MCLAUGHLINS QUARRY, WIRI: FINAL REPORT ON ARCHAEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS (SITE R11/47) In Fulfilment of NZHPT Authority No. 2007/351 Report prepared for McLaughlins Quarry Trust By Simon Bickler (PhD) Rod Clough (PhD) Barry Baquié (MA Hons) Ben Pick (MA Hons) January 2013 Clough & Associates Ltd.
[email protected] 321 Forest Hill Rd, Waiatarua AUCKLAND 0612 Telephone: (09) 814 1946 Mobile 0274 850 059 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background In 2007, McLaughlins Quarry Trust (MQT) obtained consent to extend their and Results Wiri Quarry. An assessment of effects carried out by Clough & Associates (Clough 2007a) determined that several archaeological features relating to recorded archaeological site R11/47, which includes terraces, middens and gardening features, would be impacted on. An NZHPT Authority to modify part of site R11/47 was granted in October 2007 (no. 2007/351). The Authority was conditional on preservation of some zones of archaeology and the investigation of specified areas of R11/47 including Zone A and parts of Zones B and C. Archaeological monitoring of earthworks that might affect archaeological sites was also a requirement. This is the final report for the Authority and includes the results of: Investigation of Zone B in 2008. Archaeological monitoring of topsoil stripping for quarry activities in 2008-2009 Investigation of a garden area in Zone C in 2011. The archaeological remains exposed were limited, but included two or three remnant pits, stone alignments and other stone features, cooking and food preparation areas represented by fire-cracked rock and midden. The remains in Zone B suggest that a small whare had been built on a knoll above a lagoon and an area of cultivation.