Notices 3878 -- 3974/20

ADMIRALTY NOTICES TO MARINERS Weekly Edition 33 13 August 2020 (Published on the ADMIRALTY website 03 August 2020)


I Explanatory Notes. Publications List II ADMIRALTY Notices to Mariners. Updates to Standard Nautical Charts III Reprints of NAVAREA I Navigational Warnings IV Updates to ADMIRALTY Sailing Directions V Updates to ADMIRALTY List of Lights and Fog Signals VI Updates to ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals VII Updates to Miscellaneous ADMIRALTY Nautical Publications VIII Updates to ADMIRALTY Digital Services

For information on how to update your ADMIRALTY products using ADMIRALTY Notices to Mariners, please refer to NP294 How to Keep Your ADMIRALTY Products Up--to--Date. Mariners are requested to inform the UKHO immediately of the discovery of new or suspected dangers to navigation, observed changes to navigational aids and of shortcomings in both paper and digital ADMIRALTY Charts or Publications. The H--Note App helps you to send H--Notes to the UKHO, using your device’s camera, GPS and email. It is available for free download on Google Play and on the App Store. The Hydrographic Note Form (H102) should be used to forward this information and to report any ENC display issues. H102A should be used for reporting changes to Port Information. H102B should be used for reporting GPS/Chart Datum observations. Copies of these forms can be found at the back of this bulletin and on the UKHO website. The following communication facilities are available: NMs on ADMIRALTY website: Web: Searchable Notices to Mariners: Web: Urgent navigational information: e--mail: [email protected] Phone: +44(0)1823 353448 +44(0)7989 398345 Fax: +44(0)1823 322352 H102 forms e--mail: [email protected] (see back pages of this Weekly Edition) Post: UKHO, Admiralty Way, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 2DN, UK All other enquiries/information e--mail: [email protected] Phone: +44(0)1823 484444 (24/7)  Crown Copyright 2020. All rights Reserved. Permission is not required to make analogue or PDF copies of these Notices, but such copies may not be sold without the permission of the UKHO. For permission to sell copies of the Notices or to make (non--PDF) digital copies please email [email protected] I


The Weekly Notices to Mariners (NM) updates for paper Charts and Publications can be accessed via or the searchable NM Website The latest digital NM Weekly update is available 10 days prior to the paper publication date; there are no subscription fees for access to the UKHO Notices to Mariners Website.

NB: The NM database includes historical NM data from 1 January 2000, for NMs prior to 2000 the Cumulative List of Notices to Mariners (NP234B-00) must be used.

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Adobe Acrobat Reader (Version 6.0 or later). Reader software can be obtained direct from the Adobe website (


Enter the website and select the search option that you require following the on screen instructions:

ƒ Search NMs by - Chart Number only ƒ Search NMs by - Chart Number + Previous NM Number/Year ƒ Search NMs by - Chart Number + Between Previous and Present Dates ƒ Search for Single NM by NM Number/Year

To view the NM, NM Note or full-colour NM Blocks, click on the relevant link.


Enter the website, and then select Notices to Mariners. This will give you access to the following range of Notice to Mariners services: - ADMIRALTY NM Web Search - Weekly NMs - NM Block, Notes and Diagrams - Annual NMs - Cumulative NM List


For further details of the online NM facilities please see the NM Guidance Notes on the website, additional detail includes: ƒ File content and description ƒ PC and printer specifications


If you experience any difficulties, please contact the UKHO Customer Services Team in the UK on:

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Our Singapore team can also be contacted outside of UK hours on: Tel: +65 6424 4200

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 Wk33/20 I

EXPLANATORY NOTES Dating Weekly Notices are dated for the Thursday appropriate to the week that the printed version is despatched from the UKHO. They are available earlier from the UKHO website. Section I - Publications List At the beginning of the Publications List is an index of ADMIRALTY Charts affected by the Publications List. Thereafter there are a number of standard lists which contain details and announcements concerning charts and publications relevant for the particular Weekly Notice. Full details of how to use the various lists contained in Section I are available in NP294. Special Announcements and Errata are occasionally included at the end of this Section. Section IA - Temporary and Preliminary (T&P) Notices A list of T&P Notices in force (along with a list of those cancelled during the previous month), is included in the Weekly NM each month (see below). Section IB - Current Nautical Publications Information about Publications including the current edition numbers is included in the Weekly NM at the end of March, June, September and December. Section II - Updates to Standard Nautical Charts The notices in Section II give instructions for the updating of standard nautical charts and selected thematic charts in the ADMIRALTY series. Geographical positions refer to the horizontal datum of the current edition of each affected chart which is stated in the notice alongside the appropriate chart number. Positions are normally given in degrees, minutes and decimals of a minute, but may occasionally quote seconds for convenience when plotting from the graduation of some older- style charts. Where Leisure Products are referred to different horizontal datums from the standard nautical charts for that geographical area, positions in the notices cannot be plotted directly on these products. Bearings are true reckoned clockwise from 000° to 359°; those relating to lights are from seaward. Symbols referred to are those shown in NP5011. Depths and heights are given in metres or fathoms and/or feet as appropriate for the chart being updated (abbreviated where necessary to m, fm and ft respectively). Blocks and notes accompanying notices in Section II are placed towards the end of the section. T&P Notices. These are indicated by (T) or (P) after the notice number and are placed at the end of Section II. They are printed on one side of the paper in order that they may be cut up and filed. To assist in filing, the year is indicated after the notice number and an in-force list is published monthly. Information from these notices is not included on charts before issue; charts should be updated in pencil on receipt. Associated diagrams are reproduced with Blocks at the end of Section II. Original Information. A star (*) adjacent to the number of a notice indicates that the notice is based on original information. Section III - Navigational Warnings NAVAREA I Navigational Warnings in force at the specified time quoted in the header are reprinted in Section III. It is recommended that this reprint should be kept in a file or book, followed by subsequent weekly reprints. Only the most convenient ADMIRALTY Chart is quoted. The full text of all Warnings in force is included in Weeks 1, 13, 26 and 39 each year. Section IV - Sailing Directions Updates to all Sailing Directions are given in Section IV of ADMIRALTY Notices to Mariners. Those in force at the end of the year are reprinted in NP247(2) Annual Summary of ADMIRALTY Notices to Mariners Part 2. A list of updates in force is published in Section IV of the Weekly Edition quarterly. Full details of how to keep Sailing Directions up-to-date can be found in NP294 How to Keep Your ADMIRALTY Products Up-to-Date. In 2018, the UKHO began the process of removing AIS and Racon information from ADMIRALTY Sailing Directions, as this is held in greater detail within ADMIRALTY Radio Signals publications. During this transition, AIS and Racon information will be removed from new editions of each Sailing Direction volume, and AIS and Racon information present in existing Sailing Direction volumes will no longer be updated. For accurate, up-to-date information on AIS and Racons, refer to ADMIRALTY Radio Signals publications. Section V - Lights Updates to all the List of Lights are given in Section V and may be published in an earlier edition than the chart-updating notice. The entire entry for each light updated will be printed (including minor changes) and an asterisk (*) will denote which column contains a change. In the case of a new light, or where a new sequence is added below the main light, an asterisk (*) will appear under all columns. All Section V entries are intended to be cut out and pasted into the appropriate volume. It is emphasised that the List of Lights is the primary source of information on lights and that many alterations, especially those of a temporary but operational nature, are promulgated only as updates to the List of Lights. Light positions should be regarded as approximate and are intended to indicate the relative positions of lights only. Charts should be consulted for a more authoritative position. When a light is affected by a separate chart-updating notice, its Light List number is always included in the relevant text contained in Section II. The range of a light is normally the nominal range, except when the responsible authority quotes luminous or geographical range - see special remarks for ranges used by each country.

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[33/20] ADMIRALTY Charts affected by the Publication List

ADMIRALTY Charts ADMIRALTY Charts International Charts

341 4604 INT 727 647 4644 INT 813 650 4709 INT 814 1143 4726 INT 1165 1163 4727 INT 1355 1183 4784 INT 1457 1199 4785 INT 1561 1281 4786 INT 7666 1303 4813 1304 4814 ADMIRALTY Publications 1306 4954 1602 DE 4 NP 75 1666 NP 131 2000 International Charts NP 203-21 2289 2370 INT 50 Erratum 2409 INT 51 3418 INT 52 4030 4050 INT 60 4033 4051 INT 61 4052 INT 62 4060 INT 506 4061 INT 509 4062 INT 602 4127 INT 604 4506 INT 644 4509 INT 709 4602 INT 726


As a result of ongoing effects of COVID-19 on distribution infrastructure around the world, for safety reasons, we took the decision a few months ago to delay the publication of any non-essential ADMIRALTY Nautical Publications until further notice. We started to ease the restrictions on the dispatch of some of our paper publications for July 2020. We are continuing this effort and following some positive feedback on successful receipts of publications, we are now in a position to confirm the publications schedule for the rest of the year. As previously, we will continue to closely monitor our distribution network capacities. We reserve ourselves the right to amend this publications schedule accordingly should significant dispatch issues start arising again.

 denotes chart available in the ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service series.

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New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts published 13 August 2020

Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale Folio 2020 Catalogue page

341 South China Sea, Macao to Hong Kong. 1:75,000 47 78

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: changes to depths and new marine reserves.

Note: On publication of this New Edition former Notices 3122(P)/20, 3471(P)/20, 3651(P)/20 and 3812(P)/20 are cancelled. This chart remains affected by Notices 5172(T)/10, 3997(P)/12, 1948(P)/19 and 5171(T)/19.

1163 Korea - South Coast, Busan New Port. 1:10,000 52 86

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: changes to depths, lights and coastline.

Note: On publication of this New Edition former Notice 3542(P)/20 is cancelled. This chart remains affected by Notice 636(T)/20.

1602 China - Chang Jiang , Outer Approaches to Shanghai. 1:130,000 50 80

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: changes to radio reporting lines and buoyage.

Note: On publication of this New Edition former Notices 3331(P)/20 and 3803(P)/20 are cancelled.

2000 Scotland - West Coast, Gareloch. 1:12,500 3 30 A Rhu Narrows. 1:6,250 B Faslane Base. 1:6,250 56° 02´·894 N.— 56° 04´·500 N., 4° 48´·972 W.— 4° 49´·905 W

Includes changes to depths from the latest British Government and Argyll and Bute Council surveys. The limits of Panel B have been changed to provide improved coverage of Faslane Base.

Note: This chart remains affected by Notice 825(T)/20.

2289 International Chart Series, Baltic Sea – Latvia, Approaches to the Port of 1:25,000 10 36 INT 1165 Liepāja.

Includes changes to depths, dredged depths, buoyage and lights. (A modified reproduction of INT1165 published by Latvia.)

Note: This chart is to be deleted from the list of charts affected by Notice 3541(P)/20.

 denotes chart available in the ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service series.

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New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts published 13 August 2020 (continued)

Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale Folio 2020 Catalogue page

2409 - West Coast, Kaohsiung Kang to Fang-Yüan Po-Ti including P'eng- 1:150,000 50 80 Hu Ch'ün-Tao.

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: new wind farms under construction, area to be avoided and buoyage.

Note: On publication of this New Edition former Notice 3832(P)/20 is cancelled. This chart remains affected by Notices 5137(T)/13, 5101(T)/19, 77(T)/20, 668(T)20, 3222(P)/20, 3863(P)/20 and 3902(T)/20.

3418 England - South Coast, Langstone and Chichester Harbours. 1:20,000 1 24

Includes changes to depths from the latest port authority surveys.

4060 International Chart Series, Australasia and Adjacent Waters. 1:10,000,000 63 16, 136 INT 60 Includes updated lines of equal magnetic variation for 2020.

Note: This chart remains affected by Notice 6384(T)/19.

4061 International Chart Series, Southern Pacific Ocean, Western Portion. 1:10,000,000 73 16, 136 INT 61 Includes updated lines of equal magnetic variation for 2020.

Note: This chart remains affected by Notice 6384(T)/19.

4602 International Chart Series, South Pacific Ocean, Tasman and Coral Seas, 1:3,500,000 66 18, 104 INT 602 Australia to Northern New Zealand and Fiji.

Includes updated lines of equal magnetic variation for 2020.

Note: This chart remains affected by Notice 3609(T)/20.

4604 International Chart Series, South Pacific Ocean, Coral and Solomon Seas 1:3,500,000 68 18, 104 INT 604 and Adjacent Seas.

Includes updated lines of equal magnetic variation for 2020.

Note: This chart remains affected by Notices 6384(T)/19 and 2356(T)/20.

4644 International Chart Series, Australia - South Coast, Cape Otway to Cape 1:1,500,000 65 88, 90, 92 INT 644 Howe including Tasmania.

Includes updated lines of equal magnetic variation for 2020.

Note: This chart remains affected by Notice 2263(T)/20.

 denotes chart available in the ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service series.

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New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts published 13 August 2020 (continued)

Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale Folio 2020 Catalogue page

4709 International Chart Series, Southern Ocean, Australia - South Coast. 1:3,500,000 65 18, 136 INT 709 Includes updated lines of equal magnetic variation for 2020.

4726 International Chart Series, Australia - South West Coast, Western Australia, 1:1,500,000 64 88, 136 INT 726 Cape Leeuwin to Esperance.

Includes updated lines of equal magnetic variation for 2020.

4727 International Chart Series, Australia - South Coast, Esperance to Whidbey 1:1,500,000 65 88 INT 727 Isles.

Includes updated lines of equal magnetic variation for 2020.

4784 Canada, Québec/Quebec, Fleuve Saint-Laurent/St. Lawrence River, Cap aux 1:50,000 79 130 Oies à/to Sault-au-Cochon.

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: changes to depths.

Note: On publication of this New Edition former Notice 3301(P)/20 is cancelled.

4954 Canada - United States, British Colombia/Colombie-Britannique, Vancouver 1:40,000 90 110 Island/Île de Vancouver, Haro Strait, Boundary Pass and/et Satellite Channel. Continuation A. 1:40,000

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: new restricted areas and changes to submarine cables.

Note: On publication of this New Edition former Notice 3338(P)/20 is cancelled.

ADMIRALTY Publications

NP No. Title and other remarks Date Remarks

NP75 ADMIRALTY List of Lights and Fog Signals Volume B 2020/21 13/08/2020 Updated to Week 29/2020. First Southern and Eastern Sides of the North Sea Including the Coast of Updates in NM Week 33/20. Norway to latitude 60 ̊ 55’N. Volume B 2019/20 is cancelled.

ISBN Number: 978-0-70-772-4140

NP203-21 ADMIRALTY Tide Tables, Volume 3, Indian Ocean (including 13/08/2020 New Edition 2021. Tidal Stream Tables). 2021 Edition.

ISBN Number: 978-0-70-772- 2313

 denotes chart available in the ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service series.

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New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts Charts to be 2020 Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale WITHDRAWN Folio Catalogue page

1143 China - East Coast, Luchaogang to Zhapu. 1:80,000 1143 50 80

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: changes to VTS limits, fairways and anchorage areas.

1183 International Chart Series, England - East Coast, Thames Estuary. 1:100,000 1183 7 24 INT 1561 INT 1561 Includes changes to depths from the latest British Government and Port Authority surveys.

1199 China - East Coast, Ningbo Gang to Changjiang Kou. 1:300,000 1199 50 80 Luhuashan Anchorage. 1:60,000

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: changes to VTS limits, fairways and coastline.

1281 China - East Coast, Outer Approaches to Dafeng Gang and Yangkou 1:250,000 1281 52 80, 82 Gang.

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: new lights and changes to coastline and depths

1303 China - East Coast, Zhoushan Qundao, Nanhui Zui to Huoshan 1:80,000 1303 50 80 Liedao.

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: changes to depths, coastline, anchorages, fairways and VTS limits.

1304 China - East Coast, Zhoushan Qundao, Huoshan Liedao to Luotou 1:80,000 1304 50 80 Shuidao.

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: changes to depths, coastline and fairways.

1306 China - East Coast, Zhoushan Qundao, Huaniao Shan to Sanxing 1:80,000 1306 50 80 Shan.

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: changes to VTS Limits.

1666 China - East China Sea, Hangzhou Wan, Approaches to Jinshan. 1:25,000 1666 50 80

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: changes to VTS limits, fairways and anchorage areas.

 denotes chart available in the ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service series.

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New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts (continued) Charts to be 2020 Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale WITHDRAWN Folio Catalogue page

2370 International Chart Series, Baltic Sea – , Rostock. 1:12,500 2370 10 34 INT 1355 54° 05´·30 N.— 54° 12´·65 N., 12° 02´·50 E.— 12° 11´·00 E INT 1355 Warnemünde. 1:6,000

Includes changes to depths and cables. Chart limits have been changed to provide improved coverage. Plan B, Marienehe to Stadthafen has been withdrawn. (A modified reproduction of INT1355 published by Germany.)

4050 International Chart Series, North Pacific Ocean, North Eastern Part. 1:10,000,000 4050 89 16, 134 INT 50 Bering Sea. 1:10,000,000 INT 50

Includes updated lines of equal magnetic variation for 2020. (A modified reproduction of INT50 published by the United States of America.)

4051 International Chart Series, North Pacific Ocean, South Eastern Part. 1:10,000,000 4051 88 16 INT 51 INT 51 Includes updated lines of equal magnetic variation for 2020. (A modified reproduction of INT51 published by the United States of America)

4052 International Chart Series, North Pacific Ocean, Southwestern Part. 1:10,000,000 4052 57 16 INT 52 INT 52 Includes updated lines of equal magnetic variation for 2020. (A modified reproduction of INT52 published by Japan.)

4062 International Chart Series, South Pacific Ocean - Eastern Part . 1:10,000,000 4062 88 16, 136 INT 62 INT 62 Includes updated lines of equal magnetic variation for 2020 (A modified reproduction of INT62 published by Chile).

4127 China - Hong Kong, South Eastern Approaches. 1:25,000 4127 47 78

Includes significant safety-related information as follows: new submarine cables and changes to depths and obstructions.

4506 International Chart Series, North Pacific Ocean, Mariana Islands to 1:3,500,000 4506 57 18, 104 INT 506 the Gilbert Group. INT 506

Includes updated lines of equal magnetic variation for 2020. (A modified reproduction of INT506 published by Japan.)

 denotes chart available in the ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service series.

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New Editions of ADMIRALTY Charts (continued) Charts to be 2020 Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale WITHDRAWN Folio Catalogue page

4509 International Chart Series, North Pacific Ocean, Western Portion of 1:3,500,000 4509 57 18 INT 509 Japan. INT 509

Includes updated lines of equal magnetic variation for 2020. (A modified reproduction of INT509 published by Japan.)

4785 Canada, Québec/Quebec, Fleuve Saint-Laurent/St. Lawrence River, 1:50,000 4785 79 130 Sault-Au-Cochon à/to Québec. Continuation A. 1:50,000

Includes changes to depths, wrecks, anchor berths and lights. (A modified reproduction of Chart 1317 published by Canada.)

4786 Canada, Québec/Quebec, Fleuve Saint-Laurent/St. Lawrence River, 1:15,000 4786 79 130 Port de Québec. Continuation A. 1:15,000

Includes changes to depths, wrecks and anchor berths. (A modified reproduction of Chart 1316 published by Canada.)

4813 International Chart Series, North Pacific Ocean, Bering Sea, 1:3,500,000 4813 56 18 INT 813 Southern Part. INT 813

Includes updated lines of equal magnetic variation for 2020. (A modified reproduction of INT813 published by the United States of America.)

4814 International Chart Series, North Pacific Ocean, Bering Sea, 1:3,500,000 4814 92 18, 134 INT 814 Northern Part. INT 814

Includes updated lines of equal magnetic variation for 2020. (A modified reproduction of INT814 published by the United States of America.)

 denotes chart available in the ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service series.

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New Editions

Reproductions of German Government Charts

Charts to be 2020 Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale WITHDRAWN Folio Catalogue page

DE4 International Chart Series, North Sea – Germany, River Weser, 1:30,000 DE4 9 32 INT 1457 Robbenplate to Reiherplate. INT 1457 A Reiherplate to Brake. 1:30,000 B Bremerhaven. 1:12,500

Includes changes to depths. (A modified reproduction of INT1457 published by Germany.)



Chart to be On publication of WITHDRAWN Main Title New Chart/New Edition

341 South China Sea, Macao to Hong Kong. 341

1163 Korea - South Coast, Busan New Port. 1163

1602 China - Chang Jiang , Outer Approaches to Shanghai. 1602

2000 Scotland - West Coast, Gareloch. 2000

2289 International Chart Series, Baltic Sea – Latvia, Approaches to the Port of 2289 INT 1165 Liepāja. INT 1165

2409 Taiwan - West Coast, Kaohsiung Kang to Fang-Yüan Po-Ti including P'eng-Hu 2409 Ch'ün-Tao.

3418 England - South Coast, Langstone and Chichester Harbours. 3418

4060 International Chart Series, Australasia and Adjacent Waters. 4060 INT 60 INT 60

4061 International Chart Series, Southern Pacific Ocean, Western Portion. 4061 INT 61 INT 61

 denotes chart available in the ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service series.

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ADMIRALTY Charts (continued)

Chart to be On publication of WITHDRAWN Main Title New Chart/New Edition

4602 International Chart Series, South Pacific Ocean, Tasman and Coral Seas, 4602 INT 602 Australia to Northern New Zealand and Fiji. INT 602

4604 International Chart Series, South Pacific Ocean, Coral and Solomon Seas and 4604 INT 604 Adjacent Seas. INT 604

4644 International Chart Series, Australia - South Coast, Cape Otway to Cape Howe 4644 INT 644 including Tasmania. INT 644

4709 International Chart Series, Southern Ocean, Australia - South Coast. 4709 INT 709 INT 709

4726 International Chart Series, Australia - South West Coast, Western Australia, 4726 INT 726 Cape Leeuwin to Esperance. INT 726

4727 International Chart Series, Australia - South Coast, Esperance to Whidbey Isles. 4727 INT 727 INT 727

4784 Canada, Québec/Quebec, Fleuve Saint-Laurent/St. Lawrence River, Cap aux 4784 Oies à/to Sault-au-Cochon.

4954 Canada - United States, British Colombia/Colombie-Britannique, Vancouver 4954 Island/Île de Vancouver, Haro Strait, Boundary Pass and/et Satellite Channel.


It is proposed to withdraw without replacement, the following ADMIRALTY Charts:-

Chart to be Date of WITHDRAWN Main Title withdrawal

647 International Chart Series, Mozambique, Pemba (Porto Amélia). 10 September 2020 INT 7666

650 Mozambique, Quelimane. 10 September 2020

 denotes chart available in the ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service series.

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NP131 - Catalogue of ADMIRALTY Charts (NP131), 2020 Edition Amendments to Part 1, ADMIRALTY Authorised Chart Agents / Distributors Page 7, Distributor Section,


Voyager Worldwide A Global Navigation Solutions Yasden Denizcilik AS Company Yayla Mah, Ayisigi Sok Rumeli Evleri A Blok No:13/A No.21/22 Tuzla Istanbul, 34933 T: +90 216 493 7401 F: +90 216 493 7402

[email protected] IACA, Paper, Digital, POD

This is an amendment to a current listing.


New Editions of Admiralty Charts

The following New Edition previously announced in Admiralty Notices to Mariners weekly edition 31/20 will not be published on 13 August 2020. A revised publication has not been allocated:

4030 Port of Singapore, West Jurong Anchorages and Temasek Fairway.

The following New Edition previously announced in Admiralty Notices to Mariners weekly edition 32/20 will not be published on 20 August 2020. A revised publication has not been allocated:

4033 Port of Singapore, Tuas Bay, West Jurong Channel and Pesek Basin.

 denotes chart available in the ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service series.

1.15 Wk33/20 II


(1) Miscellaneous ...... (2) British Isles ...... 2.5 – 2.6 (3) North , Norway, The Færoe Islands and Iceland ...... 2.7 (4) Baltic Sea and Approaches ...... 2.7 – 2.12 (5) North Sea and North and West Coasts of Denmark, Germany, Netherlands and Belgium ...... (6) France and Spain, North and West Coasts, and Portugal ...... 2.12 (7) North Atlantic Ocean...... (8) Mediterranean and Black Seas...... 2.13 – 2.15 (9) Africa, West Coast and South Atlantic ...... 2.15 (10) Africa, South and East Coasts, and Madagascar ...... 2.15 – 2.16 (11) Red Sea, Arabia, Iraq and ...... 2.16 (12) Indian Ocean, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Burma ...... 2.16 – 2.17 (13) Malacca Strait, Singapore Strait and Sumatera ...... (14) China Sea with its West Shore and China ...... 2.17 – 2.22 (15) Japan ...... 2.22 – 2.25 (16) Korea and the Pacific Coasts of Russia ...... 2.26 (17) Philippine Islands, Borneo and Indonesia except Sumatera ...... 2.26 (18) Australia and Papua New Guinea ...... (19) New Zealand ...... (20) Pacific Ocean...... (21) Aleutian Islands, Alaska and West Coast of North America including Mexico ...... 2.26 – 2.27 (22) West Coasts of Central and South America ...... 2.27 (23) Antarctica...... (24) East Coast of South America and The Falkland Islands ...... 2.28 – 2.29 (25) Caribbean Sea, West Indies and the Gulf of Mexico...... 2.29 (26) East Coast of North America and Greenland ...... 2.29 – 2.30 (27) T & P Notices ...... 2.31 – 2.42

2.1 Wk33/20 II


Notice No. Page Admiralty Chart Folio Notice No. Page Admiralty Chart Folio 3878 2.29 81 3935 2.22 53 3879* 2.5 16 3936 2.23 54 3880 2.29 81 3937 2.23 54 3881 2.13 31 3938 2.23 54 3882 2.26 58, 60 3939 2.25 54 3883(P)/20 2.42 81 3940 2.25 54 3884 2.26 52 3941 2.25 54 3885(P)/20 2.34 45 3942(T)/20 2.39 55 3886 2.17 50 3943(T)/20 2.39 55 3887(P)/20 2.37 50 3944(T)/20 2.39 55 3888 2.18 50 3945(T)/20 2.40 55 3889(P)/20 2.32 41, 42 3946(T)/20 2.40 53 3890 2.18 47 3947(T)/20 2.40 53 3891 2.18 52 3948(T)/20 2.40 54 3892 2.30 81 3949(T)/20 2.41 54 3893 2.18 52 3950 2.28 95 3894 2.19 47 3951 2.20 52 3895 2.7 13 3952 2.20 50 3896 2.7 14 3953 2.20 50 3897 2.15 35 3954(T)/20 2.41 95 3898 2.16 40 3955 2.21 50 3899 2.7 10 3956(P)/20 2.38 50 3900 2.28 95 3957(T)/20 2.32 11 3901 2.7 11 3958(T)/20 2.34 32, 41, 42 3902(T)/20 2.37 50 3959 2.21 50 3903 2.13 31 3960(T)/20 2.32 11 3904 2.26 89 3961 2.21 52 3905 2.19 50 3962 2.17 41 3906(T)/20 2.31 10 3963 2.27 98 3907(T)/20 2.31 10 3964 2.21 52 3908 2.13 31 3965(T)/20 2.41 95 3909 2.8 10 3966 2.27 98 3910(P)/20 2.31 10 3967 2.10 10 3911* 2.6 2, 4 3968 2.29 96 3912 2.12 1, 7, 9, 16 3969 2.22 50 3913 2.8 11 3970 2.10 10 3914 2.19 48, 50 3971(T)/20 2.39 47 3915 2.9 10 3972 2.11 9, 10 3916 2.28 96 3973 2.12 10 3917 2.15 20 3974 2.16 36 3918 2.27 89 3919 2.14 30 3920 2.27 92 3921 2.16 32 3922 2.29 87 3923 2.14 25 3924 2.10 10 3925 2.14 24 3926(P)/20 2.41 60 3927(P)/20 2.35 45 3928 2.10 11 3929(P)/20 2.38 50 3930 2.26 52 3931 2.15 24 3932 2.16 43 3933(P)/20 2.33 43 3934 2.22 54

2.2 Wk33/20 II


Admiralty Chart No. NoticesNotices AdmiraltyAdmiralty ChartChart No.No. Notices

177 3931 2153 3927P 252 3925 2155 3927P 264 3921 2166 3923 323 3912 2227 3928, 3957T 593 3922 2230 3881, 3903 598 3900 2238 3881 618 3922 2248 3960T 707 3958T 2254 3911 709 3958T 2276 3909 807 3879 2283 3903 808 3879 2409 3902T 809 3964 2410 3953 823 3932 2414 3890 828 3889P 2423 3911 833 3933P 2449 3912 855 3925 2473 3882 862 3917 2486 3880 889 3901 2583 3915 892 3972 2596 3915 923 3915 2597 3915 938 3915 2601 3970 1029 3904 2618 3956P 1063 3918 2683 3896 1126 3955 2738 3889P, 3958T 1134 3886 2789 3911 1136 3879 2808 3878 1144 3886 2816 3906T 1155 3952 2843 3907T, 3924 1199 3886 2856 3899 1201 3951 2876 3926P 1252 3893 2884 3898 1253 3951 2919 3883P 1254 3961 2926 3974 1256 3961 2927 3974 1268 3898 2942 3970 1270 3884 2944 3970 1271 3884 2973 3973 1303 3886 3076 3963 1306 3886 3133 3917 1327 3954T 3140 3879 1331 3916 3231 3902T 1351 3912 3317 3908 1374 3971T 3332 3968 1402 3972 3365 3930 1406 3912 3446 3971T 1430 3895 3451 3892 1505 3891 3480 3961 1585 3919 3482 3890 1602 3929P 3489 3914 1610 3912 3654 3879 1721 3905, 3952 3655 3879 1723 3969 3674 3913 1759 3905, 3952 3726 3926P 1760 3902T 3755 3916 1763 3952 3817 3960T 1892 3912 3818 3960T 1910 3925 3890 3894 1968 3914, 3959 3892 3894 2001 3965T 3924 3882 2012 3950 3933 3885P 2015 3906T 3984 3950 2018 3906T 4101 3895 2085 3913 4124 3888 2107 3972 4160 3897 2108 3967 4246 3966 2117 3970 4703 3889P, 3958T 2121 3925 4705 3958T 2139 3927P 4706 3889P, 3958T 2152 3927P 4707 3889P, 3958T

2.3 Wk33/20 II


International Admiralty Chart No. NoticesNotices Admiralty Chart No. Notices Chart No. 4810 3920 INT 1369 3915 4910 3904 INT 1370 3915 4911 3904 INT 1371 3915 4977 3920 INT 1378 3972 8020 3910P INT 1404 3895 8215 3887P INT 1483 3912 8216 3887P INT 1511 3912 8232 3927P INT 1564 3912 8233 3927P INT 1741 3912 INT 1777 3901 Indian INT 3680 3919 Notices Chart No. INT 5252 3930 INT 5363 3884 IN 22 3889P, 3958T INT 7021 3958T IN 219 3962 INT 7115 3921 IN 221 3889P INT 7278 3898 IN 259 3889P, 3962 INT 7356 3889P, 3962 IN 260 3889P INT 7438 3932 IN 261 3889P INT 7442 3933P IN 292 3958T INT 7533 3897 INT 7660 3974 Japanese Notices Chart No. JP 28 3942T, 3943T JP 63 3945T JP 65 3944T JP 67 3946T JP 89 3935 JP 94 3947T JP 106 3934, 3937, 3938, 3940 JP 112 3936, 3937 JP 123 3938, 3939 JP 126 3941 JP 131 3934 JP 142 3949T JP 150A 3934, 3938 JP 1103 3934, 3938, 3948T JP 1112A 3949T JP 1141 3948T

International Notices Chart No. INT 101 3895 INT 550 3890 INT 553 3914 INT 703 3889P, 3958T INT 705 3958T INT 706 3889P, 3958T INT 707 3889P, 3958T INT 752 3889P, 3958T INT 810 3920 INT 1142 3913 INT 1169 3973 INT 1201 3906T INT 1202 3906T INT 1224 3907T, 3924 INT 1249 3960T INT 1250 3960T INT 1300 3972 INT 1301 3972 INT 1302 3967 INT 1326 3899 INT 1351 3970 INT 1353 3970 INT 1368 3915

2.4 Wk33/20 II

3879* CHANNEL ISLANDS - Guernsey - Submarine power cable. Source: Guernsey Electricity Ltd Note: Former Notice 4251(P)/19 is cancelled.

Chart 807 [ previous update 4587/19 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert submarine power cable, , joining: ÉÊÉ 49° 27´·10N., 2° 32´·13W. 49° 27´·04N., 2° 31´·58W. 49° 26´·93N., 2° 31´·15W. 49° 26´·84N., 2° 31´·06W. 49° 26´·08N., 2° 31´·24W. 49° 25´·54N., 2° 31´·15W. 49° 24´·01N., 2° 30´·93W. 49° 23´·71N., 2° 30´·77W. 49° 23´·54N., 2° 30´·53W.

Chart 808 [ previous update 4587/19 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert submarine power cable, , joining: ÉÊÉ 49° 27´·10N., 2° 32´·13W. 49° 27´·04N., 2° 31´·58W. 49° 26´·93N., 2° 31´·15W. 49° 26´·84N., 2° 31´·06W. 49° 26´·08N., 2° 31´·24W. 49° 25´·54N., 2° 31´·15W. 49° 24´·01N., 2° 30´·93W. 49° 23´·71N., 2° 30´·77W. 49° 23´·54N., 2° 30´·53W.

Chart 1136 [ previous update 5603/18 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert submarine power cable, , joining: ÉÊÉ 49° 18´·37N., 2° 18´·28W. 49° 17´·93N., 2° 15´·29W. 49° 17´·24N., 2° 13´·48W. 49° 16´·84N., 2° 12´·61W. 49° 16´·33N., 2° 11´·93W. 49° 16´·03N., 2° 11´·77W. 49° 15´·35N., 2° 11´·92W. 49° 15´·13N., 2° 12´·00W. 49° 14´·99N., 2° 12´·00W.

Chart 3140 [ previous update 1901/19 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert submarine power cable, , joining: ÉÊÉ 49° 27´·100N., 2° 32´·140W. 49° 27´·080N., 2° 31´·872W. 49° 27´·048N., 2° 31´·632W. 49° 26´·928N., 2° 31´·149W. 49° 26´·898N., 2° 31´·091W. 49° 26´·839N., 2° 31´·055W. 49° 26´·743N., 2° 31´·097W.

2.5 Wk33/20 II

3879* CHANNEL ISLANDS - Guernsey - Submarine power cable. (continued)

Chart 3654 [ previous update 4587/19 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert submarine power cable, , joining: ÉÊÉ 49° 27´·10N., 2° 32´·12W. 49° 27´·04N., 2° 31´·61W. 49° 26´·93N., 2° 31´·15W. 49° 26´·84N., 2° 31´·06W. 49° 26´·05N., 2° 31´·24W. 49° 23´·98N., 2° 30´·91W. 49° 23´·66N., 2° 30´·72W. 49° 21´·11N., 2° 25´·89W. 49° 20´·79N., 2° 24´·97W. 49° 19´·94N., 2° 23´·53W.

Chart 3655 [ previous update 6049/19 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert submarine power cable, , joining: ÉÊÉ 49° 19´·09N., 2° 22´·15W. 49° 18´·83N., 2° 21´·40W. 49° 17´·92N., 2° 15´·27W. 49° 17´·21N., 2° 13´·42W. 49° 16´·86N., 2° 12´·64W. 49° 16´·33N., 2° 11´·93W. 49° 16´·03N., 2° 11´·77W. 49° 15´·39N., 2° 11´·91W. 49° 15´·11N., 2° 12´·00W. 49° 14´·99N., 2° 12´·00W.

3911* IRELAND - South West Coast - Depths. Dredged depth. Note. Source: New Edition of GB Chart 2790

Chart 2254 [ previous update 1889/19 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Insert depth, 145, and extend 20m contour SW to enclose (a) 52° 06´·33N., 10° 16´·87W. Delete depth, 24, close W of: (a) above note, CHART 2790: POSITIONS, centred on: 52° 15´·31N., 9° 10´·91W.

Chart 2423 [ previous update 4081/18 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Insert depth, 145, and extend 20m contour SW to enclose (a) 52° 06´·33N., 10° 16´·87W. Delete depth, 24, close W of: (a) above note, CHART 2790: POSITIONS, centred on: 52° 02´·80N., 11° 02´·34W.

Chart 2789 [ previous update 871/19 ] ETRS89 DATUM

Insert depth, 145, and extend 20m contour SW to enclose (a) 52° 06´·33N., 10° 16´·87W. Delete depth, 24, close W of: (a) above

Insert depth, 153, and extend 20m contour SE to enclose (b) 52° 06´·58N., 10° 15´·06W. Delete depth, 18, close NW of: (b) above Amend dredged depth to, 3·1m (2018), centred on: 52° 07´·84N., 10° 16´·39W. Delete note, CHART 2790: POSITIONS, centred on: 52° 10´·75N., 10° 12´·26W.

2.6 Wk33/20 II

3895 NORWAY - West Coast - Obstruction. Danger line. Source: Norwegian HO

Chart 1430 (INT 1404) [ previous update 1216/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert circular limit of danger line, radius 1·5M, dotted line, centred on: (a) 65° 38´·2N., 7° 01´·2E. legend, Obstn, within: (a) above

Chart 4101 (INT 101) [ previous update 1741/20 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert Obstn å 65° 38´·2N., 7° 01´·2E.

3896 NORWAY - North Coast - Obstruction. Source: Norwegian HO Note: Former Notice 1942(T)/20 is cancelled.

Chart 2683 [ previous update 2663/20 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert Obstn å 72° 11´·8N., 19° 38´·2E.

3899 SWEDEN - East Coast - Submarine pipeline. Source: Swedish Notice 815/15070/20

Chart 2856 (INT 1326) [ previous update 1964/20 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert submarine pipeline, , joining: È 56° 00´·56N., 14° 42´·92E. 56° 00´·26N., 14° 41´·47E.

3901 SWEDEN - East Coast - Buoy. Source: Swedish Notice 815/15067/20

Chart 889 (INT 1777) (Panel B, Öregrundsleden) [ previous update 3136/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert Jb 60° 18´·84N., 18° 31´·02E.

2.7 Wk33/20 II

3909 LITHUANIA - Coastline. Light. Buoy. Legend. Source: Lithuanian Notice 6/90/20

Chart 2276 (Panel A, Klaipėda) [ previous update 2361/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert coastline, single firm line, joining: 55° 41´·161N., 21° 08´·184E. 55° 41´·151N., 21° 08´·198E. 55° 41´·143N., 21° 08´·179E. 55° 41´·153N., 21° 08´·165E. Move Iso.R.4s8m3M, from: ¶ 55° 41´·132N., 21° 08´·207E. to: 55° 41´·150N., 21° 08´·180E. Delete Q.W GU 55° 41´·172N., 21° 08´·170E. legend, Under construction (2019), centred on: 55° 41´·160N., 21° 08´·237E.

Chart 2276 (Panel B, Continuation of Klaipėda) [ previous update 2361/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert coastline, single firm line, joining: 55° 41´·161N., 21° 08´·184E. 55° 41´·151N., 21° 08´·198E. 55° 41´·143N., 21° 08´·179E. 55° 41´·153N., 21° 08´·165E. Move Iso.R.4s8m3M, from: ¶ 55° 41´·132N., 21° 08´·208E. to: 55° 41´·150N., 21° 08´·180E. Delete Q.W GU 55° 41´·172N., 21° 08´·170E. legend, Under construction (2019), centred on: 55° 41´·160N., 21° 08´·237E.

3913 FINLAND - West Coast - Marine farm. Source: Finnish Notice 18/149/20

Chart 2085 [ previous update 3139/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert Ì 63° 46´·20N., 22° 28´·37E.

Chart 3674 (INT 1142) [ previous update 4903/19 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert limit of marine farm, pecked line, joining: (a) 63° 46´·58N., 22° 28´·63E. (b) 63° 46´·21N., 22° 28´·69E. (c) 63° 45´·91N., 22° 28´·38E. (d) 63° 46´·12N., 22° 28´·01E. , within: Ì (a)-(d) above

2.8 Wk33/20 II

3915 DENMARK - Islands - Spoil grounds. Source: Danish Charts 141 and 142

Chart 923 (INT 1371) [ previous update 6369/19 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert limit of spoil ground, pecked line, joining: (a) 55° 38´·97N., 10° 51´·51E. (b) 55° 38´·92N., 10° 52´·03E. (c) 55° 38´·50N., 10° 52´·21E. (d) 55° 38´·44N., 10° 51´·71E. legend, Spoil Ground, within: (a)-(d) above

Chart 938 (INT 1369) [ previous update 3841/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert limit of spoil ground, pecked line, joining: (a) 55° 14´·66N., 10° 51´·26E. (b) 55° 14´·53N., 10° 51´·76E. (c) 55° 14´·08N., 10° 51´·59E. (d) 55° 14´·11N., 10° 51´·31E. (e) 55° 14´·38N., 10° 51´·34E. legend, Spoil Ground, within: (a)-(e) above limit of spoil ground, pecked line, joining: (f) 55° 11´·46N., 11° 07´·53E. (g) 55° 11´·46N., 11° 07´·93E. 55° 11´·17N., 11° 07´·53E. legend, Spoil Ground, close N of: (f)-(g) above

Chart 2583 [ previous update 6547/19 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert limit of spoil ground, pecked line, joining: (a) 55° 11´·46N., 11° 07´·53E. (b) 55° 11´·46N., 11° 07´·93E. 55° 11´·17N., 11° 07´·53E. legend, Spoil Ground, close N of: (a)-(b) above

Chart 2596 (INT 1370) [ previous update 66/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert limit of spoil ground, pecked line, joining: (a) 55° 38´·97N., 10° 51´·51E. (b) 55° 38´·92N., 10° 52´·03E. (c) 55° 38´·50N., 10° 52´·21E. (d) 55° 38´·44N., 10° 51´·71E. legend, Spoil Ground, within: (a)-(d) above limit of spoil ground, pecked line, joining: (e) 55° 14´·66N., 10° 51´·26E. (f) 55° 14´·53N., 10° 51´·76E. (g) 55° 14´·08N., 10° 51´·59E. (h) 55° 14´·11N., 10° 51´·31E. (i) 55° 14´·38N., 10° 51´·34E. legend, Spoil Ground, within: (e)-(i) above

Chart 2597 (INT 1368) [ previous update 3427/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert limit of spoil ground, pecked line, joining: (a) 55° 14´·66N., 10° 51´·26E. (b) 55° 14´·53N., 10° 51´·76E. (c) 55° 14´·08N., 10° 51´·59E. (d) 55° 14´·11N., 10° 51´·31E. (e) 55° 14´·38N., 10° 51´·34E. legend, Spoil Ground, within: (a)-(e) above limit of spoil ground, pecked line, joining: (f) 55° 11´·46N., 11° 07´·53E. (g) 55° 11´·46N., 11° 07´·93E. 55° 11´·17N., 11° 07´·53E. legend, Spoil Ground, close N of: (f)-(g) above

2.9 Wk33/20 II

3924 SWEDEN - East Coast - NM Block. Submarine pipeline. Source: Swedish Notices 815/15034/20 and 815/15065/20 Note: Former Notice 569(T)/20 is cancelled.

Chart 2843 (INT 1224) (Panel A, Kalmar and Approaches) [ previous update 3823/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert the accompanying block, centred on: 56° 39´·5N., 16° 22´·3E.

Chart 2843 (INT 1224) [ previous update 3823/20 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert submarine pipeline, , joining: È 56° 45´·09N., 16° 31´·52E. 56° 45´·95N., 16° 28´·76E. 56° 46´·35N., 16° 28´·25E.

3928 ESTONIA - Wreck. Source: Estonian Notice 7/110/20

Chart 2227 [ previous update 3644/20 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert Wk 25Ó, 59° 29´·57N., 24° 46´·89E.

3967 DENMARK - East Coast - Legend. Source: Danish Chart Correction 26/421/20

Chart 2108 (INT 1302) [ previous update 3430/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Amend legend to, 4°15´E 2020 (12´E), centred on: 56° 36´·13N., 12° 23´·71E.

3970 DENMARK - Islands - Wreck. Buoyage. Restricted area. Source: Danish Chart Correction 26/422/20 and 26/424/20

Chart 2117 [ previous update 3720/20 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert Fl(3)Y.10s B; (a) 54° 38´·12N., 11° 20´·87E. (b) 54° 37´·83N., 11° 21´·90E. (c) 54° 37´·25N., 11° 21´·42E. (d) 54° 37´·53N., 11° 20´·39E. limit of restricted area, entry prohibited, pecked line, joining: (a)-(d) above WkRep(2020) 17, 54° 27´·56N., 11° 51´·19E.

2.10 Wk33/20 II

3970 DENMARK - Islands - Wreck. Buoyage. Restricted area. (continued)

Chart 2601 [ previous update 3720/20 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert WkRep(2020) 17, 54° 27´·56N., 11° 51´·19E.

Chart 2942 (INT 1353) [ previous update 3517/20 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert Fl(3)Y.10s B; (a) 54° 38´·12N., 11° 20´·87E. (b) 54° 37´·83N., 11° 21´·90E. (c) 54° 37´·25N., 11° 21´·42E. (d) 54° 37´·53N., 11° 20´·39E. limit of restricted area, entry prohibited, pecked line, joining: (a)-(d) above

Chart 2944 (INT 1351) [ previous update 3720/20 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert WkRep(2020) 17, 54° 27´·56N., 11° 51´·19E.

3972 DENMARK - East Coast - Pilot boarding places. Source: Danish Chart Correction 26/429/20

Chart 892 (INT 1378) [ previous update New Chart 14/05/2020 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert Skagen 4 Â 57° 44´·00N., 10° 52´·00E. Skagen 1 Â 57° 47´·50N., 10° 46´·00E. Skagen 3 Â (a) 57° 49´·00N., 10° 46´·00E. Delete Skagen 1, close NW of: Â (a) above

Chart 1402 (INT 1300) [ previous update 3378/20 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert Skagen 4 Â 57° 44´·0N., 10° 52´·0E. Skagen 1 Â 57° 47´·5N., 10° 46´·0E. Replace Skagen 1 with Skagen 3 Â Â 57° 49´·0N., 10° 46´·0E.

Chart 2107 (INT 1301) [ previous update 3378/20 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert Skagen 4 Â 57° 44´·00N., 10° 52´·00E. Skagen 1 Â 57° 47´·50N., 10° 46´·00E. Skagen 3 Â (a) 57° 49´·00N., 10° 46´·00E. Delete Skagen 1, close NW of: Â (a) above

2.11 Wk33/20 II

3973 LATVIA - Buoy. Source: Latvian Notice 7/223/20

Chart 2973 (INT 1169) [ previous update 3530/20 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert VQ(6)+LFl.10s Gq 56° 59´·421N., 24° 05´·224E.

3912 FRANCE - North Coast - NM Blocks. Obstructions. Foul. Depths. Source: French Notice 26/35/20

Chart 323 (INT 1564) [ previous update 3714/20 ] ETRS89 DATUM Insert the accompanying block, centred on: 51° 02´·4N., 1° 47´·5E.

Chart 1351 (INT 1483) [ previous update 3714/20 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert Obstns + 51° 00´·42N., 1° 45´·65E. Obstn + 51° 00´·71N., 1° 43´·35E. Obstns + (a) 51° 01´·04N., 1° 45´·19E. Delete Obstns, close NE of: 28, (a) above Insert Obstns + 51° 01´·26N., 1° 45´·42E.

« 51° 01´·25N., 1° 45´·48E.

Chart 1406 [ previous update 3846/20 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert Obstn + 51° 01´·97N., 1° 44´·48E. 51° 03´·41N., 1° 47´·29E. 51° 00´·71N., 1° 43´·35E. 51° 02´·06N., 1° 47´·58E. Obstns + 51° 02´·43N., 1° 51´·51E. Replace depth, 24 , with Obstn 5 + 51° 04´·24N., 1° 48´·59E.

Chart 1610 (INT 1511) [ previous update 3714/20 ] ETRS89 DATUM Insert the accompanying block, centred on: 51° 02´·5N., 1° 47´·7E.

Chart 1892 (INT 1741) [ previous update New Edition 16/07/2020 ] ETRS89 DATUM Insert the accompanying block, centred on: 51° 02´·3N., 1° 47´·2E.

Chart 2449 [ previous update 3714/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert the accompanying block, centred on: 51° 02´·4N., 1° 48´·1E.

2.12 Wk33/20 II

3881 TURKEY - Black Sea Coast - Spoil grounds. Source: Turkish Notice 26/77/20

Chart 2230 [ previous update 3852/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert limit of spoil ground, pecked line, joining: (a) 41° 27´·9N., 29° 33´·5E. (b) 41° 25´·4N., 29° 45´·5E. (c) 41° 22´·0N., 29° 44´·1E. (d) 41° 25´·0N., 29° 32´·3E. and 41° 22´·0N., 30° 06´·0E. (e) 41° 22´·8N., 30° 08´·5E. 41° 21´·8N., 30° 08´·9E. 41° 21´·0N., 30° 06´·5E. legend, Spoil Ground, within: (a)-(d) above legend, Spoil Ground, close SE of: (e) above

Chart 2238 [ previous update 3716/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert limit of spoil ground, pecked line, joining: (a) 41° 22´·0N., 30° 06´·0E. 41° 22´·8N., 30° 08´·5E. 41° 21´·8N., 30° 08´·9E. 41° 21´·0N., 30° 06´·5E. legend, Spoil Ground, close SW of: (a) above

3903 BULGARIA - Buoy. Pilot boarding place. Source: Bulgarian Notice 2/6/20

Chart 2230 [ previous update 3881/20 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert No 2 Â 42° 39´·7N., 27° 56´·9E.

Chart 2283 [ previous update 617/20 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert No 2 Â 42° 39´·68N., 27° 56´·67E. Q(3)10s GWr 42° 39´·47N., 27° 45´·04E.

3908 GEORGIA - NM Block. Note. Source: ENC GE510110

Chart 3317 (Panel C, Bat’umi) [ previous update 1764/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert the accompanying block, centred on: 41° 39´·1N., 41° 39´·0E. the accompanying note, DEPTHS, centred on: 41° 38´·285N., 41° 40´·417E.

2.13 Wk33/20 II

3919 ISRAEL - Mediterranean Sea Coast - NM Block. Source: ENC’s I150305A and I160305B

Chart 1585 (INT 3680) (Panel, H̱ efa (Haifa)) [ previous update New Edition 21/11/2019 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert the accompanying block, centred on: 32° 49´·1N., 35° 00´·8E.

3923 FRANCE - South Coast - Restricted area. Legend. Source: French Notice 27/90/20

Chart 2166 [ previous update 3655/20 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert circular limit of restricted area, radius 370m, , centred on: Ç (a) 43° 13´·33N., 6° 41´·36E. legend, Anchoring, dredging, fishing and diving prohibited, within: (a) above

3925 ALGERIA - Depths. Rock. Source: French Notice 27/145/20

Chart 252 [ previous update 3460/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert depth, 97, and extend 100m contour NE to enclose (a) 37° 09´·1N., 7° 25´·4E. Delete depth, 170, close NE of: (a) above

Chart 855 (Panel C, Baie d’Alger) [ previous update 3460/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert depth, 45, enclosed by 50m contour (a) 36° 49´·56N., 3° 11´·42E. Delete depth, 52, with seabed type, R, close SE of: (a) above

Chart 1910 [ previous update 1130/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert depth, 45, and extend 50m contour NW to enclose (a) 36° 49´·6N., 3° 11´·4E. Delete depth, 80, close NE of: (a) above

Chart 2121 [ previous update New Edition 23/07/2020 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert depth, 97, and extend 100m contour NE to enclose (a) 37° 09´·1N., 7° 25´·4E. Delete depth, 170, close NE of: (a) above

2.14 Wk33/20 II

3931 MALTA - NM Block. Depths. Source: ENC MT500177

Chart 177 [ previous update 3524/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert the accompanying block, centred on: 35° 53´·3N., 14° 30´·8E.

depth, 57 (a) 35° 53´·740N., 14° 31´·511E.

Delete depth, 91, close SE of: (a) above

Insert depth, 104 (b) 35° 53´·190N., 14° 30´·247E.

Delete depth, 107, close SW of: (b) above

Insert depth, 97, and extend 10m contour S to enclose (c) 35° 53´·149N., 14° 30´·197E.

Delete depth, 92, close NE of: (c) above

Insert depth, 28, enclosed by 5m contour (d) 35° 53´·013N., 14° 30´·311E.

Delete depth, 64, close E of: (d) above

Replace depth, 154, with depth, 134 35° 53´·803N., 14° 31´·347E.

Delete depth, 93 35° 53´·753N., 14° 31´·496E.

3917 MOROCCO - West Coast - NM Block. Pilot boarding place. Light. Source: French chart 7711 Note: Former Notice 842(P)/19 is cancelled.

Chart 862 (Panel E, Safi) [ previous update 5694/19 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert the accompanying block, centred on: 32° 18´·5N., 9° 15´·1W. Move , from: Â 32° 18´·993N., 9° 16´·549W. to: 32° 19´·134N., 9° 16´·564W.

Chart 862 (Panel D, Approaches to Safi) [ previous update 5694/19 ] WGS84 DATUM Amend range of light to, 8M 32° 18´·88N., 9° 14´·96W.

Chart 3133 [ previous update 1083/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Amend range of light to, 8M 32° 19´·1N., 9° 15´·0W.

3897 SOUTH AFRICA - South Coast - NM Block. Source: South African Notice 6/64/20

Chart 4160 (INT 7533) [ previous update New Edition 02/10/2014 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert the accompanying block, centred on: 33° 47´·9S., 25° 41´·6E.

2.15 Wk33/20 II

3974 MOZAMBIQUE - Lights. Source: Mozambique Chart 16206

Chart 2926 (INT 7660) [ previous update 3557/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Amend light to, Fl.G.3s5M 12° 55´·7S., 40° 30´·7E. light to, Fl.R.3s5M 12° 57´·0S., 40° 30´·3E. light to, Fl.5s12m15M 12° 58´·3S., 40° 35´·1E.

Chart 2927 [ previous update 5101/18 ] WGS84 DATUM Amend light to, Fl.G.3s5M 12° 55´·7S., 40° 30´·7E. light to, Fl.R.3s5M 12° 57´·0S., 40° 30´·3E. light to, Fl.5s12m15M 12° 58´·3S., 40° 35´·2E.

3898 IRAN - Buoyage. Source: Iranian Notice 6/20

Chart 1268 [ previous update 3783/19 ] WGS84 DATUM

Delete Fl.G.5s Ib 29° 56´·36N., 49° 28´·21E. Fl.G.5s Jb 29° 48´·27N., 49° 30´·36E.

Chart 2884 (INT 7278) [ previous update 3431/20 ] WGS84 DATUM

Delete Fl.G.5s Ib 29° 56´·4N., 49° 28´·2E. Fl.G.5s Jb 29° 48´·3N., 49° 30´·4E.

3921 - Wreck. Source: French Notice 27/190/20

Chart 264 (INT 7115) [ previous update 1829/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert ^ 11° 44´·95N., 43° 12´·07E.

3932 BURMA - Recommended track. Source: Myanmar Navy Notice 24/20

Chart 823 (INT 7438) [ previous update 6366/19 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert recommended track, pecked line, joining: 16° 20´·4N., 96° 21´·8E. 16° 24´·0N., 96° 22´·7E. 16° 26´·8N., 96° 21´·5E.

2.16 Wk33/20 II

3962 INDIA - West Coast - Legend. Source: Indian Notice 13/147/20

Chart IN 219 [ previous update New Chart 31/07/2019 ] WGS84 DATUM Replace legend, Racon(G) (Disused), with legend, Racon(G) 11° 09´·28N., 75° 49´·14E.

Chart IN 259 (INT 7356) [ previous update New Chart 15/09/2019 ] WGS84 DATUM Replace legend, Racon(G) (Disused), with legend, Racon(G) 11° 09´·2N., 75° 49´·9E.

3886 CHINA - East Coast - Pilot boarding places. Source: Chinese Notices 24/862-863/20

Chart 1134 [ previous update 3805/20 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM

Delete No 2 Â 30° 33´·04N., 122° 21´·96E.

Chart 1144 [ previous update 3805/20 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM

Insert No 2 Â 30° 33´·06N., 122° 17´·53E. Delete No 3 Â 30° 33´·21N., 122° 16´·50E.

Chart 1199 [ previous update 3844/20 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM

Insert No 2 Â (a) 30° 33´·1N., 122° 17´·5E. Delete No 3, close W of: Â (a) above Insert No 1 Â 30° 31´·1N., 122° 29´·5E. Delete No 2 Â 30° 33´·0N., 122° 22´·0E.

Chart 1303 [ previous update 3353/20 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM

Delete No 3 Â 30° 33´·21N., 122° 16´·50E.

Chart 1306 [ previous update 3844/20 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM

Insert No 1 Â 30° 31´·07N., 122° 29´·53E. No 2 Â 30° 33´·09N., 122° 17´·44E. Delete No 2 Â 30° 33´·00N., 122° 22´·05E. No 3 Â 30° 33´·21N., 122° 16´·50E.

2.17 Wk33/20 II

3888 CHINA - South Coast - Anchorage areas. Legend. Source: UKHO

Chart 4124 [ previous update 3843/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert limit of anchorage area, pecked line, joining: (a) 22° 27´·825N., 113° 54´·700E. 22° 27´·150N., 113° 54´·700E. Delete former limit of anchorage area, pecked line, joining: 22° 26´·773N., 113° 54´·034E. 22° 27´·456N., 113° 54´·034E. (a) above Insert legend, Small Craft Waiting Anchorage, orientated SW/NE, centred on: (b) 22° 27´·942N., 113° 55´·491E. Delete former legend, Small Craft Waiting Anchorage, close SW of: (b) above

3890 MALAYSIA - Peninsular Malaysia, East Coast - Platform. Source: ENC MY3C0655

Chart 2414 [ previous update 3810/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Delete ¼{ 5° 31´·7N., 105° 59´·4E.

Chart 3482 (INT 550) [ previous update 3810/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Delete ¼{ 5° 31´·7N., 105° 59´·4E.

3891 CHINA - Yellow Sea Coast - Light. Source: Chinese Notice 25/911/20

Chart 1505 [ previous update 2382/20 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM

Insert Iso.G.4s14m5M ¶ 36° 05´·70N., 120° 19´·25E.

3893 CHINA - Bo Hai - NM Block. Source: Chinese Notices 25/907-908/20 and Chinese Chart 11531

Chart 1252 [ previous update 3760/20 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM Insert the accompanying block, centred on: 40° 44´·6N., 121° 48´·4E.

2.18 Wk33/20 II

3894 CHINA - South Coast - NM Block. Restricted area. Source: Chinese Notice 25/939/20

Chart 3890 [ previous update 3753/20 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM Insert the accompanying block, centred on: 20° 07´·4N., 109° 57´·3E.

Chart 3892 [ previous update 3592/20 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM

Insert limit of submarine cable area, , joining: ÇÉÇ 20° 15´·4N., 109° 57´·1E. 20° 13´·1N., 109° 58´·0E. 20° 06´·3N., 109° 58´·7E. 20° 04´·8N., 109° 58´·5E. 20° 00´·8N., 109° 57´·5E. 19° 59´·2N., 109° 56´·9E. and 19° 59´·3N., 109° 56´·8E. 20° 01´·1N., 109° 56´·7E. 20° 14´·0N., 109° 57´·3E. 20° 15´·1N., 109° 56´·9E.

3905 CHINA - East Coast - Wreck. Source: Chinese Notice 25/934/20

Chart 1721 [ previous update 3872/20 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM

Insert Rep (2019) PA ´ 28° 02´·72N., 121° 28´·00E.

Chart 1759 [ previous update 3816/20 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM

Insert Rep (2019) PA ´ 28° 02´·7N., 121° 28´·0E.

3914 TAIWAN - Spoil ground. Platform. Source: UKHO

Chart 1968 [ previous update 3877/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert limit of spoil ground, pecked limit, joining: (a) 22° 45´·9N., 119° 30´·0E. 22° 40´·0N., 119° 25´·0E. (b) 22° 35´·7N., 119° 30´·0E. Delete former limit of spoil ground, pecked limit, joining: (a)-(b) above Insert PA ¼ 22° 30´·8N., 119° 18´·7E.

Chart 3489 (INT 553) [ previous update 3877/20 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert PA ¼ 22° 30´·8N., 119° 18´·7E.

2.19 Wk33/20 II

3951 CHINA - Yellow Sea Coast - Submarine cable. Note. Wind farm. Source: Chinese Notice 25/914/20

Chart 1201 [ previous update 3358/20 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM Insert limit of wind farm, pecked line, joining: (a) 34° 30´·48N., 120° 04´·00E. (b) 34° 32´·35N., 119° 59´·66E. (c) 34° 31´·15N., 119° 58´·88E. (d) 34° 28´·95N., 120° 04´·00E. symbol, wind farm, within: (a)-(d) above submarine cable, , joining: É 34° 27´·25N., 119° 53´·45E. 34° 29´·64N., 119° 55´·38E. 34° 31´·44N., 119° 59´·10E. note, SUBMARINE CABLES AND PIPELINES, centred on: 34° 27´·62N., 119° 26´·36E.

Chart 1253 [ previous update 3358/20 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM Insert limit of wind farm, pecked line, joining: (a) 34° 31´·2N., 119° 58´·9E. (b) 34° 32´·4N., 119° 59´·7E. (c) 34° 29´·0N., 120° 07´·4E. (d) 34° 28´·0N., 120° 06´·2E. symbol, wind farm, within: (a)-(d) above

3952 CHINA - East Coast - Pilot boarding place. Source: Chinese Notice 25/935/20

Chart 1155 [ previous update 3797/20 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM Delete  28° 00´·60N., 121° 14´·00E.

Chart 1721 [ previous update 3905/20 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM Delete  28° 00´·60N., 121° 14´·00E.

Chart 1759 [ previous update 3905/20 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM Delete  28° 00´·6N., 121° 14´·0E.

Chart 1763 (Panel A, Wenzhou Wan) [ previous update 3797/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Delete  28° 00´·60N., 121° 14´·00E.

3953 CHINA - East Coast - Virtual aid to navigation. Source: Chinese Notice 26/974/20

Chart 2410 (Panel A, Min Jiang Minjiang Kou to Mawei) [ previous update 3351/20 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM Delete symbol, Virtual aid to navigation, isolated danger topmark, V- AIS 26° 07´·30N., 119° 39´·14E.

2.20 Wk33/20 II

3955 CHINA - East Coast - Wreck. Source: Chinese Notice 25/928/20

Chart 1126 [ previous update 3864/20 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM

Insert Rep(2019) PA ´ 29° 57´·52N., 121° 58´·18E.

3959 TAIWAN - Depths. Source: UKHO

Chart 1968 [ previous update 3914/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert depth, 97, and extend 100m contour E to enclose 22° 27´·4N., 119° 01´·6E. depth, 279 (a) 22° 22´·5N., 119° 25´·0E. Delete depth, 570, close E of: (a) above

3961 CHINA - Yellow Sea Coast - Wrecks. Buoy. Source: Chinese Notice 26/965/20

Chart 1254 [ previous update 3649/20 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM

Replace Wk with Wk (2016) 16, 8ú+ (a) 36° 27´·8N., 122° 39´·5E. Delete Fl(2)5s, close E of: GYo (a) above

Chart 1256 [ previous update 3324/20 ] WGS84 DATUM

Replace Wk with Wk (2016) 16, 8ú+ 36° 27´·8N., 122° 39´·5E.

Chart 3480 [ previous update 3839/20 ] WGS84 DATUM

Replace Wk with Wk (2016) 16, 8ú+ 36° 27´·8N., 122° 39´·5E.

3964 CHINA - Yellow Sea Coast - Legend. Source: Chinese Notice 26/991(T)/20

Chart 809 [ previous update New Edition 20/12/2018 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM Insert legend, Works in progress (2020), centred on: 35° 35´·911N., 119° 47´·386E.

2.21 Wk33/20 II

3969 CHINA - South Coast - Maritime limit. Pilot boarding places. Source: Chinese Notice 26/976/20

Chart 1723 (Panel A, Eastern Approaches to Xinghua Wan) [ previous update 2916/20 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM Insert maritime limit, pecked line, joining: 25° 18´·20N., 119° 34´·52E. 25° 17´·87N., 119° 35´·56E. 25° 17´·69N., 119° 35´·50E. 25° 18´·00N., 119° 34´·45E. Move No 3, from: Â 25° 17´·77N., 119° 35´·52E. to: 25° 17´·93N., 119° 35´·02E. No 2, from: Â 25° 16´·68N., 119° 38´·66E. to: 25° 16´·88N., 119° 38´·10E.

3934 JAPAN - Seto Naikai - NM Blocks. Obstructions. Source: Japanese Notice 28/519/20

Chart JP 106 [ previous update 2936/20 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert Obstn PA å 34° 37´·97N., 134° 53´·00E. 34° 37´·48N., 134° 53´·10E.

Chart JP 131 [ previous update 2934/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert the accompanying block A, centred on: 34° 33´ 03"N., 135° 10´ 02"E. the accompanying block B, centred on: 34° 28´ 33"N., 135° 10´ 35"E. the accompanying block C, centred on: 34° 38´ 37"N., 134° 51´ 36"E.

Chart JP 150A [ previous update 2934/20 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert Obstn PA å 34° 37´·97N., 134° 53´·00E. 34° 37´·48N., 134° 53´·10E.

Chart JP 1103 [ previous update 2930/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert the accompanying block, centred on: 34° 29´ 52"N., 135° 10´ 38"E.

3935 JAPAN - Honshū - Jetties. Lights. Source: Japanese Notice 28/522/20

Chart JP 89 [ previous update 3902/19 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert jetty, double firm line, width 10m, joining: 34° 59´ 55·1"N., 138° 31´ 38·5"E. 34° 59´ 54·9"N., 138° 31´ 39·5"E. and (a) 34° 59´ 53·3"N., 138° 31´ 39·0"E. (b) 34° 59´ 55·9"N., 138° 31´ 39·8"E. Y Lt è (a) above (b) above

2.22 Wk33/20 II

3936 JAPAN - Seto Naikai - Breakwater. Legend. Source: Japanese Notice 28/524/20

Chart JP 112 [ previous update 173/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert breakwater, double pecked line, joining: (a) 34° 14´ 50·8"N., 134° 42´ 45·8"E. (b) 34° 14´ 49·2"N., 134° 42´ 46·5"E. legend, Under construction, close E of: (a)-(b) above

3937 JAPAN - Seto Naikai - Fixed point. Buoy. Rock. Source: Japanese Notice 28/525/20

Chart JP 106 [ previous update 3934/20 ] WGS84 DATUM

Replace Bn, with è / 34° 10´·74N., 134° 38´·88E.

Chart JP 112 [ previous update 3936/20 ] WGS84 DATUM

Replace Bn, with (Y Lt) è Jf 34° 10´ 45·1"N., 134° 38´ 53·3"E.

3938 JAPAN - Seto Naikai - Groyne. Restricted areas. Lights. Buoyage. Legend. Source: Japanese Notice 28/526/20 Note: Former Notice 3400(P)/20 is cancelled

Chart JP 106 [ previous update 3937/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert groyne, single firm line, joining: (a) 34° 37´·94N., 135° 21´·20E. (b) 34° 38´·27N., 135° 21´·52E. limit of restricted area, entry prohibited, pecked line, joining: (c) 34° 38´·31N., 135° 21´·51E. (b) above Delete former limit of restricted area, entry prohibited, pecked line, joining: (c) above 34° 37´·96N., 135° 21´·17E. (a) above

2.23 Wk33/20 II

3938 JAPAN - Seto Naikai - Groyne. Restricted areas. Lights. Buoyage. Legend. (continued)

Chart JP 123 [ previous update 2931/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert groyne, single firm line, joining: (a) 34° 37´ 56·5"N., 135° 21´ 12·0"E. (b) 34° 38´ 16·3"N., 135° 21´ 31·0"E. Lt è (b) above limit of restricted area, entry prohibited, pecked line, joining: (c) 34° 38´ 18·7"N., 135° 21´ 30·5"E. (b) above Delete former limit of restricted area, entry prohibited, pecked line, joining: (c) above (d) 34° 37´ 57·9"N., 135° 21´ 10·5"E. (a) above Fl Y 3s 7M A ¶lÜ¿ (d) above Fl Y 3s 5M B ¶lÜ¿ 34° 38´ 02·4"N., 135° 21´ 14·8"E. Fl Y 3s 5M C ¶lÜ¿ 34° 38´ 10·5"N., 135° 21´ 22·7"E.

J;f¿ 34° 37´ 58·4"N., 135° 21´ 11·0"E. 34° 37´ 58·9"N., 135° 21´ 11·5"E. 34° 37´ 59·4"N., 135° 21´ 12·0"E. 34° 37´ 59·9"N., 135° 21´ 12·5"E. 34° 38´ 00·4"N., 135° 21´ 13·0"E. 34° 38´ 00·9"N., 135° 21´ 13·5"E. legend, (6 Y Lts), centred on: 34° 38´ 00·6"N., 135° 21´ 09·5"E.

Chart JP 150A [ previous update 3934/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert groyne, single firm line, joining: (a) 34° 37´·94N., 135° 21´·20E. (b) 34° 38´·27N., 135° 21´·52E. Fl Y 3s 5M D ·¿fÜ (c) 34° 38´·31N., 135° 21´·51E. limit of restricted area, entry prohibited, pecked line, joining: (c) above (b) above Delete former limit of restricted area, entry prohibited, pecked line, joining: (c) above (d) 34° 37´·96N., 135° 21´·17E. (a) above Fl Y 3s 7M A ·¿Üf (d) above

Chart JP 1103 [ previous update 3934/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert groyne, single firm line, joining: (a) 34° 37´ 56·5"N., 135° 21´ 12·0"E. (b) 34° 38´ 16·3"N., 135° 21´ 31·0"E. Fl Y 3s 5M D ·¿fÜ (c) 34° 38´ 18·7"N., 135° 21´ 30·5"E. Lt è (b) above limit of restricted area, entry prohibited, pecked line, joining: (b)-(c) above Delete former limit of restricted area, entry prohibited, pecked line, joining: (c) above (d) 34° 37´ 57·9"N., 135° 21´ 10·5"E. (a) above Fl Y 3s 7M A ·¿Üf (d) above

2.24 Wk33/20 II

3939 JAPAN - Seto Naikai - Groynes. Legends. Pontoon. Source: Japanese Notice 28/527/20

Chart JP 123 (Panel, Continuation of Aji Kawa) [ previous update 3938/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert groyne, single firm line, joining: (a) 34° 40´ 25·0"N., 135° 27´ 18·7"E. (b) 34° 40´ 28·2"N., 135° 27´ 17·0"E. 34° 40´ 28·3"N., 135° 27´ 17·2"E. legend, Unsurveyed, along: (a)-(b) above

Chart JP 123 [ previous update 3938/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert groyne, single firm line, joining: (a) 34° 40´ 25·0"N., 135° 27´ 18·7"E. (b) 34° 40´ 28·2"N., 135° 27´ 17·0"E. 34° 40´ 28·3"N., 135° 27´ 17·2"E. and (c) 34° 39´ 31·0"N., 135° 26´ 18·7"E. (d) 34° 39´ 34·9"N., 135° 26´ 21·2"E. and (e) 34° 39´ 25·7"N., 135° 26´ 15·3"E. (f) 34° 39´ 29·5"N., 135° 26´ 17·8"E. legend, Unsurveyed, along: (a)-(b) above (c)-(d) above (e)-(f) above Delete pontoon, double firm line, joining: 34° 39´ 31·3"N., 135° 26´ 19·0"E. 34° 39´ 31·6"N., 135° 26´ 18·3"E.

3940 JAPAN - Seto Naikai - Fish haven. Source: Japanese Notice 28/528/20

Chart JP 106 [ previous update 3938/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert Á 34° 40´·38N., 134° 34´·87E.

3941 JAPAN - Seto Naikai - Piles. Source: Japanese Notice 28/529/20

Chart JP 126 [ previous update 2590/20 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert 2 Piles (Y Lts) ã 33° 58´·46N., 131° 53´·38E.

2.25 Wk33/20 II

3884 KOREA - West Coast - Lights. Source: Korean Notice 26/442/20

Chart 1270 (INT 5363) [ previous update 3874/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Amend range of light to, 9M 37° 00´·45N., 126° 21´·17E.

Chart 1271 (Panel A, Daesan Hang) [ previous update 3665/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Amend range of light to, 9M 37° 00´·46N., 126° 21´·16E. 37° 00´·41N., 126° 21´·10E.

3930 KOREA - South Coast - Light-beacon. Source: Korean Notice 27/465/20

Chart 3365 (INT 5252) [ previous update 3752/20 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert Q(6)+LFl.15s3M Tx= 34° 35´·73N., 127° 30´·69E.

3882 INDONESIA - Papua - Light. Source: Indonesian Notice 27/314(P)/20

Chart 2473 [ previous update 2717/20 ] WGS84 DATUM Amend light to, Fl.12M 3° 13´·6S., 135° 34´·9E.

Chart 3924 [ previous update New Edition 04/07/2019 ] WGS84 DATUM Amend light to, Fl.6s20m12M 3° 13´·6S., 135° 34´·9E.

3904 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - West Coast - Buoyage. Source: US Coast Guard District 11 LNMs 26/18720/20 and 26/18765/20

Chart 1029 [ previous update 3484/19 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert Fl(5)Y.20s ’191’ Ef (a) 32° 31´·0N., 117° 25´·5W. Delete Fl(5)Y.20s ’191’, close N of: Gf (a) above

Chart 4910 [ previous update 3023/20 ] NAD83 DATUM

Move Fl(5)Y.20s ’203’, from: Ef 33° 45´·6N., 119° 33´·0W. to: 33° 46´·1N., 119° 33´·9W. Fl(5)Y.20s ’191’, from: Ef 32° 31´·8N., 117° 25´·3W. to: 32° 31´·0N., 117° 25´·5W.

Chart 4911 [ previous update 3067/20 ] NAD83 DATUM

Move Fl(5)Y.20s ’203’, from: Ef 33° 45´·60N., 119° 32´·97W. to: 33° 46´·14N., 119° 33´·88W.

2.26 Wk33/20 II

3918 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - West Coast - Buoy. Source: US Coast Guard District 11 LNM 26/18746/20

Chart 1063 [ previous update 2563/20 ] NAD83 DATUM

Move Fl(5)Y.20s ’213’ , from: Ef 33° 34´·65N., 118° 10´·89W. to: 33° 34´·55N., 118° 10´·88W.

3920 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Alaska - Buoyage. Source: US Coast Guard District 17 LNM 25/16011/20

Chart 4810 (INT 810) [ previous update 1482/20 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert Fl(4)Y.20s DART 46403 Pf (a) 52° 39´·8N., 156° 46´·7W. Delete Fl(4)Y.20s DART 46403 PA, close SW of: Gf (a) above

Chart 4977 [ previous update 115/19 ] NAD83 DATUM

Move Fl(4)Y.20s DART ’46403’, from: Pf 52° 38´·2N., 156° 55´·9W. to: 52° 39´·8N., 156° 46´·7W.

3963 CHILE - Northern Coasts - Pier. Submarine pipeline. Pile. Source: Chilean Notice 7/49/20

Chart 3076 (Panel B, Mejillones del Sur) [ previous update 1355/20 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert pile, ã 23° 04´·61S., 70° 24´·73W. pier, single firm line, joining: 23° 05´·08S., 70° 24´·44W. 23° 04´·63S., 70° 24´·72W. submarine pipeline, , joining: È 23° 05´·01S., 70° 24´·36W. 23° 04´·86S., 70° 24´·45W.

3966 CHILE - Northern Coasts - Depths. Source: Chilean Notice 7/50/20

Chart 4246 [ previous update 1341/20 ] SAD69 DATUM

Insert depth, 96, enclosed by 10m contour 37° 05´·70S., 73° 32´·14W.

depth, 112 37° 06´·00S., 73° 32´·39W.

depth, 149 (a) 37° 05´·83S., 73° 32´·92W. Delete depth, 21, close W of: (a) above

Replace depth, 153, with depth, 119 37° 05´·83S., 73° 31´·72W.

2.27 Wk33/20 II

3900 BRAZIL - East Coast - NM Block. Dredged area. Legend. Depths. Rocks. Source: ENC BR501401

Chart 598 [ previous update New Edition 02/07/2020 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert the accompanying block, centered on: 20° 17´·6S., 40° 15´·0W. limit of dredged area, pecked line, joining: (a) 20° 18´·031S., 40° 14´·870W. (b) 20° 20´·234S., 40° 14´·229W. (c) 20° 20´·275S., 40° 14´·386W. (d) 20° 18´·534S., 40° 14´·894W. (e) 20° 18´·036S., 40° 15´·073W. legend, Dredged to 25·3m (2018), within: (a)-(e) above Delete charted depths, within: (a)-(e) above Insert depth, 4, with seabed type, R, and extend 5m contour NW to enclose (f) 20° 19´·385S., 40° 18´·056W.

Delete depth, 56, with seabed type, R, close W of: (f) above

3916 ARGENTINA - Foul. Source: Argentine Notice 7/58/20

Chart 1331 (Panel, Entrance to Bahía Blanca) [ previous update 4578/19 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert « 38° 59´·26S., 61° 54´·96W.

Chart 1331 [ previous update 4578/19 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert « 38° 59´·26S., 61° 54´·96W.

Chart 3755 [ previous update 4088/19 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert « 38° 59´·26S., 61° 54´·96W.

3950 BRAZIL - South Coast - Spoil ground. Source: Brazilian Notice S 12/73/20

Chart 2012 [ previous update 5663/19 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert limit of spoil ground, pecked line, joining: (a) 32° 18´·57S., 52° 02´·25W. 32° 18´·90S., 52° 02´·70W. 32° 21´·00S., 52° 00´·68W. Delete former limit of spoil ground, pecked line, joining: (a) above 32° 21´·00S., 51° 59´·86W.

Chart 3984 [ previous update New Chart 15/08/2019 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert limit of spoil ground, pecked line, joining: (a) 32° 18´·6S., 52° 02´·2W. 32° 18´·9S., 52° 02´·7W. 32° 21´·6S., 52° 00´·1W. (b) 32° 21´·3S., 51° 59´·6W. Delete former limit of spoil ground, pecked line, joining: (a)-(b) above

2.28 Wk33/20 II

3968 ARGENTINA - Radar beacon. Source: Argentine Notice 7/60/20

Chart 3332 (Panel, Caleta Olivia) [ previous update 1164/19 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert radar beacon, Racon(Q), at light-buoy 46° 25´·52S., 67° 28´·70W.

Chart 3332 [ previous update 1164/19 ] WGS84 DATUM Insert radar beacon, Racon(Q), at light-buoy 46° 25´·5S., 67° 28´·7W.

3922 WEST INDIES - Leeward Islands - Buoy. Source: French Notice 27/260/20

Chart 593 [ previous update 2563/19 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert Q(3)10s GrW 16° 06´·05N., 61° 32´·66W.

Chart 618 [ previous update 1689/20 ] WGS84 DATUM

Insert Q(3)10s GrW 16° 06´·05N., 61° 32´·66W.

3878 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - Wreck. Source: US Coast Guard District 7 LNM 25/11490/20

Chart 2808 (Panel A) [ previous update 2046/20 ] NAD83 DATUM

Insert PA ´ 30° 23´·82N., 81° 24´·01W.

3880 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - Depths. Source: ENC US4ME2BM

Chart 2486 [ previous update 2334/20 ] NAD83 DATUM Insert depth, 41 (a) 44° 03´·10N., 68° 54´·04W. Delete depth, 91, close NW of: (a) above Insert depth, 61 (b) 44° 02´·72N., 68° 52´·94W. Delete depth, 77, close E of: (b) above Insert depth, 75 (c) 44° 01´·78N., 68° 52´·24W. Delete depth, 83, close SE of: (c) above Replace depth, 9, with depth, 8 44° 05´·27N., 68° 55´·92W.

2.29 Wk33/20 II

3892 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - NM Block. Depths. Source: ENCs US5NY1DE and US5NYCFH

Chart 3451 [ previous update 3694/20 ] NAD83 DATUM Insert the accompanying block, centred on: 40° 47´·6N., 73° 55´·9W. depth, 15 (a) 40° 48´·56N., 73° 56´·00W. Delete depth, 18, close NW of: (a) above Replace depth, 9, with depth, 5 40° 47´·11N., 73° 53´·74W.

2.30 Wk33/20 II

3906(T)/20 SWEDEN - South Coast - Measuring instruments. Source: Swedish Notice 815/15089(T)/20 1. Measuring instruments have been established on the seabed in the vicinity of position 55° 37´·06N., 14° 51´·82E. (WGS84 DATUM)

Charts affected - 2015 (INT 1201) - 2018 (INT 1202) - 2816

3907(T)/20 SWEDEN - East Coast - Maximum authorised draughts. Berths. Source: Swedish Notices 800/14822(T)/20 and 815/15065/20 1. *The maximum authorised draughts at berths in Kalmer are as follows:

Berth Maximum authorised draught Position 45 7·1m 56° 39´·64N., 16° 22´·42E. 24 5m 56° 39´·63N., 16° 22´·16E. 25 6·8m 56° 39´·60N., 16° 22´·15E. 44 6·8m 56° 39´·59N., 16° 22´·34E. 26 5·8m 56° 39´·57N., 16° 22´·11E. 27 5·8m 56° 39´·54N., 16° 22´·06E. 41 5·8m 56° 39´·49N., 16° 22´·17E. 42 5·8m 56° 39´·52N., 16° 22´·23E. 43 5·8m 56° 39´·55N., 16° 22´·28E. 29 5m 56° 39´·49N., 16° 21´·95E. 30 5m 56° 39´·48N., 16° 21´·84E. 38 5m 56° 39´·36N., 16° 21´·96E. 39 5m 56° 39´·40N., 16° 22´·04E. 40 5m 56° 39´·44N., 16° 22´·09E. Oil Jetty (Oljehamnen) 7·1m 56° 39´·43N., 16° 22´·54E. 2. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area and consult the local port authorities for the latest information. 3. Former Notice 2220(T)/20 is cancelled. *Indicates new or revised entry (WGS84 DATUM)

Chart affected - 2843 (INT 1224)

3910(P)/20 LITHUANIA - Coastline. Source: Lithuanian Notice 6/90/20 1.

Update Feature Position Insert coastline, single firm line, joining: 55° 41´·16N., 21° 08´·18E. 55° 41´·15N., 21° 08´·20E. 55° 41´·14N., 21° 08´·18E. 55° 41´·15N., 21° 08´·17E.

Chart affected - 8020

2.31 Wk33/20 II

3957(T)/20 ESTONIA - Works. Source: Estonian Notice 7/114(T)/20 1. Construction works are in progress at Berth No. 23 in the vicinity of position 59° 26´·602N., 24° 45´·715E. 2. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area. (WGS84 DATUM)

Chart affected - 2227

3960(T)/20 FINLAND - South Coast - Spoil ground. Source: Finnish Notice 16/115(T)/20 1. A spoil ground has been established, within an area bounded by the following positions:

60° 02´·21N., 25° 14´·15E. 60° 02´·36N., 25° 14´·12E. 60° 02´·43N., 25° 14´·03E. 60° 02´·43N., 25° 13´·64E. 60° 03´·34N., 25° 13´·64E. 60° 03´·34N., 25° 14´·87E. 60° 02´·67N., 25° 14´·87E. 60° 02´·67N., 25° 14´·63E. 60° 02´·21N., 25° 14´·63E. (WGS84 DATUM)

Charts affected - 2248 - 3817 (INT 1249) - 3818 (INT 1250)

3889(P)/20 INDIA - West Coast - Traffic separation schemes. Source: Indian Notice 14/162(P)/20 1. Two new traffic separation schemes, which come in to force 1 August 2020, have been established in the Lakshadweep Sea. 2. Western TSS a) A separation zone, 1M wide, has been established, centred on a line joining the following positions:

9° 26´·4N., 72° 23´·0E. 8° 49´·1N., 73° 16´·3E. b) Traffic lanes have been established between this separation zone and lines joining the following positions:

9° 31´·4N., 72° 25´·9E. 8° 53´·8N., 73° 19´·4E. and 9° 21´·5N., 72° 20´·9E. 8° 44´·4N., 73° 13´·7E.

2.32 Wk33/20 II

3889(P)/20 INDIA - West Coast - Traffic separation schemes. (continued) 3. Eastern TSS a) A separation zone, 1M wide, has been established, centred on a line joining the following positions:

9° 18´·8N., 75° 38´·2E. 8° 38´·9N., 76° 01´·5E. b) Traffic lanes have been established between this separation zone and lines joining the following positions:

9° 21´·3N., 75° 42´·2E. 8° 41´·4N., 76° 05´·6E. and 9° 16´·3N., 75° 34´·4E. 8° 36´·4N., 75° 57´·8E. 4. Charts will be updated when full details are available. (WGS84 DATUM)

Charts affected - 828 - 2738 - 4703 (INT 703) - 4706 (INT 706) - 4707 (INT 707) - IN 22 (INT 752) - IN 221 - IN 259 (INT 7356) - IN 260 - IN 261

3933(P)/20 BURMA - Recommended track. Buoyage. Anchorage areas. Source: Myanmar Navy Notices 19-22/20 and 24-25/20 1. A new recommended track has been established joining the following positions:

16° 26´·80N., 96° 21´·45E. 16° 23´·96N., 96° 22´·70E. 16° 20´·35N., 96° 21´·80E. 2. A starboard-hand light-buoy, Fl(2+1)10s New Upper Spit, has been established in position 16° 25´·60N., 96° 20´·80E. . The former starboard-hand light-buoy, Fl.5s New Upper Spit, in position 16° 25´·70N., 96° 20´·75E. has been removed. 3. A new channel, King’s Bank Channel, has been formed in Yangon River. The channel is 0.25NM wide and is marked by the following light-buoys:

Characteristic Designation Buoy Type Position Fl.R Lower Kanaung Creek Port lateral 16° 42´·38N., 96° 13´·00E. Fl.R.3s Upper Kanaung Creek Port lateral 16° 42´·93N., 96° 12´·70E. Fl.R.3s Liffy Sand Port lateral 16° 43´·61N., 96° 12´·50E. Fl.G.3s Liffy Sand Starboard lateral 16° 43´·73N., 96° 12´·71E. Fl.R Lower King’s Bank Port lateral 16° 44´·25N., 96° 12´·05E. Fl.G Lower King’s Bank Starboard lateral 16° 44´·40N., 96° 12´·31E. Fl.R Upper King’s Bank Port lateral 16° 44´·91N., 96° 11´·62E. Fl.G.3s Upper King’s Bank Starboard lateral 16° 45´·07N., 96° 11´·83E. 4. A red conical buoy has been established in position 16° 43´·60N., 96° 12´·44E. 5. The port-hand lateral buoy, Fl.R.2s CCA, in position 16° 45´·67N., 96° 10´·86E. has been moved to position 16° 45´·50N., 96° 10´·87E. . 6. A new anchorage area, CCA, has been established, bounded by the following positions:

16° 45´·65N., 96° 11´·45E. 16° 45´·65N., 96° 11´·71E. 16° 44´·70N., 96° 12´·35E. 16° 44´·70N., 96° 12´·07E. 7. The former CCA anchorage area, bounded by the following positions, has been removed:

16° 45´·71N., 96° 10´·78E. 16° 45´·67N., 96° 11´·14E. 16° 45´·35N., 96° 11´·03E. 16° 45´·46N., 96° 10´·71E.

2.33 Wk33/20 II

3933(P)/20 BURMA - Recommended track. Buoyage. Anchorage areas. (continued) 8. A new anchorage area, Kanuang Creek Anchorage, has been established, bounded by the following positions:

16° 43´·20N., 96° 12´·00E. 16° 43´·20N., 96° 12´·45E. 16° 42´·80N., 96° 12´·65E. 16° 42´·80N., 96° 12´·10E. 9. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area. 10. These changes will be included in the next New Edition of Chart 833 to be published in late 2020. 11. Chart 823 will be updated by Notice to Mariners. (WGS84 DATUM)

Chart affected - 833 (INT 7442)

3958(T)/20 INDIA - West Coast - Data buoys. Source: Indian Notice 13/153(T)/20 1. Yellow data light-buoys, Fl(4)15s, with radar reflectors and mast carrying sensors have been established in the following positions:

Buoy Position STB02/TB 20° 48´·0N., 65° 20´·4E. TB12/TB 19° 53´·7N., 66° 59´·9E. TB12A/TB 18° 38´·2N., 67° 11´·6E. ITB-001 (SAGAR BHOOMI) 8° 16´·0N., 73° 16´·9E. AD06/OB 18° 29´·7N., 67° 27´·0E. AD07/OB 14° 56´·1N., 68° 59´·1E. AD08/OB 12° 04´·1N., 68° 38´·0E. AD09/OB 8° 08´·4N., 73° 15´·5E. AD10/OB 10° 19´·1N., 72° 35´·5E. CB02/CB 10° 52´·4N., 72° 12´·5E. CALVAL/MB 10° 37´·0N., 72° 18´·0E. 2. Mariners are advised to maintain a clearance of 1 nautical mile. 3. Former Notice 2336(T)/20 is cancelled. (WGS84 DATUM)

Charts affected - 707 - 709 - 2738 - 4703 (INT 703) - 4705 (INT 705) - 4706 (INT 706) - 4707 (INT 707) - IN 22 (INT 752) - IN 292 (INT 7021)

3885(P)/20 INDONESIA - Sumatera - Pilot boarding place. Channels. Anchorage areas. Maritime limit. Source: Indonesian Notices 26/302/20 and 26/304/20 1. There are numerous changes to charted detail in the approaches to Dumai. 2. The Selat Rupat, Selat Bengkalis & Lalang Terminal pilot boarding place has moved to position 1° 54´·20N., 101° 51´·10E.

2.34 Wk33/20 II

3885(P)/20 INDONESIA - Sumatera - Pilot boarding place. Channels. Anchorage areas. Maritime limit. (continued) 3. A two way channel, width 400m, maximum authorised draught 12·4m, has been established. The centre of the channel joins the following positions:

1° 54´·40N., 101° 51´·59E. 1° 50´·56N., 101° 51´·40E. 1° 45´·95N., 101° 51´·70E. 1° 38´·34N., 101° 53´·58E. 1° 35´·09N., 101° 55´·95E. 1° 32´·77N., 101° 57´·62E. 1° 32´·22N., 101° 57´·62E. 1° 32´·22N., 101° 55´·76E. 1° 33´·78N., 101° 54´·52E. 1° 34´·98N., 101° 54´·18E. 1° 38´·26N., 101° 51´·01E. 1° 40´·53N., 101° 47´·67E. 1° 41´·38N., 101° 43´·69E. 1° 41´·31N., 101° 41´·40E. 1° 40´·44N., 101° 39´·21E. 1° 40´·12N., 101° 33´·74E. 1° 41´·86N., 101° 29´·38E. 1° 42´·67N., 101° 26´·08E. 1° 44´·16N., 101° 24´·15E. and 1° 35´·09N., 101° 55´·95E. 1° 34´·76N., 101° 55´·58E. 1° 34´·98N., 101° 54´·18E. 4. The limits of the existing anchorage areas and transhipment areas at Dumai have been amended to accommodate the new channel. 5. Anchorage areas have been established in the vicinity of the following positions:

Designation Position Lubuk Pelintung Work area 1° 39´·51N., 101° 36´·53E. Lubuk Gaung Work area 1° 43´·22N., 101° 24´·28E. 6. A sea trial area exists in the vicinity of position 1° 42´·55N., 101° 24´·98E. 7. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area and consult the local port authorities for the latest information. 8. These changes will be included in New Edition of Chart 3933, to be published mid 2020. 9. Chart 3947 will be updated by Notice to Mariners. (WGS84 DATUM)

Chart affected - 3933

3927(P)/20 MALACCA STRAIT - Berths. Dredged depths. Dredging areas. Pontoon. Depths. Source: ENCs MY5C5307, MY5C5259, MY4C5321 and Port Klang Authority 1. *Changes to depths, berths, dredged depths, dredged areas, and a new pontoon, have occurred in the approaches to, and within, Selat Klang Selatan. 2. New berths, numbers 18 to 24, have been established within the area joining the following positions:

2° 55´·40N., 101° 17´·28E. 2° 55´·36N., 101° 17´·35E. 2° 54´·38N., 101° 16´·79E. 2° 54´·42N., 101° 16´·72E.

2.35 Wk33/20 II

3927(P)/20 MALACCA STRAIT - Berths. Dredged depths. Dredging areas. Pontoon. Depths. (continued) 3. The dredged depths adjacent to existing berths have been amended and new dredged areas have been established adjacent to new berths 18-24 as follows:

Berth(s) New dredged depth New dredged area limits *6 5·5m 2° 59´·805N., 101° 23´·542E. 2° 59´·784N., 101° 23´·508E. 2° 59´·735N., 101° 23´·538E. 2° 59´·757N., 101° 23´·573E. *8 15m 3° 01´·007N., 101° 21´·406E. 3° 01´·008N., 101° 21´·365E. 3° 00´·676N., 101° 21´·354E. 3° 00´·674N., 101° 21´·397E. *8A 5m 3° 00´·701N., 101° 21´·398E. 3° 00´·674N., 101° 21´·397E. 3° 00´·672N., 101° 21´·449E. 3° 00´·698N., 101° 21´·474E. 3° 00´·745N., 101° 21´·476E. 3° 00´·746N., 101° 21´·473E. 3° 00´·773N., 101° 21´·474E. 3° 00´·774N., 101° 21´·452E. 3° 00´·700N., 101° 21´·450E.

13 and 14 16·5m 2° 56´·102N., 101° 17´·690E. 2° 55´·821N., 101° 17´·527E. 2° 55´·833N., 101° 17´·505E. 2° 56´·114N., 101° 17´·669E. 18 - 23 17·5m 2° 55´·41N., 101° 17´·25E. 2° 55´·40N., 101° 17´·28E. 2° 54´·56N., 101° 16´·79E. 2° 54´·57N., 101° 16´·77E. 24 15m 2° 54´·57N., 101° 16´·77E. 2° 54´·56N., 101° 16´·79E. 2° 54´·42N., 101° 16´·72E. 2° 54´·44N., 101° 16´·69E. 4. A new dredged area, depth 17·5m (2018), has been established, bounded by the following positions:

2° 54´·31N., 101° 16´·33E. 2° 54´·78N., 101° 16´·75E. 2° 54´·95N., 101° 16´·89E. 2° 55´·09N., 101° 16´·97E. 2° 55´·05N., 101° 17´·05E. 2° 54´·41N., 101° 16´·68E. 5. A new floating pontoon has been established, joining the following positions:

2° 57´·549N., 101° 18´·523E. 2° 57´·516N., 101° 18´·505E. 6. *Depths less than charted exist within Selat Klang Selatan. The most significant are as follows:

Depth Position 16·8m 2° 58´·749N., 101° 19´·070E. 14·5m 2° 58´·247N., 101° 18´·733E. 14·7m 2° 58´·441N., 101° 19´·043E. 6·2m 3° 06´·821N., 101° 18´·588E. 6·9m 3° 06´·736N., 101° 18´·661E. 13·6m 2° 57´·681N., 101° 18´·397E. 1·6m 2° 59´·978N., 101° 23´·222E. Drying height 2·2m 3° 00´·009N., 101° 23´·143E. 6·7m 3° 02´·426N., 101° 20´·645E. 8·9m 3° 02´·682N., 101° 20´·522E. 7. *An obstruction, depth 0·5m, exists in position 3° 09´·63N., 101° 16´·50E.

2.36 Wk33/20 II

3927(P)/20 MALACCA STRAIT - Berths. Dredged depths. Dredging areas. Pontoon. Depths. (continued) 8. *The anchorage areas, centred on the following positions, now have a radius of 200m:

3° 05´·389N., 101° 19´·616E. 3° 04´·989N., 101° 19´·815E. 9. *Dredged depths in the approaches to Pelabuhan Selatan have changed as follows:

Depth Position 7·5m 2° 59´·668N., 101° 22´·576E. 3° 00´·271N., 101° 21´·442E. 10. Mariners are advised to contact Port Klang Authority for the latest information. 11. Charts will be updated when full details are available. 12. Former notice 3166(P)/19 is cancelled. * Indicates new or revised entry. (WGS84 DATUM)

Charts affected - 2139 - 2152 - 2153 - 2155 - 8232 - 8233

3887(P)/20 CHINA - East Coast - Pilot boarding places. Source: Chinese Notices 24/862-863/20 1.

Update Feature Position Insert symbol, pilot boarding place, No 1 30° 31´·07N., 122° 29´·53E. symbol, pilot boarding place, No 2 30° 33´·06N., 122° 17´·53E. Delete symbol, pilot boarding place, No 2 30° 33´·01N., 122° 21´·81E. symbol, pilot boarding place, No 3 30° 33´·21N., 122° 16´·50E.

Charts affected - 8215 - 8216

3902(T)/20 TAIWAN - Works. Submarine cables. Reported anchorages. Source: UKHO 1. In connection with windfarm construction works, a cable laying area has been established between the following positions:

23° 56´·44N., 120° 18´·27E. 23° 57´·56N., 120° 12´·96E. 2. A pre-laid mooring anchor for jacket offloading activities, radius approximately 750m (0·4M), has been established in position 23° 59´·54N., 120° 13´·63E. 3. Anchorages, associated with the windfarm construction have been established in the following positions:

23° 58´·60N., 120° 12´·80E. 24° 00´·90N., 120° 14´·20E. 23° 58´·60N., 120° 15´·40E. 4. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area. (WGS84 DATUM)

Charts affected - 1760 - 2409 - 3231

2.37 Wk33/20 II

3929(P)/20 CHINA - East Coast - Buoy. Source: Chinese Notice 25/916/20 1. An Emergency Wreck Marking Buoy, Al.Oc.BuY.3s, has been established in position 31° 20´·91N., 122° 16´·08E. 2. This change will be included in a New Edition of Chart 1602 to be published mid 2020. (CGCS 2000 DATUM)

Chart affected - 1602

3956(P)/20 TAIWAN - Alongside depths. Depths. Rocks. Wreck. Source: UKHO 1. Changes to charted detail, including extensive changes to depths, have taken place within Su-Ao Kang and its approaches. The most significant changes are as follows: 2. Numerous alongside depths have changed. The most significant are as follows:

Alongside Depth Position 7·9m 24° 35´·23N., 121° 51´·91E. 5·2m 24° 35´·37N., 121° 51´·94E. 12·9m 24° 35´·84N., 121° 51´·99E. 13·6m 24° 35´·77N., 121° 51´·87E. 10m 24° 35´·66N., 121° 51´·69E. 10·9m 24° 35´·71N., 121° 51´·66E. 12·9m 24° 35´·84N., 121° 51´·69E. 3. Numerous depths less than charted exist. The most significant are as follows:

Depth Position 3.6m 24° 36´·10N., 121° 51´·79E. 13.6m 24° 36´·05N., 121° 51´·92E. 14m 24° 36´·10N., 121° 52´·06E. 14.6m 24° 36´·00N., 121° 52´·07E. 12.5m 24° 35´·91N., 121° 51´·86E. 2.3m 24° 35´·58N., 121° 52´·14E. 8·3m 24° 35´·45N., 121° 52´·17E. 4·7m 24° 35´·24N., 121° 52´·14E. 9·5m 24° 35´·25N., 121° 52´·06E. 4. Underwater rocks exist in the following positions:

Depth Position 15·6m 24° 34´·89N., 121° 52´·99E. 16·5m 24° 34´·82N., 121° 52´·96E. 5. A dangerous wreck exists in position 24° 35´·23N., 121° 52´·62E. 6. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area and consult the local port authorities for the latest information. 7. Chart 2618 will be updated by NM following New Edition publication on 6 August 2020. (WGS84 DATUM)

Chart affected - 2618

2.38 Wk33/20 II

3971(T)/20 MALAYSIA - Peninsular Malaysia, East Coast - Buoy. Source: Marine Department, Malaysia Notice 102(T)/20 1. The safe water light-buoy, LFl.10s, in position 4° 32´·00N., 103° 34´·00E. is unlit. 2. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution. (WGS84 DATUM)

Charts affected - 1374 - 3446

3942(T)/20 JAPAN - Hokkaidō - Works. Source: Japanese Notice 28/5338(T)/20 1. Boring works are taking place, until 7 September 2020, in the following positions:

43° 22´·4N., 141° 21´·7E. 43° 22´·4N., 141° 23´·3E. 43° 17´·1N., 141° 20´·5E. 43° 12´·5N., 141° 12´·5E. (WGS84 DATUM)

Chart affected - JP 28

3943(T)/20 JAPAN - Hokkaidō - Works. Source: Japanese Notice 28/5339(T)/20 1. Boring works are taking place, until 10 September 2020, in the following positions:

43° 21´·1N., 141° 17´·2E. 43° 19´·2N., 141° 11´·9E. (WGS84 DATUM)

Chart affected - JP 28

3944(T)/20 JAPAN - Honshū - Depths. Source: Japanese Notice 28/5341(T)/20 1. Depths of between 0·3m to 1·6m less than charted exist on and in the vicinity of a line joining the following positions:

40° 32´ 50·9"N., 141° 31´ 10·1"E. 40° 32´ 44·6"N., 141° 31´ 14·7"E. 2. A depth of 10·5m exists in position 40° 32´ 30·7"N., 141° 30´ 57·4"E. (WGS84 DATUM)

Chart affected - JP 65

2.39 Wk33/20 II

3945(T)/20 JAPAN - Honshū - Works. Source: Japanese Notice 28/5342(T)/20 1. Dredging works are taking place, until 31March 2021, within an area bounded by the following positions:

36° 55´ 54·9"N., 140° 53´ 39·3"E. 36° 56´ 03·0"N., 140° 53´ 22·0"E. 36° 56´ 05·0"N., 140° 53´ 22·0"E. 36° 56´ 13·0"N., 140° 53´ 35·0"E. 36° 56´ 05·9"N., 140° 53´ 50·2"E. (WGS84 DATUM)

Chart affected - JP 63

3946(T)/20 JAPAN - Honshū - Depth. Source: Japanese Notice 28/5343(T)/20 1. A depth of 19m exists in position 35° 28´ 33·0"N., 139° 44´ 35·2"E. (WGS84 DATUM)

Chart affected - JP 67

3947(T)/20 JAPAN - Honshū - Depths. Source: Japanese Notice 28/5344(T)/20 1. Depths of 0·8m to 1·8m less than charted exist within an area bounded by the following positions:

34° 59´ 57·8"N., 136° 40´ 33·3"E. 34° 59´ 55·9"N., 136° 40´ 38·3"E. 34° 59´ 43·2"N., 136° 40´ 31·1"E. 34° 59´ 45·7"N., 136° 40´ 24·6"E. (WGS84 DATUM)

Chart affected - JP 94

3948(T)/20 JAPAN - Seto Naikai - Works. Source: Japanese Notice 28/5346(T)/20 1. Dumping works are taking place, until 31 October 2020, within an area bounded by the following positions:

34° 29´ 17·0"N., 135° 21´ 51·0"E. 34° 29´ 26·0"N., 135° 21´ 11·0"E. 34° 30´ 00·0"N., 135° 21´ 21·0"E. 34° 29´ 52·0"N., 135° 22´ 01·0"E. and 34° 27´ 11·0"N., 135° 19´ 40·0"E. 34° 27´ 28·0"N., 135° 19´ 07·0"E. 34° 28´ 21·0"N., 135° 19´ 46·0"E. 34° 28´ 03·0"N., 135° 20´ 20·0"E. (WGS84 DATUM)

Charts affected - JP 1103 - JP 1141

2.40 Wk33/20 II

3949(T)/20 JAPAN - Seto Naikai - Obstructions. Source: Japanese Notice 28/5347(T)/20 1. Obstructions exist in the following positions:

Depth Position 12·3m 34° 20´ 15·1"N., 132° 28´ 21·2"E. 12·4m 34° 20´ 14·7"N., 132° 28´ 25·2"E. (WGS84 DATUM)

Charts affected - JP 142 - JP 1112A

3926(P)/20 INDONESIA - Jawa - Submarine power cable. Source: Indonesian Notice 27/317(P)/20 1. A submarine power cable has been laid, joining the following positions:

8° 24´·97S., 114° 20´·54E. 8° 24´·85S., 114° 21´·49E. 8° 24´·58S., 114° 22´·40E. 8° 19´·71S., 114° 28´·99E. 8° 19´·31S., 114° 29´·13E. 8° 19´·01S., 114° 29´·36E. 8° 18´·60S., 114° 29´·62E. 8° 18´·35S., 114° 29´·80E. 8° 18´·26S., 114° 30´·15E. 8° 18´·24S., 114° 30´·59E. 2. Charts will be updated when full details become available. (WGS84 DATUM)

Charts affected - 2876 - 3726

3954(T)/20 ARGENTINA - Barge. Buoyage. Source: Argentinian Notice 7/56(T)/20 1. A sunken barge, marked with two buoys, is reported to exist in the vicinity of the Barge Mooring anchorage area in position 33° 21´·445S., 60° 08´·302W. 2. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area. (WGS84 DATUM)

Chart affected - 1327

3965(T)/20 URUGUAY - Wreck. Source: Uruguayan NAV Warning 6/0317.20/20 1. A stranded wreck has been reported in position 34° 54´·13S., 56° 13´·67W. (WGS84 DATUM)

Chart affected - 2001

2.41 Wk33/20 II

3883(P)/20 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - Submarine cable. Source: OCS 1. A submarine cable has been laid between Virginia Beach and wind turbines CV-A01 and CV-A02, joining the following positions:

36° 53´·78N., 75° 29´·50W. 36° 53´·22N., 75° 29´·50W. 36° 53´·27N., 75° 29´·84W. 36° 49´·73N., 75° 37´·11W. 36° 48´·35N., 75° 44´·93W. 36° 48´·47N., 75° 48´·08W. 36° 49´·17N., 75° 52´·61W. 36° 49´·16N., 75° 54´·74W. 36° 49´·03N., 75° 57´·32W. 2. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area and consult the local port authorities for the latest information. 3. Chart 2919 will be updated when full details are available. (NAD83 DATUM)

Chart affected - 2919

2.42 Wk33/20 To accompany Notice to Mariners 3908/20

On Chart 3317

DEPTHS For the latest alongside depth information consult Bat’umi Port Authority.

Wk33/20 To accompany Notice to Mariners 3951/20

On Chart 1201

SUBMARINE CABLES AND PIPELINES Mariners are advised not to anchor or trawl in the vicinity of submarine cables and pipelines.

Wk33/20 To accompany Notice to Mariners 3892/20. Image Size (mm) 71.1 by 72.8

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Wk33/20 To accompany Notice to Mariners 3897/20. Image Size (mm) 91.5 by 145.3

Wk33/20 To accompany Notice to Mariners 3900/20. Image Size (mm) 122.3 by 99.1

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Wk33/20 To accompany Notice to Mariners 3924/20. Image Size (mm) 118.3 by 132.3

Wk33/20 To accompany Notice to Mariners 3931/20. Image Size (mm) 230.5 by 153

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Wk33/20 To accompany Notice to Mariners 3934/20. Image Size (mm) 166.8 by 81.9

Wk33/20 To accompany Notice to Mariners 3934/20. Image Size (mm) 140.7 by 135

Wk33/20 To accompany Notice to Mariners 3934/20. Image Size (mm) 193.6 by 74.3

Wk33/20 III

NAVIGATIONAL WARNINGS See The Mariner’s Handbook (2016 Edition). Only the most convenient ADMIRALTY Chart is quoted. All warnings issued within the previous 42 days are broadcast via SafetyNET and/or NAVTEX. The complete texts of all in-force NAVAREA I warnings, including those which are no longer being broadcast, are available from Additionally, a quarterly cumulative list of the complete text of all in-force NAVAREA I Warnings is included in Section III of the Weekly NM Bulletin in Weeks 1, 13, 26 and 39 each year. Alternatively, these may be requested by e-mail from NAVAREA I Co-ordinator at: [email protected] The RNW web page also contains a link to the IHO website which allows direct access to all the other NAVAREA Co-ordinators around the world who have made their NAVAREA warnings available on the web. ------Weekly Edition 33, published on the UKHO website 3 Aug 20. ------Navarea I (NE Atlantic) Weekly Edition 33 The following NAVAREA I warnings were in force at 030500 UTC Aug 20.

2020 series: 053 060 069 092 099 100 101 102 103 104.

Summary of Navarea I warnings issued since Weekly Edition 32:

099 NORTH SEA, UK SECTOR. Chart GB 2182C (INT 1041). Seismic survey in progress by M/V SW Amundsen towing 8 x 3800 metre long cables within area bounded by: 59-58N 000-51E, 59-39N 001-52E, 59-11N 001-18E and 59-30N 000-18E. A wide berth of 3 miles ahead and abeam and 4 miles astern requested. Three support vessels in attendance.

100 WESTERN APPROACHES TO ENGLISH CHANNEL. Cockburn Bank Eastwards. Chart GB 2649 (INT 1063). 1. Survey operations with towed equipment in progress by R/V Ridley Thomas in vicinity of line joining 49-20.2N 009-18.0W, 49-56.1N 008-44.3W and 50-06.7N 008-31.8W. Berth of one mile requested. 2. Cancel Navarea I 096/20.

101 SOUTHWESTERN APPROACHES TO THE BRITISH ISLES. Porcupine Abyssal Plain westwards. Chart GB 4102 (INT 102). Cable recovery operations by M/V Rebecca in progress from 300800 UTC Jul in vicinity of line joining: 48-54.8N 022-47.5W and 49-01.8N 024-52.8W. Wide berth requested.

102 1. Navarea I warnings in force at 311000 UTC Jul 20. 2. Cancel 097/20.

103 NORTH SEA, NORWEGIAN SECTOR. Gjoa and Troll Gas and Oil Fields. Chart GB 2182D (INT 1040). Seismic survey in progress by M/V BGP Prospector towing 10 x 8000 metre long cables within area bounded by 61-03.2N 004-05.3E, 60-48.1N 003-44.2E, 61-08.1N 002-48.1E, 61-19.9N 002-51.7E, 61-33.5N 003-14.6E and 61-14.1N 004-08.9E. Wide berth of 3nm ahead and abeam and 7 miles astern requested. Two guard vessels in attendance.

104 1. RIGLIST. Correct at 030500 UTC Aug 20.

Southern North Sea: 51N to 55N 51-43.6N 002-57.9E Seafox 7 ACP Borssele Beta 53-03.3N 001-41.2E Valaris 72 ACP Hewett Gas Field 53-14.0N 003-14.5E 590021 53-19.1N 002-05.8E Ensco 92 ACP South Valiant Gas Field 53-32.5N 003-25.4E Seafox 4 ACP Nam Field 53-41.8N 003-20.4E Seafox 2 ACP K5-A 54-24.4N 002-48.9E Maersk Resolve ACP D12-B

Wk33/20 3.1 III

North Sea: 55N to 60N, East of 5W 55-43.4N 004-48.0E Maersk Guardian ACP Tyra Gas Field 56-15.0N 003-20.9E Maersk Invincible ACP Valhall Oil Field 56-16.8N 003-24.0E Maersk Reacher ACP Valhall Oil Field 56-43.5N 002-12.5E Ensco 120 ACP Jasmine Gas Field 56-48.4N 000-42.3E Valaris Gorilla VI 56-58.0N 001-52.2E Rowan Gorilla 5 ACP Franklin Gas Field 57-01.9N 001-57.3E Valaris 122 ACP Shearwater Oil Field 57-06.6N 002-50.8E Maersk Integrator ACP Ula Oil Field 57-10.1N 002-15.5E Ocean Endeavor 57-11.7N 001-54.8E Maersk Highlander ACP Culzean Gas Field 57-29.5N 002-18.0E Rowan Viking 57-50.7N 000-54.7W COSL Pioneer 58-03.0N 000-21.0E Wilphoenix 58-50.7N 001-44.6E Rowan Stavanger ACP Gudrun Oil and Gas Field 59-22.0N 001-44.6E Ocean Patriot 59-32.8N 002-01.1E Deepsea Nordkapp 59-35.4N 001-03.4E Noble Lloyd Noble ACP Mariner Oil Field

Norwegian Sea: 60N to 65N, East of 5W NEW Firth of Forth Deepsea Aberdeen 60-30.4N 002-00.9E Maersk Intrepid 60-47.3N 003-32.3E Transocean Equinox 60-51.3N 003-26.7E Transocean Endurance 60-54.6N 003-35.2E COSL Promoter 61-05.7N 003-24.0E West Hercules 61-29.4N 002-13.6E Transocean Norge 61-32.1N 002-14.7E Transocean Spitsbergen 61-33.8N 002-02.6E Deepsea Yantai NEW 61-53.6N 003-26.0E Deepsea Atlantic 64-01.8N 006-44.6E West Phoenix 64-56.8N 006-57.1E West Mira

South and West Coasts of the British Isles. 53-32.2N 003-34.8W Irish Sea Pioneer ACP Douglas Oil Field 53-49.0N 003-33.6W Borr Ran ACP South Morecambe Gas Field.

NOTES: A. Rigs are protected by a 500 metre safety zone. B. ACP - Adjacent to Charted Platform. C. For Rigs located North of 65N, East of 5W, refer to Navarea XIX Warnings or visit

2. Cancel 098/20.

3.2 Wk33/20 IV


NP3AfricaPilotVolume3(2019Edition) Thence the track curves through NW to lead WNW, passing: 5 Close SSW of Ilha Mojobo (175813S Republic of South Africa -- Offshore -- 365462E). East of Alphard Banks — Marine exploitation; Thence the track continues generally N, passing: safety zone WofIlhaRambe(175658S 365414E), thence: E of Ilha do Governador (17 54 11S 36 53 82E), 75     low and covered with mangroves. After Paragraph 2.9 2 line 4 Insert: The track then continues as required to the berth or anchorage off Quelimane. Anchoring and fishing are prohibited within an offshore safety zone which surrounds the above areas Mozambique Chart MZ16402/17 of marine exploitation and extends to the shore. [NP3--No 28--Wk 33/20]

ENC ZA300060 (4.000) [NP3--No 26--Wk 33/20] NP6 South America Pilot Volume 2 (2019 Edition) Mozambique -- Quelimane — Pilotage Chile -- Seno Otway -- Canal Fitz Roy — 171 General information; traffic regulations

Paragraph 5.162 3 line(s) 3--5 Replace by: 315

...board in position 180621S 365985E. After Paragraph 7.389 1 line 9 Insert: For further details see ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals Volume 6(8). Traffic regulations 7.389a Mozambique Chart MZ16402/17 1 Vessels navigating Canal Fitz Roy between Punta [NP3--No 27--Wk 33/20] Reynard (7.394) and Punta Elías (7.398) should do so during daylight hours only, during slack water or Mozambique -- Quelimane — Directions periods of weak current. Maximum allowed wind speed 25 kn, minimum visibility 1 mile. Maximum 172 length of vessel 80 m, draught 65 m, minimum UKC 1m. Paragraph 5.164 1--7 Replace by: Paragraph 7.390 2 lines 1--7 Replace by: 1 Caution. The positions of the buoys are adjusted to meet the frequent changes both at the bar and in the 2 Overfalls occur in Angostura Santa Cruz when the channel to Quelimane. tidal streams are at strength. A short high sea and Track. From the vicinity of the pilot boarding overfalls, which can be dangerous for very small position, the track leads generally NNW, passing: vessels, are experienced in the N entrance when wind Between light buoys (lateral), the positions of which and tidal stream are opposed to each other. are liable to change, marking the bar off the mouth of Rio dos Bons Sinais, thence: Chilean Notice 7/20; SD–3001 C14 2 Clear of a stranded wreck (180484S [NP6--No 7--Wk 33/20] 365956E), thence: ENE of Ponta Olinda (180311S 365798E), thence: NP7 South America Pilot Volume 3 (2018 Edition) ENE of the entrance to Canal da Olinda (180116S 365720E), an unmarked channel leading round Chile -- Archipiélago de los Chonos -- the S extremity of Ilha Lambué and into Canal do Canal Pulluche — Regulations; Oeste which passes the E side of Ilha dos Cavalos under keel clearance Marinhos, thence: 3 WSW of Ponta Tangalane (180074S 97 365818E). Care is necessary when nearing Ponta Tangalane, as the in--going tidal stream Paragraph 3.54 1 line(s) 2 Replace by: here sets directly towards the banks on the W ...Canal Pulluche at any height of tide: side of the channel. Thence: Vessel transiting W of Bajo Roepke (3.55); 9 m, plus 4 ENE of an extensive drying bank of sand UKC 13m. (175990S 365718E) and mud marking the Vessel transiting E of Bajo Roepke; 75m,plusUKC W side of Canal das Moscas, and which 13m. extends E from Ilha dos Cavalos Marinhos (175984S 365540E), a low island covered Chilean Notice 7/20 SD 3002--Chap. VIII--2--44 with mangroves. [NP7--No 106--Wk 33/20]

Wk33/20 4.1 IV

NP22 Bay of Biscay Pilot (2019 Edition) Netherlands -- West of Hoek van Holland -- Goeree — Directions; principal marks; photograph; racon France -- West coast -- Bay of Biscay -- Pointe de Penmarc’h — Directions; wrecks 203

58 Paragraph 8.14 Photograph caption For Light Read Helicopter Platform Paragraph 3.12 1 line(s) 6 Replace by: ...5 miles, then ESE for 9½ miles, keeping clear of charted Paragraph 8.15 1 line(s) 2 For Light Read Helicopter wrecks and obstructions, passing: Platform

French Chart 7250 (2020) [NP22--No 15--Wk 33/20] Paragraph 8.16 4 line(s) 2 For Light Read Helicopter Platform France -- Bay of Biscay -- Western approaches to Concarneau — Netherlands Notice 28--29/210/20 Regulations; prohibited anchorage [NP28--No 58--Wk 33/20] 61 Netherlands -- West of Hoek van Holland -- Paragraph 3.33 1 line(s) 2 For 1600gt Read 3000 gt Goeree — Directions; principal marks; racon

Paragraph 3.33 1 line(s) 8 Replace by: 214

There is no designated waiting anchorage and Paragraph 8.113 1 line(s) 1--5 Replace by: anchoring is prohibited within the approach channel. 1 Offshore marks: French Chart 7250 (2020); FGSD C23 Goeree Helicopter Platform (515550N 34010E) [NP22--No 16--Wk 33/20] (8.14). Major lights: Westhoofd Light (514879N 35184E) (8.14) NP27 Channel Pilot (2018 Edition) Paragraph 8.114 1 line(s) 2 For Light Read Helicopter Platform England -- South coast -- Portland — Anchorages Netherlands Notice 28--29/210/20 167 [NP28--No 59--Wk 33/20] Paragraph 6.51 1 line(s) 1--7 Replace by:

1 There are numerous designated anchor berths Netherlands -- West of Hoek van Holland -- Goeree — Directions; principal marks; racon inside the harbour sheltered from swell, with a good holding ground of blue slimy mud. Ships usually ride 222 at single anchor with a good scope of cable. Paragraph 9.21 1 line(s) 6 For Light Read Helicopter Correspondence Portland Harbour Authority Platform [NP27--No 46--Wk 33/20] Paragraph 9.21 2 line(s) 5--6 Delete NP28 Dover Strait Pilot (2017 Edition) Paragraph 9.22 1 line(s) 9 For Light Read Helicopter Platform Netherlands -- West of Hoek van Holland -- Goeree — Directions; principal marks Netherlands Notice 28--29/210/20 202 [NP28--No 60--Wk 33/20]

Paragraph 8.14 1 line(s) 1--6 Replace by: Netherlands -- West of Hoek van Holland -- 1 Offshore marks: Goeree — Directions; offshore mark Goeree Helicopter Platform (red and white chequered frame and tower, 23 m in height) 224 (515550N 34010E). Paragraph 9.25 2 line(s) 5 For Light Read Helicopter Landmarks: Platform Tower (514119N 34176E), visible above the dunes. Paragraph 9.29 5 line(s) 4 For Light Read Helicopter Paragraph 8.14 2 line(s) 10 Delete Platform

Netherlands Notice 28--29/210/20 Netherlands Notice 28--29/210/20 [NP28--No 57--Wk 33/20] [NP28--No 61--Wk 33/20]

4.2 Wk33/20 IV

NP30 China Sea Pilot Volume 1 (2018 Edition) NP34 Indonesia Pilot Volume 2 (2019 Edition)

Indonesia -- Sulawesi -- East coast -- Vietnam -- South China Sea -- Bahodopi — Port Sao Vang Dai Nguyet — Oilfield 356

79 After Paragraph 14.60 5 line 10 including the replacement of existing Section IV Notice Week 44/19 Insert: After Paragraph 2.70 2 line 3 Insert:

Bahodopi Sao Vang Dai Nguyet Oilfield General information 2.70a 14.60a 1 General information. Sao Vang Terminal 1 Position and function. Bahodopi port (24856S (82212N 1084211E), comprising a CPP and FSO 1220947E) services the adjacent Morowali Industrial Golden Star, lies about 7 miles S of Dai Hung Oilfield Park. Exports include nickel and steel products. (2.70). Dai Nguyet WHP (82226N 1084744E) lies Imports consist mainly of coal and various types of 5 miles E, connected to Sao Vang by a submarine ore. pipeline. The facilities lie within a restricted area. Anchoring Arrival information and fishing are prohibited in the vicinity of the 14.60b associated pipelines. 1 Pilotage is available 24 hours. Pilots board in the 2 Operator. Idemitsu Gas Production (Vietnam) Co. vicinity of 24629S 1221050E. Ltd. 28th Floor, Vietcombank Tower, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Harbour Website. 14.60c Anchorage. Waiting anchorage (82500N 1 General layout. The harbour lies in a small bay SE 1083900E) lies 3 miles NW of the FSO. of Tanjung Laroga (24774S 1220892E). The Pilotage. Compulsory and conducted by a Mooring harbour consists of a T--shaped jetty aligned Master. Pilots board at the waiting anchorage. NNW/SSE extending about 50 m from the W shore of 3 Berths. The FSO Golden Star is secured with a the bay. To the S of the jetty several berths line the turret mooring system. A FSV mooring buoy is W shore and head of the bay. Further berths lie on available seasonally. the E side of the bay. 2 Development. Reclamation works are in progress (2019) centred on 2 48 68S 122 10 15E. Correspondence Idemitsu Gas Production (Vietnam) Co.     Ltd. [NP30--No 152--Wk 33/20] Directions for entering harbour 14.60d 1 Bahodopi port is approached from a position in the Malaysia -- North--east coast -- Palau Redang to vicinity of 24523S 1221202E. The track then leads Tumpat — Directions; obstruction about 1¾ miles SW to the pilot station, passing: NW of a series of shoals, with a least depth of 1 m, extending NE from the bay, marked by a light 103 beacon. The track then leads SSW as required for berth. After Paragraph 3.136 2 line 13 Insert: Basins and berths Clear of an obstruction (55295N 1023634E), 14.60e and: 1 The IMIP Terminal has a total length of 720 m including dolphins; depths alongside from about 13 to Malaysian Notice 6/85/20 [NP30--No 153--Wk 33/20] 20 m, maximum draught 160 m. Nickle Main Wharf lies close S and has a total length of 160 m; depths of about 85 to 10 m alongside. Berth 1 lies close SE of Nickle Main Wharf and has Malaysia -- North--east coast -- Palau Redang to a length of 100 m; depths of about 5 to 85m Tumpat — Directions; obstructions alongside and is mainly used by barges. There are three other berths situated S of Berth 1 suitable for 104 small vessels. 2 Cargo is also worked at anchor by barges in an After Paragraph 3.136 6 line 7 Insert: area in the vicinity of 24717S 1220960E. Port services Clear of a number of obstructions, centred on 14.60f 61750N 1021400E, thence: 1 Supplies: fresh water.

Malaysian Notice 6/85/20 [NP30--No 154--Wk 33/20] Indonesian Chart ID 524/20 [NP34--No 64--Wk 33/20]

Wk33/20 4.3 IV

NP38 West Coast of India Pilot (2019 Edition) After Paragraph 6.48 2 line 6 Insert:

3 Restricted area. Anchoring, fishing and any India -- Port Dºbhol to Kumbaru Point — unauthorised underwater activity are prohibited within Directions; wreck an area encompassing the approaches to M e r s -- e l -- K é b i r. 216

After Paragraph 7.136 3 line 8 Insert: French Notice 28/146/20 [NP45--No 87--Wk 33/20] Clear of a dangerous wreck (175805N 725101E), position approximate, and: NP69 East Coast of the United States Pilot UKHO [NP38--No 23--Wk 33/20] Volume 2 (2017 Edition)

North Carolina -- Morehead City and NP45 Mediterranean Pilot Volume 1 Beaufort Inlet — Pilotage (2018 Edition) 178

Algeria --Port de Mers--el--Kébir — Paragraph 7.86 2 line(s) 1--10 Replace by: Arrival information; Outer anchorage; restricted area 2 Pilots are available 24 hours, boarding vessels within Pilot Boarding Area 1 (343752N 763940W). 256--257 See ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals Volume 6(5) Paragraph 6.48 1 line 1 Replace by: for details.

1 Outer anchorage may be authorised by the naval US Notice U1 27/20 Coast Pilot 4 Chapter 5 paragraph 58 authorities in depths of 35... [NP69--No 40--Wk 33/20]

4.4 Wk33/20 V


NP74, Vol A Edition 2020. Weekly Edition No. 33, Dated 13 August 2020. Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 32, dated 06 August 2020.

A0774 - Saint Catherine's Point 50 34·54 N Fl W 5s 41 25 White 8-sided fl 0·1. (GB:TH) 1 17·88 W castellated tower and W257°-117°(220°). dwelling Shown 24 hours 26 - - . . F R 35 13 . . R099°-116°(17°) *

A3142 - Tayport High Lighthouse. 56 27·17 N Dir WRG 24 W14 White tower Iso G 3s 266°-267·5°(1·5°). Dir Lt 268·25° 2 53·94 W R14 23 VQ G267·5°-268°(0·5°). (GB:DHT) G14 Iso W 3s 268°-268·5°(0·5°). VQ R268·5°-269°(0·5°). Iso R 3s 269°-271°(2°). (P) 2020 * *

ORKNEY HARBOUR. NORTH PART. SHAPINSAY SOUND. HELLIAR HOLM ISLAND A3684 - Helliar Holm. S End 59 01·14 N Fl WRG 10s 18 W14 White tower fl 0·5. (GB:N) 2 54·06 W R11 13 G256°-276°(20°), W276°-292°(16°), G11 R292°-098°(166°), W098°-116°(18°), G116°-154°(38°). Partially obscured and unreliable (T) 2020 *

A6042·65 - Glenarm Harbour. 54 58·20 N Fl G 3s 8 3 Green % on green TE 2020 Entrance. N Pier. Head 5 57·04 W post 8 * *

JOTUN OILFIELD A8176·1 Remove from list; deleted

NP75, Vol B Edition 2020. NEW EDITION Weekly Edition No. 33, Dated 13 August 2020. NOTE: These are the first updates issued for the New Edition.

Cut out the above and paste it in the NEW EDITION First Updates box immediately below the RECORD OF UPDATES title on page ii of NP75, Vol B Edition 2020 New Edition.

B0630 - Europlatform. Goeree 51 55·50 N Mo(U)W 15s ...... Helicopter platform NL, HP2, 0984 3 40·10 E - - - . . Horn(U) 30s - - - . . Racon ...... ALRS Vol 2 Station 54680 **** *

B0670·47 - Maassluis. No 32 51 54·69 N LFl R 5s 5 . . + on red post fl 2 4 15·31 E *

DIE ELBE B1349 Remove from list; deleted

5.1 Wk33/20 V

NP75, Vol B Edition 2020 continued.

B2508 - Laksskjær 59 02·85 N Oc(2)WRG 8s 11 W7·7 Tripod R169·8°-180·2°(10·4°), NO, , 035000 10 27·79 E R5·7 10 G180·2°-210·5°(30·3°), G5·3 W210·5°-214·2°(3·7°), R214·2°-217·2°(3°), W217·2°-221·2°(4°), G221·2°-315·5°(94·3°), R315·5°-324·1°(8·6°), W324·1°-014·9°(50·8°), G014·9°-026°(11·1°), R026°-044·8°(18·8°) **

OSLOFJORDEN. SANDØYSUNDSLEIA B2514 - Ldg Lts 345·5°. Front. 59 04·82 N Oc(3)WRG 10s 3 W5·3 Post G170·4°-181°(10·6°), NO, , 035500 Krukepynten 10 27·28 E R3·7 3 W181°-182·1°(1·1°), G3·4 R182·1°-342·1°(160°), W342·1°-345·3°(3·2°), G345·3°-348·3°(3°) **

B2676 - Danholmen 58 56·43 N Oc WRG 6s 6 W5·9 Post G224·8°-225°(0·2°), NO, , 050700 9 38·26 E R4·2 3 W225°-228·3°(3·3°), G3·9 R228·3°-025·3°(157°), W025·3°-032·4°(7·1°), G032·4°-036·3°(3·9°) **

B2700·2 - Jentebaen 58 51·04 N Iso R 2s 3 3·2 Post NO, , 053152 9 29·87 E 5 ** *

B2700·3 - Bjønnskjæra 58 51·14 N Oc R 4s 3 3·3 Post NO, , 053154 9 29·69 E 6 ** *

B2700·4 - Kaninholmen 58 51·04 N Oc G 4s 2 3·5 Post NO, , 053161 9 28·16 E 2 ** *

B2700·5 - Engelskmannen 58 50·39 N Iso G 2s 4 3·4 Post NO, , 053121 9 29·45 E 5 ** *

B2708 - Skàtøy. Strømtangen. W 58 50·20 N Iso R 2s 7 2·4 White wooden hut R181·6°-346·4°(164·8°) NO, , 053100 Side 9 27·86 E 9 ****

B2708·1 - Skàtøy. W Side. Stavseng 58 51·05 N Oc(2)WRG 8s 25 W7·7 White 3-sided W336·7°-079·8°(103·1°), NO, , 053200 9 27·24 E R5·7 building with tower G079·8°-094·2°(14·4°), G5·3 17 W094·2°-104·9°(10·7°), R104·9°-110·2°(5·3°), W110·2°-119·1°(8·9°) ***

KRAGERØFJORDEN. KILSFJORDEN B2711 - Tåtøy 58 51·18 N Fl W 5s 8 3·1 Post fl 0·5 NO, , 053440 9 22·54 E 4 * **

SKÅTØYSUND B2715·2 - Søndre Pelanbaen 58 51·72 N Iso G 2s 5 3·4 Post Floodlit NO, , 053305 9 26·53 E 8 ** *

B2908 Remove from list; renumbered to B2910

5.2 Wk33/20 V

NP75, Vol B Edition 2020 continued.

KRISTIANSAND HAVN. RANDØYSUND B2909 - Toveboen 58 06·25 N Iso R 2s . . . . Post Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 070804 8 09·54 E ********

B2910 Renumbered; was previously B2908 NO, , 070800 - Torsøy 58 06·04 N Iso WRG 6s 13 W5·5 Tripod R132°-247·5°(115·5°), 8 08·71 E R3·9 6 G247·5°-265·5°(18°), G3·6 W265·5°-274·5°(9°), R274·5°-316°(41·5°). To be removed (P) 2020 * *

B2911 - Stangodden 58 06·24 N Iso R 4s . . . . Post Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 070806 8 08·68 E ********

B2913 - Stanggapet 58 06·24 N Iso G 4s . . . . Post Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 070805 8 08·26 E ********

B2913·8 - Mannevikodden 58 06·56 N Iso R 2s ...... Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 070808 8 06·84 E ********

B2914 - Mannevikodden 58 06·57 N Oc(3)WRG 10s 2 W2Post G280·2°-290·3°(10·1°), NO, , 070900 8 06·84 E R1 4 W290·3°-116·7°(186·4°), G1 R116·7°-148·7°(32°), W148·7°-157·4°(8·7°), G157·4°-159·1°(1·7°). To be removed (P) 2020 *

KRISTIANSAND HAVN B2914·2 - Nordre Stokkholmbåen 58 06·65 N Iso G 2s ...... Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 070807 8 06·69 E ********

B2914·5 - Stokkholmane. N 58 06·83 N Iso G 4s ...... Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 071109 8 06·53 E ********

B2915 - Kirkevika. S 58 06·88 N Iso R 4s ...... Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 071112 8 06·53 E ********

B2915·5 - Vrengen. SW 58 06·88 N Iso G 2s ...... Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 071111 8 06·43 E ********

KRISTIANSAND HAVN. RANDØYSUND B2916 - Kirkoddskjæret 58 06·91 N Iso R 2s 4 3·6 Post To be removed (P) 2020 NO, , 071000 8 06·44 E 3 *

KRISTIANSAND HAVN B2917 - Martesodden 58 06·93 N Iso R 4s ...... Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 071114 8 06·21 E ********

B2917·8 - Stokken 58 06·90 N Iso G 4s ...... Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 071113 8 06·13 E ********

5.3 Wk33/20 V

NP75, Vol B Edition 2020 continued.

KRISTIANSAND HAVN. RANDØYSUND B2918 - Stokken. NW Point 58 06·89 N Iso WRG 4s 2 W5Post R024·5°-223·1°(198·6°), NO, , 071100 8 06·13 E R3 4 W223·1°-236·4°(13·3°), G3 G236·4°-282·5°(46·1°). To be removed (P) 2020 *

KRISTIANSAND HAVN B2918·1 - Stokkenskjæret 58 06·88 N Iso G 2s ...... Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 071115 8 06·05 E ********

KRISTIANSAND HAVN. KRISTIANSANDSFJORDEN B2918·3 - Rakmannskjær 58 06·74 N Iso G 4s ...... Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 071117 8 05·73 E ********

B2918·5 - Herøy. S 58 06·63 N Iso R 2s ...... Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 071518 8 05·38 E ********

B2919 - Ledholmen 58 06·56 N Iso G 2s ...... Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 071519 8 05·26 E ********

B2920 - Ledholmen. N Point 58 06·55 N Iso WRG 6s 6 W2·3 White post R032·3°-038°(5·7°), NO, , 071500 8 05·26 E R1·4 W038°-064·7°(26·7°), G1·3 G064·7°-111·8°(47·1°), W111·8°-115·5°(3·7°), R115·5°-228·5°(113°), G228·5°-246·3°(17·8°). To be removed (P) 2020 *

B2920·5 - Vestre Herøybåen 58 06·77 N Iso R 4s ...... Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 071522 8 04·78 E ********

B2921 - Skromla 58 06·63 N Iso G 4s ...... Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 071521 8 04·67 E ********

B2922 - Grønningen 58 04·88 N Fl(2)WRG 10s 18 W12 Tower R250°-275·5°(25·5°), NO, , 071600 8 05·27 E R9·5 14 G275·5°-310·5°(35°), G9·1 W310·5°-029·5°(79°), R029·5°-123°(93·5°), W123°-140°(17°), G140°-173·5°(33·5°). Oc W 6s and sectors to be amended (P) 2020 *

B2924 - Skipbåen 58 04·42 N Iso R 4s . . . . Post Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 072002 8 03·73 E ********

5.4 Wk33/20 V

NP75, Vol B Edition 2020 continued.

B2930 - Kinn 58 05·82 N Iso WRG 4s 7 W4·3 Post G093·6°-095·1°(1·5°), NO, , 071800 8 02·07 E R2·9 4 W095·1°-112·8°(17·7°), G2·7 R112·8°-151·6°(38·8°), W151·6°-183·6°(32°), G183·6°-200·3°(16·7°), W200·3°-204·4°(4·1°), R204·4°-219·8°(15·4°), G219·8°-245·3°(25·5°), W245·3°-255·3°(10°), R255·3°-308°(52·7°), W308°-319·8°(11·8°), G319·8°-325·1°(5·3°). To be removed (P) 2020 *

B2930·3 - Kinn 58 05·85 N Iso R 4s ...... Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 072006 8 02·09 E ********

B2930·4 - Dvergsøybåen 58 06·28 N Iso G 4s ...... Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 072005 8 03·23 E ********

B2931·5 - Gjeiteva 58 07·30 N Iso R 4s ...... Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 072216 8 00·43 E ********

B2931·8 - Dybingen 58 07·61 N Iso R 2s ...... Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 072218 8 00·09 E ********

B2932 - Dybingen 58 07·61 N Fl R 3s 7 3·3 Post To be removed (P) 2020 NO, , 072200 8 00·08 E 2 *

B2936 - Odderøya 58 07·88 N Oc(2)WRG 8s 11 W5·9 Lighthouse R295·5°-296·7°(1·2°), NO, , 072300 8 00·13 E R4·2 9 W296·7°-298°(1·3°), G3·9 G298°-320·8°(22·8°), W320·8°-328·3°(7·5°), R328·3°-359·7°(31·4°), G359·7°-077·5°(77·8°), W077·5°-134·1°(56·6°), R134·1°-139·1°(5°). Sectors to be amended (P) 2020 *

B2938·2 - Bleikerøyboen 58 08·37 N Iso R 6s ...... Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 072226 8 00·55 E ********

B2938·3 - Revholmane. E 58 07·59 N Iso G 2s ...... Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 072007 8 02·48 E ********

B2938·4 - Olavsholmen. SW 58 07·05 N Iso R 2s ...... Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 071724 8 03·41 E ********

B2938·5 - Tueboen 58 07·41 N Iso R 4s ...... Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 071726 8 02·95 E ********

5.5 Wk33/20 V

NP75, Vol B Edition 2020 continued.

B2940 - Topdalsfjorden. Gleodden 58 08·83 N Iso WRG 6s 5 W3·3 Post G184·4°-213·1°(28·7°), NO, , 072600 8 02·31 E R2·1 3 W213·1°-215·1°(2°), G2 R215·1°-014·9°(159·8°), W014·9°-022°(7·1°), G022°-034·4°(12·4°). To be removed (P) 2020 *

B2940·2 - Topdalsfjorden. Gleodden 58 08·83 N Iso R 4s ...... Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 072404 8 02·33 E ********

B2947 - Steinen 58 04·95 N Iso R 6s . . . . Post Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 074422 8 02·41 E ********

B2948 - Senskjer 58 04·62 N Iso WRG 6s 4 W5Tripod R104·4°-191·4°(87°), NO, , 073300 8 01·89 E R4 6 W191·4°-209·2°(17·8°), G4 G209·2°-259·5°(50·3°), W259·5°-260·3°(0·8°), R260·3°-359·8°(99·5°), G359·8°-016·7°(16·9°). To be removed (P) 2020 *

B2948·5 - Store Senskjer 58 04·59 N Iso G 2s . . . . Post Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 074221 8 01·89 E ********

B2949 - Klovholmbåen 58 04·33 N Fl W 3s 6 4 Tripod Private. Iso G 4s (P) 2020 NO, , 073320 8 01·73 E * *

B2949·05 - Aktsholmen. NE 58 04·31 N Iso R 4s . . . . Post Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 074424 8 01·62 E ********

B2949·08 - Klovholmen 58 04·35 N Iso G 2s . . . . Post Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 074427 8 01·62 E ********

B2949·09 - Aktsholmen. NW 58 04·35 N Iso R 2s . . . . Post Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 074426 8 01·52 E ********

B2949·1 - Vedelskjaer. NE 58 04·41 N Iso R 4s . . . . Post Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 074436 8 01·18 E ********

B2949·15 - Vedelskjaer. N 58 04·48 N Iso R 2s . . . . Post Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 074438 8 01·09 E ********

B2949·18 - Skibbuholmen 58 04·55 N Iso G 4s . . . . Post Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 074439 8 00·93 E ********

B2949·2 - Ormsøya. E 58 04·04 N Iso R 2s . . . . Post Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 074434 8 00·99 E ********

B2949·3 - Indre Lindøy. W 58 03·95 N Iso G 2s . . . . Post Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 074435 8 00·97 E ********

5.6 Wk33/20 V

NP75, Vol B Edition 2020 continued.

B2949·5 - Saltskjær 58 03·68 N Fl R 3s ...... Iso R 4s (P) 2020 NO, , 074432 8 00·67 E * *

B2949·8 - Fladeskjaer 58 03·43 N Iso G 4s . . . . Post Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 074433 8 00·55 E ********

B2950 - Blåstholmen 58 03·56 N Fl WRG 5s 11 W5·8 Tripod R267·2°-341·1°(73·9°), NO, , 073400 8 00·32 E R4 5 W341·1°-015·3°(34·2°), G3·8 G015·3°-050·5°(35·2°), W177·3°-219·4°(42·1°). To be removed (P) 2020 *

B2962·8 - Risøya, S 58 03·52 N Iso R 2s 3 2·9 Post Floodlit NO, , 074212 7 46·74 E 6 ***** *

B3079·4 - Lamholmen 58 04·98 N Iso R 4s ...... Floodlit. (P) 2020 NO, , 084022 6 49·60 E ********

B3296 - Lysefjorden. N Side 59 01·02 N Iso WRG 6s 6 W5·4 . . G257·5°-258·5°(1°), NO, , 108800 6 20·43 E R3·8 3 W258·5°-266·2°(7·7°), G3·5 R266·2°-061·9°(155·7°), W061·9°-067°(5·1°), G067°-090·1°(23·1°) ** * *

IDSEFJORDEN B3305·5 - Jørpeland. Raunane SW 59 00·40 N Q R 5 2·2 Post NO, , 109722 6 00·89 E ** *

B3306·8 - Stålverket 59 00·92 N F G 4 1·9 Post Floodlit NO, , 109927 6 02·29 E **

B3326·7 - Børøyholmane. Børøy 59 10·28 N Q G 3 4·7 Post NO, , 112787 6 00·35 E 9 ** *

RYFYLKEFJORDANE B3326·8 - Børøyholmane. Espholmen 59 12·20 N F G 10 2·9 Post Floodlit NO, , 111969 6 04·70 E 6 ** *

B3326·85 - Børøyholmane. Litla 59 12·08 N F R 8 2·9 Post Floodlit NO, , 111968 Kvaløyna 6 04·23 E 6 ** *

B3326·9 - Børøyholmane. 59 10·83 N F G 5 2·9 Post Floodlit NO, , 111967 Fisterhammaren 6 03·48 E 9 ** *

RYFYLKEFJORDANE. YTRE ÅRDALSFJORD B3327·6 - Kolhaugneset 59 08·61 N F R 6 2·9 Post Floodlit NO, , 112790 6 01·36 E 5 ** *

B3327·61 - Helgøysundet 59 08·35 N F G 5 1·3 Post Floodlit NO, , 112791 6 01·86 E **

5.7 Wk33/20 V

NP75, Vol B Edition 2020 continued.

RYFYLKEFJORDANE. ÅRDALSFJORD B3330 - On Point near Nordskor 59 08·52 N Iso R 4s 8 2·8 Post NO, , 112400 6 04·04 E 5 ** *

B3332 - On Point near Nordskor. 59 08·48 N Oc WRG 6s 4 W8·1 Post G210·4°-237·8°(27·4°), NO, , 112500 Langholmen 6 04·09 E R6 5 W237·8°-240·5°(2·7°), G5·7 R240·5°-265·3°(24·8°), W265·3°-266·3°(1°), G266·3°-313·4°(47·1°), R313·4°-028·1°(74·7°), W028·1°-045·2°(17·1°), G045·2°-055·3°(10·1°), R055·3°-068·2°(12·9°), W068·2°-069·9°(1·7°), G069·9°-083·3°(13·4°) ** *

B3332·6 - Kvannholmen 59 08·45 N Q G 3 2·9 Post NO, , 112203 6 05·30 E 8 *

B3332·8 - Småskjerene 59 08·20 N VQ R 3 3 Post NO, , 112202 6 04·82 E 8 *

B3333 - Nodaskjæret 59 08·10 N Q R 4 2·9 Post NO, , 112201 6 04·05 E 8 **

B3333·2 - Sørskorneset 59 08·04 N Q G 4 2·9 Post NO, , 112200 6 03·89 E 8 *

RYFYLKEFJORDANE B3334 - Ølesund 59 13·17 N Oc WRG 6s 8 W11 Post G037°-038·5°(1·5°), NO, , 112800 6 06·08 E R8·7 6 R038·5°-184·1°(145·6°), G8·4 W184·1°-229·4°(45·3°), R229·4°-251·4°(22°), G251·4°-255·9°(4·5°) ** *

B3338 - Jøsneset 59 15·69 N Oc(2)WRG 8s 7 W11 Post G242·7°-247·7°(5°), NO, , 112900 6 10·03 E R8·4 3 W247·7°-253·4°(5·7°), G8 R253·4°-348·8°(95·4°), W348·8°-005·5°(16·7°), G005·5°-032·8°(27·3°), W032·8°-040·9°(8·1°), R040·9°-063·9°(23°), G063·9°-067·1°(3·2°), W067·1°-068·8°(1·7°), R068·8°-081·2°(12·4°) ** *

B3338·3 - Smedvikholmen 59 19·42 N F G 7 2·9 Post Floodlit NO, , 113097 6 11·21 E 6 ** *

B3339·2 - Foreneset 59 19·81 N F G 5 2·9 Post Floodlit NO, , 113093 6 05·85 E 9 ** *

B3339·41 - Jelsahunden 59 19·86 N F R 5 2·9 Post Floodlit NO, , 113090 6 01·90 E 8 ** *

5.8 Wk33/20 V

NP75, Vol B Edition 2020 continued.

B3372·4 - Kvitholmsgrunnen 59 22·61 N Iso R 6s 5 3·9 Post NO, , 115264 6 02·19 E 15 ** *

B3372·7 - Tjørnanesgrunnen 59 22·22 N F G 5 2·9 Post Floodlit NO, , 115263 6 02·39 E 12 ** *

B3373 - Kjelsvikneset 59 22·81 N F G 7 4·2 Post Floodlit NO, , 115265 6 03·01 E 8 ** *

B3374 - Skorpeskjæret 59 23·37 N F R 7 2·9 Post Floodlit NO, , 115268 6 03·69 E 7 ** *

B3377 - Hellevikholmen 59 24·49 N F R 9 2·9 Post Floodlit NO, , 115370 6 05·74 E 6 ** *

RYFYLKEFJORDANE. SANDSFJORDEN B3378 - Foreholmen 59 24·26 N Q R 10 2·9 Post NO, , 115500 6 06·49 E 5 **

B3379·45 - Straumskorne 59 24·34 N F R 7 3 Post Floodlit NO, , 115574 6 07·23 E 6 ** *

B3379·5 - Åsarøyholmen 59 24·53 N F R 4 3 Post Floodlit NO, , 115576 6 07·36 E 6 ** *

B3385·7 - Arapynten 59 25·57 N Q R 6 2·9 Post NO, , 116278 6 09·34 E 10 ** *

B3578 - Laksnotholmen. Ryvarden 59 31·62 N Oc(3)WRG 10s 21 W12 Tower ec 1, lt 5, (ec 1, lt 1) x 2. NO, , 133200 5 13·51 E R9·8 10 G358·8°-007·1°(8·3°), G9·3 W007·1°-034·2°(27·1°), R034·2°-042°(7·8°), G042°-063·8°(21·8°), W063·8°-065·9°(2·1°), R065·9°-092°(26·1°), G092°-131·7°(39·7°), W131·7°-153·4°(21·7°), R153·4°-170·7°(17·3°), G170·7°-184°(13·3°), W184°-193·2°(9·2°), R193·2°-202·3°(9·1°) *

B3590 - Nappholmen 59 38·48 N Oc(2)WRG 8s 14 W8·7 Post G024·6°-033·1°(8·5°), NO, , 134500 5 20·31 E R7·2 3 W033·1°-044·8°(11·7°), G7·2 R044·8°-135·6°(90·8°), G135·6°-141·6°(6°), W141·6°-145·1°(3·5°), R145·1°-153·6°(8·5°), G153·6°-208·7°(55·1°), W208·7°-217·8°(9·1°), R217·8°-244·8°(27°), G244·8°-282·5°(37·7°), W282·5°-284·6°(2·1°), R284·6°-292·9°(8·3°) **

5.9 Wk33/20 V

NP75, Vol B Edition 2020 continued.

B3636 - Bømlafjord. Førdespollen 59 38·18 N Oc WRG 6s 4 W4·4 Column G159·8°-172·2°(12·4°), NO, , 140000 5 24·96 E R3·3 7 W172·2°-175·3°(3·1°), G3·3 R175·3°-233·2°(57·9°), G233·2°-283·7°(50·5°), W283·7°-293·2°(9·5°), R293·2°-319·9°(26·7°), G319·9°-359·4°(39·5°), W359·4°-004·2°(4·8°), R004·2°-012°(7·8°) **

ÅLFJORDEN B3644 - Ålfjord. Nesjaneset. E Point 59 35·62 N Oc WRG 6s 7 W8·9 Post G177·6°-186°(8·4°), W186°-194°(8°), NO, , 140400 5 31·54 E R7·3 3 R194°-279·9°(85·9°), G7·3 G279·9°-325·5°(45·6°), W325·5°-343·4°(17·9°), R343·4°-355°(11·6°) ** *

B3650 - Fjelbergsundet. Nordre 59 44·26 N Iso WRG 4s 4 W3·5 Post G116·4°-137·7°(21·3°), NO, , 141000 Fjelbergsund 5 41·28 E R2·6 4 W137·7°-141·5°(3·8°), G2·6 R141·5°-213·8°(72·3°), G213·8°-290·8°(77°), W290·8°-295·5°(4·7°), R295·5°-304·3°(8·8°) **

B3652 - Fjelbergsundet. 59 43·83 N Iso WRG 2s 6 W3·2 Post G157·3°-163°(5·7°), NO, , 141100 Fjelbergsund 5 42·60 E R2·4 3 W163°-180·7°(17·7°), G2·4 R180·7°-238·5°(57·8°), G238·5°-317·7°(79·2°), W317·7°-328°(10·3°), R328°-336·8°(8·8°) ** *

B3662 - Mosnes 59 51·23 N Oc WRG 6s 5 W5·2 Building R216·4°-219°(2·6°), NO, , 141800 6 20·38 E R4 6 G219°-056·8°(197·8°), G4 W056·8°-063·5°(6·7°), R063·5°-067·8°(4·3°) **

NP76, Vol C Edition 2019/20. Weekly Edition No. 33, Dated 13 August 2020. Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 32, dated 06 August 2020.

SJÆLLAND ISLAND C1524 Remove from list; deleted

C4632 - Rödskär 60 06·99 N Fl WRG 5s 15 12 Red U, white stripe fl 1. FI, , 3590 21 18·73 E G035°-045·5°(10·5°), W045·5°-051°(5·5°), R051°-057°(6°), G057°-069·5°(12·5°), W069·5°-074°(4·5°), R074°-156°(82°), G156°-219°(63°), W219°-226°(7°), R226°-240°(14°). TE 2020 **

C5156 - Koirakari. Hundskär 60 07·43 N Fl WRG 3s 6 7·2 White tower, black fl 1. FI, , 11430 24 54·61 E band G063°-166°(103°), R166°-198°(32°), G198°-225°(27°), W225°-228°(3°), R228°-243°(15°). TE 2020 *

5.10 Wk33/20 V

NP77, Vol D Edition 2019/20. Weekly Edition No. 33, Dated 13 August 2020. Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 32, dated 06 August 2020.

WEST COAST. ÎLES DE GLÉNAN D0922 - Penfret 47 43·27 N Fl R 6s 36 19 White square tower, fl 0·2 FR, LA, 45550 3 57·18 W red top 24 - - Auxiliary light . . Q W 34 11 . . W295°-315°(20°) ********

D2568·1 - Harbour 33 36·23 N Oc(4)WR 12s 48 W16 White square silo, red (ec 1, lt 1) x 3, ec 1, lt 5. FR, LC, 18360 7 36·62 W R8stripes W110°-245°(135°) Bearing 110° is ES, I, 13341 46 the approximate WNW shoreline limit, R245°-285°(40°) Bearing 285° is the approximate ESE shoreline limit. Obscured by Silo 138°-153°(15°) *

D2596·6 - Grande Jetée. Spur. W Side 32 18·54 N Fl(2)G 6s 8 3 ES, I, 13590 of Entrance 9 15·07 W ** *

D2616·6 Oued Drâa (Rio Nun) 28 40·50 N Fl(2)W 5s 85 25 White tower, black MA, , 18050 11 07·79 W bands ES, I, 13777 33 FR, LC, 20450 *

D6411·5 - Ngqura Harbour. N 33 47·79 S Iso G 2s Breakwater 25 41·69 E ********

D6411·51 - Ngqura Harbour. S 33 47·84 S Iso G 2s Breakwater 25 41·64 E ********

BAÍA DE PEMBA D6624 - Ponta Maunhane 12 58·28 S Fl W 5s 12 15 Black tower, white fl 0·5. PT, II, 6286 40 35·11 E band, white square TE 2003 masonry base, and white dwelling 12 **

BAÍA DE PEMBA. PORTO AMÉLIA D6628 - Ponta Saide Ali 12 55·69 S Fl G 3s 8 5 White cubic base PT, II, 6295 40 30·67 E with short red tower 9 **

D6630 - Ponta Romero 12 56·96 S Fl R 3s 5 5 Small white conical PT, II, 6292 40 30·31 E beacon 5 **

D6632 - Ponta Mepira 12 57·82 S Fl(2)R 5s 6 5 Dark-red round tower MZ, , 352 40 28·88 E 6 PT, II, 6299 **

D7315·82 - Ad Duqm Port. Liquid 19 41·10 N Fl Y 3s . . 3 Yellow × on yellow OM, , 0494·2 Dolphin. A East 57 41·96 E beacon 3 ********

5.11 Wk33/20 V

NP77, Vol D Edition 2019/20 continued.

D7315·83 - Ad Duqm Port. Liquid 19 41·11 N Fl Y 3s . . 3 Yellow × on yellow OM, , 0494·1 Dolphin. A West 57 41·73 E beacon 3 ********

D7315·84 - Ad Duqm Port. Liquid 19 40·97 N Mo(A) Y 8s . . 3 Yellow × on yellow OM, , 0494·3 Corner Jetty 57 41·09 E beacon 3 ********

D7318·7 Sidāb. Royal Police 23 36·10 N Iso R 4s . . 3 Red & on red beacon OM, , 0915 Coast Guard. Main 58 36·12 E 4 Breakwater ********

D7318·73 Sidāb. Royal Oman Police 23 36·02 N Q R . . 3 Red & on red beacon OM, , 0915·2 Coast Guard. East Quay 58 36·10 E 4 ********

D7318·74 Sidāb. Royal Oman Police 23 36·06 N Q G . . 3 Green % on green OM, , 0915·3 Coast Guard. North Quay 58 36·05 E beacon 3 ********

D7318·75 Sidāb. Royal Oman Police 23 36·07 N Iso G 4s . . 3 Green % on green OM, , 0915·1 Coast Guard. Inner 58 36·05 E beacon Breakwater 4 ********

D7318·8 Sidāb. Royal Oman Police 23 36·10 N Dir WRG . . 8 Red and white tower OM, , 0911 Coast Guard 58 36·01 E 4 ********

D7318·805 Sidāb. Royal Oman Police 23 35·97 N Fl Y 10s . . 3 Black pile OM, , 0917·5 Coast Guard. Pontoon. 5 58 36·07 E 4 ********

D7318·81 Sidāb. Royal Oman Police 23 35·96 N Fl Y 10s . . 3 Black pile OM, , 0917·4 Coast Guard. Pontoon. 4 58 36·04 E 4 ********

D7318·82 Sidāb. Royal Oman Police 23 35·96 N Fl Y 10s . . 3 Black pile OM, , 0917·3 Coast Guard. Pontoon. 3 58 36·01 E 4 ********

D7318·83 Sidāb. Royal Oman Police 23 35·97 N Fl Y 10s . . 3 Black pile OM, , 0917·2 Coast Guard. Pontoon. 2 58 35·99 E 4 ********

D7318·85 Sidāb. Royal Oman Police 23 35·97 N Fl Y 10s . . 3 Black pile OM, , 0917·1 Coast Guard. Pontoon. 1 58 35·97 E 4 ********

D7318·9 Sidāb. Royal Oman Police 23 35·98 N Fl Y 10s . . 3 Black pile OM, , 0917 Coast Guard. Service Berth. 58 35·93 E 4 Pontoon ********

5.12 Wk33/20 V

NP78, Vol E Edition 2019/20. Weekly Edition No. 33, Dated 13 August 2020. Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 32, dated 06 August 2020.

E2972 Vinjerac. Breakwater. Head 44 15·49 N Fl R 3s 7 3 Red tower, column fl 0·5. HR, , 315 15 27·74 E and gallery R151°-135°(344°). 5 TE 2020 *

E3277·5 - Brodarica. Pier. Head 43 40·60 N Fl(2)R 4s 5 2 Red post fl 0·5, ec 1, fl 0·5, ec 2. HR, , 473·5 15 55·21 E Obscured 301°-351°(50°) ********

NP79, Vol F Edition 2019/20. Weekly Edition No. 33, Dated 13 August 2020. Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 32, dated 06 August 2020.

F2000·5 Tg Arang 3 26·99 N Fl W 4s 47 5 117 51·78 E ** *

TARAKAN F2007·9 Remove from list; deleted

F2009 - Tg Batu 3 14·30 N Fl G 5s 13 12 Green beacon fl 1 ID, , 5233 117 39·17 E **

F2010·05 - Lingkas 3 16·87 N Fl W 10s 40 18 Framework tower 117 35·68 E ********

F9522·027 Remove from list; deleted

NP80, Vol G Edition 2019/20. Weekly Edition No. 33, Dated 13 August 2020. Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 31, dated 30 July 2020.

PORTO DO RIO DE JANEIRO. BAIA DE GUANABARA. APPROACHES. ILHA RASA G0360 - Ilha Rasa 23 03·84 S AlFl WWR 15s 100 W51 White square (W fl 0·5, ec 4·5) x 2, R fl 0·5, ec 4·5. BR, DH2, 2420 43 08·76 W R45 masonry tower, R085°-077°(352°), W085°-077°(352°) brown edges 26 - - . . Aero 3 F R . . . . Radio beacon tower ********

G1103·6 - SBM 45 46·40 S Mo(U)W 15s 3 4 Yellow superbuoy Oil hoses 2 Fl W 3s 1·5M AR, H212, 1331 67 19·41 W - - . . Racon ...... ALRS Vol 2 Station 93200 ********

ESTRECHO DE MAGALLANES. SENO SKYRING G1459 - Canal Fitz Roy. Caleta de 52 39·10 S Fl R 5s 5 3 Red % on red GRP fl 1. CL, 3007, 836 los Amigos 71 27·80 W tower R320°-155°(195°) 3 *

5.13 Wk33/20 V

NP80, Vol G Edition 2019/20 continued.

G1459·1 - Canal Fitz Roy. Punta 52 39·30 S Fl G 5s 4 3 Green & on green fl 1. CL, 3007, 836A Stokes 71 28·20 W GRP tower G142°-345°(203°) 3 *

NP82, Vol J Edition 2019/20. Weekly Edition No. 33, Dated 13 August 2020. Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 31, dated 30 July 2020.

CHESAPEAKE BAY. CHOPTANK RIVER J2136 Remove from list; deleted

J2564 - Turning Basin Retaining 34 12·57 N Fl Y 4s . . . . Metal pile Private US, II, 30947 Wall. A 77 57·26 W ********

J2564·1 - Turning Basin Retaining 34 12·57 N Fl Y 4s . . . . Metal pile Private US, II, 30947·1 Wall. B 77 57·25 W ********

J2564·2 - Turning Basin Retaining 34 12·59 N Fl Y 4s . . . . Metal pile Private US, II, 30947·2 Wall. C 77 57·25 W ********

J2564·3 - Turning Basin Retaining 34 12·61 N Fl Y 4s . . . . Metal pile Private US, II, 30947·3 Wall. D 77 57·25 W ********

J2564·4 - Turning Basin Retaining 34 12·63 N Fl Y 4s . . . . Metal pile Private US, II, 30947·4 Wall. E 77 57·24 W ********

J2564·5 - Turning Basin Retaining 34 12·64 N Fl Y 4s . . . . Metal pile Private US, II, 30947·5 Wall. F 77 57·24 W ********

J2564·6 - Turning Basin Retaining 34 12·66 N Fl Y 4s . . . . Metal pile Private US, II, 30947·6 Wall. G 77 57·23 W ********

J2564·7 - Turning Basin Retaining 34 12·67 N Fl Y 4s . . . . Metal pile Private US, II, 30947·7 Wall. H 77 57·23 W ********

J3152 - Mullet Key Channel. Ldg 27 36·87 N Fl W 2·5s 6 . . Red U, white stripe, US, III, 22355 Lts 081°. Front 82 39·77 W on framework tower on piles - - - - . . By day Fl W 2·5s ********

J3152·1 - Mullet Key Channel. Ldg 27 36·95 N Iso W 6s 24 . . Red U, white stripe, Vis 1·5° each side of rangeline. US, III, 22360 Lts 081°. Rear. 0·641M from 82 39·22 W on framework tower Shown 24 hours US, III, 22360·5 front - - - - . . By day Iso W 6s - - - - Passing lights . . 2 Fl W 2·5s 12 3 . . Synchronized. Located on SE and NW Corners of Platform ********

5.14 Wk33/20 V

NP82, Vol J Edition 2019/20 continued.

J3157·11 - Port Manatee Channel. 27 41·12 N Iso W 6s 16 . . Framework tower on Vis 4° each side of rangeline US, III, 22558 Outbound Ldg Lts 307·9°. 82 38·29 W piles US, III, 22559 Rear. 1·382M from front - - - - - . . By day Iso W 15 . . . . Vis 0·5° each side of rangeline 6s - - - - - Passing lights . . 2 Fl W 2·5s 5 . . . . Synchronized. Located on NW and SE Corners of Lower Platform ****

J3177·1 - Cut D Channel. Inbound. 27 45·20 N Iso W 6s 20 . . . . Vis 1·5° each side of rangeline. US, III, 22705 Ldg Lts 033°. Rear. 0·89M 82 30·82 W Common front J3177 US, III, 22708 from front ------. . By day Iso W 19 . . . . Vis 0·5° each side of rangeline 6s - Passing light . . Fl W 6s 5 5 . . Located on SW Corner of Lower Platform **

J3178·1 - Cut E Channel. Outbound 27 42·21 N Iso R 6s 16 . . . . Vis 0·5° each side of rangeline. US, III, 22750 Ldg Lts 198°. Rear. 0·57M 82 32·54 W Shown 24 hours US, III, 22753 from front - - - - - Passing lights . . 2 Fl R 2·5s 5 5 . . Synchronized. Located on NE and SW Corners of Platform ****

J3184·1 - Cut F Channel. Outbound. 27 43·97 N Iso G 6s 13 . . . . Common front J3177 US, III, 22800 S Ldg Lts 180°. Rear. 889m 82 31·36 W US, III, 22803 from front ------. . By day Iso G 6s ...... Vis 0·5° each side of rangeline - - Passing lights . . 2 Fl W 4s 5 5 . . Synchronized. Located on NE and NW Corners of Lower Platform **

J3202·1 - Cut J Channel. Outbound 27 45·05 N Iso W 6s 15 . . Red U, white stripe, Vis 2° each side of rangeline US, III, 23725 Ldg Lts 179°. Rear. 0·853M 82 34·33 W on framework tower US, III, 23725·5 from front on piles - - - - Passing lights . . 2 Fl W 4s . . 3 . . Synchronized. Located on NE and SW Corners of Platform ****

J3206 - Cut K Channel. Outbound 27 48·56 N Fl W 2·5s 5 . . Framework tower on Vis 1·5° each side of rangeline US, III, 23940 Ldg Lts 201°. Front 82 34·65 W piles - - - - . . By day Fl W 6 . . . . Vis 0·5° each side of rangeline 2·5s ***

J3206·1 - Cut K Channel. Outbound 27 47·95 N Iso W 6s 14 . . Framework tower on Vis 1·5° each side of rangeline US, III, 23945 Ldg Lts 201°. Rear. 0·65M 82 34·93 W piles US, III, 23945·2 from front - - - - - . . By day Iso W 16 . . . . Vis 0·5° each side of rangeline 6s - - - - - Passing lights . . 2 Fl W 6s 4 . . . . Synchronized. Located on NW and SE Corners of Platform ** *

J3208·41 - Cut K Channel. Upper Ldg 27 52·97 N Iso G 6s 22 . . . . Vis 0·5° each side of rangeline. US, III, 23785 Lts 021·7°. Rear. 0·692M 82 32·68 W Shown 24 hours US, III, 23787 from front - - - - - Passing lights . . 2 Fl W 6s . . 5 . . Synchronized. Located on NW and SE Corners of Lower Platform **

J3368·7 - Entrance. B Ldg Lts 089·3°. 29 53·73 N Q R 9 . . Red U, white stripe, Intens on rangeline only. US, IV, 3060 Common front 85 23·07 W on pile Rear J3368·71 - - D Ldg Lts 358·3°. . . Q R 9 . . . . Intens on leading line only. Common front Rear J3369·51 - - . . AIS ...... MMSI No 993682493 ********

5.15 Wk33/20 V

NP82, Vol J Edition 2019/20 continued.

GOLFO DE GUACANAYABO J5063 Remove from list; deleted

NP83, Vol K Edition 2020/21. Weekly Edition No. 33, Dated 13 August 2020. Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 32, dated 06 August 2020.

K4704 - Navula Passage. Momi 17 54·86 S Iso R 2s 13 15 Orange 0 with white Arc of Vis obscured by mangroves on FJ, F201, 4704 Bay Ldg Lts 077°17′. Front 177 16·45 E stripe daymark on N and S Side of Bay concrete tripod *

NP85, Vol M Edition 2019/20. Weekly Edition No. 33, Dated 13 August 2020. Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 32, dated 06 August 2020.

M4144 Soyeonpyeong Hang. W 37 36·83 N Fl R 4s 16 7 Red round steel tower KR, 410, 3722·1 Breakwater. Head 125 42·48 E 8 ***

M4154·24 - Gauido Hang 36 40·29 N Fl G 5s 20 8 White round concrete KR, 410, 3290·1 126 03·99 E tower 9 ********

M4305·23 Oemaemuldo 34 35·73 N Q(6)+LFl W 9 3 " on black pipe, KR, 410, 2537·6 127 30·69 E 15s with yellow top 9 ********

M4345·305 Busan New Port 35 04·32 N Fl(4)Y 8s 9 7 Yellow metal post KR, 410, 2070·4 128 44·55 E 3 ** **

M4375·54 Mipo. Godumal 35 09·18 N Q(6)+LFl W 10 3 " on black post, KR, 410, 2001·26 129 10·43 E 15s yellow top 11 ********

M4377·89 Nasa Hang. Breakwater. 35 21·25 N Fl(2)R 6s 15 8 Red round concrete KR, 410, 1439·21 Head 129 20·42 E tower 13 ********

M4381·37 - 35 28·01 N Q(6)+LFl W 7 6 " on black beacon, KR, 410, 1362 129 24·58 E 15s yellow top *

M4431·2 Sadong Hang. N Breakwater 36 49·45 N Fl R 5s 13 8 Red round concrete KR, 410, 1286 129 27·14 E column 10 ***

OSAKA WAN. HANSHIN KO. OSAKA. OSAKA KU M5939·515 Remove from list; deleted

5.16 Wk33/20 V

NP85, Vol M Edition 2019/20 continued.

OSAKA WAN. HANSHIN KO. OSAKA. OSAKA KU M5939·516 Remove from list; deleted

OSAKA WAN. HANSHIN KO. OSAKA. OSAKA KU M5939·517 Remove from list; deleted

NP86, Vol N Edition 2019/20. Weekly Edition No. 33, Dated 13 August 2020. Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 32, dated 06 August 2020.

N5171 - No 5 Obratnyy Ldg Lts 46 35·80 N Fl R 3s 11 2 Black , , white fl 0·5. UA, 201, 1200 055·4°. Front 32 31·23 E stripe on white tower Vis on leading line only with black U , white stripe 10 *

NP87, Vol P Edition 2019/20. Weekly Edition No. 33, Dated 13 August 2020. Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 32, dated 06 August 2020.

P3716·7004 Renumbered; was previously P3716.7005 CN, G102, 2341·1 - Tanluo Jiao 30 18·46 N Fl W 2s 9 3 White round column, fl 0·5 122 01·65 E black bands 6 *

P3716·7005 Remove from list; renumbered to P3716.7004

P3716·7005 - Yuqiao Bridge. Opening. 30 18·30 N F R . . . . Red × on yellow & CN, G102, 2341·31 No 31, No 32 122 01·80 E CN, G102, 2341·32 ********

P3716·7006 - Yuqiao Bridge. Opening. 30 18·30 N F R . . . . Red × on yellow & CN, G102, 2341·33 No 35, No 36 122 01·93 E CN, G102, 2341·34 - - - No 33, No 34 . . Q Y 8 3 Cylindrical column, Bridge piers CN, G102, 2341·35 yellow and red bands CN, G102, 2341·36 5 ********

P3716·7007 - Yuqiao Bridge. Opening. 30 18·30 N Q Y 8 3 Cylindrical column, Bridge piers CN, G102, 2341·37 No 37, No 38 122 02·00 E yellow and red bands CN, G102, 2341·38 5 ********

P3716·7008 - Yuqiao Bridge. Opening. 30 18·40 N Q Y 8 3 Cylindrical column, Bridge piers CN, G102, 2341·45 No 45, No 46 122 02·10 E yellow and red bands CN, G102, 2341·46 5 ********

P3716·7009 - Yuqiao Bridge. Opening. 30 18·39 N F R . . . . Red × on yellow & CN, G102, 2347·47 No 47, No 48 122 02·19 E CN, G102, 2341·48 ********

5.17 Wk33/20 V

NP87, Vol P Edition 2019/20 continued.

P3808·099 - Shijiu Gangqu. Ore Pier 35 21·31 N Iso G 4s 18 7 White structure, CN, G101, 1760 119 32·74 E green bands 16 ********

P3808·4 - Coal Pier. Head 35 21·90 N F R 18 5 Grey metal post CN, G101, 1754·5 119 34·20 E 11 * ** *

P3844·5 - Qingdao Jiao. No 8 Pier 36 05·70 N Iso G 4s 14 5 White concrete CN, G101, 1684·05 120 19·25 E structure 11 ********

P4701·25 - Training Wall. Head 24 35·92 N Fl R 4s 7 . . Red metal post TW, , 42180 121 51·61 E ********

P4702·3 - White Wall Mark 24 36·11 N Fl R 4s . . . . White & on concrete 121 51·42 E post ********

NP88, Vol Q Edition 2020/21. Weekly Edition No. 33, Dated 13 August 2020. Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 32, dated 06 August 2020.

Q1562·94 Bahodopi 2 47·13 S Fl G 5s 5 3 Beacon (ID) 122 06·77 E ********

Q1562·945 Bahodopi 2 47·23 S Fl G 5s 5 3 Beacon (ID) 122 08·49 E ********

Q1562·948 Bahodopi 2 47·82 S Fl G 5s 5 3 Beacon (ID) 122 09·35 E ********

Q1562·961 Bahodopi 2 47·47 S Fl G 5s 5 3 Beacon (ID) 122 11·63 E ********

Q1562·962 Bahodopi 2 47·18 S Fl R 5s 5 3 Beacon (ID) 122 12·04 E ********

SUNGAI AIKA. APPROACHES TO AMAMAPARE Q3341 Remove from list; deleted

SUNGAI AIKA. APPROACHES TO AMAMAPARE Q3342·4 Remove from list; deleted

SUNGAI AIKA. APPROACHES TO AMAMAPARE Q3342·41 Remove from list; deleted

SUNGAI AIKA. APPROACHES TO AMAMAPARE Q3342·45 Remove from list; deleted

5.18 Wk33/20 V

NP88, Vol Q Edition 2020/21 continued.

SUNGAI AIKA. APPROACHES TO AMAMAPARE Q3342·5 Remove from list; deleted

SUNGAI AIKA. APPROACHES TO AMAMAPARE Q3342·51 Remove from list; deleted

SUNGAI AIKA. APPROACHES TO AMAMAPARE Q3342·6 - Ldg Lts 013°30′. Front. B1 4 49·92 S Q W 6 6 Beacon ID, , 6035 (ID) 136 48·01 E 6 *

Q3342·61 - Ldg Lts 013°30′. Rear. B2 4 49·81 S Oc W 4s 13 6 Beacon ec 1. ID, , 6036 (ID) 136 48·04 E 13 Channel marked by lights *

Q3343 Sungai Keakwa 4 45·39 S Fl(2)W 12s . . 12 Framework tower ID, , 6046 (ID) 136 30·82 E **** *

5.19 Wk33/20 VI

COVID-19 (CORONAVIRUS) TEMPORARY EFFECTS ON QUARANTINE REQUIREMENTS, PILOTAGE, VTS, REPORTING, RADIO COMMUNICATIONS AND TRANSMISSIONS An increasing number of ports are introducing specific quarantine reporting requirements with regards to this virus. Its continued spread is also impacting a number of other services covered by ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals products. Due to the ongoing and dynamic nature of the situation, mariners should contact the appropriate Port Authority, VTS, Pilot, coastguard, radio station or other designated body covering their planned route and destination, for the latest advice and procedures. Due to the rapidly changing situation, it is advised to check local situation at the earliest opportunity when passage planning. VI

UPDATES TO ADMIRALTY LIST OF RADIO SIGNALS Weekly Edition No. 33 dated 13 August 2020

The ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals diagrams included in the paper version of the weekly Notice to Mariners (Section VI) are printed in black and white. If required, a colour version of these diagrams can be downloaded from To obtain the colour versions select View and download NMs – select Weekly – select Year – select Week – go to Selected Week Content – select File (for example: NP286(3)–WK01–14–PAGE149_Week01_2020.pdf)

VOLUME 2, NP282(1), First Edition, 2020 Published Wk 13/20 (Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 32 dated 06 August 2020)


PAGE 158, TURKEY (Marmara Denizi), below Gölcük Burnu Lt. Insert:

Güzel Enerji Gebze Terminal Pier Lt 40°46′·23N 29°32′·96E 992711560 Real

Turkish Bulletin 29/20 (RSDRA2020000175018) 33/20

VOLUME 2, NP282(2), First Edition, 2020 Published Wk 13/20 (Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 32 dated 06 August 2020)


PAGE 58, AUSTRALIA. 87760 Western Port Fairway Lt Buoy. Delete entry

Australian Notice 15/547/20 (RSDRA2020000179789) 33/20


PAGE 102, AUSTRALIA, below Goods Island Rear Ldg Lt. Insert:

Hastings Western Port Fairway Lt 38°30′·22S 145°05′·36E 995031092 Real Buoy

Australian Notice 15/547/20 (RSDRA2020000179789) 33/20

PAGE 136, CHINA, below Kai Feng Ma Tou. Insert:

Kou'anzhi Shuidao 2Z 32°17′·59N 119°50′·04E Broadcasts every 3 minutes Virtual

Kou'anzhi Shuidao 4Z 32°18′·44N 119°48′·99E Broadcasts every 3 minutes Virtual

Kou'anzhi Shuidao 6Z 32°19′·03N 119°47′·82E Broadcasts every 3 minutes Virtual Continued on next page Kou'anzhi Shuidao 8Z 32°19′·13N 119°47′·21E Broadcasts every 3 minutes Virtual Wk33/20 Kou'anzhi Shuidao 9Z 32°17′·14N 119°50′·13E 6.1 Broadcasts every 3 minutes Virtual

Chinese Chart 13127_20 (RSDRA2020000137935) 33/20

6.1 VI

UPDATES TO ADMIRALTY LIST OF RADIO SIGNALS Weekly Edition No. 33 dated 13 August 2020

The ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals diagrams included in the paper version of the weekly Notice to Mariners (Section VI) are printed in black and white. If required, a colour version of these diagrams can be downloaded from To obtain the colour versions select View and download NMs – select Weekly – select Year – select Week – go to Selected Week Content – select File (for example: NP286(3)–WK01–14–PAGE149_Week01_2020.pdf)

VOLUME 2, NP282(1), First Edition, 2020 Published Wk 13/20 (Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 32 dated 06 August 2020)


PAGE 158, TURKEY (Marmara Denizi), below Gölcük Burnu Lt. Insert:

Güzel Enerji Gebze Terminal Pier Lt 40°46′·23N 29°32′·96E 992711560 Real

Turkish Bulletin 29/20 (RSDRA2020000175018) 33/20

VOLUME 2, NP282(2), First Edition, 2020 Published Wk 13/20 (Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 32 dated 06 August 2020)


PAGE 58, AUSTRALIA. 87760 Western Port Fairway Lt Buoy. Delete entry

Australian Notice 15/547/20 (RSDRA2020000179789) 33/20


PAGE 102, AUSTRALIA, below Goods Island Rear Ldg Lt. Insert:

Hastings Western Port Fairway Lt 38°30′·22S 145°05′·36E 995031092 Real Buoy

Australian Notice 15/547/20 (RSDRA2020000179789) 33/20 VI

PAGE 136, CHINA, below Kai Feng Ma Tou. Insert:

Kou'anzhi Shuidao 2Z 32°17′·59N 119°50′·04E Broadcasts every 3 minutes Virtual

Kou'anzhi Shuidao 4Z 32°18′·44N 119°48′·99E Broadcasts every 3 minutes Virtual

Kou'anzhi Shuidao 6Z 32°19′·03N 119°47′·82E Broadcasts every 3 minutes Virtual

Kou'anzhi Shuidao 8Z 32°19′·13N 119°47′·21E Broadcasts every 3 minutes Virtual

Kou'anzhi Shuidao 9Z 32°17′·14N 119°50′·13E Broadcasts every 3 minutes Virtual

Chinese Chart 13127_20 (RSDRA2020000137935) 33/20


Wk33/20 6.2 VIVI

VOLUME 6, PART 6, NP 286(6), First Edition, 2020 PAGE 89, CHINA, NINGBO, including Beilun, Pilots, PROCEDURE, Published Wk 3/20 below section (5) (s). Insert: –––––––––––––––––– (Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 32 dated 6 August 2020) (t) 30°00′·61N 121°58′·35E

PAGE 31, CHINA, DONGSHAN, Pilots, PROCEDURE, section (2). (Former updates 22/20 & 27/20) Delete and replace by: Chinese Notice 25/926/20, (RSDRA2020000160957), 33/20

(2) Pilot boards in the following positions: (a) 23°43′·79N 117°34′·29E PAGE 106, CHINA, QUANZHOU, Pilots, PROCEDURE, section (2) (c). (b) 23°43′·30N 117°34′·53E (No 1) Delete and replace by: (c) 23°42′·20N 117°34′·75E (No 2) (d) 23°39′·30N 117°34′·70E (No 3) (c) Weitou Port area: (i) 24°30′·16N 118°32′·77E (No 1) Chinese Notice 27/1015/20, (RSDRA2020000173881), 33/20 (ii) 24°30′·77N 118°32′·92E (No 2) (iii) 24°34′·37N 118°28′·11E (No 3) PAGE 35, CHINA, FUJIAN - COASTAL VESSEL TRAFFIC SERVICE, (iv) 24°29′·51N 118°31′·90E (Quarantine Anchorage) diagram QUANZHOU VESSEL TRAFFIC SERVICE. Insert Pilot boarding symbol in position 24°30′·77N 118°32′·92E. Chinese Notice 27/1013/20, (RSDRA2020000173881), 33/20

Chinese Notice 27/1013/20, (RSDRA2020000173881), 33/20 PAGE 131, CHINA, WENZHOU. Delete entry and replace by: PAGE 42, CHINA, FUZHOU, including Songxia, Pilots, PROCEDURE, section (4) (d). WENZHOU 28°02′N 120°39′E Delete and replace by: UNCTAD LOCODE: CN WNZ

(d) Songxia: Pilots (i) 25°44′·08N 119°42′·43E (No 1) CONTACT DETAILS: (ii) 25°44′·38N 119°41′·22E (Quarantine Anchorage) VHF Channel: Ch 16 (iii) 25°44′·78N 119°39′·03E (No 2) (iv) Area No 1 bounded by the following positions: HOURS: HJ (1) 25°44′·43N 119°44′·77E PROCEDURE: (2) 25°43′·81N 119°43′·90E (1) Pilotage is compulsory for foreign vessels. (3) 25°43′·98N 119°43′·75E (2) Pilot boards in the following positions: (4) 25°44′·61N 119°44′·63E (a) 27°55′·70N 121°11′·43E (v) Area No 2 bounded by the following positions: (b) 27°57′·70N 121°09′·80E (1) 25°43′·08N 119°42′·02E (c) 27°56′·68N 121°09′·83E (Yuan Yu Anchorage) (2) 25°43′·22N 119°42′·01E (d) 27°56′·00N 121°07′·00E (Qinglingyu Quarantine Anchorage) (3) 25°43′·07N 119°40′·93E (e) 27°56′·42N 121°04′·17E (4) 25°42′·93N 119°40′·96E (vi) 25°44′·26N 119°38′·53E (No 3) Vessel Traffi c Service AREA: (Former update 32/20) Wenzhou VTS comprises 2 areas, each with a designated VHF Channel as follows: Chinese Notice 27/1011/20, (RSDRA2020000173881), 33/20 (1) North District (VHF Ch 14) bounded by the following positions: (a) 28°01′·22N 120°59′·18E (b) 28°01′·22N 121°04′·32E PAGE 86, CHINA, MAJI SHAN, Pilots, PROCEDURE, section (3) (b) (c) 28°01′·05N 121°08′·62E and (c). (d) 27°59′·68N 121°14′·20E Delete and replace by: (e) 27°55′·95N 121°13′·45E (f) 27°54′·54N 121°09′·41E (b) Yangshan Gang Main Channel: (g) 27°58′·32N 120°48′·20E (i) No 1 (30°31′·20N 122°35′·17E) (2) South District (VHF Ch 09) bounded by the following positions: (ii) No 2 Disembarkation (30°28′·72N 122°34′·57E) (a) 27°42′·83N 121°11′·05E (iii) No 3 (30°23′·33N 122°33′·60E) (b) 27°40′·00N 121°11′·80E (iv) Qushan Temporary Anchorage (30°27′·47N 122°29′·20E) (c) 27°37′·16N 121°07′·23E (v) 30°29′·01N 122°29′·52E (No 1 Quarantine Anchorage) (d) 27°27′·09N 120°57′·90E (vi) 30°30′·60N 122°25′·60E (e) 27°27′·09N 120°50′·60E (vii) 30°33′·00N 122°22′·05E (No 2) (viii) 30°33′·20N 122°16′·50E (No 3) (c) Luhuashan: 30°46′·75N 122°37′·27E continued on next page

(Former update 28/20)

Chinese Notices 25/918/20 and 25/921/20, (RSDRA2020000160957), 33/20

1 Wk33/20 6.3 VIVI

REPORTING LINES: (8) Abnormal situation report: The ship  nds anomalies that aff ect navigational The following Reporting Lines have been established: safety. (1) N1: Line joining positions 27°59’·68N 121°14′·20E, 28°01′·05N 121°08′·62E, (a) Vessel name and call sign 28°01′·22N, 121°04′·32E, and 28°01′·22N, 120°59′·18E. (b) Details of anomalies (2) N2: Line joining positions 27°55′·95N 121°13′·45E and 27°59′·68N 121°14′·20E. (9) Activity report: (3) N3: Line joining positions 27°55′·95N 121°13′·45E and 27°54′·54N 121°09′·41E. (a) Vessels should report before carrying out the following actions: (4) N4: Line joining positions 27°58′·32N 120°48′·20E and 27°59′·60N 120°48′·20E. (i) Towing or speed-measuring and adjusting berth in the channel (5) S1: Line joining positions 27°42′·83N 121°11′·03E and 27°40’·00N 121°11′·70E. (ii) Mooring outside non-anchor waters (6) S2: Line joining positions 27°27’·09N 120°57’·90E and 27°27′·08N, 120°50′·60E. (iii) Sea trials and testing of magnetic compass (iv) Other activities aff ecting the safety of navigation SERVICES: (b) The report should include the following: Wenzhou VTS provides the following services: (i) Vessel name and call sign (1) Information Service. (ii) Position (2) Traffi c Organisation Service. (iii) Additional Information (3) Navigational Assistance Service. (10) Pilot report: Must be made when Pilot boarding or departing vessel and include CONTACT DETAILS: the following: (a) Vessel name and call sign Wenzhou Traffi c Management Centre (b) Time VHF Channel: Ch 16; 09 (South District) 14 (North District) Telephone: +86(0)577 88150075 Port Fax: +86(0)577 88116610 CONTACT DETAILS: E-mail: [email protected] Port Authority HOURS: H24 VHF Channel: Ch 16; 13 PROCEDURE: Telephone: +86(0)577 56688111 1) Participation: Participation in the Wenzhou VTS is mandatory for the following: Fax: +86(0)577 56688777 (a) All passenger vessels E-mail: offi [email protected] (b) All foreign vessels Website: (Chinese & English) (c) Vessels carrying dangerous goods Penavico (d) Vessels restricted in their ability to manoeuvre VHF Channel: Ch 11 (e) Other Chinese vessels of 300 gt and over (2) Chinese vessels under 300 gt equipped with VHF may participate in the VTS on a HOURS: H24 voluntary basis. PROCEDURE: (3) The working languages of the system are Mandarin Chinese and English. Notice of ETA: Vessels should send ETA 72h, 48h and 24h before arrival. REPORTING: (1) Forecast report: 24h before entering the VTS area including the following: Chinese VTS Guide 2019, (RSDRA2020000157225), 33/20 (a) Vessel name and call sign (b) Time (c) Draught PAGE 387, VIETNAM, below SA Ky entry. (d) Height above waterline Insert new entry: (2) Inbound report: When passing through reporting line or approaching the port or berth the following must be reported by VHF Ch 16: (a) Vessel name and call sign SAO VANG AND DAI NGUYET OILFIELD 8°22′N 108°43′E (b) Time (c) Draught Pilots (d) Height above waterline PROCEDURE: (3) Arrival report: on arrival at the berth or anchorage and include the following: (1) Pilotage is compulsory. (a) Vessel name and call sign (2) Pilot boards in the following positions: (b) Time (a) 8°25′·00N 108°39′·00E (4) Sailing report: before leaving the anchorage: (b) 10°15′·00N 107°05′·00E (bad weather) (a) Vessel name and call sign (b) Time Terminal (c) Position DESCRIPTION: (d) Destination (1) The Sao Vang and Dai Nguyet Oil eld comprises of the following facilities: (5) Must be made on leaving the VTS area via the reporting line Departure report: (a) SV CPP in position 8°22′·12N 108°42′·11E and include the following: (b) GS FSO in position 8°22′·47N 108°41′·18E. (a) Vessel name and call sign (c) DN WHP in position 8°22′·16N 108°47′·26E. (b) Time (2) The Terminal limits are de ned by three circles of radius 2 n miles with each of the (c) Draught above facilities at their centres. (d) Height above waterline (e) Destination CONTACT DETAILS: (6) Change report: Must be made when the vessel forecast plan information Lifting/Marine Coordinator changes and include any changed information. Telephone: +84(0)28 38278640 ext 410 (7) Accident report: Must be made a vessel has an accident that aff ects traffi c +84(0)903 123877 (Mobile) safety or environmental pollution. +84(0)902 889001 (Mobile) (a) Vessel name and call sign E-mail: [email protected] (b) Accident details

continued on next column continued on next page

2 Wk33/20 6.4 VI VIVI

REPORTING LINES: (8) Abnormal situation report: The ship nds anomalies that aff ect navigational Vung Tau Port Authority The following Reporting Lines have been established: safety. Telephone: +84(0)254 3856084 (1) N1: Line joining positions 27°59’·68N 121°14′·20E, 28°01′·05N 121°08′·62E, (a) Vessel name and call sign Fax: +84(0)254 3856137 28°01′·22N, 121°04′·32E, and 28°01′·22N, 120°59′·18E. (b) Details of anomalies HOURS: H(24) (2) N2: Line joining positions 27°55′·95N 121°13′·45E and 27°59′·68N 121°14′·20E. (9) Activity report: Berthing (HJ only) (3) N3: Line joining positions 27°55′·95N 121°13′·45E and 27°54′·54N 121°09′·41E. (a) Vessels should report before carrying out the following actions: (4) N4: Line joining positions 27°58′·32N 120°48′·20E and 27°59′·60N 120°48′·20E. (i) Towing or speed-measuring and adjusting berth in the channel PROCEDURE: (5) S1: Line joining positions 27°42′·83N 121°11′·03E and 27°40’·00N 121°11′·70E. (ii) Mooring outside non-anchor waters (1) Berthing takes place HJ only. (6) S2: Line joining positions 27°27’·09N 120°57’·90E and 27°27′·08N, 120°50′·60E. (iii) Sea trials and testing of magnetic compass (2) Notice of ETA: Vessels must advise agents and terminal of their ETA at the (iv) Other activities aff ecting the safety of navigation following times prior to arrival within 24h of vessel’s acceptance by the Terminal then SERVICES: (b) The report should include the following: Weekly thereafter and at 7 days, 4 days, 72h, 48h, 36h, 24h. Wenzhou VTS provides the following services: (i) Vessel name and call sign (3) Any changes to ETA of more than 24h should be communicated to the Terminal at (1) Information Service. (ii) Position least 1 week prior to arrival and changes of greater than 4h within the last week prior (2) Traffi c Organisation Service. (iii) Additional Information to arrival, communicated immediately. (3) Navigational Assistance Service. (10) Pilot report: Must be made when Pilot boarding or departing vessel and include (4) Notice of ETA should contain the following information: CONTACT DETAILS: the following: (a) Master’s name (a) Vessel name and call sign (b) Departure draughts Wenzhou Traffic Management Centre (b) Time (c) Departure displacements VHF Channel: Ch 16; 09 (South District) 14 (North District) (d) Quantity of cargo to be loaded Telephone: +86(0)577 88150075 Port (e) Maximum loading rate Fax: +86(0)577 88116610 CONTACT DETAILS: (f) Quantity of slops on board E-mail: [email protected] (g) Noti cation of any defects aff ecting safe operation Port Authority HOURS: H24 (h) Con rmation that inert gas system is fully operational and tank contents do not VHF Channel: Ch 16; 13 exceed 8% oxygen Telephone: +86(0)577 56688111 PROCEDURE: (i) Security information relating to the last 10 ports of call including, security Fax: +86(0)577 56688777 1) Participation: Participation in the Wenzhou VTS is mandatory for the following: levels, any additional security measures required and maintenance of security E-mail: offi [email protected] (a) All passenger vessels procedures. Website: (Chinese & English) (b) All foreign vessels (5) Portable radios are used for Vessel/Terminal communications during cargo (c) Vessels carrying dangerous goods Penavico operations. During transfer VHF Ch 68 or UHF channel/frequency used for operational (d) Vessels restricted in their ability to manoeuvre VHF Channel: Ch 11 communications. (e) Other Chinese vessels of 300 gt and over (6) Communications shall be carried out in English. (2) Chinese vessels under 300 gt equipped with VHF may participate in the VTS on a HOURS: H24 voluntary basis. NOTE: PROCEDURE: (3) The working languages of the system are Mandarin Chinese and English. Terminal is operated by Idemitsu Gas Production (Vietnam) Co Ltd. Notice of ETA: Vessels should send ETA 72h, 48h and 24h before arrival. REPORTING: (1) Forecast report: 24h before entering the VTS area including the following: Sao Vang Terminal Regulations Handbook 2020, (RSDRA2020000161218), 33/20 Chinese VTS Guide 2019, (RSDRA2020000157225), 33/20 (a) Vessel name and call sign (b) Time PAGE 392, VIETNAM, above VUNG ANG. (c) Draught PAGE 387, VIETNAM, below SA Ky entry. Insert new entry: (d) Height above waterline Insert new entry: (2) Inbound report: When passing through reporting line or approaching the port or berth the following must be reported by VHF Ch 16: VISSAI INTERNATIONAL PORT 18°51′N 105°44′E (a) Vessel name and call sign SAO VANG AND DAI NGUYET OILFIELD 8°22′N 108°43′E (b) Time Pilots Pilots (c) Draught PROCEDURE: (d) Height above waterline PROCEDURE: Pilot boards in the following positions: (3) Arrival report: on arrival at the berth or anchorage and include the following: (1) Pilotage is compulsory. (a) Vessel name and call sign (a) 18°52′·25N 105°44′·09E (2) Pilot boards in the following positions: (b) 18°52′·16N 105°42′·87E (b) Time (a) 8°25′·00N 108°39′·00E (4) Sailing report: before leaving the anchorage: (b) 10°15′·00N 107°05′·00E (bad weather) Port (a) Vessel name and call sign (b) Time Terminal CONTACT DETAILS: (c) Position E-mail: [email protected] DESCRIPTION: (d) Destination Website: (1) The Sao Vang and Dai Nguyet Oileld comprises of the following facilities: (5) Must be made on leaving the VTS area via the reporting line Departure report: (a) SV CPP in position 8°22′·12N 108°42′·11E NOTE: and include the following: (b) GS FSO in position 8°22′·47N 108°41′·18E. Terminal is operated by Vissai Group. (a) Vessel name and call sign (c) DN WHP in position 8°22′·16N 108°47′·26E. (b) Time (2) The Terminal limits are dened by three circles of radius 2 n miles with each of the (c) Draught Vietnamese Notice 108/20, (RSDRA2020000173888), 33/20 above facilities at their centres. (d) Height above waterline (e) Destination CONTACT DETAILS: (6) Change report: Must be made when the vessel forecast plan information Lifting/Marine Coordinator –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– changes and include any changed information. Telephone: +84(0)28 38278640 ext 410 (7) Accident report: Must be made a vessel has an accident that aff ects traffi c +84(0)903 123877 (Mobile) safety or environmental pollution. +84(0)902 889001 (Mobile) (a) Vessel name and call sign E-mail: [email protected] (b) Accident details

continued on next column continiued on next page

2 3 Wk33/20 6.5 VII


There are no updates to miscellaneous Nautical Publications this week


As a result of ongoing effects of COVID--19 on distribution infrastructure around the world, for safety reasons, we took the decision a few months ago to delay the publication of any non--essential ADMIRALTY Nautical Publications until further notice. We started to ease the restrictions on the dispatch of some of our paper publications for July 2020. We are continuing this effort and following some positive feedback on successful receipts of publications, we are now in a position to confirm the publications schedule for the rest of the year. As previously, we will continue to closely monitor our distribution network capacities. We reserve ourselves the right to amend this publications schedule accordingly should significant dispatch issues start arising again.

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1. ENC / ECDIS and AVCS a) Safety Notice For a graphical way to establish that the ECDIS is correctly displaying the new symbols introduced in IHO S-52 Presentation Library Edition 4.0 the mariner can check ECDIS Chart 1. ECDIS Chart 1 is a legend of the entire set of symbols that may be used within an ENC and is installed on all type-approved ECDIS systems. See for further information. ECDIS Systems have been required to use Presentation Library edition 4.0 since 1st September 2017 and previous editions are no longer SOLAS compliant. b) ENCs temporarily withdrawn from AVCS

To review a cumulative list of ENCs temporarily withdrawn from AVCS, please visit the ‘Updates’ tab on: c) ENC Readme.txt file

The README.TXT file located within the ENC_ROOT folder on the latest AVCS discs contains important safety related information relating to the use of ENCs in ECDIS. The file is also available on the support tab at

This file is updated on a regular basis and should be consulted to ensure that all related issues are taken into consideration. d) Temporary & Preliminary Notices to Mariners (T&P NMs) in ENCs

The use of T&P NM information is considered an essential part of keeping navigational charts up to date.

The latest confirmed status of T&P NM information in the ENCs that are available in ADMIRALTY services is shown in the ENC- T&P-NM-Status.pdf file in the INFO folder on the service media and at:

ADMIRALTY Information Overlay (AIO) shows ADMIRALTY paper T&Ps where they are not already included in the ENCs. Most countries now include temporary information in their ENCs.

Further guidance can be found in the INFO folder on AIO discs. e) Important notice regarding AVCS CD Service

Because of the limit to data volume that can be fitted onto a disc, AVCS Base and Update CDs are no longer available to download from the UKHO FTP site. For those customers who prefer to update their ECDIS with base and update datasets, we will continue to provide them in V01X01 format as .zip files. These may be downloaded and unzipped to load into ECDIS as normal. AVCS DVD ISO files are not affected.

For more information, please contact your ADMIRALTY Chart Agent. f) Important notice for users of AVCS and ARCS Online Updating Services (AVCS OUS and ARCS OUS)

The email service for AVCS OUS was withdrawn at the end of February 2019 due to technology infrastructure changes at UKHO.

Email calls to AVCS OUS will receive an auto-response that asks the customer to resubmit their data request online by http. Please contact your ADMIRALTY Distributor if support is required for use of the http service.

Due to the technology updates at UKHO, the ARCS Online Updating Service was withdrawn in July 2019.

2. ADMIRALTY Products Supporting Digital Navigation i. ADMIRALTY ENC and ECDIS Maintenance Record (NP133C). This publication is designed to hold paper records on ENC and ECDIS maintenance to assist information management and support inspections. Please note that V2.0 is the current edition. ii. ADMIRALTY Guide to ENC Symbols Used in ECDIS (NP5012). A companion to the ADMIRALTY Guide to Symbols and Abbreviations Used on Paper Charts, NP5011. The 2nd edition of NP5012 includes the changes highlighted in the new S-52 standards and the new presentation library 4.0. iii. ADMIRALTY Guide to the Practical Use of ENCs (NP231). Supports ECDIS training on the interpretation and use of ENC data.

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iv. ADMIRALTY Guide to ECDIS Implementation, Policy and Procedures (NP232). Provides clear guidance for any individual or organisation responsible for the introduction of ECDIS, in particular those involved in the development of detailed ECDIS operating procedures.

3. ADMIRALTY Digital Publications (ADP)

ADMIRALTY Sailing Directions: Removal of AIS and Racons In 2018, the UKHO began the process of removing AIS and Racon information from ADMIRALTY Sailing Directions, as this is held in greater detail within ADMIRALTY Radio Signals publications. During this transition, AIS and Racon information will be removed from new editions of each Sailing Direction volume, and AIS and Racon information present in existing Sailing Direction volumes will no longer be updated. For accurate, up-to-date information on AIS and Racons, refer to ADMIRALTY Radio Signals publications.

ADP V19 is available on the ADP Weekly Update DVD. The UKHO only supports ADP V18 and V19. Users of older versions of ADP should upgrade to a supported version at their earliest convenience. ADP V18 and V19 are the only versions that allow users to receive tidal updates as they are made available.

ADMIRALTY TotalTide (ATT): German Tidal Stations predicted on LAT The TotalTide application computes predictions for all German tidal stations based on Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT). Mariners using charts which refer to Mean Low Water Springs (MLWS) in German waters, must deduct 0.5m from all predicted tidal heights for these ports before applying them to the depths on those charts to determine the correct predicted depth of water. This advice will also be contained in the ‘Notes’ tab on the Prediction Windows in TotalTide for each German tidal station.

For information: Please note that there will not be a 2020 ADP release.

Historically we have made new versions of the ADP software available in December of each year however, there will be no commercial release of ADP this year. Previous versions have been released with yearly updates to tidal data and non-essential bug fixes however, as tidal data is now updated weekly there is no need for us to release a new version of the software at this time.

The supported ADP versions continue to remain at V18 and V19.

The ADP software and the Data updates can still be downloaded from weekly ADP and AENP Update DVDs.

Users can also download ADP directly on the Distributors FTP Site at

For information: Ensure that Activation Key Requests and Update Data Requests for ADP are sent to [email protected]

4. Status of ADMIRALTY Digital Services

Update status table

Product Last issue date/Week Reissue Date/Week i. ADMIRALTY Vector Chart Service (AVCS) Base .zip download 06 August 2020 - 32 ii. ADMIRALTY Information Overlay (AIO) Base CD 02 July 2020 - 27 iii. ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service (ARCS) Regional disc 1 30 July 2020 - 31 ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service (ARCS) Regional disc 2 21 May 2020 - 21 ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service (ARCS) Regional disc 3 23 April 2020 - 17 19 November 2020 - 47 ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service (ARCS) Regional disc 4 26 March 2020 - 13 15 October 2020 - 42 ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service (ARCS) Regional disc 5 12 December 2019 - 50 20 August 2020 - 34 ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service (ARCS) Regional disc 6 06 February 2020 - 06 10 September 2020 - 37 ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service (ARCS) Regional disc 7 20 February 2020 - 08 24 September 2020 - 39 ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service (ARCS) Regional disc 8 02 July 2020 - 27 ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service (ARCS) Regional disc 9 18 June 2020 - 25 ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service (ARCS) Regional disc 10 12 March 2020 - 11 10 December 2020 - 50 23 August 2018 – 34 ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service (ARCS) Regional disc 11 05 November 2020 - 45 Small-scale Planning Charts

ADMIRALTY Vector Chart Service (AVCS) DVDs and ADMIRALTY Information Overlay (AIO) CDs are issued weekly and contain all base and update data available at the time of issue.

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5. Supported ADMIRALTY Software Versions

Product Supported Versions ADP V18, V19 ADMIRALTY e-Reader 1.3 ADMIRALTY Planning Station 3.4 ADMIRALTY gateway 4.2, 4.4 NavPac and Compact Data 3.4, 4.0, 4.1

If you are using an unsupported version, contact your Chart Agent to upgrade to the latest version as soon as possible.

Important notice for users of ADMIRALTY NavPac and Compact Data

Versions 3.4 and 4.0 of ADMIRALTY NavPac and Compact Data 2016 – 2020 will be retired on 31 December 2020 in the following phased approach:

• 28.05.20 - end of bug fixes and updates to ADMIRALTY NavPac and Compact Data v3.4 2016 – 2020 and ADMIRALTY NavPac and Compact Data v4.0 2016 – 2020

• 31.12.20 – data expires and end of functionality to do forward calculations for celestial navigation in ADMIRALTY NavPac and Compact Data v3.4 2016 – 2020 and ADMIRALTY NavPac and Compact Data v4.0 2016 – 2020

• 31.12.20 – end of UKHO Customer Services and Technical support for ADMIRALTY NavPac and Compact Data v3.4 2016 – 2020 and ADMIRALTY NavPac and Compact Data v4.0 2016 – 2020

In advance of the retirement date, users are advised to contact their ADMIRALTY Chart Agent to discuss migrating to ADMIRALTY NavPac and Compact Data v4.1 2021 – 2025, which is available to order from 28.05.20 and is fully operational, maintained and supported by UKHO from this date onwards.

During the phased retirement of ADMIRALTY NavPac and Compact Data v3.4 and v4.0 UKHO will continue to provide the current level of support in place to users, including assistance with resolving queries in using these versions, until v3.4 and v4.0 are officially retired on 31.12.20. However, no further upgrades will be applied to v3.4 and v4.0 and the versions users are currently using will remain unchanged.

During the phased retirement, and from 01.01.21 onwards, UKHO will continue to provide Customer Services and Technical support for users of ADMIRALTY NavPac and Compact Data v4.1 2021 – 2025, and assist users migrating to this version of the software.

Important notice for users of ADMIRALTY e-Navigator Planning Station and ADMIRALTY gateway

All versions of ADMIRALTY e-Navigator Planning Station and ADMIRALTY gateway will be retired on 29 January 2021 in the following phased approach: • 01.05.20 – no new users of ADMIRALTY e-Navigator Planning Station and ADMIRALTY gateway accepted into service • 29.01.21 – ADMIRALTY e-Navigator Planning Station and ADMIRALTY gateway deactivated, end of availability of functionality and product updates and user support materials • 26.02.21 – end of UKHO Customer Services support for ADMIRALTY e-Navigator Planning Station and ADMIRALTY gateway During this period UKHO will continue to provide the current level of support to ADMIRALTY Planning Station and ADMIRALTY gateway users, including chart updates, until the products are officially retired. However, no further upgrades will be applied to ADMIRALTY Planning Station and ADMIRALTY gateway and the versions users are currently using will remain unchanged. In advance of the retirement date, users are advised to contact their ADMIRALTY Chart Agent to discuss migration plans and options for alternative products and services to meet their needs.

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HYDROGRAPHIC NOTE FOR PORT H.102A INFORMATION (V7.0 Jan 2013) (To accompany Form H.102)

Reporting Port Information affecting ADMIRALTY Products



GENERAL REMARKS Principal activities and trade. Latest population figures and date.

Number of ships or tonnage handled per year.

Maximum size of vessel handled.

Copy of Port Handbook (if available).

ANCHORAGES Designation, depths, holding ground, shelter afforded.

PILOTAGE Authority for requests.

Embark position.


DIRECTIONS Entry and berthing information.

Tidal streams.

Navigational aids.

TUGS Number available.

WHARVES Names, numbers or positions & lengths.

Depths alongside.

CARGO HANDLING Containers, lighters, Ro-Ro etc.

REPAIRS Hull, machinery and underwater.


Docking or slipping facilities. (Give size of vessels handled or dimensions)

Divers. HYDROGRAPHIC NOTE FOR PORT H.102A INFORMATION (V7.0 Jan 2013) (To accompany Form H.102)

RESCUE AND DISTRESS Salvage, Lifeboat, Coastguard, etc.

SUPPLIES Fuel. (with type, quantities and methods of delivery)

Fresh water. (with method of delivery and rate of supply)



Ship Sanitation.

Garbage and slops.

Ship chandlery, tank cleaning, compass adjustment, hull painting.

COMMUNICATIONS Nearest airport or airfield.

Port radio and information service. (with frequencies and hours of operating)

PORT AUTHORITY Designation, address, telephone, e-mail address and website.

VIEWS Photographs (where permitted) of the approaches, leading marks, the entrance to the harbour etc.



1. Form H.I02A lists the information required for ADMIRALTY Sailing Directions and has been designed to help the sender and the recipient. The sections should be used as an aide-memoir, being used or followed closely, whenever appropriate. Where there is insufficient space on the form an additional sheet should be used.

2. Reports which cannot be confirmed or are lacking in certain details should not be withheld. Shortcomings should be stressed and any firm expectation of being able to check the information on a succeeding voyage should be mentioned. HYDROGRAPHIC NOTE FOR GNSS OBSERVATIONS AGAINST CORRESPONDING BRITISH ADMIRALTY H.102B CHART POSITIONS (V7.0 Jan 2014) (To accompany Form H.102)

Chart/ENC in use (SEE NOTE 3a) Latitude/Longitude of position read Latitude/Longitude of position read from Additional Time/Date of Edition Date & from Chart/ECDIS GNSS Receiver (on WGS84) Information/Remarks Observation Number / NM / ENC (SEE NOTE 3b) (SEE NOTE 3c) (SEE NOTE 3d) ENC update status



1. This form is designed to assist in the reporting of observed differences between WGS84 datum and the geodetic datum of British ADMIRALTY Charts by mariners, including yachtsmen and should be submitted as an accompaniment to Form H.102 (full instructions for the rendering of data are on Form H.102). Where there is insufficient space on the form an additional sheet should be used.

2. Objective of GNSS Data Collection

The UK Hydrographic Office would appreciate the reporting of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) positions, referenced to WGS84 datum, at identifiable locations or features on British ADMIRALTY Charts. Such observations could be used to calculate positional shifts between WGS84 datum and the geodetic datum for those British ADMIRALTY Charts which it has not yet been possible to compute the appropriate shifts. These would be incorporated in future new editions or new charts and promulgated by Preliminary Notices to Mariners in the interim.

It is unrealistic to expect that a series of reported WGS84 positions relating to a given chart will enable it to be referenced to that datum with the accuracy required for geodetic purposes. Nevertheless, this provides adequate accuracy for general navigation, considering the practical limits to the precision of 0.2mm (probably the best possible under ideal conditions – vessel alongside, good light, sharp dividers etc), this represents 10 metres on the ground at a chart scale of 1:50.000.

It is clear that users prefer to have some indication of the magnitude and direction of the positional shift, together with an assessment of its likely accuracy, rather than be informed that a definitive answer cannot be formulated. Consequently, where a WGS84 version has not yet been produced, many charts now carry approximate shifts relating WGS84 datum to the geodetic datum of the chart. Further observations may enable these values to be refined with greater confidence.

3. Details required

a. It is essential that the chart number, edition date and its correctional state (latest NM) are stated. For ENCs, please state the ENC name and latest update applied.

b. Position (to 2 decimal places of a minute) of observation point, using chart graticule or, if ungraduated, relative position by bearing/distance from prominent charted features (navigation lights, trig. points, church spires etc.).

c. Position (to 2 decimal places of a minute) of observation point, using GNSS Receiver. Confirm that GNSS positions are referenced to WGS84 datum.

d. Include GNSS receiver model and aerial type (if known). Also of interest: values of PDOP, HDOP or GDOP displayed (indications of theoretical quality of position fixing depending upon the distribution of satellites overhead) and any other comments. HYDROGRAPHIC NOTE ± H.102 INSTRUCTIONS (V9.0 Dec 2017) 1. Mariners are requested to notify the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) when new or suspected dangers to navigation are discovered, changes observed in aids to navigation, or corrections to publications are seen to be necessary. Mariners can also report any ENC display issues experienced. The Mariner's Handbook (NP100) Chapter 4 gives general instructions. The provisions of international and national laws should be complied with when forwarding such reports. 2. Accurate position or knowledge of positional error is of great importance. Where latitude and longitude have been used to specifically position the details of a report, a full description of the method used to obtain the position should be given. Where possible the position should be fixed by GPS or Astronomical Observations. A full description of the method, equipment, time, estimated error and datum (where applicable) used should be given. Where the position has been recorded from a smart phone or tablet, this is to be specifically mentioned. When position is defined by sextant angles or bearings (true or magnetic to be specified), more than two should be used to provide a redundancy check. Where position is derived from Electronic Position Fixing (e.g. LORAN C) or distances observed by radar, the raw readings of the system in use should be quoted wherever possible. Where position is derived after the event, from other observations and / or Dead Reckoning, the methodology of deriving the position should be included. 3. Paper Charts: A cutting from the largest scale chart is often the best medium for forwarding details, the alterations and additions being shown thereon in red. When requested, a new copy will be sent in replacement of a chart that has been used to forward information, or when extensive observations have involved defacement of the observer's chart. If it is preferred to show the amendments on a tracing of the largest scale chart (rather than on the chart itself) these should be in red as above, but adequate details from the chart must be traced in black ink to enable the amendments to be fitted correctly. 4. ENCs: A screen shot of the largest scale usage band ENC with the alterations and additions being shown thereon in red. If it is to report an issue with the display of an ENC, a screen shot of the affected ENC should be sent along with details of the ECDIS make, model or age and version in use at the time. 5. When soundings are obtained The Mariner's Handbook (NP100) should where possible be consulted. It is important to ensure that full details of the method of collection are included with the report. This should include but not limited to: (a) Make, model and type of echo sounder used. (b) Whether the echo sounder is set to register depths below the surface or below the keel; in the latter case the vessel's draught should be given. (c) Time, date and time zone should be given in order that corrections for the height of the tide may be made where necessary, or a statement made as to what corrections for tide have already been made. (d) Where larger amounts of bathymetric data have been gathered, only those areas where a significant difference to the current chart or ENC should be specifically mentioned on the H102. The full data set may also be sent in, with an additional note added to this effect. If no significant differences are noted, the bathymetric data may still be of use, and sent in accordingly. Where full data sets are included, a note as to the data owner and their willingness for the data to be incorporated into charts and ENCs included. 6. FRU (FKR 6RXQGHUV WKDW XVH HOHFWURQLF µUDQJH JDWLQJ¶ FDUH VKRXOG be taken that the correct range scale and appropriate gate width are in use. Older electro-mechanical echo sounders frequently record signals from echoes received back after one or more rotations of the stylus have been completed. Thus, with a set whose maximum range is 500m, an echo recorded at 50m may be from depths of 50m, 550m or even 1050m. Soundings recorded beyond the set's nominal range can usually be recognised by the following: (a) the trace being weaker than normal for the depth recorded; (b) the trace passing through the transmission line; (c) the feathery nature of the trace. As a check that apparently shoal soundings are not due to echoes received beyond the set's nominal range, soundings should be continued until reasonable agreement with charted soundings is reached. However, soundings received after one or more rotations of the stylus can still be useful and should be submitted if they show significant differences from charted depths. 7. Reports which cannot be confirmed or are lacking in certain details should not be withheld. Shortcomings should be stressed and any firm expectation of being able to check the information on a succeeding voyage should be mentioned. 8. Reports of shoal soundings, uncharted dangers and aids to navigation out of order should, at the mariner's discretion, also be made by radio to the nearest coast radio station. The draught of modern tankers is such that any uncharted depth under 30 metres or 15 fathoms may be of sufficient importance to justify a radio message. 9. Changes to Port Information should be forwarded on Form H.102A and any GPS/Chart Datum observations should be forwarded on Form H.102B together with Form H.102. Where there is insufficient space on the forms additional sheets should be used. 10. Reports on ocean currents, magnetic variations and other marine observations should be made in accordance with The Mariner's Handbook (NP100) Chapter 4 with forms also available at Note. - An acknowledgement or receipt will be sent and the information then used to the best advantage which may mean immediate action or inclusion in a revision in due course; for these purposes, the UKHO may make reproductions of any material supplied. When a Notice to Mariners is issued, the sender's ship or name is quoted as authority unless (as sometimes happens) the information is also received from other authorities or the sender states that they do not want to be named by using the appropriate tick box on the form. An explanation of the use made of contributions from all parts of the world would be too great a task and a further communication should only be expected when the information is of outstanding value or has unusual features. Hydrographic Note ± H.102 Reporting information affecting ADMIRALTY Maritime Products & Services

For emergency information affecting safety of life at sea forward to: [email protected] Or alternatively contact T: +44 (0)1823 353448 (direct line) +44 (0)7989 398345 (mobile) F: +44 (0)1823 322352 For new information affecting all ADMIRALTY Charts and Publications forward to: [email protected] This form H.102 and instructions are available online:

Date Ref. number Name of ship or sender IMO number Address and general locality

E-mail / Tel / Fax of sender


Position Latitude Longitude (see Instruction 2)

GPS Datum Accuracy

ADMIRALTY Charts affected Edition

Latest Weekly Edition of Notices to Mariners (NMs) held Replacement copy of chart number IS / IS NOT required (see Instruction 3) ENCs affected

Latest update disk applied Week:

Make, model and or age of ECDIS if applicable Publications affected (e-NP / DP number, edition number) Date of latest supplement/update, page & Light List number etc. Details of anomaly / observation:

Name of observer / reporter

H.102A submitted Yes No H.102B submitted Yes No

Tick box if not willing to be named as source of this information

Alternatively use our H-Note App located here: