THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART T\Y1'.\ I \ NINTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THK TRUSTEES OF THE ASSOCIATION 1899 NEW YORK Cent- . Fifth Avenue and 8*4 Street THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART. OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION FOR THE YEAR ENDING FEBRUARY, 1900 President : HENRY G. MARQUAND. Vice-Presidents : I W RHINELANDER, DANIEL HUNTINGTON Treasurer : HIRAM HITCHCOCK. Secretary : LOUIS P. DI CESNOLA. Honorary librarian : WILLIAM L. ANDREWS. OFFICERS OF THE MUSEUM Director LOUIS P. DI CESNOLA Curator of the Department of Painting GEORGE H. STORY Curator of the Department of Casts JOHN A. PAINE Curator of the Department of Sculpture Assistant Curator of the Department of Sculpture P. H. REYNOLDS Assistant Treasurer IIIOMAS 1). DUNCAN Secretary to the Director • u lo W. EUMPLER OFFICERS OF THE MUSEUM Director LOUIS P. DI CESNOLA Curator of the Department of Painting GEORGE H. STORY Curator of the Department of Casts JOHN A. PAINE Curator of the Department of Sculpture Assistant Curator of the Department of Sculpture P. H. REYNOLDS Assistant Treasurer THOMAS li. DUNCAN • try to the Director OTTO W. RIMPLEK BOARD OF TRUSTEES EX-OFFICIO THE PRESIDED, VICE-PRESIDENTS, TREASURER, AND SECRETARY THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK THE PRESIDENT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUHLIC PARKS THE PKESLDENT OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF DESK IN FOR THE TERM ENDING FEBRUARY, 1900 WILLIAM L. ANDREWS JAMES A. GARLAND EDWARD D. ADAMS FOR THE TERM ENDING FEBRUARY, 1901 CORNELIUS VANDERBILT JOHN BIGELOW JOHN Q. A. WARD FOR THE TERM ENDING FEBRUARY, 1902 JOHN CROSBY BROWN F. W. RHINELANDER HIRAM HITCHCOCK FOR THE TERM ENDING FEBRUARY, 1903 DARIUS O. MILLS J. PIERPONT MORGAN ROBERT W. DE FOREST Pol ini' TKRM ENDING FEBRUARY, 1904 SAMUEL P. AVERY HEBER R. IJISHOP JOHN S. KENNEDY MU TERM ENDING FEBRUARY, 1905 RUTHERFURD STUYVESANT WILLIAM E. DODGE JOSEPH H. CHOATE FOR THK. TI KM ENDING FEBRUARY, 1906 SALEM 11. WAILS CHARLES STEWART SMITH WILLIAM K. WARE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 1899-1900 WILLIAM E. DODGE SALEM H. WALES F. W. RHINELANDER DARIUS O. MILLS CORNELIUS VANDERBILT SAMUEL P. AVERY WILLIAM L. ANDREWS JAMES A. GARLAND CHARLES STEWART SMITH HENRY G. MARQUAND ") DANIEL HUNTINGTON HIRAM HITdHCOCK LOUIS P. DI CESNOLA Auditing Committee JOHN CROSBY BROWN JOHN BIGELOW RUTHERFURD STUYVESANT SUB-COMMITTEES OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Finance Committee JAMES A. (1ARLAND WILLIAM E. DODGE F. W. RHINELANDER DARIUS (). MILLS HIRAM HITCHCOCK CORNELIUS VANDERBILT THE PRESIDENT (Ex-Officio) Committee on Painting SAMUEL P. AVERY DARIUS O. Mill - DANIEL HUNTINGTON THE PRESIDENT iEx-Officio) Committee on Sculpture DANIEL HUNTINGTON F. W. RHINELANDER WILLIAM L. ANDREWS THE PRESIDENT {Ex-Officio) Committee on Objects of Art and Textile Fabrics WILLIAM L. ANDREWS CHARLES STEWART SMITH JAMES A. GARLAND THE PRESIDENT {Ex-Officio) Committee on Casts F. W. RHINELANDER JAMES A. GARLAND LOUIS P. DI CESNOLA THE PRESIDENT {Ex-Officio) Committee on Buildings SALEM H. WALES LOUIS P. DI CESNOLA JAMES A. GARLAND CHARLES STEWART SMITH THE PRESIDENT {Ex-Officio) Law Committee JOSEPH H. CHOATE JOHN BIGELOW ROBERT W. DE FOREST THE PRESIDENT {Ex-Officio) REPORT OF THE TREASURER FOR THE YEAR 1898 SPECIAL FUNDS RECEIPTS Balance in Bank, Jan. l, 1898 $7,698 56 From Income pf the Wolfe Fund "..... 10,727 08 •• Income of the Marquand Art Fund... i.soo oo Income Of the Lazarus Fund 1,223 33 " Income of the Johnston Fund 250 00 " the limine/ Committee: For the Jacob H. Lazarus Travel­ ing Scholarship 1,016 26 For City taxes on real estate 1,789 M " Principal of Loan on real estate 20,00000 •• Bailroad Bonds retired 40,9*0 00 Executors of the estate of Simon Qoldenberg (Legacy) 1,0110 00 •' Interest on balances... 199 48 $86,352 49 ADMI.MSTKATION lUWWJ I Balance In Bank, Jan. l, 1898 $8358 16 From Department of Parks 95,000 00 Annual Members 18,650 00 " Admission Fees 4,846 00 Sale of Hand-DOOks 11 nel I'ai-cel ChceW- tng -V.I44 75 the Ihoinei Cumiiiittie: Income of the v*anderbil1 Fund. MOO on Income of the Astor Fund L6 83 Income of the' Marquand Fund.. 0 00 Income of the Reed Fund 0 00 Income of the Library Fund w.w 00 Income of the Maghee Fund 854 86 li in' of th.' Henderson Fund.. 101 income of the Strong Fund 101 H Income of the Cotheal Fund 50 (.ir Income of the 11 • >• - Fund $8 Income <>r tin' Qoldenberg Fund. 80 on Income of tin- Wolfe Fund for ear,' of Wolf,- Collection Income of tin' Colei Fund for can of Coles Collection 19 $1 n.-' : !5 03 9 SPECIAL FUNDS PAYMENTS For Income of the following Funds, paid to the finance Committee: Wolfe Fund $10,727 68 Marquand Art I'lind L,S0O 00 l.;i/;inis Fund L,223 88 Johnston Fund 250 00 For the Jacob II. Lazarus Traveling Scholarship 1,016 26 For Ciiy taxes on real estate 1,780 84 For Purchase of picture (Kobert Gordon donation.) 2,600 00 War the following items paid to the Finance Committee: Principal of Loan on real estate: Astor Fund 20,000 00 Proceeds from Railroad Bonds re­ tired: Coles Fund 21,000 00 Well IV Kernel 10,950 00 Simon Goldenberg1 Legacy l.ooo 00 For labeling Architectural and Sculptural (lists 104 1(1 Balance 5,19188 $80,352 49 AmiTXTRTttATTON I' AY MK NTS For salaries and wages $S'.),8C>2 71 For fuel, stationery, printing', postage, car­ penter's, engineers and electri­ cian's supplies, general repairs, etc 08 58 For Art purchases 8,118 88 l'eir additions to, and maintenance of the Library 81 For ears of Wolfe Collection 3,590 00 ire of Coles Collection ' :;'-> interest em special fundi IW H Ten- real of Safe' iii Mercantile Safe Deposil i.-. no I'..?- seiTieea of an Auditor of Accounts.... 188 00 rawuss of the Finance Committee: Dei iIces of an Accountant 100 00 leer payment to finance Committee, for premium em Bonds purchased for the IstOT I'und 893 Tl Balance 1,089 09 $ HI,982 54 $228, IJeoeiptR for Administr.'iti.m. ISM $111. of Vdministration, 1898 $136,89 anee as above 5,089 09 $141,1 IO REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE FOR THE YEAR 1898 VANDERBILT FUND PRINCIPAL, $100,000. Invest, el in Bonds and Mortgages on New York City Property and Uailroael lionels. Income to i»- used as Hoard may direct. Income used for Budget Expenses $4,300 00 ASTOR FUND PRINCIPAL, $48,000. Invested in Bands and Mortgages on New York City Property, and Cash on l lepi Income to be used as Board may direct. Balance of Fund. December 31, 1897 '. $48,000 00 Income Interest allowed em deposit 18 08 Ine- need for Budget Expenses $2,223 08 Income ii--<-<l for premium on B Is purchased 89 el 47,968 75 Balance on deposit 31 25 $50,616 83 $50,616 83 MARQUAND FUND I'KIMII'AI., $50,000. Invested In Railroad Bonds. nie- tee be used for Budget Expenses. Income used for Budget Expenses $2,500 00 MABQUABTJ II \D I'lllNe'll'M., $30,000. Invested In Railroad Bonds, Income tei be seed fen- the increase of Marquand Collection of Old Mai • • me transferred to Marquand Income Account $1,500 00 MAKl.H WD l\Cu\li: \i . ul NT. and, December 31, 1807 $3,ooo 44 Income from Marquand Fund 1.500 00 Interest allowed on deposit 61 21 Be lance em deposit $4,621 65 $4,621 65 II WOLFE FUND 1'IIINCIPAL, $200,000. Invested in Bonds and Mortgages on New York .City Property, Real Estate in New York City, Kailroad Bonds, and Cash on deposit. Income to be used for expenses and increase of Wolfe Collection. Balance of Fund, December 31, 1897 $200,000 00 Income 10,727 68 income transferred to Wolfe Income Account $10,727 68 lnv.'sted 199,875 00 Balance on deposit 125 00 $210,727 68 $210,727 68 WOLFE INCOME ACCOUNT Balance of Fund, December 81, W97 $7,158 53 Income from Wolfe Fund 10,727 68 Interest allowed on deposit 227 70 Expenses of taking care of Wolfe Collection. $:i,:V.I0 00 city Taxes em Seal Estate 1,788 M Loss on Bonds retired 50 00 Balance on deposit 12,684 67 $18,113 91 $18,113 91 REED FUND PRINCIPAL, $50,000. Invented in Railroad Kernels and stocks. lne ii' to lie' nsi'il as Board may direct. Income ns<d fur Budget Expenses $2,520 00 l.U-.KAKV I'l Ml I'IIIM'ir.u., 88,800. Invented iii Railroad itemels and Stock, Income to be used for additions t»> Library. ...-.• ..f Fun.i. December 81, 1897 $7,200 oo farmssi 881 oo Mis On and Bteel Co'i Bonds $2,000 00 Incases esed feu- additions t.> Library 881 00 Balance Inverted MOO 00 $7,5:11 oo 87,881 00 12 LAZARUS FUND PRINCIPAL, $24,000. Invested in Bonds iiiul Mortgages on New York City Property. Income to be need foe a Traveling Scholarship. Income transferred to Lazarus Income Account $1,223 33 LAZARUS INCOME ACCOUNT. I lalance of Fund, December 31, 1897 $8,88 Income from Lazarus Fund 1,223 33 Interi'st allowed <m deposit 31 22 Traveling Scholarship $1,016 26 Balance on deposit 2,622 11 $3,638 37 $3,638 37 HOE FUND l'lUM II'AI., $5,000. Invested in lionets and Mortgages on New York ciiy Property, Kail- roael liemels, and Cash on deposit. Income te> be used as Board may direct, Italancc of Fund, December 31, 1897 $5,189 M Income $« '•'•'- [nteresi allowed on deposit 9 42 Income used for Budget Expenses Invested 4.860 oo Balance on deposit 140 00 |S,340 88 $.-.
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