" Empire " Typewriter Visiting Cards For ease nf operation and peifeetion in results produced, this machine A Specialty is unsurpassed. Prioe, $6000 Cash. Interior Publishing Co., • Agents Interior Publishing Company The Mail Prini I Publishers

Vol. 15.-No59 REVELSTOKE. B. C. AUG1 S I' 21. 1909 $2.50 Per Year Pfov.inoitll Library onded Mr. Sine, that the same nine ANNUAL MEETING OF directors elected for 1008 9 be elected WORLD'S LATEST The Groceries carried 1 for 1009 10; viz., Messrs. Kincaid, Mc­ in our esi lent are, I Lennan, Lefeaux, Lawrence, Atkins, from ever) standpoint, per- | C. B. Hume & Co, Ltd HOSPITAL SOCIETY Cooke, Bctliune, Armstrong and TELEGRAPHIC NEWS fectly satisfactory. Their Hooley. Carried. excellent quality is conceded Stores at Arrowhead and Revelstoke. In Spite of Hard Year, Finances On motion of Mr. McCarter, second­ by all who have tried them ed Mr. Kincniil, a vote of thanks win Four Vancouver Girls Drowned and we can guarantee iheir are on Right Side-President tendered the Medical and Nursing in Automobile Accident at purity. It »ill be money Staff and tbe Ladies Auxiliary in ;. oui pocket to deal here Speaks ot Progress on New Immediately after the adjournment Seattle Yesterday—An Aged because yuu not only net of the annual meeting lhe llrat meet­ the highest grade ol goods Wing- President Re-Elected ing meeting uf the board .if direotors Man Injured by Convicts. but pay the lowest price for for 1900-10 was held und the following them. DRYGOODS DEPARTMENT Tbe eighth annual general meeting Siivrn.i:, Auji;. 21. Pour women ollicers elected : President, T. Kil­ ol the Revelstoke Hospital Society and 11 inun were killed in .-in automo­ patrick; 1st Vic.e-l'rcB., XV. M. Law­ Carrs'. Christies', and McCormick's Biscuits was held in tlie City Hall Wednesday bile aooidoni here last nigbt. Two Special Prices evening. There were present Messrs. rence; 2nd Vice-Pres, F, E. Sine; other women wbo were In tho auto­ Chase and Sanborn Coffees Kilpatrick (chairman), Lawrence, Mc­ Sec-Treas., XV D. Armstrong. mobile had ii narrow escape. They Carter, Hooley, Siue, McLennan, Kin­ Arruwheud Board of Trustees— Tetleys'. and Brooke Bonds Teas were speeding along tbe tldellatrs when caid, Gordon, tloble, Lefeaux, Dr. Messrs. L&chiiiund, Brewer ami Reid. Headquarters for Choice Fruits and Vegetables Sutherland and Armstrong, Executive Committee—Messrs. Kil­ in passing what Is known ns "Dead Tbe financial statement presented patrick, McCarter, McLennan, Cooke, Man's Curve," the machine swerved, Tin; balance of our summer goods must be by W. D, Arnistruug, secy.-treasurer, and the Secretary. crashed through tbe railing and plung­ cleared out this month; to do this we arc offering was satisfactory iu I lint it shown! Building Committee—Messrs. Kil­ ed into the water. The drowned were reductions that will pay you to investigate. increasing business and a balance of patrick, Howson, McCarter, McCarty, Miss Agnes Cowan, Miss Magglo Paul, BOURNE BROS. Gordon, Atkins, Armstrong and llr. receipts over expenditure of $2,335.13. and Miss J. Colvin, Mrs, M. M. Grothe Sutherland, Groceries Hardware McClary's Stoves Plumbing Tne receipts.were made up principally of Vancouver, and Ira Parry the LADIES' WASH SUITS Finance Committee—Messrs. Kin­ V of cuutracts, government Bubsidy and ohauffeur. Miss Mary Paul and .Miss The balance of our Ladies' Wash Suits — pay patients. Contracts bought in caid, Atkins and Armstrong. Kate Hlscock of Vancouver, clung to siz.es ,54, T,6, and 3S; regular $10.00 values .$13,103.50, pay patients contributed tho automobile in the water und were Now $5.00 a total ol 12,683.80, uf wbicli $161.60 was contributed from Arrowhead The ARROWHEAD NEWS rescued hy a man in u boat, Parry's government Buusidy was $3,07515. body wns recovered aboul twn hours SUMMER DRESSES The hospital box ul (ilacier con­ Presentation to Mr. and Mrs, Newman before after, and the bodies of Miss AgueB tributed $10 50 and $02 35 was alao Cowun uml Mrs. Grothe hive also Summer Dresses in White Lawn and Mus­ Leaving for the Coast sis & suit lin, Coloured Ginghams. All wash fabrics received from subscriptions. The been iniiini. The women were all Splendid values at $3-90 each balance, made up ol intere.t, cash in Last Wednesday evening, before members of 11 party visiting the ShiU band, etc.. brougbl tbe total receipts they left for Vancouver where they Seattle Exposition. up to $21,073 56. will in future reside, Mr. and Mrs. Q. TOURIST RUCHINGS T. Newman were presenlod with sub­ SWEETBHTUII, Que., Aug. 21 During The total expenditure was $18,7 18.- stantial tokens of the esteem in which tho absence of the jailer iu the poui- Tourist Ruching put up in boxes; seven 43, ol which the principal item was tbey me held by the-people of Arrow­ ruchings to the box 15 cents each $10,401 lor salaries, the oilier ex- teutlai-y last night, ten prisoners beat head, in the form of a gold watch for peuses being divided among the vafi the assistant, Mr. Scott, into a -.title Mr .Newman and a cut glaaB berry mis items of hospital maintenance. of insensibility nml endeavoree to CUSHION TOPS bnvl for Mrs. Newman, accompanied The balance sheet showed assets of escape. Mr. Scott's cries Inought by ui address. Muslin Cushion Tops, fancy braided and $20,410.22, witb no liabilities. assistance und the escape ivns frus­ Tim presentation wus made at a embroidered designs 90 cents each Tbe report ol the medical super­ trated. Scott is 78 years of ige und us social gathering nt which Capt. L. H. intendent showed only lour paiieuls a result of tho heating will !"• disfig­ Fraser presided, and a programme ol in the hospital at tbe present time. CUSHION FRILLS songs, recitutions, ami musical selec­ ured for the rest of bis life. During the year 516 patients bad tions was given The uililress wns LONDON, AUK. 2D II is understood Fancy Scrim Cushion Frills, fancy coloured been treated, of which 403 were from read by Mr. W. R, Keid, and the prcs- that negotiations have boon concluded 1 Kevelstoke and 112 from Arrowhead designs 75 cents each senution made by Mr. Q. T. Chap­ The cases were divided as follows:— between the Imperial Government unit man. Sougs were given by Mrs. R. R J Major operations, 09; medical cases, for naval defence, und tho Lane and Mrs. J. Fyte, and 11 recita­ 202; surgical, 278; maternity, 14; X agreement unly awaits ratification by tion by Mr. H. Eiulkner. Mr. New­ Ray examinations, 20. Besides this, tlie Dominion puiliiiinenl. Tho scheme man replied in leeliug terniB to the io the out patient department there address, and the proceedings wound is described as highly satisfactory to were 1514 cases of surgical treatment up with a dance, and tho singing of both parties. It Is stated that Canada of which 550 were at Kevelstoke and C. B. Hume & Co., Ltd will Immediately commence the con­ "Auld Lang Syne." 964 at Arrowhead, and nearly 2,000 struction of u nuw navy. The liritish Stores at Rovelstoke and Arrowhead. dressings. Following is the full text of the The Picture tells a Story address which was signed by 80 citi­ admiralty is to lend the assistance of u PRESIDENT'S REPORT zens of the Arrowhead district; number of ollicers who will immedi­ , T. Kilpatrick, pre­ To GEO. T. NEWMAN, ESI. , J.P, ately proceed io Canada to study tbe Now lis a TwoTiece Suit Sale. Just llie left-overs sented the followiug report. CKXK>0<^ We, the citizens of Arrowhead and situation uml advise on the work of Gentlemen,—1 have much pleasure ' of our own choice stock vicinity have heard witb regret ol organization. in presenting f >r your approval and your departure from amongst us and NEW Voiiii, Aug 20 Lord Strath- adoption the eighth annual report of we take this opportunity ol expressing \ Big Gut in Sporting Goods this society. cotiii, high commissioner lov Canada our appreciation of your character It will not be necessary to go deeply lu Great Britain, was a passenger on BASEBALL GLOVES legulai- * 75 now ,$ 50 aud conduct. 20 per een i> tOff into the altiairs ol the society at this 1 IH) " oil As a pioneer iu the mountain coun­ tbe MuiiiTiiluniu which arrived today .. 1 _i"i " Vi time, as tbe Financial Statement, try, us a citizen and merchant iu from Liverpool, lie is so yems of age, BASEBALL MITTS $1 25 • ' $ 85 llulance Bluet and Medical Superin­ ,, ,. 50 " 30 town, UB a justice of the peace, as a but still active uml in good health. 1 Oil tendent's Report will give a very accur­ .. .. 1 50 " school tnu-te.', and last but not least, ,, .. I no - :i 00 ate idea of the work accomplished. .. tl 50 " 5 no as au old timer aud the bist of good BASEBALL MASKS *1 00 •• $ Iill Although last year was considered a fellows you have always hud our re­ OPENING FIELD TUNNEL 15 bard year for the hospital, this bus spect and our Iriendsbip, Few in AMERICAN Association Hulls" $1 75 " $1 25 been still harder in the tailing off ol BASEBALL BATS $1 25 " $ 85 town have not profited by your advice Spiral Tunnels Between field and Hector 1 50 " I 10 receipts Irom both pay and contract iu difficulty and your knowledge in ,, .. lil) Should Open Nexl Week 85 •• patients. This no doubt has been times of trouble, and all have felt .. ,, 1 00 " 85 largely due to the dullness in the lum­ J, E. Bohwilzer, assistant chief en­ BIG REDUCTION IN TENNIS RACQUETS your kindness and courtesy us a citi- 1000 TENNIS MALLS regular 50o. now 85c. ber industry, and tbe financial depres­ zeu and neighbor. gineer uf lhe C.I'.R. with headquarters 1000 " " •' 50c. " 25c. sion ol last winter. Still, 1 think the in Winnipeg, who passed through here Your departure from Arrowhead BOYS' " •• " 35c. " 15c. society is to be congratulated on the BOYs' LACROSSE STICKS " 75c. " 50c. will leave a vacant place among us u lew duys ago, made the announce­ THE CANADIAN BANK fact, that, we Iiud ourselves at the end See Our South Window for Bargains in Hammocks winch we well know will be hard to ment that the spiral tunnels between of the hospital year with a substantial fill. In public affairs and social Hector and Field will open tor trallic OF COMMERCE balance to our credit. Lawrence Hardware Co., Limited matters your name IIUB always been during the coming week, probably HIUD OFFICE. TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1BS1 The balance in bank at the end of a guarantee ol fair play and a etpiare about next Thursday. When Una is accomplished the old I I per cent B. E. WALKER, President Paid-lip Capita!, $1 0.000,000 •OOOOKKXHKKHXH July is $8,385 and tbe sum ot $3400 deal to all. At all times and in nil owing to the society, (and which no matters you have Bhown a Btrong grade on the big bill al Field will be ALEIAHDKE LAJRD, Gener.l Mam^r Reserve Fund, - 6.000,000 doubt will very soon be paid in) and sense of British justice, a true con­ abandoned lor all lime, the tunnels no outstanding liabilities. There has sciousness of citizenship and a willing reducing it to about 2 per cent. The TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES been no complaint of our service fur hand and bond for the welfare of your change will reduce the cost of operat­ The new Travellers' Cheques n >•., . are a most i Impersal Bank of Canada the past year. country und your fellow man. ing, inoreaie speed and do much to ,y in which to carry money whi wed ie IU nominal tot erf The brick addition to the ljueen facilitate trallic on the transcontinen­ Head Office—Toronto, Ontario. We can assure you, Sir, that al­ Victoria Hospital now well uuder con $10, $20, $50, $100 and $200 though you are leaving towu yuu tal line, of which the Field hill WIIB by structiou and to be ready lor occu­ •ad tbe exart amouni ;.,. \u-'.r..i. Belgium, Denmark, France, Capital Authorized $10,000,000.00 leave warm friends behind you— far the heaviest grade. pancy by the 30th of November, will German\, Great Britain, Holland, liul>, Norway, Rtuulft, Sweden 5,000,000.00 friends who will be at all times proud Concurrently with this announce­ Capital Paid Up be a very handsome and substantial and Switzerland Is Mali ..- (ai • el ea< n cheque, while in ruber countries 5,000,000.00 to hoar ol your success—and we trust ment comes a report that seems to Reserve structure, and although from the way- have Boine foundation that the C.l'.K. Ihey mrm payable at nim-ni i '-**^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ that yuur many good and able quali­ Tbe cheques and all informal uvi -^-^A/iimg theni may be obtained al every Branches or Agents at all principal points in'Ciinada. it is laid out it may look a little odd, •hops will be moved Irom Laggan to ties will lind their proper appreciation at the Bank. uu Audits in Great Britain and United States—London, England, it bas been so built to cnolorm with Lloyds Bank, Limited. Chicago-First National Bank, Corn Ex- in your new and larger field ol labor Field, the hitler becoming the divis­ the plan for a complete hospital build­ change National Bank. Seattle-Seat tie National Bank SanEran- We are sure, indeed, that with your ional point hetween the Mountain- REVELSTOKE BRANCH--A. H. ALLEN. MGR. olsoo—Wells Fargo Nevada National Bank. Spokane -Exchange ing (sdeedsly to be built we hope) and knowledge ol men and matters, ol SliiiBwup and Field-Calgary sections National Bank. to take tbe place ol the woodeu build­ intellectual and physical labors, and of the road. This will bring Ihe rail­ PROMPT IU I.IVI-'.ltV Savings Bank Department ing now in use. of the business ol tho west, that way buiinesi Irom the east a little O posits of $1 and upward, received, and interest allowed at fc, and good cuts. \- careful attention We derire to thank moat heartily success and prosperity will attend nearer Kevelstoke nud within the current rate from date of deposit. Correspondence solicited. JXJ^ to 'pi as pei tonal ones - lor their kiud grant ol $8000, and the you no matter where you go. boundaries ol liritish Columbia, sn vty Dry picked Poultry, Hon. Thoe. Taylor who has been RevelstoH Branoh—A. B. McCleneghan, Mgr. We beg the acceptance of this gold that this city should receive some largely instrumental in oblaining this f BEEF, LAMB, PORK, ETC. watch, and to Mrs. Newman, your benelit frum it. for us. This Bum with the money in nonBBHHBBBBBBHBBBD esteemed wife, we present the accom­ Uetlei quality, cleaner surroundings hand will enable UB to complete our • prices than elsewhere. panying cut glass berry bowl, uot for Killed Near Sicamous building and furnish it without going I-i .ninl u i idness your is 8 :_< 9 their intrinsic value, indeed, but ai a into debt. We also very sincerely A report came in yesterday thai * will ivork li ml for yuu li.i e, very small token of what you both man named Valeneki had been killed thank our contract palronB lor tl eir deserve from us. We wish yourself, in Mowich liiinml about six miles San • nul i looked Meal •• prompt payments. |. dally. Bones crushed for your Mrs Newman and family God speed from Hioamous, It Is supposed tbat lie was hit bj a train. Dr. Hamilton, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .i.iily. Ladies' Net Blouses In conclusion, 1 wish to thank the and we asBure you that in Arrowhead members of the board sitting with me coroner, went mil 0D Nu. 1 this morn­ we shall always be pleased to see you ing to Investigate and will bold ao lor the pa§t year, (or their hearty anil and to hear from you. We all regret Inquest il necessary, The body will he Maundrell Meat Market and Fancy Collars enthusiastic energy. To the members to have you leave us, hut our univer­ brougbl here tor burial. Wo Handle Premier Hams and Bacon Just received a new shipment from the East. The latest ol our medical and nursing stall tor sal wish is that good luck may wait their loyal attention to duty, and to on you and yours. From now until Labor Day the styles and prices reasonable. the various citizens, (including tKe track team will practise every Tuesday tin vv. .li.-ii,\ night ti Obanees ire good lur a gameof Corporation of this ciiy, for the free and Frldaj nighi, leaving the Y.M.C. winl down I . in the junio. lacrosse at Balmon Uin un the 23 rd. use ut this meeting room) and lor the A bad lire was raging in tbn Castle A. at B.89 lor the MoKenileavenue baseball series, thi North Si.ir.~wii The local boys are awaiting final mountains between Hn oil uml Laggan reoreation grounds, It li up to the ulng tin- championship i ir l'.iOO. arrangements I i announcing the support and assistance ihey have been MRS. A. Ci. CRICK last week. Hank bead and lhe whole local runneri to get into ibape lor tbe game. -. First Strent Opposite Windsor Hotol ^ over ready tu give us. oountry lor ten milea up tbe valley I meet as a strong outside entry ia A freah line uf l.^wtiey'i chocolates IL -• li was moved by Mr. McCarter, etc was shrouded in smoke.) [expected, at Hewn' drug store. All Mshool books at Bews' drug store THEIMAILHEUALD, REVELSTOKE, B. C. Zbc fl&afl-lbcvalb. POBL1BHKD WEDNESDAY AND THE MOLSONS BANK rtATUBDAY AT O R SAL E REVELSTOKE. B. C. INCORPORATED 1855 Jntcriot publtsbtno Company, Capital Paid Up Fruit Land one and a half $3,500,000 Limited 40 ACRES miles from Revelstoke, lo Rest Fund $3,500,000 Subscription Rates iiapi.im. Including pottage to Knglnnd, United gluten be had at Has 65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents mid Canada. Bi the )*oar (through uoBtofflool |2.fi0 \uu " l.fiO in all the Principal Cities of the World. yuHrter " *' " LOO two miles OU Hl/llCO from Revelstoke I'rwnl.r rrl f.mi\tA. A OENERAL DAIMKIIMO BUSINESS TRANSACTED J >H KlNTiNu promptly exooutod at reason­ Will sell «r WDM* Lauritr able rule.-. live stock and implements. iKRMs i u.-h. Bubsoriptiona payable in »d SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT vaiRf. FOLEY'S At all Branohcs. Interest allowed at highest current rate. ADVERTISING RATES with I nulla; e; good Legal notiow 10 oenta por Une flwt tuoortlon, river REVELSTOKE, B. C. Branoh, W. H. PRATT, Manager. 5 tc ni- pur line each mibaonuonl Insertion 2 ACRES land, cleared ind close Measurement* Konparlol tl- linen make ono partly inch), Store uml general UUBIIIOSH an­ to the city, nouncement* •*-•'•" per Inoh por month. Preferred positions, 35 por QonL ml- dititvaL InrthM, MarrtagoM and Deaths, PREMIER flOo eaoh ln*ertion. BARGAINS IN PIANOS AND ORGANS Land notices $7.M All advortl^amontd cub.iect in iho approval nf tin; management. Make Your Home Beautiful Wanted and Coudonsod AdTortlsomonts: SODAS Agoou Wanted, Help Wanted, Bltuatlous with one ol our nnids'.-nie parlorsets, wanted, Situations Vacant. Toachors ODAS are mads almost entirely of flour and lard. These are Wanted, Mechanic* Wanted. I" words or S two of ths principal and most valuable, food-elements. upholstered iu h i_h grade silk, or loss 25c., each additional line l<» copU*. REVELSTOKE GENERAL AGENCIES, Ltd. Now a perfect flour and a pure lard combined cannot be surpauad Changes in ittandtng adTertlsomonts must damask, with (ran.is that are iu every oi'in by 1> it. in. *1 uohdny uml Kinlity of in nourishing value and you get this combination in its most satis­ ucch week to secure good display, fying and most delightful form tn Foley's SODAS. conceivable deslgi , nnil made to wear CORRESPONDENCE Invited on mattora o( The llour used in them is indefinitely. We i live i mny new and publio Interost, Communications iu Kdi< tor must be aooompanlod by uamo of Columbia Klectoral District, till be fou id that the educationists Wa want you te Judge specially ground and prepared beuntilul parlor M II and odd pieces for writer, no) nooessarily (<> publloatlon, but Peley'e led., by the August 31, 1011. Why the Colum­ themselves nearly all favor cen­ for the one purpose—that of pro­ beautifying the li e thai are taste a* evidence of good faith. Correspondence •overeat teete and decide ducing the lightest, creamiest, ehouid bi> brie bia district should be so favored is tralisation. It enables the teachers far yaureelf whether they fill, elleotive and me pensive, and w.d are B«8T. most delicious sodas that are not explained, but it is presumed show your roonih lo the best advan­ AHVKY, MoOARTBK more readily to exchange ideas and Teet them for the sold in Canada. Every particle that moose is more plentiful in profit by each other's methods. quality of tha materlala nf lard that goes into Foley's tage. H AND PINKHAM, ueed. Teat them for ace BAKK18TKKH, BOLIOITORB, KTC. that district than in other parts. Apart from that it should prove -are they alwaye freoh, Sodas is proved "choice" after *&*HK Omasa i IMPERIAL HANK ^BUILDING RBVBL- ea orlep that you know rigid examination, MO*» JI HOWSON Sr CO.'Y. BTUKK, H. C. Be that an it may the prohibition better for the future of the town. they are not long; from No material can ever be used Money to loan. should prove no great obstacle to Educate the children of the western Offloea: Revolstoko, B C. ( riuihronk, M, V, the oven T in Foley's Sodas unless it has ' 010. 8. MCCAHTKH big game hunters starting out from portion in one building and those Teet them for flavor 4, M. PINKHAM J. A. IlAHVKV, waa the yeaet allowed to been proved perfect and pure. Revelstoke, Cranbrook, D. 0. Revelstoko, because the 52nd de­ of the eastern portion in another, "•work" properly, eo that Kvery housewife will know what ENDERBY BRICK gree of latitude cuts just across the and you are very apt to foster a the bleouite are uniform. this rare means. She will know 1LL1AM I. UR1GGH Iypl_._uli.ff and satisfying THE BEST BRICK IN THE PROVINCE. SpeciBed northern end of the Big Bond, so sectional feeling from the start. to the taete » that Foley's Sodas have the w very highest, food value and that in C. P. R. contract for facing Revelstoke station. A large Barrister that it seems that all that would More prejudices are created, more After theee toete wo Solicitor, etc. know you will alwaye buy every Foley Soda is all good. stock now on hand. Reasonable prices for large or small be necessary is to take the steamer ware are started by isolation than theee p.rf.ol.made, Solicitor foi".— Thousands of homes already quantities. By far the cheapest material for a substantial as far as possible up the river, and this world knows of. If children weetern.made biscuits. know this fart. Does yours? THK CANADIAN DANK OK COMMERCE, house. Cool in Bummer, wa.m in winter. Saves moBt of then either porlage at Death Rapids or adults are allowed to mingle TUK MOLSONS HANK, ETC. your painting and about hafe yoi'r insurance. or take tho trail till the northern freely they realize their common Foley Bros. Larson & Co. FIRST ST., • REVELBTOKE, tiSJ. bend of the river is reached, when humanity and sectional prejudices EDMONTON WINNIPEG VANOOUVER The Enderby Brick & Tile Co., Enderby, B.C. ,OHKKc T SMITH tho hunter will be safely within are dissolved. We believe, there­ R Provincial Land Surveyor, the open bull moose country. The fore, that a movement to centralize Mining Sui veyor Engineering season for shooting moose is from education in Revelstoke will lead MCKK-NZIK lAVKNUK, September 1, to December 31. to more efficient teaching at present A BIG RAILWAY PROPOSAL Hux 100, KKVUI.HTIIKE and to greater unity in the years COMPANY, LIMITED. The regulations issued by the IIKAD OKKICB!: CALOARY, ALHKKTA. when these school children shall c. w. o w. provincial game warden from time I Joint Passenger Depnt for Four Trans­ Wholesale and Retail Meat Merchant* have become men and women. Pork Packers and Dealers in Live Stock. Markets in all th Mountain Viow Camp, No. 119 to time, show at least that the continental Railroads in Vancouver pi-inci. pal Cities and Towns of , and th....e Yukonifukon. Provincial Government is dealing This is of course only one phase The Ureal Northern Railway Co., Packers of lhe Celebrated Brand "*Imperatnr " Hams and Bacon, mon cordially invited lo attend. with the preservation of game in a of the bylaws so soon to be pre­ and "Shamrock" Brand Leaf Laid. JOHN CABLaON. Con, Com, acting through its aecredited agents, J. MilNTYKK. Clork. thorough and painstaking manner. sented to the ratepayers here. They has submitted to the Vancouver City This is ns it should be, for its game will confer other advantages that Council a proposal that may result, in REVELSTOKE AKRIK No 123 is one of the best assets of British need not he dwelt upon at this the establishment in that city ol one F. O. E. Columbia. Hedged about by the time, but the fact that they will ol the biggest joint railway terminals mountains, riven by streams and provide ground for a future cen­ on the continent. The proposal made THE REVELSTOKE WINE & SPIRIT CO. The rotftilar meeting aro eld in Hi. Halkirk II . .r.rv""i,',l VinTl"Ttli Tueadai iiveiiiun at 8 by Mr. Oillani, of the Great Would You Win LIMITED. HUallei l ,,d shaded with forests, the province is tralization of education is in itself ,'cl'H'" k Vi^iii."!.' brA"bt»J>„oo'„#jLi__J? ' Northern, is that, the city co T J WALSH, I'BEHILKNT. a great natural game preserve. sullicient to justify their endorsa- W. E.'McLAUi'hUN.SiaiaKTAav. operate with them in obtaining po­ More and more it is becoming the lion. We are glad to see that in ssession by expropriation of Isnil at 1109 Piece Diuner Set Import direct from country of origin. Kootenay Lodec No. IB, A F. a. A. M. haunt of the sportsman and tour­ the petitions for the resubmission the eastern end ol Kit Ine Creek neces­ WHOLESALE DEALERS ONLY. Tlit. ruinilur ineol- ist. The hunter is the explorer of the bylaws, the school trustees sary to complete terminal arrange­ inn. urn Imld i" I'm and pathfinder, who discovers new have so far received hearty support MXSONll TI'.MI'l.K ments, the Great Northern will then and at the same time secure the Oddtellnwa Hall, on beauties and makes easier the road from the ratepayers, more than Iill in HI acres ol the foreshore, leaving lho llurd M,.II Lo in best tlour sold in the Province of BBVELSTOKB 3=1. O. nni-li iniiiitli I.I..U. for the tourist or Nature lover who double the necessary number of the city a strip ol land bordering on I. in. \ isilnii! li British Columbia today? Each -ordiiilly woi follows him. Big game hunting nlines having readily been signed. the wilier which they may use lor month we are giving away ten especially will draw to the country This should be followed by wharfage and for the tilling in ol dinner sets to those who are for­ I'. A. I'Id ir IN IKK. MKl'llKT.iHV. men of prominence from all parts double the necessary majority to which Ihey will repay ihe railw y tunate enough to secure from the company at cost. This heing done, uf tin- world, who will be better carry the bylaws at the poll. If sacks of Koyal Standard Flour ORIENTAL HOTEL the Great Northern company will SELKIRK LODGE 12, LO, 0. K. able to advertise the merits of lhe it is we do not think the ratepayers the coupons bearing the winning suitably furnished with the choicest the Mools ovorj Tliiir-- luiilil a huge union passenger depot duy evouiiiK iu Sol- province than anyone else. Vox will have nny reason to regret numbers. Many lucky ones have market affords. Best Wines, Liquors and kirk Hull ntHii'i'l'ick to be used jointly by the Great North already secured a dinner set—• Visitiug lirotlireii mo these reasons the government and carrying oui the wishes to the em, the Northern I'acilic, llie Grand Cigars. Rates $1 a day. Monthly raie. oordlaltl iiiviti'd t. lleud. you may be the next. the game wardens are to In com­ school trustees who aie in a posi­ Trunk Paoific and the Canadian ALiiKKT ARMAN, N.ll. JAS. MATHlK.SKe. 0". ALBEET ST03STE PROP. mended iur the care tbey have tion to understand the situation Northern, Mr. Hays, President of the But whether you get a dinner (.old Range Lodge, K. of Pi shown in prohibiting the destruc­ best. Gland Trunk I'acilic, and Mr. Cbam­ sel or not, Koyal Standard Flour Ho. 26, Revelstoke, B. C. tion of game in sections where it is berlin lhe general manager, are ipiile is always a winner. Selected EETS .-VhKY WEDNESDAY agreeable to the scheme for a union M except iiiioi Woduopdiiy o becoming scarce and fur the general August 18th, 80 in the shade, wheat, scientific milling, careful Bteb mnnlli, in "' nldliilliiw passenger atati.i.i. hut will, ol course packing and storage, marketing Hull at 5 o'clock. Visilin prohibition of the shooting of i August bents the wise man sprays Doyle and Allum, Ltd. • Knigbts are cordially invited. ask lor ground lor a separate freight female deer and big game and his lawn, so lhat it will reach you at per­ T. I' JMITH. ('. ('. Vet in thin time uf ilusl ami drought depot which the plans of the Great fection's highest point, make il K .1 B. mountoin Bheep; thus providing U. B KKOI'K. K together, Northern would allow lor. Tlie Van­ Koyal Standard the acme of J B. SlOTT. u, for their continuance in future. arc disposing of their entire Stock il n i Tlie city fathers have the fount* with­ couver City Council seem to favor lhe goodness in tlour. Insist upon drawn proposal, hut have held the plans small advance on cost. It will pay you to But say, "spray all you like in your grocer carrying it. Zbc fIDaiUlberalfc OUR SCHOOLS rainy weather. over lor more mature deliberation investigate their prices on Diamonds before arriving at a linal deciaijn. I'II Monday next our Bchools will Jewelry, Cut Glass, Silverware, Watche? •JJNi5£g5iitL> reopen after the summer vacation. A ratepayer on the street the The children will come together lltl'*'r day wa.- heard complaining MANUKAUTUKKU BY again after the longest holiday in "' the ordinance that prevents any- fire Harm System iSATrRDAY, AUGUST 21, 190!' the year, and should resume tbeir one from dumping ashen or other Now that the new Gmneivell lire Doyle and Allum, Limited alarm system has beeu installed, the Vancouver Milling & studies with new /.est and vigor In THK GAME LAWS town the banks of the ,,lih>muK in8tru<.tion8 aB to tbe ioca. lu tbe Order-in-Council con­ Revelstoke especially the school- '. We can perfectly tion uf fire alarm boxes, their number • ii nrirlerctanrl the roiMrlnm of the Citv and Hystem ol signalling may prove ol Grain Co., Ltd. Y tained in tlie latept issue ol the will open 'inder happy auspice" unuer'tann the wifcuom oi me '..u\ ^ _ 6 B ' * H. (J. ilayette there are out or two for they come together direofly after Council in refusing to allow garb- ' MWt BBMADE KO. TWO VANCOUVER, B.C. If you can afford to use Die best buy matter:- of especial importance to the announcementltbat the Revel- •'•' or anything offensive to be District indications lor Fire thic district. One provision reads; a x M stoke students carried off the high- dumped there but there does not ^ ^ f_J J^0^e r Firgt 8treet That the disabilities with respect esHigt honorh ? in the province in the appear to be any good reason why and McKen„e Avenue, C. ti. Hume to the shooting of grouee ol all School examinations. We people -bould lie debarred from 4 Oo trust that there will be no 1 }i x N kind? lexcept prairie chicken), with fition to rest upon laurels, but tbi throwing in anhes and earth which " " IB.—Oor.First Street nnd Robin Hood Flour respect to the mainland (except ,, ,.,, , , ., i. ni-hv Avenue, 'Post otlice j latest triumph will prove onlj 1 would till in behind tbe mat.tr.s- Bw Nu [e.-CJorner 8eooud street ead and west Kootenay), and the spur to greater achievements vork .md in time make new ground, and Government Road (opera house) is-land? adjacent thereto shall Le ______Hor No 17.—Corner Third street The Flour lhat is Different result, as we have pointed SHOW CARD WRITING removed from the Loth day of anil Campbell avenue, (Globe Lumber should prove unite an encoura/m. ,-'• is a desire among man Co H0U8E PAINTING October to the glit of December, in teachers at to pupils and it alt B N 1009, both days inclusive." So far people in the oity thai Charlie « 18.—0. P.R.station. HOUHK DBOOEATING reflects credit on theschool trustees ,, , ,,,.,., OOJ Vo 24.—Corner Filth street as we can interpret it this menus PAPER HANGING fortbeirwi.se sebetion of the per­ r Revelstoke's long distance ,nd McKenfto ,„ (Oatbolle oburob), II you do you will find that the cost of that the shooting uf grouse in Box No 26—Corner Fourth street sons whoee duty it is. to tram the runner, should lake part in the big andi;< MoArtho * N , 16.—Corner avenne. r Sixth street Kirst class Work Guaranteed. ROBIN HOOD is smallest after all. Kootenay Irom tbe middle of juvenile mind. athletii meet in Vanoouver next andIlo Ortox Non . »Tepue27—CorneL(W. rA .K Foote Mirth) street Mail Orders Promptly Filled. October to tbe end of December is Tbe ratepayers would do well to anmonthd the'.,, Wherevewn, but rh eh ewa haHc meanltried 9y0 and Townley strset (over south traok), The bigger loaf is one difference. prohibited, while it is allowed in fur be lm- lime credit to bun-' f lin* No. 2H.—Corner Second street bear this in mind and show their it ol his chance of taking pari »ntl KolisoD avenue 'Mrs. llaker;. every other part of the province. appreciation of the work in a very in the five mile race in Seattle last B . No. 34— Fire Hall No. 2 The authorities may possibly have material way by assisting the week. He is a working boy and R. Z. Crawford Easier assimilation of the bread is another some good reason fur this, but we Box No. 35— Hospital. trustees to provide better recre­ cannot, afford to take those trips Box No. 86.—School. Corner 3rd Sireet and Robson Ave. difference. should like to hear it explained. ation grounds and to clear too often BO that the suggestion -iKnal for practise—not less thsn su 'e observed that the shoot­ the present Bchool site of all has been made Lhal the merchants ing of prairie chicken during that One '1) stroke Indicate., lins broken The sweeter flavor is a third diflciencc. legal incumbrances. This they of the city might subscribe a sum ,r tin' n_H period l- permitted so that we can will be given an opportunity sufficient to enable him to take imagine that the game wardens Sigoali nre given thus 2 strokes— to do on the -'! 1 «t of this, month, part in the Vancouver meet The Interval i, seconds- I strokes; eqnsli Arrange Now for Your There arc other points of difference, Any will have a rather dillicult duty to one of them worth the extra cost. and we trust they will lake ad­ suggestion is a good one nnd we Box IA No. of hox will also In- shown Summer Supply of perform, since the keen Hportsmuii vantage of it. Moreover by passing should like to see it, followed up, • rnIndicato r at Fire flail. in his excitement, will naturally the bylaw and providing a site for If Charlie rainier could go lu Van­ think every grouse he BCCS is a another school in future, they will couver and bring back the live mile Tim Cal^sry cricketers who defeated prairie chicken. Apart Iroui tbis be doing much to centralize and championship it would be a good Bevelstoke 10 hadiy on their way lo if the idea is to save the grouse in perfect tbo educational institutions advertisement for llevelHtokn ami the OOast, hnve kept Dp their |irow- ICE tbis district from extinction, the of the city. We believe that by would do iniiiib to promote B ress in Vanoouver, haviug easily de* feiileil Vernon, Hesttle nnd Victoria WITH provision is a worthy one. keeping ull the schools, together healthy interest in nihilities in this Their score against Vet000 was 1 Of. l.o me Saskatchewan Flour Mills Co., IM. Another recent regulation forbids much hotter remits will be obtained oity. 97, while they defeated Seattle by E. W. B. PAGET the killing ol bull 0 BO OUlh ul than by scattering them about in eight wickets. Phone iii Oltloe MoKtnil* Ava Moose Jaw, Sask the 52nd parallel, pyoept iu tho different parts uf tlie cily. lt will Moving Pictures To-night. Moving Plotures To-night. V ** TIIE MAIL-HERALD, REVELSTOKE. 11

I Kilierlsun very niin-h was theoutdo service! on s unlay. On that day there was im olliii il climbing, Aril cash More bread and Better bread] o'clo-k in lhe ni'iriiiiii! Kev. Mr. IL>w- CZ'zc. per acre croft, a Chur h ol England clergyman And the Reason for it from Alberta, coiiilucml service under the shade ol the magnifiosnt trees, Dr. and QZ'c. each A STRONG FLOUR can only Of course this apecial process is and with the snow capped mountains once *» be made from strong wheat. more expensive to operate hut it fi ir en I iioilr.il spires, and the sound ol Manitoba bard wheat is acknow­ means a l"t to Purity flour users— the mountain streams lor music, it ledged the strongest in the world— that's why we use it. year for seven thereafter and that is tbe kind used for was very beautiful and impressive. Price's Purity Flour. It means that Purity Flour is In the evening service wns again held made entirely of the highest-grade around the camp tire, the sermon Cream secures to you a BRITISH COLUMBIA But that's not all. Kvery grain flour parts of the strongest wheat being preached by the R-v Mr. Rob­ FARM in the British Columbia Southern; of this wheat contains both high- in the world. ertson, so thai Church ot Knglaud and Columbia and Kootenay and Columbia grade and low-grade properties. 1'resbyterians very amicably divided BaRincj and Western Railway Companies' Land It means a high-class, strong flour In separating the high-grade parts and therefore yields "more bread tbe day between them. Grants. These Farm Lands are eminently from the low-grade the Western and better bread." Caaada Flour Mills put the bard Alter the camp had closed a number suited for the raising of wheat through a process so exacting ol the members went down to the new PoWder Turity may cost a little more that not a single low-grade part than aome flours, but results prove clubhouse at Buill, which is the offi­ Fruit, Grain bas the remotest chance of getting it the cheapest aud most econom­ cial headquarters of the of the organi­ or Stock in with tbe high-grade. ical after all. zation. The clubhouse is a handsome and may be purchased these EASY two storey building that command* a on line view of the National park. Tbere TERMS from the secretary has his quarters, and the A pure grape cream of THE building also contains a library and s tartar powder. Its fame department for scientific observation, Canadian Pacific Railway PURITY so that tbe efforts ol the elub may is world-wide. No alum, result iu useful discoveries as well as I who are looking for Settlers for this part providing healthful recreation for its no phosphatic acid. FLOUR members. WESTERN CANADA FLOI'R MILLS COMPANY, LIMITED There is never a ques= , Office, Winnipeg, Mau. Mills at St. Honlfacc, f'.oilerich, Brandon. I Timber Lands of the highest character, Christian Workers Convention • tion as to the absolute situated in these Grants, are offered for A provincial convention ot Sunday purity and healthful- sale in blocks of from 640 acres upwards achool workers connected with the I THE ALPINE CLUB Methodist church will be held at Sal­ ness of the food it raises. • mon Arm on Wednesday, Aug. 26th. NOTICE IT LAKE 0' Muthodist, ministers 'and Sunday school teachers from all parts ol Brit Shipping Facilities Unsurpassed. Easy Transportation "WATKK ACT, 1909.V isb Columbia will be present, and Rev. Attention iB called to section 1H2 of A Growing and Important Organi T. W. Hell, our local Methodist min­ the ' Water Act, WOO," which requires. ister, will occopy the chair. any person lo whom any power or zation—Members Graduate sum of Seven Thousand dollars. Such authority has been granted, pursuant Following is lhe programme for tbe debentures shall be of the denomina­ J. S. DENNIS to the "Rivers and Streams Act," to day: tion of One Thousand dollars each, surrender such aelhoiity within one and all of such debentures shall be Apply to the address Assistant Hi 2nd Vice President by Hard Climbing-British Morning Session YOUR DOLLAR year of the passage of said "Water sealed with lhe seal of the Corporation Box 1317, - Calgary, Alberta Act," and receive] a ^licence for same 10 a.m.—Devotional services con­ will come hack to you if you spend it of Ihi-Ciiv of Kevelsloke and Isigned as shown on the attached thereunder. Visitors Delighted at home. It is gone for ever If you by the Mayor and Clerk thereof. Please send me all facts petaining ducted oy Mr. James Ruby. send it to the Mail Order House. A to your lands in JL C. An interesting account of the recent coupon for Maps. Appli­ FRED. J. PULTON. 10.15—"Tbe relation of the Pastor to glance through our advertising col­ 8. The said debentures shall hear Chief Commissioner of Lands. meet of the Alpine Club at Lake umns will give vou an idea where it tbe Sunday School," A. R, Carrington. the date of 1800, cation Forms. Regula Lands Department, O'Haa is given by Rev. J. R. Robert­ will buy the most. and shall be payable in twenty-live 10.45—"Wbat iiseshould be made of years from the said date in lawful Victoria, 19th July, 190H. .jy2o lm son wbo, with J. P. Forde, acted as tions and Literature. helps by the Teacher," Rev. J. Pyc. money of Canada, at tbe office of the assistant guide to Prof. A. O. Wheeler. Molsons Bank at Revelstoke aforesaid, 11.15—"The best method of leading NOTICE The camp made its rendezvous at which said place of payment shall be Revelstoke Land District. the young people to Christ," by Rev. designated by tlie said 'debentures, Hectoj at tbe summit of the Kicking and shall have attached to lliom cou­ District of West Kootenay. J. W. Hedley. Take notice that Robert R. Caldwell, Horse Pass, though tbe camp itself pons for the payment of Interest, and the signature to the interest coupons of Nelson, B.C., occupation Merchant, was situated at Lake O'Hara, eight Afternooo Session intends to apply for permission to pur­ 2.30—"Prayer fift Divine direction may he eilher written, printed, stamp­ chase the following descrilied lands: miles south of Hector. The altitude ed or lithographed. Commencing at a post planted aliout io leading pupils to decision," It IC. of the camp, 6,664 feet waa the high­ 4. The said debentures shall hear tive miles north of Downie Creek and est yet selected. It was on open Scales. about fifty miles north of Revelstoke interest at the rate of live per cent. on the Columbia River, thence 80 ground surrounded by balsam and 2 45—"Tbe best method of training (5 ) per annum from the date thereof, wbicli Interest shall be paid semi­ chains north along lhe Columbia river, pine trees, and was a charming spot Young Christians for Christian Life," JOB PRINTING annually at the offlce of the Molsons Ihence 20 chains west, thence 80 chains Rev. H. XV. W. Bromwich. south, thence 20 chains east to point of for camping purposes. The camp Bank at Revelstoke aforesaid in law­ commencement. lasted from August 2 to 9, and the 3.15—"Of what benefit to the Con­ ful money of Canada on the day gregation is the Home Department of and on I he day of ROBEKT R. CALDWELL, number of people under canvas there respectively in each and every year Per John XV. Falls, Agent. and Cradle Koll," Rev. F. 8. Okell. CORPORATION OF THEdurin g the currency thereof and it Dated 17ttk June, 18U9. jun 30 OOd during that time waB 188, by far the largest number tbat has yet attended. 3.30—"What relation Bhould adult shall be expressed in said debentures CITY OF REVELSTOKE to tie so payable. The actual membership of the Alpine portion of Church sustain to Sunday NOTICE school," Rev. Mr. Leonard.; 6. It shall be lawful lot' the Mayor Revelstoke Land District. club is now nearly 500. of the said Corporation of the City of All Work Promptlv 4—"The best way to train our young Revelstoke to negotiate and sell the District of West Kootenay. The mountain that was used for Take notice that John \V. Falls, of people to support tbe Church at Home By-law No. said debentures or any of them for less Nelson, B.C., occupation Miner, in­ graduating members thia year wae than par, but in no case shall the snid and in the Foreign field," by the By-law to enable the Corpor­ tends to apply for permission to pur­ with an altitude of debentures or any of them he sold for and Neatly Executed chase the following described lands: Secretary. ation of the Oity of Revel­ less than ninety-two and one-half per Commencing at a post planted about 11,041 feet, lt was tbe most difficult centum of the face value, including Hve miles north of Downie Creek on mountain yet selected for initiating 4 30—Round Table Talk on topics stoke to raise by way of the cost of sale and brokerage and all the Oolumbia River and about fifty new members, but in spite ol tbat 5li dismissed, Debentures the sum of Sev­ other necessary expenses. miles north of Revelstoke, thence 80 chains south along Columbia river, reached the summit and thus became Evening Session en Thousand $7,000 00 li. There shall be levied and raised Ihence 20 cliains nest, thence 80 chains full Hedged members ol the club. A 8—Devotional exercises, T.Simpson. in each year during the currency of Dollars for the purposes of the said debentures the sum of Three north, tlience 20 chains east to point of few others also climbed it alter tbe Convention sermon, ' Preparations for commencement. the Board of School Trustees Hundred and Fifty ($850.00) Dollars our work with the people as ministers for the payment of interest and One JOHN W. FALLS. camp had closed. No accident of any of the City of Revelstoke. and church members,'' by Rev. A. M. Hundred and Ninety-one and Kighty Daled 17th June, 1H00. jun SO OOd kind happened, aud after the fatal Ono-hundredlbs ($101.80) Dollars for occurrence of a year ago thiB was con­ Sanford. After meeting conducted by Whereas the Board of Sohool Trus­ the payment of the said debl under tees of the Oity of Ruvelstoke have in tbe said debentures by a special rate NOTICE sidered particularly gratifying. A the chairman. pursuance of the powers granted to Revelsloke Lind District. sufficient therefor on all the ratable number of special cii.ubs were also 15 minutes lur discussions at close them hv Section 12 of the "Public real property in the said Municipality, District of West Kootenay. Schools Act, 1805," as re-enacted by I Take notice that Lafayette Lamb, of made such as the ascent ol Mount of each address at morning aud after­ Section A2 of lhe "Public Schools Act, 7. It shall he lawful for tho Munici­ Clinton, Iowa, V. S. A., occupation Biddle, one of the parties to climb noon sessions lWio, Amendment Am, 1900," caused pal Couuctl of the said municipality Millowner, intends to apply for per­ this being Mr. Forde of Revelstoke. Rev. W. .1. Sipprell, Principal of to he prepared and laid before the 1 to repurchase any of tin- said deben­ mission to purchase the lollowing de­ Municipal Council a detailed estimate tures upon such terms as may be scribed land: Mount Victoria waa climbed by ai • Columbian Methodist College will of the sinus required to meet special or agreed upon with the legal holder or Commencing at a post planted at the other party, and a second ascent was deliver an address in the interests ol extraordinary expenses which may be holders thereof, either at tho time of •S. K. corner of Lot 7648, then north 20 sale or at any subsequent time, and all made of . These are legally Incurred hy the Board, and chains, then east 20 chains, thence tbe college on the evening ol lhe 26th. such estimates have been considered debentures so repurchased shall be south 2(1 chains more or less to lake all practically 11,000 feet summits. and finally approved hy the Council: forthwith canielled or destroyed, and shore, thence westerly along lake shore no reissue of debentures shall be made 20 chains more or less to poinl of com­ A novel excursion was made io tbe Committed on Murder Charge And Whereas lhe said estimates in consequence of such repurchase. mencement. provide for the purohase of additional form of a two days' trip whioh covered .s. In ibis by-law the word "Muni­ E. MCGAOHBAN, A white man named Robert Walker school grounds, and the clearing of Agent for Lafayette Lamb. five passes and brought to view some sama, viz.. Block 1,2. Plan HAD I, and cipality" shall be deemed to extend to Commercial Printing and an Indian uamed Chinley have and include all territory and property Dated June 3rd, 1908. jun 23 of the wildest scenery in the Rockies. that portion of Wynn street, soulh of been committed for trial at Quesnell second street, and running down lo comprised ivithin the Revelstoke The Rev. Mr. Robertson had the privi­ School I list lint and all such property on a charge ol having murdered an Government street between Blocks 158 lege of acting as guide to one or two shall in- liable to assessment hereunder NOTICE. Indian woman named Agnes in a and SI; and the triangular piece of as provided by section 12 of tho said A Specialty With Us, Hevelstoke Land District. parties that went over Abbott's Pass land lieing Block 58, Plan IMi I, lying drunken Saturday night brawl. It was "Public Schools Act, 1005, Amend­ District of West Kootenay. and through Death Trap, one of the to the east theieof; ment Act, lium." Take notice that L. A. Dewar, occu­ alleged that as a result of her injuries most dangerous climbs iu the Rockies. Ami Whereas to uu-ei the expendi­ pation Housekeeper, intends to apply the woman died on the lollowing ture as provided by snid estimates lt II. This by-law If passed shall take for permission to purchase the follow­ Abbott's Pass is over 9,000 leet high, olfed ami come inin force on und Monday. The post mortem examin­ is necessary thai the Municipality ing described lands: is surrounded by glaciers aud subject should raise the .sum of $7000.00; after the day of ..'... 1000, Commencing at a post planted on the ation showed that she had been tbe to constant snow slides, while Death And Whereas it is deemed expedient Hi. This by-law may be cited for all west side of IJpper Arrow Lake, aliout victim of brutality of the most hor­ purposes as the "Revelstoko (School one and a half miles south of Bannock Trap, leading down from it is worthy to niise upon the credit of the Munici­ rible nature. The case will come up pality the sum of Seven Thousand lloiudi By-law No limn." Point, thence west 20 chains, tlience of its name, but fortunately all tbe Call for Estimates and Advertising Rates north 20 ihains, thence west 20 chains, for trial at the assizes in Clinton in (97000.00) dollars for sohool purposes II. This by-law shall, before the climbers got safely through. as aforesaid; thence north 00 chains to the K. & S, October. In addition to being com­ final passion thereof, receive the line, thence following the K. & S. line assent of the electors according to the An interacting feature of the camp mitted for trial Walker was sentenced And Whereas the total amount re­ east 20 chains, smith 20chains, east 20 quired to be raised annually by special provisions of and in the manner pre­ chains, south 20 chains to lake shore, was tbe delegation ol Uritish guests, to one year with hard labor lor sup­ rate for paying the said debt and in­ scribed by ilu- Municipal Clauses Act. Ihence following the lake shore to incloding Euglieb Alpinists, and mem- plying liquor to Indians. terest thereon and for creating a sink­ Read a first lime the I8tb dav of THE MAIL-HERALD point of commencement, bere ol the British Scientific Associa- ing fund for paying the said prlnoipal August, I m«. DONALD DEWAK, debt within twenty live years is for Agent for L. A. Dewar. which meets in Winnipeg this month Interesl $850.00 and for sinking fund Read a second time thu 18th day ul Dated July 29, 1909, aug 7 Many uf these gentlemen bad climbed $101.80, milking a total of $641.80; August, 1000. PUBLISHING COMPANY, Ltd. in Switzerland, tbe Himalayas and in And Where is the'iiiuounl of lhe Read u third lime Ihe I Sib day of $100 REWARD August, limn, ami passed with lhe Africa. Tbey did a little climbiog whole ratable land within the Munici­ NOTICE unanimous consent of I he Council. with the camp, but not a great deal. pality, including the territory com­ Revelstoke I suid District. prised within ibe Revelstoke Sohool Received tho assent of tho electors District of West Kootenay. Wheu the camp bad closed Mr. Wc will pay flOO reward lor the District for School pill poses, accord­ the day ol 1000. Take notice that Florence Newman, ing to the bust revised assessment roll Palace Wheeler and a number of the mem­ arrest and conviction of any one who Ru-cuusiduiud, adopted and finally occupation Housekeeper, intends lu la $1,077,788,60; apply for permission to purchase the bers took the guests fcr a week's expe­ bas defaced or obliterated log marks passed by thu Council the day For Fall Planting Restaurant follow ing described lands; dition to tbe ridge of the Rockies on our logs on the Columbia River or Now Therefore tho Municipal Coun­ of I mm. mm McKcmic Avenue cil of the Corporation of the city of Commencing at a post planted on north of Hector. The local men Arrow Lakes. Our registered marks the lake shore at the north-east corner Kevelstoke in open meeting assembled Bulbs from the Best European Fruit, Candies, Oigars,Tobaoco. of A. W. Dickenson's application and packed tents and provisions on their are letter "L" and letter "8." enacts as follows: ciiy Olerk. Miiv, aliout half a mile from the north-east backs and for twu days tramped over BOWMAN LUMBER CO., LTD., 1. It shall he lawful for tho Mayor and Japan Growers. Meals 36 cents. corner of Lot 7905, thence south 40 the glaciers and suowtields that divide of the Corporation Of the City of Rev­ TAKK NOTICE thai the above isn chains, thence east 10 chains, thence aug 14 lm RevelBtoke, B. C. elstoke for the purposes aforesaid, and truo copy of the proposed Hy-law upon llunie grown fruit mul ornamental north 80 chains to lake shore, thence British Columbia from Alberta, camp­ he is hei'uby authorised, lo borrow on Whioh lh'' vole of the .Miinicipalily Ireca, grown on upland Moil with­ A. H. Sing, Proprietor along lake shore to point of com­ ing two nights on the edge of tbe the credit of the Municipality, by way will be taken al the City Clerk's offlce, out irrigation in the only part of mencement. timber line. The guests considered it NOTICE of debentures hereinafter mentioned, OltV Hall, corner of .Second Street und the American continent not in- JOHN SHAW, from any person, persons, firm, body McKcn/.ii'Avenue, Revelstoke, li. C, tested with the San Jose soali— one ol the greatest things tbey bad m' Hevelstoke l-anil District. Agent for Florence Newman. or bodies corporate, who may he will­ on Tuesday, August 'list, 1000, be­ Harden, Field nnd Flower setdt— District of West Kootenay. tween the hours of Nine o'clock a m., Dated July 20, 1909. aug 7 ever seen iu mountaineering. They ing to advance the same as a loan, a Tested stock frnm the best grow­ CEMENT BLOCKS Take notice that Barney I'ltiiutuu of anil Seven o'olook p.m. . . climbed Mount Da y and Mount Bal­ Arrowhead, occupation Holelkeeper, sum of money, not exceeding iii ilm ers in the world—Wire lencing whole the sum of Seven Thousand MnuufHtUired fur all BlutN of butldiiifcs four and viewed some magnificent intends to apply for permission lo pur­ limicK A. LAWSON, and dates—*pray pumps, Fertil­ NOTICE chase the following deiciibed lands; (8I70UO IXI) dollars and lo cause all such nig Clerk of the Municipal Council, scenery. Rev. Mr. Robertson was tbe sums so raised or received to be paid izers, Hee Supplies, Cut Blowers, Tnke ool iir that I Intend lo apply lo Commencing at a post plained at the Spraying materials, etc.—White CEMENT AND LIME FOR SALE die Superintendent of Provincial only one of the Revelstoke mcmle s norlh-wesi corner of Lot 7885, thenee into the hands of the Treasurer of I he Corporation of the Ciiy of Revelstoke labor only.—New 167 page Cata­ Police, aftei thirty days from ihe date who shared in this feat. In fact tbis south 4u chains lo T.L, 12160, thenoe logue free. west £1 chains, lo the corner of T.L. for tbe purposes aforesaid and with IFIRE CLAY AND FIRE BRICKS nl the lirst publication iif Ibis notice, year only three Revelstoke members To Trappers lur a transfer Of lhe hotel licence held 12166, thence south 10 chains along the the object hereinbefore recited. liy me lor lhe Kootenay Hotel at Bur­ were in camp, namely, Messrs. Robert- western boundary iif same, thence Raw Furs Bought (or sale iu IIITKO ur -mall qnanttttM 2. It shall be lawful for the Mayor M. J. HENRY, al the lowest prices fnr cash. ton, B.C., lu Stephen Pudbielancik, sou, Forde and Aldritt. At the close west 10 chains, thonce north 10 chains »f the said Corporation of the Cily of Dated at Nelson, B.C., Oth of Aug­ in lake shore, thence easterly along Cash Prices Paio Greenhouses and Nurseries ol the expedition the mountaineers all llevelatoke to cause any number of All Undi uf huii'imt: sad plastering ust, IIIIIII. lake shore to poinl of commencement. debentures to be made, executed and 3010 Westminster Road, liii'lertnktu. Wll.l 1AM LllVATT, returned to Field. JOHN SHAW, issued for such sum or sums as may he F. B. WELLS, VANCOUVER, 13. C. Ily his Solicitor Edward A. dense, One leaturo thai impressed Key. Mr. Agent for Barney Plutnton, required for lhe purpose und object itug 11—sep 11 Dated July 98, WOO, aug 7 aforesaid, not exceeding however the Exporter of Furs. Branch Nursery • South Vancouver ' A. PRADOLINI, REVELSTOKE THE MAIL-HERALD, REVELSTOKE B. U --\ (><>0<>^<><>O<><> 1 REID sS, YOUNG : CHAS. M. FIELD August Prices

. . ILL jffil-O Tim rr*~ttSkSm~Vim Roal Estate, Insurance anil Commission Agent Lots of Lines of Summer Goods must be cleared out, even if the price Ins to be cut in two. We clear out all lines at the end of each respective season, so that can offer you fresh Ollice on First St., Opposite the Club goods each season as they come. Look at these prices: Ladies' and Children's Sailor Hats, all HEp nnph KKNTB COLLECTED. LOANS NllTAltV l'tllll.ll! this seasons goods .tubi GuLII 00OOOO0OO<> Wash Collars and Belts, in many pretty designs Wlp regular 25c lo 35c, now tllba

i Children's and Misses Dresses, all sizes, all (J[1 fin nnph I Mountain Supply Conpany. Limited colors, all materials iPl.UU Cdbll Big Slaughter Sale Remnants Starting from Saturday, August 14th, we are All short ends of Prints, Muslins, Dress Goods, selling at ridiculously low figures all our Stock of Flannelettes, lite, are on .sale at a fraction of their Hoots and Shoes, Shirts, Underwear, Hats, Caps, former price. etc. Mast cleat our stock to make room for new goods COME AND SEE AND YOU WILL BE CONVINCED REID & YOUNG McLennan & Co, Mrs. A Johnson, wife of Arthur !!••• IIM_M._...Mmi.l I II 111 IW I •— •—I IIIIIII ^ Johnson, managing dirictnr of the PROVINCIAL PARAGRAPHS MAII.-HKKAI.II, and ohildien, returned on Thursday n on.ing alter 11 two weeks' trip to Seattle, and other Const Items of Interest of Happenings Throughout LOCAL AND GENERAL PRESERVING FRUITS cities. British Columbia are now coming in including Peaches, Pears, Plums W. E, Sloan, formerly couneoied Heaps it Co., of Vancoincr, will New school paints to hand at Hews' with the Union I'acilic Railway Co.'s and Crabs, and as the quantity is very limited we probably build another sawmill ueai You Don't Have To 1 'rug Stnre. telegraph department, has arrived would advise you to place your orders with us at once Prize lists for the Fall Fair will be Irom the Coast to take a losition in New Westminster. published in the early pun of nexl and we will guarantee delivery, otherwise you are the C.P.R. telegraph 1 Mice at the depot The Provincial School Trustees con­ Go outside of Revelstoke to make week. i|uiie liable to be disappointed. here. He is accompanied by Mrs. vention will mis year be held in Chilli­ Sloan and ifiey will make their home your Real Estate Investments. J. \V. Hannon, barrister, nl Battle- FRUIT [ARS in three sizes Pints, Quarts and wack towards the end of September. ford, has been made a judge of tin- bere. Half-gallons, every jar guaranteed. Rubber rings to lit A boosters club has been formed in distiict Court ol Kegina. 1) Mc.Nicholl, vice-president ot the The Revelstoke Land Company Ltd. O.P.R., is now on his way weit, nnd 1'iiuce Rupert which will probably be Sixty bins ol silver bullion fr the by the rrqnest of the Mayor and the known as ihe Empire duo. Une ol I rail Bmelter, consigned tn Shanghai have the best bargains in the City. Hobsons Bakery & Grocery Board of Trade, he will Btop off at. llie til'at mailers lo be taken up will were bent wi -t Irom here on So. I this RevelBtoke nnd discuss matters thai be an excursion lu thu Sua una Fair on morning. Each bar weighed-75 lbs tnaX lie ot mutual benelit to the city Lots $150 up. Acreage $100 up. The silver is used in China f"r coinage and lhe railway company. September 1, which haa been set n.-iiile as. Prince Rupert's day. A meeting ol the congregation of 10. L. Riekman, manager of the Kno.\ Ohurch will be belli at the close Revelstoke Cement Works, will leiive The Vancouver Province estimates ,.[ Bervice nn Sunday evening to con­ lor Vancouver to-day, returning un that ilu- llliigliug Brothers circus | Kootenay Agencies Ltd., Agents 1 sider the resignation of their pastor, I'liiHilay. He will interview tin- Norlli Rev. J R. Robertson. Tbe full con­ wiiich perfumed mere Insi SatunUy Your Insurance Vancouver Council relative tu pulling gregation is invited to be present. 111 a sewerage system Willi ceiiicnl Idled 127,500, uf which i^'i UUI) would Geo. T. Hughes, a lumberman, pipes there, in- taken out of tile city. The attend­ \mmmmmmmmmiit diopped $20 on Mackenzie avenue, on Is mir nl the must important items' Mrs. K. Frazer with her sun nml ance waa 11,000 in tlm afternoon and Thursday morning s where between in v Is n Paul S. Couldiey, who foi ilm pas' any uf the meats which come from late Stuart McGuire w.is aged only 22 mixed [..ruling. This was the kind ol invited to come along. M rs J. P McLi 11 ii:i II 1ms returni il -i ven years has beeu manager of l.t our simp, if properly ked and years and fl months and wn- manager farming carried on nr id Edmonton The Baseball Club will run an ex- I of Love's drugstore in Phoenix at " front an extended visit to Yanc over li i No Two mining company n< Served. What pleases lhe patient lUrsion down the river as far as Com­I time nf his eai ly di ase. Mr. ami Mr-. VV. Morris left on and the farmers there seemed tube llus-ilaii.l, lias left, lor (ireenwin d ti better than n juicy, tender steak, or aplix to-morrow. The excursion will Friday for a week- holiday at St. doing very well. He was high!) take ti position with the Bii ish Co- yourg lamb chopel If you cook il leave tie wharf by the s s. Revelstoke Five men were killed in the expli Leon. pleated with the great development light we'll send you Ilic li.ht ment­ sion of a powder magazine ;it Tun i lumhiii Copper Company. Mr. Conl- at 7:30 a.m. Tbey will be in Comaplix Ham- taking place in Alberta east of Calgarj al Ihe iig;hl pi-Ice, too, A' ybody who for dinner and a stop will probably be , UII u •-•'' Wales has arrived fr.im drey was highly esteemed in Rossland • • knows go.nl meat know.- u^. bay on Bowen Island, near Vancouver, ib in tlie on tlie main line. made at Arrowhead for supper on the Imp- : and ou leaving was given a hands .me last Saturday. Tbe men killed wen return, BO that tnere will be no neces­ " They said once that that 11 iiintry send-. IV. Ernest Levy, who is al sity lor taking lunches. Tickets for the white fereman earned Sellare .-. Miss Foote and .... ui good, tu- remarked,' but tben 1*. BURINS «*, Co. Chinese assistants. Tbe maga ioi the west iday aod wi take pieseut in London, Eng., will take Wholesale and Retail Meat Merchants excursion can be obtained from mem­ is 1. 1 country in Canada that is no bers of tbe baseball club. belonged to the Western Expli - ice in Calif, i Mr. Couldrey'e place. company and contained 1400 p good, i'u have to go elsewhere (or . friends A gang of men is now at work uu nf powder. After the explos tbat. F. L. Peck, ol Scranton, Pa., presi­ _ i ths • • 'i Anglo-American Fire Insurance tbe C.P.B. roundhouse putting iu tbe splinter of the building remained and II n Mr. Fisher will epend a lew dent of the Mississippi Central railway • i . - .-,... COMPANY masonry to extend the walls and raise the bodies of the live men were b the Okanagan valley before and the I'nited States Lumbor Co., lilAti iiii'iii.-: (11-115 Adelaide St. easl the ro.f of the old roundhouse to tbe into -mall pieces. Rei 1 W. Haii left on Kndsy _! . irther west. He will tben has purchased AH timber sections on level of lhe newer portion. The The following have beeu appointed tbe Tr lut Lake Cuuntry, FINANCIAL STATEMENT present roof is rather cramped lor the oommusioners li r taking a Aid • i ski services oo - in ,: IVI r. Victoria and Seattle. flic weat coast of Vancouver Island for half year ending 80th .lune, llHHi big mountain engines winch can only- under the Electione Act ; tbe Reve H .•• • yet deoided by what route from XV. K Simpson, a banker of just managi to Equeeze in under it. -i ike riding Mi isre \> -nald ! H Iowa Falls for $200,000. The timber By doss Prem­ agistrate irn. When tbt new improvements are A. W.Dickinson, Horace McCrin iums Income irsdaj evi oing Irom a .• to Seattle for a holiday, is mostly cedar HIIII Mr. Peck may completed the -lied will be loftier and Robert McMurray, George N Ha .Ian. 80th - $218 008 III ward, Carlos Pi rter, E, P Henry. Ed­ , - ind I be I ismiagai. 11 kl 'I lur as long ns I am in build a sawmill ou his limits next Less rebate and larger snd there will be no fear of BJ bumping The roundhouse is rushed it ird Mi i is bran ind L. H Kraser. Canada I 1 11 alwa, in my w rking year. return premium '.m nil un nl Arrowhead; Rand Gibbons, i lately oonnected CORPORATION OF THF '.'.'. W :<; just now and every portion ry. The city councils of Vancouver, New $182 mi'i 21) is kept in constant use. Arthur E. Evans i Bea tn the Calgory Albert an, passed Richard D.ivis, of Big Eddy; Cbai igh . . way to tbe ooaat on Westminster and North Vancouver Less reinsurance 5.'1 illiu 4:>$l2li 598 sl CITY OF REVELSTOKE By Interest 0 803 00 Dr, Ernest Hi.I, of Victoria, passed K. Skeene, of Wigwam. Louis Pal B. C. Fruit Exhibits have joined in a request to lhe pro­ Walter H. Bell, and .fames 1) through ••. No. 36 on Sunday m rn- Mr and Mis. A. I.. Hayward ti 'I vincial government to guarantee $186 SU7 71 ing on bit way to the Old Country, nedy of Hevelstoke. ott ol G inge Hai hor, and ,ii I in raday nigbl i bonds of the Vancouver Norihern wb< re be intei de to spend three .1. U Brandrith of Lad H ratal) To net losses pald$02 170 17 am peg aod ol her parts railway to tlie extent of $.1,000,000 at City Water m nths in the h ipil .- studs mg Martin Burrell, M. P i I i . nitgrowei • A lociatiou, 'I'o net losses un­ Forks, wa iterday. He der adjustment 11 WKl 71 ohiefl] the pt blema i I nerve disi ise .•bi 10 tin"H v and Infl on 1 per nent, Tiie oom pany proposes to He will also visil l'r i. Dubois ol went m wesi on N 97 to Kam ingest iln'igiiti i i;. No water will be allowed Gov, fees, taxes, \ ., .,,,. mi -. IL' foi Toronto, build a railway through the valley of and all othej; Ben i. Swil • ind s b m tkea it a where he will be i lined by l'r • • • cuoier, undeiwent an op< i viil ii' " h irge '.1 the Seymour oreek to the Squsroisb river, for Lawn sprinkling until fur­ ohargea - 17 211 us ipecitlty to study tbe application 'if i'rai.; of Corneli university, with •• i ppendicitia In I bi . i- arrangi d to deliver i sei ... ri ' 1 ber • by tbe wbere it. will ciuiiinit wilh the Howe Balance Cr. profit mind ..ii matter se i I ici i cui ing • lay. ther notice. When conditions and loss - 11 028 85 :',!_!••»-••. ' in hie return Iir Hal may lectures on bortioulture tbroufj ,,,, til ol Britiih < oluinhia, Mr, Bound and Petiibirloti Meadows line. rin Misses Henderson, daughters il give it, illustrated lecture i the Okanagan, Kootenay ami the Boun­ ,, , 1 that the would lH. I lie company also proposes lo harness warrant permits for certain .$1.15 :«I7 71 dary country. Prof. Craig in an old I lendersan, nave been visit­ ml 'I.I • re ol I bi Y.M.C.A. bere, He ing tbeir i mt Mrs. 0, 11, Barber I I,.,...• ti exhibil ul some tin- "great (nils," ol the Squamlsh and H. II. BBCK, W, B. ROBBRTSON, ws- reoentl; asked to lecture belore id ol Mr Burrell. He is one ol Revi . - f might he hours will be issued from the tins week. supply electricity to Vancouver, North (ien. Man. Agent. -.:,' tt idi ate I Lei md Stanford i Di­ the beat authorities on horticulture on I ,..n nexl week al no expense the Continent, and Ins lectures slnnilil Vancouver and New Westminster. office of the City Clerk. versity, but on account of his coming Mra Burden, wife ol tbe li .minion 1 , the Dominion expron absence, had to decline. prove highly profitable. Nelson, was i IVK ROOM 1IOUSK located on C. would • ai 1'. It fn e, The A tire at Coal Creek, near Fernie, Any person found using City F I', It. grounds near station, wil li oity on Wednesday and Thursday 20 year lease on ground. This bouse is While the strong wind on Friday i trip to the east. . bib . " lie lllOWn destroyed 16 buildings last Saturday evening was driving clouds of dost, Water for other than domestic in good repair wilh fine garden and ,ml othei ' .•-'••' 11 tali •. alternoon. It started from Hie ex­ fruit trees, Will sell at a bargain if i along llie streets unl clouds of smoke , i lie returned on Wed plosion of a lamp 111 the basement oi sold at once. Apply for further par- across the river, the lire bell tolled laj from a trip to Ins mining purposes will be prosecuted. ; tit iilais lo l'i5,. .1. Biourneo , First sireet. PENCIL BOX FREE the call to Nu. 2 fire hall, Il • i il Laforme ( r"ek bringing MOVING "PICTURES tlie 'Iilb building, and as a high wind with bim -nine tine specimens ol was blowing, Spread rapidly to adjoin­ CHAS. F. LINDMARK. A filled hardwood pencil box rumored that the Big Eddy mill had ININC ROOM (URL wanted ap­ wit I. rulei combinal i"ii given caught lire and a wagon load of vol ll. McKinney has meved to H i ing buildings. A row ol Urge board­ Mayor. D ply at lhe Oriental Motel, free to evei y pnrchiusei of ' unteera was hastily despatched as far Clark a house "ii Second street ami I Good Program Will Be Rendered In light ing bouses, the gaol, aud the Trites • • hool books at us the railway bridge The C. P. I!. August 18th. 1909. Mr. McKinney s residence has been at Edison Parlor Theatre Wood Company's department store oil BALE—Potatoes per KJOIbs. $2. I also ru«hed out men to assist. Fortu­ bought by .1. Lynns, who wil! move F Gooseberries 7c, per lb. Apply to Bews' Drug Store nately it. was found that, the smoke into ii A i.n ji- audleni e "• ll ne eil 1 ho pro were among Ihe buildings destroyed, John Mai/.. I'. 0, Box 158, Kevelsloke. aug 7 14 came from lire burning in the. bush, gram il the Kdison Pai lui I beal 1 • It looked lor a time mn il (he whole land the mill was not. touched. Huw A I'.. Miller, inspector of public NOTICE! .ii- ii consists of iin' following town would be destroyed, but the ever preventative measures were taken schools, sod his bride, have arrived io lin and alter September Ist, ItlOl), ANTED -A handy loan who can Public nnd High School the city, and will take up their redi Zoological Gardens st Frankfort," I'ernie brigade was called and alter milk and do oulside work J and the mill was watched carefully COAL and WOOD orders will only be W Books on Hand showing soma line specimens of wild several cottages had been blown up Wages $40 per month, apply tu Harry through the night, This morning the ilence at, the corner of Fourth st.rei't, Mclniosh, Huh yon, ti. O. itiimai "Saved by Hi" Djg" * pretty delivered when settlement has previ­ Don't forget the place • lire in the bnsb was still burning, bul and McArthur Ave. with dynamite the | rogress ol the -tory ol n baby ami Iri 1! ig, and lour ously been made at the ollice. I as the wind had fallen, was not oonsid- C, E, Reid, of Vancouver, who luul •lames was stayed. ANTED—A girl for general house good comedies. This programme will work. For particulars apply ! I crod tlmt there was any danger. The foi met ly run a drug s'ore in the Lower REVELSTOKI; GBNEBAL AGENCIES, LTD. W Bews Drug firStationeryStor e I Kevelstoke Sawmill Co. nre very be repeat! d tonight M.MI.-IIKHAI.II ollice. town here, is back visiting old Irionds F. MI'CAHIV, grateful lo lhe eily ami I'. I'.l. men Hubert W. Service's new book. "Bal fur a few daya. Ilcisu guost at the (lei n (roe pencil box with your Inila ol a Cbseobsko," $1 a copy at rOUNG MAN desires work in hotel, for their assistance, B, W. H. I'A'-l'J, store or Warehouse In spare lune Central hotel. school purchases at Hows' drug store flews' Drug Store. \ H. N'. OOURIIM, Apply MAIL HERALU office.