Copyrighted Material
31_173459 bindex.qxp 11/26/07 11:25 PM Page 341 Index aleph, 101, 259 • A • alphabet, 58, 101 Aaron (brother of Moses) altar, 98 death of, 123–124 Amalek (biblical figure), 234–235 exodus from Egypt, 84, 85, 86, 87 Amalek tribe, 92–93 golden calf, 95–96 American Jewish Press Association, 275 Miriam’s sin, 120 Amidah (prayer), 36 overview, 297 angel, 124 priestly duties, 106–107 Anglican Church, 279 Abel (son of Adam and Eve), 67, 289 animal Abraham (patriarch) kosher laws, 204–205, 206 birth of Isaac, 74–75 laws of sacrifice, 102–105 birthplace, 71 misunderstood quotations, 289 burial, 199 negative commandments, 333 circumcision practice, 192–193 Noah’s ark, 68–69 family tree, 76, 77 purity laws, 107–108, 136 God’s calling, 71–72 rules of personal behavior, 153 hospitality, 146, 151 scroll-writing supplies, 242, 243 misconceptions, 71 anti-Semitism, 287 name, 72 apprentice, 232 overview, 297 ARI writing style, 237 prayers, 35 ark, 68–69 wife, 61 Ark of the Covenant (cabinet), 97, 98, 297 absolute value, 259 Aron Habrit (cabinet), 97, 98, 297 Adam (first man), 65–67, 195, 198 Aron HaKodesh (holy closet) adama, 65 definition, 297 Adonai (name of God), 26, 27 scroll care tips, 24 adultery, 117, 149, 284 Shabbat ritual, 214–216, 228 afternoon prayer, 35 arrogance, 70 agriculture asham, 105 Cain and Abel’s story,COPYRIGHTED 67 Ashkenazic MATERIAL pronunciation, 3 charity, 146–147 Asseret HaDibrot. See Ten Commandments holy days, 172 attitude, proper, 235 negative commandments, 333 Avihu (son of Aaron), 106–107 positive commandments, 313 Avodah (service), 36 Aish HaTorah (Web site), 275 Avot (ancestors), 36 Akiva (rabbi) awe, of God, 30–31 capital punishment, 164 definition, 297 • B • Golden Rule, 291 man’s free will, 25 “b” sound, 256 Torah studies, 253 ba’al koray, 218, 225–226 31_173459 bindex.qxp 11/26/07 11:25 PM Page 342 342 The Torah For Dummies Baal Shem Tov (rabbi), 22, 265 Birkat HaShanim (blessing for years), 36 Balak (king), 124–125 Birkat Ha-Tov v’Ha-Maytiv (prayer), 37 Bamidbar (Torah book).
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