DIRECTORY. J . MON CKTON DEV.ERILL. ) 65 chalk and gravel. The chief crops are corn, roots and Wall Letter Box, Little Ann, cleared at 7·30 a.m. & I2.5 pasture land. The area is 3,502 acres ; rateable value, & 6.30 p.m.; sunday, II.45 a.m £3,9I3 ; the population in I90I was 532. Wall Letter Box, New Mill, cleared at 7.Io a.m. & 6.15 Clench is a tithing, 2 miles north; Fyfield is a tithing, p.m.; sundays, 11.20 a.m ' mile west ; the hamlet of New Mill is I mile north ; The School Board, formed in 1876, was dissolved 'the. hamlet of Little Salisbury, half a mile west. by the Education Act of I9o2, & the school is now con­ Parish Clerk, Charles Stagg. trolled by a Board of Managers Post, M. 0. & T. Office.-Jarnes Day, sub-postmaster. Elementary School (mixed), built in I876, for 92 chil­ Letters through Pewsey, Wilts, arrive at 7.Io a.rn. & dren; average attendance, 70; John Lane, master 2.45 p.m. ; sundays, 7.40 a.m. ; dispatched at 8 & Carrier to :Niarlborough.-Edward Spackman, tues. thurs. 111.25 a. m. & 6. IO p.m. ; sun days, I 1. IS a.m & sat Learoyd Mrs Jeeves Brothers, farmers, The Lawn PRIVATE RESIDENTS Notley William Anthony, The Lawn Mercer Brothers, blacksmiths ..!nnetts Mrs. Eastleigh Puckridge Percival M. The Grange Rawlins David, farmer, Clench Bristow William, Clench house Richardson Miss, Fyfield Reynolds A. Alfred, land measurer & Chandler Miss, Fyfield lodge rate collector, Upper farm Chandler Mrs. Sunnylands COMMERCIAL. Reynolds Charles, baker & grocer Cockin Rev. John Irwin Browne Cole Herbert D. farmer, Broomsgrove Spackman Edward, carrier M.A. (vicar), Vicarage Dew Herbt. Hy. frmr.Milton Hill frm Spackman Henry,carpenter,Littlewrth Coles Jeremiah George, Fern villa Ferris & Puckridge, land & estate Stagg Frederick C. harness maker Cradock William Joseph, Roseland agents, valuers & auctioneers Vanghan Emma (Mrs.), New inn, Ferris George; Manor house Ford Hy. John, farmer, Abl:ey farm New Mill f'erris :M:rs. The Vinery Gilbert Sophia (Mrs.), grocer Wells Edwin, farmer, Totridge Gale Mrs. Havering house Gilford Alfred, farmer, Fyfield Wells William Bristow, miller (wate'l' Gilbert Mrs. Cumberland cottage Gilford Stephen James, beer retailer & .steam), New mill .Jeans Mark, King hall · Head John, thatcher White Thomas, carpenter

:MINETY (or Minty) is a parish with station, 2 miles [240 net yearly value, is now held by the Dean and -east of the village, on the and Cheltenham Chapter of . The charities amount to from section of the Great Western railway, 85 miles from [,30 to [,15 yearly, which sum is distributed in money at London, 8 north-west from Swindon, 8 south from the New Year to the second poo-r of the parish. Minety

Gouldsmith Cecil Charles, Minetv ho 1Fry Henry, grocer Read Alhert, farmer, Flowers farm James Capt. Arthur Parkinson R.N. Garland Abel, shopkeeper, Silver st ReAd George, cattle dealer Braydon hall Godwin Jn. Vale of ·white Horse inn Read Jonathan, Old Red Lion P.H l..udlow-Hewitt Rev. Thomas Arthur Greenslade Wm. Benj. (Mrs.), farmer Read Richard, coal meT.Railway statn M.A. Vicarage Harvey Frank, Old inn & blacksmith Read Thomas, butcher ()Jiver William, The Mansells Hatton George, farmer Scaplehorn Theodosia (Mrs.), New Hawkins William, farmer Red Lion P.H COlfliiEBCIAL. Hinder Mary (1\lrs. ), grocer Si~nm George, farmer, Sandboum fm !nscombe Alien, draper, Silver street Howse Albert, farmer, Buckswell Slade Lewis. coal dealer Baker John, farmer Howse Roger, farmer .Stratford Charles, blacksmith Baker Thomas, farmer, Stert farm .Tones Albe:Ft, stone mason Tay~or Ernest Edward, printer, sta­ IJrown AbrahamYoung,frmr,Skew bdg Jones John, stone mason tioner & assistant overseer & col­ Burdock Annie (Mrs.), faTmer J ones Ralph, buildeT, Station road lector of taxes; & at Butcher Thos. farmer, The Common Lewis Mark, farmer Telling William, farmer, New house Cave John, farmer, Flistridge Manners Henry, farmer Thomas Edward, farmer 'Olarke Bros. farmers, Distillery farm Manners Herbt. farmer, Vicarage frm Tidmarsh William, farmer & carrier Clarke Arthur Morton, baker Manners William, farmer Tidmarsh William, jun. fariQer Clarke Austin, farmer Mason Wilfred, boot & shoe maker, Timbrell John, butcher 'Clarke Benj. farmer, Swilbrook farm Silver street · Townsend Arthur, farmer Clarke David, farmer Matthews James. farmer · Waldrgn Henry, cowkeeper 'Clarke Waiter, hay & straw dealer Miles Havilah William, wheelwright Westmacott Geo. frmr.Pleydelrs frm Cole Charles, farmer, The Moor Miles Maurice Henry, wheelVI'right Westmacott Joseph, cowkeeper, Fair- Coole H1nnah (Mrs.), farmer Moss Ernest, grocer, & post office fie~d house Edwards Arthur, farmer, Gibbs farm Newman George, farmer Westmacott Robert, farmer :Ellison William Richmond, farmer, Packer John, farmer W estmacott Samuel, farmer Home farm Frior Albert, farmer Whitting John, farmer "MONCKTON DEVERILL is a parish and village division of the county, hundred of Damerbam South, tritnated amongst the Wiltshire hills and on a stream union of Mere, Frome county court district, petty ses­ .called the Deverill, 6 miles south from Warminstcr sional division of Warminster, rural deanery of Wylye •atior on the Salisbury branch oi the Great Western (Heytesbury portion), and Salisbury archdeaconry and -railway, and 10 south-east from Frome, in the Southern diocese. The parish church (dedication unknown) is •