The Vicar’s Letter The Vicarage, Waltham Road, (corner of Foliejohn Way) Woodlands Park Telephone 01628 822000 Dear Friends, When I was little, I could never understand the attitude of grown-ups to snow. Snow was fun. Snow was enjoyable. Snow gave you the opportunity to make snowmen, have snowball fights, or go tobogganing. And we didn’t get nearly enough of it. So when it snowed it was exciting. It was something to be welcomed with joy. But grown-ups didn’t seem to think so. They complained about it. They hoped it wouldn’t snow, and grumbled when it did. They thought it was a nuisance. Now I’ve grown up myself I can see both sides. I understand why many of us really don’t like the snow (however much we may say we want a ‘white Christmas’). I know the frustrations when bad weather means that we can’t do what we had planned to do, or when others can’t do what we were relying on them to do. And there are obvious problems for those whose jobs involve trying to get about or working outside, or who have a long commute. But if I’m honest, then I still side with the children. These last few weeks we have seen more snow than I think I have ever experienced before — certainly in my adult life. By the time you read this that may be just a memory, or we may have had yet more. But every time it’s happened, or been promised, then (whatever difficulties it has caused to my own plans) deep down I have had that frisson of excitement that I used to get as a child.

THIS MAGAZINE Published bi-monthly, six times a year. Delivered free to all homes in , and Woodlands Park. Freely available at church services. Given to all families at White Waltham School

Articles for the next edition should be sent to: [email protected] by 10 th March 2010 The magazines will be available by the last Sunday of the month.

Shottesbrooke and White Waltham Parish Magazine Page 1 And I’ve got a sneaking suspicion that Jesus would too. He often commended children, and said that adults needed to be more like them, and I think this is the sort of thing that he meant. It is still fun to be the first to walk and leave footprints across a piece of virgin snow. It’s still fun to make snowmen and have (good-natured) snowball fights. There is a strange beauty to snow. And when I need to venture further afield then there is that added sense of adventure. To be sure, there are some (especially the elderly) for whom snow causes particular difficulties. Slippery pavements can be very dangerous, and ‘fuel poverty’ can make it hard for some to keep properly warm in the cold weather. We need to keep a special eye out for any neighbours who may be hit hard in these ways, and be ready to offer a helping hand. But if our boring adult lives have grown so full that we can’t cope with a little disruption from time to time, and enjoy the real but simple pleasures that snow can bring, then surely they’ve grown too full. Perhaps we need to clear some of the clutter out of our lives in order to free up time to stop, to be able to take the unexpected in our stride, and to be able just to be, and to enjoy the present moment. I think that’s at least part of what Jesus meant by ‘enjoying life to the full’. And I think that’s what Lent is meant to be about as well. So how about using this Lent to clear some of the clutter out of your life? You might be surprised at how much you find to enjoy as a result. David Andrew

Thank You on behalf of the Events Team

Thanks to everyone who helped and came along to the

Shottesbrooke & White Waltham Chur ches Winter Bazaar on

Saturday 21st November 2009. It was a most enjoyable day and

we raised over £500.

Thanks also to those involved with the Christmas concert on 14th

December. It was a very enjoyable evening and we raised £403.

The funds raised from both events will go towards the general

upkeep of the church buildings and the churchyards.

Wishing you a happy and healthy 2010,

Andrea Greenwood

(Events Chairman)


Web Site: West Aero Club Maidenhead SL6 3NJ

Tel: (01628) 823272

Fax: (01628) 826070 FOR THAT SPECIAL GIFT 30 MINUTES TRIAL LESSON £95 60 MINUTES TRIAL LESSON £150 A Relaxing Environment – Good Food – Bar Varied social and flying activities A welcoming and comfortable clubhouse Social membership available to non flyers

Shottesbrooke and White Waltham Parish Magazine Page 3

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? St Mary’s Church ? ? ? ? Quiz Night ? ? Raising Funds for Project Rainbow ? ? ? ? White Waltham Primary School Hall ? ? Saturday 13 March ? ? arrive at 7.00 p.m. for a 7.30 p.m. start ? ? ? ? ? ? Cost: £6.00 per person ? ? to include Soup & Sausage Supper ?

? Teams of 4 – 6 people ? ? Suitable for ages 10 – 100 years + ? ? ? ? Licensed bar & refreshments ? ? ? ? Teams to be booked by Monday 8 March ? ? Numbers are limited due to health and safety ? ? ? ? To book or for info. call 01628 670338 ? ? or email [email protected] ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Shottesbrooke and White Waltham Parish Magazine Page 4

Project Rainbow Update – January 2010

As you may know, there was an open hearing of the Consistory Court in October that was held in the Church. The purpose of that hearing was to enable the Chancellor to hear evidence and arguments for and against the Sunday School building that is planned for our Churchyard. He would then be able to decide whether or not to grant the church a Faculty (ecclesiastical permission) to build this building.

Following that hearing the Barristers made their final submissions in writing (these are still available to view on the church website or you can speak to Tony Hill or Jenny Murphy to arrange to read a paper copy). Having read the Barristers’ final submissions, the Chancellor requested a further hearing that was held in London on Wednesday 16 th December.

We have now received the Chancellor’s judgement and we are delighted to be able to report that the Chancellor has granted a Faculty to build this building, subject to the condition that the necessary funds have been raised before any further work is undertaken.

For those who are interested, the full judgement is now available on the church website ( - follow the Consistory Court link on the Project Rainbow page), or, once again, you can contact Tony Hill or Jenny Murphy to read a paper copy if you don’t have access to the internet. (The judgement is quite long, but they key paragraphs come at the end – paragraphs 107-111.)

The whole Project Rainbow team would like to offer their thanks to everyone who has given their support on this project; you have been a tremendous encouragement to us.

But we are only half way there – we now need to raise the bulk of the funds required to build our Sunday School building. So please continue to pray for Project Rainbow and for all the hard work to come in organising and launching the main appeal.

There will be a Project Rainbow Quiz Night on Saturday 13 March from 7.00p.m. The Quiz Night is open to teams of 4 - 6 people aged 10 years or over. The cost is £6 per person. For more details see the advert on page 4. We hope you can come along and join us! Shottesbrooke and White Waltham Parish Magazine Page 5 Qigong and Tai Chi Soft Chinese Exercises for Health & Relaxation Qigong and Tai Chi have been practiced in China for thousands of years It is suitable for people of all ages and abilities Weekly Classes:- Mondays from 10am - 11.30am White Waltham Parish Hall. For more information contact: Jennifer Maskell-Packer (01628) 823774

Member of Chinese Internal Arts Association and the British Council for Chinese Martial Arts.

Shottesbrooke and White Waltham Parish Magazine Page 6 Everwelcome Club (Over 60s) Christian Smith House, Heywood Avenue, Woodlands Park 2.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. alternate Wednesdays Contact: Ursula McAndrew, 74 Bannard Road, Maidenhead SL6 4NR Tel: 01628 625089 Our year of 2009 ended with a Christmas Lunch at Bird Hills Golf Club – a very happy occasion attended by 35 members. The programme for 2010 has been finalised by Jenny and myself and we restart on: WEDNESDAY 3 rd FEBRUARY February 17 th British Red Cross Raffle March 3 rd Bingo March 17 th Fish & Chip lunch at the community Centre March 31 st Mr Alan Copeland I would like to say a very BIG THANK YOU to all the members for their support during the year – without you there would be no club. Happy New Year Ursula McAndrew


AES Your Local Electrician All Types of Electrical Work No Call-out Charge Emergency Service Re-Wires Fully Insured Security Lights Shower Installations Extra Sockets & Lights Part P Approved Please call 01628 621342 or 07860 701320 (Mobile)

Shottesbrooke and White Waltham Parish Magazine Page 7

How busy are you?

I was a bit upset not to have been able to send a New Zealand newsletter for the Christmas/New Year edition. But thinking about it, I realised that although there was less time than usual to write it, I ought to have been able to make the time - my apologies. So, why was I not able to make the time? I have to admit that it was because I was too busy with other quite legitimate tasks. Christmas is always a very busy time of the year. In New Zealand of course, the seasons are reversed and we have extra tasks that need to be done in the summer time. For example, I have lots of soft fruit to pick, prepare and either freeze for use throughout the year or give to Liz for one of her special creations. I have had lovely crops of gooseberries and redcurrants and others which will need harvesting soon are tayberries, blackberries, boysenberries and blackcurrants. I am trying to get fruit from lemons, blueberries, apples and feijoas. But these will take a year or so because the trees/shrubs are very young and need to mature. In addition, there are the usual Christmas tasks much as you have in UK. It’s odd really, our friends and relatives in UK can send parcels and cards by surface mail which extends the time available but we only have economy airmail and normal airmail which simply means more things to do close to Christmas. But there’s something worse, for so many folk today, all the busy-ness of life crowds out the most important things of life. Many are simply too busy to relax, too involved in things to have a real holiday, and their lives build up tensions and stresses which can cause big problems. But even more common is the situation of being too involved in the normal everyday things of life that there is no time to give thought to the truly important things. You will each be aware that although the church exists very much in the present its vision and message are largely concerned with what is to happen when time is no more. I wonder how often I have heard people say things like: “I don’t need to worry about eternal things now; there will be plenty of time when I am older”. Have you ever thought or said something like that?

Shottesbrooke and White Waltham Parish Magazine Page 8 I believe that Christians have settled matters of eternity by putting their trust in God but that does not mean that they detach themselves from the ordinary things of life. As I wrote above, I am involved in gardening for a harvest and Christians in general perform the usual tasks that non-Christians do. The difference is that they have a life focus which extends beyond this life, which changes their priorities from this life to the life to come. It means that they are much more likely to spend their time and money less on “things” and more on helping others. It has been said that some people (Christians!) are so heavenly minded that they are no earthly use. I believe that it is possible to be so earthbound in one’s thinking as to have no concept of heavenly things. Let me be very direct. Do you give any thought at all to what happens when this life is over? We have a houseguest who has no time for Christian things at all. The other day I asked him “Why do you celebrate Christmas?” After all, Christmas means nothing if we forget that it is the celebration of the birth of the Christ child who was born to die. To die for us. His cold answer was quite frightening to me - he said “It just comes round on the calendar”. Did all the busy-ness of your life crowd out thoughts about the real message of Christmas? Jesus is a real historical person who was born after His mother undertook an unplanned journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem (so that scriptural prophecies about the place of His birth could be fulfilled), born amongst the household animals, goats, sheep and cattle. He grew up, wept, laughed, was educated, lived among the people of Palestine under the cruel yoke of Rome and eventually was put to death by the Roman authorities at the request of the Jews to whom He had been sent and to whom He had shown Himself as God made man. He birth, His death should change the life of everyone who hears about it. He did not remain in the grave, His resurrection is also a proved historical fact and because of it, I know that I too shall live again after this life. Does Christmas have this life changing meaning for you? It is my prayer that it would. Eric Green

Shottesbrooke and White Waltham Parish Magazine Page 9 Keen and Eager Ltd., Unit 2, Woodlands Business Park, J. TOOMEY & SON Woodlands Park Avenue, Maidenhead SL6 3UA. DECORATOR MoTs £40 10 day FREE retest INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Free minor MoT adjustments PAINTING & DECORATING (Trade also welcome) All servicing and repairs canned outs on the premiseCOVING & • Diagnostic Testing PAPERHANGING A • Air conditioning Re-Gas £45+VAT SPECIALITY • Air conditioning repairs •Welding to MoT standards • Brakes FREE ESTIMATES – • Clutches QUALITY WORK To all makes of vehicles TEL: 01628 824588 OPENING TIMES Monday - Friday 8a.m. - 5.30p.m. Member of the Saturday 8a.m. - 1p.m. Guild of Master Craftsmen Members of the Est 1986 TEL: (01628) 828175

Shottesbrooke and White Waltham Parish Magazine Page 10

Tales from the Bells

During Christmas two of our younger ringers managed to ring their first quarter peal from the treble (the lightest in weight and highest in musical note). One of them rang their first Quarter Peal on Christmas Eve at White Waltham for the Candle Light Service and the other rang their first Quarter Peal on Christmas morning at Shottesbrooke. Well done both of you! A Quarter Peal is a real test of stamina and concentration. It can last between 45 – 50 minutes and is made up of 1260 changes, putting this in simple terms it means that your arms go up and down 1260 times (plus a bit before and after the Quarter Peal starts). Phew! I hear you say. But it is not that difficult. Quarter Peals are rung to celebrate or commemorate certain events such as Christmas, Easter, Harvest and Remembrance Sunday. We also managed to have all the bells ringing at White Waltham and Shottesbrooke to ring out the old year of 2009 and ring in the New Year of 2010. At White Waltham I am currently teaching three new ringers. Two are now learning to ring with the rest of the band and the other still needs a bit more tutoring. If you are interested in taking up bell ringing please phone me or see me after church on Sundays and I can give you more information. My number and email address is at the back of the parish magazine. The ringers of White Waltham and Shottesbrooke hope that you had a good Christmas and a Happy New Year. We wish you well for this year. Lesley Graves Tower Captain, White Waltham

Shottesbrooke and White Waltham Parish Magazine Page 11

Complete Electrical Services

New Installations – Re-wiring For all your home and office PC needs, – Testing – Security Lighting – Smart IT Starts here. Emergency Repairs Call Out from £25

Tel 0118 934 3576 Upgrades, Repairs, Fault Diagnostics, Mobile 07768 637711 PC Setup, Fax 0118 932 1097 Wired or Wireless Networking, Tuition, Email [email protected] New PC’s & Server Setup plus much more. For a full list of our services please visit NICEIC out website: Approved Contractor Or call Mike on 07545 083614

Shottesbrooke and White Waltham Parish Magazine Page 12

Cox Green Townswomen’s Guild Meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7.45 p.m. at Cox Green Community Centre For further information please contact the Secretary, Jean Chant, 17 Stratford Gardens, Cox Green, Maidenhead, Berk, SL6 3DT Tel: 01628 639583

Our programme is as follows:-

February 25th – Annual Dinner cooked by the committee. March 18th – AGM and Birthday celebrations

For details of our many activities & outings & holidays please contact Jean Chant on 01628 639583.

Shottesbrooke and White Waltham Parish Magazine Page 13

White Waltham C E Primary School

What an exciting start to the Spring Term, with all the beautiful snow, turning White Waltham into a postcard picture.

The children are very busy at school with a Monet project, where they are studying Monet’s painting ‘Bathers at La Grenouillère’ and recreating it in a variety of different mediums, enabling them to learn new techniques. This work has been enriched with visits from two local artists: Cynthia Barlow-Marrs who spent two days with the children creating ‘collage works’ and Richard Gibson creating a clay panel of ‘The water lilies’ ( our version) which will be displayed at the entrance to the office block.

The children continue to benefit from the numerous activities taking place inside school, such as sewing, Gym club, library club and ICT club to name but a few. The Year 5 children had a most enjoyable 3 day residential to Hooke Court at the end of January. They learnt about Victorian times, digging for artefacts and solved a ‘mystery murder’. Year 4 visited the Verulamium Museum in St. Albans where the children had the exciting opportunity to dress as Romans and experience a Roman market. Year 2 enriched their learning about Judaism through a visit to the local Synagogue where they learnt about Hanukah and ‘The Torah’.

Shottesbrooke and White Waltham Parish Magazine Page 14 We are looking forward to our work during term 5 & 6 which will focus closely on the local community and we would love to hear from any residents who would be able to share any local history, accounts of living/working in the local area. Any ideas for visits that would promote learning would be greatly appreciated. Any information about talented locals, present and past, that could come into the school and share their life experiences or work with the children would be greatly appreciated. If you could help in any way please contact the school office on 01628 822533.

The PTA continue to raise very valuable funds for the school, their excellent Christmas fayre raised approximately £2000. A big thank you to the local community for their support, and we still have many more projects on the calendar and look forward to your continued support.

May I take this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to any visitors to school. If you would like any further information on our events in school, please telephone the school office on 01628 822533, or have a look on our website at:

We also now have our wonderful new Community notice board just inside the school grounds on the right hand fence. Please feel free to look at it any time within the school day, or indeed if you would like to place an item inside it visit the school office and they will organise it for you.

Isabel Cooke Headteacher

Shottesbrooke and White Waltham Parish Magazine Page 15

Little Red Hen Day Nurseries Ltd -Grove Park-


• Situated within Grove Business Park, White Waltham • OFSTED registered for 30 children from 3 months to 5 years • Open 8.00am-6.00pm - 48 weeks a year • Fully qualified and highly experienced, caring and nurturing staff • Meets high health, safety and security specification • Newly installed fingerprint entry system • Healthy, excellent quality and nutritious meals that provide 5 a day • Free flow indoor to outdoor large, secure play area • Personalised and well-planned, stimulating activities • Development linked to the Early Years Foundation Stage framework • Government funded places available for 3-5 year olds • All Childcare Vouchers accepted • Excellent references and testimonials available • Approx. 3.5 miles from Maidenhead town centre

To find out more or to book a visit call 07948 073118

or check out our website at

Shottesbrooke and White Waltham Parish Magazine Page 16 CHRISTIAN AID AT CHRISTMAS

I have heard that more than a few people were not very happy with the poster “O Broken Town of Bethlehem” displayed by Christian Aid at Christmas. I learn from visitors to Bethlehem that there is a lot of hope and joyfulness there. Many small businesses in crafts etc. have been started, some with the help of various charitable organisations for example Y.M.C.A. (a partner of Christian Aid) supporting a carving workshop. Visitors to Bethlehem have also mentioned stained glass workshops and other crafts being taught by ‘Diyar’ (meaning hope), a college consortium and ‘Bright Stars’. If you would like to know more about these things visit www.Diyar- There is also a booklet by a Palestinian Arab pastor, a Christian, entitled “Bethlehem Besieged” which may be found in Quench, the local Christian bookshop in Queens Street. The pastor’s name is Mitri Rahed. One last appeal by the people of Bethlehem – “If you are out this way please visit us. We need tourists.” And one last appeal from me, Doreen Hill, please can I have a new organiser for this year’s Christian Aid collection which is already beginning to take off. Please ring me on 01628 822338. Thank you.


Hardwick House in Pinkneys Green is part of Abbeyfield, a National Charity. It is home to 8 active elderly Residents, and now there is one vacancy. All Residents have their own flatlet, and are completely independent, coming together for company, and for two meals each day. If you are interested, telephone Tony Hill (01628-822654) or email [email protected] .

Shottesbrooke and White Waltham Parish Magazine Page 17

Help with your Training/Education? Have you left school? Are you in full-time training or education? (Apprenticeship/college, university etc.)

If you are under 25 and live in the civil parishes of Shottesbrooke or White Waltham, or the south ward of Hurley …

Then the Duell and Hawes Educational Trust may be able to help you with a grant.

for an application form write to: Chairman of Trustees, Tony Hill, Innings Lane, White Waltham, Maidenhead, Berks, SL6 3RU telephone: 01628-822654 or email: [email protected]

Want to advertise in this magazine?

Contact Bob Crittenden on Maidenhead 676117

or eemailmail [email protected]

Shottesbrooke and White Waltham Parish Magazine Page 18

Royal British Legion Woodlands Park Branch Men’s section are holding a

Q U I Z N I G H T & S u p p e r

Saturday 6 March 2010 at the Woodlands Park Village Centre 7.00pm – 9.30pm

Tickets £6.00 per person (Teams of 4 people)

Choice of cod, sausage or chicken with chips

Tickets & orders for food to be placed at the Centre before Friday 26 February 2010

Raffle Soft drinks on sale (or bring your own alcoholic drink)

Everyone Welcome Money raised will go towards Branch Funds

Shottesbrooke and White Waltham Parish Magazine Page 19

Shottesbrooke and White Waltham Parish Magazine Page 20

Independent Funeral Directors & Memorial Masons Your local family owned and run complete funeral service

Free home visits, advice and assistance .

“Our Family Serving Your Family”

Male & Female funeral directors available to help and assist you at all times

The Old Clock House Station Road TWYFORD RG10 9NS

0118 934 5474 24hr Service

Shottesbrooke and White Waltham Parish Magazine Page 21

The Thames Valley & Chiltern Air Ambulance needs YOUR help

Do you have a passion for gardening? Then you could be the person / people we need for our : Open Garden Scheme

The Trust is looking for enthusiastic people with a keen interest in gardening to take on the role of a volunteer Garden Scheme Co-ordinator for each of the counties we cover, Berkshire, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire.

For more information, please call Rachael Hunter on 01628 511691

Shottesbrooke and White Waltham Parish Magazine Page 22

Plea for volunteers

We are also asking for volunteers to support us and help raise awareness about our valuable work in your area; there are many ways in which you can help. Don’t worry if you have never undertaken any voluntary work – we will give you full training. It’s interesting and rewarding work for responsible people of any age, so if you’d like further information, or would like to arrange a convenient time for an informal chat, please contact us by:

phone 0300 999 0135 or email [email protected]

Volunteers give something very special to the work of our charity – they give us their time.

Registered Charity No: 1084910

Shottesbrooke and White Waltham Parish Magazine Page 23

Convert your memorable photographs to Canvas with Xpress-Art (Bucks)

Wedding Photographs - Christenings/Holy Communion Photographs Family Portraits - School Photographs - Pet Photographs - Holiday Snaps

We are a new canvas printing business based at the Queensmere Shopping Centre, Slough. We can print all your favourite images on to magnificent stretched canvas frames within TWO HOURS

You can visit me, Paul Wright, at the stall or you can email images with your requirements to [email protected] . Our prices start from £24 for an A4 Canvas through to £79 for an A1. We also produce bespoke size canvases on request.

Paul Wright - Xpress-Art (Bucks) - Mobile – 07901 575 691 E-mail – [email protected] - Web –


Please see the bottom of page 1 for the information usually printed here about the deadline for the next issue of this Parish Magazine.


Shottesbrooke and White Waltham Parish Magazine Page 24

Want a lift to St Mary’s services? Contact Joan Hobson, our car rota co-ordinator on 01628 635770 by 6.00 pm the previous day.

Joan would also like to hear from regular attenders who are able to offer lifts.

GRASS CUTTING St. Mary’s Church, White Waltham, has a large churchyard which looks very nice when the grass is cut. Should anyone like to join the voluntary team who carry out this work we would be very grateful to hear from them! Please ring 0118 934 3704



Burial at Oakley Green Cemetery following service at White Waltham

December 30th Benjamin William Morley, aged 86 (Worcester Close)

Burials of Ashes at White Waltham

November 13th Phyllis Maud Cowell December 15th William Charles Dilly

ShottesbrookeCAN and White YOU Waltham HELP? Parish Magazine Page 25 Ex RAF officer family of 9 require house for a 5 day let from July 29 th - August 2 nd

Gardeners available for grounds and garden maintenance High standards of service A friendly, capable and local company Telephone – White Waltham 0118 934 5184 or daytime on 07775 933483

Church Service Rota February & March

8.00 am 9.30 am 11.00 am Afternoon/ White Waltham Shottesbrooke White Waltham Evening

Sunday Holy Communion Morning Prayer Family Service 7 February BCP BCP

Sunday Holy Communion Holy Communion Morning Prayer 14 February BCP BCP

Ash 8.00 p.m. Wednesday Joint Holy 17 February Communion service at White Waltham Sunday Holy Communion Morning Prayer Holy Communion 21 February BCP BCP

Shottesbrooke and White Waltham Parish Magazine Page 26 Sunday Holy Communion Holy Communion Morning Prayer 28 February CW BCP

Sunday Holy Communion Morning Prayer Morning Prayer 7 March BCP BCP

Sunday Holy Communion Holy Communion Mothering 14 March BCP BCP Sunday Family Service

Sunday Holy Communion Morning Prayer Holy Communion 21 March BCP BCP

Sunday Holy Communion Holy Communion Morning Prayer 28 March CW BCP

Maundy 8.00 p.m. Thursday Joint service at 1 April Good Friday 10.00 am 12.00-3.00 pm 2 April The way to the Joint Three Cross Hours Service for all ages at White Waltham Easter Day Holy Communion Holy Communion Family Service 4 April BCP BCP followed by short Holy Communion

The Who’s Who

Telephone codes are 01628 unless stated otherwise SL6 4GA 623445 Vicar email:[email protected] David Andrew, The Vicarage, Waltham Road, White Waltham Claire Hartropp, The Parsonage, SL6 3JD 822000 School Road, West End, Waltham St email:[email protected] Lawrence, RG10 0NU 0118 934 4841 Associate Vicar Churchwarden – Shottesbrooke Andy Hartropp, The Parsonage, Bob Packer, Corner Cottage, School Road, West End, Waltham St Shottesbrooke Park SL6 3SW 823774 Lawrence, RG10 0NU 0118 934 4841 Churchwardens -White Waltham Licensed Lay Ministers Michael Cooke, 22 Heywood Carol Perkins, 1 Kendall Place, Cox Avenue, Woodlands Park, Green, Maidenhead, Berkshire, Maidenhead SL6 3JA 820463

Shottesbrooke and White Waltham Parish Magazine Page 27 Liz Atlay, 39 Tithe Barn Drive, Waltham Road, White Waltham Maidenhead SL6 2DF 778462 SL6 3JD 822000 email :[email protected] Revelation (14-18s) Treasurer - Shottesbrooke Andy & Claire Hartropp, The Richard Sykes, Coltmans, The Street, Parsonage, School Road, West End, Waltham St Lawrence Waltham St Lawrence RG10 0JJ 0118 934 3228 RG10 0NU 0118 934 4841 email: [email protected] Captain of Bells - Shottesbrooke Treasurer - White Waltham Bob Packer, Corner Cottage, Denise Brighten, 1 Chalgrove Close, Shottesbrooke Park SL6 3SW 823774 Maidenhead SL6 1XN 783281 Captain of Bells - White Waltham email:[email protected] Lesley Graves, 2 Heywood Cottages, Waltham Road, White Waltham SL6 3JD 828408 Secretary to Parochial Church [email protected] Council Chris Hodgson, Tythe Barn, Lesson Reading Rota 4 Heywood Farm Barns, (Shottesbrooke) White Waltham SL6 3LU 821058 Bob Packer, Corner Cottage, Shottesbrooke Park, Maidenhead Secretary for Gift Aid & SL6 3SW 823774 Stewardship Envelopes Tony Hill, Homewood, Innings Lane, Lesson Reading Rota White Waltham SL6 3RU 822654 (White Waltham) Richard Brighten, 1 Chalgrove Close, Deanery Synod Representatives Maidenhead SL6 1XN 783281 Bob Packer, Corner Cottage, email:[email protected] Shottesbrooke Park SL6 3SW 823774 Events Committee Chairman June Brayne, 2 Orchard Cottages, Andrea Greenwood, 15 Bedford Drift Road, Hawthorne Hill, Close, Maidenhead SL6 3UP 822532 Maidenhead SL6 3ST 625462 email:[email protected] email: [email protected] Project Rainbow Roger Sparrow, Merion House, Jenny Murphy, 7 Merton Road, White Waltham, Maidenhead Princes Risborough, Bucks. SL6 3RU 822693 HP27 0DR 01844 275261 Sunday School Coordinator email:[email protected] June Brayne, 2 Orchard Cottages, Car Parking Drift Road, Hawthorne Hill, Simon Graves, 2 Heywood Cottages, Maidenhead SL6 3ST 625462 Waltham Road, White Waltham email: [email protected] SL6 3JD 828408 Crèche Bookstall + Bible Reading Notes Alison Mills, Meadow View, Green June Brayne, 2 Orchard Cottages, Lane, White Waltham 0118 934 4501 Drift Road, Hawthorne Hill, Pathfinders (11-14s) Maidenhead SL6 3ST 625462 Caroline Andrew, The Vicarage, email: [email protected] Shottesbrooke and White Waltham Parish Magazine Page 28 Flower Guild Jane Nottage, 46 Littlefield Green, Maidenhead SL6 3JL 0118 9343704 Wedding Flowers Denise Brighten, 1 Chalgrove Close, Maidenhead SL6 1XN 783281 email:[email protected] Coffee Rota Barbara Day, 62 Foliejohn Way, Woodlands Park, Maidenhead SL6 3SP 825108 Church Cleaning Rota (White Waltham) Jane Nottage, 46 Littlefield Green, Maidenhead SL6 3JL 0118 9343704 Children's Birthday Card Distribution Vivienne Low, 4, Norreys Drive, Maidenhead SL6 4BU 627136 Magazine Production Position Vacant – Contact Vicar Magazine Advertisements Bob Crittenden, 10 Stratford Gardens, Maidenhead SL6 3DT 676117 email: [email protected] Magazine Distribution Derek Brayne, 2 Orchard Cottages, Drift Road, Hawthorne Hill, Maidenhead SL6 3ST 625462 email: [email protected] Web Master Mark Stanger, 3 Caswell Close, . RG42 4EF 01344 455206 email:[email protected]

The Publishers do not accept responsibility for products or services advertised in this magazine

Shottesbrooke and White Waltham Parish Magazine Page 29