Townships Bytracey Berk Republican Candidates Swept Ney General Jim Ryan
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NOV95 N 05 Nuts PUBLIC LIIRNRY b960 HIES IL 00714 Nues dealership ownercharged Fine reminds:. with check-kiting buy- stickers on time ByTraceyl3erk ByTraceyflerk The ownerofa Nilesear deal-schernehedevised. bankemployces. business people The NUes Village Board am-.who fail to purchase slickers by ership was one of 29 people in- Hara, mendedanosdinanceOct.25 thatAug. 1. This new fore would be aadauorneysforacomhinedlOss additiontoticket dicledforbànkfxaudNov. 3. legedly created fictitious bankofnioeethan$8.3 million. will add an extra fIne to all vehi-issuedin Raymond S. Hara. ownofbalancesandhidnabalanliatover- Among titers charged was Ro- cleicenses&kunbaaghtlate. form. Vehicle stickero purchased nf- AssistantFinanceDirector King Nissanin Nies. wasdrafts sarong six pernottaI and . .land L Schiabowake, 44. of charged with defrauding the for-bauineusbankaccouals. HighlandPark, who was acensen terJuae3owlllnowiecludea$lOMark Naanini said that expected mer Continental Bank, now Bank The FBI announced last week.- ofembezzliag $155,000from the fineattachedtothe$l5 ticketfee.revenues off vehicle stickers aie ofAmerica,of more than that financial fraud charges haveFirst National Bank of Des Cwrendy, the Village issues alower this year than in previous $470.000 through a check-kitingbeenbroaghtagainstatotal of 29 Continüed on Page 30 $25 ticket to all vehicle owners Continued onPage 30 Yates, Capparelli retain seats; Nues Local spending vote winsbig edition of -ì1'i:t1 GOP sweeps Maine I Nues .8746 tI. Shermer Road, Nues, Illinois 60714 -(708) 966-3900 VOL38,NO.2t.THEBUGLE,THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1994 . 50Ø per copyTownships ByTracey Berk Republican candidates swept ney general Jim Ryan. compirol- leeLoletaDiduickson and . the electionaTuesday, claiming District 219 Niles teachers strik.e . .. control of Congsess and the liii-treasurer Judy Baar Topinka, of- unites to aid. ByLlsaHemmlflger . ssistoouse.I.ocalvoleru.hOwev.flees previoasly controlled by Nites elementary school teach- The steile action did prompter,chsuetolakesorneofthednci-DemoeznO. -. teacher's son ers wentonsuikeNov. 7,laadinganother chancó for contract set-sion-makiog off the General.-. Partyafillialion wasnotthe is- the sharpest blow in a drawn-outtiement. Btwd. of EducationMseanbly in Springfield andin-sue whenit came to localcandi- ASkokinteacherisseheduled enlise contrat whUe also chenu-. dates and the incumbents won to undergo surgery Nov. 10 in an fightovercontracts. members announced by mid- The strike, which began at 7 afternoonthat an emergencyingincnmbentcandidates. outright. efforttosavehisiafantsOa. p,eig Township and mostly tntheU.S.HouseofRepresefl- NUes North EastScience a.m.Mosday, isthefirstteachesi'meeting woultibe heldthatnight. strike in the history ofNiles Ele-The Nilee Elementary FIA alsodemocratic NOes Township aid-talives. Otis District, incumbent- teacher MarkPace and his wife, edRepublican Goy. Jitn Edgar in farmer Niles Noflh science lab mentarySchoolDistrictll. held a special meeliag Monday Sidney R. Yates won his 23rd The 42 striking teachers fromoighl providing an open forumgetting re-elected for his secondterm by a landslide victory over assistant Carolyn Pace. of Des land-Rep. CommittremaoGeorgeLar- Plaines, gave birth to their first South andCulverMiddlewhere both sides of the contractteens by an almost record Schools represent 100 percent ofdispute were invited to addressslide. sey.Yates,84.claimedatleastti6 child, Dessen Michael Pace, six Republicans won across thepercent of the votes ami will weeks ago. Although he appeared the membership of the NUesdistrictparents. Council ofTeuchers, strike orga- Afterward, negotiators agreedboard throughout the state andspendhis46lliyearinoffice. aonnal at birth, the baby was Democratic -state representa- foandto have adangerously high nizerssaid.Thefiestshiftofpick-tomeetforearlymomigglalksOfl .on,midingtothefrninjorityin rEts spent Monday walking the Wedeeaday..- the Senate and seizing control oflive Ralph C. Capparelli won his . level of ammoaia in his blood- semrn sidewalk in front of the two...Sürdeats did oat show ap forthe House for the first time in 11 13th term in the illinois House of schools. currying signs that read,school Monday, after schont vot- years. Representatives,13thDistrict. Dixsou suffers fromOTC deli- George clancy, a conditioa in which the 'We've Waited Long Enough'saunes, contacted parente abost Secretary of State defeating Republican candidate liver ewinot produce an enzyme and 'Give A Fuir Contract AtheexpcetedntrikeonSunday. Ryanwasie-electedandRePubli-Dan Staackmann.Capparelii. can wins wein collected by aller-who received at least 57 percent . necessaryLometabolize prntein. Chance.' Continued on Page 30 The aitrogea in the protein mole- ofthevotes, has held the position cuicaturnsto ammonia that sincel9lI. which poisons the blood and at- District 71 teachers say Under the referendum end of lacks and desliys the brain. A tine ballot. one that received con- . livertransplaatisnecmsary. lmvers)r among the 55 commuai- Mark l'ace is scheduled to en- lies thatvoted on itwaspassedhy scnool a considerable vote io most vii- ter Wyler Children's Hospital in no. contraCt,no Chicago Nov. 10 where a aeg- tuge ment ofhi's liverwillbe removed The municipalities voted to and transplanted into his 6-week- have local spending decisions made by the local government. oldsoa. Unofficial numbers report that Even after the surgery. which Morton Grove (voting 4,309 for is considered experimental. Dea- and 509 against the referendum). son wilt have to be on steroids BOARS Niles (5.390-533), Northbrook and immunmappreasaat drugs (7,467-505)and Park Ridge for the real of his life. The sur- CLOSED 3 (8.644-980) were among the grey, estimated to cost $300.000. MIND conunusilim that chose lo -have and the ongoing trealmentale not N C LIKE: CLOSED local officials decide their future covezed by insurance. ,UBSTITU1E rather than officials in Spring- In ea unprecedented show of THIS SCHOOLS STR field. - - sepporl administrators, teachers F)RA Des Plaines voted 7.111-5,792 and staff of District 219 and the i;oop against a referendum seeking to studmts of Nilm North High "r perlait gambling, sad Lincoln- School have joined together lo SCHOOL wood voted 2,356-1,504 against helpthePaces. a referendum seeking to become andstaff BOARD Many 4a home rule unit oflecat govern- throughout the district have taken ment. voluntary payroll deductions lo The Golf Maine Park District assist the family. and the student ,.. nixed a referendum asking lo body is working to cicale fund- .. raiselaxm. - raisingefforts. Photo by Mike Heuel - By a 611-372 count, voters "The support is overwhelm- . BobbiPotratzandLinda Feidhoim picket out-went against a requested 16 per- - Ing.' Mark Pace said. 'I never (From sight) EIemenfaryschoOIteaCherSPatSChWb, Tuesdayasstudentsmlss thòirseconddayofschoolslnce thecent lax rate increase for remen- would have expected it. Me and aideCulverElemefltar/SC!tsOIifl Nues Wednesdaymsming. tioaalpttrposes. Continued on Page 30 DisfrictDisfrfct7l str*ebegan.NegotialionawereachedUledtObtigifl PAGE 2 TEEBUGLE,THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10,1994 - TIIEBUGLE,TH!JRSDAY.NOVEMBeaio.n994 PAGE 3 N..D,coa,éh, Bill Casèy,. VeteransDy: ..Whythe Célehration? byWiiliamM.Detweller \ " Why do wecelebrate Veteransbleslfignre&' Here's how Marsha Young, a ALL Day? Recalling two world warn. Desert Storm veteran, described A citizentelephonedTheMacAsihur said:'In memory's her experiences in a recent letter AnadeanLegion'sNationaleye I could see those staggeringto The Amejican Legion Maga. Headquarters in Indianapolis re- columns ofthe First World War.zinc. - cently to say that he didn't thinkbending under soggy packs on 'The monsoon rains flooded s veterans deserve any special arc-many a weary march, from drip-us, the Scuds attacked us and the ognition,honororbcnefita. pingdusktodrizzlingdawn,atog-locals harassed the American It was the calico's opinIon thatgingankle-deep through the mirewomen. America's wartime veterans baveof shell-pocked avado; to fosan "Water made our chemical given no mora or no 1mo to ourgrimly for the attack blue-lipped.nailsineffectiveagainst any coanily Iban any other citizencovered- with sludge and mud,agenlainthoScudwarheads. We .e who goes to work each day und chilledby thewindandrain.driv-hadnoshowernfor lt days. With s. otheawiaedocnbisrzherpart ing home to their objective, and,water and toilet paper rationing. ttsafairquestion: Why do wefor many. to thejudgment neat ofconstant sand stonns. 11X1-plan e celebrateVeterannDay? Go degree weather, no tampons, no s First, the U. S. Constitution 'And2Oyearnafler.ontheoth-laundry, Scud attacks and sniper grants citizens the right to assen-ersideoftheglohe.again theflithfire,t too, became the animal blepeaceably and the freedom toof murky foxholra. the stench ofwithin speak ourminds, Many Amen-ghostly Irenchm, the slime of 'I live today with what in cans in 1994 take nich rights fordripping dsgosls. those boilingcalled the Saudi Syndrome. My nuns ofrelentlesa heat, those tor-utxnoslrespectgoestothecomhat Bat,wehaveonlytolooknttheinaillalrainsofdevastatingveterans whatever thewar, what- e many trouble spots around thentonnsthe bltlernms of longnverthegender....' world, some very close to home,separation from those they loved Indeed. In war after war. to know how fragile and rare axe . 4 _p and cherished, the deadly pesti-America's veterans have relamed , tliafreednnisthatweenjoy. lesee of tropical diwunt, the hoe-homein needofmedical