PORTS an MSU Football Defensive Force

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PORTS an MSU Football Defensive Force EW Tl I l l\S D \ \ _ \ 0 , ('lll her IG. 2006 \S\ JSL E'ponent Special Senate Meeting Pass Chemistry uilding Resolutio ...,.. Photo by Rachel Cudr · J ·1 'l /, lf.· - t t"101111 l Th ASHSL S,na'traentl1p.wed.1m h The ire-:... Chemzstr\ f-~z.zl1t\', ,urrc 11tl\' u11da comtructio11. has been propos,·d 111a111~1 · a< a resear<"hJ11c1 1ty, wit·' oiu 111 '<l'l 111 a '';or llH rue wt. ' ' I . 0 • • J • / · · J h. I /, ( f j" th t 5ft i nt fl/ ItIOI/ m /\" t't' 11tua/l)' fil)' /or Oj>t'/"ll/101/S ti/It '111l llltcll<lllif ~ requc 1tmg th.it a Bo.ml of Regent• resolution regardrng ediji11i11g n-secrch •IS ucaac·mff t' XC w1f t 1.1 <I/JI 1 mg' 'If t o_ ,•,11J a " ,. ' . Laboratory Facility (CRLF) at Montana State (CRLF( focus will be forgotten. and it will be said. 'Tm ~ot at all again t sha'.:d gc C HER\ L 1--.~ 0BEL University-Bozeman (MSU) co an academic remembered as an opposition to research." nance, but it has to go both ways._ ·1d· " The University of Montana also has a At the ASMSU Senate speaal b w m~ . ·ec1 With that intent, ASMSU would send chemisrry research facility, and Philip noted on Nov. 15, several issues were rats TI1is is the second in a series of arti­ a message to the Regents chat a resolution that UM would like to redefine their build- Arthu11 had encountered at the Reg cles that will be covering research currently on their table to redefine research ing. Therefore, he said, UM will most likely meeting. and of which students had I costs and the building of the new as "academic" was not supported by ASMSU bring up the resolution during the Regents' unaware. Chemistry Research Building on the in regards to tl1e CRlF. meeting. and he expects it to be approved. "There are lots of things they her;• MSU campus. The reason for this disapproval is that if WiththeresolutionpassedattheSenate's told us - t11ey just want to rush things cc the currently "non-academic" CRLF was to special session. tl1ey resolved tl1e following: Regents," said Tangedal, "and we nee' On Wednesday, Nov. 15, the ASMSU be redefined as "academic," then funding "TI1e Associated Students of Montana State pick our battles." Senate convened for a special session to for the operations and maintenance (O&M) University (ASMSU) express their opposition First. the budget for a new Large An#i vote on a resolution regarding funding for of the building could be taken from state to redefining the Chemisrry/Biochemistry Veterinary Bio-Molecular Building was ,,. tl1e new Chemistry/Biochemistry Research and tuition dollars, even though Provost Research Laboratory Facility as an academic po eel for an increase from 2.5 to 3.5 Laboratory Facility (CRLF) that is currently David Dooley assured the ASMSU Senate building." lion dollars. The ASMSU Senate vote 11 under consouction. TI1e resolution passed on September 15, 2005 that student money This reworked resolution stated essen- ask the Regents to table a decision on• unanimously. would not be used for the CRLF. only In- tially the same things as the previous reso- until ASMSU gets more information ffon A similiar resolution was presented Direct Costs (IOCs) recovered. lution, and was brought back to the table administration about funding. at the ASMSU Senate meeting on Nov. 9 According to documents from former because the senators that had opposed the Second, tl1e ASMSU Senate vote and voted down. Montana Governor Judy Martz. the CRLF was ov. 9 resolution had rethought the issue ask the Regents to again table an item ' "We were rushed to a decision. approved to be built based on the prom- and wanted to show the Regents that they asked for the approval to begin desi~ ·· and it should have been tabled," Ross ise tl1at no additional state funds would be disapprove ofthe redefinition. The failure to and planning new sky suites in the B<' Tangedal, AMSU Assistant President Pro- required for O&M expenses. pass the earlier resolution had inferred pos- Football Stadium. Tempore, said. Michael Pasque, ASMSU President Pro- sible approval. "It is very important," said Pasque · It was not tabled at the Nov. 9 meet- Tempore, noted that the resolution would "We shouldn't be concerned about t11ings we just need to watch. Who's l ing because the sponsors of the resolution leave only student tuition dollars available flip-flopping," said Leif Anderson, ASMSU to be watching when they actually as wanted a \·ore so they could send a mes- for additional funding on the O&M of the Senator. "We should be concerned about tile money Ito build(?" sage to the Montana Board of Regents. CRlF. He also said that the ASMSU Senate representing our decision." Lastly, MSU has proposed to which is meeting this week, which would does not assume that ifthe CRLF is redefined Cole Arthun, ASMSU President, is attend- Regents a plan to buy the Story Man~ not have been possible if it was tabled that student tuition dollars will be used for ing the Regents meeting this week and will located 011 Willson Avenue, for a hu1 until future Senate meetings. funding, but it opens the opportunity. bring up the concerns of the ASMSU Senate ties center. ASMSU voted to send a. "We brought this up because of the "Why redefine the CRLF ifthat is not the regarding redefinition of the CRlF. He will sage of support for this purchase. • Board of Regents meeting that is going intent?" Philip said. ask the Regents to consider excluding that vided the administration comes b on Thursda} and the resolution that will Jim Rimpau, Chief Information Officer building in their decision on the resolution. tht ASMSU Senate and presents fina · be brought up.'" Deepu Philip. ASMSU for the Information Technology Center. and "You need to have shared governance," Senator. said. Cath Co D. f I plans for the building. y nover, 1rector o t1e Office of sa1~ ~mpau in regards co ASMSU making a Philip noted the attention • The O\. 9 railed resolution stated its Communications and Public Affitirs, were in deas1on on d1e resolution. "and talk to the · intent as: "To express the disapproval of d th N needed to be paid to these issues'" atten ence at e ov. 9 enate meeting. rest of the faculty.'' that the adn i·ni·stracion needed t the Associated Students of \fontana State "I urge the se t t · · 1 na ors o vote agamst 1t In response to accusations from Rimpau called on them. Universin. (ASM U) on the redefinition of (the orv 9 resolua·onJ bee I d" bo 'J . ause 1sagree a ut ASMSU not communicating wi·th the d" the new Chemi"""/Biochemi<:tTv Research ·th · b · · .. Ri "These are the things that are 1 ~~, ~-- J w1 its as1c premtse, mpau said. 'Tue administration and fuculty of MSU. Pasque affecting the students." he said. r~d m - \m<'rnlH"r Hi. 200(i Students may need to save our "Save Our Barn" Barn ... cigain . _., Photo by Rachel Cudmore . O.B. Bani zs cu.rrently ~ome to A SMSU Outdoor Rerreaflon, and is the host of many dub meetings, community events, concerts, and dances. Tom Stump, Director ofAuxiliary Services, has sed to c~ange thzs sface i~to ef]i_ce and conference room use. s:~~ent d~b~ that utilize t~e facility are hoping to keep their space, and are revamping the attitude of saving the barn from the campaign to save it against being torn drru;n for modern faci/1t1es, as it is a representatzon ofMSU's agricultural heritage. ..___ _ _ ..:.M.:....::..A:.:.TT..:.....;Y~O=RK The plan was first proposed the plan, is MSU Fencing Club .Recreation, which Hromcik sup- university and the community. in March 2005, and both Stump presidentjesse Hromcik. ports - as long as it offers the "Is this earmarked student and President Gamble, accord- "The students should be the same amount of space that the money?" he asked. recently ing to the 2005 Exponent article, central consideration and the Barn currently does. The Barn has been host to the topic of much heated supported it as MSU is in need benefactors to policy - not the "Moving the IASMSUI concerts, fencing, outdoor rec- te between some of the of extra offices, and they feel the faculty, and not the administra- Outdoor Recreation is a great reation, dances, and other com­ ential members of the change could create more pro- tion," Hromcik said. "However, idea; it's the best option for munity and university events. ana State campus. The SOB duction for the University as a the faculty and the administra- outdoor recreation and its stu- "Our club refinishes the barn 's name does not mean what whole. tion should also be considered dents," Hromcik said, but he floor every year - historically, think. The name actually For example, the MSU-Great with professional respect." also wants fencing and other we've had a good relationship kls for "Save Our Barn," Falls College of Technology ser- Hromcik feels that the fac- programs to stay afloat and have with auxiliary services," said :tcting how students in the vices reported that they worked ulty and administration are not space equal to what they have Michael Holland, faculty advi­ t '60s and early '70s saved out of small offices inside of the providing the students with now. sor to the fencing club. "I would li:Bam from being tom down dorms last year.
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