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TONIGHT TILL DOUBLE GREEN Airlifts Gurkhas Smash Revolt In


FRroAY, DECEMBER T, 1962 PAGE TWENTY-EIGETT ■./ ■. illEtnrlfifat^r lEtt^ning Ayrnge Daily Net Press Rup For the Wodk Ended The Weather December 1, 1962 FwMMt of C. 8. WdbtlMW B iiff Some eioatUneM and eold to­ 13,852 night, low 85-SO. flondny moatty Member of the Audit cloody with • ctmaes- of anow. Borena of droulntloa _ \ mgh ss-se. Mancheater'-—A City of Village Charm

VOL. LXXXn, NO. 59 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION—SUBURBIA TODAY) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1962 (OUaallled Adveitlaing^fa' jPnga I t) p r i(:e f i v e c e n t s Main St^ Manchestar • PARK FREE REAR OF STORE • Phona Ml 3-4123 Rescuers Sight Miner ’s Body

CARMICHAELS, Pa. (AP) — An advance rescue team Airlifts Gurkhas sighted eariy |oday the body of one of 87 miners trapped some 650 feet underground by a tremendous coal mine explo­ / sion. The rescue party relayed word that it was stiU some dlstsmce Revolt in Brunei from the body, and identification could not be established immedi­ ately. ' s i According to a U.S. Steel Corp. spokesihan, the body lay about TONIGHT 4,(XM feet from the working area, State N ews ’ V . - < f-' or face, of the tuimel where the Rebels Oil Stations, blast erupted at 1:15 p.m. Thurs­ day. 9 ^ 'The spokesnuui said it would be Roitndup a while before the rescue unit Demand Independence could work its way to the body. The discovery came in the third day of roimd-the-clock operatic^ LTConn Head Asks BRUNEI (AP)—A revolt for independence broke out in TILL by specially trained eigl^n^ the darkness before dawn today in this British-protected sai- CHRISTMAS rescue units at the Prpsty $8.6 Million Hike shaft of U.S. Steel's Rebena No. 3 tanate on the island of Borneo. Britain rushed tough Gurkha IDEAS inine, located about-bO miles south­ troops from Singapore but the royal government appeared to west of Pittsburgh. HARTFORD (AP)—Presi­ have the uprising under control. from Probing .eOutiously with as much dent Homer D. Babbidge Jr. of Seven persons were reported killed in the first skirmishes speed ^as possible in a desperate the University of Connecticut between the rebels and the forces of the sultan, Sir Omar Ali ras* against tirne, the rescuers asked yesterday for $80.4 mil­ niade good progress last night and Saifuddin. early today. lion to operate the university The rebels attacked oil installations manned by 200 Brit­ In one three-hour period Friday during the 1963-64 biennium, ons, Dutch and Australians in this capital. But there were no night, they advanced 1,000 feet. ?8.6 million more than the cur­ reports of casualties or serious damage. The installations Officials had pointed out that rent budget. SPECIAL GIFT IDEA! there was no way of telling where pump out 4 million tons of oil a year. Babbidge told G ov. John Demp­ LADIES' PIGSKIN (above right) a alip you’ll want la any of the trapped men might be The rebels also were reported to have attacked installa­ many colon . . . "FRIVOtACE” In relation to the spot where the sey at a budget hearing that en­ rollment at the university has in­ tions in Seria, a major oil installation about 45 miles south­ with a lined, all-lace bodice edged blast oceurrwl. creased 60 per cent in the past west of here. STRETCH GLOVES with llluaion. all nylon. S2 to 42. When the explosion rocked the decade while the staff has in­ (In Kuching, capital of the neigh­ .4 .9 5 mine, the men were in an area creased only 36 per cent. He asked I boring British territory of Sar­ some two miles from the vertical authorization to increase personnel' awak, the government announced News Blackout (above left) tricot “SUAVETTE" with lin­ entrance, which extends 66 feet by 24 per cent. : the situation in Brunei was under 2.99 ed alencon bodice with a pretty scalloped from the surface. .. Despite the prQposed boost In ‘ government control aind that order back, lavishly laced at the hemlhie, also all It was pointed out that there the UConn budget, Babbidge said had been restored. It said, how­ Looms in NYC, nylon. 82 to 42. 5.95 was no way to determine where his request was some $3.4 million ever, the situation was still serious handsome camel or oat­ any of the trapped men are In less than what was a^ed by the at Seria and in nearby Kuala Be- meal shades and . . . (left) the perfect princeaa, trimmed with relation to the working area, or deans and directors of the univer­ lalt.) Printers Strike BEST OF ALL BheSr folds at the bodice and hemline, all face, of the mine. sity. Brunei City was quiet in day­ ____ nylon.a. M to 48. The rescue work has been slow "We would be derelict In our break. NEW YORK (AP)—The Inter­ ONE SIZE FITS 3.95 and tedious, due msiinly to the .duty,’’ said the newly installed In Manila, A. M. Azahari, leader national Typographical Union went EVERYO^JE! necessity of reconstructing the president, “ if we did not attempt of Brunei's strongest political par­ on strike today against four New mine’s ventilation system to force to impress upon you and people ty—the Parti Rakyat (People’s York Caty newspapers. Four other out methane gas and carbon mon- of the state that the quality and party)—proclaimed himself revolu­ major dallies immediately an­ Ixlde, and to bring in vital fresh the integrity of the imlversity will tionary prime minister of Brunei nounced shutdowns and a f i^ was Members of a mine rescue team unload fire hcxse at the Robena air. be in Jeopardy if substantial ef­ and also of two neighboring terri­ publishing only editions for out-of- A. M. Azahari, leader of Brunei rebel.s, proclaimed himself Prime tories, and . Mine as they continued work to reach 37 miners who have been Small fires and rock falls en- forts are not made this year to town circulation. HOLIDAY HEADLINES \tinister of North Borneo, Brunei and Sarawak today as a revolt North Borneo police reported ^OUCH OF CHRISTMAS AUGIC" trai^>ed underground more than 600 feet below the surface since support and strengthen our work.’’ for Independence broke otit in British territory in North Borneo. Thus more than 6V4 miiUon read­ last Thursday. (AP Photofax). they exchanged fire with Brunei ers will be left without their regu­ (Oootlnued on Page Five) ^ b b id e said "mu(d> of what we (AP Phikofax) rebels at Weston near the North with or without seams cozy, warm and do at the university is not equal lar dally newspapers in the city Borneo-Brunei border this morn­ unless there is a quick settlement to our best and it is vitally neces­ ing. They reported no casualties. wonderful sary that we set out at once to of the situation. Prospects for this Azahari said his rebels num­ appearc ’ dim. present programs.” NATO Growth Sought bered 20,000 to 26,000 and operated 1*35 to 1*65 5 * ^ * ^ “ *^s®** Residents Dig Out; The officers and truftees of the as the Tentera Nasional Kaliman­ All it. .■ morning papers pub­ umversity "have «Hd*avored to tan Utara (North Borneo National lished as usual before the printers 2 .99 To Manaeer present a HiorouiMk jjeaponsible Army), elements of which have set up picket lines ahoitly after 2 delicate tints to beautify her legs and enhance request,” said Babbidge, and arev A s An Out for N-War been previously identified as pro- a.m. ’•fully aware of the dtffidilt slty Indonesia. Indonesia owns part M The lone paper continuing with her costumes, all designed with iiew run-stopping Of Newburgh 40 In exciting shades of sapphire, uation that confronts Uie ■tate.'^ this island off Southeast Asia. partial publication was the Long British army sources in Singa­ Island Press, in Jamaica, Queens. “ LACE-LOC' at toe and top and proportioned to Dauphin Sentenced* -By ENDBE MARTON ^ It will also give Rusk an oppor­ gr^n, gray, gold, beige, bla^ ' NEW VORK (J^)'Joseph ..WAfiHINaTON (AP)—The Unit tunity to express U.S. gratification pore said 280 Gurkhas had left A spokesman said it was publish­ McD. Mitchell, the Kewburgh, By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A6v8r 4 10-mlle eection at hilly road HAROWto (AP)—Louis C. there aboard eight troop trans­ ing editions distributed outside the Dauphin, 36, who broke the front ed States will try next week to over the unanimous support the fit her particular leg type. N.Y., city who gained With an army of highway crew­ south of BrecksvUle. ports on a 700-mile flight to Bru­ city in Nassau and Suffolk counties or white, all hand giveheted window of a liquor store twice in sell its NATO allies on adopting United States received from the nationwide prominence by apply­ men in the vanguard, resldenta of 'Hie problem of hlgdtway crews a lesson from the Cuban crisia—a 16-natlon alliance dqring those nei. They said more would follow on Ixmg Island. Its Queens edi­ ing stringent welfare rules there, was complicated earlier by strong one night and then broke one of Sunday. tions were not issued. in fine wool I northern Ohio and western Penn­ the stolen bottles over a hotel man­ lesson U.S. officials believe could dangerous days. was arrested Friday on bribery winds that sent drifts across the The sultan told Brunei’s 80,000 Early this morning both the Sat­ sylvania tackled today the monu­ ager’s head, was sentenced yester­ prevent some European crisis Rusk and his colleagues, offi­ charges. mental Job of digging out from one highway, by stalled vehicles and from turning into nuclear >yar.,,, residents in a radio address the urday and Sunday editions of the ■pM later Friday night by a freezing day to two to five years In prison. cials stressed, have no intention "I am confident that the facts of the worst snowstorms in years. The Americans will urge that revolt was launched by what he Daily News were on sale side by rain. Dauphin, o f HmUford, pleaded to bring iip the controversial'issue will conclusively establish my in­ At least 40 stonh-ccmnected the North Atlahtlc Treaty Organ­ of a nuclear force for NATO, but Called an “ unlawful unit of army side in some places. nocence of all the charges that Some 2,(XM persona were caught h> Superior Court to charges menibers.” •Ilie News said its Sunday edi­ deaths were reported, most of “ ^ of breaking and entering and ag­ ization alliance deploy greater the American contingent feels have been made against me,’’ on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, conventional firepower against the tion, prepared in advance, con­ them resulting from heart attacks gravated assault. sure that the question will come “I know who is responsible for Mitchell, 40, said in a statement where a 160-mlle section was Soviet force in Europe, thus giving this armed rebellion," he said. sisted of all the regular Sunday TONIGHT and SATURDAY while shoveling snow or from traf­ Dauphin broke the plate gloss up smyway. preceding his appearance in Man­ closed for hours. Their vehicles both sides a choice other than sur­ fic accidents. window of the Tcm e Liquor Store The United States has offered "The strongest poss'lble measures feature sections plus a special sec­ hattan CMminal Court today. were herded into service areas un­ render or holocaust. In'- Ohio alone there were 1^ (860 Asylum St) shortly before Polaris-equipped submarines and will be taken against those re­ tion containing features and Mitchell was arrested In New­ known deaths. til crews could get one lane of the To reach this strength, NATO also land-based, mobile middle- sponsible and those guilty will be Christmas advertising. with aH cash "purchases turnpike open. ’Hie section of turn­ midnight Nov. 3 and made off with will be asked to achieve the long- DOUBLE GREEN burgh Friday by detectives from Thousands of motorists, truck 36 bottles which had been on dlS' range missiles to the alliance, pro­ dealt with accordingly.” The Herald-Tribune. likewise had Manhattan Dist. Atty. Frank S. pike was closed at 1:30 p.m.- and sought goal of 30 divisions, ac­ drivers and bus psssengers ware play. The window was replaced at v id e the EiUropean nations can He claimed the rebels coerced Hogan’s office. He was accused of and wasn’t opened to new traffic cording to officials here. stranded by the storm that start­ 2 a.m. and a short time later, back agree on their control and use. many citizens into Joining the re­ (Continued on Page Five) asidng $20,000 from two Monticel- ed Thursday, deposited im to 27 untU 11:80 p.m. Arguing the American case ..be­ This country, officials said, has volt by saying it had royal ap­ m western Pennsylvania, Mrs. came Dauphin for more bottles. He fore the NATO council In Paris inches of snow and sent drifts «■ broke the new windqw to get them. no intention to renege cm these proval. (Oontlnued on Page Two) deep as. 20 feet. <3ertrude Hixon, 36, of R.D. 1, Dec. 13-16 will be a high-ranking offers, although It has made clear Azsihari has been a leading pro­ Scottdale, gave birth to a daugh­ Later, while being evicted from team led by Secretary of State 'Hie fortunate found refuge in the Royal Hotel for creating a dis­ In recent months that the U.S. ponentof independence' for the farmhouses or emergency Red ter in an automobile stalled in Uie Dean Rusk and. Secretary of De­ nuclear deterrent Is adequate and Borneo territories — scheduled for snow, turbance, Dauphin grabbed one of fense Robert S. McNamara. B ulletins w a r m w is h e s . C ross shelters set up in public his stolen bottles and smashed it that there is really no need for ihclusion in a federation to be FOR AN ACTIVE MAN ; . . Pontiff Closes buildings. Others w n t 84 or m m . N ew Moundsvllle, W. Va.f some The 30-mah delegation will also duplication in form of a NATO galted , with Malaya and Called fron AP Wires *■ . . . , 26 motorists and bus passengers include Secretary of the Treasury nuclear force. hours in their vehicles. (Contlnaed on Page Five) Singa^re. spent 24 hours in farmhouses Douglas Dillon, Gen. Maxwell Malayans working with the gov­ On U.S. 21 between Akron and Taylor, chairman of the Joint . There is no sign that the Euro­ for the men along U.8. 260. . before rescuers peans are „i|ny nearer to agreeing ernment here rejected an offer First Phase of Caeveland where the granddaddy Chiefs of Staff, Ambassador-at- OOBBUFnON CHARGED ^ of all traffic tleups developed, An­ could idow throu|k seven miles among themselves on this ques­ front their prime minister, Tunka large Llewellyn Thompson, Am­ SEOUL, South Korea (AP)— ders Anderssen of Bath, (Milo, a of snow to reach uiem. tion than they were last spring Abdul Rahmaii; to be flown out. RUGGED on your list Boston Fears bassador (Miarles E. Bohlen, State It is possible to keep the situa­ South Korea’s inspection oom- Other' states hit by the heavy when the council met In Athens. Church Parley truck driver, t

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