13 Unicorns in the Garden of Good and Evil: Part 8 – Igneous and Metamorphic Reservoirs 19 The Analysis of Fractures in Petroleum Reservoirs: Part 1 38 Go Take a Hike $10.00 JUNE 2011 VOLUME 38, ISSUE 6 Canadian Publication Mail Contract – 40070050 RESERVOIR ISSUE 6 • JUNE 2011 1 Since 1927... Since 1927... JUNE 2011 – VOLUME 38, ISSUE 6 ARTICLES Unicorns in the Garden of Good and Evil: Part 8 – Igneous and Metamorphic Reservoirs ............................................................... 13 The Analysis of Fractures in Petroleum Reservoirs: Part 1 ............................................ 19 Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists Call for Nominations 2012 Executive Committee ......................................................... 25 CSPG OFFICE #600, 640 - 8th Avenue SW Partnership Tracks Awards ....................................................................................................... 26 Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 1G7 Tel: 403-264-5610 Fax: 403-264-5898 Donating Publicly Traded Securities, a Great Way to Minimize Taxes While Web: www.cspg.org Supporting the CSPG Educational Trust Fund ................................................................ 29 Office hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm Five Things That You Can Do in 2011! ................................................................................... 30 Executive Director: Lis Bjeld Email:
[email protected] Ways to Contribute ...................................................................................................................