M S Noted Singers Are Coining to Showboat Threespecialsaledays
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LEDGER ENTRIES MS -nd ALTO SOU) Being a Collection of Variom Topics of Local asd LOWELL, MICHIGAN. THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1934 General Interest FORTY-SECOND YEAR NO.l0 LOCKJAW FROM THE SOIL Pauline Gardner Exc/iange Group pR||||ARY SLATE T HAS been staled that what Odds nncl Ends killed John Roth Weisheimer Is River Victim may lake Over I just as boyhood was unfolding Here and Tliere before him was that deadly, soil- Noted Singers Are borne infection, tetanus, which I Near Portland Canning Works COMPLETED FOR we commonly call lockjaw, i Pithy Points Picked I'p and There is no place in which hu- Miss Pauline Gardner, 19, was Negotiations are pending be-ljAII DITKI ft C C Pally Put Br Our Peripa- man beings have lived in which the victim of a heart attack last tween Mr. Lawn-mv Rutherford r/lLL iVUlVUrr tetic Pencil Pusher the tetanus germ may not be I Friday night while wading in and the l-jnergency Exchange As- found. All that protects the; Coining To Showboat'(iran d River at Electric Park sociation of Grand Rapids to use barefoot boy from its deadly in-j near Portland. She had gone to the Edwin Fallas (inning fac- Free port will ho|«i its Annual fection is the fact that nature the park with a party of young tory to can all farm commodities PETITIONS OF CANDIDATE^ Homecoming on September 1st. has provided the sole of the foot people, chaperoned by JJrs. Hu- for the association's store. FILED TUESDAY—BIG CON- with such a tough, thick, almost ibert Fryover of Portland, at Clare M. Findlay. one of the di- Careless diver, faulty brakes, homy &kin that few things can Boat Is Nearing Eminent Guests whose home she had been visit- rectors of the Association and a TEST CENTERS ON GOVER- slippery pavement golden Gales. penetrate it- But any break in ing. They had been in the water fomier l>owell boy, addressed the NOR AND COUNTY SHERIFF the skin that comes in contact Completion Are Invited for some time when those near Board of Trade dinner meeting Something unheard of. (irand with the soil is a possible source shore saw Pauline disappear. last Friday night outlining the —SEVERAL CANDIDATES UN- Ledge beer sellers voluntarily ask of danger. The body was recovered in a few methods of the association. It is OPPOSED the Grand I<edge common council Summer is lockjaw time. Not A torrent of water roared down The Showboat's distin|uished minutes by Herbert and Sam Fry- a self-help organization similar to lo limit their hours on Sunday, guest committee has designated so many die of it as formerly, the bed of Flat River Monday af- over who practiced what they the ones in San Francisco, Seat- Eastern Kent County voters since so many have been taught ternoon after the last segment of the first performance of the had been taught as Boy Scouts tle. Minneapolis, Dayton and Weslem Michigan will join the danger of a soil-infected in- the coffer dam was pounded into Showboat, Thursday, August 2, as about first aid. without success. Lansing. Mr. Findlay returned to have a choice of 33 Democratic Grand Haven August 9 lo 12 in the Grand Rapids night The mayor and 37 Republican candidates in observance of its founding 100 jury. In Cuba and other dense- ice and repair work under ad- Pauline's father, Hugh Gardner, Lowell Monday to confer with the primary races for state and lv-popidated tropical regions, ning building! was completed. and city commissioners will be was notified and he left immedi- Mr. Rutherford and to register years ago by the Rev, Wm. M. S invited to attend. FRED A. CHAPMAN county offices, according to pe- Ferry. Jhe natives fear to walk on the Three benefits occurred at once, ately for Portland. The coroner local unemployed, since the Asso- titions filed in the office of the ground without sandals of some street was relieved of the Friday has been named Gov- decided an inquest would he un- Here is the genial secretary of ciation will operate this factory ernor's and Distinguished Guests' county clerk by the deadline on Here lies the body of Wm. Lake sort to protect them from lock- monotonous dum-dum of tht necessary. the Ionia Free Fair, an exposit- with Ixtwell people as far as Tuesday afternoon. jaw. steam hammer; the stench of the nightj Gov. Gomstock and his Pauline attended high school ion that has come to be known possible. Tread softly all who pass; staff, past living governors, use In a few instances there will be He thought his foot was on the dried river bed was ended: and, here and was well known in from coast to coast as Michigan's All self-help organizations no party contests, the incumbents UNDEB8TANDING THE MASSES greatest of all, work on the Low- Michigan's two senators, and the Lowell. The sympathy of the Greatest Outdoor Event. "Chap- scrip as a circulating medium, brake, Congressmen from this district being unopposed. * indicates the But it was on the gas. ell Showboat was resumed at community is extended to her pie". as he is known throughout and all salaries are paid in scrip present office holder. The com OST OF the outcry against and the 8th and 9th districts will parents, her twin brother, and the amusement world, is presi- redeemable in the Association the President's "Brain Trust" be invited. plete national, state and count\ Four Tuscola county men were M is not against trained in- Robert Starkey, chief construc- her sisters. dent of the International Asso- store. The store's supplies are ob- list follows : tion engineer, said that only four The last performance, Satur- Obitaary ciation of Fairs and Expositions. tained through exchange of labor. arrested for throwing dead horses telligence but against the belief day, has been called Legion night 10 the hogs instead of burying that many of the bright young days of steady work were needed Pauline B. Gardner, daughter He is now whipping into shape or merchandising barter. It is lo-1 U. S. SENATOR to raise the deck and wheel- Past stale commanders and the the details of a week of spec- cated at 431-437 Bond St., Grand Republican them. The state board of health men with whom Mr. Roosevelt commandenr of the five posts in of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gardner, Rapids. made the complaint after an in- has surrounded himself are not house and install the motors. tacular entertainment that will 'Arthur H. Vandenberg, Then its cheery whistle will sum Grand Rapids will be asked to was bom in Ionia County. Feb. be the 1934 edition of the Ionia Self-help organizations w-hich vestigation. yet sufficiency experienced in attend. 2. 1915 and passed away July 20. Democratic ways of the world to be safe moo colored minstrels, soloists, by her Free Fair. August 13 to 18. have proved successful have been chorus, and specialty dancers and The committee consists of R- M. 1934. She is survived granted federal aid for machinery] If all the seedlings and trans- guides for the nation in a time of Shivel, chairman; D. G. Look, R. father and mother, a twin broth- and equipment. Frank A. Picard. plants distributed from Higgins trouble like this. In the homely singers aboard for the entertain- er Paul, two sisters. Ruth (Mrs. nK__ Alva M. Cummins. Iment season at Lowell dock. VanDyke, J. A. Arehart, William If the contract with the Fallas Lake nursery last spring were country phrase, they are "not Delaney, Wm. C Doyle, N. E. William Heim) and Esther, the I 13IIS t/03iPlCl6fl Claude S. Carney. planted in one plot and matured yet dry behind the ears." August 2, 3 and 4. (inning Co. is signed, local men Ray I). Schneider. C H. RundmanRu , chairman of Borgerson, M. N. Henry, J. M. grandparents, several aunts and* • will be put to work there canning they would form a pine forest Understanding is more impor- Hutchinson and R. G. Jefferies. uncles, a five-weeks-old niece. foodstuffs which are paid to the U. S. CONGRESSMAN covering 2.500 acres of land. tant than knowledge, especially the entertainment committee, has Roma June Heim. and a host of engaged the I^eonard Male Association in return for work 5th DISTRICT in politics. The man who doe. „ . - . „ .. , other relatives and friends. For Flower Show The Midwest Refinery at Alma G d 1 ,c s,n done by Association men. These. Republican not understand the vagaries and J* ™ g" ** ? » Her tragic death came as a workers, instead of beinp paid by has been completed and is now in limitations of human nature may •5*5' '^e Showboat per- shock to all who knew her. The sponsors of the Flower lo anc the farmer, in this case, will be 'Carl E. Mapes. operation 24 hours a day. Gaso- be as brilliant as Einstein, but l "r * _1 , . # 0. Old Residents to Funeral services were held at the Show, under the auspices of the paid in scrip by the Association Charles W. Williams. line, kerosene, naphtha and fuel people never have confidence in / consists of Ed N al- Congregational church at 2 p. m. Lowell Garden Lore Club, wish leno : 1 which they can then spend at the Democratic 011 are being produced from the him as a leader of men. [ on Monday. July 23. Rev. S. B. to remind the public of the four- organization's store. An arrange- Central Michigan Oil fields.