The Cowl, October 3
Freshmen Observe Wear Your October Beanies Devotions VOL. XIX. No. 1—SIX PAGES PROVIDENCE COLLEGE. PROVIDENCE, R. I.. OCTORER 8, 1956 10 CENTS A COPY Six Hundred Freshmen Exhibit Frosh Week Spirit By Jim Shcahan A total of 600 freshmen registered on September 23, marking the largest class to enter Prov'dcnee College in its 39 year history. On the first day they were officially welcomed by Very Rev. Robert J. Slavin. O.P., President of the College, and Rev Edward B. Halton, O.P., Dean of Freshman Also speaking at the assembly to acquaint the fresh• men with their various administrative functions were Rev Francis Prout, OP., Dean of Discipline; Rev. Thomas McBrien, O.P., Chaplain; Rev. Daniel M. Galliher, OP, Registrar, and Rev. Charles V Fennell, O.P., Bursar. At the afternoon session, the Fresh• Fr. Slavin To Stay At P. C, men were introduced to their moder• ator. Father Quirk, who stressed to them the importance of being well- Fr. Dore Named Superior rounded students at the College En• larging on Father's ideas, the Fresh• men heard from the President of the Very Rev. Robert J. Slavin, OP. than nine years He will continue Student Congress. Howard Lipsey, is to be continued as president of as president subject to the will of who explained to them just what Pruvidence College for an un• the Provincial. Under his administra• student government was at Provi• precedented indefinite extension, it tion the college has nearly doubled its Three New Officers Join dence College and what it meant to has been announced by the Very former size and an ambitious long them Richard Skalko, Chairman of Rev.
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