AUSTRALIAN NEWSPAPER HISTORY GROUP NEWSLETTER ISSN 1443-4962 No. 16 February 2002 Compiled for the ANHG by Rod Kirkpatrick, 13 Sumac Street, Middle Park, Qld, 4074, 07-3279 2279,
[email protected] 16.1 COPY DEADLINE AND WEBSITE ADDRESS Deadline for next Newsletter: 15 April 2002. Subscription details at end of Newsletter. The Newsletter is online through the “Publications” link from the University of Queensland’s School of Journalism & Communication Website at Snapshot of Contents: Current Developments: Metro (see 16.2-33); Current Developments: Provincial (see 16.34-47); Items related to Newspaper History (see 16.48-61). CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS: METRO 16.2 The Australian newspaper press bicentenary A one-day event, tentatively titled “The Australian Newspaper Press Bicentenary Symposium”, will be held at the State Library of New South Wales on Saturday, 1 March 2003. The event will mark the bicentenary, on 5 March 2003, of the first issue of the first Australian newspaper, the Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (1803-1842). The ANHG editor is organising the event, to run from 10.30am to 4pm, with advice from a small group of ANHG members. So far the following have accepted invitations to speak: Professor Elizabeth Webby, Dr Grace Karskens, Dr Sandy Blair, and Mr V.J. Carroll. It is hoped that the State Library will agree to arrange a display of early Australian newspapers and journals in conjunction with the seminar and bicentenary. Professor Webby, the Professor of Australian Literature at Sydney University, will speak on a topic related to the literary content of early Australian newspapers.