בס״ד בס״ד Learning from our Leaders Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of America

R’ Tzvi Pesach Frank had a beautiful custom One time a poor woman came with a treif chicken. when checking the kashrus of a chicken… Oy, this is definitely I cannot find a PIRCHEI treif, and I know this way to pasken this as woman would be insulted Agudas Yisroel of America kosher. Please take this Rebbi, if I gave her money. What Vol: 4 Issue: 28 - ב' סיון, תשע"ז - money and buy yourself thank you May 27, 2017 should I do? another chicken. so much! פרשה: במדבר הפטרה לשבת: והיה מספר בני ישראל כחול הים... )הושע ב:א-כב( דף יומי: בבא בתרא קכ״ה אבות פרק ו' 64 ימים לעומר שבועות יום א: אקדמות, שמות יט:א-כ:כג; יום ב: רות, דברים טו:יט-טז:יז הלל שלם - ב׳ ימים, יזכור יום ב׳ דשבועות דף יומי: בבא בתרא קכ״ט, ק״ל TorahThoughts

בֵית to the בִ כּ וּ רִ י ם is the time we brought up our שָׁ בוּעוֹת remind us that שָׁ בוּעוֹת .שָׁ בוּעוֹת specifically associated with מִ צְ וֹ ת There are no The shochet came this The shochet was Gevaldig! Please give for all the goodness that we merited after we ד׳ We thank] . הַ מִ קְ דָׁ ש that מִ ו צְ ָׁ ה and there is no distinctive , תּ וֹ רָׁ ה celebrating יוֹם טוֹב morning. Hm… I wonder me a chicken… I’ll wrap is the [. תּ וֹ רָׁ ה itself. However, there is a special accepted the תּ וֹ רָׁ ה other than the , תּ וֹ רָׁ ה just here. Did you represents if the chickens were start preparing the it up, and throw this because מִ נ ְ הָׁ ג reasons that we have this ר ' ַי ֲע ֺק ב מִ עֶ מְ דִ י ן is a מִ נ ְ הָׁ ג A .שָׁ בוּעוֹת customs, of , מִ נ ְ הָׁ גִ י ם importance attached to the cooked yet. chickens? one in the garbage. יוֹם טוֹב are the same as flowers offer a pleasant aroma and therefore will enhance the מִ נ ְ הָׁ ג The letters of the word . תּ וֹ רָׁ ה protection for the No, not yet, it ,יוֹם טוֹב the protector. environment. Even though this reasoning is applicable to any , הַ מָׁ ֵ ג ן Excuse me. I need but why- says that all agree that one גְ מָׁ רָׁ א as the שָׁ בוּעוֹת hint, based on five applies even more so to , רֶ מֶ ז to go into the kitchen The Vilna Gaon offers an interesting .יוֹם טוֹב Introductory must have physical enjoyments on this — אַ קְ דָׁ מ וּ ת :They are .שָׁ בוּעוֹת of מִ נ ְ הָׁ גִ י ם where there is more of the popular is to remind us about the מִ נ ְ הָׁ ג says that this אַ ְ ל שִ י ״ ְך reading the story of The — רוּת ,eating dairy products — ַחלָׁ ב ,ה׳ light. praise of יִ שָׁ שכָׁ ר and , תּ וֹ רָׁ ה is the tribe that represents יִ שָׁ שכָׁ ר .יִ שָׁ שכָׁ ר children of — ַתיקוּן placing greenery around the home and shul and — ירק ,רוּת רְ א וּ ֵ ב ן a kind of flower) that) דוּדָׁאִ ים The first letters of each word was born after an exchange of .תִּ יקוּן לֵיל שָׁ בֻעוֹת learning all night from . בעֶרֶ שָׁ בוּעוֹת is always referred to as brought home on תּ וֹ רָׁ ה end. The — אַ ֲ ח רִ י ת spell out the word ֺמ שֶ ה is to remind us about מִ נ ְ הָׁ ג explains that this מַ לְ בִ י ״ ם are performed The מִ נ ְ הָׁ גִ י ם beginning, and these very diverse , רֵ א שִ י ת His mother was able to hide him for .ז׳ אַדָׁ ר who was born on , רַ ֵ ב י נ וּ and are similar to תּ וֹ רָׁ ה together. They represent the protection of the , ֺמ שֶ ה an outer protective covering (the end). three months without anyone asking questions. She then took of flowers. placed him in a basket and hid him in the flowery reeds. This episode מִ נ ְ הָׁ ג Various reasons are offered to explain the . ןמַתַּ תּוֹרָׁ ה the day of ,ז׳ סִ יוָׁן of took place on יוֹם טוֹב Each one provides another insight into appreciating the demostrates the מִ נ ְ הָׁ ג suggests that this בְנֵ י יִ שָׁ ש כָׁ ר The .שָׁ בוּעוֹת and all the other nations, based on the כְּ לַ ל יִשְ רָׁ אֵ ל explains that placing greenery around the home difference between רַ מָׁ ״ א The like a rose between the thorn bushes. The — כְּ שוֹשַ נָׁה בֵין הַ חוֹחִ ים :פָׁ סוּק A miracle occurred at . מַ תַּ ן תּ וֹ רָׁ ה and in shul reminds us of the events of נַ ֲ ע שֶ ה said כְּ לַ ל יִשְ רָׁ אֵ ל but , תּ וֹ רָׁ ה was covered with greenery. [Our shul and other nations refused to accept the הַר סִ ינַי : מַ ן תַּ תּ וֹ רָׁ ה I must check I examined this the time of .unconditionally תּ וֹ רָׁ ה and accepted the ִ וְנ שְ מָׁ ע that represent the beauty of accepting מִ קְ דָׁ ש מְ עַ ט this one by the chicken by the light our home are the [. תּ וֹ רָׁ ה of the kitchen window. the window… Rebbi, This chicken is Kosher שַ ילִ טָׁ " א by R’ Zev Leff שִ ע וּ ר of greenery is to Adapted from: A מִ נ ְ הָׁ ג suggests that the מָׁ ג ֵ ן אַ בְ רָׁ הָׁ ם thank you The L’Mehadrin. so much!

of Yahrtzeits our Gedolim Gedolim Glimpses the , זַ צַ ״ ל R' Chaim Elazar Shapira of Munkács was born in Stryzow, Munkácser Rebbe, placed great ר׳ ַח ִּיים ֶא ְל ָע ָזר ַש ִּפי ָרא ַז ַצ״ל ב׳ סיון ; בַ עַ ל דַ רְ כֵ י תְ שוּבָ ה עַ ל יוֹרֶ ה דֵ עָ ה) ר׳ צְ בִּ י הִּ י רְ ש Poland, to 5697 — 5632 He . פ תְּ ל ִ ָּ ה emphasis on learning and 1937 — 1871 אֶ סְ תֵ ר and ( ר׳צְ בִּ י אֶ לִּ י מֶ לֶ ְך ,בְ ינֵ יִּ שָ שכָ ר great-grandson of the to rise early חַ סִ י דִ י ם of Munkács in encouraged his רָ ב Horowitz). He learned under his father and became the) before davening. He גְּ מָּ רָּ א every two and learn יְ רוּשַ לְמִּ י and שַ ״ ס בַ בְ לִּ י From his youth, he completed the .1914 בְּנֵ י יִ שָּ ש כָּ ר years. He was a prolific writer. In addition to his 6-volume magnum opus, would say in the name of , גְּ מָּ רָּ א that through the learning of . פ סְ ָ רִּ י ם among other ,אוֹת וְשָ לוֹם and ִּנמוּ ֵקי אוֹ ַרח ַח ִּיים he wrote ,מִּ נְ חַ ת אֶ לְ עָ זָ ר with the שָּ מַ יִ ם go up to תְּ ִ פ ל וֹ ת which attracted hundreds of students. our ,יְשִּ יבָה דַרְ כֵי תְ שוּבָה R’ Tzvi Pesach was born in Kovno, Lithuania, to R’ Yehuda Leib and Malka Frank. As a young He opened boy he was acquainted with R’ Yisroel Salanter, who would often visit, and the Kovno Famous as a ‘Wonder ,’ he was visited by many world leaders, and ר ַּ פָּ אֵ ל , מ ַּ י כָּ אֵ ל , ג ַּ בְּ רִ י אֵ ל of מַ לְּ אֲ כֵ י ד׳ Rov, R’ Yitzchok Elchonon Spector. He learned in the yeshivos of Slabodka and Telz and The first letters of the name of each .אוּ רִ י אֵ ל ,was a close talmid of Rav Itzele Ponevetzer, Rav Shimon Shkopp and Rav . such as the Czechoslovakian President and Queen Wilhelmina of Holland .ג ַּמַָּרָ ַּא spell the word מַ לְּאָכִ ים of these . בְ רָ כוֹת s advice and’ רָ ב R’ Shmuel who sought the .ירושלים in ישיבת עץ חיים In 1893, he immigrated to Eretz Yisroel, and learned in recognized the young prodigy and in 1907 appointed him ,ירושלים Salant, of ,for nearly 60 years בית דין He served on this .עדה החרדית of the בית דין in the דיין as a לע״נ ר׳ ישראל בן אברהם ז"ל He was considered one of the leading Dedication opportunities are available. If you would like to sponsor or receive this publication .ירושלים of רב and אב בית דין eventually becoming לע״נ הב׳ ישעיהו דוב ע״ה בן יבלחט״א יצחק צבי נ״י especially on questions regarding the newly evolving technologies and via email, please send an email to [email protected] ,פוסקי הדור .among others ,מקראי קודש and ,הדרת קודש ,ארץ צבי ,הר צבי medicine. He authored Join Pirchei for inspiring shiurim by special guest speakers! For a special Shavuos night learning program in a location כ“א כסלו For any inquiries or comments please feel free to call 347-838-0869 • Illustrated by: Yishaya Suval www.leilshishi.com 5633 – 5721 1873 - 1960 near you, please contact your local Pirchei Branch coordinator or call our central office at 212 797 9000 ext. 272. .חזרת הש״ץ or קדיש, קריאת התורה Please do not read this publication during .עַל ּפִי הַלָכָ ה Please be careful to handle this sheet in the proper manner as required לע״נ ר׳ משה צבי בן הר׳ טוביה הלוי זצ״ל

with UnderstandingDavening the Torn to Pieces FocusonMiddos … תִּסְ פְ רוּ חֲמִּשִּ ים יוֹם, Living Torah וְהִּקְרַ בְתֶּם מִּ נְחָ ה חֲדָשָ ה לַד׳… bring over the חֲ סִ י דִ י ם made the most of Dear Talmid, had the אֶּ רֶּ ץ י ִּ שְ רָ אֵ ל suddenly realized that not everyone in וַתִּ תֶּ ן לָנוּ ה׳ … תאֶּ יוֹם גחַ הַשָ בֻעוֹת הַ זֶּה זְמַ ן מַתַ ן תוֹרָתֵ נוּ … …[ תּ וֹ רָ ה began to The Munkácser Rebbe, R’ crew members. He made a [as it says in the יִּ צְ חָ ק ,Broken . ת וֹ רָ ה s’ה׳ Festival, the opportunity they had to study שָ ֻב ע וֹ ת And You gave us, Hashem, … this day of the (לֵיל שָ בֻעוֹת Kiddush) … ת וֹ רָ ה the time of the giving of our ,left an historic deal. He would be willing you shall count 50 days , זַ צַ ״ ל cry. After years of living in a land where religion was forbidden, he Chaim Elazar Shapira means was shaken by the fact that not every Jew who was free to do so was שָ ֻב ע וֹ ת ? חַ ג הַ שָ ֻב ע וֹ ת known as יוֹם טוֹב Why is this everlasting impression on the city to allow the camera crew to and then offer a new . ת וֹ רָ ה in immersed in חַ ג הַ ת וֹ רָ ה weeks. It would seem more appropriate to call it …ד׳ as he of Munkács. He opened schools record him on film on the meal offering to , אַ בְ רָ הָ ם s son Anatoly — or’ יִּ צְ חָ ק ’Soon afterwards, R , שְ ל ִּ י טָ ״ א ,R' Pinchos Roberts .תוֹרָ ה celebration of our receiving the and established a vast network of condition that they promised to ר ֺאש He had come to meet the . שִּיְ י ת בַ מִּ י ר explains that in the eyes of the world, the Jews became liberated on was now called — came to explains ) ַו ִי ְּק ָרא כג:טז( כְּ לִ י ָי קָ ר in charitable institutions to ease the show his entire brief speech. He The ְ ג מָ רָ א R' Chaim Shmulevitz. Just a few days earlier, opening a , יְ שִּ י בָ ה s concept of freedom is different. Only one’תוֹרָ ה However, the . פֶּ סַ ח new, in this , חֲ דָ שָ ה in the city and spoke directly into the camera that the word ֲע ִנ ִיים has true freedom. The public was grounds for imprisonment, torture and even death. Now burden of the ת וֹ רָ ה who accepts upon himself the yoke of here he was about to come face to face with the leader of one of the the surrounding districts. In his כְ לַ ל It was only through . פֶּ סַ ח to שָ ֻב ע וֹ ת name “Weeks” connects Learning . תּ וֹ רָ ה alludes to פָ סוּק s efforts to raise their spiritual standards in those preparatory and with fire in his eyes and his’ ִּי שְ רָ אֵ ל in the world. time, the city of Munkács grew יְשִּ יבוֹת greatest must be done with תּ וֹ רָ ה The door opened and R' Chaim invited the 17-year-old voice cracking, he waved his ִּפ רְ קֵ י אָ ב וֹ ת weeks after they left Egypt that they became truly free. As about his past, but was from just a few thousand to over finger at the camera and pleaded excitement and a feeling of אַ בְ רָ הָ ם The Russian boy inside. He spoke to — אֵין לְָך בֶּן חֺרִּ יןאֶּ לָא ימִּ שֶּ עוֹסֵ ק בְתַ לְמוּד תוֹרָ ה — teaches us (6:2) R' Chaim 11,000 Jews. The Jews with the Jews in America to keep . יְ שִּ י בָ ה surprised when he requested to be admitted to the . ת וֹ רָ ה only truly free person is one who is involved in the study of ,then asks כְּ לִ י ָי קָ ר newness. The . שַ בָ ת ’s eyes and could sense his intense desire to represented about half of the ‘sweet’ אַ בְ רָ הָ ם On looked into . ת וֹ רָ ה This does not mean you have to be free to study imagine the “Why do we not find a clear , תַ לְ מִ י ד R' Chaim explained that there were better city’s population. My .יְשִּ יבָה בָחוּר the contrary, the truth is often the reverse. become a for one who was still a novice in learning and assured him that One of the most noise and commotion of a city יְשִּ יבוֹת ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ יוֹם טוֹב for the תּ וֹ רָ ה Yuri Zilber was a mathematician. With a government reason in the .memorable events in the city of closed for this grand wedding . יְ שִּ י בָ ה when the time came, he would certainly accept him into the answers כְּ לִ י ָי קָ ר The ”?שָ בוּעוֹת of ר ֺאש looked at the אַ בְ רָ הָ ם ,position, he appeared to be a fine, loyal Russian citizen. Yet his true When R' Chaim finished speaking Munkács was the wedding of R’ The Rebbe is marrying off his only remind us of פֶּ סַ ח and סֻּ כוֹת with tears in his eyes, and insisted that he be given a chance to that יְ שִּ י בָ ה He . יִּ צְ חָ ק servitude was not to Mother Russia. Clandestinely, Yuri was to test Chaim Elazar’s only daughter child, born after many years. Led מַ סֶּ כְ תָ א Every morning prove himself. R' Chaim turned to him and asked which .תוֹרָ ה spent every free moment delving into learning March by his entourage towards the the special miracles that) ט״ו אַדָ ר תרצ״ג conceal it in his him on, but he hung his head in shame. R' Chaim understood that the Frima on , גְ מָ רָ א would tear out one page from his יִּ צְ חָ ק the Rebbe suddenly stops. happened during those specific ,חוּפָ ה through his 15, 1933). Over 20,000 guests , אַ בְ רָ הָ ם clothing, and when he had a spare minute, he would steal away some boy had not learned much in Russia. Looking at יוֹם טוֹב time to learn. He would review each page repeatedly, master it, and silence, R' Chaim sensed the boy’s embarrassment. attended, coming from Europe Over 20,000 guests, dignitaries periods of the year. The note the topics that were difficult which he could not resolve. Again, R' Chaim softly asked, “You don’t have to be and even the U.S. Hungary, and police all anxiously watch the however, is quite ,שָ בוּעוֹת he had of , תַ לְ מ וּ ד Ultimately, after tearing out over 2,300 pages of חַ ת וּ נָ ה test) you on?” Poland, and Czechoslovakia Rebbe’s every action. The) פאַרהעֶּר I can גְ מָ רָ א ashamed… Is there any would have תּוֹרָ ה looked up and said sadly, “I’m ashamed to say that I different. If the אַ בְ רָ הָ ם !mastered them all. He had accomplished the impossible agreed to open their borders and has come to a standstill. What is ”.תוֹסָ פוֹת and רַ שִּ ״ י , גְ מָ רָ א , סֵ דֶּ ר נְ י זִּ קִּ י ן and סֵ דֶּ ר נ ָ שִּ י ם But his mission was not yet complete. In 1973, he achieved know only יוֹם written the reason for this שַ בָ ת ?what he thought was hopeless — exit visas for his entire family to R' Chaim could not move; he was astounded! He realized no visa was necessary for people on the Rebbe’s mind we might have mistakenly ,טוֹב had learned more in his 17 years who wished to attend the observance in America! The אַ בְ רָ הָ ם ,that under constant danger . אֶּ ץ רֶּ יִּ שְ רָ אֵ ל immigrate to is the שָ ב וּ ע וֹ ת boys in liberated countries accomplish during their wedding. Special arches were Rebbe’s greatest concern, at his understood that יְ שִּ י בָ ה The moment he got off the plane at Ben Gurion Airport, than many close to him and erected throughout the city in moment of supreme joy, was for אַ בְ רָ הָ ם ran over to the first man with a yarmulka that he saw. With a entire lifetime of learning. R' Chaim pulled יִּ צְ חָ ק מַ תַּ ן תּ וֹ רָ ה grabbed the man by the יִּ צְ חָ ק ,in hand מַ סֶּ ת כֶּ ר עֵ וּ בִּ י ן tattered page of . celebration of the joyous immigrant Jews lost in foreign only day to celebrate . יְ שִּ י בָ ה held him tight— and gladly accepted him into the to me!” The stunned This is incorrect. Every day a ת וֹ סָ פ וֹ ת lapels and begged, “Please explain this Adapted from: Touched by a Story 2 (with kind permission from ArtScroll) occasion. land. What should be our worry יִּ צְ חָ ק ?Had this man lost his mind . יִּ צְ חָ ק security guard stared at with a תּ וֹ רָ ה To be person must learn ? שִ מְ חָ ה An American filming at the time of our מַ תַּ ן company was sent to Munkács concerned about other Jews! fresh spark of a personal ייְהִ זִכְ רוֹ בָרוְּך! . תּ וֹ רָ ה .to document this historic event רֶ בִ י Your ,בְ יְדִ ידוּת The Rebbe heard about the crew

of from America and immediately A letter from a Rebbi (based on interviews) Questions the week רש"י Chofetz ChaimMoment ספר ח״ח הלכות רכילות כלל ב׳ סעיף ג׳ יַעֲקֹב and מ וֹ אָ ב leaving the fields of ָ נ ֳע מִ י Eli and Levi ran a little business selling cholent on Friday afternoon in the local 1. What do we learn from* ? בְּ אֵ ר שָ בַ ע The money they made barely covered their expenses because Levi leaving .בֵּית מִדְרָ שׁ Learning Contest ערב שבת יַעֲקֹב and מ וֹ אָ ב leaving the fields of ָ נ ֳע מִ י What do we learn from .1 from converting to by רוּת attempted to dissuade ָ נ ֳע מִ י .always included his taxi fare and he lived a few miles away. Eli didn’t tell Levi, 2 ? בְּ אֵ ר שָ בַ ע but he was looking for another partner who lived closer. After talking with a leaving ;and Grade 1 – Binyamin Greenberg, Torah Temimah; Brooklyn, NY קַ ב ל ָּ תַ תּ הַ וֹ רָּ ה cite? (Try to The contest: During the weeks leading up to ָ נ ֳע מִ י did מִ צְּ וֹ ת Which . מִ צְּ וֹ ת ל ֹא תַ ֲע שֵ ה citing various

;Chaim Dov Jacobowitz, Politz Hebrew Academy; Philadelphia, PA ֶ ע רֶ ב every מִ נ ְׁ חָּ ה learn at least 45 minutes before , שַבָּ ת פָּ רָּ שַ ת שְׁ לַ ח from converting to Judaism by until רוּת attempted to dissuade ָ נ ֳע מִ י .few people who lived closer, Eli realized that Levi was the best choice as a 2

name 3.)

1:16). — (… and , of outside חוּד יִ ה זָרָ ה עֲבוֹדָ ר שֶ אֲ ל אֶ י כִ ד״ה כִ י אֶ ל אֲ שֶ ר

If you learn for an hour or Grade 3 – Chaim Mark, Yeshiva Bais Mikrah; Monsey, NY; Yehudah . בֵּי ת מִ דְׁ רָּ ש or local שִיְׁ י בָּ ה in either your , שַ בָּ ת Try to) בָת?cite שַ ָ נ חוּםֳע מִ י תְּ did מִ צְּ וֹ ת Which . מִ צְּ וֹ ת ל ֹא תַ ֲע שֵ ה and he was a great cook too! citing various , מִ דּ וֹ ת partner after all. He had great to tell Levi that Eli was considering finding someone else, if many walking of prohibitions the were Judaism to converting from her dissuade more, you will get an additional entry into the raffle. Altusky, Yaakov Bell, Yissochar Dov Duskis, Yosef Nisenfeld, Yoshi מ וּ תָּ ר Is it

name 3.) 1:16). — (… and , of outside בָת שַ חוּם תְּ חוּד יִ ה זָרָ ה עֲבוֹדָ ר שֶ אֲ ל אֶ י כִ ד״ה כִ י אֶ ל אֲ שֶ ר in her attempt to to attempt her in to cited that various the Among 2. י מִ ע ֳ נ ָ רוּת ;to learn Yermish, Politz Hebrew Academy; Philadelphia, PA לִמּוּד The contest’s basic rules: There is no particular ה שֵ ע ֲ תַ ֹא ל ת וֹ צְּ מִ ?people know

*Stories adapted from Guard Your Tongue, A Daily Companion, A Lesson a Day and various real-life situations. dissuade her from converting to Judaism were the prohibitions of walking walking of prohibitions the were Judaism to converting from her dissuade 1:7). — ( place dwelling his/her of beauty and splendor

If you arrange for a Grade 4 – Yosef Friedman, Yeshiva Ohr Shraga; Brooklyn, NY; Reuven . שְׁנַיִ ם מִ קְׁ רָּ א וְׁ אֶ ד חָּ תַּ רְׁ גּ וּ ם and you can even review קוֹם מָּ הַ מִ ן צֵּ א וַתֵּ ד״ה וַתֵּ צֵּ א מִ ן הַ מָּ קוֹם

. of the violating thus partnership, the ruin סּוּר אִ ת וּ ל י כ ִ רְ

in her attempt to to attempt her in to cited that various the Among 2. ה שֵ ע ֲ תַ ֹא ל ת וֹ צְּ מִ י מִ ע ֳ נ ָ רוּת is the glory, glory, the is the for void, a leaves it place, a from departs a When 1. ק י דִ צַד

;Fischer, Asher Yeshaya Knopfler, Fallsburg Cheder School, Fallsburg, NY ,קִדּוּשַת שַבָּת or הִ ל כְׁ וֹ ת ב שַ ָּ ת to learn about שִ ע וּ ר group, and you have a ק י דִ צַד

s search will definitely cause bad feelings between Eli and Levi and may may and Levi and Eli between feelings bad cause definitely will search s ’ Eli revealing

1:7). — ( place dwelling his/her of beauty and splendor

you will receive an extra entry in the raffle. This contest is open for all Kalev Bernhard, Daniel Schneider, Yedidya Brand, Politz Hebrew קוֹם מָּ הַ מִ ן צֵּ א וַתֵּ ד״ה וַתֵּ צֵּ א מִ ן הַ מָּ קוֹם

, is that that is , the explains reasoning, The case. our in apply not do of rules א תָ לָ תְ י אַפֵּ ם י יִ חַ ץ פֵּ חָ פֵּ ץ חַ יִ י ם

is the glory, glory, the is the for void, a leaves it place, a from departs a When 1. ק י דִ צַד

;ages up to 12th grade. Academy; Philadelphia, PA ק י דִ צַד : Although Eli had discussed it with and interviewed far more than 3 people, the the people, 3 than more far interviewed and with it discussed had Eli Although : r e w s n

A Boys that are interested in joining this exciting program Grade 5 – Yosef Greenberg, Yeshiva Torah Temimah; Brooklyn, NY; Gefen should please send in your signed faxes by Monday 2:00 pm to 718 506 Afrati, Avraham Yitzchak Duskis, Yaakov Nisenfeld, Yonah Miller, Politz ;city and state, your Hebrew Academy; Philadelphia, PA , שִיְׁ י בָּ ה ,Please include your name, grade .9633 contact and fax #’s and your name will be entered into a drawing for Grade 6 – Mayer Ozer Greenberg, Yeshiva Torah Temimah; Brooklyn, NY; Refael Shabtai, Yeshiva Ateret Torah; Brooklyn, NY; Eli Bell, Elimelech !מִקְׁרָּ אוֹת גְּׁ דוֹלוֹת חוּמָּשִ ים a beautiful set of ;be announcing the names of those who are Terebelo, Politz Hebrew Academy; Philadelphia, PA אי״ה one clearly morning, even if one did not sleep. We will ,עֶרֶ ב שָ בוּעוֹת on בִּ רְ כ וֹ ת הַ תּ וֹ רָ ה  If, while reciting ;Learning Contest (faxes must be received by Grade 7 – Yitzi Levit, Chaim Leib Miller, Politz Hebrew Academy עֶ ב רֶ שַ בָּ ת morning entered into the שָ בוּעוֹת on ֲע ל וֹ ת הַ שַ חַ ר should be in effect only until the  One who goes to sleep after בְ רָ כ וֹ ת stipulates that the ;Sunday at 7:00 p.m.). Current contestants: Philadelphia, PA . הַ מַ פִּ י ל of בְ רָ ָכ ה or on any other day) does not recite the) שָ בוּעוֹת on בְ רָ כ וֹ ת Halacha next morning, one may recite the

.in the context of the bigger picture. Use them as a starting point for further in-depth study הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת it is important to consider these , הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת Corner *Since we only discuss 1-3 There's a new pirchei hotline! Call now - 718-663-0212 הִ לְ כוֹות עִ נְיָנֵי דְ יוֹומָ א - שָׁ בווּעוֹות לע״נ ר׳ משה צבי בן הר׳ טוביה הלוי זצ״ל

with UnderstandingDavening the Torn to Pieces FocusonMiddos … תִּסְ פְ רוּ חֲמִּשִּ ים יוֹם, Living Torah וְהִּקְרַ בְתֶּם מִּ נְחָ ה חֲדָשָ ה לַד׳… bring over the חֲ סִ י דִ י ם made the most of Dear Talmid, had the אֶּ רֶּ ץ י ִּ שְ רָ אֵ ל suddenly realized that not everyone in וַתִּ תֶּ ן לָנוּ ה׳ … תאֶּ יוֹם גחַ הַשָ בֻעוֹת הַ זֶּה זְמַ ן מַתַ ן תוֹרָתֵ נוּ … …[ תּ וֹ רָ ה began to The Munkácser Rebbe, R’ crew members. He made a [as it says in the יִּ צְ חָ ק ,Broken . ת וֹ רָ ה s’ה׳ Festival, the opportunity they had to study שָ ֻב ע וֹ ת And You gave us, Hashem, … this day of the (לֵיל שָ בֻעוֹת Kiddush) … ת וֹ רָ ה the time of the giving of our ,left an historic deal. He would be willing you shall count 50 days , זַ צַ ״ ל cry. After years of living in a land where religion was forbidden, he Chaim Elazar Shapira means was shaken by the fact that not every Jew who was free to do so was שָ ֻב ע וֹ ת ? חַ ג הַ שָ ֻב ע וֹ ת known as יוֹם טוֹב Why is this everlasting impression on the city to allow the camera crew to and then offer a new . ת וֹ רָ ה in immersed in חַ ג הַ ת וֹ רָ ה weeks. It would seem more appropriate to call it …ד׳ as he of Munkács. He opened schools record him on film on the meal offering to , אַ בְ רָ הָ ם s son Anatoly — or’ יִּ צְ חָ ק ’Soon afterwards, R , שְ ל ִּ י טָ ״ א ,R' Pinchos Roberts .תוֹרָ ה celebration of our receiving the and established a vast network of condition that they promised to ר ֺאש He had come to meet the . שִּיְ י ת בַ מִּ י ר explains that in the eyes of the world, the Jews became liberated on was now called — came to explains ) ַו ִי ְּק ָרא כג:טז( כְּ לִ י ָי קָ ר in charitable institutions to ease the show his entire brief speech. He The ְ ג מָ רָ א R' Chaim Shmulevitz. Just a few days earlier, opening a , יְ שִּ י בָ ה s concept of freedom is different. Only one’תוֹרָ ה However, the . פֶּ סַ ח new, in this , חֲ דָ שָ ה in the city and spoke directly into the camera that the word ֲע ִנ ִיים has true freedom. The public was grounds for imprisonment, torture and even death. Now burden of the ת וֹ רָ ה who accepts upon himself the yoke of here he was about to come face to face with the leader of one of the the surrounding districts. In his כְ לַ ל It was only through . פֶּ סַ ח to שָ ֻב ע וֹ ת name “Weeks” connects Learning . תּ וֹ רָ ה alludes to פָ סוּק s efforts to raise their spiritual standards in those preparatory and with fire in his eyes and his’ ִּי שְ רָ אֵ ל in the world. time, the city of Munkács grew יְשִּ יבוֹת greatest must be done with תּ וֹ רָ ה The door opened and R' Chaim invited the 17-year-old voice cracking, he waved his ִּפ רְ קֵ י אָ ב וֹ ת weeks after they left Egypt that they became truly free. As about his past, but was from just a few thousand to over finger at the camera and pleaded excitement and a feeling of אַ בְ רָ הָ ם The Russian boy inside. He spoke to — אֵין לְָך בֶּן חֺרִּ יןאֶּ לָא ימִּ שֶּ עוֹסֵ ק בְתַ לְמוּד תוֹרָ ה — teaches us (6:2) R' Chaim 11,000 Jews. The Jews with the Jews in America to keep . יְ שִּ י בָ ה surprised when he requested to be admitted to the . ת וֹ רָ ה only truly free person is one who is involved in the study of ,then asks כְּ לִ י ָי קָ ר newness. The . שַ בָ ת ’s eyes and could sense his intense desire to represented about half of the ‘sweet’ אַ בְ רָ הָ ם On looked into . ת וֹ רָ ה This does not mean you have to be free to study imagine the “Why do we not find a clear , תַ לְ מִ י ד R' Chaim explained that there were better city’s population. My .יְשִּ יבָה בָחוּר the contrary, the truth is often the reverse. become a for one who was still a novice in learning and assured him that One of the most noise and commotion of a city יְשִּ יבוֹת ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ יוֹם טוֹב for the תּ וֹ רָ ה Yuri Zilber was a mathematician. With a government reason in the .memorable events in the city of closed for this grand wedding . יְ שִּ י בָ ה when the time came, he would certainly accept him into the answers כְּ לִ י ָי קָ ר The ”?שָ בוּעוֹת of ר ֺאש looked at the אַ בְ רָ הָ ם ,position, he appeared to be a fine, loyal Russian citizen. Yet his true When R' Chaim finished speaking Munkács was the wedding of R’ The Rebbe is marrying off his only remind us of פֶּ סַ ח and סֻּ כוֹת with tears in his eyes, and insisted that he be given a chance to that יְ שִּ י בָ ה He . יִּ צְ חָ ק servitude was not to Mother Russia. Clandestinely, Yuri was to test Chaim Elazar’s only daughter child, born after many years. Led מַ סֶּ כְ תָ א Every morning prove himself. R' Chaim turned to him and asked which .תוֹרָ ה spent every free moment delving into learning March by his entourage towards the the special miracles that) ט״ו אַדָ ר תרצ״ג conceal it in his him on, but he hung his head in shame. R' Chaim understood that the Frima on , גְ מָ רָ א would tear out one page from his יִּ צְ חָ ק the Rebbe suddenly stops. happened during those specific ,חוּפָ ה through his 15, 1933). Over 20,000 guests , אַ בְ רָ הָ ם clothing, and when he had a spare minute, he would steal away some boy had not learned much in Russia. Looking at יוֹם טוֹב time to learn. He would review each page repeatedly, master it, and silence, R' Chaim sensed the boy’s embarrassment. attended, coming from Europe Over 20,000 guests, dignitaries periods of the year. The note the topics that were difficult which he could not resolve. Again, R' Chaim softly asked, “You don’t have to be and even the U.S. Hungary, and police all anxiously watch the however, is quite ,שָ בוּעוֹת he had of , תַ לְ מ וּ ד Ultimately, after tearing out over 2,300 pages of חַ ת וּ נָ ה test) you on?” Poland, and Czechoslovakia Rebbe’s every action. The) פאַרהעֶּר I can גְ מָ רָ א ashamed… Is there any would have תּוֹרָ ה looked up and said sadly, “I’m ashamed to say that I different. If the אַ בְ רָ הָ ם !mastered them all. He had accomplished the impossible agreed to open their borders and has come to a standstill. What is ”.תוֹסָ פוֹת and רַ שִּ ״ י , גְ מָ רָ א , סֵ דֶּ ר נְ י זִּ קִּ י ן and סֵ דֶּ ר נ ָ שִּ י ם But his mission was not yet complete. In 1973, he achieved know only יוֹם written the reason for this שַ בָ ת ?what he thought was hopeless — exit visas for his entire family to R' Chaim could not move; he was astounded! He realized no visa was necessary for people on the Rebbe’s mind we might have mistakenly ,טוֹב had learned more in his 17 years who wished to attend the observance in America! The אַ בְ רָ הָ ם ,that under constant danger . אֶּ ץ רֶּ יִּ שְ רָ אֵ ל immigrate to is the שָ ב וּ ע וֹ ת boys in liberated countries accomplish during their wedding. Special arches were Rebbe’s greatest concern, at his understood that יְ שִּ י בָ ה The moment he got off the plane at Ben Gurion Airport, than many close to him and erected throughout the city in moment of supreme joy, was for אַ בְ רָ הָ ם ran over to the first man with a yarmulka that he saw. With a entire lifetime of learning. R' Chaim pulled יִּ צְ חָ ק מַ תַּ ן תּ וֹ רָ ה grabbed the man by the יִּ צְ חָ ק ,in hand מַ סֶּ ת כֶּ ר עֵ וּ בִּ י ן tattered page of . celebration of the joyous immigrant Jews lost in foreign only day to celebrate . יְ שִּ י בָ ה held him tight— and gladly accepted him into the to me!” The stunned This is incorrect. Every day a ת וֹ סָ פ וֹ ת lapels and begged, “Please explain this Adapted from: Touched by a Story 2 (with kind permission from ArtScroll) occasion. land. What should be our worry יִּ צְ חָ ק ?Had this man lost his mind . יִּ צְ חָ ק security guard stared at with a תּ וֹ רָ ה To be person must learn ? שִ מְ חָ ה An American filming at the time of our מַ תַּ ן company was sent to Munkács concerned about other Jews! fresh spark of a personal ייְהִ זִכְ רוֹ בָרוְּך! . תּ וֹ רָ ה .to document this historic event רֶ בִ י Your ,בְ יְדִ ידוּת The Rebbe heard about the crew of from America and immediately A letter from a Rebbi (based on interviews) Questions the week רש"י Chofetz ChaimMoment ספר ח״ח הלכות רכילות כלל ב׳ סעיף ג׳ יַעֲקֹב and מ וֹ אָ ב leaving the fields of ָ נ ֳע מִ י Eli and Levi ran a little business selling cholent on Friday afternoon in the local 1. What do we learn from* ? בְּ אֵ ר שָ בַ ע The money they made barely covered their expenses because Levi leaving .בֵּית מִדְרָ שׁ Learning Contest ערב שבת יַעֲקֹב and מ וֹ אָ ב leaving the fields of ָ נ ֳע מִ י What do we learn from .1 from converting to Judaism by רוּת attempted to dissuade ָ נ ֳע מִ י .always included his taxi fare and he lived a few miles away. Eli didn’t tell Levi, 2 ? בְּ אֵ ר שָ בַ ע but he was looking for another partner who lived closer. After talking with a leaving ;and Grade 1 – Binyamin Greenberg, Yeshiva Torah Temimah; Brooklyn, NY קַ ב ל ָּ תַ תּ הַ וֹ רָּ ה cite? (Try to The contest: During the weeks leading up to ָ נ ֳע מִ י did מִ צְּ וֹ ת Which . מִ צְּ וֹ ת ל ֹא תַ ֲע שֵ ה citing various

;Chaim Dov Jacobowitz, Politz Hebrew Academy; Philadelphia, PA ֶ ע רֶ ב every מִ נ ְׁ חָּ ה learn at least 45 minutes before , שַבָּ ת פָּ רָּ שַ ת שְׁ לַ ח from converting to Judaism by until רוּת attempted to dissuade ָ נ ֳע מִ י .few people who lived closer, Eli realized that Levi was the best choice as a 2

name 3.)

1:16). — (… and , of outside חוּד יִ ה זָרָ ה עֲבוֹדָ ר שֶ אֲ ל אֶ י כִ ד״ה כִ י אֶ ל אֲ שֶ ר

If you learn for an hour or Grade 3 – Chaim Mark, Yeshiva Bais Mikrah; Monsey, NY; Yehudah . בֵּי ת מִ דְׁ רָּ ש or local שִיְׁ י בָּ ה in either your , שַ בָּ ת Try to) בָת?cite שַ ָ נ חוּםֳע מִ י תְּ did מִ צְּ וֹ ת Which . מִ צְּ וֹ ת ל ֹא תַ ֲע שֵ ה and he was a great cook too! citing various , מִ דּ וֹ ת partner after all. He had great to tell Levi that Eli was considering finding someone else, if many walking of prohibitions the were Judaism to converting from her dissuade more, you will get an additional entry into the raffle. Altusky, Yaakov Bell, Yissochar Dov Duskis, Yosef Nisenfeld, Yoshi מ וּ תָּ ר Is it

name 3.) 1:16). — (… and , of outside בָת שַ חוּם תְּ חוּד יִ ה זָרָ ה עֲבוֹדָ ר שֶ אֲ ל אֶ י כִ ד״ה כִ י אֶ ל אֲ שֶ ר in her attempt to to attempt her in to cited that various the Among 2. י מִ ע ֳ נ ָ רוּת ;to learn Yermish, Politz Hebrew Academy; Philadelphia, PA לִמּוּד The contest’s basic rules: There is no particular ה שֵ ע ֲ תַ ֹא ל ת וֹ צְּ מִ ?people know

*Stories adapted from Guard Your Tongue, A Daily Companion, A Lesson a Day and various real-life situations. dissuade her from converting to Judaism were the prohibitions of walking walking of prohibitions the were Judaism to converting from her dissuade 1:7). — ( place dwelling his/her of beauty and splendor

If you arrange for a Grade 4 – Yosef Friedman, Yeshiva Ohr Shraga; Brooklyn, NY; Reuven . שְׁנַיִ ם מִ קְׁ רָּ א וְׁ אֶ ד חָּ תַּ רְׁ גּ וּ ם and you can even review קוֹם מָּ הַ מִ ן צֵּ א וַתֵּ ד״ה וַתֵּ צֵּ א מִ ן הַ מָּ קוֹם

. of the violating thus partnership, the ruin סּוּר אִ ת וּ ל י כ ִ רְ

in her attempt to to attempt her in to cited that various the Among 2. ה שֵ ע ֲ תַ ֹא ל ת וֹ צְּ מִ י מִ ע ֳ נ ָ רוּת is the glory, glory, the is the for void, a leaves it place, a from departs a When 1. ק י דִ צַד

;Fischer, Asher Yeshaya Knopfler, Fallsburg Cheder School, Fallsburg, NY ,קִדּוּשַת שַבָּת or הִ ל כְׁ וֹ ת ב שַ ָּ ת to learn about שִ ע וּ ר group, and you have a ק י דִ צַד

s search will definitely cause bad feelings between Eli and Levi and may may and Levi and Eli between feelings bad cause definitely will search s ’ Eli revealing

1:7). — ( place dwelling his/her of beauty and splendor

you will receive an extra entry in the raffle. This contest is open for all Kalev Bernhard, Daniel Schneider, Yedidya Brand, Politz Hebrew קוֹם מָּ הַ מִ ן צֵּ א וַתֵּ ד״ה וַתֵּ צֵּ א מִ ן הַ מָּ קוֹם

, is that that is , the explains reasoning, The case. our in apply not do of rules א תָ לָ תְ י אַפֵּ ם י יִ חַ ץ פֵּ חָ פֵּ ץ חַ יִ י ם

is the glory, glory, the is the for void, a leaves it place, a from departs a When 1. ק י דִ צַד

;ages up to 12th grade. Academy; Philadelphia, PA ק י דִ צַד : Although Eli had discussed it with and interviewed far more than 3 people, the the people, 3 than more far interviewed and with it discussed had Eli Although : r e w s n

A Boys that are interested in joining this exciting program Grade 5 – Yosef Greenberg, Yeshiva Torah Temimah; Brooklyn, NY; Gefen should please send in your signed faxes by Monday 2:00 pm to 718 506 Afrati, Avraham Yitzchak Duskis, Yaakov Nisenfeld, Yonah Miller, Politz ;city and state, your Hebrew Academy; Philadelphia, PA , שִיְׁ י בָּ ה ,Please include your name, grade .9633 contact and fax #’s and your name will be entered into a drawing for Grade 6 – Mayer Ozer Greenberg, Yeshiva Torah Temimah; Brooklyn, NY; Refael Shabtai, Yeshiva Ateret Torah; Brooklyn, NY; Eli Bell, Elimelech !מִקְׁרָּ אוֹת גְּׁ דוֹלוֹת חוּמָּשִ ים a beautiful set of ;be announcing the names of those who are Terebelo, Politz Hebrew Academy; Philadelphia, PA אי״ה one clearly morning, even if one did not sleep. We will ,עֶרֶ ב שָ בוּעוֹת on בִּ רְ כ וֹ ת הַ תּ וֹ רָ ה  If, while reciting ;Learning Contest (faxes must be received by Grade 7 – Yitzi Levit, Chaim Leib Miller, Politz Hebrew Academy עֶ ב רֶ שַ בָּ ת morning entered into the שָ בוּעוֹת on ֲע ל וֹ ת הַ שַ חַ ר should be in effect only until the  One who goes to sleep after בְ רָ כ וֹ ת stipulates that the ;Sunday at 7:00 p.m.). Current contestants: Philadelphia, PA . הַ מַ פִּ י ל of בְ רָ ָכ ה or on any other day) does not recite the) שָ בוּעוֹת on בְ רָ כ וֹ ת Halacha next morning, one may recite the

.in the context of the bigger picture. Use them as a starting point for further in-depth study הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת it is important to consider these , הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת Corner *Since we only discuss 1-3 There's a new pirchei hotline! Call now - 718-663-0212 הִ לְ כוֹות עִ נְיָנֵי דְ יוֹומָ א - שָׁ בווּעוֹות בס״ד בס״ד Learning from our Leaders Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of America

R’ Tzvi Pesach Frank had a beautiful custom One time a poor woman came with a treif chicken. when checking the kashrus of a chicken… Oy, this is definitely I cannot find a PIRCHEI treif, and I know this way to pasken this as woman would be insulted Agudas Yisroel of America kosher. Please take this Rebbi, if I gave her money. What Vol: 4 Issue: 28 - ב' סיון, תשע"ז - money and buy yourself thank you May 27, 2017 should I do? another chicken. so much! פרשה: במדבר הפטרה לשבת: והיה מספר בני ישראל כחול הים... )הושע ב:א-כב( דף יומי: בבא בתרא קכ״ה אבות פרק ו' 64 ימים לעומר שבועות יום א: אקדמות, שמות יט:א-כ:כג; יום ב: רות, דברים טו:יט-טז:יז הלל שלם - ב׳ ימים, יזכור יום ב׳ דשבועות דף יומי: בבא בתרא קכ״ט, ק״ל TorahThoughts

בֵית to the בִ כּ וּ רִ י ם is the time we brought up our שָׁ בוּעוֹת remind us that שָׁ בוּעוֹת .שָׁ בוּעוֹת specifically associated with מִ צְ וֹ ת There are no The shochet came this The shochet was Gevaldig! Please give for all the goodness that we merited after we ד׳ We thank] . הַ מִ קְ דָׁ ש that מִ ו צְ ָׁ ה and there is no distinctive , תּ וֹ רָׁ ה celebrating יוֹם טוֹב morning. Hm… I wonder me a chicken… I’ll wrap is the [. תּ וֹ רָׁ ה itself. However, there is a special accepted the תּ וֹ רָׁ ה other than the , תּ וֹ רָׁ ה just here. Did you represents if the chickens were start preparing the it up, and throw this because מִ נ ְ הָׁ ג reasons that we have this ר ' ַי ֲע ֺק ב מִ עֶ מְ דִ י ן is a מִ נ ְ הָׁ ג A .שָׁ בוּעוֹת customs, of , מִ נ ְ הָׁ גִ י ם importance attached to the cooked yet. chickens? one in the garbage. יוֹם טוֹב are the same as flowers offer a pleasant aroma and therefore will enhance the מִ נ ְ הָׁ ג The letters of the word . תּ וֹ רָׁ ה protection for the No, not yet, it ,יוֹם טוֹב the protector. environment. Even though this reasoning is applicable to any , הַ מָׁ ֵ ג ן Excuse me. I need but why- says that all agree that one גְ מָׁ רָׁ א as the שָׁ בוּעוֹת hint, based on five applies even more so to , רֶ מֶ ז to go into the kitchen The Vilna Gaon offers an interesting .יוֹם טוֹב Introductory must have physical enjoyments on this — אַ קְ דָׁ מ וּ ת :They are .שָׁ בוּעוֹת of מִ נ ְ הָׁ גִ י ם where there is more of the popular is to remind us about the מִ נ ְ הָׁ ג says that this אַ ְ ל שִ י ״ ְך reading the story of The — רוּת ,eating dairy products — ַחלָׁ ב ,ה׳ light. praise of יִ שָׁ שכָׁ ר and , תּ וֹ רָׁ ה is the tribe that represents יִ שָׁ שכָׁ ר .יִ שָׁ שכָׁ ר children of — ַתיקוּן placing greenery around the home and shul and — ירק ,רוּת רְ א וּ ֵ ב ן a kind of flower) that) דוּדָׁאִ ים The first letters of each word was born after an exchange of .תִּ יקוּן לֵיל שָׁ בֻעוֹת learning all night from . בעֶרֶ שָׁ בוּעוֹת is always referred to as brought home on תּ וֹ רָׁ ה end. The — אַ ֲ ח רִ י ת spell out the word ֺמ שֶ ה is to remind us about מִ נ ְ הָׁ ג explains that this מַ לְ בִ י ״ ם are performed The מִ נ ְ הָׁ גִ י ם beginning, and these very diverse , רֵ א שִ י ת His mother was able to hide him for .ז׳ אַדָׁ ר who was born on , רַ ֵ ב י נ וּ and are similar to תּ וֹ רָׁ ה together. They represent the protection of the , ֺמ שֶ ה an outer protective covering (the end). three months without anyone asking questions. She then took of flowers. placed him in a basket and hid him in the flowery reeds. This episode מִ נ ְ הָׁ ג Various reasons are offered to explain the . ןמַתַּ תּוֹרָׁ ה the day of ,ז׳ סִ יוָׁן of took place on יוֹם טוֹב Each one provides another insight into appreciating the demostrates the מִ נ ְ הָׁ ג suggests that this בְנֵ י יִ שָׁ ש כָׁ ר The .שָׁ בוּעוֹת and all the other nations, based on the כְּ לַ ל יִשְ רָׁ אֵ ל explains that placing greenery around the home difference between רַ מָׁ ״ א The like a rose between the thorn bushes. The — כְּ שוֹשַ נָׁה בֵין הַ חוֹחִ ים :פָׁ סוּק A miracle occurred at . מַ תַּ ן תּ וֹ רָׁ ה and in shul reminds us of the events of נַ ֲ ע שֶ ה said כְּ לַ ל יִשְ רָׁ אֵ ל but , תּ וֹ רָׁ ה was covered with greenery. [Our shul and other nations refused to accept the הַר סִ ינַי : מַ ן תַּ תּ וֹ רָׁ ה I must check I examined this the time of .unconditionally תּ וֹ רָׁ ה and accepted the ִ וְנ שְ מָׁ ע that represent the beauty of accepting מִ קְ דָׁ ש מְ עַ ט this one by the chicken by the light our home are the [. תּ וֹ רָׁ ה of the kitchen window. the window… Rebbi, This chicken is Kosher שַ ילִ טָׁ " א by R’ Zev Leff שִ ע וּ ר of greenery is to Adapted from: A מִ נ ְ הָׁ ג suggests that the מָׁ ג ֵ ן אַ בְ רָׁ הָׁ ם thank you The L’Mehadrin. so much!

of Yahrtzeits our Gedolim Gedolim Glimpses the , זַ צַ ״ ל R' Chaim Elazar Shapira of Munkács was born in Stryzow, Munkácser Rebbe, placed great ר׳ ַח ִּיים ֶא ְל ָע ָזר ַש ִּפי ָרא ַז ַצ״ל ב׳ סיון ; בַ עַ ל דַ רְ כֵ י תְ שוּבָ ה עַ ל יוֹרֶ ה דֵ עָ ה) ר׳ צְ בִּ י הִּ י רְ ש Poland, to 5697 — 5632 He . פ תְּ ל ִ ָּ ה emphasis on learning and 1937 — 1871 אֶ סְ תֵ ר and ( ר׳צְ בִּ י אֶ לִּ י מֶ לֶ ְך ,בְ ינֵ יִּ שָ שכָ ר great-grandson of the to rise early חַ סִ י דִ י ם of Munkács in encouraged his רָ ב Horowitz). He learned under his father and became the) before davening. He גְּ מָּ רָּ א every two and learn יְ רוּשַ לְמִּ י and שַ ״ ס בַ בְ לִּ י From his youth, he completed the .1914 בְּנֵ י יִ שָּ ש כָּ ר years. He was a prolific writer. In addition to his 6-volume magnum opus, would say in the name of , גְּ מָּ רָּ א that through the learning of . פ סְ ָ רִּ י ם among other ,אוֹת וְשָ לוֹם and ִּנמוּ ֵקי אוֹ ַרח ַח ִּיים he wrote ,מִּ נְ חַ ת אֶ לְ עָ זָ ר with the שָּ מַ יִ ם go up to תְּ ִ פ ל וֹ ת which attracted hundreds of students. our ,יְשִּ יבָה דַרְ כֵי תְ שוּבָה R’ Tzvi Pesach was born in Kovno, Lithuania, to R’ Yehuda Leib and Malka Frank. As a young He opened boy he was acquainted with R’ Yisroel Salanter, who would often visit, and the Kovno Famous as a ‘Wonder Rabbi,’ he was visited by many world leaders, and ר ַּ פָּ אֵ ל , מ ַּ י כָּ אֵ ל , ג ַּ בְּ רִ י אֵ ל of מַ לְּ אֲ כֵ י ד׳ Rov, R’ Yitzchok Elchonon Spector. He learned in the yeshivos of Slabodka and Telz and The first letters of the name of each .אוּ רִ י אֵ ל ,was a close talmid of Rav Itzele Ponevetzer, Rav Shimon Shkopp and Rav Eliezer Gordon. such as the Czechoslovakian President and Queen Wilhelmina of Holland .ג ַּמַָּרָ ַּא spell the word מַ לְּאָכִ ים of these . בְ רָ כוֹת s advice and’ רָ ב R’ Shmuel who sought the .ירושלים in ישיבת עץ חיים In 1893, he immigrated to Eretz Yisroel, and learned in recognized the young prodigy and in 1907 appointed him ,ירושלים Salant, Chief Rabbi of ,for nearly 60 years בית דין He served on this .עדה החרדית of the בית דין in the דיין as a לע״נ ר׳ ישראל בן אברהם ז"ל He was considered one of the leading Dedication opportunities are available. If you would like to sponsor or receive this publication .ירושלים of רב and אב בית דין eventually becoming לע״נ הב׳ ישעיהו דוב ע״ה בן יבלחט״א יצחק צבי נ״י especially on questions regarding the newly evolving technologies and via email, please send an email to [email protected] ,פוסקי הדור .among others ,מקראי קודש and ,הדרת קודש ,ארץ צבי ,הר צבי medicine. He authored Join Pirchei for inspiring shiurim by special guest speakers! For a special Shavuos night learning program in a location כ“א כסלו For any inquiries or comments please feel free to call 347-838-0869 • Illustrated by: Yishaya Suval www.leilshishi.com 5633 – 5721 1873 - 1960 near you, please contact your local Pirchei Branch coordinator or call our central office at 212 797 9000 ext. 272. .חזרת הש״ץ or קדיש, קריאת התורה Please do not read this publication during .עַל ּפִי הַלָכָ ה Please be careful to handle this sheet in the proper manner as required