The Cowl, October 3

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The Cowl, October 3 Freshmen Observe Wear Your October Beanies Devotions VOL. XIX. No. 1—SIX PAGES PROVIDENCE COLLEGE. PROVIDENCE, R. I.. OCTORER 8, 1956 10 CENTS A COPY Six Hundred Freshmen Exhibit Frosh Week Spirit By Jim Shcahan A total of 600 freshmen registered on September 23, marking the largest class to enter Prov'dcnee College in its 39 year history. On the first day they were officially welcomed by Very Rev. Robert J. Slavin. O.P., President of the College, and Rev Edward B. Halton, O.P., Dean of Freshman Also speaking at the assembly to acquaint the fresh• men with their various administrative functions were Rev Francis Prout, OP., Dean of Discipline; Rev. Thomas McBrien, O.P., Chaplain; Rev. Daniel M. Galliher, OP, Registrar, and Rev. Charles V Fennell, O.P., Bursar. At the afternoon session, the Fresh• Fr. Slavin To Stay At P. C, men were introduced to their moder• ator. Father Quirk, who stressed to them the importance of being well- Fr. Dore Named Superior rounded students at the College En• larging on Father's ideas, the Fresh• men heard from the President of the Very Rev. Robert J. Slavin, OP. than nine years He will continue Student Congress. Howard Lipsey, is to be continued as president of as president subject to the will of who explained to them just what Pruvidence College for an un• the Provincial. Under his administra• student government was at Provi• precedented indefinite extension, it tion the college has nearly doubled its Three New Officers Join dence College and what it meant to has been announced by the Very former size and an ambitious long them Richard Skalko, Chairman of Rev. William D. Marrin, O.P., range program for further expansion the Committee on Freshman Week, provincial of the Province of St. is stilt in progress. PCs Military Dept. then explained the importance of Re• Joseph of the Dominican Order. Noted as a national figure in gional Clubs in the extracurricular Father Marrin announced at the Catholic education. Father Slavin program and urged them to join the same time the appointment of the is 49 years old. He is a member : Captain Donald J. Shannon of Paw- Three new officers have recently club from their own area. Rev Vincent C. Dore, OP. as of the Problems and Policies Com• | tucket, Rhode Island, was graduated joined the Providence College De• Superior of the Dominican community mittee of the American Council on frcm the University of Rhode Island At Tuesday's sessions, the Fresh• partment of Military Science and of the College. Higher Education and is vice presi• in 1950 He majored in physical men were introduced to various mem• Tactics to replace Major Robert J Hitherto. Father Slavin has held dent of the College and University education, starred on the basketball bers of the Athletic Department. Hessler. Captain Harold Levin and the dual role of president of the Department of the National Catholic team which played against Provi (Continued on Page 3) Captain Wendell J. Ryan who have college and superior of the com• Education Association. He is also a i dence College on several occasions departed munity for three successive three member of the Committee on Teacher • and won letters in both basketball Captain Ralph A. Mattera of Cran• year terms. Education of the Association of and baseball. As a distinguished Frosh Dorms Undergo ston, Rhode Island, is a 1949 graduate Father Marrin's announcement American Colleges. Military Graduate, he was appointed of Providence College where he pointed out that the growth of the a Regular Army second lieutenant of Extensive Renovations A native of Boston Where he majored in education and earned his college in recent years makes ad• Infantry upon graduation, and has attended the elomentary schools of letter in baseball. During World War visable the creation of the separate that city and Boston College High since served with infantry units in One week ago last Sunday, Septem• II, he served as a staff sergeant post of superior to take charge of School, he is a member of the class i the U.S. and in Berlin, Germany. ber 23, Stephen and Joseph Halls gunner in the 15th Air Force par• the religious and community life of of 1928 at Providence College. He | Upon completion of the Advance were officially opened to the incom• ticipating in six major campaigns the 84 Dominican priests at the col• began his studies for the priesthood ' Infantry Officers Course at Ft ing students, mostly freshmen Saint which included bombing raids on lege, who comprise the formal at St Thomas Aquinas College, River ; Benning, Georgia in June of this Stephen Hall, the larger of the two Ploesti, Toulon, Bologna, Munich and Dominican House of St. Thomas Forest. Illinois, and after study at a j year, Captain Shannon was assigned buildings, houses one hundred sixty Vienna. Following graduation from Aquinas, since this move permits the number of Dominican houses he was I to Providence College where he is students, while Saint Joseph Hall ' college he re-entered the service as college president to concentrate on ordained in 1934, | the officer in charge of the sophomore holds one hundred students. The dor• an army second lieutenant and com• the vastly increased administrative ROTC class. He is designated a mitories, having undergone extensive peted successfully for a Regular Army duties pertaining to the college itself. He received his Master of Am ; parachutist and expert infantryman repairs and alterations amounting to commission in the Artillery. Captain Becomes First from Catholic University, his Lector- ; and holds the Army of Occupation Mattera has served with anti-aircraft one half million dollars by the Dona- ate in Sacred Theology from Im• I and National Defense Service Medals. Father Slavin thus becomes the and field artillery units in the U.S. telli Building Company, the prime ' Captain and Mrs. Shannon, with their first president in the history of maculate Conception College in and Okinawa and this year was contractor, have acquired a new look l baby son, are presently residing in Providence College to serve more (Continued on Page 6> graduated from the Artillery Ad• in three short months. The large bar• Pawtucket. vanced Course at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma rack-type bedrooms, one in particular which had twenty four beds, have He will instruct Freshmen students The third new officer, Major O W. been replaced by modern bedrooms in general subjects and give all Martin, Jr., of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, painted a restful green and accommo• New Appointments To Faculty Artillery instruction to the ROTC. I attended the University of Wisconsin dating on the average three students. His decorations and service medals [where he was a member of Scabbard Each student has his own combination Announced By Fr. Slavin are the air medal with two oak leaf ] and Blade. Upon completion of desk and bureau of modern design. clusters, Good Conduct Medal, Ameri• . ROTC in 1943, he was commissioned The ceilings, floors, and walls have can Campaign Medal, European- I a second lieutenant in the infantry The Very Reverend Robert J. McAvey. O.P.. formerly a member of been completely done over through• African-Middlc Eastern Campaign reserve and in 1947 was commissioned Slavin, President of Providence Col• the faculty of Aquinas College High out the two buildings. Medal, World War II Victory Medal in the Regular Army. During World lege, has announced fifteen additions School. and the National Defense Service to the college faculty. They include War II, Major Martin served in As of today painters and carpenters The Rev. Paul McKenna, O.P., has Medal Captain and Mrs. Mattera, nine Dominicans and six laymen. Europe with the 13th Armored Divi• are still hard at work putting on the been named to the ecclesiastical de• are presently living with their five sion participating in the Rhineland final touches. Heat for the two build• Joining the language department partment while the Rev. Thomas J. children in Greenville. (Continued on Page 6) ings is being supplied by the new are the Rev. Joseph B. Taylor, O.P., Shanley, O.P., a Providence native central heating plant located on the former rector of Aquinas College and an alumnus of the college, has westerly side of the drill field. The High School, Columbus, Ohio, who joined the economics department. rectors of the two dormitories are the will teach Spanish; Rev. Raymond B. Rev. Richard A. Fleck, O.P., an alum• College To Observe DevotionsReverend s Anthony A. Jurgelaitis, St. George, O.P., a graduate of the nus of the class of 1950, and Mr. John O.P., and Dennis C. Kane, O.P., of class of 1950 of Providence College Powers have joined the political Throughout Month Of OctoberStephe n and Joseph Halls, respective• and a former Friar baseball and bas• science department and the Rev. ly. ketball star, to teach French; Robert E. Bondi, O.P., also of the The Feast of the Most Holy Rosary Charles T. Quinn, O.P., subdeacon. As one can plainly observe, the pro• Zygmunt J. Friederman of Warwick, class of 1950 has joined the English will be celebrated by Providence Col• The blessing of the roses is a de• curement and complete renovation of who received his early education in department. lege Sunday night in the War Me• votion of ancient origin, rich in these two buildings for the facility of Europe, his A.B. at Boston Univer• Robert Deasy, of Providence, class morial Grotto on the campus. liturgical symbolism and historically the great number of dorm students sity, and his M.A. at Brown Univer• of '53, who received his M.A.
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