Mind Magic & Mentalism for Dummies
Index age/aging • Symbols & Numerics • appropriate to your character, 30 1/2-pence piece, making a, 55–56 childhood memories, 268 one-ahead principle, 359–360 parental consent, 302 one-way force deck (cards), 22 props and equipment, 339 two-and-a-half cents coin trick, 55–57 Sheehy statements, 265–267 three-minute classic induction, 248–249 statistics and demographics, 270 three-way forcing deck (cards), 220–221 Al Koran’s Legacy (Miller), 351 fi ve laws of suggestibility, 238–240 Aleman, Gilbert S. See Mann, Al fi ve miracles trick (ESP), 94–97 Alexander (magician), 120 fi ve symbols of The Cube, 228 Alpha state, 188, 240–241 9, rule of, 41–42 alphabet code, 289–290 10-20 force (card forcing), 78–79, 91 altered state. See also hypnotism Thirteen Steps to Mentalism (Corinda), behind the science of, 240 348, 356 inducing Alpha, 188, 240–241 £50 banknote trick, 60–63 techniques for creating, 248–250 100 Houdini Tricks You Can Do trance, creating, 253–254 (Dunninger), 349 trance, terminating, 250–251 Andruzzi, Antonio C. (‘Tony’, aka Thomas S. Palmer, mentalist), 347 • A • anecdotes, use in this book, 3 Annemann, Theodore (‘Theo’, aka Abbott, Annie May (‘Little Georgia Magnet’, Theodore John Squires, mentalist), illusionist), 313 348, 354 Abrams, Max (writer) applied kinesiology, 317–318 The Life and Times of a Legend: art, mentalism as, 1, 6 Annemann, 348 The Art of Thought Reading accessories. See also card decks (Dunninger), 349 change bag, 69 association, law of (hypnosis), 239 evidence bags and tape, 217 The Assumption Swindle (Tillar),
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