The Anopheline Waters of Southern Flanders. Being a Report on The
234 THE ANOPHELINE WATERS OF SOUTHERN FLANDERS. BEING A REPORT ON THE AREA OCCUPIED BY THE BRITISH SECOND ARMY IN FRANCE. BY A. D. PEACOCK, M.SC, CAPTAIN R.A.M.C. (T.F.). (With 1 Map and 1 Text-figure.) UNDER instructions from Colonel W. W. 0. Beveridge, C.B., A.D.M.S. (Sani- tation), G.H.Q. France, a survey of the British Second Army Area in Southern Flanders was made in order to ascertain the condition of that region in regard to Anopheline mosquitoes. Permission to publish an account of the work has kindly been accorded by Lieutenant-General Godwin, Director-General of Medical Services. A certain amount of similar work had already been performed by the writer in 1915 under instructions from Lt.-Col. J. Rutherford, A.D.M.S., 50th Division and also, in 1916, under instructions from Lt.-Col. H. Barrow, D.A.D.M.S. (Sanitation), Second Army, near the southern borders of the Second Army Area, and the results went to suggest that Anophelines would be found widely distributed and that, in certain areas at least, about one- fifth of the number of waters examined would harbour Anopheline larvae. The first possibility was supported by the investigations in England of Nuttall, Cobbett and Strangeways-Pigg1 and the later surveys of Grove, Parsons and Macdonald2, in which it was ascertained that Anophelines could be found in all parts of England and Wales. The second possibility remained to be proved by further enquiry. Regarding the species of Anophelines likely to be found, the late Prof.
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