Australian Foreign Policy: Making the World Work

Hotel Realm, Monday 15 October 2018


The Australian Institute of International Affairs is an independent national organisation dedicated to promoting greater understanding of international issues since 1924 Monday 15 October

08.00-09.00 Registration

9:00-10:45 Australian Foreign Policy

Senator the Hon Marise Payne, Minister for Foreign Affairs

Senator the Hon Penny Wong, Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs

Allan Gyngell AO FAIIA, National President of the Australian Institute of International Affairs

Zara Kimpton OAM, National Vice-President, Australian Institute of Chair International Affairs

10:45-11:15 Morning Tea

11:15-12:45 Enhancing ’s Prosperity

Dr John Edwards, Adjunct Professor, John Curtin Institute of Public Policy and Fellow, Lowy Institute

Penny Burtt, Group CEO, Asialink

Fiona Simson, President, National Farmers Federation

Professor Mark Beeson, Professor at the University of Western Australia and Research Chair, Australian Institute of International Affairs

Tom Rayner, Director, Deloitte Risk Advisory and National Treasurer, Chair Australian Institute of International Affairs

12:45-1:30 Lunch

1:30-3:00 Strengthening Australia’s Security

Professor Rory Medcalf, Head of the National Security College, Australian National University

1 Dr Elsina Wainwright AM, Senior Fellow, US Studies Centre, University of Sydney and Non-Resident Fellow, Center on International Cooperation, New York University

Dr Rebecca Strating, Department of Politics and Philosophy, La Trobe


James Brown, President of the Returned and Services League NSW

Professor Clinton Fernandes, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Chair

UNSW Canberra at the Australian Defence Force Academy

3:00-3:30 Afternoon Tea

3:30-5:00 Australia’s Contribution to Global Issues

Associate Professor Helen Evans AO FAIIA, Nossal Institute for Global Health, University of Melbourne

Christine Milne AO, former Leader of the Australian Greens and former Senator for Tasmania

Professor Steven Freeland, Dean, School of Law, Western Sydney University

Professor Toby Walsh FAAS, Professor of Artificial Intelligence, University of New South Wales

Professor Toni Erskine, Director of the Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Chair

Affairs, Australian National University

5:00-5:30 Concluding Remarks

John McCarthy AO, former Ambassador/High Commissioner to the US, Japan, Indonesia, Mexico, Thailand and India and past National President, Australian Institute of International Affairs

Melissa Conley Tyler, National Executive Director, Australian Institute of International Affairs


Australian Foreign Policy

Senator the Hon Marise Payne Minister for Foreign Affairs

On 26 August 2018, Marise Payne was appointed Minister for Foreign Affairs by Prime Minister . She had previously served as Minister for Defence from 2015-2018 and as Minister for Human Services from 2013-2015. She has represented the people of New South Wales in the Senate since 1997 and has served as Shadow Minister for Indigenous Development and Employment, Shadow Minister for COAG and Shadow Minister for Housing. She plays an active role in the Senate and has been a member of both Joint and Senate committees, including as Chair of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade and as Chair of its Human Rights subcommittee.

Senator the Hon Penny Wong Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs and Opposition Leader in the Senate

Penny Wong has been Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs since 2016. In this role, she has made out the case for Australia’s role as a good international citizen, supporting peace, prosperity and stability through a commitment to the rules-based international order. She has previously served as Minister for Climate Change and Water, representing Australia in international climate change negotiations, and as Minister for Finance and Deregulation, working with Treasurer Wayne Swan to deliver three budgets in the difficult aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis. She was the first woman to be elected as Leader of the Government in the Senate. Her policy interests include economics, environmental issues, gender equality and international relations.

Allan Gyngell AO FAIIA National President, Australian Institute of International Affairs

Allan Gyngell was appointed National President of the AIIA in 2017. He is an honorary professor with the Australian National University’s College of Asia and the Pacific and was most recently Director of the ANU Crawford Leadership Forum. He has had an extensive career in international affairs including as Director-General of the Australian Office of National Assessments from 2009-13 and as founding Executive Director of the Lowy Institute from 2003-9. He worked at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, serving as a diplomat in Rangoon, Singapore and Washington, and at the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet. He was a senior advisor to Prime Minister from 1993-6. He was recognised as a Fellow of the AIIA in 2010.

Chair: Zara Kimpton OAM National Vice-President, Australian Institute of International Affairs Enhancing Australia’s Prosperity

Dr John Edwards Adjunct Professor, John Curtin Institute of Public Policy and Fellow, Lowy Institute

A leading economist, Dr John Edwards served as principal economic adviser to Treasurer and then Prime Minister Paul Keating. He served as a member of the Reserve Bank Board and in various posts at Macquarie Bank, Société Generale, APEC, HSBC, Economic Development Board of Bahrain and the Treasury. He has also worked as a political and economic journalist in Sydney, Canberra and Washington and as correspondent for The Australian and Australian Financial Review. He has written books on Prime Ministers Keating and John Curtin. He is a board member of Committee for Economic Development of Australia.

Penny Burtt Group CEO, Asialink

Penny is CEO of Asialink, Australia's leading centre for the promotion of Asian countries and Australia's role in the region. She joined Asialink from global payments company Visa Inc, where she served as Vice President Government Affairs for the Asia Pacific. Prior to Visa, Penny led External Relations and Client Service Risk for the Asia Pacific with McKinsey&Company. Penny is a former senior diplomat who represented Australia at a senior level in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and at the United Nations in Geneva and New York and also served as an adviser to the Minister for Foreign Affairs.

Fiona Simson President, National Farmers Federation

Fiona Simson is the President of the National Farmers Federation and is the first woman to hold the post. A mixed farmer and grazier with tertiary qualifications in business and education, Fiona’s passion for local food production and the growth and sustainability of rural and regional Australia led to a career in local government as Councillor of Liverpool Plains Shire Council. She sits on the Board of NRMA, the Australian Made Campaign, AgStewardship and the Farmers Fighting Fund.

Professor Mark Beeson Professor at the University of Western Australia Research Chair, Australian Institute of International Affairs

Mark Beeson is a Professor of Political Science and International Relations who was appointed AIIA Research Chair in 2017. Before joining the University of Western Australia, he taught at Murdoch, Griffith, Queensland, Birmingham and York. His current major research projects are on Australia-China political economy and on the EU region in crisis. He co-edited the latest volume in the AIIA’s Australia in World Affairs series: Navigating the New International Disorder.

Chair: Tom Rayner Director, Deloitte Risk Advisory National Treasurer, Australian Institute of International Affairs Strengthening Australia’s Security

Professor Rory Medcalf Head of the National Security College, Australian National University

Professor Rory Medcalf’s career spans diplomacy, journalism, think-tanks and intelligence analysis. He is the current head of the National Security College of the Crawford School of Public Policy at the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific. He served as a senior strategic analyst at the Office of National Assessments and as a diplomat in New Delhi and Japan. He has made major contributions to policy, including the 2014 Defence White Paper. He is active in promoting Australian-Indian relations, founding and co-chairing the Australia-India Roundtable.

Dr Elsina Wainwright AM Senior Fellow, United States Studies Centre, University of Sydney Non-Resident Fellow, Center on International Cooperation, New York University

Dr Elsina Wainwright AM has recently returned to Australia after 10 years in New York. An expert in US foreign and defence policy, she was appointed to Australia’s Panel of Representatives to the ASEAN Regional Forum’s Expert and Eminent Persons group. She has also served as the director of the Strategy and International Program of ASPI and a political analyst for the International Crisis Group in Bosnia. In 2018 she was recognised as a Member of the Order of Australia for outstanding service to Australia's international affairs.

Dr Rebecca Strating Department of Politics and Philosophy, La Trobe University

Dr Rebecca Strating is a Lecturer of Politics at La Trobe University. She is an exciting emerging researcher in international relations, focusing on Australia and Asia, maritime disputes and small state foreign policy. She won the Boyer Prize for the best original article in the Australian Journal of International Affairs in 2017. Her book Social Democracy in East Timor was published by Routledge Taylor and Francis in 2015. Her second book, The Post-Colonial Security Dilemma, will be published in 2018 with the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.

James Brown President of the Returned and Services League NSW

James Brown is the President of the Returned and Services League NSW and a Non- Resident Fellow and Adjunct Associate Professor with the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney. He is a former Australian Army officer who served in Iraq, the Solomon Islands and Afghanistan. From 2010-2014 he was the Military Fellow at the Lowy Institute. A regular contributor to Australian and international media, his first book, Anzac's Long Shadow: The Cost of Our National Obsession, was released to acclaim and shortlisted for the 2014 John Button Prize

Chair: Professor Clinton Fernandes School of Humanities and Social Sciences, UNSW Canberra at the Australian Defence Force Academy Australia’s Contribution to Global Issues

Associate Professor Helen Evans AO FAIIA Nossal Institute for Global Health, University of Melbourne and former Deputy Executive Director, Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

Helen Evans is an expert in public health and development and an experienced leader in global health organisations, with a special focus on infectious diseases. Based in Geneva from 2005 until 2014, she served as Deputy Executive Director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and subsequently as Deputy CEO at Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance. She currently has an honorary appointment as Associate Professor at the Nossal Institute for Global Health at the University of Melbourne and sits on a number of boards and global health advisory groups.

Christine Milne AO Former Leader of the Australian Greens and former Senator for Tasmania

Christine Milne is an accomplished advocate for the environment, successfully fighting to save the Franklin River and Wesley Vale. During her time as a Senator, she was also instrumental in the development and passage of the 2012 Clean Energy Package, which included a carbon price. It has since been recognised by the International Energy Agency as a template for developed countries. She is currently an Ambassador for Global Greens and for the 100% Renewable Energy Campaign of the World Future Council.

Professor Steven Freeland Dean of the School of Law, Western Sydney University

Steven Freeland is an international lawyer and a specialist on space law. He has taught at universities in 20 countries and has produced over 300 publications. He is a faculty member at the London Institute of Space Policy and Law, a Director of the Paris-based International Institute of Space Law, a member of the International Law Association’s Space Law Committee and a member of the Australian Centre for Space Engineering Research’s Advisory Board. He advises the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science on the regulation of space activities.

Professor Toby Walsh FAAS Professor of Artificial Intelligence, University of New South Wales

Professor Toby Walsh is the Scientia Professor of Artificial Intelligence at UNSW. Hailed as a ‘rock star’ of Australia’s digital revolution, he is a pre-eminent researcher on AI and robotics and their impact on our daily lives. He leads the Algorithmic Decision Theory Group at Data61 and is a visiting professor at TU Berlin. He has been an outspoken advocate at the United Nations and elsewhere for banning lethal autonomous weapons and placing limits on AI for the public good. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science.

Chair: Professor Toni Erskine Director of the Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs, Australian National University Concluding Remarks

John McCarthy AO FAIIA Past National President, Australian Institute of International Affairs

John McCarthy served as Australia’s Ambassador to Vietnam (1981-83), Mexico (1985-87), Thailand (1992-94), the United States (1995-97), Indonesia (1997-2001) and Japan (2001-4) and as High Commissioner to India (2004-9). He has also served in Damascus, Baghdad and Vientiane and as Deputy Secretary in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Canberra. John has held roles as National President of the Australian Institute of International Affairs, Chair of the Australia-India Council, Chair of the Advisory Board of the Griffith Asia Institute and Co- Convenor of the Australia-Indonesia Dialogue.

Melissa Conley Tyler National Executive Director, Australian Institute of International Affairs

Melissa Conley Tyler has led the AIIA since 2006. During this time, she has overseen more than 50 publications and 100 policy events, stimulated dramatic growth in communications and built stronger relations with other institutes worldwide. Under her leadership the AIIA was ranked the top think tank in Southeast Asia and the Pacific in the Global Go To Think Tanks Index for three years running. She was previously Senior Fellow of Melbourne Law School and maintains an international profile including on the Editorial Board of Conflict Resolution Quarterly.

Masterclass Presenters, Sunday 14 October 2018

Australia and the Indo-Pacific Diplomacy and Public Diplomacy

• Dr Sue Boyd FAIIA, former High • The Hon Penelope Wensley AC FAIIA, former Commissioner to Fiji and Bangladesh, Governor of Queensland and senior diplomat with Consul-General in Hong Kong and postings as Permanent Representative to the United Ambassador to Vietnam Nations, Ambassador to France, Consul General in • Richard Smith AO PSM FAIIA, former Hong Kong, High Commissioner to India and secretary of the Department of Defence Ambassador for the Environment and former Ambassador to China and to • Dr Alison Broinowski FAIIA, former Australian Indonesia diplomat, author and research affiliate at the Australian National University

Intelligence and Diplomacy Global Issues and International Organisations

• David Irvine AO FAIIA, former • Associate Professor Helen Evans AO FAIIA, Director-General, Australian Security Nossal Institute for Global Health, University of Intelligence Organisation (ASIO), former Melbourne and former Deputy Executive Director at Ambassador to China and former High The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Commissioner to Papua New Guinea Malaria • Geoffrey Miller AO FAIIA, former • Emeritus Professor Ramesh Thakur FAIIA, Director-General of the Office of National Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian Assessments, former Ambassador to Japan National University and former Assistant Secretary- and South Korea and former High General of the United Nations Commissioner to New Zealand