Mind Magic & Mentalism for Dummies

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Mind Magic & Mentalism for Dummies Index age/aging • Symbols & Numerics • appropriate to your character, 30 1/2-pence piece, making a, 55–56 childhood memories, 268 one-ahead principle, 359–360 parental consent, 302 one-way force deck (cards), 22 props and equipment, 339 two-and-a-half cents coin trick, 55–57 Sheehy statements, 265–267 three-minute classic induction, 248–249 statistics and demographics, 270 three-way forcing deck (cards), 220–221 Al Koran’s Legacy (Miller), 351 fi ve laws of suggestibility, 238–240 Aleman, Gilbert S. See Mann, Al fi ve miracles trick (ESP), 94–97 Alexander (magician), 120 fi ve symbols of The Cube, 228 Alpha state, 188, 240–241 9, rule of, 41–42 alphabet code, 289–290 10-20 force (card forcing), 78–79, 91 altered state. See also hypnotism Thirteen Steps to Mentalism (Corinda), behind the science of, 240 348, 356 inducing Alpha, 188, 240–241 £50 banknote trick, 60–63 techniques for creating, 248–250 100 Houdini Tricks You Can Do trance, creating, 253–254 (Dunninger), 349 trance, terminating, 250–251 Andruzzi, Antonio C. (‘Tony’, aka Thomas S. Palmer, mentalist), 347 • A • anecdotes, use in this book, 3 Annemann, Theodore (‘Theo’, aka Abbott, Annie May (‘Little Georgia Magnet’, Theodore John Squires, mentalist), illusionist), 313 348, 354 Abrams, Max (writer) applied kinesiology, 317–318 The Life and Times of a Legend: art, mentalism as, 1, 6 Annemann, 348 The Art of Thought Reading accessories. See also card decks (Dunninger), 349 change bag, 69 association, law of (hypnosis), 239 evidence bags and tape, 217 The Assumption Swindle (Tillar), 361 impression devices, 146–147 assumptions, illusions create, 18–19 magician’s wax, 168 astrology, 227 magnets, 95, 107 COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL atheism, 57 neoprene suit, 307 authority, law of (hypnosis), 239 ‘roughing spray’, 85 automatic writing, 192 shims, 94, 107, 167, 186, 205 thumper (vibration device), 207, 281–282 TT (false thumb), 61 • B • Acidus Novus (Mann), 136, 352 acidus test, 136–137, 363 bag blindfolds, 204 afterlife communications, 321–322, 337 Baker, Al (mentalist), 113 330_9781119953500-bindex.indd0_9781119953500-bindex.indd 365365 33/14/12/14/12 99:24:24 PMPM 366 Mind Magic & Mentalism For Dummies Banachek (mentalist, formerly Steven body-language, 12, 28, 260 Shaw), 29, 167 bold book test trick, 173–175, 357 bandages, as blindfolds, 205 boldfaced text, use in this book, 3 Barnum, P. T. (showman), 265 books/book tests. See also gimmicked Barnum statements, 264–265 props Barton-Wright, E. W. (self-defense about legitimacy tests using, 171 expert), 313 about the origins, 171–172 becoming un-liftable illusion, 315–316 associated mentalist ‘arts’, 228 belief factor, hypnotism, 232 bold book test trick, 173–175, 357 bending forks DVD example, 363 bending the tines, 156–158 early books on use of magic, 172 corkscrew bend, 158–160 forcing a choice, 174 creating a routine, 160–162 invisible book trick, 176–178 bending parties, 150 making and using your own, 175–176 bending spoons resources to purchase, 172, 353–356 about the illusion of, 149 teleporting a book page, 178–182 bowl drop, 155 boon writer, 102 push-bend technique, 151–152 Braid, James (doctor), 230 scoring and weakening cutlery, 150–151 brain/brain patterns upward bend, 153–154 assumptions and expectations, 18–19 Uri Geller and, 350 cognitive illusions, 16–17 bent coin tricks. See coin tricks ideomotor effect, 317–318 Bernheim, Hippolyte (hypnotist), 232 illusions of choice, 17 Bernstein, Bruce (magician), 128 inducing Alpha state, 188, 240–241 Bernstein centre tear, folded paper, memory illusions, 18 128–131 optical illusions, 15 The Bible, 13 science of altered states, 240 Biblical divination, 228 Brown, Derren (mentalist), 16 Bibliomancy, 228 Browne, Sylvia (psychic), 15 biddle grip, 193–194 business card tricks. See also card tricks billet, defi ned, 125 design duplication, 192–195 billet knives, 211 performing the acidus test, 136–138 biseauté deck, 81–82 Question and Answer (Q&A) routine, Bizarre (video), 347 143–146 bizarre magic, 347 remote viewing, 187–188 Blaine, David (endurance artist), 306 switch trick, 140–143 blindfold tricks ‘X’ marks the spot, 182–183 about, 202 card forcing, 205–206 fi nding a hidden object, 207 • C • types of blindfolds, 202–205 Campbell, John (ESP researcher), 284 walking while blindfolded, 207 carbon paper, 146 blowtorch trick, 305–306 card decks. See also props and equipment Bobo, J. B. (mentalist) Deland Deck, 206 Modern Coin Magic, 165 ESP cards (Zener cards), 93 ‘Bob’s Your Uncle’ trick, 99 forcing decks, 75 body piercing with a needle, 308–310, 363 haunted card deck, 333 330_9781119953500-bindex.indd0_9781119953500-bindex.indd 366366 33/14/12/14/12 99:24:24 PMPM Index 367 invisible card deck, 85–87, 212 telephoning Ms Wizard, 280–281 Monte Cristo deck, 213 tossed-out deck, 213–214, 220–222, 351 one-way force deck, 22, 213, 326, 329 total recall, 45–49 ‘rough and smooth’ card deck, 85 using gimmicked cards, 212–214 stripper deck, 81–82 ‘X’ marks the spot, 121 Svengali deck, 213, 338–339, 351 XCM artist (card manipulator), 348 tarot cards, 90–93 Carson, Johnny (TV personality), 350 Telomatic deck, 213 cartomancy, 228 three-way forcing deck, 220–221 Center for Psychical Research, 171 total recall card deck, 45–46 centre tear, folded paper, 126–128 card forcing change bag, 69 about, 75 change blindness, 16 blindfold trick, 206 character development. See mentalist classic force, 76–77 persona criss-cross force, 77–78 CHaSeD (card order), 45, 88 dealing in destiny illusion, 49–50 cheating and trickery. See also debunking magician’s force (equivoque), 98 paranormal ability; hoax and fakery riffl e force, 79–81, 93 cold readings and, 257–258 10-20 force, 78–79, 91 gimmicked dice, 211–212 card handling techniques identifying tricks using, 195 biddle grip, 193–194 overcoming test conditions, 185 double undercut, 192–193 using a co-conspirator, 10, 116, 197 dovetail shuffl e, 82 chess game trick, 297–299 Hindu shuffl e, 48 chests and boxes, prediction, 210 mechanic’s grip, 80, 193 childhood memories, 268 riffl e shuffl e, 82 Chung Ling Soo. See Robinson, William card tricks. See also business card tricks; Cialdini, Robert B. (writer) fi xed-deck tricks Infl uence: Science and Practice, 354 accomplishing the automata, 97–98 circled word trick, 121–123 ‘Bob’s Your Uncle’ trick, 99 clairvoyance, 11 CHaSeD order, 45, 88 classic force (card-forcing), 76–77 dealing in destiny illusion, 49–51 clothing fi nding a given card in a deck, 117 character development and, 31 fi ve miracles, 94–97 creates professionalism, 255 gambling at Monte Carlo, 68–71 cloud bursting feat, 311–312 haunted card deck, 332–337 co-conspirators (stooges, confederates) Jonah card, 69 about working with, 279–280 Lovers Unite, 92–93 creating illusions with, 10, 209, 360–361 mechanic’s grip, 80 remote viewing tricks, 197 Out of This World (OOTW), 201–202 secret code tricks, 283–284 reading secret code trick, 284–286 telepathy tricks, 116 séance movement, 337 telephoning Ms Wizard trick, 280–281 sequential stack (circular stack), 87 using an instant stooge, 288 Si Stebbins stack, 88 using body movement codes, 285–287 spirit slates, 325–326, 330–332 using electronic devices, 281–283, 287 stacking the deck, 87, 183–184 using eye movement codes, 284–285 tarot fortune-telling, 91–92 using verbal codes, 288–292 330_9781119953500-bindex.indd0_9781119953500-bindex.indd 367367 33/14/12/14/12 99:24:24 PMPM 368 Mind Magic & Mentalism For Dummies codes. See secret codes The Colossal Book of Mathematics cognitive illusion, 16–17 (Gardner), 223 ‘coin gimmick’ predictions, 58–60 communications. See also electronic coin tosses, 224 devices coin tricks. See also paper money tricks afterlife, 321–322, 337 bending coins, 164–166 audience preparation, 241–242 counting coins, 43–44 body movement codes, 207, 285–287 prediction of coins, 58–60 eye movement codes, 284–285 seeing while blind, 205 mentalism and, 24 two-and-a-half cents, 55–57 verbal codes, 288–292 coincidence, correlating illusions to, 20 compass, defl ecting the needle, cold readings 166–167, 363 about, 257 confederates (stooges). See components, 258–259 co-conspirators defi ned, 11 confi rmation bias, 22, 261 developing the process, 260–263 conjuring different types of, 259 con artists and fakes, spotting, 13–14 memorising facts and trivia, 144 evolution into entertainment, 9 misconceptions about, 260 theatrical techniques of, 12 statistics and demographics, 270 connective suggestions, hypnosis, 236 types of clients, 259–260 consistency, creates believability, 26 what they are not, 260 conventions, used in this book, 3 cold readings, process of convincer about, 260 bending spoons, 151, 155 confi rmation bias, 21–22, 261 blowtorch trick, 305–306 creating the environment, 261–262 frozen alive trick, 306–308 establishing your credentials, 262–263 objects as, 19 how it works, 258–259 patter as, 89, 301 provide disclaimers, 263 pencil bluff technique, 105 too perfect theory, 261 playing cards as, 335 turning ‘no’ into ‘yes’, 263 predictions, 217, 219 cold readings, statements and techniques psychological ploy, 121 acquiring general knowledge, 271 Corinda, Tony (aka Thomas William arriving at ‘yes’ from ‘no’, 271–272 Simpson, mentalist), 348, 356 avoiding concrete commitments, 271 covert misdirection, 16–17, 110 Barnum statements, 264–265 covert writing tricks. See writing secretly childhood memories, 268 Crandon, Margery (medium), 338, 340 generalities and guessing, 268–271 criss-cross force (card-forcing), 77–78 handling negative responses, 273 crooked dice, 211–212 predicting the future, 276–277 crossword puzzles, 299–302 pulling and restating information, 273–274 The Cube, symbols and meanings, 228 questions, how to ask, 274–276 cultural suggestions, hypnosis, 236 Sheehy statements, 265–267 curing illness and disease, 13–14 yin-and-yang statements, 265 Curry, Paul (magician), 201 collapsing water bottle trick, 166 330_9781119953500-bindex.indd0_9781119953500-bindex.indd 368368 33/14/12/14/12 99:24:24 PMPM Index 369 Doe, Edward.
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    [JGRChJ 1 (2000) 9-17] ANCIENT JEWISH BIBLIOMANCY Pieter W. van der Horst University of Utrecht, The Netherlands The Jewish people did not have sacred books until long into their national history. It was only in the sixth century BCE, during and after the Babylonian exile, that the Torah was given its present shape and began gradually to gain canonical status. This bestowing of canonical status went hand in hand with the attribution of holiness. The increasing centrality of the Torah in Judaism in the post-exilic period (after 538 BCE), certainly after and due to the reforms by Ezra (5th–4th cent.), led to a heightened sense of holiness of the Torah. In the Hebrew Bible, the Torah itself is not yet adorned with the epithet ‘holy’. One sees this starting to happen only in the Hellenistic period. In the second half of the second century BCE Pseudo-Aristeas, the author of the pseudonymous work on the origin of the Septuagint, is the first to call the Torah ‘holy’ and ‘divine’ (a{gno", qei'o").1 Thus, he reports that the Ptolemaic king of Egypt prostrates himself in adoration seven times in front of the first Torah scroll in Greek and speaks of the oracles of God, for which he thanks him (§177).2 Also, such widely different writings as Jubilees, 4 1. See Letter of Aristeas 3, 5, 31, 45. 2. For this and the following, see O. Wischmeyer, ‘Das Heilige Buch im Judentum des Zweiten Tempels’, ZNW 86 (1995), pp. 218-42. For the typology of the holy book in antiquity in general, see e.g.
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