" and We Will Fight for Our Race!" a Measurement Study of Genetic Testing Conversations on Reddit and 4Chan
“And We Will Fight For Our Race!” A Measurement Study of Genetic Testing Conversations on Reddit and 4chan∗ Alexandros Mittos1, Savvas Zannettou2, Jeremy Blackburn3, and Emiliano De Cristofaro1 1University College London 2Cyprus University of Technology 3Binghamton University fa.mittos,e.decristofarog@ucl.ac.uk, sa.zannettou@edu.cut.ac.cy, jblackbu@binghamton.edu Abstract include genetic ancestry tests, which promise a way to discover one’s ancestral roots, building on patterns of genetic variations Progress in genomics has enabled the emergence of a boom- common in people from similar backgrounds [57]. However, ing market for “direct-to-consumer” genetic testing. Nowadays, these are subject to limitations, e.g., results differ from provider companies like 23andMe and AncestryDNA provide affordable to provider due to different control groups [72]. AncestryDNA health, genealogy, and ancestry reports, and have already tested alone has tested more than 10M customers as of Jan 2019 [6]. tens of millions of customers. At the same time, alt- and far- Alas, increased popularity of self-administered genetic tests, right groups have also taken an interest in genetic testing, using and in particular ancestry, has also been accompanied by me- them to attack minorities and prove their genetic “purity.” In dia reports of far-right groups using it to attack minorities or this paper, we present a measurement study shedding light on prove their genetic “purity” [15, 66] mirroring concerns of a how genetic testing is being discussed on Web communities in new wave of scientific racism [68]. For example, white na- Reddit and 4chan. We collect 1.3M comments posted over 27 tionalists were recently taped chugging milk at gatherings to months on the two platforms, using a set of 280 keywords re- demonstrate the ability of white people to better digest lac- lated to genetic testing.
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