
Michael Graves Architect info

Michael Graves was born on July 9 1934 in , Indiana. He received his architectural training at the University of doing a program that let him work with Carl A. Strauss (another architect) while getting his education. He entered after getting his Bachelor of Science in in 1958. Architect info (continued)

In 1960 he received the Prix de fellowship of the . In 1962 he accepted a teaching job at . Michael Graves designed the in Portland, Ohio, which was an early example of .

How he uses the principles and elements of design in his work: Line because the shapes are made of line. Colour because the buildings are colourful. Contrast because some parts of the building contrast from others.

Building style Michael Graves uses many geometric shapes in his work. 5 words I would use to sum up his style are: Postmodern, simple, unique, colorful and playful How he uses shape and dimension to influence the aesthetics of his buildings: Michael Graves uses shape to make his buildings look interesting.

Denver Public Library

• Michael graves designed a large addition to the public library in 1990.

Celebration, Post Office

Michael Graves designed the Celebration, Florida Post Office How Michael Graves uses mathematical concepts in his designs He uses a variety of geometric shapes to make up the structure of his buildings. The geometric shapes he uses are symmetrical and most of the finished buildings are as well. There are repeating patterns of 2-D geometric shapes on many of his buildings. Postmodern Architecture

Michael Graves was one of the first architects to begin designing buildings with postmodern style. Michael Graves also got other architects to design in postmodern style. Postmodernist thinking is a change from modernist thinking that previously dominated architecture. It combines new ideas with traditional forms, and its buildings may startle, surprise, and even amuse.

Portland building Thanks for watching!!!!!!