The Languages of Vanuatu: Unity and Diversity Alexandre François, Sébastien Lacrampe, Michael Franjieh, Stefan Schnell

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The Languages of Vanuatu: Unity and Diversity Alexandre François, Sébastien Lacrampe, Michael Franjieh, Stefan Schnell The Languages of Vanuatu: Unity and Diversity Alexandre François, Sébastien Lacrampe, Michael Franjieh, Stefan Schnell To cite this version: Alexandre François, Sébastien Lacrampe, Michael Franjieh, Stefan Schnell. The Languages of Vanu- atu: Unity and Diversity. Alexandre François; Sébastien Lacrampe; Michael Franjieh; Stefan Schnell. France. 5, Asia Pacific Linguistics Open Access, 2015, Studies in the Languages of Island Melanesia, 9781922185235. halshs-01186004 HAL Id: halshs-01186004 Submitted on 23 Aug 2015 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents entific research documents, whether they are pub- scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, lished or not. The documents may come from émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de teaching and research institutions in France or recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires abroad, or from public or private research centers. publics ou privés. Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial - NoDerivatives| 4.0 International License THE LANGUAGES OF VANUATU UNITY AND DIVERSITY Edited by Alexandre François Sébastien Lacrampe Michael Franjieh Stefan Schnell uages o ang f Is L la e nd h t M in e l a Asia-Pacific Linguistics s e n i e ng ge of I d a u a s l L s and the M ni e l a s e s n i e d i u s t a S ~ ~ A s es ia- c P A c u acfi n i i c O pe L n s i g ius itc a t S ~ Open Access ~ A s s s i e a c -P c a A Studies in the Languages of Island Melanesia ci n fic pe Linguistics O SLIM 5 AP-L 21 7KHODQJXDJHVRI9DQXDWX8QLW\DQGGLYHUVLW\ edited by $OH[DQGUH)UDQ©RLV6«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he languages of Vanuatu: Unity and DiversitySURYLGHVQHZLQVLJKWVRQWRWKH VULFKOLQJXLVWLFODQGVFDSHڙPDQ\IDFHWVRI9DQXDWX Cover design: +DQQDK5¸GGH )ROORZLQJWKHSULQFLSOHVRIAsia–Pacific LinguisticsSXEOLFDWLRQVDOOWKHDUWLFOHVLQWKH SUHVHQWYROXPHKDYHIROORZHGDVWULFWSURFHVVRIGRXEOHEOLQGSHHUUHYLHZLQJ guages of an Isl L an he d t M $VLD3DFLILF/LQJXLVWLFV in e l s a e n i e guages of d an Isl L a e nd h t M in e l s a s e n i e d s u i t a S ~ ~ A s s s i e a c -P c u ac A i n fic pe i Linguistics O t a Open Access S ~ ~ Studies in the Languages of Island Melanesia (SLIM) A s s s i e a c - c &ROOHJHRI$VLDDQGWKH3DFLILF Pa A c n ific pe 7KH$XVWUDOLDQ1DWLRQDO8QLYHUVLW\ Ling ics O uist 7KHODQJXDJHVRI9DQXDWX 8QLW\DQGGLYHUVLW\ edited by $OH[DQGUH)UDQ©RLV 6«EDVWLHQ/DFUDPSH 0LFKDHO)UDQMLHK 6WHIDQ6FKQHOO 6/,0 $3/ Asia-Pacific Linguistics Open Access Studies in the Languages of Island Melanesia (SLIM) SLIM EDITORIAL BOARD: Isabelle Bril, Bethwyn Evans, Alexandre François, Bill Palmer. SLIM ADVISORY BOARD: Paul Geraghty, John Lynch, Andrew Pawley, Malcolm Ross, Nick Thieberger. A-PL EDITORIAL BOARD: I Wayan Arka, Mark Donohue, Bethwyn Evans, Nicholas Evans, Simon Greenhill, Gwendolyn Hyslop, David Nash, Bill Palmer, Andrew Pawley, Malcolm Ross, Paul Sidwell, Jane Simpson. Published by Asia-Pacific Linguistics College of Asia and the Pacific The Australian National University Canberra ACT 2600 Australia Copyright in this edition is vested with the author(s) Released under Creative Commons License (Attribution 4.0 International) First published: 2015 URL: National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry: Title: The languages of Vanuatu: Unity and diversity / Alexandre François, Sébastien Lacrampe, Michael Franjieh, Stefan Schnell, eds. Series Asia-Pacific linguistics / Studies in the Languages of Island Melanesia A-PL 021 / SLIM 005 ISBN: 9781922185235 (ebook) Subjects: Historical linguistics--Vanuatu. Linguistic analysis (Linguistics). Vanuatu--Languages. Dewey number 499.995 Other Creators/ François, Alexandre, editor. Contributors Lacrampe, Sébastien, editor. Franjieh, Michael, editor. Schnell, Stefan, editor. Australian National University. Asia-Pacific Linguistics, issuing body. 7DEOHRIFRQWHQWV 7KHH[FHSWLRQDOOLQJXLVWLFGHQVLW\RI9DQXDWX ,QWURGXFWLRQWRWKHYROXPH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Alexandre François, Michael Franjieh, Sébastien Lacrampe, Stefan Schnell &RPSOHWLQJDQGWHUPLQDWLQJ 2QDVSHFWPDUNLQJLQ8QXDBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Elizabeth Pearce 0RYHWKHka 9DOHQF\DQG,QVWUXPHQWDOVKLIWLQ%LHUHERBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Peter Budd 7KHLQLWLDOYRZHOFRS\LQWKH6DNDRGLDOHFWRI:DQRKH (VSLULWX6DQWR BBBBBBBBBB Benjamin Touati 7KHFRQVWUXFWVXIIL[LQ1RUWK$PEU\PBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Michael Franjieh 1XPHUDOVLQ6DBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Murray Garde 7KHLQVDQGRXWVRIupDQGdown 'LVHQWDQJOLQJWKHQLQHJHRFHQWULFVSDFHV\VWHPVRI7RUUHVDQG%DQNVODQJXDJHVBBBBBBB Alexandre François "ڝMXVWDGLDOHFWڜVLWZRUWKGRFXPHQWLQJ, 0DNLQJWKHFDVHIRU6XUX.DYLDQ 3HQWHFRVW,VODQG BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Cynthia Schneider & Andrew Gray 1RWMXVWVWRULHV 7KHUXOHVDQGUROHVRIRUDOQDUUDWLYHVLQ7DPDPERBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Dorothy Jauncey :DONLQJWR(UUR 6WRULHVRIWUDYHORULJLQVRUDIIHFWLRQBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Nick Thieberger uages o ang f Is L la e nd h t M in e l s a e n i e guages of d an Isl L a e nd h t M in e l s a s e n i e d s u i t a S ~ ~ A s s s i e a c -P c u ac A i n fic pe i Linguistics O t a S ~ ~ A s s s i e a c -P c a A ci n fic pe 7KHH[FHSWLRQDO Linguistics O OLQJXLVWLFGHQVLW\RI9DQXDWX Introduction to the volume $18&DQEHUUD1563DULV&ړ/$&,72 OH[DQGUH)UDQ©RLV$ 0LFKDHO)UDQMLHK 8QLYHUVLW\RI1HZFDVWOH$XVWUDOLD 6«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in situ GLYHUVL ILFDWLRQIURPDVLQJOHDQFHVWRU3URWR2FHDQLF7KLVKLVWRULFDOSURFHVVWRRNWKHIRUPRI PXOWLSOHOLQJXLVWLFLQQRYDWLRQV WKDWVSUHDGDFURVVWKHGLDOHFWFRQWLQXXPLQHQWDQJOHG V OLQJXLVWLF GLYHUVLW\LVنSDWWHUQV EULQJLQJ DERXW WKH PRVDLF ZHNQRZ WRGD\ 9DQXDWX QRZ LQFUHDVLQJO\ WKUHDWHQHG E\ WKH VSUHDG RI WKH QDWLRQDO ODQJXDJH %LVODPD 7KH YDULRXV FKDSWHUV LQ WKLV YROXPH GHVFULEH DQG GLVFXVV VRPH RI WKH FXOWXUDO DQG OLQJXLVWLFIHDWXUHVWKDWPDNH9DQXDWXVXFKDGLYHUVHDUFKLSHODJR Citation François, Alexandre; Michael Franjieh; Sébastien Lacrampe; Stefan Schnell. 2015. The exceptional linguistic density of Vanuatu. In A. François, S. Lacrampe, M. Franjieh, S. Schnell (eds), The Languages of Vanuatu: Unity and Diversity. Studies in the Languages of Island Melanesia, 5. Canberra: Asia-Pacific Linguistics. Pp. 1-21. Acknowledgments This work was partially supported by a public grant overseen by the French National Research Agency (ANR) as part of the program “Investissements d’Avenir” (ref. ANR-10-LABX-0083). Copyright © 2015, the author(s), release under Creative Commons Attribution license 6WXG\LQJWKHODQJXDJHVRI9DQXDWX 7KH SUHVHQW SXEOLFDWLRQ FRQVWLWXWHV WKH ILUVW HGLWHG YROXPH VSHFLILFDOO\ GHGLFDWHG WR WKH ODQJXDJHVRI9DQXDWX:LWKDVPDQ\DVGLVWLQFWODQJXDJHV>i@WKLVDUFKLSHODJRRIWKH 6RXWK3DFLILFVWLOONHHSVPDQ\WUHDVXUHVKLGGHQ\HWWKHODVWWZRGHFDGHVKDYHVHHQDVWHDG\ LQFUHDVHLQWKHQXPEHURIVFKRODUVGHGLFDWHGWRWKHH[SORUDWLRQRIWKHVHODQJXDJHV 'XULQJWKHWZHQWLHWKFHQWXU\WKHODQJXDJHVRIZKDWZDVWKHQNQRZQDVWKH&RQGRPLQLXP RIWKH1HZ+HEULGHVZHUHLQLWLDOO\GRFXPHQWHGE\DKDQGIXORIPLVVLRQDULHVDQGHDUO\VFKRO \6LGQH\ 5D ړ DQLHO 0DF'RQDOG' ړ DUV LQFOXGLQJ 5REHUW &RGULQJWRQ François, Franjieh, Lacrampe, Schnell ړ V VDZ UHQHZHG VFKRODUVKLS LQ WKH GRPDLQ 7KH ړ UWKXU &DSHOO$ ړ VNew Hebrides LanguagesDFRPSHQGLXPRIڙRI'DUUHOO7U\RQZLWKWKHSXEOLFDWLRQLQ EDVLF YRFDEXODU\ OLVWV LQ GLVWLQFW OLQJXLVWLF YDULHWLHV ZKHWKHU ODQJXDJHV RU GLDOHFWV HJړERXWWKHVDPHSHULRGRWKHUVFKRODUVXQGHUWRRNWKHGHVFULSWLRQRIVHYHUDOODQJXDJHV$ -RKQ/\QFKLQ7DQQD-HDQ0LFKHO&KDUSHQWLHULQ6RXWK0DODNXOD7HUU\&URZOH\LQ3DDPD 5RVV&ODUNRQ3RO\QHVLDQRXWOLHUV$VWKH1HZ+HEULGHVEHFDPHLQGHSHQGHQWLQXQGHU WKH QDPH Vanuatu OLQJXLVWV ZRXOG DOVR LQFUHDVLQJO\ SD\ DWWHQWLRQ QRW RQO\ WR LWV PDQ\ @VQDWLRQDOODQJXDJH>iڙ\YHUQDFXODUODQJXDJHVEXWDOVRWR%LVODPDWKHQHZFRXQWU 7KHHDUO\\HDUVRILQGHSHQGHQFHZHUHIROORZHGE\DPRUDWRULXPRQUHVHDUFKIURPWR 7D\ORU 7KLHEHUJHU [[YLLL ,Q HQFRXUDJHG E\5DOSK 5HJHQYDQX WKH QHZ GLUHFWRURIWKH9DQXDWX&XOWXUDO&HQWUHWKHFRXQWU\RSHQHGXSWRIRUHLJQDFDGHPLFVDJDLQ 0DQ\SHRSOHZHUHWKHQDZDUHRIWKHXVHIXOUROHOLQJXLVWVFRXOGSOD\LQGRFXPHQWLQJWKHOLQ JXLVWLFZHDOWKRIWKHDUFKLSHODJRZKLOHLWVPDQ\ODQJXDJHVZHUHVWLOOEHLQJDFWLYHO\VSRNHQ 7KH IROORZLQJ WZR GHFDGHV
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