Introduction Writing People, Writing Religion
Introduction Writing People, Writing Religion A survey of our globe shows the continents inhabited by a great diversity of peoples diff erent in appearance, diff erent in language and in cultural life. Th e Europeans and their descendants on other continents are united by similarity of bodily build, and their civilization sets them off sharply against all the people of diff erent appearance. Th e Chinese, the native New Zealander, the African Negro, the American Indian present not only distinctive bodily fea- tures, but each possesses also his own peculiar mode of life. Each human type seems to have its own inventions, its own customs and beliefs, and it is very generally assumed that race and culture must be intimately associated, that racial descent determines cultural life. —franz boas Th e opening of Franz Boas’s watershed anthropological text, Th e Mind of Primitive Man, describes the long-held theory that “primitive” was both a racial and a cul- tural designation.1 Insofar as the latter was a derivation of the former, racial typol- ogy served as the foundation for hierarchical classifi cations of culture. Th e modes of life that ethnographers, missionaries, and travel writers had described were refl ections of racial diff erences, where race, as a hereditary biological unit, was governed by phenotype, aptitude, and anatomy. Over the next almost three hun- dred pages, Boas sharply contests this supposed correlation between race, culture, and civilization. In arguing that “there is no necessary relationship between the ‘race,’ the language, and the cultural forms and expressions of a people,” Boas imagined “cultures transcending racial classifi cations, and racial groups crossing cultural boundaries.”2 Boas’s major contribution to the history of anthro- pology was to combat the science of racism and eugenics, to reject not only the idea of race as a biological category but also the very idea of evolutionist 1.
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