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INSURANCE. PU QLIC Dl R ECTO R A DVElirjaKMENTS ARK IN8ERTKD IN CUMBEKLAND VALLKY V tM 7 cmtta a line per uinnth. J roioimt at i::- - yi i IiKII.Mi.N Of." CAIlPKNTKRli A!sT ino riRE AND MARINO 7 lUliMi.ri. Mini, 144 Bel, I street. 3 G 7 - A UKALtHS, Hit KHi.i PKTF.K.SON. COAL CI Ins-uranc- o 1.1 .Madison street. 40 J Company, 1 l!KKK, JOHN K., CUV INSPECTOR. Ollii e on Hull', between, Washington and -- J , . 0F- A '1 14M EMIR iiiik streets. - OIItCl'LATIOX. Ten touts Ver Week. I LA Pi' VANCK M ANUKR.SON. ATTOR- lVblluiore LAUOIJST NAHIIVILLi:, TENN. W guidon iiuiiuiuf, la Aladlson lly Ilrothera. etrcet, Memphis, Tenn. M tO,I.VKRClALllOTr.'L. COR. FRONT EVENING, FEKRUAKY .25. 1SG7. NO. 117. AUTHORIZED CAI'ITA!.! (J Jellnrson, tt heeler i llryson. pro's. 14A VOL. III. MEMPHIS. TENNESSEE, MONDAY ICKI.USON, J. W. k J1K0. cotton Five Hundred Thousand Dollars 1) Factors, 210 Front street. 'S2 ., K- - more by Lis A y I I N F , FANCY IA Kit AN1 M.'Ol The two feelings, physical fear and tion by bit taleim, but ttill LECAL SALES. COMMISSION. 1 am I1!..! lin. mi.,L !. unl.. lni 1 ,,ll,f',in .1 daring, having recently obtuined rriltS OOMPAFY IS PREPARED TO IK-- 1 LEDGER. moral courage, wore atruggling for the foarlest any u-- AM) PUBLIC BALE.-B- A policies on as favoiabl. terms as itvuirlt l I'd MAH11I.K endeavoring act commission of Major General of the CUERIFF'8 Y VIRTt'R OF B. W. PAVIS. v. BAUtin. iu. IT mastery. He was to the , 1 W .. k. .l A,l,n. St. 10 rcsLiaasti vend.teoni STimiias to me iui-d- from the tastern company. nerves refused their con- militia. We may expect before long to il EVERY AFTERNOON, EXCEPT SUNDAY, bravely, but his Circuit Court of .Shelby county, in fuvor of Win, DAVIS S T.UANNKRY. JOSEPH. in roll of luembert of against A. 11. Douglass, I BAIG1I, . N. B. PEARCB, President. I4 currence, and he remained, so to spoak, tee hit name the (iridiii and will, at .1 Plumber. (Im snil Steam Pips Fitter, iWjH T ; in Raleigh, no I Congress. Nature made bim a coward the Courthouse tbeuidday ol Ij, Baoretary. BemiiiU street, eiir. ol Jellerson. 'l in equipoise totally incapable of acting 1 8. TRIPPE, WlUUm A. and Edwin1 WUtmor, wife rendered him Msn-h- W'T. bitaeen I.' and Vein, p.m., soli A to fight, and an love for hit intuited Vllsill hAVlNOS IKSIIIUTION. Under the firm of at all. He was Impotent to the highest bitidor, the following tract of GEO. U. LENOIR, Gen. As't K. rle conferred honor. : Lying ti dis- Grocers, Cotton Hanking llouso, 14 Madison llrnat, JH. powerless to fly. brave; and bravery hat land, town in the id and it civil Factors Avery, Cashier. Jo hn 0. Lanier. Prea't. M WHITMORE BROTHEHS, hesitation in the Conduct tricts, in bhelby eounty, Teiine'coe, iu range H, .TA.H. V. There was no section 4, aud h Surveyor's district, cont.tin-ingH-Jl- '-. SWAIN, Afi't, I' M T, THOMAS 11." CO.. PRKMIUM 1 I of Jack Warhawk. Brandishing his big How Charltt Dlek.nt Keforai Abutet in acres, more or loss, bounded as follow; AND 1 Silk A WoidnDyes. W Stoond. U ' J No 13 Madison Street. knife with his right hand, he seined the England. licgiuuingat a stake; tbenee south d' wol,:!7 O f'f I C li:' VKKDKN- - N-- INSi;iUNCK.-UNl)ti- KY '' in- links to a bla.'k gum marked L, l thence west 1M locks of Myers in his lef:, roaring at the Dickens' terrihlo exposure of the 13 Union Street, Lee Block (up Btaira), 1 DURHH, Aufnlijjl Madison Street. serred to C 8 north, with Ja. L. Stuart's line 64 chains tr : committed in the Yorkshire till t a stake, links eant n a black General Commission Merchants, I'KW'IS A CRAW. ATTORNEYS AT LAW sent.ers by faithful carriers at TEN CKNTH top of his voice iquities links onk, M P" marrow- MKMIM1IM, TKNN. Solicitors in Chancery, No. JUKI Seoond week, payable weekly to the carriers. " Down, coward ; down on your schools brought about a reform, and a marked M. 8., on Ihe heirs of Tbos. Stuart's I J snd line ; with said Dloc'k.J Memphis. Li Ily SIX DOLLARS per annum, r cut theno. s.uth west line ltj street, iSlilluian's mail. -bones, or by the blue hlazei I'll similar result seems to follow bit aatire &j' to a V Filly Cents per mouth, in chains links '' stake, links west of a No, S Adama Street, MlOS.'.likALKKSlNUllOCKUlK'S eiivaiio. .S T ILLY Cwniuiunications upon sulijocts of (enersl In your throat I" upon English railway refreshment hickory marked T. If.iJhenc west north Main 2 crossing Rig "ill J J and Liguoriin strict. terest to the pubh. are at ull times SAoeputuie. Incredible as it may seem, still hold- saloons. Tbe London correspondent of with said heirs' line, creek BAD-l- chains to a stske Ml links south of a horn bean KNDKLAR. J. DKALKR JN Rejected manuscripts will hot be returned. his deadly revolver, loaded with six the Aberdeen Free J'ren writets M KMIM ITS. KNN. ?3 dlery and harness, leather, rhc. ing marked T. 8, in the west bounds-- line of tbe f INSURANCE COMPANY, RATES OF ADVERTISING. to like a beaten my travel, Mughy wat the Knoiuaon sure No Tl : in (J ami rurrieiV tools. In Madison at. J rounds, cowered the floor Being on Jamas '.1I grant, theme R. S. TAYLOR & CO., First Tnsnrtion...A....,...-10oen- U per line hound, and begged most piteously for first place I stopped at after leaving south 6' weit with said line oa chains to a PUN0&"CAMNETOUi.AN3. Subsequent M..A.. 6 " ' " slake, (the hoirsof Joel MuLeinore, nni thwe.t MUSIC, Mer- Insertions mocking need of refresh- . S7H 81 HARTFORD, JCONN j Instruments aud Musical " " his life a prayer which the London. I was in uo east II south Trout roil, 14 For Oh. Week 30 " corner); thence with their line chandise, at FKatsenhaoh's. :17 Main st " " " granted condition that he 1 thought I would just ask lor chains w to a slippery elm, u.arkod ll For Two Weeks... balf breed on ment, but liuk. il. i. i I TlTTIiATji MA l) K NKW.-iTaT- OF ALL For Three Wooks ....- - ) " " ' would treat the whole crowd for a week. something in order to tee how "the S., on the south bank ol a briinuli (the heirs of COSSISSIOX 1IERCII.WTS kinds cleaned, dyed, pressed and trimmed ForOn.Monlh -- ...74 " " young la- L. 11. Coo. southwest oornerl : I hence north . KJ 18 timo the unfortunate Myers missis" and the handolining 40 a V ) equal to newj.y M. OOllEN, S7fl, Main it. KaoU subsequent laun tu......-f- W " ' From that east with their line chains t. stake links INCOIil01lA.XI-:L- lMIO. and outrage. Mr. Dickensr wigging. of on k, marked .M. S. 'said DEALER IN PITTS-- Disnlayed adrartisemenui will b. eharsod se was subject to every insult dies looked after east a red hcit, And Ajontt for the l)ACkkR. ri!.. the northwest corner; then fa-- t with their line ooal, No. IW' Mln st. enrd in to the araos occupied, at ahoy, rates The loafers would pull his nose for mere There certainly wat no change m I bun being solid type to lb 15 chains to a stake: thence south !'' west MATKRI- - there twelve line, of the half breeds would spit the refreshment. The coun- 6) Xalliii VsAtNT STOKE, PAINTKKS' Inch. amusement, quality of ti a marked t. ,nn the e;it bounda- PowderComim'y uln. MoIJolialil k Cole, UvM"nr..et. U make him treat, and Geo. was out, as nsuaj, with atale pastry ry line ol i'S-- l giant inn. 71 ihru.'o ASSETS, J0LT I, 1 Notices in local column Inserted for twenty in his face to ter tot ' ' north wilh snid lino ill chains Oil And H. SCHAEFFH'S Cash on hand. In b'k ft L'i7.X1H fra :TUSSKI,r., GKOVK A CO.. OA YOSO I'LA-J- cents per line for each Insertion. Cole, when intoxicated, would strike sandwiches, and "the f'', cat, links and wilh ar'la and iawdust to ths beginning, being the same lund sold by linited States Slock 812 277 Z .Mill, 212 Adams struct, east of the Specinl Noticos inserted for tea eents per Una bis sherry O my eye, ' uiui bias with hit eane, to cure him of ha, ha, hat the plaintiff to defendant, aud luvicd on a-- tho Real Estate, uninsumbered ai,.',i ub I euco insertion. SOAI AM) CAXDiLES. Biiyau, !I . ' ( fr so cowardiec, as he said. The poor grocery my eye," the boy flays-- . property of A. II. Douglass to satiitfy a judg- eulc Stocks 4H7,tK) A LAHDK AND To rexular advertisers w. offer neiior in at Is) fllOllACCO AND CK1ARS ducements, both as to of charges man- gross indigni- too. had that terrible ment ia the Circuit Court, rendurcd October 2. hew York Hank Stocks 7:14.170 Tburmond, A Co. s. rate and keeper broeked all thesf The Missis, (irifl'in 77H.M10 1 superior st.irk at toater ner otdutplayin their fnvors. sin, in favor of Wm. mid ngaint snid Hartford Bank Stocks..... - () Hlj Soc-n- 1 a martyr; and her eye which it to tuggesiive L'ST D- Toliacpunif Is.