" Empire " Typewriter Visiting Cards For ease nf operation and peifeetion in results produced, this machine A Specialty is unsurpassed. Prioe, $6000 Cash. Interior Publishing Co., • Agents Interior Publishing Company The Mail Prini I Publishers Vol. 15.-No59 REVELSTOKE. B. C. AUG1 S I' 21. 1909 $2.50 Per Year Pfov.inoitll Library onded Mr. Sine, that the same nine ANNUAL MEETING OF directors elected for 1008 9 be elected WORLD'S LATEST The Groceries carried 1 for 1009 10; viz., Messrs. Kincaid, Mc­ in our esi lent are, I Lennan, Lefeaux, Lawrence, Atkins, from ever) standpoint, per- | C. B. Hume & Co, Ltd HOSPITAL SOCIETY Cooke, Bctliune, Armstrong and TELEGRAPHIC NEWS fectly satisfactory. Their Hooley. Carried. excellent quality is conceded Stores at Arrowhead and Revelstoke. In Spite of Hard Year, Finances On motion of Mr. McCarter, second­ by all who have tried them ed Mr. Kincniil, a vote of thanks win Four Vancouver Girls Drowned and we can guarantee iheir are on Right Side-President tendered the Medical and Nursing in Automobile Accident at purity. It »ill be money Staff and tbe Ladies Auxiliary in ;. oui pocket to deal here Speaks ot Progress on New Immediately after the adjournment Seattle Yesterday—An Aged because yuu not only net of the annual meeting lhe llrat meet­ the highest grade ol goods Wing- President Re-Elected ing meeting uf the board .if direotors Man Injured by Convicts. but pay the lowest price for for 1900-10 was held und the following them. DRYGOODS DEPARTMENT Tbe eighth annual general meeting Siivrn.i:, Auji;. 21. Pour women ollicers elected : President, T. Kil­ ol the Revelstoke Hospital Society and 11 inun were killed in .-in automo­ patrick; 1st Vic.e-l'rcB., XV. M. Law­ Carrs'. Christies', and McCormick's Biscuits was held in tlie City Hall Wednesday bile aooidoni here last nigbt. Two Special Prices evening. There were present Messrs. rence; 2nd Vice-Pres, F, E. Sine; other women wbo were In tho auto­ Chase and Sanborn Coffees Kilpatrick (chairman), Lawrence, Mc­ Sec-Treas., XV D. Armstrong. mobile had ii narrow escape. They Carter, Hooley, Siue, McLennan, Kin­ Arruwheud Board of Trustees— Tetleys'. and Brooke Bonds Teas were speeding along tbe tldellatrs when caid, Gordon, tloble, Lefeaux, Dr. Messrs. L&chiiiund, Brewer ami Reid. Headquarters for Choice Fruits and Vegetables Sutherland and Armstrong, Executive Committee—Messrs. Kil­ in passing what Is known ns "Dead Tbe financial statement presented patrick, McCarter, McLennan, Cooke, Man's Curve," the machine swerved, Tin; balance of our summer goods must be by W. D, Arnistruug, secy.-treasurer, and the Secretary. crashed through tbe railing and plung­ cleared out this month; to do this we arc offering was satisfactory iu I lint it shown! Building Committee—Messrs. Kil­ ed into the water. The drowned were reductions that will pay you to investigate. increasing business and a balance of patrick, Howson, McCarter, McCarty, Miss Agnes Cowan, Miss Magglo Paul, BOURNE BROS. Gordon, Atkins, Armstrong and llr. receipts over expenditure of $2,335.13. and Miss J. Colvin, Mrs, M. M. Grothe Sutherland, Groceries Hardware McClary's Stoves Plumbing Tne receipts.were made up principally of Vancouver, and Ira Parry the LADIES' WASH SUITS Finance Committee—Messrs. Kin­ V of cuutracts, government Bubsidy and ohauffeur. Miss Mary Paul and .Miss The balance of our Ladies' Wash Suits — pay patients. Contracts bought in caid, Atkins and Armstrong. Kate Hlscock of Vancouver, clung to siz.es ,54, T,6, and 3S; regular $10.00 values .$13,103.50, pay patients contributed tho automobile in the water und were Now $5.00 a total ol 12,683.80, uf wbicli $161.60 was contributed from Arrowhead The ARROWHEAD NEWS rescued hy a man in u boat, Parry's government Buusidy was $3,07515. body wns recovered aboul twn hours SUMMER DRESSES The hospital box ul (ilacier con­ Presentation to Mr. and Mrs, Newman before after, and the bodies of Miss AgueB tributed $10 50 and $02 35 was alao Cowun uml Mrs. Grothe hive also Summer Dresses in White Lawn and Mus­ Leaving for the Coast sis & suit lin, Coloured Ginghams. All wash fabrics received from subscriptions. The been iniiini. The women were all Splendid values at $3-90 each balance, made up ol intere.t, cash in Last Wednesday evening, before members of 11 party visiting the ShiU band, etc.. brougbl tbe total receipts they left for Vancouver where they Seattle Exposition. up to $21,073 56. will in future reside, Mr. and Mrs. Q. TOURIST RUCHINGS T. Newman were presenlod with sub­ SWEETBHTUII, Que., Aug. 21 During The total expenditure was $18,7 18.- stantial tokens of the esteem in which tho absence of the jailer iu the poui- Tourist Ruching put up in boxes; seven 43, ol which the principal item was tbey me held by the-people of Arrow­ ruchings to the box 15 cents each $10,401 lor salaries, the oilier ex- teutlai-y last night, ten prisoners beat head, in the form of a gold watch for peuses being divided among the vafi the assistant, Mr. Scott, into a -.title Mr .Newman and a cut glaaB berry mis items of hospital maintenance. of insensibility nml endeavoree to CUSHION TOPS bnvl for Mrs. Newman, accompanied The balance sheet showed assets of escape. Mr. Scott's cries Inought by ui address. Muslin Cushion Tops, fancy braided and $20,410.22, witb no liabilities. assistance und the escape ivns frus­ Tim presentation wus made at a embroidered designs 90 cents each Tbe report ol the medical super­ trated. Scott is 78 years of ige und us social gathering nt which Capt. L. H. intendent showed only lour paiieuls a result of tho heating will !"• disfig­ Fraser presided, and a programme ol in the hospital at tbe present time. CUSHION FRILLS songs, recitutions, ami musical selec­ ured for the rest of bis life. During the year 516 patients bad tions was given The uililress wns LONDON, AUK. 2D II is understood Fancy Scrim Cushion Frills, fancy coloured been treated, of which 403 were from read by Mr. W. R, Keid, and the prcs- that negotiations have boon concluded 1 Kevelstoke and 112 from Arrowhead designs 75 cents each senution made by Mr. Q. T. Chap­ The cases were divided as follows:— between the Imperial Government unit man. Sougs were given by Mrs. R. R J Major operations, 09; medical cases, Canada for naval defence, und tho Lane and Mrs. J. Fyte, and 11 recita­ 202; surgical, 278; maternity, 14; X agreement unly awaits ratification by tion by Mr. H. Eiulkner. Mr. New­ Ray examinations, 20. Besides this, tlie Dominion puiliiiinenl. Tho scheme man replied in leeliug terniB to the io the out patient department there address, and the proceedings wound is described as highly satisfactory to were 1514 cases of surgical treatment up with a dance, and tho singing of both parties. It Is stated that Canada of which 550 were at Kevelstoke and C. B. Hume & Co., Ltd will Immediately commence the con­ "Auld Lang Syne." 964 at Arrowhead, and nearly 2,000 struction of u nuw navy. The liritish Stores at Rovelstoke and Arrowhead. dressings. Following is the full text of the The Picture tells a Story address which was signed by 80 citi­ admiralty is to lend the assistance of u PRESIDENT'S REPORT zens of the Arrowhead district; number of ollicers who will immedi­ The President, T. Kilpatrick, pre­ To GEO. T. NEWMAN, ESI. , J.P, ately proceed io Canada to study tbe Now lis a TwoTiece Suit Sale. Just llie left-overs sented the followiug report. CKXK>0<KH><XKKXK><^ We, the citizens of Arrowhead and situation uml advise on the work of Gentlemen,—1 have much pleasure ' of our own choice stock vicinity have heard witb regret ol organization. in presenting f >r your approval and your departure from amongst us and NEW Voiiii, Aug 20 Lord Strath- adoption the eighth annual report of we take this opportunity ol expressing \ Big Gut in Sporting Goods this society. cotiii, high commissioner lov Canada our appreciation of your character It will not be necessary to go deeply lu Great Britain, was a passenger on BASEBALL GLOVES legulai- * 75 now ,$ 50 aud conduct. 20 per een i> tOff into the altiairs ol the society at this 1 IH) " oil As a pioneer iu the mountain coun­ tbe MuiiiTiiluniu which arrived today .. 1 _i"i " Vi time, as tbe Financial Statement, try, us a citizen and merchant iu from Liverpool, lie is so yems of age, BASEBALL MITTS $1 25 • ' $ 85 llulance Bluet and Medical Superin­ ,, ,. 50 " 30 town, UB a justice of the peace, as a but still active uml in good health. 1 Oil tendent's Report will give a very accur­ .. .. 1 50 " school tnu-te.', and last but not least, ,, .. I no - :i 00 ate idea of the work accomplished. .. tl 50 " 5 no as au old timer aud the bist of good BASEBALL MASKS *1 00 •• $ Iill Although last year was considered a fellows you have always hud our re­ OPENING FIELD TUNNEL 15 bard year for the hospital, this bus spect and our Iriendsbip, Few in AMERICAN Association Hulls" $1 75 " $1 25 been still harder in the tailing off ol BASEBALL BATS $1 25 " $ 85 town have not profited by your advice Spiral Tunnels Between field and Hector 1 50 " I 10 receipts Irom both pay and contract iu difficulty and your knowledge in ,, .. lil) Should Open Nexl Week 85 •• patients. This no doubt has been times of trouble, and all have felt .. ,, 1 00 " 85 largely due to the dullness in the lum­ J, E.
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