 $99 10 Interest allowed on deposit 1 98 Balance on deposit $101 08 $101 08 $101 08


PRINCIPAL, $1,000. Invested in Railroad. Bond, and Cash on deposit Legacy for General Endowment $1,000 00 Income 20 00 Income used for Budget Expenses $20 00 Invested 920 00 Balance on deposit 80 00 $1,020 00 $1,020 00

CON DENSED STATEMENT. en • CREDITS Funels in hands of Finance Committee, December 31, 1897. Investments 8547,800 oo Depe.sits 15,535 36 $562,735 36 on' from Investments 29,004 51 Goldenberg Fund on $.-,'.12,739 87

DEBITS Income' transferred to Treasurer $17,2'.U 88 City Taxes on Real Estate I.T "ii Bonds retired Premium on Bonds purchased St. Louis Ore and Steel Co's, Bonds 2,000 oo Traveling Scholarship, Lazarus Fund 1,016 26 Ponds in hands ot Finance Committee, December 81, is98: ' nie-iits 8847,888 78 DeiHisit.-il in Dotted States Trust Com pany, on account of various Funds 88,888 88 570488 74 • *5

REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES FOR THE YEAR 1898 The Trustees are pleased to report to the Members of the Corporation that the progress of the Museum during the past twelve months has been a repetition of former years, both in the increase of its various exhibits and in its educational and pleasure-giving advantages to the public.

FINANCES OF THE MUSEUM From the preceding Report of the Treasurer it will be seen that the City contributes only about two-thirds of the amount indispensable for the maintenance of the Museum and the Trustees are obliged to use every year the entire available income of the Corporation in order to meet the current ex­ penses ; yet, with pardonable pride, they can state that for the last twenty years the Museum has not incurred any debt for its administration. VISITORS The number of visitors from January 1 to December 31, 1898, has been 511,398, being 44,371 less than that of the pre­ vious year, owing chiefly to two causes; namely, the inclem­ ency of the weather on Saturdays and Sundays (the two days of the week on which the attendance is always the largest) and the closing of the Eighty-second Street entrance while the construction of the east wing is going on, which compels the public to walk several blocks farther through the Park in order to reach the southern entrance of the Museum. From March, 1880. to December, 1898, the number of persons who visited the Museum has been 8,935,994.

ANNUAL MEMBERS Although the average loss of annual members every year through death, resignation, and removal from the city amounts to about 100, the number of new members enrolled during the summer has not ool} covered our yearly losses, but adeled a considerable number to the list. i6

NEW SEWER For several years past the inadequate sewerage arrange­ ments in the Museum buildings kept the Trustees very anxious about the health of those employees whose duty keeps them the whole day inside the building; for the last four years the attention of the President of the Department of Public Parks was called to the necessity of having a separate and indepen­ dent sewer for the Museum buildings, thereby removing a great evil, but without any result. It was only since the acces­ sion of the present President of the Park Department, Mr. George C. Clausen, that with the approval and valuable as­ sistance of the new City Comptroller, Mr. Bird S. Coler, the Museum has now an entire new sewerage system independent from that in Fifth Avenue; the Trustees feel therefore grateful to the above-named gentlemen for their interest and co­ operation in the matter.

NEW WING The work on the new east addition to the Museum build­ ing which last spring had been stopped for some time, was resumed in June and has continued without interruption ever since. The new building has already reached more than half its completed height, and if nothing occurs to prevent, will be finished by the end of the present year.

EDUCATIONAL WORK Public and private schools in the city, as well as in towns within a radius of fifty miles, continue to visit the Museum in large numbers and take advantage of the many opportunities offered here for study and instruction. Tlie regular winter course of art lectures given every Saturday during the- months of Dee-ember, January, February and March, in connection with , con­ tinues to be largely attended and popular. The number of permits issued to copyists in the Depart ment of Paintings was 471 ; in the other Departments, 229. n The persons, as well as classes in drawing, art students and designers for decoration and manufacture, who received oral permits and of whom record is not kept, has this year ex­ ceeded in number that of the last three years. The financial advantages which the Museum may derive when a Moulding Department is permanently established be­ comes every year more manifest from the numerous applica­ tions continually received from Museums, Colleges, Schools and Libraries throughout the United States, asking to be fur­ nished with casts of sculptures possessed by our institution; but at present the Museum has no facilities for carrying on the work on a large scale, and only a few orders have been filled during the past year. When the new wing is finished it will be possible to establish it, and the Trustees have already decided to do so. A mould was taken of the bronze statue called the Bac­ chante, by request of and for the French Government; this necessitated the removal of said statue from exhibition for two months during the summer.

• GIFTS AND BEQUESTS During the past year the Museum has received a number of new gifts and the notice of two important bequests which have not yet been delivered. A detailed list of the gifts will be found in another part of this report.

THE JACOB H. LAZARUS TRAVELING SCHOLARSHIP Mr. George W. Breck, the holder of the Jacob 11. Lazarus Scholarship, has completed his second year of study abroad, and during that period he has satisfactorily fulfilled the condi­ tions imposed by the Committee in charge. He has executed the prescribed Studies and copies in Rome; has traveled in Italy under the guidance of the Committee, making notes and sketches. The third vear of Mr. I'reck's curriculum will be 10 work more or less in the same line as in the two preceding years, but in addition to his studies, he must execute a painting i8 of a decorative character containing not less than three life- sized figures, the subject to be either historical, mythological, or allegorical. The last two months of his scholarship are to be passed in Paris and its environs. At the request of the Trustees of the Museum, the nine gentlemen who acted as a Committee to take charge of the competition for the Scholarship in 1897—namely, Frederic Crowninshield, Chairman, J. Carroll Beckwith, Edwin H. Blashfield, W. H. Low, George W. Maynard, Charles F. Mc­ Kim, H. Siddons Mowbray, Walter Shirlaw and Edgar M. Ward—have again heen invited to act as a Special Committee in arranging a competition upon the same terms for the year 1900. The Trustees, in conclusion, desire to call the attention of the members and friends of the Museum to its need of a permanent Endowment Fund yielding an income of at least $50,000, for purchasing the best examples of ancient and mod­ ern art which from time to time are for sale in Europe and in this country.

LIBRARY. The number of books in the Library on the 31st day of December, 1898, was as follows: Bound volumes 5454 Portfolios 154 Unbound volumes, reports, cata­ logues and pamphlets 463

The additions to the Library during the past year have been as follows: By purchase 204 volumes By presentation 173 volumes including gifts from Mr. Samuel P. Aveiv, General L. P. di Cesnola, Mr. James C. Culwick (through Mrs. John Crosby Brown), Mr. Roberl W. de Forest, Mr. George W. Kellogg, the Due de Loubat, Mr. 1 l.iny * I. Marquand, Mr. Clarence B. '9 Moore, Mrs. C. F. Palmer (through Messrs. Revell & Co.), Mr. Samuel L. Parrish, Mr. Peter A. Schema) and Mr. Oliver D. Schock. A continued increase is exhibited in the number of art students and other visitors who have used the Library during the past year. Cards of admission to the Library may be ob­ tained by applying to the Director of the Museum, or to tin- Assistant Librarian, as heretofore. By order, HENRY G, MARQUAND, President, L. P. DI CESNOLA, Secretary, New York, January 30, 1899. 20

LIST OF DONATIONS OF WORKS.OF ART SINCE THE LAST REPORT Samuel P. Avery. Seventy bronze medallions, by Pierre Jean David d'An- gers. An etching of Benjamin Franklin. Mrs. Ellen Josephine Banker. Nine Japanese embroideries. Victor D. Brenner. Two medals and one placque, in silver. Lyman G. Bloomingdale. An oil painting, " Barberini Villa," by George Inness. Mrs. John Crosby Brown. Two hundred and twenty-six musical instruments, added to her collection. The Egypt Exploration Fund, of London. Nineteen cases of antiquities from Dcndcreh. The estate of Simon Goldenberg. One thousand dollars. Robert Gordon. An oil painting, " Two Men," by Eastman Johnson. J. E. Hindoo Hyde. An old English Purdy muzzle-loading shotgun. Mrs. Bcnoni Irwin. An oil painting, " Portrait of Mr. Farmham," by Bcnoni Irwin. Mrs. H. A. Loop. An eeil painting, " Love's Crown," by H. A. Loop. George A. Lucas. An original drawing of Benjamin Franklin. The National Sculpture Society. Ten bronzes, reproductions of Olin L. Warner's works. F. W. Rhinelander. Seventeen Creek and FtniM an vases. 21 Ten Graeco-Roman terra-cotta heads. One Roman bronze vase. Jacob H. Schiff. An oil painting, " Brittany Wedding Feast," by Henry Mosler.


Two large bronze lion heads with rings. One Greek bronze patera with handle ending in ram's head. One Greek bronze statuette, found at Hermopolis (Syra). One Roman bronze lamp of an original shape. Four calcareous stone sculptures, bas-reliefs from the ruins of Palmyra. One Phoenician glass of unique form, in yellow and blue colors. Three Tanagra statuettes, one exceedingly fine. Two Graeco-Roman statuettes from Rome. Three Egyptian gold placques, or pectorals, discovered at Dashour (Necropolis of Memphis), on a mummy, in a royal rock-cut tomb beneath the brick pyramid. Two of them in the form of a Naos, or funeral chapel, bear in the center the Cartouches of Usertesen II. and Usertesen III. (about 2625 B.C.). The third represents the " Bark of Horns " in repousse work. Gneco-Roman bronze helmet, found, in September, 18>)7. by a fisherman of corals on the coast of Sicily, near Sciaeca, the ancient Tcrin.e Sclinuntiae. One cameo medallion of George Washington. A collection of objects in gold, silver, engraved stones, bronzes, • terra-cottas and glass, found in tombs at Kertch, the an­ cient Pantkapseum (Crimea, Russia). 22


AMERICAN American Antiquarian and Oriental Journal. Monumental Records. The American Architect. The American Journal of Archaeology. The American Journal of Semitic Languages.

ENGLISH The Academy. The Archaeological Journal. The Art Journal. The Athenaeum. Babylonian and Oriental Record. Folk Lore. International Chalcographieal Society's Annual Issue. Journal of Hellenic Studies. Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statements. The Portfolio. Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology.

FRENCH • Gazette des Beaux-Arts. Bulletin de Correspondance Eiellenique. Journal Asiatii|iie. Kevue Archeologique. Revue d'Assyriologie et d'Archeologie Orientale.

GERMAN Jahrbnch des Kaiserlich-Deutschen Archaologischen Instituts. Jahrbuch iK-r Koniglich Preussischen Kunstsammlungen. Kunstchronik. Kunstgewerbeblatt. Mittheilungen des Kaiserlich-Deutschen Archaologischen In­ stituts zu Athen.

.. 23 Mittheilungen des Kaiserlich-Deutschen Archaologischen In­ stituts zu Rom. Repertorium fiir Kunstwissenschaft. Wiener Zeitschrift fiir die Kunde des Morgenlandes. Zeitschrift fiir Aegiptische Sprache. Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Zeitschrift fiir bildende Kunst. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft. 24



Adams, Edward D. Carnegie, Andrew Allen, Thomas Cesnola, Miss Eugenie P. di Appleton, Daniel F. Cesnola, Louis P. di Arnold, E. Cesnola, Madame Mary P. di Astor, William Waldorf Chauncey, Henry Auchincloss, Mrs. Elizabeth Choate, Joseph H. Avery, Mrs. Mary A. Church, Frederic E. Avery, Samuel P. Clark, Jonas G. Baker, George F. Clays, Paul J. Ballou, George W. Clews, Henry Banker, Mrs. Ellen Josephine Coe, Mrs. Henry E. Bard, John Colgate, James B. Barger, Samuel F. Cook, Henry H. Barlow, Peter T. Cooper, Edward Barney, Charles Tracy Cross, Mrs. Richard J. Beckwith, J. Carroll Cuyler, Cornelius C. Bennett, James Gordon Cuyler, Thomas De Witt Bigelow, John I lahlgren, Mrs. Eric B. Bishop, Francis C. Dahlgren, Mrs. John V. Bishop, Heber R. Davis, Erwtu Bishop, Heber R., Jr. De Forest, Mrs. Emily J. Bishop, James C. .rest, Robert W. Blodgett. Mrs. Ahbie B. Dodge, A. G. P. Blodgett, Miss Kleanor I lodge, D. Stuart Igett, William T. Dodge, William E. Bonner, Robert Douglas. James Brink-man, Mrs. Hows, Mrs. Margaret E. Brown, Alexander Hargreaves 1 'i.\i 1, Mis. Josephine n, Mrs. Marv F. I, Mrs. I.ucv W. Brown, W. Adams Dun, Roberl Graham 25 Duncan, W. Butler Johnston, John Herbert Ellis, Augustus Van Home Johnston, John Humphreys Ellis, John W. Johnstone, Mrs. Alan Escosura, Leon y Jones, Mrs. Cadwalader Evans, Thomas W. Kelly, Edward Evarts, Allen W. Kemp, Edward Garland, James A. Kennard, Mrs. Edward P. Gifford, R. Swain Kennedy, John S. Godwin, Harold Kennedy, Mrs. John S. Godwin, Mrs. Harold Kerr, Mrs. Walter Raleigh Gordon, Mrs. Frances Koehler, Mrs. V. M. Gordon, Robert Kountze, Luther (turnee, Walter S. Lafarge, John Hall, Mrs. John H. Lazarus, Mrs. Amelia B. Hartley, Marcellus Lazarus, Miss Josephine Hastings, Thomas S. Lazarus, Miss Sarah Havemeyer, Harry O. Le Roy, Henri Havemeyer, William F. Libbey, Jonas M. Hearn, George A. Loeser, Charles A. I lewitt, Abram S. Lorillard, Pierre Higginson, James J. Loubat, J. F. Hilton, Henry Ludington, Charles H. Hitchcock, Hiram McAlpin, David H. Hoag, Daniel T. McKim, Chas. F. Hoe, Robert Mali, Mrs. Pierre Hunt, Mrs. C. Howland Mannheimer, Godfrey 1 lunt. Richard 1 lowland Marquand, Allan Huntington, Archer M. Marquand, Henry Huntington, Collis P. Marquand, Mrs. Henry Huntington, Mrs. Collis P. Marquand, Henry G. Hutchinson, William J. Martin, Bradley Hyde, E. Francis Mills, Darius <>• Jaffray, Edward S. Moore, Edward C, Jr. James, D. Willis Moore, John ('handler Jesup, Charles M. Moore, Mrs. Man I'. Maria V. A. Moore, Rufus K. •'. Morris K. Morgan, J. Pierpont Jewett, W. Kennon Morton, Levi P. 26 Newcomb, H. Victor Shirlaw, Walter Penrose, Mrs. Catharine Drexel Sloan, Samuel Petit, Georges Sloane, John Pinchot, Gifford Slosson, Mrs. Annie T. Pinchot, James W. Smillie, James Cook Pinchot, Mrs. James W. Smillie, James D. Plummer, Albert T. Smith, Mrs. Anna Walton Plummer, Mrs. Albert T. Smith, Charles Stewart Porter, Horace Smith, Howard C. Potter, Jas. Brown Smith, James Clinch Prime, William C. Smith, Stewart Woodruff Riker, Samuel Stevens, Frederic W. Robinson, Eli K. Stickney, Albert Robinson, Mrs. Eli K. Stokes, Anson P. Robinson, Kelson Story, George H. Robinson, Mrs. Xelson Stuyvesant, Rutherfurd Rockefeller, William Swords. Henry Cotheal Roosevelt, Theodore Taylor, Mrs. William M. Root, Elihu Terry, John T. Rowell, George P. Terry, Mrs. L. M. Rushmore, Mrs. Thomas L. Terry, Roderick G. Russell, Horace Thompson, Frederick F. Schermerhorn, P. Augustus Van .Men, James J. Schermerhorn, William C. Vanderbilt, Alfred G. Schiff, Jacob II. Vanderbilt, Cornelius Schley, Mrs. Emma Keep Vanderbilt, Mrs. Cornelius Sedelmeyer, ('harks Vanderbilt, Cornelius, Jr. Seligman, Theodore Vanderbilt, Reginald C. Seney, < Ieorge' I. Vanderbilt, William K. Seney, Mrs. (leorge t. Villard, I lenry Seney, Mrs. i ieorge I.. Jr. Vincent, Frank Seney, Miss Kate Wales, n. Seney, Miss Nellie II. Wales, Sale-ill I I. . Robert Wall is. I lenry Seney, Mrs. Robert Ward, II. u.lbt-aith Shaw, Mrs. Sarah Blake Ward, Samuel < r. Sheldon R. Watt, Thomas Sheldon, Mrs. George R. Weir, Julian Alelen 27 Wetmore, George P. Winthrop, Egerton L. Wheeler, Nathaniel Wood, Thomas W. Whitney, Mrs. Harry Payne Yewell, George H. Wimmer, Adolph


Andrews, William Loring Everit, William D. Arnold, Francis Benjamin Fahnestock, Gibson Aymar, J. B. A. Fahnestock, William Baltazzi, Mrs. Emma E. Field, Edward M. Bartlett, Willard Folsom, George W. Benson, Miss Thyrza Ford, Daniel S. Bristol, John B. Fuller, Paul Brown, John Crosby Gandy, Sheppard Butler, Miss L. Pearl Gauchez, Leon Butler, R. Gordon Glaenzer, Mrs. Georges A. Butler, Richard Gordon, Henry A. Cannon, Le Grand B. Gordon, William Carter, Mrs. Ernest T. Gray, J. Clinton Cary, W. F. Hall, John Hudson, Jr. Caswell, Phillip, Jr. Hasbrouck, John Chester Church, William C. Hatch, Alfred S. Clark, (ieorge C. Hicks, Theodore F. Collins, Charles Hitchcock, Thomas Colt, Mrs. Catharine D. Hoe, Arthur I. Constable, James M. Hoc, Miss Laura Cook, Charles T. I luntington, 1 laniel Debbas, John Abdo Hyde, 1 lenry B. DeForest, Lockwood Iselin, Adrian Devlin, Daniel C. [sham, Charles 11. Dexter, 1 lenry Ivison, David B. leveland H. Ivison, I lenry Dorr. (ieorge B. Kennedy, Lenox Igfau, William P. Kensett, Mrs. Gertrude W. I 'raper. Mrs. Anna P. Keruer, ( harles 11. ir, Morgan King. ( Ieorge- < '.onion >rge W. Langdon, Woodbury G. 28 Lawrence, Cyrus J. Sands, B. Aymar Lawrence, Richard H. Shaw, Quincy A. Loutrel, Cyrus Francis Slade, Mrs. Henry Lewis Lowndes, Mrs. Laura W. Sloane, William M. McAlpin, David H, Jr. Squires, Grant McClellan, George B. Striker, James A. Marie, Mrs. Leon Sturgis, Russell Milbank, Joseph Thorne, Miss Phebe Anna Moore, Mrs. Bloomfield Tiffany, Charles L. Morrell, William H. Tousey, Sinclair O'Brien, John Townsend, Edward M. Olyphant, Robert M. Trumbull, J. H. Otis, Fessenden N. Tucker, Stephen D. Palmer, Charles P. Tuckerman, Paul Palmer, W. L.' Van Wagenen, Jacob Post, Herman C. von Vaux, Downing Rhinelander, Fre3ericlc W. Wallis, T. W. Rhinelander, Miss Serena Watson, fohn H. Rhinelander, William Webb, William H. Richards, T. Addison Weston, Warren Robb, J. Hampden Wetmore, Mrs. Sarah Taylor Robbins, Horace W. Wetmore, William Boerum Roberts, Lewis White, Alexander Moss Robinson, Francis Whitney, William C. Robinson, (ieorge H. Young, Mason . Russell Zabriskie, George Sanderson, Percy


Allen, J. A. Avery, Miss Mary 11. Altnian, Benjamin Avery, Samuel P., Jr. Andrews, Mrs. Blanche L. Baldwin. Mosi Andrews, Clarence Beekman, J. William Andrews; < !bnstant A. Bing, S. Andrews, James B. Bli lius \\ tews, Walter S. 1:1 -. Alfred J. Armstrong. I). Maitlaiul Booth, Alfred 29 Brinkerhoff, Elbert A. Johnson, Henry W. Buell, James King, John A. Burdge, Franklin Kingsland, William M. Butterfield, Mrs. Caroline F. Knapp, Hermann Cadwalader, John L. Langdon, Mrs. Woodbury Carleton, George W. Lanier, Charles Carr, William Lanthier, Louis A. Coles, J. Ackerman Le Brun, Pierre L. Colgate, William Lewis, George, Jr. Colman, Samuel McClure, William Comfort, George F. McMahon, Martin T. Connor, Washington E. Macdonough, Augustus R. Cox, Henry T. Maghee, John H. Day, Henry M. Mali, John Taylor Johnston Dominick, Bayard Mansfield, Howard Dominick, George F. Marie, Peter Draper, William H. Marshall, Charles H. Edson, Tracy R. Meagher, Mrs. Thomas Francis Evans, William T. Metcalfe, John T. Fahnestock, Harris C. Millet, Frank I). Falk, Gustav Mitchell, Roland G., Jr. Fleischman, A. F. Musgrave, Thomas B. Foote, Charles B. Nathan, Robert F. Freeman, Francis P. Nichols, William D. Gay, Walter Nichols, William S. Gibbs, Theodore K. ()akey, Mrs. S. W. Godwin, Parke ( U'lune, Julius Goodwin, James J. O'Hara, Charles E. Green, Andrew II. Orvis, Orel D. Gunther. Franklin L. Parrish, James C. Hatfield. Robert P. Parsons, John E. Hoe, Miss Kllen J. Peabody, Arthur J. Hoffman. Eugene A. Phillips, David L. I lolcoinbe. ("hester Phillips, I lenry L. Hurlbut, William H. Pondir, John • Jacobi, Abraham Post, Pdwin A. Jaffray, Mrs. Evelyn A. Purdy, J. 1 larsen Johns, HI, Eastman Ruel, Durand 30 St. Gaudens, Augustus Thomson, James Sampson, Edward C. Thurber, Francis B. Schaus, Miss Mabel Tiffany, Louis C. Scha-us, William G. Tooth, Arthur Sheldon, James O. Trask, Spencer Sherman, George Turner, Charles A. Sinclair, Samuel Turner, William J. Sloane, William D. Upjohn, Richard M. Smith, Isaac T. Van Emburg, David B. Smith, L. Dinwiddie Von Linden, Mrs. Isabel Smith, William Alexander Ward, John Q. A. Somerville, James Ware, William R. Starr, Theodore B. Waterbury, James M. Stevens, Byam K. Weekes, John A. Stewart, John A. Welcher, Mrs. F. F. Avery Stockwell, Alden B. Welcher, M. P. Stokes, Miss Caroline Phelps Weston, Theodore Stokes, I. N. Phelps Wheeler, Everett P. Strong, Benjamin White, Stanford Sturges, Frederick Whitehead, Charles E. Stvmus, W. Pierre Whitfield, R. P. Taaks, W. G. Whittredge, Worthington Tailer, I'M ward N. Willets. Robert R. Thompson, Mrs. Mary G. Yerkes, Charles T.


Argyll, His Grace, the Duke of Johnstone, Monroe Butler BoughtOn, ('ieorge- II.. A. R. A. Pe I in is, Prof A. Comfort,Geo. P., P.H.D.. 1.1.1 >. Low, Hon. Seth Corrigan, Most Rev. Dr. M. A. Luca \. Daly, Hon. Charles P.. LL.D. Marsh, Pre,f. ().(". Duncan. P.. Oelell Murray, Alexander S.. T.T..D. Egleston, l'rof. Thomas Norton. Prof. Charles FJiol 'in. I b.n. A. T. PerrOt. Prof. George I laden. Sir Prancis Seymour Phelps, Hon. ! Herkomer, I [ubert Prime. William O. I.ID Heuzey, Peon Rood, IViif. ( l..,l,n \ 31 Van Benschoten, Prof. James C. Watts, G. F., R. A. Wallis, George Weir, Prof. John F. Ward, Rev. W. H., D.D., LL.D. Wenman, Hon. James F. Warner, Charles Dudley White, Hon. Andrew D.


Aaron, Chas. E. Andrews, Wm. 11. Abbey, Chas. P. Archbold, John D. Abd-El-Nour, John Arcularius, L. Abegg, Henry Armour, H. O. Achelis, John Arms, Gee i. Ackeriiiann, Charles F. Armstrong, Chas. P. Adams, Charles F. Armstrong, Collin Adams, F. T. Armstrong, James Addicks, J. Edward Armstrong, John H. Adee, F. W. Arnheini, Marks Adler, Isaac Arnold, |. II. V. Agnew,John T. Arnot, M. II. Aitken, John W. Ashford, Edward Aldrich, Jas. H. Asiel, K. Aldrich, Silencer Atterburj, I lenry Alexander, Harry Aub, Simon Alexander, Henry M. Auerbach, Jos. S. Alexander, J. F. Austin, (ieo. C. Alexander, John W. Aycrigg, B. Arthur Allen, Calvin II. Babcock, Samuel D. Allen, Ellerv S. Babcock, Seth (i. Allen, Flavins J. Bachrach, David Allen. Richard H. Backus, J. Bayard Amend, < >tto P. Baker, Fred'c Amsinck, < tustav Baker, Josiah 11. Ainuiulson, John A. Baker, Robert B. Anderson, Archibald J. C. Baker, Stephen Andreas. Jeremiah J. Baldwin, Edwin Andreini, J. M. Baldwin, (ieorge V. N. 32 Baldwin, Jos. C. Beers, M. H. Ball, A. Brayton Behringer, John J. Ball, Thomas R. Bell, Christopher M. Ballantine, Robert F. Bell, Edward R. Ballard, Fred'k E. Bell, Staats S. Ballin, Julius Belmont, August Balthaser, Ewald Benedict, F. H. Bancroft, Samuel, Jr. Benedict, James H. Bangs, Fletcher H. Benjamin, Eugene S. Bangs, L. B. Benjamin, John Banks, David Benjamin, Morris W. Banks, Henry W. Benjamin, Raphael I'.annerman, Francis Bennett, W. H. Banning, Hubert A. Bergeman, Julius Barber, Amzi L. Bernheim, Gustav Barbey, Henry I. Bernheimer, Jerome Barbour, William Bernheimer, Leopold A. Barnard, Henry Bernheimer, Max E. 1 laniard, William H. Bernheimer, Simon Barnes, E. W. Berry, Carroll Barnes, Mrs. Harriette S. Berwind, Edward J. Barnes, John C. Betts, Frederick H. Barnes, John S. Betts, Samuel R. Barr, William Beyer, George H. Barr, William R. Bianchi, F. Barrett, John D. Bien, Franklin Bartholomew, J. O. Bien, Julius Bartlett, John P. Biddle, John Bass, Edgar W. Peierig, Chas. Bauchle, Thomas H. Bigelow. I'oiiltney* Bauer, Louis Bijur, Isaac Baylis, William Billings, I'red'k Beach, Warren C. Bippart, Achille Beal, William R. Bisset. The is. B. Beainan, Charles C. Bissinger, Philip Beckel, Joseph Black, John V. Becker, Christian Blackmail, Henrv Beckwith, Louis Bl.iglen, George 33 Blake, Mrs. John Ellis Bowdoin, George S. Blakeman, Louis Henry Bowdoin, Temple Blanchard, James A. Bowers, John M. Blatchford, Samuel A. Bowers, William C. Bliss, George T. Bowler, Robert Pendleton Bliss, William H. Bowne, S. W. Blood, Samuel Shipley Bowne, Walter Bloodgood, J. 11. Bowsky, Adolph Bloodgood, Joseph F. Boyer, Edward H.* Bloodgood, William Bradley, C. W. Bloodgood, William E. Bradley, S. R. Bloomingdale, Lyman G. Bradley, W. H. Blount, Fred. R. Brady, James Blume, Mrs. J. C. M. Brady, John T. Bluinenstiel, Alexander Brady, Thomas J. Blumenthal, Benjamin Bragaw, EliaS T. Blumenthal, Ferdinand Bragg, Henry T. Blumenthal, Geo. Braman, Chester A. Blumenthal, Sidney Brecse, Jas. L. Boas, Emil L. Breithaupt, Wm. H. Bodman, Edward C. Bremer, S. Parker Body, Chas. W. E. Biennan, Michl. R. Bogert, Henry A. Brenner, Victor D. 1, Albion K. Breslin, J. H. Boldt, George C. Brewer, William A., Jr. Boltow, Wm. II. Brewster, William Bond, Prank S. Brewster, William C. Bookstaver, Henry W. Briesen, Arthur von Booss, Frederick BriggS, Pierre W. Booth. William Brinsmade, I lenry N. Borden, H. Lee Bristed, I has. Astor Borg, Simon Bristol, bred. E. Borgstede, John G. Bristol, John I. D. Boularil. Brittain, William F. Bourdis, J. Brokaw, Isaac V. Bourne, Frederick G. Brooker, Chas. F. Boutein, Jamea W. Brookfield, Wm. Bowden, Joseph Broughton, (ieo, 11.. Jr. 34 Brower, Wm. L. Calder, , Addison Calhoun, Henry W. Brown, I'M ward J. Calkins, Hiram Brown, Edwin H. Callender, Wm. E. Brown, George Alexander Caiman, David Brown, Harvey T. Caiman, Emil Brown, Lewis B. Caiman, Henry L. Brown, M. Bayard Calvin, Delano C. Brown, Robert W. Cameron, W. L. Brown, Thos. R. Cammann, H. H. Brown, Vernon H. Cammann, Henry L. Brown, Walston H. Campbell, James D. Brown, Wm. I larman Campbell, John Brown, William L. Campbell, N. L.* Browning, John Hull Campbell, Palmer Bruckbauer, bred. Canda, Charles |. Brundrett, II. B. Candler, Plaincn B. Brush, W. Franklin ( 'aulicld, ( ieo. F, Buchanan, Chas. P. Cannon. II. W. Buchanan, William Cantor, Jacob A. Buchman, Albert Cardozo, Michael H. Budge. I lenry Carey, H. T. Bull, William P. Carpenter, Charles W. Bullinger, P. Wilson Carpentier, Jacques Auguste Bunker, Matthew Carr, Alfred Bunker, William ( arter, James C. Burden, Jas. R., Jr. Carter, (Hiver S. Burden, Jos. W. Carter, Walter S. Burke, Wm. L. Caspary, Waldemar Burnham, T. B. Cassarel, William J. Burns, William M. Cassatt, (leu. M. Burr, Wm. II. ( "astree. John W. Burr. Winthrop ( auter, b'.dwin A. Bush, J. Adriance. ( 'liaiiiberlain, John Butler, Wm. II. ( liaiiibiis, Frank R. Byrne, James Chainpnev, Henry T. Byrne, John Chaiiipnev, J. Wells Cable, Ransom R. Chanler, fohn tansnrotni 35 Chapin, Edwin S. Cleveland, Trcadwell Chapin, Mrs. Josiah L. Cluett, Geo. B. Charles, R. P. Cluett, J. W. Alfred Chatillon, Geo. H. Clyde, William P. Cheney, Frank W. Cochrane, John W. Chesebrough, Robert A. Cockran, W. Bourke Chesterman, George Coffin, C. A. Chew, Alexander D. Coffin, Charles H. Chichester, Charles P. Coffin, Daniel T. Chisolm, George E. Coffin, Edmund Chittenden, Jared Coggeshall, Edwin W. Choate, William G. Cogswell, Henry Christmas, William R. Cohen, William N. Chrystie, W. F. Coho, Herbert B. Church, E. Dwight Colburn, N. A. Church, George H. Cole, W. W. Cillev. John K. Cole, Wm. R. Cisco, John A. Coleman, Geo. B. Civolari, G. Coleman, J. S.* ( 'lallin, John Colfax, Albert E. ( lancv, John J. Colgate, Abner W. (lapp, (reorge S. Collier, M. Dwight Clark, (harles F. Collingwouii, Francis Clark, J. Mitchell Collins, Clarence L. Clark, John S. Collins, Miss Ellen Clark, Louis C. Collyer, Robert Clark. S. II. H. Combe, Mrs. William Clark, William A. Compton, Alexander T. Clark, William N. Condit, John W. Clarke, Charli Conger, I lenry C. Clarke, G. C. Conkling, Nathaniel W. rke, Thomas B. Connolly, John Clarke, \\ ( 'minors, John Clarkson, John V. B. t oiistant, S. Victor t laseii, Augustus Converse, Edmund C. Clausen. < ieorge C. Conyngham, W. L. iss.'u, C. A. ('nuke', ('arlos S. Cleveland. Chas. D. Cooper, Charles W. 36 Cooper, Washington L. Curtis, Charles B. Coppell, George Curtis, Geo. M. Cornell, Joseph Curtis, Mrs. Lucy W. Corning, G. M. Cutting, William Bayard Corning, John J. Dalley, Henry, Jr. Cornwall, George H. Daly, Augustus Coster, Charles II. Dana, William B. Costikyan, Siragan S. Dam, Andrew J. Cotton, William H. Daniel, Richard Curd. Coulter, Chas. J. Daniels, George H. Coutan, Charles A. Danziger, Max Cowdin, Elliot C. Darling, E. A. Covven, John K. Davenport, Henry L. Cowl, Clarkson Davenport, Ira Cowles, Alfred A. • Davids, W. J. L. Cox, Theodore Davies, J. Clarence Coykendall, S. D. Davies, Julien T. Cozzino, Joseph A. Davies, W. G. Crane, George F. Davison, Charles A. Crane, Zenas Day. Frank T. Cranford, J. P. Day, Melville C* Crawford, W. H. Deal, Edgar ( rimmins, John D. Dean, Charles F. ( rimmins, Thos. E. Deane, John H. Crocker, George Deans, John Sterling Crocker, George A. Decker, Joseph S. Cromwell, Frederick de' ('oineau, O. Cromwell, James W. de Coppet, Edward J. i.vell, William Nelson de Coppet, 1 lenry Cre lelius Vanderbilt DeeleVj Roberl Cruikshank, P. A. res, Richard de Forest, < ieorge B. W. de Forest, 11. S. Cummings, Richard ix, Morgan I )unn, (harles B. Dodd, Samuel C. T. I hinnell, William N. Dodge, Arthur P. Dunscomb, S. Whitney, Jr. I lodge, < ieorge E. Dupuv, Moore Dodge, X. W. Durgin, E. L. 1 lodge, Philip T. Durrie, Geo. Boice 1 toelger, Pet Duryea, Frank W. Dominick. II. Blanchard I hiryea, I liram Dotnmerich, L P. Dutcher, John B. Donald. James M. 1 lutton, Edward P. 1 kmnell, Mrs. P.. J. Duvall, William C. I ie irflinger, Wm. P. I hrveen, I bury J. Dormitzer, Mrs. Henry Dwight, John 38 Dwight, John E. Eno, Amos F. Dwight, Stanley Eno, John C. Dvvyer, Thomas Erb, Chas. S. Earl, Wm. M. Erb, Newman Eastman, Robert W. Erdt, C. Eaton, D. Cady Ettlinger, Louis Eaton, John Evans, R. D. Eckerson, John E. Evans, Richard Eckert, Thomas T. Evarts, William M. Eddy, Ulysses D. Everard, James Edson, Jarvis B. Everett, Henry W. Edwards, R. L. Everett, Wm. W. Egleston, William C. Everhart, John F. Ehret, George Eyre, Edw'd Ehrmann, Ernest Faile, Thos. H. Eidlitz, Otto M. Fairchild, B. T. Eidlitz, Robert James Fairchild, Charles Eimer, August Fairchild, Charles S. Einstein, B. F. Falk, Benjamin J. Einstein, David L. Fanning, Geo. W. Einstein, Edwin Fanning, W. J. Einstein, Emanuel Farber,, Fred'k M. Einstein, I taac D. Fargo, James C. Elberson, Edwin Farrar, John N. Elder, Mrs. M. A. Farrcl, Franklin Elkins, Stephen B. Farrell, Edward J. Elkins, William L. Fay, Sigourney W. Ellinger, Julius Faye, James J. Elliott, Samuel Fechteler, Caspar Elliott, Wm. P. Feldstein, V Ellis, Geo. W. Fellows, < iordon Ellison, Dinar S. Ferber, C. W. Ely, Horace S. Ferguson. Walton Pinery, John J. F« Wm. E. Emery, Louis, Jr, 1 e 1 ris, Frank V Engle, Robert S. Ferris, John M. Englehart, I. Albert Perris, M. I. II ler, A. Field, Thomas G. 39 Field, William Hildreth Foster, Scott Fink, J. Harry Foutz, James W. Fisher, B. Fowler, Clarence M. Pisk, Arthur L. Fowler, Edward P. Fisk, Charles J. Fox, Austen G. Fisk, Pliny Frank, A. B. Fiske, Joseph W. Frankenberg, D. Fitch, Ashbel P. Frankfield, A. Fitch, Chas. R. Frankland, F. W. Fitz-Gibbon, Edw'd Franklin, Philip S. Fitzpatrick, Edw'd T. Fransioli, W. J. Fitzpatrick, Jeremiah Fraser, Alfred , Flagg, Ernest Fraser, Horatio N. :g. J a reel B. Fraser, Lewis Flagg, Thomas J. Fraser, Thos. K. Flagler, 1 [any 11. Frazee, Win. C. Flagler, John 11. Freedlander, J. H. Flanagan, William L. French, S. Barton l'leitiiiann, Pwald I'lVllelcllthal, Wolf Fleming, 1 lenry S. Prey, Joseph Fleming, John Freygang, George Fletcher, Andrew Prick. W. C. Fletcher, Isaac D. Fried, Samson Flint, Chas. R. Friedlaender, (Iscar O. Flower, A. R. Fries, II. II. Flower, Frederick S. b'rissell, A. S. Flower, John I). Frost, Isaac T. Flower, Roswell P. Frothinghain, Howard P. Fogg, William Perry Fruitnight, J. Henry Foos, Lamar Fuller, Frank Foote. P. B, Fuller, P. E. Forbes, William II. Fuller, Thos. S. e, I >cxter N. Fuller, W. W. Ford, James B, Purjoiig. ('has. E. Forster, William Furuya, J. Fosheim, Edward Fulton, P.lisha M. Edward W. (iabler, Emil •er. James (iadd, I -utIu i 11, 40 Gallaudet, Thomas* Goodhue, Chas. E. Gallaway, Robert M. Goodman, Samuel Gantz, George F.* Goodwin, Almon Gardiner, J. Grahame Gossler, Gustav H. Gardiner, James T. Gothelf, Chas. Garrigues, W. A. Gotthold, Frederick Gasquet, Marshall J. Gotlieb, Fred. J. Gazzam, Edwin Van D. Gould, Charles A. Gelshenen, W. H. Gould, Edwin Gerli, Emanuel Gould, George J. Gershel, Leopold Gould, Howard Gerster, A. G. Gould, John D. Gibb, John Gould, Miss Helen M. Gibbons, John J. Grace, William R. Gibbs, Albert B. Gracie, J. K. Gibbs, Edward Grafton, Joseph Gibbs, Edw'd N. Graham, John C. Gibbs, Fred'k S. Graham, John S. Gibbs, John Wilson Graham, Malcolm Gibney, V. P. Graner, Louis Gibson, George Rutledge Graves, Edw'd H. Gibson, Henry P. Graves, Henry Gilbert, A. H. Gray, Wm. Travers Gilbert, Bradford L. Greacen, Robert A. Gill, Frank N. Greata, John M. Gilroy, Thomas F. Greeff, Ernest F. Gilsey, Peter Green, Fred'k V. ;son, John J. n, Nelson G. Glover, James A. Greenberg, Joseph Goddard, Frederick N. Greene, < liarles A. Godfrey, Charles 11. Greene, Edw'd A. Godkin, Edwin L. (ireene, J. Warren lenberg, Samuel E. Greene. Thomas B. Goldmann, P. nough.-John 1 eorge B. Greenwood, Isaac J. Goldsmith. Abraham Greer, Daviel II. mith, Moses Gregory, < 'harles E. Gooch, W. Tyson . Edward C 41 Griffith, Dan'l J. Hargous, Robert L. Griscom, C. A., Jr. Haring, Tunis J.' Grosvenor, James B. M. Harkness, Chas. W. Grove, F. H. Harlin, John Gruber, Abraham H. Harman, Chas. H. Guggenheim, Sol. R. Harper, Orlando M. I iuggenheimer, Randolph Harriman, Edward H. Guindon, E. W. Harriott, S. Carman Gulliver, W. C. Plartshorn, Stewart Gunther, Ernest Rudolph Hartshorne, Benj. M. Gurnee, Walter S. Hartung, Charles E. Guthrie, W. D. Haskell, J. Amory Gwathmey, R. W. Haslam, Wm. Hackett, C. H. Hasslacher, Jacob Hagerman, Geo. E. 1 tastings, Thomas Hagerman, J. J. Hatzel, Fred'k H. Haggin, J. B. 1 laupt, Louis Hague, James D. Hauselt, Chas. E. Hall, Chas. Cuthbert Havemeyer, John C. Hall, De Witt C. Haven, G. G. Hall, Valentine G. Haviland, Edwin Hallock, Albert P. Hawk, William S. Halls, William, Jr. Hawke, Edw'd H. Hawley, Edwin 1 lalsey, Fred'k A. Hay, E. C. Halsey, Frederic R. Hayden, Horace J. Halsey, John R. Haynes, A. E. Halsey. X. Wetmore Hayes, Richard Somers Hamburger, Sam'l B. Hazen, Geo. H. Hamilton, John L. I leaellev. Miss Mary A. I lamnieind, J. B. 1 learn, Arthur H. llankinson, John H. I tebert, 1 lenry B. I lann, ()tto 1 [eckscher, A. Hann, William Hannigan, Francis E.* I bilges, James Harbeck, Chas. T. Hedges, Job E. Hard. Anson W. 1 Icike, ('has. R. I lardlev, J. Wheeler 1 leinsheimer, Louis A. 11.ire-, J. Montgomer) Heinze, Arthur P. 42 Held, Chas. W. Hochschild, B. Heller, E. L. Hodge, D. M.* Heller, Mrs. S. J. Hodgman, Abbott Hellman, Theodore Hoe, Alfred I.. Helm, David B. Hoe, George E. Hendricks, Clifford B. Hoe, William A. Hendricks, Edmund Hoe, William J. Hendricks, Harmon W. Hoey, Jos. L. Herman, Martin I [offman, Chas. F., Jr. I lerniann, Perdinand Hoffman, William M. V. Hernsheim, Joseph Hogan, Timothy Herrick, Richard P. Hoke, Sam'l W. Herrman, Mrs. Henry Holbrook, Edward Ilerzig, Joseph Holden, Edwin B. I Przig, Leopold Holden, Edwin R. Herzog, Edward M. Hollander, Geo. E. Herzog, Max I lollingsworth, John E. Hess, Chas. A. Hollister. Win. H. Hess, Nath'l 11c Witt Van Rensselaer, Eugene Warren, E W. Van Santvoord, A. Warren, (ieorge W. Van Slooten, Wm. Warren, William R. Van Slyck, I W. Washburn, John 11. Van Vleck, Joseph Waterbury, John I. Van Vliet, Frederick G. Waterman, Daniel Van Winkle-. Edgar B. Waterman, Jas. S. Vdt, Richard C. Waterman, I Vermeule. John D. WateTs, I leirace, Jr. Via ' Waters, John R. Voeflrer, fohn Ph. Watson, (!j rus Rowe IT'. Wait. Thomas L. Vom Baur, C. M. Watts, Dickson G. Von Hoffmann, LottJ Wavdell, John II. Voorhis, Chas. C. Weatherbee, Edwin 11. 56 Weaver, John C. White, J. Brinton Webb, H. Walter White, Stephen V. Webb, S. D. White, Thomas F. Webb, W. S. White, William Henry Webb, William E. Whitin, Lewis F. Weber, Chas. S. Whitman, Clarence Weber, John Whitney, A. R. Weber, Leonard Whitney, Charles C. Weed, George E. Whitridge, John C. Weekes, Henry de Forest Whittaker, Thomas Weeks, Francis M. Whymper, P. 1!. Weeks, Rufus W. Wicke, William Wehrhane, Charles Wicker, Cassius M. Weidenfeld, Camille Wickes, Edward A. Weidmann, Jacob Wickham, Pelos O. Weil, The. i. (i. Wickham, W. Hull Weir, Levi C. Widener, P. A. B. Welles, Benjamin S. Wiener, Joseph Wellington, Aaron H. Wiget, John Wells, J. Leland Wigger, W. M. Wells, Lemuel E Wiggin, Fred'k Holme Wells, Thos. L. Wight, James Wendt, Frederick B. Wight, John McKinley Went worth, J. Winslow Wilbur, E. P. Wentz, James M. Wilder, Wm. R. Wesendonck, Walter Wiley, Charles tCOtt, Robert E. Wiley, William H. inghouse, George, Jr. Wilkens, Mrs. Pouis Weston, Edward Willard, E. A. tover, Myrmi F. Willcox, David Wetherbee, < iardner Willets. J..I111T. Wetmore, John McE. Williams. F. W. Wheeler, Claude P. Williams, G. N., Jr. Wh< d'k- M. Williams, George- C. Wheelock, G. G. Williams, J. Castree Williams, John Wheelock. William A. White, Mrs. Charles Williams, Richard H. White, Granville M. Wills, Charles T. 57 Wilmurt, Thomas A. Woodward, James T. Wilson, Edward W. Woodward, Robert B. Wilson, (ieorge Wooley, James V. S. Wilson, George T. Woolley, John Wilson, Henry B. Woolverton, William II. Wilson, Henry S. Wormser, Isidor Wilson, John WorinseT, Morris S. Wilson, Marshall Orme Worrall, P. B. Wilson, Samuel M. Wright, Benjamin Wilson, W. M. Wright, Geo. M. Wilson, Washington Writhington, Chas. C. Wilson. William G. Wurzburger, A. Windntuller, Louis Wyman, Samuel, Jr. Winslow, Edward Wynkoop, C. II. Winston, Gustavus S. Wysong, |oim J. Winthrop, Buchanan Yale, W. H. Winthrop, Greenville B. Yard, John Wise, Leo H. Yates, Arthur G. Witherbee. Prank S. Young, George W. Woerz, ]•;. G. W. Young, Hugh W. Young, Richard N. Wolf, Joseph Zabriskie, Andrew C. Wolfe. Joel B. Zabriskie , i Wolff, A. Zabriskie, (ieo. V Wolff, Emil Zellner, Charles Henry Wolff, Lewis & Zentgraf, Charles F. Wood, Henrv R. Zickel, Solomon d. Jelh.l n. Ziegler, William 1 fa V Zinsser. Aug W P. Jttatus o* Zoller, Charles lward, F. F. 58


PATRONS Albano, Salvatore Drexel, Joseph W. Aspinwall, William II. Edgar, Jonathan Astor, John Jacob Eno, Amos R. Astor, William Field, Benjamin IL. Astor, William B. Field, Cyrus W. Auchincloss, John Field, Airs. Alary S. Auchmuty, Richard T. Fiske, Josiah M. Ay mar, Benjamin Fogg, Mrs. Elizabeth Baldwin, Christopher C. Fogg, William H. Barlow, S. L. M. Garrison, C. K. Barney, Ashbel II. Gould, J. Barney, D. N. Got/pit, A. Ban/urn, II. A. Gray, John A. C. Billings, Frederick u, J. C. Blakeman, Birdscye Great, Mrs. J. C. Bliss, George Grish'old, Charles W. , William T. Ilallgitrteu, Julius Brown, Stewart Harper, John Bryant, William Culler/ Hoe, Robert Cady, Afrs. Ellen D. Hunt, Richard .)/. Chanel, Jules Huntington, 11 illiam II. •Clark, Alfred Coming Jarves, James Jackson Clark, Edward Jaoe/l, Hugh J. Colgate, Robert Johnston, Colics Con/ell, J. P. Johnston, James P. Cutting, Robert L. Johnston, John Parlor Dar/nat, ' m T. Johns/on, Mrs. Prances C. leorge T. M. A oe i try - Kemp. George Id, C. E. Knapp, IL. W. Dillon, S: Pah Dinsnwre, William P. omas N. Dodge, Willi,/ litie Dows, D A. 59 Lord, Afrs. A. W. W. Hicks Sherwood, John H. Low, Abiel A. Smillie, Mrs. James D. Mc Cor/nick, C. H. Smith, P. Delajield Magoon, £. L. Stanford, Leland Marquand, Frederick Steward, I). Jackson Marquand, Frederick A. Stewart, Alexander T. Marquand, Mrs. Elizabeth L. Stokes, James Matthews, Edward Stone, Andros B. Aforgan, E. D. Stuart, Alexander :n, Junius S. Stuart, Robert Z. Opdyke, George Stuart, Mrs. Robert L. Osborn, Wm. H. Suydaiu, D. lydig Paton, William Taylor, William Af. Phelps, William Waller Theme, Jonathan Phillips, John C. Ttldai, Samuel J. Phanix, S. Whitney Trevor, John P. Potter, Howard Tuckerman, Lucius '•/-, Augusts Van Alert, James II. l\ne, Percy R. Vandabill, William II. Ray nor William IP. Vanderbilt, William H. Rhir/elarider, William C. Van Rensselaer, Alexander Gideon F. T. Wadsworth, Julius -•-celt, Elliot Wai/e, Charles < '. Roosevelt, Theodore Ward, Mrs. II. Galbraith Roosevelt, Mrs. Theodore ll'aierbitry, Lawrence pson, Joseph Wetmore, Samuel •us, William Wolfe, Afiss C. L. SeBgman, Jesse Worsliam, Mrs. P. D. I. '/.borowski, Martin . Francis G.


An s n Benton, Mrs. F. S. Arnold, Baijamr on, dames M Richard Brute, David //'. Pull, haae 1/ X M. Chain/, ev, P/ederick 6o Clift, Smith McEntcc, Jarvis Colt, Harris Marco tie, Leon Curtis, George William Mead, Edward S. P. De Forest, Henry G. Alilbank, Jeremiah Devlin, Jeremiah MIIIIOZ, Jose M. Dickey, Chas. D. Netobold, Mrs. Mary E. Dodge, W. Earl O'Brien, William Edgar, Howard Palmer, Courllaiidt, Jr.. Eidlitz, A Lark Parker, Willard Field, Cyrus W. Phelps, George D. Francis, Lewis Renwick, James Gifford, S. R. Rhiiiclander, Miss Julia Gray, A. Zabriskie Roosevelt, James A. Gray, Bryce Rowe, Griffith ftrty, Ogden Rutherfurd, Lewis M. Hall, John 11. Sands, Million Ilasbrouck, Airs. E. B. Schiffer, Samuel •is, C. G. Schuchardt, Frederick Hawk, Samuel Schuchardt, Frederick, Jr Henderson, I. Skidmore, Wm. L. Herler, Christian Suedcu, John Hitchcock, Airs. S. M. Squires, Robert Hoppin, William J. Squires, Waller Irving, Richard Stewart, David Stewart, Mrs. Mary R, '.', Henry James, F. L. Stuyvesant, Fredk s. Jones, John D. Tinker, dames Kalbffeisch, Charles II. Toitsev, Sinclair Kennedy, R. Lenox Tuckerman, Finest •tt, John F. Tuckerman, Waller C. hael II ard, C tbot n, Charles G. Wai Elisabeth Langdon, Walter s, F. IV. Lanier, J. F. D. White. G, Granville rmore, C. F. II :i'liams, S. C. 'ret, Cyrus IL ie, John M.Clellan, George B. 6i


Anderson, Henry H. Livingston, John A. Avery, Henry O. Logan, James Avery, Miss Ellen Walters lord, George De Forest Pailey, Nathaniel P. Ludlow, E. H. Paker, H. J. Ludl/tm, James Beadleston, Wm. It. Macy, William H. Blodgett, D. C. Man, Albon P. Butler, Benjamin F. Maghee, Miss Alary Butler, Chas. May, Miss Caroline Carhart, T. F. Melville, Mrs. Allen Charlier, Flie Merriam, Augustus C. Colgate, Charles C. Morgan, Henry T. Colyrr, Vincent Morse, S. F. B. Cotheal, Alexander I. Mount, R. E. Herinistoun, William Nor/on, Mrs. Henry S. Dickerson, Edward N. Pancoast, George inick, IV. Gayer Putnam, G. P. Dunham, Carroll Riley, T. W. Poster, G. P. C. Schttltz, Christopher H. Gition, William H. Shethar, Samuel Dart. James M. Sherwood, John Date!,, Stephen D. Spauldirig, IL. F. ten, Levi Tiber, Henry M. ., Aaron Thompson, Laitnl r, J. B. Van Duser, Mrs. Selah Holland, Alexander Vaux, Calvert r, R, W. I / i/iitye, J. D. dith Wendell, Jacob Kingsland, Ambrose C. ]l Wis, Benjamin A. Ha; M White. Richard Grant K°kn, Adolph Ui nshotfcr, Charles F. 62


Barnard, F.A.P., Pres., LL.D. Lcpsitts, Prof. Carl Richard Birch, Samuel, LL.D. Lossir/g, Benson J., LL.D. Bran/an, Prof. Benjamin Marsh, Hon. George P. Claghorn, James L. Moran, Hon. Benjamin Corcoran, W. II'. Owen, Sir Philip Cunlipfe Crosby, Rev. Lloward, D.D. Perkins, Charles C. Draper, IYof. Henry Peters, Prof. Dr. C. H. F. Drisler, Prof. Henry, LL.D. Pea,/, Gen'l Meredith Ebers, D-of. George Redgrave, Richard, R.A. Hall, Isaac IL, Ph. P., Sell liana 11 II, Henry, LL.D. Hitchcock, Rev. R.D., D.D. Story, W. W. Jay, Hon. John Wallace, Sir Richard d, Sir Henry Walters, Win. T. Leighton, Lord, Pres. R.A., 1...I. II liitucy, George EXTRACT FROM THE CONSTITUTION


Of Benefactors, Patrons, and Fellows

Section i. The contribution or devise of fifty thousand dollars or more at any one time to the funds of the Museum, or of objects of art to its Collections to the value of twice the said amount, shall entitle the donor to be declared a Benefactor of the Museum by the Board of Trustees. Sec. 2. The contribution of five thousand dollars to the funds of the Museum shall entitle the person giving the same to be elected a Patron or Fellow in Perpetuity of the Museum. Such person shall have a Patron's or Fellow's right in Perpetuity for each sum of five thousand dollars so contributed, with the privilege of appointing the successor in such Patron's or Fellow's right in Perpetuity. Sec. j. No future appointment of a successor shall be valid, unless the same shall be in writing, endorsed on or attached to the certificate, or by last will and testament. Should neither of these conditions be complied with, the Executors or Administra tors may nominate a successor subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees. Sec. 4. The contribution of one thousand dollars shall entitle the person giving the same to be elected a Fellow for life. Patrons and Fellows shall be elected by the Trustees. Sec. j. Any person maybe elected by the Trustees to either of the above degrees, who shall have given to the Museum Hooks or Works of Art, which shall have been accepted by the Fx< cu- tive Committee, to the value of twice the amount in money requisite to his admission to the same degree, and the President and Secretary shall issue diplomas accordingly, under the seal of the Museum. See, 6. The Trusties may also elect Honorary Fellows of the Museum in their dise retioii. ANNUAL MEMBERS elected by the Trustees are entitled to the following privileges :

First.—A ticket, admitting the Member and his "family, and any non-resident friends visiting them, to the Museum on the two days of each week, namely: Monday and Friday, when the Museum is not open free to the public.

Second.—Ten complimentary tickets a year for distribution, each of which admits the bearer once on either Monday or Fri­ day. These tickets must bear the signature of the Member.

Third.—Invitations to all the Receptions given by the Trustees at the Museum.

Fourth.—Tickets to all Lectures given under the auspices of the Trustees, either at the Museum or elsewhere.

Fifth.—A copy of the Annual Report.

Sixth.—A set of all Hand-books published by the Museum.

nth.—The privilege of becoming a Fellow of the Museum.

The Annual Fee is Ten Dollars, and no further liability is attached to the Annual membership Annual Members are elected on the first of each quarter, to wit: January, April, July and October. Checks may be drawn to the order of The Metropolitan Museum of Art. FORM OF BEQUEST

f do hereby give and bequeath to " The Met ropolitan Museum of Art," in the City of New York. a corporation constituted and created by Chapter icjy of the Laws of 1870, of the State of New York,

NOTE.—Bequests may be made in Real Estate, Afoney, Books, Paintings, Sculptures, or any other objects of Art. With regard to the Museum's power to receive and hold property, Section J of the Charier urns amended on Afarch j/h, rSpS, to read as follows : "Said corporation may take and hold by gilt, devise, bequest, purchase, or lease, either absolutely or in trust, for any purpose comprised in the objects of the corporation, any real or personal property necessary or proper for the purposes of its incorporation."