Author: Filipova, Lenka Title: T. Tally Jr. and Christine M. Battista (Eds.), Ecocriticism and Geocriticism: Overlapping Territories in Environemental and Spatial Literary Studies Lenka Filipova Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
[email protected] T. Tally Jr. and Christine M. Battista (Eds.), Ecocriticism and Geocriticism: Overlapping Territories in Environmental and Spatial Literary Studies (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), 214 pp. While the idea of place has been one of the central analytical categories in ecocriticism since its emergence as an academic discipline in the 1990s, it has rarely been conceptualised with respect to existing theories of social production of both place and space. Ecocriticism is commonly concerned with immediate, local relations of place and the environment, but much less with broader spatiotemporal relations of particular places—a seeming paradox given that in the era of globalisation, place is generally understood as constituted by networks of relations and forms of power stretching beyond specific places and occurring within space-time. The collection of scholarly essays entitled Ecocriticism and Geocriticism and edited by Robert T. Tally Jr. and Christine M. Battista is designed to bridge this theoretical gap between place studies and theories of social production of space and place by bringing together a range of essays dealing with questions of space, place, mapping, and the environment. In the introduction, the editors note that “[w]hile distinctive in meaningful ways, both ecocriticism and geocriticism