MAMUSA LOCAL MUNICIPALITY INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2013 - 2017 JUNE 2013 1 GENERAL INFORMATION MAMUSA LOCL MUNICIPALITY INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN (THIRD GENERATION) FIRST DRAFT 2012-2017(Five Year Plan) Enquiries Mayor: Councillor A Motswana Municipal Manager: Mr R Gincane IDP Manager: Mr S Malongwa Mamusa Local Municipality P.O. Box 5 Schweizer-Reneke 2780 Fax: 053-963 2474 Tel: 053-963 1331 Email:
[email protected] 2 T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S 7 1. Mayor’s Foreword 2. Executive Summary 8 3. The Planning Process (Preparation Phase) 9 3.1. Legal and Policy Coontext 9 3.2. Institutional Arrangeements, Roles and Responsibilities 9 3.3. Process Plan 10 3.4. Summary of Community Based Planning and Public Participation 19 Processes 4. The Municipal Vision, Mission and Values 22 5. Situational Analysis, 23 6. Objectives, Strategies, Projects and Integration for each Sector 76 6.1. Thematic Area 1: Service Delivery 76 . Water . Sanitation . Electricity . Municipal Roads . Refuse Removal . Human Settlement 6.2. Thematic Area 2: Local Economic Development 81 . Municipal Contribution to LED . LED Aligned to PGDS . Support for SMME’s 6.3. Municipal Transformation, Institutional Development and 87 Labour matters objectives, strategies, projects & target 3 . Policies and procedures developed . Vacancies Top 4 (MM, CFO, Engineer and Planners) . Critical Positions . Performance Agreements . Skills Development PPlan (training and development) . Employment Equity Plan . Local Labour Forumm 6.4. Thematic Area 3: Financial Management and Administrative 91 Capacity . Revenue enhancemment programme developed . Debt Management . Funding plan for capital expenditure . Internal Audit . Supply Chain Division (SCM policy applied fair and transsparent) .