May 24 Statement Version 1
Human security for public health, peace and sustainable development A global women’s appeal to commemorate International Women’s Day for Peace and Disarmament (May 24, 2020) and the 75th anniversary year of the United Nations ENDORSERS Parliamentarians Senator Byrganym Aitimova Isabelle Chevalley MP Marian Hobbs Kazakhstan Switzerland Aotearoa-New Zealand Member, Foreign Affairs Committee. Founder of the Swiss Liberal Ecology Former Cabinet Minister for Former Kazakhstan Ambassador to the Movement Disarmament and Arms Control United Nations Edith DesMarais Rep Carol Ammons Gabriela Heinrich MdB USA USA Germany Member, New Hampshire State Member, Illinois State Assembly. Deputy Chairwoman of the SPD Legislature. Recipient, President's Member, Women Legislators’ Lobby parliamentary group Volunteer Service Award Mindy Domb Steinunn Þóra Árnadóttir MP Amineh Kakabaveh MP USA Iceland Sweden Member, Massachusetts House of Member of the Icelandic Delegation to Independent Member of the Swedish Representatives. Former Executive the Nordic Council Parliament. Director, Amherst Survival Center Mary Ann Dunwell Sadet Karabulut MP Ibtissame Azzaoui MP USA Netherlands Morocco Montana State Representative Member, Netherlands Parliament Member, Foreign Affairs Committee Member Human Services Committee delegation to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly; Asa Eriksson MP Margareta Kiener Nellen Senator Gabriela Cuevas Barron Sweden Switzerland Mexico Deputy, Foreign Affairs Committee. Peace Women Across the World. President, Inter-Parliamentary Union Former Junior World Curling Champion Former Chair, OSCE PA Committee for & Sweden Handball Player of the Year democracy, human rights and humanitarian questions Petra Bayr Cathy Kipp Ute Finckh-Krämer Austria USA Germany Vice-President, European Parliamentary Colorado State Representative Former Member, Bundestag. Forum for Sexual & Reproductive Member, Energy & Environment PNND Council member Rights.
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