Andrea Abbate Annie Abbott Rose Abdoo Louisa

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Andrea Abbate Annie Abbott Rose Abdoo Louisa CHARACTERS and COMEDIENNES ACADEMY PLAYERS DIRECTORY #196 BOOK PAGE: 1 Agency(310)Personal 273-0744(213)Jo for Anne theN11571500 466-5170ManagementInc.96 Performing Astrow (212) 582- Arts, RussianImprovisation,SusanMid-EastGerman5Accent,DANCETerryCOUNSELLOR-AT-LAW,THESEVENTHMAD ft.Accent,LEGALINTOCommercialAccent,FEATURED 3(818)(213)ROSEANNE Accent,NatheYOUNG LichtmanRESTLESSSpecial in.LA ABOUT Accent,New THEWITHAccent,M8530CreditsER EAGLESC.P.C. FrenchLAW 120783-3003653-7573Irish91 HEAVEN & Singer, WOODS,TVYork Italian Skills Associates/AND MEAgency YOUlbs.Company StageAccent, TV Southern- TVMidwest- Accent TV Accent, Film Stage THEBritish-AdultAccent, TV (213)NewFencing,Accent, 878-1155YorkGeddesSpecial Firearms, SpanishL9984Accent,833396 Agency Skills (312) Russian- Accent Singer, 787- 5C.L.Inc.Personal ft.CHICAGOCommercialGABRIEL'S 4(213)SEINFELDSpecial in.HenryCreditsH6173Singer Talent 200461-3971461-5699Management96 HOPE Ong SkillsFIRE Agencylbs. Agency TV TV AdultTV ANDREA ANNIE ROSE LOUISA ABBATE ABBOTT ABDOO ABERNATHY MOTHERBritishTHOMPSONSAccent,Ice(714) Skating,ONEFEATUREDSpecial Accent,Messages & SouthernM6668Credits INCHCHILD, 751-500796 Swimming, Skills New EXPRESS, FilmDIE, STAR Accent York- TV 5 ft.Cavaleri 8(818) in.L8722 122Adult 955-9300&96 Associates lbs. Mature (310)Cycling,5Sailing, ft.Commercial 274-93565GillaSpecial in.Swimming Equestrian,N0179 Scuba7820 Roos,13596 Skills Agencylbs. (212) Diving,Ltd. Guitar, Adult 727- IT'SMURDER,TALES APersonal MAD,(818)HenriWORLD OFM2916Credits SHE MAD, 784-0534Management96 BollingerTHE WROTE Film CITY MAD, TV MADTV DESIREE BETTYE ROSSI EDIE ACEVES ACKERMAN ACREE ADAMS PREVIOUS MAIN ACROBAT NEXT PAGE MENU TUTORIAL PAGE CHARACTERS and COMEDIENNES ACADEMY PLAYERS DIRECTORY #196 BOOK PAGE: 2 Sutton,TwentiethCommercial(818)(213) BarthK428 Century 788-5516938-600096 & Vennari, Agency Artists Inc. The(818) TylerM6971 760-0321 Kjar97 Agency Epstein-Wyckoff(310) 278-7222M7169911096 & (212) Associates 586- Accent,Piano,Waterball,CockneyUNSOLVEDGENERAL5HerbOJSHEARDOW ft.ARTHURCommercialMOTOROLAREENACTMENTAMERITECH SIMPSONMCDONALDSBUDGETELTRAINING Basketball, 6(213)(818) Skiing,TannenSinger, SouthernSpecial in.Fluent CHEMICALCO. MADNESSMessagesAccent,M3124Credits ELECTRIC 121782-0515769-7098 ANDERSON96 MYSTERIES VideoBritish& Improvisation,Polish CIVILSkills Accent,Agency Associateslbs. Swimming,Video New Video RTS Video Accent,Stage TRIALTV VideoAdult York- Base- TV JULIE LILLIAN SHEILA K. TACEY ADAMS ADAMS ADAMS ADAMS Sutton,HalpernCommercial(310)(213) BarthK1851 &571-4488938-600096 & Associates Vennari, Agency Inc. GENERALEquestrian,Ferrar-Maziroff5HURRICANE ft.MADRE,Commercialnis, 2(213)FEATUREDSpecial in.HOSPITAL, ImprovisationN0565Credits Scuba 110654-2601 STAR97 SkillsFESTIVAL, Agencylbs. Associates Diving, Film Stage STAR Adult Ten- TV BLACKMOMMIERACINGTHESOULARAMERICANGermanAMITYVILLETHEBaseball,VIGILANTE,SpecialAccent,PRANCER,GreeneCommercial DARK WIDOW,(310) DEERCO-STARSpecial DEAREST,STAR WITHAccent, OPPOSITES,M8272Credits ArtistsRussian HALF, &Improvisation, 288-2100859-9688 HUNTER,97 PERFEKT, II, Associates STAR STARFilm THECO-STARSkills STARAgency Film STARAgency Midwest- AccentSTAR MOON, Film Film CO- FilmCO- Film Film Film SENDCycling,BOLDFrenchIrishDRIVINGNOT5Singer,AGNES ft.LASTCavaleriTRIUMPHCommercial Accent,DEATHTRAP ANDMEPOLICE4 NOWGETTINGPrivilege(818)(213)WOMANMARRIEDSouthern Accent,LOVERSFEATURED in.Dancer,Special OF Scandinav. NOMessages MISS OFTHECredits 115Adult THEG48DARLING 955-9300658-8781661-3842& German95 WOMAN,FLOWERS OF GOD AssociatesBritish AgencyBEAUTIFULDAISYAccent SkillsMAMAImprovisation, Stagelbs. REDStageAgency SPIDER Stage TV Accent, StageMatureHOT Accent, Accent, Stage Stage TV SHUKO EILEEN DIETZ RUTANYA MARILYN AKUNE ALBANY ALDA ALEX PREVIOUS MAIN ACROBAT NEXT PAGE MENU TUTORIAL PAGE CHARACTERS and COMEDIENNES ACADEMY PLAYERS DIRECTORY #196 BOOK PAGE: 3 SLIMSLIDE5YOURMONISTATSnow ft.Personal 10(310)RaySpecial MINDSkiing, in.STARM8023Credits EXERCISE Manzella 274-1144Management96 135 Commercial AND Skills SwimmingTV lbs. BODY, Video Adult (310)5 ft.Commercial 274-93565(212)ROSEANNEGilla in.MessagesM9023Credits7820 Roos,140850-286195 Agencylbs. (212) Ltd. TV Adult 727- SDB(310) Partners,N0736 785-006096 Inc. WHENTOWERING(310)FEATUREDWALTONS TIMESTARMessagesCreditsW786 471-668896 RAN FilmINFERNO, Film OUT, TV CO- KIM JAMIE LEIGH RAE SHEILA MATHEWS ALEXIS ALLEN ALLEN ALLEN Jana(310) LukerM4074 441-282296 Talent Agency BritishGerman5NewAccent,HerbScottish ft.Accent,RollerCommercial5 Accent,(213) York Tannen in.Special Accent, Scandinav. Accent,Skating, MidwestM7349 Accent,125Adult 782-051596 Cockney & Skills lbs. Irish AgencyAssociates Southern- Boxing Russian-Accent, Accent, MatureAccent, Accent, CockneyBARBARIANSGermanCAROLINE'S,Accent,(212) Accent,FluentSpecial Accent,MessagesStand-upCreditsH3516 Russian 684-5859 AT96 French NEW FrenchSkills THE New Accent, GATE YORK- York-Accent, TV Chateau/Billings(213)K2355 965-543296 Talent Agency CAROL JANE JUDY PEGGY ALSTON ALTMAN ALTMAN AMATO PREVIOUS MAIN ACROBAT NEXT PAGE MENU TUTORIAL PAGE CHARACTERS and COMEDIENNES ACADEMY PLAYERS DIRECTORY #196 BOOK PAGE: 4 SnowCROSSROADS Skiing,(818)SpecialMessagesCreditsL1475Adult 980-337896 Mid-East Skills CAFE Accent TV 5 ft.CommercialPrivilege 6(213)Special in.MessagesMagicianM7445 115658-8781782-554296 Agency Skills Agencylbs. Adult Baseball,TOO5THREE'SPersonal ft.Dancer, GOOD 7(213)(818)MidwestMarieSpecial in.DRUM Basketball,MessagesCreditsL0993 A 130850-8136760-3905Management96 Swimming,TO LanarasCROWD Accent SkillsFilm BE lbs. TRUE Cycling, Adult TV TV Singer,(310)Mime,CROSSROADSAccent,CAGNEYFrenchDRACULA...THE5AMAZINGItalianKUNGSCALESJOHNNYFOREVER ft.SANTAJ.CommercialTHE Michael274-9356275-68007(805)CONTINUESFEATUREDGilla BritishDancer,CO-STAR Accent,Special in.Russian Accent, FU...THEMessagesSTAR GOODANDN0080 OFCredits BARBARA78206500 Roos,125253-0672 HANDSOME, STORIES,97 KNIGHT Accent, JUSTICEBloom Improvisation,OF SkillsIrish LACEY,TVAccent, NewAgency lbs. SERIESFilm (212) FilmLIFE, LEGENDLtd. DESTINY, TV Accent, Ltd. Guitar,York- Adult TV TVCO- TVCO-727-529- Golf TV SHIRIN JEANINE T. MARIAN MARINA AMINI ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDERSON LAVERNESnowBilliards,5Herb ft.CommercialHAPPY 6(213)Southern Skiing,TannenSpecial in. ANDFirearms,CreditsL8645 115782-051596 DAYS Water & AccentSkills SHIRLEY AgencyAssociateslbs. TV Singer, Skiing, Adult TV 5Gymnastics,RollerROCKPersonal ft.WHO'SSLEDGE 6(818)FEATUREDStoneFEATUREDSpecial Skating,in. 'NN1520Credits 115909-7718ManagementTHE ROLL Creatives96 HAMMER, Snow Skills Swimming lbs.BOSS?, FilmMAMA, TV Skiing, Adult SouthernBritishDancer,5FARHENHEITtar,JACOB'SWIZARD ft.MONEYWaterQUIZPHANTOMBIG 4(212) Accent, Sailing,RANSOMSpecialARTBEAT Accent,in. Equestrian,MessagesFAME RIVERM9423Credits Skiing,SHOWOF100 724-2800 LADDER TRAIN94 French Swimming, 451SkillsOZ Billiards, TV lbs.Stage StageFilm TV Piano Film StageFilm Singer,Stage Accent,Film Adult Gui- Abrams-RubaloffTHEPiano,RUTHLESSINTheJAGGEDCommercial FIVESISTER,MURDERNewWest(818)(213) LIVINGDREAMAfrican TylerMatureSpecialLAWINGS Singer,HITZ HEART Eng.CreditsK2743Ind. LAW 760-0321935-1700 Kjar92 SISTERPEOPLE EDGE COLOR Accent,ONEON Film AdultSkillsAccent,Accent Swimming,Agency BEATS& TV Agency LawrenceTV Film TV Film TV Film PAMELA HELENA ANDREA PHYLLIS ANDERSON ANDOSSI ANDRESAKIS APPLEGATE PREVIOUS MAIN ACROBAT NEXT PAGE MENU TUTORIAL PAGE CHARACTERS and COMEDIENNES ACADEMY PLAYERS DIRECTORY #196 BOOK PAGE: 5 ItalianFrench5Singer,FilmSOUTHCommercial ft.The Accent,(818)(213) 7OLIVER Accent,Special Artists in.WallisWKRP CockneyM5672Credits PACIFIC 953-4848463-101096 Mature Southern Associates SkillsStageIrish Agency TVAgency Accent, Accent,Film Adult Accent PersonalSager(212)(310)Camden ManagememtAdultH41 744-5177289-2700Management96 Sutton,JudyMAMA'SCommercialMAJOR(213) Schoen BarthM6694Credits 962-1950938-600097 &FAMILY DAD & Vennari, AssociatesAgency TV TV Inc. SATAN'SBritishTURES..TEXASCRIMEDIVINETODAY'SFrenchTHEPOSITIVELY5MURDERINGMINORMAN ft.IvettSANTA JUDGE,Accent,NewPIAF, 4(972)SouthernDINNER STORYFEATURED Accent,SpecialSARAH, CHILDREN,in. WHO StoneFBI, DEMONSM7890 YorkCredits STAR 135506-996296 BARBARA, TRUE CockneyFEATURED FEATUREDCHEERLEADERCAMEMOMAccentAccent,Skills Irish AgencyStage STAR lbs. Stage TVADVEN- STAR Accent, Stage Adult FilmTOAccent, Stage TV TVFilm MARLENE JULIE BEVERLY KATHLEEN MARIE ARAGON ARASKOG ARCHER ARCHER BritishFrenchSchiowitz/Clay/Rose,5Ice ft.Commercial Accent, 3(213)Skating,SouthernScottish Accent,Special in.M7248 120463-730095 Cockney Accent, Swimming, AccentSkillsIrish Agencylbs. Accent, Adult Accent, Inc. Cycling,Fluentcyclist,(310)FlickAccent,Commercial5The East-West 271-9111French,(310) ft. Scuba Dancer,Special Artists 8Swimming,M6327 in.1850 277-777997 Diving, Fluent 125Guitar,Skills AgencyTalents, Agency (212) lbs.Spanish, Singer French- Motor- 307- Inc. RUMBLEBritishGuitar,MARRIED...WITHGIRLS5HerbTHE ft.GENERALAimeeCommercialKARATENIGHTHOOPERMAN Accent,PROTOCOL 3(818)(213) JUSTMidwest TannenFEATURED Improvisation,YOUNGINRESTLESSSpecialCO-STAR in.AssociationFEDSFUN THEM8227Credits Entertainment WANTover 110783-9115782-0515 COURT96 KID Cockney HOSPITAL, & FilmBRONX AccentFilm Skills AND AgencyAssociateslbs. IICHILDREN, TV FilmTV TO Film TV THESinger,Adult Accent, HAVE Voice- SDB(310) Partners,N0733 785-006097 Inc. VALERIE KARIN LEE CAROL AREY ARGOUD ARNONE-BRIGGS ARTHUR PREVIOUS MAIN ACROBAT NEXT PAGE MENU TUTORIAL PAGE CHARACTERS and COMEDIENNES ACADEMY PLAYERS DIRECTORY #196 BOOK PAGE: 6 BritishSISTERIrish5DulcinaLIE
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