The Galashiels and Selkirk Almanac and Directory for 1898

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The Galashiels and Selkirk Almanac and Directory for 1898 UMBRELLAS Re-Covered in One Hour from 1/9 Upwards. All Kinds of Repairs Promptly Executed at J. R. FULTON'S Umbrella Ware- house, 51 HIGH STREET, Galashiels. *%\ TWENTIETH YEAR OF ISSUE. j?St masr Ok Galasbiels and Selkirk %•* Almanac and Directorp IFOIR, X898 Contains a Variety of Useful information, County Lists for Roxburgh and Selkirk, Local Institutions, and a Complete Trade Directory. Price, - - One Penny. PUBLISHED BY JOH3ST ZMZCQ-CTiEiE] INT, Proprietor of the "Scottish Border Record," LETTERPRESS and LITHOGRAPHIC PRINTER, 25 Channel Street, Galashiels. ADVERTISEMENT. NEW MODEL OF THE People's Cottage Piano —^~~t» fj i «y <kj»~ — PATERSON & SONS would draw Special Attention to this New Model, which is undoubtedly the Cheapest and Best Cottage Piano ever offered, and not only A CHEAP PIANO, but a Thoroughly Reliable Instrument, with P. & Sons' Guakantee. On the Hire System at 21s per Month till paid up. Descriptive Price-Lists on Application, or sent Free by Post. A Large Selection of Slightly-used Instruments returned from Hire will be Sold at Great Reductions. Sole Agents for the Steinway and Bechstein Pianofortes, the two Greatest Makers of the present century. Catalogues on Application. PATEESON <Sc SONS, Musicsellers to the Queen, 27 George Street, EDINBURGH. PATERSON & SONS' Tuners visit the Principal Districts of Scotland Quarterly, and can give every information as to the Purchase or Exchanne of Pianofortes. Orders left with John McQueen, "Border Record" Office, Galashiels, shall receive prompt attention. A life V'C WELLINGTON KNIFE POLISH. 1 *™ KKL f W % Prepared for Oakey's Knife-Boards and all Patent Knife- UfgWa^^""Kmm ^"it— I U Clea-iing Machines. Canisters, Id., 2d., 3d., 6d., Is., 23. 6d., and 43. fMEfgrVQ SILVERSMITHS' SOAP, mJa J=B 1% K * " For cleaninS Silver, Electro-Plate, &c. Tablets, 6d. each. «,„»„,* WELLINGTON BLACK LEAD, 1 1 A Iff L * EJ The best for Polishing; Stoves, Grates, and Iron-work, with- 1 BA n ^^ °ut Waste. Dirt, or Dust. In Id.. 2d., and 4d. Blocks, V#^l%Sa 1 W and Is. Boxes. JOHN" OAKEY & SONS, Limited, Manufacturers of Cloth, Emery, Jitack. Lead, Cabinet Glass Paper, JEmen/ and Glass WELLINGTON MILLS, WESTMINSTER BRIDGE R~>A">, LONDCV', S.E. 11V|4*aW0 Cures T00THA0H£ Instantly, J^"l VlliC* d NEURALGIA. Is. lid. GWEN^W^AND.€NGLOSED^wiTHEvERYb?^J/-tiU!UtQF CRYSlALI^tACEUOHN BONDS COLD MEDAL MARKING INK AVOUCHER ENTITLING PURCHASERTO tHEJRNAMEOR MONOGRAM RUBBER STAMP. g>flisnFRFFWlft4FMlARr,EDi/iBLOEWRAPPERINKANlMPR0VEDUNENSTRETCHEF ADE'S GOUT PILLS CUKE GOUT. " pain away."—Jas. Pettengall, 2, College Park P. The first two pills took the A—»i Villas, Kensal Green, W. ADE'S GOUT PILLS CURE RHEUMATISM. bottle. -A. Mountain, E "I would not be without them if they cost £1 a 16, Burton Crescent, Dewsbury, Leed«. GOUT PILLS CURE RHEUMATIC GOUT. ADE'S returned."— "The second bottle made me all right, nor has the pain since E A Chadwick, West Street, Firgove, Rochdale. ADE'S GOUT PILLS. Pains in the Head, Face and The safest and most effectual CURE for LUMBAGO, E diet, and in no case can their Limbs, requiring neither confinement nor on of effects be injurious. 9d. Sold by a'l Chemists, in Bottles, Is. ltfi. and 2s. ^TiOR&B EAPE, 72, GOSWELL RP.„ LONDON._.,^i_, DON'T KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. Sold evervwIiK.e in Tins, Is. l%d- eaeh. THROAT TROUBLES. The Unrivalled Remedy for COUGHS, HOARSENESS, THAN FOR THERE lb NOTHING ISElTHR P0WDER polishing, "i^ BRILLANTINE" METALUC ' IT AND CONVINCE YOURSELF. METALS, J TRY Is., post free. ' Sold Everywhere. Boxes 6<l. and ESPECIALLY &S. CO., (I Proprietors-Proprietors—J. F._. BAUMGARTNER-*—. Absolutely Rtfitse.lmitau BRASS, 15 (C. A), NEWMAN ST., OXfORDST., LONDON, W. » DR. J. C0LLI8 BROWNE'S 1 THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. is admitted by the profession to be the most wonderful and valuable remedy ever discovered. is the best remedy known for Coughs, Consumption, Bronchitis, and Asthma, CHLORO- effectually checks and arrests those loo often fatal diseases—Diphtheria, Fever, Croup, Ague, acts like a charm in Diarrhoea, and is the only specific in Cholera and Dysentery, effectually cuts short all attacks of Epilepsy, Hysteria, DYNE Palpitation, and Spasms, is the only palliative in Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Cancer, Toothache, Meningitis, &c. A FEW DOSES QUITE EFFECTUAL. CAUTION.—The extraordinary medical report on the efficacy of Chlorodyne —renders it of vital importance that the public should obtain the genuine, which bears the words "Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne." Vice-Chancellor Wood stated that Dr. J. Collis Browne was undoubtedly the inventor of Chlorodyne; that the whole story of the defendant was deliberately untrue. Chemists throughout the land will confirm this decision that Dr. J. C. BROWNE was the inventor of CHLORODYM E. Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanies each Bottle. Sold in Bottles, Is. l\d., 2s. 9<l., 4s. 6d., by all Cttem sts. Sole Manufacturer: J. T. DAVENPORT, 33, Great Russell Street. LONDON. READ FENNING'S EVERY MOTHER'S BOOK : = ^^ Ask your ChenjiBMaja FREE Copy. Q COUGHS, COLDS, BHONCH.T.S^TO <^jjjW [[J YOUR CHILD DIE! m ,Ch de ' sp,wrt £ FENNINGS' (•;LIBAR\^^ coivui^7 > c SLUNG HEALE^IS^*fen nTnc;™ 5 „, ™, _, -J^S^tJ CHILDREN'S POIDEES h Cutting their Teeth. m t COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMAS, &C. For Children £*"" contain Calomel, Opium, Morphia, nor Sold in Boxes at is. i'/2 d. and zs. od., with direc- (Do not __ I injurious a tender babe.) ~l Otions. Sent post free for is stamps. Direct to anything to in Stamped Boxes at is. itfd. and 2S. ad. A. FENNINGS, West Cowes I W III Sold ^JJ "/ UJ (great saving), with full directions. Sent post y Th» lar<r«» d*. p™, ~. j i. Z fe^Pf-^cttoAl-FMDFBNNIHCS. -, fr$'£^3£i?^»i£-<*X°S^ small boxes £ W ow V . MOTHER'S < ^ ^^nGs EVERY Q*" fr Read FENNINGS' EVERYBODY'S DOC- CO BOOK, which contains valuable hints on Feed- jy. TOR. Sent post free, 13 stamps. ing, Teething, Weaning, Sleeping, &c. UJ Direct to A. FENNINGS, West Cowes, I:W. Ask your Chemist for a FREE copy. c^ ZjT 06 NOT UNTIMELY DIE! 5~~Z h- CO SORE THROATS CURED WITH ONE DOSE. 3 C3 oc Q FENMINGS' FEVER CURER!=°™ W _ u.rv- ^1 BOWEL COMPLAINTS cured with One Dose. —v iX ^H ^c IIPHUS or LOW FEVER cured with Two Doses. 2= H — S3 DIPHTHERIA cured with Three Doses. Pi SCARLET cured with Four Doses. , , , O FEVER __ nw S£ * 3; CHOLERA cured with Five Doses. CZJ J-^ PC 7*" INFLUENZA cured with Six DoBes. O ^^ C3 d Sold in Bottles at ts. i %d. each, -with full directions, by all Chtmists. CO ~H CO Read FENNINGS' EVERYBODY'S DOCTOR. free for TT\ 3g»**' Sent post 13 CO — stamps. Direct A. FENNINGS, West Cowes, I.W, * FENNINGS" EVERY MOTHER'S BOOK sent post free on application by letter or post card. Direct Alfred Fennings, West Cowes, J.W. Galashiels Almanac and Directory. —Advertisements. *7. FAJVCY BREAD AMD BISCUIT BAKER, Croft Street & Market Square, Galashiels. Plain and Prepared Flour and Oatmeal at Lowest Prices. Cakes and Tea Bread of Every Description. ZMI. BELL3 FAMILY GROCER, Provision, Tea, Wine, and Spirit Merchant, Halliburton Plaee, Galashiels. ABBOTSFORD ARMS HOTEL, GALASHIELS. COMFORTABLE APARTMENTS Excellent Cuisine. ZPOSTIZtsTGr IN ALL ITS BRANCHES RECEIVES SPECIAL ATTENTION. REGULAR FLEASURE DRIVES At Moderate Fares during the Summer Months. Proprietor. Telephone, No. 81. A. SWANSON, Galashiels Almanac and Directory. —Advertisements. "WINE LIST &0. — - 1 898. — WHISKY. Very Choice and Well Matured, 15/ to 17/6 per Gallon. Per Bottle, 2/6 and 3/. Our Special Blend "PURE MALT WHISKIES." 10 Years Old, ... 21/ per Gallon. 15 Years Old, ... 22/6 Per Bottle, 3/6 and 4/. BRANDY. ... Gall. Superior Old Cognac, 29/ per ; 5/ per Bottle Extra Superior do., Vintage 1882, 35/ ,, 6/ ,, Extra Special do., Vintage 1865, 48/ „ 9/6 „ Finest Pure JAMAICA RUM, 17/ per Gall, j 3/ per Bottle Finest Pure HOLLANDS GIN, Matured, 2/6, 2/9, and 3/ per Bottle. WINES, $o.. Rake Old PORT, SHERRY, and CLARET WINES, In Wood and Bottle, From 12/ to 42/ per Dozen Bottles. Cordials, Liqueurs, fyc, in Great Variety. Bass' and Allsopp's Pale Ales, 2/3 Per Dozen. London and Dublin Porter, Table Beer, fyc. " SPECIAL "—Pattison's and Younger's Ales, Prime Condition, at 1/9 and 1/1 0J per Dozen Pints. We Bottle all our own Ales, Porter, &c, and can always vouch for the Quality and Condition. CHANNEL STREET, GALASHIELS. 4 Galashiels Almanac and Directory. —Advertisements. dOSEfH Bf^OWN, Bread and Biscuit Baker and Confectioner, 1 MARKET STREET, Galashiels. 1 PICNICS AND SOIREES SUPPLIED ON SHORTEST NOTICE. JOHN FORSYTE Tailor and Clothier, 100 CHANNEL STREET, GALASHIELS. TELEPHONE No. 104. cr. & _^_ SCOTT, FRUIT, FLOWER, AND VEGETABLE MARKET, 56 HIGH STREET, Galashiels. Telephone No. 114 Hotels and Families Supplied on Wholesale Terms. High-Class Chocolates and Confectionery. Wreaths and Crosses Made to Order. Cheapest House in Town for Fruits. MRS W. RITCHIE, Ladies' and Children's Outfitter. Baby Linen Outfits furnished Complete. Ladies' and Children's Underclothing. French and English Stays, Large Variety. 65 HIGH STREET, Galashiels. Galashiels Almanac and Directory. —Advertisements. Temperance Refreshment Rooms, 85 CHAJVJVEL STREET, GALASHIELS. ALL KINDS OF TEMPERANCE REFRESHMENTS. FAMILY GROCER, TEA, WINE, AMD SPIRIT MERCHANT, MARKET PLACE, Galashiels. LOUIS GUNTERT & SON, Practical Watch & Clock Makers & Jewellers. The Largest and Best Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewel- lery, Electro-Plate, Knives, Spoons, Forks, Barometers, Field and Opera Glasses, Spectacles and Eye-Glasses, &C, &C All of the very Best Quality. Suitable for Presents and Presentations. At Lowest Possible Cash Prices. EVERY KIND OF JEWELLERY MALE TO ORDER AND RENEWED.
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    ke elso town trail . k lso n trail . k elso town tra to lso tow il . kelso wn ail . ke town t tr wn tr introductionrail . ail lso to kelso . kel il . ke tow so t n tra n t w own tow Scottish Borders Council has created which houses the Visitorra Infilor. mation Centre. to trai lso kel so l . kelso town trail . ke the Kelso Town Trail and would like to For those with more time, extensionsso t too wthe l . kel acknowledge and thank Mr Charles Denoon Trail which would add to the enjoyment ofn trail . kelso town trai for kindly allowing the use of material from the walk are suggested in the text. the Kelso Community Website (www.kelso. The aim of the trail is In order to guide the visitor, plaques are sited to provide the visitor to Kelso with an added along the route at specific points of interest dimension to local history and a flavour of and information relating to them can be the town’s development, in particular, the found within this leaflet. As some of the sites historical growth of the town, its buildings along the Trail are houses, we would ask you and other items of interest. Along the route to respect the owners’ privacy. there is the opportunity to view structures which may be as old as the 12th century or We hope you will enjoy walking around as new as the year 2000, but all show the Kelso Town Trail and trust that you will have a architectural richness which together make pleasant stay in the town.
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