Making sense of Open jungle

25.3.2019 Advancing Open Scholarship


OpenAIRE national workshop in Helsinki Helsinki Congress Paasitorni 12.3.2019

Text: Pauli Assinen Photos: Jussi Männistö

H2020-EINFRA-2017 Grant Agreement 777541 Advancing Open Scholarship

1| ORGANIZERS Organizing workgroup Pauli Assinen, University of Helsinki, Helsinki University Library Jari Friman, University of Helsinki, Helsinki University Library Ilmari Jauhiainen, Federation of Finnish Learned Societies Kimmo Koskinen, University of Helsinki, Helsinki University Library Marja Moisio, University of Helsinki, Helsinki University Library Henriikka Mustajoki, Federation of Finnish Learned Societies

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1| ORGANIZERS...... 1

2| PROGRAMME ...... 3

3| SPEAKERS ...... 4


5| WORKSHOP ...... 8


6| FEEDBACK ...... 16

Photo: Pauli Assinen

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2| PROGRAMME Making sense of Open Science jungle – optimizing your use of Open Science services

OpenAIRE national workshop in Helsinki 12.3.2019

Opening words: Open Science in the European Sami Niinimäki 10:00 context Ministry of Education and Culture Presentation Recording

European Open Science Cloud: from vision into Saara Kontro 10:30 useful services EOSC Secretariat, CSC Presentation Recording

Case from RDA – solutions for data management Heidi Laine 11:00 jungle RDA National Node in , CSC Presentation Recording

Aligning the European repository ecosystem with Jochen Schirrwagen 11:30 OpenAIRE guidelines Bielefeld University Library Presentation Recording

Workshop on eight themes of EOSC Portal using the gallery walk method: Networking, Compute, Facilitator: Ville Tenhunen 12:45 Storage, Sharing & discovery, Data management, University of Helsinki, IT Center Processing & analysis, Security & operations, Training & support.

Presenting the results of the workshop 14:45 Presentation Recording

Plan S for : Principles, Services, Jyrki Hakapää 15:25 Infrastructures Academy of Finland Presentation Recording

Connecting Finnish publication data to OpenAIRE – Joonas Nikkanen 15:45 case VIRTA CSC Presentation Recording

What happens in the Finnish Open Science scene – Henriikka Mustajoki 16:00 update from the coordinator Federation of Finnish Learned Presentation Recording Societies

16:15 – Discussion and feedback 16:30

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Sami Niinimäki, Ministry of Education Sami Niinimäki has worked as a senior advisor at the Ministry of Education and Culture for 6 years. His duties revolve around open science and e-infrastructure. Niinimäki has a background in environmental economics and forest economics. Prior to joining the ministry he worked at the Finnish Forest Research Institute and the University of Helsinki. His research combined a highly complex ecological tree growth model with economics and optimisation.

Saara Kontro, CSC – IT Center for Science Ltd, Finland / Saara Kontro works as a Project Manager in the Research Infrastructure and Policy unit at CSC. Saara has been working in the area of European Open Science Cloud since 2017, and leads a work package concentrating on business models and legal framework for the EOSC in the project that launched in January 2019. The EOSCsecretariat project supports the governance of the EOSC. Previously Saara worked for the Finnish Open Science and Research initiative.

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Heidi Laine, CSC – IT Center for Science Ltd, Finland / RDA Finland national node coordinator Heidi Laine works as a customer solutions coordinator at CSC IT Centre for Science data management and interoperability group. One of her roles at CSC is to act as the Research Data Alliance Finland national node coordinator. She is also the secretary of the Finnish Committee for Research Data, which is a national committee of International Science Councils data committee CODATA, and a member of CODATA International Data Policy Committee.

Jochen Schirrwagen, Bielefeld University Library, Germany Jochen Schirrwagen is working as a project coordinator at Bielefeld University Library, Germany. Since 2008 he is involved in Open Access infrastructure projects funded by the German Research Foundation and . He supports the Bielefeld team in OpenAIRE in the areas of Content Provider Interoperability Guidelines, metadata aggregation, and the OpenAIRE Usage Statistics Service.

Ville Tenhunen, University of Helsinki, Center for Information Technology Ville Tenhunen works in the Center for Information Technology of the University of Helsinki as a team leader of the IT for Science group. He has also managed some of latest research data projects in the university and act as a data support co-coordinator. He is also a co-chair of the Research Data Architectures in Research Institutions IG of the RDA.

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Jyrki Hakapää, Academy of Finland Jyrki Hakapää works as senior science adviser at the Academy of Finland. Among his tasks he coordinates open science issues at the Academy. His background is in history studies, and nowadays most of his work days concentrate on supporting research results’ societal impact.

Joonas Nikkanen, CSC – IT Center for Science Ltd, Finland Project manager and part of the Research Information and Interoperability team at CSC. Currently managing development teams on various research information related services most notably the national VIRTA Publication Information Service and Publication Forum portal.

Henriikka Mustajoki, Federation of Finnish Learned Societies Dr Henriikka Mustajoki is head of development for Open science at the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies. The Federation facilitates the National Finnish open science coordination. Henriikka also works closely with research ethics and concepts of responsible research and shared decision-making models.

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4| PARTICIPANTS At location were 57 participants from 24 organizations from three countries and tens of participants online.

At location participants by organization Aalto-yliopisto 4 Bielefeld University 1 CSC 3 Finnish Geospatial Research Institute 1 Hanken 1 Helsingin yliopisto 15 Ilmatieteen laitos 2 Itä-Suomen yliopisto 1 Jyväskylän yliopisto 2 Lahden ammattikorkeakoulu 1 Lapin ammattikorkeakoulu 1 Luonnonvarakeskus 1 LUT-yliopisto 1 OKM 1 Oulun yliopisto 2 Suomen Akatemia 1 Taideyliopisto 2 Tampereen yliopisto 6 TSV 2 Turun yliopisto 2 University of Tartu 1 Vaasan yliopisto 1 VTT 1 Åbo Akademi 4

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5.1 Target and source of service information Target of the workshop was: 1. to make EOSC services more familiar by sharing informaon about services and 2. to collect informaon about awareness of the EOSC services.

EOSC Catalogue was used as source of service information. In the Catalogue there was at that time 154 services and resources offered by 17 service providers from the public and private sector. Data collection Services were introduced as print-outs using screenshots from the Catalogue.

Participants marked on the print-outs, which services they knew and wrote comments about services they knew on post-it tags. Online participants got list of services in Google Forms – questionnaire. Only two online participants answered.

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5.2 Results – Unknown jungle Most remarkable result was that out of 154 EOSC services 66% (101) were unknown to all participants of this workshop. Most known were, not surprisingly, and eduroam, also EUDAT services were in top 10. Even though this was only a small sample of open science stakeholders, results give evidence of lack of awareness of the EOSC services. There is a need for more marketing and communication about the services to all stakeholders, keeping in mind that same and same kind of services are introduced in eInfraCentral Catalogue, EOSChub, EOSC Marketplace, OpenAIRE Portal and in many national and organisational service catalogues/portals. Issues like sustainability, categorization and findability of the services were raised in discussions.

Top 10 known EOSC services Zenodo 34 eduroam 30 B2DROP 19 Figshare 19 B2SHARE 16 B2FIND 16 B2ACCESS 15 OpenAIRE Discovery Portal 14 B2SAFE 14 eduGAIN 10 B2HANDLE 10

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Other known services

OpenAIRE Content Provider Dashboard 8 eduroam Managed IdP 7 CLARIN OpenAIRE Dashboard 6 AMNESIA 5 Trusted Certificate Service 4 GÉANT Clouds Service - Infrastructure as a Service 3 PRACE Seasonal Schools and International Summer School 3 OpenAIRE Validator 3 OpenAIRE Mining Service 3 PRACE Advanced Training Centres 3 PRACE Project Access 3 Open Science Helpdesk 3 PRACE Training Centres 3 B2STAGE 3 Technical support towards OpenAIRE compliance 3 GÉANT IP 3 OpenAIRE Broker 2 EGI FitSM Training 2 Open Science Training 2 eduGAIN Federation as a Service 2 EGI Helpdesk 2 PRACE Preparatory Access 1 OpenMinTeD Consulting on Licences for TDM 1 Aquaculture Atlas Generation Spatial Data Catalog 1 Open Telekom Cloud 1 PRACE Code Vault 1 EGI Check-In 1 EGI Cloud Compute 1 OpenAIRE ScholeXplorer 1 OpenMinTeD Catalogue of Corpora 1 OpenAIRE Funder Dashboard 1 EGI High-Throughput Compute 1 OpenMinTeD Catalogue of Ancillary Resources 1 EGI Notebook 1 OpenMinTeD Catalogue of TDM Components 1 EGI Service Monitoring 1 PRACE Application Enabling Support 1 EGI Workload Manager 1 PRACE DECI Access 1 ARP wARP 1 AGINFRA+ AGRIS Elastic Index 1 PRACE Training Portal 1

5.3 Comments and questions

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Comments - “I miss a meaningful link between the services; the list and categories are not sufficient.” - “Is there a validation process on which services are included in “EOSC Portal” or catalogue?” - “Is providing a description enough?” - PhenoMeNal: “Hyvä lyhenne” (good abbreviation) - B2FIND: “Differs how of OpenAIRE etc. portals which include metadata on data as well?” - Software Repository: “Is this a service by- PhenoMeNal: “Hyvä lyhenne” (good abbreviation)he BlueBridge project and they have just forgotten to put project name to title??? Otherwise very generic.” - Open Science Training: “Is this generic category or a specific service provided by a specific service provider?” - Collaboration Framework: “Sounds interesting and useful.” - Research Data Alliance (RDA) OpenAIRE Dashboard: “Sounds like a very useful service.” - eduGAIN: “Seems very useful service to students, researchers and educators. Not yet so familiar/known however?” - Zenodo: “One can create one’s own communities which is nice (+ CC-licences)” - eduroam: “Probably the most known and used service in the EOSC catalogue of services.”

Something missing - “My field: political sciences! There’s a lot of election etc. data available at FSD -> are they going to join?” - “One size fits all data visualization tool!”

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Results of all the services by EOSC category

Category Service OnSite Gforms Known Aggregator CLARIN OpenAIRE Dashboard 6 6 Aggregator CompBioMed Software Hub 0 Aggregator EGI Applications on Demand 0 Aggregator EGI Marketplace 0 Aggregator EGI Validated Software and Repository 0 Aggregator European Cloud Hosting 0 Aggregator European Marine Science OpenAIRE Dashboard 0 Aggregator Fisheries and Aquaculture Management OpenAIRE Dashboard 0 Greek Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) OpenAIRE Aggregator Dashboard 0 Aggregator Neuroinformatics OpenAIRE Dashboard 0 Aggregator Open Telekom Cloud 1 1 Aggregator OpenAIRE Content Provider Dashboard 7 1 8 Aggregator OpenAIRE Discovery Portal 14 14 Aggregator OpenMinTeD Catalogue of Ancillary Resources 1 1 Aggregator OpenMinTeD Catalogue of Corpora 1 1 Aggregator OpenMinTeD Catalogue of TDM Applications 0 Aggregator OpenMinTeD Catalogue of TDM Components 1 1 Aggregator OpenMinTeD Corpus Builder for Scholarly Works 0 Aggregator OpenRiskNet e-infrastructure 0 Aggregator PhenoMeNal 0 Aggregator PRACE Code Vault 1 1 Aggregator V-SEEM CLOWDER 0 Aggregator Zenodo 32 2 34 Analytics Data Miner Analytics Prototype Service 0 Analytics Data Miner Analytics Service 0 Analytics Data warehousing facilities 0 Analytics OpenAIRE Usage Statistics 0 Application Collaboration Framework 0 Application PRACE Application Enabling Support 1 1 Application Software Integration Support 0 Compute EGI Cloud Compute 1 1 Compute EGI Cloud Container Compute 0 Compute EGI High-Throughput Compute 1 1 Compute EGI Workload Manager 1 1 Compute GÉANT Clouds Service - Infrastructure as a Service 3 3 Compute PRACE DECI Access 1 1 Compute PRACE Preparatory Access 1 1 Compute PRACE Project Access 3 3 Consulting OpenMinTeD Consulting on Licences for TDM 1 1 Consulting SHAPE 0 Data Access to platforms 0 Data AMNESIA 5 5 Data Aquaculture Atlas Generation Spatial Data Catalog 1 1 Data Aquaculture Atlas Spatial Data Repository 0

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Category Service OnSite Gforms Known Data Aquaculture Farming 0 Data B2DROP 19 19 Data B2FIND 16 16 Data B2HANDLE 10 10 Data B2SAFE 14 14 Data B2SHARE 16 16 Data B2STAGE 3 3 Data Biodiversity 0 Data BiOnym 0 Data Spatial Data Catalog 0 Data D4Science Spatial Data Repository 0 Data Data-driven Atlas Production 0 Data Dynamic Reporting 0 Data EGI Data Transfer 0 Data Figshare 19 19 Data French Tuna Atlas Spatial Data Catalog 0 Data French Tuna Atlas Spatial Data Repository 0 Data Global Record of Stocks and Fishery 0 Data Global Tuna Atlas Spatial Data Catalog 0 Data Global Tuna Atlas Spatial Data Repository 0 Data Indian Ocean Tuna Commission Spatial Data Catalog 0 Data NYM Framework 0 Data OpenAIRE Broker 2 2 Data OpenAIRE Graph Access API 0 Data OpenAIRE Mining Service 3 3 Data OpenAIRE ScholeXplorer 1 1 Data OpenAIRE Validator 3 3 Data Protected Area Impact Maps Spatial Data Repository 0 Data Regional Database for Fishery Stock Management 0 Data Scalable Data Mining 0 Data Spatial Data Infrastructure Laboratory Catalog 0 Data Spatial Planning 0 Data Species Modeling 0 Data Stock Assessment Support 0 Data Support for Data Publication 0 Data Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission Spatial Data Catalog 0 Data Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission Spatial Data Repository 0 Networking eduPERT 0 Networking GÉANT IP 3 3 Networking GÉANT L3VPN 0 Networking GÉANT Lambda 0 Networking GÉANT MDVPN 0 Networking GÉANT Open 0 Networking GÉANT Plus 0 Networking GÉANT Testbeds Service 0 Operations EGI Accounting 0

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Category Service OnSite Gforms Known Operations EGI Configuration Database 0 Operations EGI Helpdesk 2 2 Operations EGI Operational tools 0 Operations EGI Service Monitoring 1 1 Operations Nuvla Multi-cloud Application Management Platform 0 Operations Open Science Helpdesk 3 3 Operations OpenAIRE Funder Dashboard 1 1 Operations OpenMinTeD Builder of TDM Applications 0 Operations OpenMinTeD TDM Applications Executor 0 Operations perfSONAR 0 Operations Technical support towards OpenAIRE compliance 3 3 Other AGINFRA+ AGRIS Elastic Index 1 1 Other AGINFRA+ Chart Visualization 0 Other AGINFRA+ Data Transformation Service 0 Other AGINFRA+ Geoanalytics Visualization 0 Other AGINFRA+ Ontology Engineering Service 0 Other AGINFRA+ Semantic Linking Service 0 Other EGI Notebook 1 1 Security Accounting Framework 0 Security B2ACCESS 15 15 Security eduGAIN 9 1 10 Security eduGAIN Federation as a Service 2 2 Security eduroam 28 2 30 Security eduroam Managed IdP 7 7 Security EGI Attribute Management 0 Security EGI Check-In 1 1 Security InAcademia 0 Security Trusted Certificate Service 4 4 Security Trusted Introducer 0 Software 3DBIONOTES 0 Software AMBER 0 Software ARP wARP 1 1 Software Auto-Rickshaw 0 Software CS-ROSETTA3 0 Software Dipcheck 0 Software DisVis web portal 0 Software Finding Anisotropy Tensor 0 Software HADDOCK Web Portal 0 Software Jaqpot 0 Software MetalPDB 0 Software PDB_REDO server 0 Software PowerFit web portal 0 Software Protein Crystallisation Construct Designer 0 Software Scipion 0 Software Software Repository 0 Software SpotOn 0

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Category Service OnSite Gforms Known Software Transkribus 0 Software Virtual Folder for Structural Biology Projects 0 Storage EGI Archive Storage 0 Storage EGI Online Storage 0 Storage Secure File Sharing and Storage 0 Training CompBioMed Training Portal 0 Training EGI FitSM Training 2 2 Training EGI Training Infrastructure 0 Training ISO 27001 Training 0 Training Open Science Training 2 2 Training OpenMinTeD Support and Training 0 Training PRACE Advanced Training Centres 3 3 Training PRACE MOOC 0 Training PRACE Seasonal Schools and International Summer School 3 3 Training PRACE Training Centres 3 3 Training PRACE Training Portal 1 1 Training Scientific Training Environment 0 Training TRANSITS Training 0

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6| FEEDBACK Feedback was collected with OpenAIRE feedback questionnaire. Eighteen participants answered. Event was mostly evaluated as satisfactory, no one considering it as less than satisfactory. General organization, relevance and especially venue got good ratings. According to answers the level of the event was intermediate and the length was right.

Making sense of Open Science jungle Overall evaluation 20




0 More than Satisfactory Satisfactory Less than Satisfactory

Making sense of Open Science jungle Ratings 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 5 4 3 2 1

General organisation Relevance Venue

Making sense of Open Science jungle Making sense of Open Science jungle Length of the event Level of the event 15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0 Too long Right length Too short Introductory Intermediate Advanced

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Making sense of Open Science jungle Making sense of Open Science jungle Programme Presentations 12 15 10 8 10 6 4 5 2 0 0 Poor Fair Good Excellent No Poor Fair Good Excellent No opinion opinion

Making sense of Open Science jungle Making sense of Open Science jungle Acoustics Meeting space 10 12 8 10 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 0 Poor Fair Good Excellent No Poor Fair Good Excellent No opinion opinion

Making sense of Open Science jungle Making sense of Open Science jungle Handouts Coffee/lunch 8 14 12 6 10 8 4 6 2 4 2 0 0 Poor Fair Good Excellent No Poor Fair Good Excellent No opinion opinion

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List of takeaways mentioned in feedback:

Take-away Challenges of Plan S EOSC EOSC - future plans EOSC is a jungle. EOSC portal - what a huge information resource EOSC services (have to check) EOSC services and familiarizing them General update on what is going on. Good services to recommend Information aboud Plan S. Information infrastructures in Finland, how they work. Multiple interesting OpenAIRE services to look upon New services, EOSC etc. OA is a mess (OA is a mess) but the goals are good OA is the future OpenAIRE OpenAIRE OpenAIRE - scale of services was new to me OpenAIRE - what kinds of things it includes Overview of Open Science related policy papers. Plan S - the current situation Portal RDA RDA Finland - interesting new service RDA resources RDA workgroups (take a part) Things from the lunchtable :) (Discussion topics) We need to raise more awareness on what is going on in the OA/OS bubble. Very good EU overview by Sami Niinimäki. Views of EOSC in practice. VIRTA integration VIRTA to OpenAIRE (fine)