Th e Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity presents The 1997 Chapter Presidents Conference

An Investment In Our Future!

Since 1973, the Chapter Presidents Confe rence has educated the presidents of Pi Kappa Alpha's chapters on how to improve chapter perfo rmance by teaching them how to become effective leaders, whil e givi ng them the personal skills to be successful in li fe. A three-day leadership conference held every January for chapter presidents, this is by far the most in tensive leadershi p program Pi Kappa Alpha offers. Workshop high­ lights will include effective rushing, risk awareness, membership educati on and leader­ ship development. For an SMC attending the Chapter Presid ents Conference, there is onl y a nominal registration fee of $ 10, thanks to scholarships provided by the Educati onal Foundati on and Ri sk Awareness Foundati on. Presid ents are also responsible for travel and lodging. Chapters, house corporations and alumni associati ons are encouraged to help offset these costs to all ow every chapter president to attend. Enjoy the magic of Memph is and the hi storic surroundings of the Peabody Hotel at Pi Kappa Alpha's 1997 Chapter Presidents Confe rence. For more info rmati on, call the Pi Kappa Alpha Memori al Headquarters at (901 ) 748-1 868.

The 1997 Chapter Presidents Conference January 9-12, 1997 The Peabody Hotel Memphis, Tennessee

A program of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity.















DIRECTORY ADVERTISI G 61 On the cover: Judge Elbert Parr Tuflle (Cornell, Beta Th eta '16) Ph oto by Louie Fa vorite; Th e Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Story on page 49. RUS H RECOMME DATIO 62 A bove photo: Th e International onvention afford alumni of eveiJ' generation CHAPTER ETERNAL 63 th e opportunity to celebrate brotherh ood. Educational Foundation President-Elect Th omas W Wade, J1: (Tennessee-Kn oxville, Zeta '53) and Educational Foundation Executive Director Patrick F Haynes (A rkansa State, Delta Th eta '8 1) share a moment behind th e podium at th e International Officer Banquet. Convention Photos by Louie Krueze1; Kansas City, Missouri. Story on page .

VOLUME 107 / NUMBER 3 / SEPTEMBER 1996 Update- SHIELD& Consultants Hired for 1996-97 Year

Execut ive Vice Preside nt Raymo nd L. MI C HAEL SHANE WAGNER (North Ori an announces the hiring of six new chap­ Carolina-Charlotte, Kappa Kappa '96) was ter consultant fo rthe 1996-97 academi c year: a fo und ing fa the r of the DWIOND Kappa Kappa chapter. Dur­ OF PI KAPPA ALPHA C ULLEN H ARROD (East Central, Epsi­ in g that time he served as lon Omega '93) held the positions of social Beta class president, assis­ Published by cha irman, rush cha irman, Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity tant pledge educator and in­ 8347West Range Cove vice president, and pre i­ stall ation chairman. Before Memphis,Tennes see 38 125 dent while an undergradu­ 90 1/748-1868 g raduati on he was named ate in Epsil on Omega chap­ Brother of the Year. Wagner Kevin E. Virta ter. He g ra dua ted fro m graduated in May 1996 with a bachelor of arts Editor ECU with a bachelor of sci­ in Engli sh and a minor in organi zati onal com­ Barbara E. Perkins ence degree in bi ology. On municati ons. On UNCC's campu , he was co­ Managing Editor campu , he was chi ef j us- r ordinator of the Specia l O ly mpic Ga mes AllenW. Groves ti ce of the ECU honor court, treasurer of the Jefrey M. Meletio student body, and president o f IFC. Also, team, debate team capta in, and headed the Co mributor Harrod was a member ofWho's Who Among UNC-Charlotte wil dli fe refuge. Prior to en­ Sarah B. Pittman Students, Ord er of Omega, and the ECU honor roll ing at UNC Charl otte, Shane served as an Communications Assistam society. in fa ntryman in the U nited States Marines Gwen DeShazo from 199 1- 1994. During this time he earned Heather L. Huffman Sandra H. Newsom RODNEY S. McDOUGALLE (Indiana several commendati ons and achi eved the rank Carol A. Patton State, Th eta Omicron '92) graduated in May of corpora l meritoriou ly. Proofreading 1996 with a degree in mar­ Staci A. Frilot keting with an emphasis on JOSEPH WELSH (Linfield, Delta Rho Circulation sa les a nd bus iness ma r­ '93) graduated from Linfield Coll ege in May Raymond L. Orians keting . Whi le a t ISU , 1996 with a bachelor of ci­ Executive Vice p,·esident McDouga ll e was a member ence degree in fi nance. On 1996-1998 Supreme Council of the foo tba ll a nd track campus he pl ayed on the team , American Market­ John MichaeiWilliams va rsity basketball team and President ing As ociati on, and Order was head coach of the j un­ Michael S. Risk of O mega. As a member of T heta Omi cron Vice President chapter, he served as president, vice president, ior va rsi ty ba ketball team. We lsh served as a coordina­ Wallace G. Long Ill ecretary, and pledge educator. The chapter Vice President awarded him the Outstanding Chapter Service tor for a leader hip and gov­ ernment camp fo r the Oregon Beaver Boy' Thomas J. Handler honor in 1995. Vice Presidem State. In the chapter he served a ru sh chair­ D. Mark Anderson EM IL PETE RS (So uthern Meth odist, man, secretary, treasurer, pledge educator and Vice President Beta Zeta '92) graduated in May 1996 with a presid ent. Caleb Howard bache lo r of bus iness ad­ Undergraduate Vice President mini stration in marketin g ERIC P. WULF (Iowa, Gamma u '92) and organi zatio nal behav­ ChrisWood served Gamma Nu Chapter as house manager, Undergraduate Vice President ior and poli cy. On campus, membe r of the rush com­ he was involved in SGA, H. King Buttermore Ill mittee, member hip educa­ Legal Counsel SM U Marketing Associa­ tor and vice pre ident. In tion, Spani sh Club, Catho- ~ MEMBER 1995 Wu lf received the IFC COLLEGE FRATERNITY EDITORS lie Campus M ini stri es, ._1 11 ASSOCIATION Ducks Unlimited, the va rsity footba ll team Brotherhood award and the S HIELD & DI AMOND (ISS 1 8750·7536) ts an ed uca ttonal and theAipha Sigma Delta Honor Society. As cha pte r 's Most Va lua ble JOurnal publi shed by the Pt KappaA lpha Fratcmuy, 834 7\Vcst Range ove. Memphts, TN quart erly tn Septe mbe r, December. an undergraduate, Peters served the chapter O ut-o f-Ho use Me mbe r March and June. Each me mber receives a copy ofthcShte ld & Dwmond Send correspondence to the sa me address Manu· as philanthropy chairman, fundrai ing chair­ award. He served the I FC as _ ...___, ...,. scnpts arc invttcd, butt he publisher wtl l not assume rcspons•­ bdtty for the return ofunsohcned materi al Change of address man, rush chairman and president. Jn 1995, a rush counselo r during fo rma l ru sh. Wu lf must be re ported promptly by SJV•ng full name, chapter, old and he was appointed to the 1nt emati onal Supreme graduated in May 1996 with a bachelor of arts ~d~·r:~~ ~~~ j ~;:r~::: ~ ~~~~caoK~~ ~~~~~a~::~ ~~=~~~~~·~~~~~ by P1 KappaAipha Fratem1ty.AII n gh1 s reserved Second Class Council as an undergraduate vice president. degree in political science. postage paid at Memphis, Tennessee and add1110nal ma 1h ng offices. POSTMA STER : Send address c tl anges to SHIEL D & DI AMOND, 8347 West Rance O\ie, Mcmptl1 S, T 38 125 The deadline for the December 1996 issue of Shield & Diamond will be Visit Pi Kappa Alpha On Line October 15, 1996. Material submitted after that da te cannot be included. PRJNTED I U.S.A. SHI ELD & DIAMON D, 8347 WEST RANGE COVE, MEMPHIS, TN 38 125

4 SE PT EMBER 1996 Burns Tower and Smith Gates are located at the entrance to the niversity of the Pacific.

set, chartering was inevitable. The colony's of housing i an indication of their strength Expansion ultimate succes is a tribute to the internal on campus and evidence of the admini­ dedication to leadership and a motivation to stration' belief that Pi Kappa Alpha is here - leave a legacy at the University of the Pacific. to stay. After its formation in October of 1994, the The day of being a colony are gone. The University of the Pacific colony quickly made itself known on the Pa­ men of Pi KappaAlpha at Pacific have eamed cific campus. "Greek Week" provided a per­ their in tallation a Kappa u chapter. They Chartered as fect coming out party. The campus-wide are ready and prepared to tackle new chal­ Greek event, fi ll ed with contest such as the lenge as brother of Pi Kappa Alpha. Kappa Nu Chapter tug-of-war and lip sync, was won by the Pike colony. The Pikes continued their succes by defending the title in 1995. University of the Pacific Facts During the winter ho lidays the colony took i Kappa Alpha has gained a strong and advantage of the time off. Retreats were held tudents at the Univer ity of the Pacific active chapter at the University of the in the Sierra Nevada Mountain and the group enjoy one of the nation' most beautiful cam­ PPacific. After a year and a half of prepared for upcoming ru sh, expanded their pu es. The 150-acre campu it elfha all the colonization, Pi Kappa Alpha is now firmly knowledge of Pi Kappa Alpha hi story and chann and beauty that you would expect to established at University of the Pacific with strengthened their bonds of brotherh ood. The find in ew England. Red brick and ivy in both Kappa Nu chapter. retreats allowed each brother the opportunity traditional and modern building hi ghlight the The second week ofApril l996, constituted to assess his fraternity experience, and proved campus. the finish line for the colony. On April 12, to be a major motivator towards chartering. Uni versity ofPacific is located in tockton, brothers from Theta Tau Chapter (California One of the highlights of the colony' drive California, a city of roughly 210,000 people State-Sacramento), Iota Omicron Chapter for chartering was the "Hit of Reality" com­ ituated between San Franci co and Lake (Santa Clara University), and Theta Omega munity service project. Pikes went without Tahoe. The University of Pacific wa e tab­ Chapter (University ofCalifornia-Davis) ini­ food and helter for fifty hours. They relied li hed in 1888. It i a private liberal art col­ tiated 50 found ing fathers into Kappa Nu strictly on the goodwil l of other student . The lege with 3,600 undergraduate and graduate chapter. The following evening was filled with project, spearheaded by Community Service students. The university offer a va ri ety of black tie and cummerbund at the installa­ chairman Rob Kim, raised nearly I ,000 for undergraduate program and six profe sional tion banquet which was attended by Interna­ the food bank of San Joaquin County. schools and the Coll ege of th e Pacific, the arts tional President F. Ander on Morse and Di­ Thanks to the effort of colony pre ident and science divi ion . rector of Expansion Steven S. Vincent. Scott Kilpatrick, the men were able to secure The Uni versity of the Pacific boat more The installation weekend was the culmina­ a residence hall to call their own. In August than 150 campus organization . The Greek tion of an enormou effort to become an ac­ 1995, Weymess Hall became known a the system i compri ed of four national frater­ tive chapter. Over the previous 18 months the " Pike House". The "house" was immediately nitie , two local fraternities and three orori­ colony had proven it was ready to take the next fi ll ed with the best scholars, leader , athlete tie . tep .After achieving the tandard Colony Ob­ and gentlemen that the Uni versity of the Pa­ jective and accomplishing the goals they had cific has to offer. Their immediate securement • SEPTEMBER 1996 5 A Celebration of Brotherhood

The 1996 International Convention

by Jefrey M. Meletio

he fir t ga th erin g of Lefeve, a PiKA at Randolph aeon PiKA brother took College (i ota Zeta Chapte1) erved T pl ace in 187 1 in Ri chm ond , on the initiation team along with irginia. Becau e of the long di s­ brother from Iota Zeta and broth­ tance to Ri chm ond , onl y Alpha er from Theta Omicron chapt r chap ter from the ni ver ity ofVir­ (indiana State Univer ity). The ginia and Gamma chapter from the MC for the ceremony wa A. Coll ege ofWilliamand Mary could Frank Smith (Florida, Alpha Eta att end. ow, 125 year later, th e '66). After the initiation, Regan in/emational con enti on has grown addressed the con ention, peaking into quite a remarkable event. Thi on the va lue of the Greek y tem. He yea r, over 500 undergraduate from aid that becau e he had att ended 173 different chapter and co lonies Har ard, which had no fraternitie , ga thered in Kan a ity, Mi ouri he felt a if he had mi ed out on a at the Hya tt Regency Crown Ce n­ va luabl e ex peri ence. Rega n joked ter fo r five day ofl egi lation, edu­ about being a backward legacy be­ ca ti on and fellow hip. In addition, ca u e of hi s grand on, and enc ur­ over 150 alumni and vo lunteer T he beautiful Hyatt Regency Crown Center in Kansas City, Missour i aged brothers to build legacie in bared in the ex perience of th e hosted over 700 Pikes and guests for the 1996 International Conve ntion th ei r own chapter . 1996 Internati onal Convention . The fir tdayofconventi onac ti - Before the con enti on officially began, th e new Pi Kappa Alpha In ­ ity also included educational essions rangin g in topi c from continu­ tern ati onal lumni Association wa bu y hosting a Kansas City area in g education to chapter financial management. Regional pre id ent gath­ alumni reception on Friday ni ght. Director of Alumni Affairs teve ered their chapters forcaucu e in which fraternity is ues were di scu ed. Vincent (Mi souri-Columbia, Alpha u ' 3) and lnternationaiAiumni The fir t round of legi lati e committee meetings, in which delegate ociation Pre identTomm yTurn er(TexasTech, Epsilon Gamma '67) were pre ented with preliminary legi lati on, wa al o held . unve iled plan for th e ociation and pre ent ed certificates to the Char­ ter Life Member in attendance. Over 50 area alumni attended the event, whi ch pro ed to be th e perfect prec urso r to a very exciting week. unday morning bega n with th e conve nti on' fir t leg i lati e e - S ion .Through th ese legislati ve ession the undergradu ate have th e power to enact new laws, amend old Ia\ pa resoluti ons and elect th e he tone of th e convention wa et ea rl y wi th the official Saturday new upreme Councii.Atthe fir t e ion. the chapterexcell enceaward Tkickoff, the opening ession .At thi e ion, a very moved Congre - were pre en ted to Pi KappaAipha' mo t out tanding chap ter . on en­ man Pat Robert (Kansa State, Alpha Omega '55) wa pre en ted with tion Parliamentari anA li en W. Grove (Stetson, Delta p ilon ' 9) kept the Fraternity' Di tingui hed chi evement Awa rd . Congre man the crowd entertained a he gave in tructi on concerning the legi lative Robert ' fa mil y attended thee ent, including hi wife, Franki, hi proces . ominating Committee hai rm anJami eWolff(Ea /em Wa sh­ daugh ter, hl eigh, and hi on, Dav id , who i an initiate of Pi Kappa ington, Zeta u '67) th en ex plai ned the procedure for nominating inter­ lpha at lpha Omega chapter. Robert graciou ly accepted th e award national officer . The rest of th e e sion was de oted to pre entati on and re membered hi father, who received the Di tingui hed Achieve­ from variou entitie oftheFraternity. The Internati onal Ru h dvi ory ment wa rd in 1953 when he wa the chairman of th e Republica n om mi ss ion pre en ted th e new intern ati onal ru h brochure, Pikes lllu - 1 ati onal ommittee. Robert concluded by bringin g hi s on to the trated. Director of Service and Edu cation JefMeleti o(Winlhrop, Th eta podium to hare in the mom ent. Sigma '9 i) and DirectorofService Mark Dziatczak(Wayne State, Delta Following thi pre entation The R erend imon . imon e- u '9i ) un eil ed a new edu cational initiati e entitled "The ltimate bra ka-Omaha, Delta Chi '54) held a Memorial er ice honoring all Fraterni ty." PiKA wh ntered Chapter Etern al in th e pa t yea r. imon poke to th e Th e Pi Kappa lpha du ca ti onal Foundation Luncheon fo ll owed th e attendee ab ut the importan e of building a trong inner foundation legi lati e e ion . t thi luncheon, the chapter participating in Foun­ and ti king to the "main thing'· in one' life. Internati onal Mu ic Di­ dation Phon- a- th on o er the pa t year\ ere recognized. -igh t chapter r ctor teven Kni ght (A labama, Gamma Alpha '64) then led the broth­ ecured over , I 00,000 in pl edge during 1995-96. Beta Tau hapter er in a hymn to remember their departed brethren. (Univer ity ofMi chigan) wa pre en ted with a pecial trophy for rai - ne of the onvention ' hi ghlight came afterthe emoria l ervice, ing th e mo t money in a phon-a-thon effo rt . The men ofB taTau rai ed when the brother pre ent acceptedThe Honorable DonaldT. Regan into over 20,000 in ju t four day . The ne t pre entation wa made to th e the b nd of phi phi kappa alpha. Rega n wa chi ef of taff during th 1996 Power wa rd wi nn er. The Po\ er wa rd i given annuall y to Pi admini Irati n of Pre ident Ronald Reagan. Regan' grandson, Donald Kappa lpha' mo t out tanding undergraduate member. Thi yea r'

6 EPTEMB R 1996 Executive Vice President Raymond L. O rian (left) congratulates new Joseph R. Brown (right) i presented with the International President J ohn Michael Willi ams. past recipient Richard Ogle. winner wa Jeffrey S. Montgomery (Michigan, Beta Tau '92) , a May nationall y a a commi ioner for the Pi KappaAlpha Housing ommi - graduate who will attend medi cal school at Columbia Univer ity in the sion. He ha al o erved a a tru tee for the Pi KappaAlpha Educational fall. Five exceptional PiKA alumni were also recogni zed with inducti on Foundation since 1986 and a president of the Foundation ince 1994. into the Educati onal Fo undation's Order ofWest Range. The Order of Brown is al oa generou donor to the Fraternity a a memberoftheOak West Range wa establi hed in 1986 as a way to honor PiKA's mo t Trust and Garnet and Gold Giving ociety. Brown graciou ly accepted distingui shed alumni . This year' inductees were: Bob Losure (Tu lsa, the award and shared his gratitude to hi wife Betty for her upport over Gamma Upsilon '68), Neal Patterso n(Oklahoma State, Gamma Ch i '68), the years. Kermit Silverwood (Ka nsas State, Alpha Omega '2 7), Leo Hoegh (iowa, The banquet also celebrated the success of Pi Kappa Alpha' expan­ Gamma Nu '29), and Patri ck Hall oran (Nebraska- Omaha, Delta Chi sion program. Attendee welcomed six new chapters into the bond a '62). An expanded story on the 1996 Order ofWest Range inductees wi ll they were pre en ted with their chapter charter . The e included: Kappa be presented in the December 1996 Shield & Diamond. Theta Chapter, George Mason Uni ersity; Kappa Iota, Univer ity of The rest of the afternoon was fi ll ed with regional caucuses and edu­ Rhode Island; Kappa Kappa Chapter, Univer ity of orth arolina at cational programs. The hi ghlight of the educati onal essions was a per- Charl otte; Kappa Lambda Chapter, Uni er ity ofWestern Illinois; Kappa onal development seminar entitled "The U ltimate Fraterni ty Man." Mu Chapter, Wi lfrid Laurier University; and Kappa Nu Chapter, Uni­ Guest peakers including Past Nati ona l Pre idents Joseph Turner versity of the Pacific. (Clemson, EtaAlpha '72)and Gary Sall qui st(Nebraska-Omaha, Delta It was then time to honor F. Ander on Mor e (William and Mary, Chi '57) haredtheir experi ence and spokeontheattributesofthe ideal Gamma '76) , the man who led Pi Kappa Alpha over the past two year fraternity man. They empha ized that one man can make a di ffe rence in a international president. In his fa rewell addre , Mor e reflected on a a fraternity chapter and in li fe. remarka ble two years, and hared some per onal torie from hi many travel for PiKA. ln addition, Morse recognized some special people who in fl uenced hi life. One of the e people was Morse' new bride, Beth. he Internati onal Pre ident's Banquet fo ll owed the aftern oon's ac­ Morse is the onl y international president in PiKA hi tory to marry dur­ Tti viti es. ln attendance were eleven past nati onal and international ing hi s term of office. He also spoke of his father, who i also a brother presidents includingAndrew H. Knight (Samford, Alpha Pi '23), Gary in the bonds. Mor e credited the Fraternity with bringing him and his A. Sallquist (Nebraska-Omaha, Delta Chi '57), Jerome V. Reel, Jr. fa ther closer together over the years .A Mor e left the podium, one could (Tulane, Eta '57), Wi ll iam R. e ter(Cincinnati, Alpha Xi '47) , Virgil not help but reflect on the accomplishment the Fraternity made under R. Mc Broom (Illinois, Beta Eta hi leadership, including great '25), Joseph J. Turner, Jr. (Clemson, Representatives from Kappa Beta Chapter (Princeton University) present strides in expansion and ervices EtaA ipha '70). Wi ll iam . LaForge International President F. Anderson Mo rse (center) with a plaque to be and the creation ofthe International (Delta State, Zeta Beta '69), Gary mounted on a mar ble headstone at the grave of Founder Wi ll iam A lumniA ociation. E. Menchhofer (Cincinnati, Alpha Alexander. Xi '65) , Jerry W. Askew (North Carolin a, Tau '73), R ichard F. Ogle l\. A" onday aw the convention (A labama, Gamma Alpha '61) and 1 V lmovi ng a long full peed Thomas J. Turner (Texas Tech, Ep­ ahead. Two general educational silon Gamma '67). A fter recogni z­ e ion kicked off the day' activi­ ing these important men, Pa t a­ ties. Dixie Regional President and tiona! Pre ident Richard Ogle(A ia­ International RushAdvisory Com­ bama. Gamma Alpha '61) pre­ mittee member Todd Mudd (Mis­ sented the 1996 Loyalty Award , the souri-Columbia, Alpha u '8 1) hi g he t ho no r fo r erv ice to Pi presented an irmovative rush work­ Kappa A lpha. This year' recipi ent shop and introduced a brand new was Educational Foundation Pre i­ international rush brochure now dent Jo eph Brown. Brown ha available for the chapters. At the erved the Fraternity since hi s ini­ arne time, Director of ervices and ti ation into Beta Gamma Chapter in Development Mark Dziatczak pre­ 1950, locall y a the Beta Gamma sented a comprehen ive and infor­ Hou ing Corporation president and mative risk awarene s ses ion. The

EPTEMBER 1996 7 session covered an array of topi cs ranging from hazing to chapter liability. The afternoon also saw another in a seri es of legislati ve sessions. On Monday evening convention attendees were treated to a trip to the CAA Ha ll of Champions, located in nearby O verl and Park, Kansas. The Hall ofChampionschroni cles the hi story ofthe CAA and contains photographs and paraphernalia from some of the most hi s­ tori c moments in coll ege athl eti cs.

he pace of the convention quickened as the Tfin al day bega n.The morning was devoted to more legislati on. The a fternoon began with the much anti cipated Memorial Headquarters Award Luncheon, which honored the outstand­ ing programming and accomplishments of Pi Kappa A lpha's undergraduate chapters. Ten Robert A. Smythe Awards were presented to PiKA's most o utstanding cha pte rs . Theta Omicron Chapter at Indiana State Uni versity received this honor for the sixteenth consecu­ ti ve yea r. The Smythe award was also pre­ Educational Fo undation Executive Director Patrick F. Haynes (left) and Di rector of Annual sented to Beta Tau Chapter at the U ni versity Givin g Chr istopher M. Peters (rig ht) congratulate new brother Donald T. Rega n on his of Michi gan, markin g the first time in that initiation in to the Fraternity. chapter's hi story to receive th e award. The Harvey T. Newell Award for most improved chapter was presented to fi ve ecstati c represen­ tati ve from Epsil on u C hapter at Georgia Former United States Chief of Staff State Uni versity. Welcomed Into Bonds of PiKA Pi Kap paA ipha i very fortunate to have so many dedi cated alumni who serve in the capac­ As 1996 Special Initiate ity of chapter advisor. One such advisor was recogni zed by the Memori al Headquarters as Chapte r Advisor of th e Year. William E. Berry DonaldT. Regan was proud ly welcomed into the bonds ofPi KappaAlpha as the special was elected fo r hi s continued service to Pi initiate at the 1996 International Convention. Regan is best known for his service to the Kappa Alpha. Berry, a 198 1 initiate ofTheta United States as he served as both Chiefo fStaff andTreasury Secretary during the Rona ld Sigma, has been the chapter advisor at Theta Reagan administration. From 1985-1 987 Regan was the seni or adviser to the President Sigma Chapter (Win throp Un iversity) fo r the and the man in charge of the day-to-day W hi te House operations. past 13 years. Unde r hi advi ement Theta As the Secretary of the Treasury from 1980- 1985, Regan was instrumental in fOimul at­ igma has received ix chapte r excell e nce ing and implementing nati onal economic policy. He played a key role in the development awards and two Smythe awards. Berry 's wife, and passage of the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 198 1 and helped develop the Tax Re­ Rose, and daughter, Dani, were also in atten­ fo rm Act of 1986 which refonned the nation's system of taxation. dance for the pre entati on. Pri or to serving in the Reagan administrati on, Regan was one of the most recognizable Foll owin g the awards luncheon were the names on Wall Street. He j oin ed th e firm known as Merril l Lynch & Co. after serving a tour conventi on's fin al and busiest legislati ve ses­ of duty as a Maj or in the United States Marine Corp. In 1968, at age 50, Regan became the sions. The delegates to the 1996 Internati onal youngest man to ever be named President of the Men·ill Lynch company. Tn 197 1, he was Conventi on adopted a numbe r of important elected Chairman and Executive Officer and served in thi s capacity until j oining President pi eces o fl egislati on.Among the most notable Reagan's staff. decisions were the fo ll owin g: During his years at Merri ll Lynch, Regan led the fir m to becoming a major player in the • An amendme nt was made whi ch requires competitive fin ancial institution industry. Because ofhis accomplishments, he was inducted chapters to suspend pl edgi ng/ initiati on ac­ into the Busin ess Ha ll of Fame and has served as Vice C hairman o f the Board ofDirectors ti viti es seven day prior to the beginning of ofthe New York Stock Exchange. and during fin al examinati on time. Regan was born in Cambridge, Massachu etts in 19 18 and graduated from Harvard in 1940 with a bachelor's degree in Engli sh. He now resides in Wi ll iamsburg, Virginia with • An amendment passed whi ch recogni zes the hi s wife , Ann . They have four children and nine grandchildren. One of hi s grandchildren, Pi KappaAipha lnternati onaiAiumni Asso­ Donald Lefeve, is an initiate oflota Zeta Chapter at Randolph-Macon Co ll ege. Lefeve had ciati on as the official, permanent, voluntary the di stinct honor of parti ci pating in the initiation of hi s grandfather at the 1996Interna­ membership organi zati on for initiates o f the tional Convention. Pi KappaA ipha Fraterni ty.

• A resolution was adopted to encourage cl1ap­ ters to implement pl edge programs that do not exceed eight week in length . Addition­ all y, th e re olution encourages chapters to

8 SEPTEM BER 1996 in itiate pl edges as soon as they sati fy Fra­ ternity, chapter and host in ti tu tion expecta­ ti ons.

• A resolution was adopted which encourages chapters and local house corporations to con- ider adopting sub tance-free housing. It also call on the Intern ational Fraterni ty to offer resources and support to chapters who opt to go with substance-free hou ing.

• A resolu tion wa adopted that underscores the Fraternity 's position in oppo itio n to ru sh restri cti ons as a university or IFC disciplin­ ary measure.

• A resolution was adopted whi ch emphatica ll y states Pi Kappa Alpha's intention to remain a single gender organi zation in pite of pres­ sure from orn e coll ege administrators for fraternities to become co-ed.

At th e conclu ion of the legislati ve session, the new 1996-1998 Supreme Council , elected by the delegates to the conventi on, was offi­ ciall y install ed a provided in th e ritual of the International President F. Anderson Morse (left) and Executive Vice Presid ent Raymond L. Fraternity. The 1996 Supreme Counci l is Vice Orians (right) present the Distinguished Ac hi evement Awa rd to Congressman Pat Robert . PresidentTom Handl er(lllinois, Beta Eta '74); Vice President Mike Ri sk (Iowa State, Alpha Phi '70) ; Vi ce PresidentWallace Long(Mem­ phis, Delta Zeta '67) ; Vice President D. Mark DistinguishedAchievementAward Anderson (Wofford, Nu '76); and President John Michael Williams (Oklahoma State, Presented to Kansas Congressman Gamma Chi '68) . Pat Roberts made history at the 1996 International Conventi on when he received the Fraternity 's Distinguished Achievement Award for hi s service to the United States gov­ he convention 's defin ing moment was ernment. Roberts' father, C. Wesley Roberts, also a brother ofPi KappaA ipha, wa award ed Tsurely the Internati onal Officers Banquet, the Fraternity's DistinguishedAchievementAward in 1953 while he wa th e chairman of held on Tuesday ni ght. For the Fraternity's in­ the Republican National Committee under President Eisenhower. This is th e fir t time in tern ati onal staff, the fin al banquet was the cul ­ PiKA history that a father and son have both received this honor. minati on of months of planning and hard work. Roberts represents the Kansas first distri ct in th e United States House ofRepre enta­ The banquet was kicked off"Pike-style" with tives. He was first elected to Congress in 1980 and i now chairman of th e HouseAgri cul ­ the traditional procession of Pi Kappa Alpha ture Commi ttee, a committee he bas served on since hi fir t term in o ffi ce. international officers to the head table. After Roberts is a fou nding member of the Rural Health Care Coalition, a biparti sa n group over 60 men had made th ei r way to the head working to improve health care in rural areas .Throughout hi s politica l career he has worked ta ble, one di stingui hed gentleman was wait­ to reduce deficit spending and oppose hi gher taxes. He has been a trong vo ice fo r agri cul­ ing to receive his introducti on. New Intern a­ ture and rura l America. tional President John Michael Will iams wa Additionally, Roberts bas been widely recogni zed for hi s efforts on Capitol Hill. He is carried to hi s place at th e head table by dozens an honorary American Farmer, the hi ghest degree awarded by th e Future Farmer of of enthusia tic undergraduates. When Will­ America, and was the 1993 KansasAssociati on ofWheatGrowers Man oftheYear. He has ia ms stepped to the podium to address the been heralded by many nonpartisan watchdog groups including th e ati onal Taxpayer crowd of nearl y 700, he was humbled by the Union, and received the Golden Carrot Award from the consumer group Pub I ic Voice for experience. He began by recogni zing his fa m­ his work in agriculture and food safety. ily, which holds a great Pi KA tradition. Will­ Roberts graduated from Kansas State in 1958 and served four years in the Mari ne Corps. iam ' sons Shad and Chris are both ini tiates of He began in politics working for Senator Frank Carl son in 1967. In 1969 he became th e PiKA at Gamma Chi chapter, where John was the MC 26 years ago . The theme ofWill ia ms' administrative assi stant to First Di strict Congressman Keith Sebelius. When Congress­ speech was brotherh ood as he shared experi­ man Sebelius retired in 1980, Roberts was ready to assume hi s new position. ence in whi ch he had fe lt the strength of the As an undergraduate ofPi Kappa Alpha, Roberts served Alpha Omega chapter as ru sh Pi KappaAlpha broth erh ood over the years .As chairman and also as IFC president. As an alumnus he erved as a trustee of th e Pi Kappa Wi ll ia ms received yet another standing ovati on Alpha Educational Foundation and was inducted into th e Order ofWest Range in 1993. it was obviou to all that Pi KappaAipha is as- The Roberts famil y bas a long and proud legacy in Pi KappaAlpha. Hi s father, C. We ley ured even greater success under the guidance Roberts was initiated into Alpha Omega chapter in 192 1. Robert 'son, David P. Roberts, of yet another dynami c leader. wa an initiate of the same chapter in 1993. Roberts is a fourth generation Kansan . ln addition to their son, David, he and hi wife, Franki, have two daughters, A hleigh and Anne-Wesley. • EPTEMBER 1996 9 The Pi Kappa Alpha 1995-96 Annual Report

Brother Mine,

lt is a pl easure to present theAnnual Report for 1995-96. We enj oyed a very good year, a evidenced by the fo ll owing: + Pi Kappa Alpha maintained the largest average chapter size of any fraterni ty. + Pi Kappa Alpha cha rtered the most new chapters of any fraterni ty. + We founded the new Jntern ati onaiAiumniAssociati on on M arch I, 1996, with almost 1,000 charter mem­ bers having join ed already. F. Anderson Mor·se (William a11d Mmy, + We ro ll ed out our first student honor society - The Sabre & Key - and selected an inaugural class of over Gamma '76) 70 top student/leader from aero Nort h A meri ca. International President 1994-96 • We unveiled a comprehensive new educational program for our undergraduate . The year ending 6/30/96 fini shed with 205 acti ve groups - 195 chapters and I 0 colo ni es. Once again , this marks our largest point ever and Pi KappaAlpha wa the only Fraterni ty to show net system growth during the Ia t year! The balanced strategy continues to work - maintain a commitmentto excell ence with our existing chapters while sustaining a hi gh quality expansion effort. Our focu on a more personal, year-round, aggressive rush continues to bear fruit. Pledge retenti on rates have ri sen from 75% to 80% sin ce 1994 . Also, our market share compared to the I 0 largest fraternities has ri sen almost I% in just the last 5 years - a big in crease give n the industry's size. onetheless, the Greek movement continues to be in a rush/membership recession that began in 199 1. This is largely due to societal shi fts coup led with less students entering coll ege in the 1990s. The demographics are not forecasted to improve until after the turn of the century. So we must continue to rush harder and smarter to bring the best quality men into the Greek system. Thi pa t year saw new initiatives from almost every arm or affi I iate of the Fraterni ty, butthe creati on of the Intern ati onal A lumni As ociati on was a particul arl y gratify ing milepo t. After an exceptional start we are eagerl y adva ncing work to benefit three key areas: I) our alumni persona ll y; 2) our alumni chapters; a nd ~) our undergraduate alumni programming. Lastl y, we are concerned with a di sturbing trend whereby some universities are abridging o ur student 's free­ dom of associati on. The entire G reek movement must unite in an effort to eliminate ru sh restri cti on , expan­ sion constraints and co-educati onal mandates that affli ct many chapters. Pi KappaAipha is leading an effort to pass federal legislati on guaranteeing the Con titutional ri ght of tudents at both pub I ic and pri va te schools. OUI· Fraternity is bui !ding for th e future upon the solid foundati ons laid by our predecessors. This pa t year we took some monumental teps, yet there remain s much to be accomplished . My hat goe off to the under­ graduates and alumni who made this uch a great year. More of the same zealou energy w ill en ure that our future will be even bri ghter than our past.

F. Anderson Mo rse Intern ati onal Presid ent 1994-96

10 EPT E BER 1996 Leadership Programs

The Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity pride it elf on offerin g the be t leader hip program avai lable in the fraternity world. Over the past year the Fraternity pon ored 16 regional leader hip conference , an Officer Leadership Academy and a Chapter Pre ident Conference, in addition to numerou peaking engagements for chapter .

Officers Leadership Academy

The 1995 Officer Leader hip Academy wa held at the University of Memphis from July 29 through August l. A record total of 432 undergraduates attended the four day workshop which provided ad­ Kevin E. irta vanced training on chapter operations, leadership development and per onal enrichment program . The (Westem Michigau, Epsilou Psi '83) Academy wa hi ghli ghted by an inten ive ru sh training track, an interactive chapter advi or workshop, a Executive Director/ tour of the Memorial Headquarter and breakout di scu ion group where student shared olution to hield & Diamond common chapter is ues. The Academy al o featured the first ever Ru h Awards luncheon where chapter Editor received special ru sh awards for being the best or most improved in the ir region. Thi luncheon will be continued at future Academies. During the Academy, Pi Kappa Alpha initiated S. Truett Cathy, founder and chairman of Chic-fil-A re taw·ants, and pre en ted the Distingui hed Achievement Award to Jack Luca (High Point, Delta Omega ' 56), the youngest man ever to receive the Congre ional Medal of Honor.

Chapter Presidents Conference

Establi shed in 1973, the Chapter Presidents Conference, a three day intensive leader hip work hop for the top chapter officer, was the fir t of its kind and remain one of the few in the fraternity world. The 1996 Chapter Presidents Conference was held at the Peabody Hotel in downtown Memphi , Tenne ee, from January 5-8, and was attended by presidents from 147 chapters. Each chapter pre ident received a cholarship from the Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foundation to attend the conference, lowering the registration fee to a nominal $10. The conference featured an en li ghtening alues and ethi c workshop that looked at issues from a ritual standpoint, a leader hip se sion based on brother Stephen R. Covey' book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, a program on how the president hould manage the ru sh program and a eminar on developing and using your creative talents. Pre ident were also able to attend breakout programs dealing with specific chapter programs such a fin ancial management, hou ing and pledge education.

Regional Leadership Conferences In 1995-96 Pi Kappa A lpha hosted 16 regional leader hip conference around the United State and Canada, more th an any other fraternity. A total of 2,174 brother , roughly 20% of our total undergraduate membership, attended one of these conferences which are coordinated by our 16 volunteer regional pre idents. The e conferences con tituted the most exten ive leader hip program the Fraternity offered Ia t year. Once again, the focus at the e conference was on membership recruitment. Ten of the sixteen conferences were attended by a member of the International Ru h Advisory Commission, and each conference received at least two hours of ru h programming. Other areas of empha i included cholar­ ship, ri sk awarene , pl edge education and continuing education, and financial management.

EPTEMBER 1996 II Region Attendance #of Chapters 1996-97 Dates Arkoma 108 8 Jan. 31- Feb. 2, 1997 - Little Rock, AR Caroli nas 86 9 Feb. 21-23, 1997 - Charlotte, NC Cumberland 117 11 Feb. 14-16, 1997- Clarksvill e, TN Delta 102 9 Feb./March, 1997 - New Orl eans, LA Dixie 151 13 March 7-9, I 997- Birmingham, AL Founder 142 13 ov. 8-10, 1996 - Norfo lk, VA Golden We t 125 14 N/A Great Lakes 240 14 Feb. 7-9, 1997 - London, Ontario, Canada Great Plain s 163 8 Nov. 1-3, 1996- 0maha, NE Heart land 120 11 Nov. 15-17, 1996 - Lawrence, KS Lone Star 85 13 Oct. 18-20, 1996- Fort Worth, TX Midwest 2 10 14 Nov. 15- 17, 1996 - Carbondale, IL North Atlantic 236 22 Feb. 7-9, 1997 - Bo ton, M A Northwest 120 7 Feb. 22, 1997 - Corvall is, OR Rockies 106 10 Feb. 14-16, 1997- Phoeni x, AZ Sunshine 70 6 Feb. 28 -March 2, 1997

Speakers Program In 1995-96, the Fraternity provided speakers fo r 14 chapter fo unders days or other special events like homecoming. These trips were funded in large part through a grant from the Pi Kappa Alpha Educati onal Found ation. The speakers in volved in thi s program included Supreme Council members, Headquarters staff, pa t nati onal pre ident and vari ous other alu mni. Some of the highlights included Intern ational Historian Jerry Reel's visit to Beta Zeta (Southern Methodist) fo r their 80th Foun ders Day celebrati on and International Rush Advisory Commis ion member Todd Mudd's speech at the lOth anni versary of the Beta Chi (Minnesota) rechartering.

Financial Statement

REVENUE Dues & Fees ...... $ 1 ,308, 100 ...... $ 1,317,585 Investment & Fund Income ...... 203,712 ...... 267,876 Convention Fees ...... 167,080 ...... 45,000 Officers Leadership Academy ...... 25 ,000 ...... 100,598 Self Retention Fees ...... 566,182 ...... 560,637 All Others ...... 334,759 ...... 383,235 Total Revenue ...... $ 2,604,833 ...... $ 2,674,931

EXPENDITURES Chapter & Alumni Services ...... $ 713,584 ...... $ 695,034 Publ ications ...... 163,765 ...... 177,396 Convention & Officers Leadership Academy ...... 200,131 ...... 112,200 Self Retention and Claims ...... 549,852 ...... 839 ,898 Adm inistration ...... 839,724 ...... 887,508 Contribution to Foundation ...... 115,300 ...... 108,399 Total Expenditures ...... $ 2,582,356 ...... $ 2,820,435

Net Income ...... $ 22,477 ...... $<145,504>

12 SEPT EMBER 1996 Housing

Housing is important to Pi Kappa Alpha' chapter . The Executive Hou in g Officer and hi a i tanr are employed to admini ter the hou ing related program for the benefit of the chapter and hou e corporations. One of the most tangible role the Intern ational Fraternity play in thi s area i that of a lender. Through the Chapter Hou e Fund, governed by the Pi Kappa A lpha Hou ing Commi ion, loan are granted to quali fyi ng chapters and hou e corporati on .

The Hou ing Commi sion make two types of loan , ecured and un ecured. The un ecured loan i for furni shings and equipment. The ecured loan is for the purchase, con truction or renovation of a chapter house. The max imum limit on an un ecured loan is $25,000. The limit on a ecured loan i 150,000 with a fir t mortgage, or $ 100,000 with a econd mortgage. Daniel W. Corah (Co lorado State, Epsilou Tlwta '83) In the 1995-96 fi cal year, the Chapter House Fund committed, di sbur ed, modified, refinanced and/or Executive Housing ubordinated loans, for housing purpo e , at the following chapters, whi ch involved 506,444 of new Officer funds:

Alpha Zeta (Uni versity of Arkan as) Beta Theta (Cornell University) Beta Upsilon (U ni versity of Colorado) Gamma Gamma (Univer ity of Denver) Epsilon Theta (Colorado State University) Zeta Tau (Ea tern Kentucky Uni ver ity) Eta Alpha (Clemson University) Theta Sigma (Winthrop University) Iota Mu (Southern Illinois Uni versity) Iota Pi (University of California at Los Angeles)

The Housin g Commission also govern the Holding Corporati on whi ch i a non-profit corporation created in 1963. The role of the Ho lding Corporation i to ho ld title to propertie , both improved and unimproved, that have been acquired by the Fraternity. The Memorial Headquarters i not one of the e properties. The International Fraternity is not, nor does it desire to be, in the business of owning chapter hou e . However, circumstances occa ionall y occur when property i acquired. The Holding Corporation currently owns real estate at the fo llowing locati ons:

Alpha (Uni ver ity of Virginia) [land onl y] Alpha Zeta (Uni versity of Arkansas) Alpha Theta (We t Virgini a Uni versity) Beta Beta (University of Washington) Beta u (Oregon State Uni versity) Gamma Omega (Uni ver ity of Miami) Ep ilon Delta (University of orth Texa ) [land onl y] Zeta Mu (U ni ver ity of Idaho) Theta Lambda (Creighton University) Theta Mu (Uni versity of Ma achusetts)

EPTEMBER 1996 13 Each year the Fraternity acknowledges those chapter that do an exemplary jo b of managing and maintaining the ir chapter house by presenting a quarterly award of a certificate, recognition in th e Fraternity's monthl y newsletter The Forum and a $250 grant. The quarterly award winne rs are e li gible for the annual House of the Year award whi ch include a trophy, recognition in the Shield & Diamond and a $ 1,000 grant. For those chapter that do not have a "chapte r house" per se, but do have a chapter room that they call home, the Fraternity present the Chapter Room of the Year award . This award includes a trophy, recognition in the Shield & Diamond and a $500 grant. The 1995-96 winners were:

House of the Quarter: Theta Lambda Chapter (Creighton U ni versity) Delta u Chapter (Wayne State U ni versity) Alpha Omega Chapter (Kansa State University) Zeta Alpha Chapte r A & B (GMI Engineering & M anagement Institute)

Chapter House of the Year: Zeta Alpha Chapter A & B (GMI Engineering & Management Institute)

Chapter Room of the Year: Epsil on Iota C hapter (Southeast Missouri State Uni ver ity)

The Hou ing Commis ion ha identified a li t of initiatives to· improve the condition of chapter hou ing. ln addition to the international award program above, the li st includes: a regional awards program; the creation of two different urvey to gather information fo r a comprehensive data base of the Fraternity ' entire housing stock; the creation of an educational I ide show th at could be modified for international and regional use; the creation of a conci e educati onal booklet containing pertinent ex­ amples in volving housing management; the creation of a complete photo file of each chapter house with a separate album on di splay at the Me mori al Headquarter ; the creation of an pecial museum di play at the Memorial Headquarter ; the creation of a new housing column that appear in the quarterly Alumni Advisor publication; the creation of a directory of a ll chapters and house corporation contact to fac ilitate communication among t corporations, and; thi year the chapter consultant w ill complete a house analysi report at each visit to help chapter better under tand the conditi on of their properties and what they can do to make them better.

The Housing Commiss ion and Staff look forward to continuing the initiative and increasing the effort at providing quality resources for the be t housing in the fraternity world.

Tops in Membership 1995-96

TOP 10 CHAPTERS IN PLEDGINGS Gamma Omicron (Ohio) ...... 43 Alpha Mu (Georgia) ...... 1 ,959 Gamma Delta (Arizona) ...... 42 Alpha Nu (Missouri-Columbia) ...... 1 ,862 Eta Phi (Central Florida) ...... 78 Gamma Tau (Rensselaer) ...... 42 Gamma Theta (Mississippi State) .. . 1, 856 Epsilon Gamma (Texas Tech) ...... 64 Theta Omicron {Indiana State) ...... 42 Beta Phi (Purdue) ...... 1, 833 Gamma Delta (Arizona) ...... 57 Alpha Nu (Missouri-Columbia) ...... 41 Gamma Epsilon (Utah State) ...... 1 ,822 Kappa Alpha (Illinois State) ...... 55 Iota Iota (Michigan State) ...... 40 Epsilon Phi (Central Arkansas) ...... 54 Omega (Kentucky) ...... 39 Beta Mu (Texas) ...... 51 Beta Upsilon (Colorado) ...... 39 Omega (Kentucky) ...... 49 100+ MAN CHAPTERS Gamma Omicron (Ohio) ...... 48 Alpha Nu (Missouri-Columbia) ...... 47 TOP 10 CHAPTERS IN Alpha Eta (Florida) ...... 120 Theta Omicron (Indiana State) ...... 47 TOTAL MEMBERSHIP Epsilon Gamma (Texas Tech) ...... 119 Gamma Omicron (Ohio) ...... 113 Alpha Eta {Florida) ...... 2,906 Theta Omicron {Indiana State) ...... 111 TOP 10 CHAPTERS IN INITIATIONS Upsilon (Auburn) ...... 2,365 Beta Mu (Texas) ...... 105 Alpha Tau (Utah) ...... 2,338 Delta Xi (Indiana) ...... 104 Eta Phi (Central Florida) ...... 52 Zeta (Tennessee -Knoxville) ...... 2,237 Eta Phi (Central Florida) ...... 104 Epsilon Gamma (Texas Tech) ...... 44 Beta Mu (Texas) ...... 2,201 Gamma Delta (Arizona) ...... 102

14 EPT EMBER 1996 Expansion

Once again, Pi Kappa Alpha led the fraternity world in expan ion. Six in tallation led all other fraternitie . The past year marked Pi Kappa Alpha's first pre ence at everal prominent in titution . Our international pre ence wa trengthened with the addition of Wilfrid Laurier niver ity (Kappa Mu) and chartering at the University of Rhode I land (Kappa Iota) and Univer ity of the Pacific (Kappa u) proved Pi Kappa Alpha's dominance throughout orth America.

In addition to six in tallations, six more colonies were e tabli hed. The colony at the Uni ver ity of South Dakota represents our first presence in the state and the recolonization of the Univer ity of Penn ylvania (Beta Pi) marks a long awaited return to the Ivy League. The Univer ity of California, San Diego and American Univer ity in D.C. join Slippery Rock Univer ity and Coastal Carolina to complete had D. William (Oklahoma State, an impre ive slate of new colonies. Gamma Chi '90) Director of Ex pan ion 1995-96 also marked an intense effort geared toward ervicing exi ting colonie . Once a colony i established the expansion taff maintains regular contact and each group i advised by a local alumni advisory board. Rush vi it were made early in the year followed by general programming vi it .

Without a doubt, 1995-96 wa uccessful. The program was coordinated by Director of Expansion Steve Vin cent (Missouri-Columbia, Alpha Nu '83 ). Without his vision over the past fo ur years Pi Kappa Alpha would not have achieved the reputation as the leader in expan ion. Steve has as umed the Director of Alumni Affairs. Shad D. Williams (Oklahoma State, (iamma Chi '90) a sumed the role of Director of Expansion on July 1, 1996. Williams will be joined by Ex pan ion Consultant Chuck Hunt (North Alabama, Theta Alpha '93) and Derek Grech (Wes tern Ontario, Iota Omega '94).

The Year in Expansion

INSTALLATIONS Wilfrid Laurier University Unive rsity of Californ ia, Kappa Mu Chapter San Diego George Mason University March 23 , 1996 Slippery Rock University Kappa Theta Chapter 40 Founding Fathers University of Pennsylvania September 30 , 1995 American University 55 Founding Fathers University of the Pacific Coastal Caroli na Kappa Nu Chapter University of Rhode Island April 13, 1996 UPCOMING Kappa Iota Chapter 50 Founding Fathers COLONIZATIONS October 14, 1995 52 Founding Fathers University of Maryland, EXISTING COLONIES Delta Psi (Fall '96) University of North Carolina­ University of Maine Virginia Tech , Eps ilon Charlotte University of Nevada, (Tentative , Fall '96) Kappa Kappa Chapter Las Vegas Plymouth State February 24, 1995 Youngstown State University (Tentative , Fall '96) 66 Founding Fathers State University of New York­ Iowa State, Alpha Ph i Albany (Tentative, Spring '96) Western Illinois University Kappa Lambda Chapter COLONIZATIONS University of California, March 16, 1996 Riverside (Spring '98) 46 Founding Fathers University of South Dakota

EPTEMBER 1996 IS Chapter Services

T he Memorial Headquarter ' ervices department i re pon ible fo r providing ex isting Pi Kappa Alpha chapters with developmental upport throughout the academic year. Most of the uppon come directl y from chapter consultant visit , developmental visits, ru sh visits and special vi its focusing on any chapter unique environment. Chapter can al o access the Memori al Headquarters directl y through its ervice maintained educational program and publicati ons.

1995-96 marked a year of change for the services department. Many new initiati ves were implemented includ in g a revised chapter consultant assessment and report, lengthened consultant visits and team visit . An evalu ati on of the service department in May 1996 re ulted in a comprehensive restructuring of the department. The Director of Chapter Finance position was merged with the Director of Services J cfrey M. Meleti o (Winthrop, re pon ibilities yieldi ng two Directors of Service -one's emphasis on development and ri sk awarene Tlwta S igma '91) and the other focu in g on the Fraternity's educati onal initiati ves. The directors will oversee general Director of Services chapter ervice in the ir regions, each working with eight of the sixteen. Both Directors will oversee a nd Educati on chapter fin ancial development in the ir respecti ve regions. This marks the first time in Pi Kappa Alpha's hi story that two d irectors have managed MHQ services. The restructuring will a ll ow the Memori al Headquarter to better service chapters by immedi ate ly improving all educati onal programs, increasin g vi it frequency and empowering chapter consultants within the ir regions.

Seven chapter consultants began traveling the year in August conducting developmental and ru sh visits. A to tal of 15 visits of this type were completed before the regul ar visit schedule commenced. Chapter consultants foc u ed on ru sh, membership educati on, ri sk awarene and alumni relations, as well as the tandard comprehen ive program development. Thirty-six chapters received extra as istance with the trial one-week consultant visit program. Teams of consultants made visits to 25 chapters to provide those chapters with intense chapter management training. They also assisted with 6 expansion projects and colony inspectio n , a well as insta ll ati on endeavors. Over 230 visit had been made by the end of the year. Addin g to their vi itati on re ponsibilities, the consultants presented sessions at the Officers Leadership Academy, ixteen Regional Leadership Confe rences and the Chapter Presidents Confe rence.

The ervice department also assi t chapters a they handle precarious situati on with their vari ou con tituents. Former Director of Services Scott A. Russell and Current Director of Services and Develop­ ment Mark C. Dziatczak made visit throughout the year to help lead chapter through difficult circum­ stances. Most of the vi its focu ed on remedyin g behavioral probl em , medi ating d ispute with uni ver i­ ties and the recruitment of alumni volunteers to assi t locall y. Vi sit were made to chapters in We t Vi rg ini a, M issouri , Virg ini a, Missi sippi , Texa , De laware, Massachusetts, Cali fo rnia, South Caro lina and Arkan as.

Chapter Assessment Ratings

Excellent ...... 40 ...... 20 .3 %

Above Average ...... 52 ...... 26.4 %

Average ...... 64 ...... 32 .5 %

Below Average ...... 29 ...... 14.7 %

Critical ...... 12 ...... 6.1 %

16 EPTEMBER 1996 Risk Awareness

Pi Kappa Alpha continue to lead the way in the world of fraternities in it aggre ive and co t­ effective approach to ri sk awarene s. The ri sk awareness effort of the International Fraternity are developed and implemented by the Ri k Awareness Foundation. All chapter and member contribute to the Risk Awareness Foundation on an annual basis through the Fraternity' general Liability program. Fund are used to upport educational initiatives at the Fraternity's variou leader hip conference and build the Fraternity's self-retention fund. Further, assessments are u ed to pay the premium fo r the excess and umbrella insurance policies that provide coverage for participants beyond the Fraternity ' elf-retention level.

The most valuable use of the Risk Awareness Foundation's re ources i the financing of educational Mark . Dziatczak programs for undergraduate members and alumni. Pi Kappa Alpha conduct ri k awarene education (Wayue State, se ions at all sixteen Regional Leadership Conferences annually. Theses ion give undergraduate De/Ill 11 '91) member the means to maintain a safe and fun environment for their chapter . AI o, general ri k aware­ Director of ervices ness session are conducted at every international conference, convention and academy. The Foundation and Deve lopment make funds available to the Fraternity to cover the travel costs associated with the pre entation of the programs. Additional initiatives include the commission of videos highlighting issue uch as relation- hips, hazing and alcohol abuse and enli ting subscription of the Fraternal Law new letter for every chapter and advi or.

The admini tration of the Ri sk Awarenes Foundation' self-retention program continues to prove succes ful. Since program inception in the 1987-88 fiscal year, the number of claim and los e have decreased. Excellent claims management and comprehensive participant education have allowed the Fraternity to obtain excess in urance from high rated carriers at the lowe t premium avai lable to fraternities. Therefore, members of Pi Kappa Alpha enjoy an a sessment that is well below an average fraternity' cost.

The uccess of the Risk Awarenes Foundation's approach to ri sk awareness doe not mean that chapters and constituents can relax their efforts. By contrast, Fraternity officers mu t redouble their efforts to educate the general chapter member hip. Success will only continue with due diligence toward providing a safe, healthy and fun environment for Pi Kappa Alpha member and gue t . The Foundation ' administrators and Memorial Headquarters' staff realize this important fact and will continue to explore new initiatives to reduce ri sk and further the prosperity of the Fraternity.


In 1995-96 Pi Kappa Alpha printed a total of 320,515 copies of the Shield & Diamond. Over 120,000 alumni received a copy of the September issue which goes to all mailable alumni.

Also during the 1995-96 academic year, the Fraternity' communicati on staff worked with the International Rush Advisory Commis ion on the development of the Pikes Illustrated international rush brochure for chapter use. This brochure i an eight page full color booklet that highlight the Fraternity's commitment to building the best scholars, leaders, athletes and gentlemen.

Also along the line of ru sh, the Fraternity produced its fir t ru h chairman 's workbook, whi ch wa unveiled at the 1995 Officer Leadership Academy. This workbook helps chapter ru h chairmen develop Barbara E. Perkins a chapter- pecific program u ing tried and true rush technique taught by the International Rush Advi­ Director of sory Commi sion. Communications/ Shield & Diamond Managing Editor

EPTEMBER 1996 17 1996 International Award Recipients

ALUMNI AWARDS ATHLETICS, DIVISION 1: Omega Chapter, University of Kentucky DISTINGUISHED ACHIEVEMENT AWARD : C. Patrick Roberts, Alpha Omega, Kansas State University ATHLETICS, DIVISION II : Beta Upsilon Chapter, University of Colorado LOYALTY AWARD : Joseph R. Brown , Beta Gamma Chapter, University of Kansas ATHLETICS, DIVISION Ill : Epsilon Nu Chapter, Georgia State University CHAPTER ADVISOR OF THE YEAR : William E. Berry, Theta Sigma Chapter, Winthrop University RUSH , DIVISION 1: Gamma Delta Chapter, University of Arizona WILLIAM A. NESTER AWARD : HONORABLE MENTION: Reelfoot Lake Alumni Chapter Iota Iota Chapter, Michigan State University

ROBERTADGERSMYTHEAWARD RUSH , DIVISION II : Theta Omicron Chapter, Indiana State University Eta Omicron Chapter, Northeast Louisiana University Iota Delta Chapter, Rose Hulman Institute RUSH , DIVISION Ill: Gamma Om icron Chapter, Ohio University Iota Nu Chapter, Saint Louis University Theta Omicron Chapter, Indiana State University Iota Mu Chapter, Southern Illinois University CAMPUS INVOLVEMENT, DIVISION 1: Kappa Delta Chapter, Northeastern University Alpha Kappa Chapter, University of Missouri-Rolla Beta Tau Chapter, University of Michigan Gamma Delta Chapter, University of Arizona CAMPUS INVOLVEMENT, DIVISION II : Iota Omega Chapter, University of Western Ontario Iota Alpha Chapter, University of Wyoming Iota Nu Chapter, Saint Louis University CAMPUS INVOLVEMENT, DIVISION Ill : HARVEYT. NEWELL AWARD Iota Nu Chapter, Saint Louis University

Epsilon Nu Chapter, Georgia State University PUBLICATIONS: Beta Tau Chapter, University of Michigan CHAPTER PROGRAMMING AWARDS COMMUNITY SERVICE: SCHOLARSHIP CUP : Eta Omicron Chapter, Northeast Louisiana University Kappa Beta Chapter, Princeton University PLEDGE EDUCATION : SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS : Beta Tau Chapter, University of Michigan Gamma Upsilon Chapter, University of Tulsa Delta Alpha Chapter, George Washington University 100 MAN CHAPTERS Zeta Alpha 'B' Chapter, GMI Engineering and Management lnst. Delta Nu Chapter, Wayne State University Alpha Eta Chapter, University of Florida Beta Tau Chapter, University of Michigan Epsilon Gamma Chapter, Texas Tech University Iota Nu Chapter, Saint Lou is Un iversity Gamma Omicron Chapter, Ohio University Iota Lambda Chapter, Columbia University Theta Omicron Chapter, Indiana State University Iota Iota Chapter, Michigan State University Beta Mu Chapter, Universiy of Texas Iota Delta Chapter, Rose Hulman Institute of Technology Delta Xi Chapter, Indiana University Beta Beta Chapter, University of Washington Eta Phi Chapter, University of Central Florida Kappa Delta Chapter, Northeastern University Gamma Delta Chapter, University of Arizona Kappa Beta Chapter, Princeton University Iota Omega Chapter, University of Western Ontario HOUSING AWARDS

CONTINUING EDUCATION : CHAPTER ROOM OF THE YEAR : Iota Alpha Chapter, University of Wyom ing Epsilon Iota Chapter, Southeast Missouri State University

ALUMNI RELATI ONS : CHAPTER HOUSE OF THE YEAR : Theta Omicron Chapter, Indiana State University Zeta Alpha Chapter, GMI Engineering and Management Institute

18 EPTE BER 1996 Directory of Chapters, Colonies & Alumni Associations

THE CHAPTERS: MU (Presbyterian College) OMEGA (University of Kentucky) P.O. Box 1373, Presbyterian College 459 Huguelet Drive, Lexington, KY 40508 ALPHA (University of Virginia) Clinton, SC 29325 Ad visor: Patrick Schmidt 513 Rugby Rd ., Charlottesville, VA 22903 Advisor: Thomas C. Harney 1995-96 Pledgings: 49 Advisor: Scott W. Tumperi 1995-96 Pledgings: 8 1995-96 Initiations: 39 1995-96 Pledgings: 15 1995-96 Initiations: 13 Current Actives : 91 1995-96 Initiations: 13 Current Actives: 29 Total Chapter Size : 1,761 Current Actives: 34 Total Chapter Size: 1, 059 Total Chapter Size: t ,487 ALPHA ALPHA (Duke University) NU (Wofford College) Box 99308, Durham, NC 27708-9308 BETA (Davidson College) 429 N. Church St. Advisor: Keith S. Hasson P.O. Box 574, Davidson College, Davidson, NC Spartanburg, SC 29303-6336 1995-96 Pl edgings: 17 28036 Advisor: Very Rev. William H. Willimon 1995-961nitiations: 16 Advisor: Vacant 1995-96 Pledgings: 15 Current Actives : 56 1995-96 Pledgings: 16 1995-96 Initiations: 8 Total Chapter Size : 1 ,523 1995-96 Initiations: 16 Current Actives: 56 Current Actives: 40 Total Chapter Size: 810 ALPHA GAMMA (Louisiana State University) Total Chapter Size: 1, 424 Box 25134, Baton Rouge, LA 70893 XI (University of South Carolina) Ad visor: Tommy M. Smith GAMMA (College of William & Mary) P.O. Box 85128, University of South Carolina 1995-96 Pledgings: 16 Box 4233, College Station, Williamsburg, VA 23186 Columbia, SC 29225 1995-96 Initiations: 12 Advisor: Philip A. Hatfield Advisor: William P. Murdock, Jr. Current Actives: 31 1995-96 Pledgings: 19 1995-96 Pledgings: 14 Tota l Chapter Size : 1,040 1995-96 Initiations: 19 1995-96 Initiations: 17 Current Actives: 37 Current Actives: 50 ALPHA DE LTA (Georgia Institute of Technology) Total Chapter Size: 1,421 Total Chapter Size: 1,198 260 Ferst Dr., Atlanta, GA 30318 Advisor: Vacant ZETA (University of Tennessee) OMICRON (University of Richmond) 1995-96 Pledgings: 18 1820 Fraternity Park Drive, Knoxville, TN 37916 Box 188, UFA, Richmond, VA 23173 1995-96 Initiations: 12 Advisor: Patrick J. Heagerty, Ill Advisor: Vacant Current Actives: 62 1995-96 Pledgings: 33 1995-96 Pledgings: 15 Total Chapter Size: 1, 675 1995-96 Initiations: 35 1995-96 Initiations: 15 Current Actives: 58 Current Actives: 70 ALPHA EPSILON (North Carolina State University) Total Chapter Size: 2,237 Total Chapter Size: 1 ,200 21 4 South Fraternity Court, Raleigh, NC 27606 Advisor: Dennis H. Cooke, Ill ETA (Tulane University) PI (Washington & Lee University) 1995-96 Pledgings: 35 1036 Broadway, New Orleans, LA 70118 106 N. Main St., Lexington, VA 24450 1995-96 Initiations: 15 Advisor: Robert Adam Shapiro Advisor: Joseph C. Smith, Jr. Current Actives: 68 1995-96 Pledgings: 18 1995-96 Pledgings: 18 Total Chapter Size: 1, 266 1995-96 Initiations: 24 1995-96 Initiations: 19 Current Actives: 52 Current Actives: 64 ALPHA ETA (University of Florida) Total Chapter Size : 1, 269 Total Chapter Size: 1 ,233 1904 West University Ave. , Gainesville, FL 32604 Advisor: Harvey E. Oyer, Ill THETA (Rhodes College) SIGMA (Vanderbilt University) 1995-96 Pl edgings: 38 Box BG , Rhodes College, Memphis, TN 38112 2408 Kensington Place, Nashvill e, TN 37212 1995-96 Initiations: 33 Advisor: Jason Hood Advisor: George H. Heins, Ill Current Actives: 120 1995-96 Pledgings: 18 1995-96 Pl edgings: 15 Total Chapter Size : 2,906 1995-96 Initiations: 15 1995-96 Initiations: 29 Current Actives: 58 Current Actives: 62 ALPHA THETA (West Virginia University) Total Chapter Size: 926 Total Chapter Size: 1 ,524 117 Belmar Ave ., Morgantown, WV 26505 Ad visor: Duffy Guschel IOTA (Hampden-Sydney College) TAU (University of North Carolina) 1995-96 Pl edgings: 18 Box 343, Hampden -Sydney College, 106 Fraternity Court, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 1995-96 Initiations: 15 Hampden-Sydney, VA 23943 Advisor: Michael S. Rosenbacher Current Actives: 44 Advisor : William T. Butler, Jr. 1995-96 Pledgings: 16 To tal Chapter Size: 1, 448 1995-96 Pledgings: 11 1995-96 Initiations: 21 1995-96 Initiations: 10 Current Actives : 50 ALPHA IOTA (Millsaps College) Current Actives: 29 Total Chapter Size: 1 ,499 P.O. Box 150468, Jackson, MS 39210 Total Chapter Size: 1,175 Ad visor: James F. Noble, Ill UPSILON (Auburn Un iversity) 1995-96 Pledgings: 11 KAPPA (Transylvania) 840 West Magnolia Ave ., Auburn, AL 36830 1995-96 Initiations: 22 Transylvania University, 300 N. Broadway, Advisor: Bill Ham, Jr. Current Actives: 48 Lexington , KY 40508 1995-96 Pl edgings: 32 Total Chapter Size: 1,511 Advisor: Mark Blankenship 1995-961nitiations: 29 1995-96 Pledgings : 25 Current Actives: 62 1995-96 Initiations: 16 Total Chapter Size: 2,365 Current Actives: 45 Total Chapter Size: 990

19 SEPTEMBER 1996 ALPHA KAPPA (University of Missouri- Rolla) ALPHA CHI (Syracuse University) BETA THETA (Cornell University) Box 156, 9th at Bis hop, Rolla, MO 65401 c/oBrian Carolan 17 South Ave ., Ithaca, NY 14850 Ad visor: ChristopherW. Ramsay 1208 Harrison St. , Apt. 5, Syracuse, NY 13210 Advisor: Vacant 1995-96 Pledgings: 22 Advisor : Vacant 1995-96 Pledgings: 23 1995-96 In itiations : 14 1995-96 Pledgings: 12 1995-96 Initiations: 22 Current Actives: 50 1995-96 1nitiations: 21 Current Actives : 42 Total Chapter Size: 1 ,252 Current Actives: 38 Total Chapter Size: 1,411 Total Chapter Size : 1,091 ALPHA LAMBDA (Georgetown College) BETA KAPPA (Emory University) 400 E. College, Box #708, Georgetown, KY 40324 ALPHA PSI (Rutgers University) Drawer R, Emory University Advisor: Dr. John A. Sadlon Office of Frat.!Sor. Affairs Atlanta, GA 30322 1995-96 Pledgings: 11 15 Bartlett St. , New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Advisor: Vacant 1995-96 Initiations: 10 Ad visor: RolfS. Zimmermann 1995-96 Pledgings: 26 Current Actives: 36 1995-96 Pledgings: 18 1995-961nitiations: 21 Total Chapter Size : 1, 079 1995-96 Initiations: 17 Current Actives: 63 Current Acti ves: 71 Total Chapter Size: 1, 459 ALPHA MU (University of Georgia) Total Chapter Size : 530 360 South Lumpkin St. , Athens, GA 30602 BETA MU (University of Texas) Ad visor: Lauren M. Coile ALPHA OMEGA (Kansas State University) 2400 Leon , Austin, TX 78705 1995-96 Pledgings: 40 2021 College View, Manhattan , KS 66502 Advisor:Vacant 1995-96 In itiations : 35 Ad visor: Jeff Mathis 1995-96 Pledgings: 51 Current Actives : 69 1995-96 Pledgings: 33 1995-96 Initiations: 34 Tota l Chapter Size: 1,959 1995-961nitiations : 24 Current Actives : 105 Current Acti ves: 92 Total Chapter Size: 2,201 ALPHA NU (University of Missouri-Columbia) Total Chapter Size: 1, 527 916 South Providence Rd ., Columbia, MO 65201 BETA NU (Oregon State University) Ad visor: Evan Richmond BETA ALPHA (Pennsylvania State University) 209 NW 14th St., Corvallis, OR 97330 1995-96 Pledgings: 47 41 7 E. Prospect Ave. , State College, PA 16801 Advisor: Joseph K. Wargo 1995-96 Initiations: 41 Ad visor: James Robert Zanghi 1995-96 Pledgings: 28 Current Acti ves : 94 1995-96 Pledgings: 24 1995-96 Initiations : 17 Total Chapter Size: 1 ,862 1995-961nitiations : 14 Current Actives : 56 Current Acti ves : 43 Total Chapter Size : 925 ALPHA XI (Un iversity of Cincinnati) Total Chapter Size : 1,445 3400 Brookline Ave ., Cincinnati, OH 45220 BETA OMICRON (University of Oklahoma) Ad visor: Frank V. Conners BETA BETA (Un iversity of Washington) 1203 South Elm St. , Norman, OK 73072 1995-96 Pledgings: 40 4626 21st Ave. N.E., Seattle, WA 98105 Advisor : Kurt Duane Hondl 1995-96 In itiations: 27 Advisor: Sean Mirkes 1995-96 Pledgings: 19 Current Actives : 80 1995-96 Pledgings: 17 1995-96 Initiations: 18 Total Chapter Size: 1,744 1995-96 Initiations: 11 Current Actives: 40 Current Actives: 34 Total Chapter Size: 1, 695 ALPHA OMICRON (Southwestern Un iversity) Total Chapter Size: 904 Box 601 7, S.U. Station, Georgetown, TX 78626 BETA SIGMA (Carnegie-Mellon University) Ad visor: Mike Rossman BETA GAMMA (University of Kansas) 1079 Morewood Place, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 1995-96 Pledgings: 24 2000 Stewart Ave., Lawrence, KS 66046 Advisor: Mace W. Maxwell 1995-96 Initiations: 24 Ad visor: Kirk R. Cerny 1995-96 Pledgings: 23 Cu rre nt Actives: 46 1995-96 Pledgings: 44 1995-96 Initiations: 14 Total Chapter Size : 1,165 1995-96 Initiations: 32 Current Actives: 42 Current Acti ves: 71 Total Chapter Size: 1,174 ALPHA RHO (Ohio State University) Total Chapter Size: 1,431 43 East 15th St. , Columbus, OH 43201 BETA TAU (University of Michigan) Ad visor: John R. Guroy BETA DELTA (University of New ) BOO Oxford , Ann Arbor, Ml 48104 1995-96 Pledgings: 11 700 University Blvd. NE , Albuquerque, NM 87106 Advisor: Dean K. Gomoll 1995-96 Initiations: 5 Advisor: Salvador B. Gonzales 1995-96 Pledgings : 36 Current Acti ves: 28 1995-96 Pledgings: 16 1995-96 Initiations: 31 Total Chapter Size: 1,312 1995-96 In itiations: 10 Current Actives : 90 Current Actives: 38 Total Chapter Size: 401 ALPHA SIGMA (Un ivers ity of California-Berkeley) Total Chapter Size: 1,477 2324 Piedmont, Berkeley, CA 94704 BETA UPSILON (University of Colorado) Ad visor: Jeff C. Rohwer BETA ZETA (Southern Methodist University) 1101 University Ave ., Boulder, CO 80302 1995-96 Pledgings: 13 SMU, P.O. Box 754657, Dallas, TX 75275-4657 Advisor: Jamie A. Gard 1995-96 Initiations : 16 Advisor : Edward D. Barnes 1995-96 Pledging s: 41 Current Actives: 42 1995-96 Pledgings: 30 1995-961nitiations: 39 Total Chapter Size: 1,166 1995-961nitiations: 29 Current Actives: 82 Current Acti ves: 63 Total Chapter Size : 1, 342 ALPHA TAU (Un iversity of Utah) Total Chapter Size: 1 ,387 41 Universi ty St. , Salt Lake City, UT 84102 BETA PH I (Purdue University) Ad visor: Jerr y Anderson BETA ETA (University of Illinois) P.O. Box 2853, West Lafayette, IN 47906 1995-96 Pledging s: 27 102 East Chalmers, Champaign , IL 61820 Advisor: Ken Ewing 1995-96 Initiations: 22 Ad visor: Rich Western 1995-96 Pledgings: 45 Current Actives : 65 1995-96 Pledgings: 29 1995-96 Initiations: 34 Total Chapter Size: 2,338 1995-96 1nitiations: 24 Current Actives: 88 Current Actives : 88 Tota l Chapter Size: 1,833 Total Chapter Size: 1,647

20 SE PTEMB ER 1996 BETA CHI (University of Minnesota) GAMMA MU (University of New Hampshire) GAMMA PHI (Wake Forest University) 1813 University Ave. S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55414 5 Stafford Ave., Durham, NH 03824 Box 7474 , Reynolda Station Advisor: Andrew G. Batstone Advisor: Scott Lincoln Winston-Salem, NC 27109 1995-96 Pledgings: 27 1995-96 Pledgings: 19 Advisor: Cook Griffin 1995-96 Initiations: 18 1995-96 Initiations: 18 1995-96 Pledgings: 19 Current Actives: 58 Current Actives: 49 1995-96 Initiations: 19 Total Chapter Size: 448 Total Chapter Size: 1,199 Current Actives : 35 Total Chapter Size: 1,054 GAMMA ALPHA (University of Alabama) GAMMA NU (University of Iowa) P.O. Drawer BH , Tuscaloosa, AL 35486 1032 North Dubuque St. , Iowa City, lA 52245 GAMMA CHI (Oklahoma State University) Advisor: Vacant Advisor: David L. Fuchs 221 South Lincoln, Stillwater, OK 74074 1995-96 Pledgings: 27 1995-96 Pledgings: 8 Advisor: Steffan G. Anderson 1995-96 Initiations: 24 1995-96 1nitiations: 8 1995-96 Pledgings: 23 Current Actives: 66 Current Actives: 40 1995-961nitiations: 20 Total Chapter Size: 1,641 Total Chapter Size: 1,268 Current Actives: 56 Total Chapter Size: 1,321 GAMMA DELTA (University of Arizona) GAMMA XI (Washington State University) 1340 East 1st St., Tucson, AZ 85719 N.E. 710 California St., Pullman, WA 99163 GAMMA PSI (Louisiana Polytechnic Institute) Advisor: Eric Baker Advisor: Scott Stewart 110 Western, Ruston, LA 71270 1995-96 Pledgings: 57 1995-96 Pl edgings: 29 Advisor: Chuck Middleton 1995-96 Initiations: 42 1995-96 Initiations: 22 1995-96 Pl edgings: 24 Current Actives: 102 Current Actives: 66 1995-96 Initiations: 12 Total Chapter Size: 1,374 Total Chapter Size: 1,232 Current Actives: 45 Total Chapter Size: 1,313 GAMMA EPSILON (Utah State University) GAMMA OMICRON (Ohio University) 757 E. Seventh N., Logan, UT 84321 12 N. College St. , Athens, OH 45701 GAMMA OMEGA (University of Miami) Advisor: MarkS. Warr Ad visor: Dave Aiken 5800 San Amaro Drive , Coral Gables, FL 33146 1995-96 Pledgings: 14 1995-96 Pl edgings: 48 Advisor: Agu stin A. Abalo 1995-96 Initiations: 15 1995-96 Initiations: 43 1995-96 Pledgings: 30 Current Actives: 34 Current Actives: 113 1995-96 Initiations: 23 Total Chapter Size: 1,822 Total Chapter Size: 1,125 Current Actives: 56 Total Chapter Size : 1,424 GAMMA ETA (University of Southern California) GAMMA PI (University of Oregon) 907 W. 28th St., Los Angeles, CA 90007 1813 University Street, Eugene, OR 97 403 DELTA ALPHA (George Washington University) Advisor: John Arabia Ad visor: Edward F. Westrich 800 21st St. NW, Ste. 205 1995-96 Pledgings: 23 1995-96 Pledgings: 13 Washington, D.C. 20052 1995-961nitiations: 31 1995-96 Initiations: 7 Advisor: S. Woodruff Bentley Current Actives: 75 Current Actives: 36 1995-96 Pledgings: 14 Total Chapter Size: 1,036 Total Chapter Size : 846 1995-96 Initiations : 13 Current Actives: 46 GAMMA THETA (Mississippi State University) GAMMA RHO (Northwestern University) Total Chapter Size: 549 Drawer GT, Mississippi State, MS 39762 566 Lincoln St. , Evanston, IL 60201 -3594 Advisor: Ronald K. Vickers Advisor: Jeffrey D. Smith DELTA GAMMA (Miami University-Ohio) 1995-96 Pledgings: 31 1995-96 Pledgings: 5 410 East Church St. , Oxford, OH 45056 1995-96 Initiations: 18 1995-96 Initiations: 4 Advisor: Stephen C. Nester Current Actives: 59 Current Actives: 37 1995-96 Pl edgings: 37 Total Chapter Size: 1,856 Total Chapter Size: 1,082 1995-961nitiations: 27 Current Actives : 67 GAMMA IOTA (University of Mississippi) GAMMA SIGMA (University of Pittsburgh) Total Chapter Size : 1,408 Box 8227, University, MS 38677 3520 Forbes Ave ., St. A #133 Advisor: Dr. Richard L. Dixon Pittsburgh, PA 15213 DELTA DELTA (Florida Southern College) 1995-96 Pledgings: 34 Advisor: Lance Mitchell P.O. Box 15221 , Lakeland, FL 33802 1995-96 Initiations: 26 1995-96 Pl edgings: 22 Advisor: Brent A. Hering Current Actives: 32 1995-96 Initiations: 23 1995-96 Pl edgings: 11 Total Chapter Size: 1,774 Current Actives: 75 1995-96 Initiations: 9 Total Chapter Size: 1,352 Current Actives: 20 GAMMA KAPPA (Montana State University) Total Chapter Size : 877 1321 South Fifth , Bozeman, MT 59715 GAMMA TAU (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) Ad visor: Sam Rotellini 128 Twelfth St., Troy, NY 12180 DELTA ZETA (Memphis State Un iversity) 1995-96 Pl edgings: 46 Advisor: Edward J. Reese 3611 Midland, Memphis, TN 38111 1995-96 Initiations: 28 1995-96 Pledgings: 34 Advisor: Scott Knowlton Current Actives : 58 1995-96 Initiations: 42 1995-96 Pledgings: 18 Total Chapter Size: 1,201 Current Actives: 50 1995-96 Initiations: 14 Total Chapter Size: 1,184 Current Actives : 30 GAMMA LAMBDA (Lehigh University) Total Chapter Size : 1,268 515 Delaware Ave., Bethlehem, PA 18015 GAMMA UPSILON (University of Tulsa) Advisor: Michael Jason Sirak 3123 East 7th St., Tulsa, OK 74104 DELTA ETA (University of Delaware) 1995-96 Pledgings: 8 Ad visor: Paul H. Wilkening 3 13 Wyoming Rd ., Newark, DE 19711 1995-96 Initiations: 12 1995-96 Pledgings: 17 Advisor: Steven P. Richardson Current Actives: 32 1995-96 Initiations: 16 1995-96 Pledgings: 31 Total Chapter Size: 712 Current Actives: 36 1995-96 Initiations: 39 Total Chapter Size: 1,010 Current Actives: 26 Total Chapter Size : 795

EPTEMBER 1996 2 1 DELTA THETA (Arkansas State University) DELTA CHI (University of Nebraska-Omaha) EPSILON KAPPA (Lamar University) P.O. Box 370, State University, AR 72467 6800 W. Dodge Rd ., Omaha, NE 68108 P.O. Box 10820, Lamar University, Beaumont, TX Advisor: Michael K. Williams Advi sor:Terry Forman 77710 1995-96 Pledgings: 45 1995-96 Pledgings: 32 A d visor ~ Thomas W. Gard 1995-96 Initiations: 36 1995-96 In itiation s: 15 1995-96 Pledgings: 22 Current Actives: 47 Current Actives: 68 1995-96 Initiations: 26 Total Chapter Size: 1, 310 Total Chapter Size: 844 Current Actives: 53 Total Chapter Size: 752 DELTA IOTA (Marshall University) DELTA OMEGA (High Point College) 1625 Fifth Ave. , Huntington, WV 25703 Box 3046, HPU, High Point, NC 27262 EPSILON LAMBDA (Murray State University) Advisor: R. Ru ssell Alexander Ad visor: W. Patrick Haun P.O. Box 2102, University Station, Murray, KY 42071 1995-96 Pl edgings: 30 1995-96 Pledgings: 6 Ad visor : James F. Carter 1995-96 Initiations: 21 1995-96 1nitiations: 6 1995-96 Pledgings: 38 Current Actives: 31 Current Actives: 34 1995-96 Initiations: 37 Total Chapter Size: 1,126 Total Chapter Size: 575 Current Actives: 69 Total Chapter Size: 1 ,391 DELTA MU (Un iversity of Southern Mississippi) EPSILON BETA (Valparaiso University) Box 8427 Southern Station , Hatti es burg , MS 39401 Box 93, Valparaiso, IN 46383 EPSILON MU (East Carolina Un iversity) Advisor: Kim R. Choate, Jr. Ad visor: Vacant 108 N. Holly St. , Greenville, NC 27858 1995-96 Pl edgings: 39 1995-96 Pledgings: 2 Advisor: Bradford E. Osborne 1995-96 Initiations: 22 1995-96 Initiations: 7 1995-96 Pledgings: 23 Current Actives: 51 Current Actives : 18 1995-96 Initiations : 21 Total Chapter Size: 994 Total Chapter Size : 1,115 Current Actives: 41 Total Chapter Size: 53 2 DELTA NU (Wayne State University) EPSILON GAMMA (Texas Tech Univers ity) 4251 Cass Ave ., Detroit, Ml48201 #20 Greek Circle, Lubbock, TX 79416 EPSILON NU (Georgia State Univers ity) Ad visor: Gary N. Felty, Jr. Ad visor: Jim Bob Jones 922 W. Peachtree St. , Atlanta, GA 30309 1995-96 Pledgings: 28 1995-96 Pledgings: 64 Advisor : Gleason R. Benford, Jr. 1995-96 Initiations: 25 1995-96 Initiations: 44 1995-96 Pledgings: 22 Current Actives: 69 Current Actives : 119 1995-96 Initiation s: 19 Total Chapter Size: 805 Total Chapter Size: 1,513 Cu rrent Actives: 41 Total Chapter Size: 797 DELTA XI (Indiana University) EPSILON EPSILON (University of Toledo) 1012 East Th ird St. , Bloomington, IN 47406 2955 Dorr St. , Toledo, OH 43607 EPSILON XI (Case Western Reserve University) Advisor: Joseph S. Lueken Ad visor: Harlan M. Joel son c/o Off. of Greek Life, 10900 Euclid Ave ., 1995-96 Pledgings: 40 1995-96 Pledgings: 17 Cleve land, OH 441 06-7061 1995-96 In itiations: 28 1995-96 Initiations: 10 Ad visor: Glenn T. Ogg Current Actives: 104 Current Actives: 4 7 1995-96 Pledgings: 15 Total Chapter Size: 1, 039 To tal Chapter Size: 667 1995-96 Initiations: 14 Current Acti ves: 34 DELTA OMICRON (Drake Univers ity) EPSILON ZETA (East Tennessee State University) Total Chapter Size: 595 1218 34th St. , Des Moines, lA 50311 P.O. Box 70584, Johnson City, TN 37614 Ad visor:Thomas T. Hamilton Ad visor: Joe W. Booth EPSILON OMICRON (Stephen F. Austin State 1995-96 Pl edgings: 24 1995-96 Pledgings: 15 University) 1995-96 Initiations: 4 1995-96 Initiations: 8 Univ. Station, Box 7421 , Nacogdoches, TX 75962 Cu rrent Actives: 28 Current Actives: 33 Ad visor: Gary Charles Gibbs Total Chapter Size: 795 Total Chapter Size : 790 1995-96 Pledgings: 37 1995-96 Initiations: 33 DELTA RHO (Linfield College) EPSILON ETA (University of Houston) Current Actives: 51 435 College Ave ., McMinnvi lle, OR 97128 1112 South more, Houston, TX 77004 Total Chapter Size : 1 ,027 Ad visor: R. B. Johnson Ad visor: Mark A. Robertson 1995-96 Pledgings: 22 1995-96 Pledgings: 20 EPSILON SIGMA (Un iversity of Tenn essee-Martin) 1995-96 Initiations: 16 1995-96 In itiations: 16 220 Hannings Lane, Martin, TN 38237 Current Actives: 44 Current Actives : 29 Advisor: Robb N. Newbill Total Chapter Size: 685 To tal Chapter Size : 790 1995-96 Pledgings: 40 1995-961nitiations: 25 DELTA SIGMA (Bradley University) EPSILON THETA (Colorado State Un iversity) Current Actives: 70 706 North In stitute, Peoria, IL 61606 Box 810, Lory Student Ce nter, CSU, Ft. Collins, CO Total Chapter Size 927 Advi sor: Gregory All en Potts 80523 1995-96 Pledgings: 17 Ad visor: Ray Mart inez EPSILON UPSILON (Gannon Unive rsity) 1995-96 Initiations: 13 1995-96 Pledgings: 33 515 W. 7th St. , Erie, PA 16502 Current Actives: 36 1995-96 Initiations: 25 Advisor: Dr. Paul E. Barney, Jr. Total Chapter Size: 878 Current Actives: 73 1995-96 Pledgings: 7 Total Chapter Size: 740 1995-961nitiations: 11 DELTA TAU (Arizona State University) Current Actives : 25 620 Alpha Drive, Tempe, AZ 85281 EPSILON IOTA (Southeast Missouri State Total Chapter Size: 635 Advisor: Thomas M. Simplot University) 1995-96 Pledgings: 40 P.O. Box 242, Cape Girardeau, MO 63702-0242 EPSILON PHI (University of Central Arkansas) 1995-96 Initiations: 27 Ad visor: John Brian Shelton 2490 Bruce St. , Conway, AR 72032 Current Actives: 43 1995-96 Pl edging s: 29 Ad visor: Dr. Henry Rogers Total Chapter Size: 1,174 1995-96 Initiations: 32 1995-96 Pledgings: 54 Current Actives: 57 1995-96 Initiations: 27 To tal Chapter Size: 1 ,083 Current Actives: 68 Total Chapter Size: 1, 084

22 SEPTEMBER 1996 EPSILON CHI (Pittsburg State University) ZETA KAPPA (Ferris State University) ZETA CHI (Southwest Missouri State University) 1712 E. Broadway, Pittsburg, KS 66762-3858 607 South Michigan, Big Rapids, Ml 49307 1104 East Elm, Apt. D., Springfield, MO 65806 Advisor: Dave N. Robinson Advisor: Vacant Ad visor: Daniel Scott Kraus 1995-96 Pledgings: 12 1995-96 Pledgings: 16 1995-96 Pledgings: 36 1995-96 Initiations: 10 1995-96 Initiations: 19 1995-96 Initiations: 34 Current Actives: 19 Current Actives: 40 Current Actives: 54 Total Chapter Size: 589 Total Chapter Size: 908 Total Chapter Size : 684

EPSILON OMEGA (East Central University) ZETA MU (Un iversity of Idaho) ETA ALPHA (Clemson University) Box 213, East Central University, Ada, OK 7 4820 715 Nez Perce Drive, Moscow, ID 83843 P.O. Box 1497, Clemson, SC 29633 Advisor: Michael G. Seely Advisor: William E. Steiner Advisor: Matt Dey 1995-96 Pledgings: 34 1995-96 Pledgings: 27 1995-96 Pledgings: 30 1995-96 Initiations: 20 1995-96 Initiations: 21 1995-96 Initiations: 23 Current Actives: 46 Current Actives: 51 Current Actives: 79 Total Chapter Size: 633 Total Chapter Size: 537 Total Chapter Size: 971

ZETA ALPHA (GMI Engineering and Management ZETA XI (Western Carolina University) ETA BETA (Seton Ha ll University) Institute) (A & B) P.O. Box 478, Cullowhee, NC 28723 c/o Off. of Student Actv., 400 South Orange Ave. , 1484 North Linden Rd. , Flint, Ml48532 Advisor: William F. Thompson, Jr. South Orange, NJ 07079 Advisors "A": James A. Pastor & Harris Ng 1995-96 Pledgings: 24 Advisor: James M. Mere ndino Advisor "B": Michael J. Romanski 1995-96 Initiations: 13 1995-96 Pledgings: 21 1995-96 Pledgings: 25 (A), 14 (B) Current Actives : 41 1995-96 Initiations: 17 1995-96 Initiations: 14 (A), 11 (B) Total Chapter Size: 544 Current Actives: 44 Current Actives: 55 (A), 65 (B) Total Chapter Size : 665 Total Chapter Size: 924 ZETA OMICRON (California State-Northridge) 9350 Balboa Blvd., Northridge, CA 91325 ETA EPSILON (Angelo State University) ZETA BETA (Delta State University) Advisor: Wayne G. Adelstein P.O. Box 3946, San Angelo, TX 76901 PO. Box 2592, DSU, Cleveland, MS 38733 1995-96 Pledgings: 22 Advisor: Richard A. McKinney Advisor: Steven C. Verhage 1995-96 Initiations: 5 1995-96 Pledgings: 30 1995-96 Pledgings: 34 Current Actives: 34 1995-961nitiations: 26 1995-96 Initiations: 19 Total Chapter Size: 698 Current Actives: 58 Current Actives: 53 Total Chapter Size: 589 Total Chapter Size: 779 ZETA PI (University of South Florida) USF, Marshall Center, Box 2428, Tampa, FL 33620 ETA ZETA (Middle Tennessee State University) ZETA GAMMA (Eastern Illinois University) Advisor: Michael V. Calderone P.O. Box 554, M.T.S .U., Murfreesboro, TN 37132 316 University Union, Charleston, IL 61920 1995-96 Pledgings: 21 Advisor: Mark R. Sesler Advisor: Richard C. Droste 1995-96 Initiations: 21 1995-96 Pledgings: 14 1995-96 Pledgings: 30 Current Actives: 28 1995-96 Initiations: 14 1995-96 Initiations: 25 Total Chapter Size: 788 Current Actives: 28 Current Actives: 77 Total Chapter Size: 516 Total Chapter Size: 969 ZETA RHO (University of North Dakota) 2622 University Ave ., Grand Forks, ND 58201 ETA THETA (Weber State University) ZETA EPSILON (Western Kentucky University) Advisor: Vacant Box 2, Weber State University, Ogden, UT 84403 1430 Chestnut St., Bowling Green, KY 42101 1995-96 Pledgings: 24 Advisor: Rober t L. Bateman Advisor: Thomas R. Lewis 1995-96 Initiations: 15 1995-96 Pledgings: 19 1995-96 Pledgings: 37 Current Actives: 44 1995-96 Initiations: 23 1995-96 Initiations: 17 Total Chapter Size : 493 Current Actives: 16 Current Actives: 62 Total Chapter Size: 513 Total Chapter Size: 665 ZETA SIGMA (Florida Institute of Technology) P.O. Box 520, Melbourne, FL 32902 ETA KAPPA (University of South Alabama) ZETA ETA (University of Arkansas-Little Rock) Advisor: Josh Bardwell Box U-204, USA, Mobile, AL 36608 P.O. Box 4556, Little Rock, AR 72214 1995-96 Pledgings: 29 Advisor: Robert C. Campbell, Ill Advisor: Thomas C. Bratton 1995-961nitiations: 29 1995-96 Pl edging s: 25 1995-96 Pledgings: 17 Current Actives: 34 1995-96 Initiations: 15 1995-96 Initiations: 21 Total Chapter Size: 546 Current Actives: 45 Current Actives: 40 Total Chapter Size : 361 Total Chapter Size: 473 ZETA TAU (Eastern Kentucky Un iversity) Box 128, Powell Building, Richmond, KY 40475 ETA NU (Northern Illinois University) ZETA THETA (Southwest Texas State College) Advisor: Neil McMillion 900 Greenbriar, DeKalb, IL 60115 1132 Belvin, San Marcos, TX 78666 1995-96 Pledgings: 30 Advisor: Dr. Elliott Lessen Advisor: Greg Lee Jones 1995-961nitiations: 26 1995-96 Pledgings: 19 1995-96 Pledgings: 24 Current Actives: 53 1995-96 Initiations: 21 1995-96 Initiations: 38 Total Chapter Size: 531 Current Actives: 74 Current Actives: 37 Total Chapter Size: 903 Total Chapter Size: 840 ZETA PHI (University of Missouri-St. Louis) 8826 Natural Bridge Rd ., St. Louis, MO 63121 ETA OMICRON (Northeast Louisiana University) P.O. Box 14391 , NLU Station, Monroe, LA 71207 ZETA IOTA (Old Dominion University) Advisor: John R. Baluka 222W.21st St. , Box 149, Norfolk, VA23517 1995-96 Pledgings: 11 Advisor:Tommy Aaron Walpole Advisor: Anthony M. Zontini 1995-96 Initiations: 6 1995-96 Pledgings: 34 1996-96 Pledgings: 36 Current Actives: 27 1995-961nitiations: 27 1996-96 Initiations: 29 Total Chapter Size : 492 Current Actives: 88 Total Chapter Size: 640 Current Actives: 78 Total Chapter Size: 492

SEPT MBER 1996 23 ETA RHO (Northern Kentucky University) THETA ZETA (University of Northern Iowa) THETA RHO (Northern Arizona University) C.P.U . Box 179, Highland Heights, KY 41099 2320 College St. , Cedar Falls, lA 50613 CU Box 6036, NAU, Flagstaff, AZ 86011 Advisor : James K. Smith Advi sor: Robert J. Capelle Advisor : Carl Schwimmer 1995-96 Pledgings: 23 1995-96 Pledgings: 14 1995-96 Pledgings: 35 1995-96 Initiations: 21 1995-96 Initiations: 9 1995-96 Initiations: 26 Current Actives : 46 Current Actives: 35 Current Actives: 44 Total Chapter Size 409 Total Chapter Size: 304 Total Chapter Size: 414

ETA TAU (Austin Peay State University) THETA THETA (Texas A&M) THETA SIGMA (Winthrop College) Box 4637, APSU, Clarksville, TN 37044 P.O. Box 5714, College Station, TX 77844-5714 1055 Park Ave . Ext. , Rock Hill , SC 29730 Advisor: James R. McCall Advisor: Vacant Advisor: William E. Berry, Jr. 1995-96 Pledgings: 26 1995-96 Pledgings: 20 1995-96 Pledgings: 29 1995-96 Initiations: 36 1995-96 In itiations : 17 1995-96 Initiations: 21 Current Actives: 43 Current Actives: 54 Current Actives: 60 Total Chapter Size: 755 Total Chapter Size : 633 Total Chapter Size : 406

ETA UPSILON (University of Texas-Arlington) THETA KAPPA (Indiana University Southeast) THETA TAU (California State-Sacramento) 718 West Abram , Arlington, TX 76010 803 Pleasant St. , Charlestown, IN 47111 6000 J. Street, Box #24, SAC, Sacramento, CA Advisor: Rick Jenkins Ad visor: Bradley S. Heath 95819-6009 1995-96 Pl edgings: 14 1995-96 Pledgings: 14 Advisor: William F. McClure, Ill 1995-96 Initiations: 18 1995-96 In itiations: 12 1995-96 Pledgings: 15 Current Actives : 30 Current Actives : 25 1995-96 Initiations : 5 Total Chapter Size: 453 Total Chapter Size: 274 Current Actives: 24 Total Chapter Size: 425 ETA PHI (University .of Central Florida) THETA LAMBDA (Creighton University) 41 00 Greek Park Drive, Orlando, FL 32816 3100 Chicago St. , Omaha, NE 68131 THETA UPSILON (Tennessee Tech University) Advisor: Ralph W. Simon Ad visor: Nicholas J. Zeimetz 511 North Peachtree Ave ., Cookeville, TN 38501 1995-96 Pledgings: 78 1995-96 Pledgings: 29 Advisor: Stephen A. Dickens 1995-96 Initiations: 52 1995-96 1nitiations: 28 1995-96 Pledgings: 28 Current Actives : 104 Current Actives: 83 1995-96 Initiations: 10 Total Chapter Size : 906 Total Chapter Size: 780 Current Actives: 59 Total Chapter Size: 325 THETA ALPHA (University of North Alabama) THETA MU (University of Massachusetts) Box 5350, University of North Alabama, Florence, 418 North Pleasant, Amherst, MA 01002 THETA PHI (Wichita State University) AL 35630 Advisor: Joseph Dougherty 1750 N. Vassar. Wichita, KS 67208 Advisor: Jeff L. Johnson 1995-96 Pledgings: 18 Ad visor : John P. Thompson 1995-96 Pledgings: 27 1995-961nitiations: 15 1995-96 Pledgings: 10 1995-96 Initiations: 18 Current Actives: 61 1995-96 Initiations: 7 Current Actives: 35 Total Chapter Size: 541 Current Actives : 16 Total Chapter Size: 379 Total Chapter Size: 215 THETA NU (Baylor University) THETA BETA (University of Montevallo) P.O. Box 85603, Baylor University, Waco, TX 76798- THETA CHI (Villanova Un iversity) P.O. Drawer R, UOM, Montevallo, AL 35115 5603 c/o Office of Student Activities, 214 Dougherty Hall, Ad visor:Travis J. Tindal, Jr. Advisor: Vacant Villanova, PA 19085 1995-96 Pledging s: 26 1995-96 Pledgings: 19 Advisor: Vacant 1995-96 Initiations: 24 1995-96 Initiations: 19 1995-96 Pl edgings: 8 Current Actives : 38 Current Actives: 60 1995-96 Initiations: 0 Total Chapter Size: 357 Total Chapter Size: 537 Current Actives: 30 Total Chapter Size: 396 THETA GAMMA (Georgia College) THETA XI (Ea st Texas State University) CPO Box 2420, Milledgeville, GA 31061 P.O. Box 0 , ETSU, Commerce, TX 75428 THETA PSI (Chapman College) Advisor: Stephen T. Roberts Advisor: MichaelS. Roberts 333 North Glassell, Chapman University, Orange, 1995-96 Pledgings: 15 1995-96 Pl edgings: 18 CA 92666 1995-96 Initiations: 5 1995-96 In itiations: 16 Ad visor: Gary Alan Maxwell Current Actives : 23 Current Actives: 31 1995-96 Pledgings : 18 Total Chapter Size: 406 Total Chapter Size: 454 1995-96 Initiations : 11 Current Actives : 21 THETA DELTA (Francis Marion College) THETA OMICRON (Indiana State University) Total Chapter Size: 234 308 S. Coit Street, Florence, SC 29506 P.O. Box 1868, Terre Haute, IN 47808 Advisor: Charles L. Mclain Ad visor : Dan Tingle THETA OMEGA (University of California-Davis) 1995-96 Pledgings: 27 1995-96 Pledgings: 47 100 Parkway Circle, Davis, CA 95616 1995-96 Initiations: 15 1995-96 Initiations: 42 Advisor : Frank M. Knafelc Current Actives : 29 Current Actives: 111 1995-96 Pl edging s: 25 Total Chapter Size: 381 Total Chapter Size: 886 1995-96 Initiations: 16 Current Actives : 47 THETA EPSILON (Northeastern State University) THETA PI (University of Alabama-Huntsville) Total Chapter Size : 342 2003 S. Muskogee, Suite 114, Tahlequah, OK 74464 P.O. Box 7048, Huntsville, AL 35807 Advisor: Capt. Michael D. Turner Ad visor: Vacant IOTA ALPHA (University of Wyoming) 1995-96 Pledgings: 27 1995-96 Pledgings: 5 1550 Fraternity Park, Laramie, WY 82070 1995-96 Initiations: 17 1995-96 Initiations: 4 Ad visor : Jon M. Stewart Current Actives: 25 Current Actives: 17 1995-96 Pledging s: 39 Total Chapter Size: 406 Total Chapter Size: 283 1995-96 Initiation s: 30 Current Actives: 72 Total Chapter Size: 390

24 SEPTEMBER 1996 IOTA BETA (University of California-Fresno) IOTA MU (Southern Illinois University) IOTA PHI (University of Montana) 4974 N. Cedar Ave ., #145, Fresno, CA 93726 P.O. Box 3233, Carbondale, IL 62901 209A Greek Life Office, University Center, Missoula, Advisor: Jason Rooker Advisor: Robert 0 . Brown MT 5981 2 1995-96 Pledgings: 13 1995-96 Pledgings: 43 Advisor: Greg Harper 1995-96 Initiations: 5 1995-961nitiation s: 35 1995-96 Pledgings: 9 Current Actives: 29 Current Actives: 83 1995-96 Initiations: 6 Total Chapter Size: 226 Total Chapter Size: 268 Curren t Actives: 21 Total Chapter Size: 65 IOTA GAMMA (University of Nebraska-Kearney) IOTA NU (St. Louis University) UNK URN Pod C, 1601 University Dr., Kearney, NE 3700 West Pine, Box PIKA, St. Louis, MO 63108 IOTA CHI (University of Connecticut) 68847-4257 Advisor:Thomas R. Galganski 21 10 Hillside Rd ., Box U8G K, Storrs, CT 06269- Advisor: Craig Johring 1995-96 Pledgings: 44 3008 1995-96 Pledgings: 34 1995-96 Initiation s: 29 Ad visor: Vacant 1995-961nitiations: 28 Current Actives : 86 1995-96 Pledgings: 26 Current Actives: 62 Total Chapter Size: 203 1995-96 Initiations: 18 Total Chapter Size: 264 Cu rrent Actives: 74 IOTA XI (University of Chicago) Total Chapter Size: 128 IOTA DELTA (Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology) 5424 University #1 North, Ch icago, IL 60615 5500 Wabash Ave., Box 2048, Terre Haute, IN 47803 Advisor: Dr. Robert Schluter IOTA PSI (Appalachian State University) Advisor: William C. Carls 1995-96 Pledgings: 9 ASU Box 8945, Boone, NC 28608 1995-96 Pledgings: 34 1995-96 Initiations: 17 Advisor: Vacant 1995-96 Initiations: 31 Current Actives : 31 1995-96 Pledgings: 28 Current Actives : 95 Total Chapter Size : 96 1995-96 Initiations : 26 Total Chapter Size: 287 Current Actives: 68 IOTA OMICRON (Santa Clara University) Total Ch apte r Size : 129 IOTA ZETA (Randolph Macon College) Santa Clara Univ., 660 Lafayette P.O. Box 230, Ashland, VA 23005 Santa Clara, CA 95050 IOTA OMEGA (University of Western Ontario) Advisor: StuartS. Jordan Advisor: Clint E. Takeshita 622 Waterl oo Street 1995-96 Pledgings: 8 1995-96 Pledgings: 20 Lo ndon, Ontario, Canada N6B-2R3 1995-96 Initiations: 8 1995-961nitiations: 0 Ad visor: Anthony F. da Silva Current Actives: 28 Current Actives : 39 199 5-96 Pledgin gs: 34 Total Chapter Size: 154 Total Chapter Size : 160 1995-96 Initiations: 27 Current Actives: 50 IOTA ETA (University of Nevada-Reno) IOTA PI (Un iversity of California-Los Angeles) Total Ch apter Size: 102 P.O. Box 13121 , Reno, NV 89507 10919 Strathmore Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90024 Advisor: Michael W. Davis Advisor: Capt. Brian M. Oard KAPPA ALPHA (Illinois State University) 1995-96 Pledgings: 17 1995-96 Pledgings: 21 904 W. Hovey, Normal, IL 61761 1995-96 Initiations: 10 1995-96 Initiations: 17 Ad visor: Mark Blanke nship Current Actives : 46 Current Actives: 64 1995-96 Pledgings: 55 Total Chapter Size : 187 Total Chapter Size: 226 1995-96 Initiations : 19 Cu rren t Actives: 80 IOTA THETA (California Polytechnic-San Luis IOTA RHO (St. Joseph's Un iversity) Total Chapter Size: 154 Obispo) 5600 City Ave., Ph iladelphia, PA 19131 P.O. Box 787, San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 Advisor: Carl Baccellieri KAPPA BETA (Princeton University) Advisor: David C. Nielsen 1995-96 Pledgings: 7 P.O. Box 502, Princeton, NJ 0854 2 1995-96 Pledgings: 29 1995-96 Initiations: 5 Advisor : John Michael Perlin 1995-96 Initiation s: 24 Current Actives: 74 1995-96 Pledgings: 13 Current Actives: 61 Total Chapter Size: 176 1995-96 Initiations: 13 Total Chapter Si ze : 249 Cu rrent Actives: 55 IOTA SIGMA (James Madison University) Total Ch apter Size: 94 IOTA IOTA (Michigan State University) P.O. Box 7186, JMU, Harrisonburg, VA 22807 335 Hillcrest, E. Lansing, Ml 48823 Advisor: Michael A. Georgeadis KAPPA GAMMA (Florida International University) Advisor : Raymond C. Kley 1995-96 Pledgings: 30 F.I. U. Graham Center Room 349, Mi ami, FL 33199 1995-96 Pledgings: 44 1995-96 initiations: 29 Ad visor: Pau l Winke ljohn 1995-96 Initiation s: 40 Current Actives: 60 1995-96 Pledgings: 28 Current Actives: 81 Total Chapter Size: 159 1995-96 Initi ations : 19 Total Chapter Size : 314 Current Actives: 41 IOTA TAU (Johns Hopkins University) Total Chapter Size : 82 IOTA KAPPA (Un iversity of California-Santa 116 W. University, Apt. 410, Barbara) Baltimore, MD 21210 KAPPA DELTA (Northeastern University) 760 Embarcadero del Norte #12, Goleta, CA 93117 Advisor: Jim Van Horn 255 Ell Center 360 Huntington Ave ., Boston, MA Advisor: Dr. Scott Gorsuch 1995-96 Pledgings: 17 02 115 1995-96 Pledgings: 56 1995-96 Initiations: 17 Ad visor: Marc A. Shear 1995-96 Initiations: 45 Current Actives : 20 1995-96 Pledgings: 22 Current Actives: 59 Total Chapter Size : 107 1996-96 1n itiations: 19 Total Chapter Size : 286 Cu rr ent Actives: 44 IOTA UPSILON (Georgia Southern University) Total Chapter Size: 85 IOTA LAMBDA (Columbia University) Landrum Box 12408, GSU, Statesboro, GA 30450 P.O. Box 250019, New York, NY 10025 Advisor: Marc M. Bruce KAPPA EPSILON (Rockhurst College) Advisor: Brian Terr 1995-96 Pledgings: 23 1100 Rockhurs t Rd ., Kansas City, MO 64110 1995-96 Pledgings: 11 1995-96 Initiations: 15 Ad visor: Pau l J. Novick 1995-96 Initiations: 11 Current Actives : 67 1996-96 Pledgings: 26 Current Actives: 59 Total Chapter Size: 149 1995-96 1n itiations: 26 Total Chapter Size: 165 Curre nt Actives: 46 Total Chapter Size : 86

EPTEMBER 1996 25 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH DAKOTA COLONY KAPPA ZETA (University of Louisville) KAPPA MU (Wilfrid Laurier Un iversity) Student Act. , CSC, 414 E. Clark St. , Student Actv. Center Admin ., Louisville, Ky 40292 249 Albert Street Vermi llion, SD 57069-2390 Advisor: Neal Hardesty Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L-3T7 Colony Ad visor: Vacant 1995-96 Pl edgings: 33 Ad visor: Vacant 1995-96 Pledgings : 52 1995-96 Initiations: 27 1995-96 Pledgings: 24 Current Co lony Size: 42 Current Actives: 56 1995-96 Initiations: 40 Total Chapter Size: 90 Current Actives: 40 SLIPPERY ROCK UNIVERSITY COLONY Total Chapter Size: 40 B1 05 University Union KAPPA ETA (New Mexico State University) Sl ippery Rock, PA 16057 499 Greek Complex, Las Cruces, NM 88003 KAPPA NU (Univers ity of The Pacific) Colony Ad visor : Robert C. Howden Ad visor: Vacan t Wemyss House, UOP, Stockton, CA 9521 1 1995-96 Pledgings: 55 1995-96 Pledgings: 25 Advisor: Paul J. Gotell i Current Colony Size: 55 1995-96 Initiations: 19 1995-96 Pledgings: 15 Current Actives: 38 1995-96 Initiations : 50 UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA COLONY Total Chapter Size : 62 Current Actives: 35 c/o Dan Goldberg, 31 1 S. 41st St. , Total Chapter Size: 40 Ph iladelphia, PA 19104 KAPPA THETA (George Mason Unive rsity) Colony Ad visor : Reed Slogoff 5815 Robbins Nest Lane, 1995-96 Pl edgings : 52 Burke, VA 22015 Cu rre nt Colony Size: 51 Ad visor: William C. Rountree, Jr. 1995-96 Pledgings: 32 THE COLONIES UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA-SAN DIEGO 1995-96 Initiat ions : 60 COLONY Current Actives: 42 UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA-LAS VEGAS COLONY U.C.S.D. 9500 Gil man Dr., Price Center, Dept. 0078, Total Chapter Size: 60 4505 S. Maryland Parkway, Box 2009, La Jolla, CA 92093-0078 Las Vegas, NV 89154-2009 Colony Advisor: Vacant KAPPA IOTA (University of Rhode Island) Colony Ad visor: Bruce E. Evans 1995-96 Pl edgings: 53 69 Upper College Rd. , URI 1995-96 Pledgings: 26 Curren t Colony Size: 42 Kingston, Rl 02881 Cu rrent Colony Size: 37 Ad visor: Marc Lamson AMERICAN UNIVERSITY COLONY 1995-96 Pledgings: 4 STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEWYORK-ALBANY 4410 Mass. Avenue N.W. , Box 122, 1995-96 Initiations: 52 COLONY Washington, DC 200 16 Current Actives : 53 c/o Mike Forman, 375 Ce ntral Ave ., Apt. 2, Co lony Ad visor : Paul C. Lopez Total Chapter Size: 53 Albany, NY 12206 1995-96 Pl edgi ng s: 21 Colony Advisor: Edwa rd J. Reese Curre nt Co lony Size : 21 KAPPA KAPPA (University of North Carolina­ 1995-96 Pl edgings: 0 Charlotte) Current Colony Size: 28 COASTAL CAROLINA UNIVERSITY COLONY SGA 369, UNCC, Cone Univ. Center, c/o Debbie Conn er, 755 Highway 544, Charlotte, NC 28223 UNIVERSITY OF MAINE COLONY Conway, SC 29526 Ad visor: Brian K. Mason Student Activities, Memorial Union , Colony Advisor: Vacant 1995-96 Pledgings : 38 Orono, ME 04469 1995-96 Pledgings: 41 1995-96 Initiations : 66 Colony Advisor: Peter R. Reid Curren t Colony Size: 41 Current Actives: 62 1995-96 Pledgings: 11 Total Chapter Size: 66 Cu rrent Colony Size: 35

KAPPA LAMBDA (Western Illinois University) YOUNGSTOWN STATE UNIVERSITY COLONY Un iversi ty Union, 0 .8 .A., 410 Wick Avenue, You ngstown, OH 44555 Macomb, IL 61455 Colony Ad visor : Hon . William T. Bodoh Advisor: Vacant 1995-96 Pledgings: 9 1995-96 Pl edgings: 26 Current Colony Size: 12 1995-96 In itiations: 47 Current Acti ves : 46 Total Chapter Size: 49



The 2nd Annual SNAKE EYES GOLF CLUBS 1997 FRATERNITY GOLF FESTIVAL FebruaryiS-18, 1997 Jacksonville, Florida

Grab a partner and join alumni from seventeen of the top fraternities in the country for a one-of-a-kind celebra­ tion of golf, fellowship, and even a little friendly competition.You 'll enjoy: • The best Florida golf at four great courses. • The most unique and exciting event in amateur golf today. 72 holes over three days with three different formats (scramble, best ball, and alternate shot) for TWO person teams. • A choice of three or four day all-inclusive and affordable packages starting at $3 99.

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For more information on the 1997 SNAKE EYES FRATERNITY GOLF FESTIVAL: Please call 1-800-457-7093 or contact your national office. Pi Kappa Alpha International Alumni Association


ith the launch ofthe Pi Kappa Alpha Intern ati onalAlumniAssociati on (IAA), the 1995-96 fi scal year could .go d ow ~ as the most signi ficant year for alumni relati ons in the Fraternity's hi story.. Based ? n W·ecommendat10 n from a two year task force study and Supreme Council approva l, the IAA IS a reali ty that signals Pi Kappa Alpha's corp orate commitment to the continued enhancement of alumni related acti vi­ ties. The IAA provi des enhanced opportunities for alumni invo lvement at all levels of the Fraterni ty. A sampling of services to be provided include a qu arterl y alumni newsletter, the Member on the Move Referral program fo r relocating alumni and development ofanAlumniTalent Bank that will provide a ready li st of potential advisors, leaders and a soci ati on offi cers. Also ava il abl e are programs such as LifeShi eld (a comprehensive program of insurance and fin ancial man­ agement tools), the Pi KappaAlpha Visa Card, SkillSearch (a resume/job search database, rental car di scounts Steven S. Vincent and group trave l. These programs are just a few of many to be developed that will provide alumni with va luabl e (Missouri-Columbia, services as well as social interacti on with brothers. Alpha Nu '83) Director of Director ofA lumni Affairs Steve Vincent (Missouri-Co lumbia, Alpha Nu '83) administers programs aimed Alumni Affairs at insuring that Pi KappaAlpha remains an integral pa1t in the li ves ofbrothers beyond graduati on. Please con­ tact the headquarters to leam more about the many ways to continue your Pi Kappa Alpha experi ence. The l996 lntern ati onal Convention closed the incredibly successful charter member campaign of the frater­ nity worl d 's first ever alumni associ ati on. The Intern ati onalAlumniAssociati on (IAA) was fo rmed to p romote brotherhood fo r the Fraterni ty 's alumni members "on a firn1 er and more lasting basis". earl y I 000 loyal brothers through their membership in the IAA have stayed true to our axiom, "Once a Pike, always a Pike". Annual memberships are ava il abl e for $30.00 annuall y. Life memberships are also ava il abl e fo r $ 1000.00. Membership dues are not tax deductabl e. L ife and Annual members will be recogni zed on a pl aque to be di spl ayed permanently at the Memori al Headquarters. Charter Life and Annual Members of the International Alumni Association (Charter Life Members in Bold Fa ce)

ALPHA EncH Worrall UPSILON R Stephen Z1mmermann Phillip E. Goodman PauiV. RIChter BETA BETA Hamner Hannah Ill Frank P Barrow Jr Todd W. Mudd Eldridge W Roark Jr Irvin F. Matson Jr. David T Jones Ill THETA JamesJ Dow ALPHA ETA Phillip P. Scaglia Bryan K Schultz Eric T Johnson Scon D. MacG1Ihvray John C Edmunds William E. leslie S1dneyG Brain John L. Walker James T. Wallace Dan1eiM11ter LanceS Sapera Wallace H. Mayton 111 Michael A Long Ernest A. Cox Ill LanceJ. Beach Gregory A Weeks JosephL. On Benjam1n D Reams Jr Cameron Dezluhan Barry E Brakev11te ALPHA RHO BETA Cllllord E. Rich Stanley A Sheppard John M Evans James A Fluker Kehh H Ebert BETA GAM MA Charles H Newbold D. Jay Sumner William E Hayes John C Hohlen Dav1d J Harnack Jose ph A. Brown Thomas G Quattlebaum RobertO Utter OMEGA Albert C. Hoppe M1chael J. Korman Robert E Knachet J. S BIShop Martm A Bowling Matthew L. Hudlons Thomas J Kutey Doyle E. Rausch Forrest A. Browne Ill GAMMA IOTA Clarence A Dowdy Ill HJalma EJohnson Peter J. Leech Alton L Rlnier Kirk A. Cerny F. Anderson Morse Lewis E H Brandon Edward G Imhof JamesW. Kersey FrankJ McNamara Arthur B Van Gundy Bradley A Danrels William A. Van Buren J r. Gary H Darden Gregory J Mattingly David L Marcus GregoryJ. Mmana JefleryL. Flottman Stephen M Abdella Samuel M. McElroy Marcell J. Maseman Ill Donald P Rebman ALPHA SIG MA Mark.J.Galus John A. Boberg Jr KAPPA Thomas E Spragens Jr Harvey E Oyer Ill Gregory M Rebman Ill Lee E. Abramson Ronald D Hardten Timothy C. Dirglns Joseph A. Eskridge David W Young A. Frank Smith Aoben P. Rebman Jeffrey A Evans Robert H Kaul M1chael L Hecht Ph1hp Mosca Stephen J Tetreault Kev1n A. Sass Michael A Maurer Jere D. K1mmel George W A1eget ALPHA ALPHA Robert J Schnyder Dav1d L More Frank T Louk Jr Andrew M Vanderhoof MU Moses A. Albert ALPHA THETA Gordon W Stelfens Thomas H Moulthrop Dav1d B Marschel J. Butch Woodward Robert P Barnell Larry R Cobb StevenS Vincem Jell C Rohwer T1mothy J. McNary DELTA Frank M Byers Jr Philip J. tapalucc1 Jr Stuart A. Vincent Scott A Russell VIctor L Thompson NU Fred A McNeer Jr Ke1th S Kennedy Charles H . Wells ALPHA TAU John W Sheehan D. Mark Anderson MJchaeiW PreniiSS Douglas J. Lad1sh C Kev1n W1lson Mat1G. Kie1n James E . Stinson EPSILON Hans D. Bengard Arthur V Lallone Jonathan C. Kralik Roger L Tuttle Thomas C. n uar Jr. ALPHA GAMMA WilliamS Locke ALPHA XI NlckP LeRoy JackT. Waller M1chaeiF Baran XI Robert L. Blackwell Robert L Moms Gary E. Menchholer Robert L. Martm Dav1d E. Welsh Ph11ip J Carrasco Mark K Ackerman Edward A DaviS Jr A1chard L Rawlings Nicholas S. Shaler John A. Ntcotaysen Matthew L Mandrgoc John M Cooper Ill Mike Nelson JohnJ. Ru ssell John A. Bear BETA DELTA W1lham 0 Tyre!l Jr. Edgar E. Owens Jr Mark L Padgett Roger A B1ttmann ALPHA PHI Tony R. Brewer Brent K Thtbodeaux ALPHA IOTA Enc T Btacklord Jay J. Hlnkhouse S P. Johnson Ill ZETA OMICRON James E Calloway Jr John E. Borgman Donald 0 . Nichols Ricardo K Martinez Thomas W. Wade Jr. WttllamE. ButlerJr ALPHA DELTA WtlliamJ. Herm Witham A Boronkay Arvon V Glaser Eberhard A U. Mugler Roger J Bradley Jr EncEngelke Kennelh A B1enstock James F Noble Ill Bradley S Farrenkopf Clifford A Mann Theodore H Pate Jr George W Campbell Jr Allen W Flannagan Jr Carey H Brown Don A Pearson Wayne C. Gilsdorf Edward L Peak JohnJ Finerty Thomas C. Crenshaw Jr Welllam E. A1ecken Jr Chester L Grove BETA EPSILON David J Harkness SIGMA Nigel K Glover Wilham C . WoUord Lynn B Hagstrom ALPHA CHI WatterJ Eichhorn MatthewS Hamson Chflon B Briley Jr Weldon A Nash Jr JohnJ Johnston DameiJ Levy Thomas G. Henry Jr. H Ktng Bunermore Ill JohnS Slater ALPHA KAPPA JohnM Mang Jellery T. Ubberman BETA ZETA Charles F. Herd Andrew A Byer James A. Thorne MlchaeiD Moline Ralph J McCrate Emil E. Peters George A H1ll Stephen D. Cragon Douglas J Nolkemper Matthew Moorman ALPHA OM EGA Wilham L Green Howard N Hinds John D Fitzgerald ALPHA EPSILON R1chard C. Paxton Garth C. Grissom HarlanHarperJr Wtlllam H. McCroskey Jr Alan H Fn.un Russel S Coley ALPHA LAMBDA DerekO Zitko Kermit J. Silverwood SamerN lssa Robert W. Meadows Edwtn C. Hoover Richard D Melsky Jr DavtdJ.G1Ikey Darren L. Halter Mark A Robertson J1mmy F. Rodgers Jr ToddO. Malden Donald B. Perkins B TravlsHawkms ALPHA OMICRON RoyS. Harvey Matthew M Trulock W1t11am D. Stewart Frank H Mason Ill Richard B Whitman Onon M Patsley Steven A. Raben StevenS. Heck PaulA W1 ll1s Thomas w Wade Ill Emll10 G Cruz Jr Kevtn G Knaus Charles M Williams Sr TAU ALPHA ZETA ALPHA MU Jorge C Dlaz Ill Kevin M Kolbeck BETA ETA H Gordon Wynn Jr Ed1son B Allen Bryon A Adams Brian A Cahn Mtchael Q_ Moms Stephen E Patterson Thomas J. Handler JerryW Askew Domlntck F Capone II Richard A Flack JackH White II MIChael W A1ley RIChard A. Curry ET A Bynum A Brown Toby S. Cranston William T. Mobley BflanK W!eters Richard J Se1tz Marv1n D. Denms Jerome V. Reel Jr. Roger M Cobb Jellrey H. Dtxon Robert E. Tanenbaum Gregory W . Skaggs Matthew T Ehlers Anthony E. Greene Archebald K Dav1s II Ol1s L Parham Sr ALPHA PI Dav1d LWhlle George F. Heck Paul E. T Jensen Cratg B Daves Em1IJ. Satg ALPHA NU J1mmy R. Glover BrlanJ.Irwm Leonard J Sapera George A L1tlle Jr JoeW Sharp J. Bernard Ba ld us J1mmy A. Glover Jr BETA ALPHA Charles K Leeper Wtlham S . Wolf Heath A. Ward Jack D. Neilson Chrtstopher G Lubeck Steven A Marderos1a V1rg11 A McBroom GAMMA KAPPA M1les W Donaldson Roger G Fuels Andrew D Hackworth ETA KAPPA Knc.L A.ggs JellreyM Pohl DonaldC Ronald H Fanmng James W RIChardson Rober! W L.u~el W amB Jones !II Bren A Rosynelt Lee E Peterson Walter A HaJnes Jr Steven Stephens Da~A Aull&f Paut W McMuUan Jr THETA RHO Peter A Wilhelm"" Thomas J Larsen Rober! F Vance JeflreyL S'II'Ords StaSh J Ve••er Moe:Net E Gecfon BETA THETA Veil K M1Uer Jr eartH Werlh Ct.ttord L Wheeler Ill JusllnA Seem Alan I Beeker GAMMA LAMBDA ETA MU PaulA Faber Howard E. Goktste•n DELTA DELTA EPSILON GAMMA ZETA BETA J

Alumni supporling scholastic achievement, leadership training and personal development since 1948.

A Letter From the President of the Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foundation

Dear Brothers:

It is with great pleasure I present to you theAnnual Report ofthePi KappaAipha Educational Foundation. The mi ssion of YOUR Foundati on is to provide a vehicle through which loyal, generous alumni, brothers just like you, can help support the academi c and leadership enhanc­ ing endeavor of our undergraduate broth ers. I am pl eased to report our work is finding favor with more and more alumni, who continue to uppott our efforts in record numbers.

Today's Pi Kappa Alpha Educati onal Foundation has evolved a the most popular and effec­ tive conduit for alumni support of our younger brothers. Through the generosity of thousands Gary E. Menchhofer of loyal alumni last year, gifts to our annual fund helped us literall y double the dollars loaned to (Cincinnati, Alpha Xi '65) deservi ng undergraduate brothers through our student loan program. This remains one of our finest programs, and raising the necessary capital to in sure we never again have to turn down a qualified, deserving applicant wi ll be one of my hi ghest prioriti es as President of the Educa­ tional Foundation.

Looking to the future, the populari ty ofth e Foundation's pl anned gift program, The OakTrust, continues to show just how much being a member of Pi Kappa Alpha means to so many broth­ ers. These loyal alumni have invested in a future for Pi Kappa Alpha even more grand than her past, and will guarantee we have the resources to keep the dreams of our Founders, and so many brothers after them, ali ve through perpetuity.

If your name appear in thi s report as one of Olll'ALL STARS, thanks! If not, why not join the team, and help your brothers keep the Pi Kappa Alpha experi ence second to none!

Yours in 1/JI/JKCX,

Questions regaNiing or donations to the Gary E. Menchhofer Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foundation President should be directed to: Pi Kappa A lpha Educati onal Foundation

The Executive Director Pi Kappa Alpha Educarional Fo undaHon 8347 West Range C ove Memphis, TN 38125

Phone (901) 748-1948 Fax (9 01 ) 748-3 100

30 SEPT EMB ER 1996 1995-96Annual Report

he Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foun­ dation, founded in 1948, i an indepen­ Tdent, tax-exempt, beneficent, chari­ table, literary and educational organization with 50 I (c)(3) IRS designation. £tis governed by a board of trustees composed of alumni of Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. Its daily opera­ ti on are conducted by a professional tafflo­ cated in the Pi KappaAipha Memorial Head­ quarters building in Memphis, Tennessee. Its mi ssion is "to enhance the lifelong Pi KappaAlpha Fraternity experience fortoday's student and alumni brothers and those in gen­ erati ons to come and to assure the enduring prosperity of Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity". The Foundation is supported by tax-deduct­ ible charitable gifts from loyal members and friends of Pi KappaAlpha Fraternity. In turn, Director of Annual Giving Christopher M. Peters (third from left) pre en ted the award for most the Educati onal Foundation provides finan­ phonathon dollars raised to Beta Tau C hapter (Uu iversity of Miclligau) at the 1996 International cial a sistance for the educational programs Convention. of Pi Kappa Alpha as well as direct financial assistance to the Fraternity' tudent mem­ ber . Omicron Delta Kappa The information provided here summa­ Sabre and Key During 1995-96, awards were provided to: rizes Foundation activity from July 1, 1995 Honor Society to June 30, 1996. Derek Arrington David Champion The abre and Key Honor ociety was es­ Scholarships Max Cox tabli hed in 1996 to recognize the outstand­ Mike Dale ing efforts that our undergraduate members During the 1995-1996 academic year, over Jeremy Ellis are making in the classroom and as leaders in 70 undergraduate brothers benefited from Trey Labella the chapter and on thei r campus. The honor academic and leadership scholarships funded Robert Leonard society is de cribed in more detai l on page 35. by generou alumni through the Pi Kappa David Morrow The inaugural clas of abre and Key induct­ Alpha Educational Foundation. These schol­ Chad Romary ees is listed below: arships, many of whi ch are endowed, recog­ Chris Weideman nize outstanding academic performance, dem­ teven Z. Antone onstrated leadership on campus and/or to the Phi Beta Kappa cott M. Bail ey chapter, or a combination of both. During 1995-96, awards were provided to: Jeremy D. Bisdorf Brian W. Blomgren Edward Aluise Jacob L. Brann Honor Society Awards KimCulp Mukang Cho Matthew Eggers Anthony F. da il va The Educational Foundation provided re­ Clary Groen Jame F. Fiechtl imbursement for initiation fee to each of the Paul Friedman Brian K. Friedman following brother who were inducted into Devon Klein Brad E. Hogerheide either Phi Beta Kappa or Omicron Delta Jeff Montgomery Ansley A. Hunt Kappa during 1995- 1996. The award are Jeffrey Staton Bradley J. Lightfoot provided fTom the annual earnings of an en­ Michael E. Lockwood dowment e tablished by R. Craig Hoenshell (Nebraska-Omaha, Delta Chi '63). Continued on next page

SEPTEMBER 1996 31 Daron F. Lundeen alumni suppo rt inc reasi ng over 4% fr o m Jess West Vincent C. Marconi 1994-95 fi scal year receipts. Alumnus broth­ Joe Rex roat Steven A. Martin e rs respo nded to the Foundati o n 's needs Jo eph A. Pavelka, Jr. Ta ylor C. Mascovitz through va1ious methods incl.uding direct mail K leber Dunklin Rya n T. Merre ll campa ig ns, pho natho n a nd thro ug h th e Martha Good wen JeffreyS. Montgomery Foundati on's A ffinity Visa program. Steve Pete ll e Jaime Palmer Our undergraduate brothers also j o in ed in Tom Wade, Sr. 1ichael Sloan record nllln bers with 400+ new members in M atthew B. Davis James M. Rhode the phi phi kappa alpha club ($ 15 gift to th e Brian L. Ru sell Foundati on annua ll y). The phi phi kappa al­ In Honor A hley D . Ti son pha club was established as a special under­ Charl es C. Watson graduate g iv ing society to encourage our stu­ The Foundati on al o received several gifts Chri sti an A. We id eman dent members to begin th eir support of th e in honor of an individual member ofPi Kappa Fo undati on 's vi tal programs w hile sti ll in A lpha Fraterni ty. Li sted here are the names Powers Award school. o f th ose in whose honor gifts were received.

Capita l Campaign Eugene Lyons The Powers Award is given each year by Jim L. Baird the E duca ti o nal F o unda ti o n to the Pi KappaAlpha alumni continued to fulfi ll Larry Beach F raterni ty's most out tanding student mem­ George Bishop be r. The recipient of the award in 1995- 1996 pl edges to the Campaign For Pi KappaAlpha with $7,6 14 received in thi s regard . These Roger Bradley was Jeffrey Scott M ontgomery {Michigan, Hugh Broome, llT g ifts continue to enhance e ndow ments for B eta Tau '92). He received a ha ndsome Joseph Ott scho larships, leadership workshops and other pl aque a nd a $ 1,000 scho la rs hip a t th e George Campbell qualified programs. Fratern ity's 1996 Intern ati onal Convention. Mark Dziatczak Four runners up each received $250 scho lar­ David M cSween ships and certificates. A complete summary William J. M onin of Brother M ontgomery's accomplishments Gordon Smith appears on page 33. Robert A. Huddleston Jo hn Drumhell er Student Loan Program W. Ken WmTen F. Anderson M orse A total of $50,000 was loaned to deserving student broth ers during the year. As o f June Matching Gifts 30, 1996, the Educati onal Fo undation had Major/ Deferred G ifts outstanding loans totaling $ 19 1,543. The stu­ The fo ll owing co rpo ra ti o ns provided dent loan program offers interest-free loans matching gifts to the Foundati on: T he Educati ona l Founda ti o n be ne fitted until 90 days after a student leaves school, at from numerous alumni as a benefi ciary of a whi ch time the loan begin s accruing intere t Arco Foundati on, Inc. bequest, trust or similar gift. Highlights in ­ at a rate of 8% annua ll y. Black & Decker Corporati on cluded $23,000 from the M cKi ssack Family Mallinckrodt M edical, Inc. Educational Grants Trust to e nha nce the Wi II ia m M cKissack McCormick & Company, Inc. Scho lar hip ava il abl e to o ur underg raduate Pitney Bowes broth ers in Alabama. Lubrizol Foundati on Each year the Educati o na l Fo undatio n Also received was over $ 12,000 from the Siemens Energy &Auto mati on, Inc. grants funds to Pi Kappa Alpha Fraterni ty to Ross L. Edward s trust, an unrestri cted trust G laxo We ll come, Inc. support the fraternity's qualified educati onal providing annual income to the Educati onal Nati onal Computer Systems confe rences and programs. The e qualifi ed Foundatio n through the generosity ofthe late Chemical Financial Serv ices educational and leadership forums address Ross L. Edwards, {North Georgia College, Psi M obil Foundati on numerous areas of personal development fo r '30) . US West Foundati on our undergraduate broth ers incl uding improv­ T he Fo undati o n received notifi cation o f U nited Way ing academic perfo rmance, strategic leader­ several oth er bequests, w ith the dono rs re­ ship, and g radua te chool pl a nning just to questin g anonymity at this time. Brothers assisting our effort s through gifts name a few. During the 1995- 1996 fi ca l year from th e United Way in cluded: the Foundati on provided $ 100,885 in grants In Memory to the Pi Ka ppa A lpha Fra te rn ity to fund Robe1i A. Cull iton qua li fied educati onal and leadership ba ed T he Fo undati o n received many g ift in Dani el K. Druziani ch programming in thi regard . memory of an individual member or fri end of Mi chael J. Mathy Pi KappaA lpha Fraterni ty. Li sted here are th e Eri c Va n der Va lk Fund Raising name of those for whom memori al gifts were received. Affini ty Card Ann ual Fun d Da n Win sett The Foundati on's affi ni ty Vi sa card pro­ Gary Wa ll ace T he Educatio na l Fo unda ti o n ' A nnua l gram generated $ 14,966.20 in royalties from George Denton alumni using the Pi Kappa Alpha Visa card . Fund continued to grow in size and scope with Hugh D odds

32 SE PTEM BER 1996 Jeffrey S. Montgomery Receives 1996 Powers ~..\ward

Jeffrey Scott Montgomery was recognized Tau' 1996 phona­ at the 1996lnternational Convention with the thon effort, which Power Award, a Pi KappaAlpha' mo tout­ ra i ed more than standing 1996 graduate. $20,000 for the Edu­ Montgomery i a 1992 initiate of Beta Tau cational Foundation's Chapter at the University ofMichigan, where scholar hip and lead­ he graduated with honors in May. A member ership programs. He of Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Kappa Phi honor al o served the greater ocietie , he finished with a 3.83 overall grade Greek community at point average, completing his bachelor of ci­ Michigan a a repre­ ence degree in biology. sentative to the Inter­ Montgomery has been widely recognized fraternity Council and for his academic achievement, receivi ng the as community ervice Jeffrey . Montgomery (left) receive the Powers Award from Educational University's cia s honor for all eight com­ co-chair for Greek Foundation Trustee Philli p E. Goodman (Missouri-Columbia, Alpha N u pl eted undergraduate semesters greater than Week 1996, during '45). a 3.5 GPA. which the Greek ys­ He has also been hi ghly acknowledged for tem contributed over I ,500 hours of commu­ POWERSAW RD R ER - P hi le.adership to Beta Tau Chapter and the nity ervice and raised over 30,000 to be di - University ofMichigan Greek system. Here­ tributed among six local philanthropies. The fol lowing four brother were elected ceived the 1996 Univer ity ofMichigan Dis­ Montgomery served the Ann Arbor com­ as runner -up for the 1996 Power Award. tinguished Greek Leader Award, one of only munity as a frequent vo lunteer at the Univer­ Each finalist received a certificate and 250 ix given to Michigan's Greek leaders out of sity ofMichigan Hospital, the Muscular Dy - cholar hip. more than 2,600 fraternity men. Montgom­ trophy Association, Burns Park Elementary ery was selected by Beta Tau Chapter as their School, and the Riverview Retirement Home. C hristopher Conrad Dyar Andrews I 996"Pike oftheYear" . He was also selected He will attend the Coll ege of Physicians and (California-Berkeley, Alpha Sigma '93) as "Pike of the Month" for May, 1996 by Pi Surgeons at Columbia University, beginning Bradley James Lightfoot KappaAlpha International Fraternity for out­ inAugust, 1996. A therecipient ofthe 1996 (Linfield, Delta Rho '92) standing service to the Fraternity. PowersAward, he received a hand orne plaque Vincent C harle Marconi Montgomery a founding fatherofBetaTau and a $ 1, 000 scholarship. (Florida, Alpha Eta '92) Chapter, served Beta Tau as president, secre­ tary, associate member educator, and alumni Robert Edward Philp relation chairman. He coordinated Beta (Miami, Gamma Om ega '93)

Harvey T. Newell A Matter of Survival T he Nevada Tombstone Record Book Ray Martinez Vo l. I Memorial Library (Co lorado State, Epsilon Th eta '89) Compi led by Richard B. Taylor (Washington & Lee '48) umerous alumni authors contributed their Baltusrol lOOYears, the Centennial History books to the Library during 1995-1996. These of Balt usrol Golf Club Freeman H. Hart Stuart F. Wolffe (Seton Hall, Eta Beta '86) efforts included: Memorial Museum It's Easier To Succeed T ha n To Fail T he Course Beautiful S. Truett Cathy A Collection of O rigina l Articles and Through a jointly funded effort of th e Pi (Georgia Southern, Iota Upsilon '95) Photogr aphs on Golf Course Design KappaAlpha Educational Foundation and Pi W. by A. Tillinghast, Published by Stuart F. Kappa Alpha Fraternity, enclo ed di play Wolffe (Seton Hall, Eta Beta '86) Blue Bayou space within the Freeman H. Hart Museum T he Neon Smile wa practically doubled, allowing the Educa­ Gare La Bete (Beware t he Beast) Sleeping Dog tional Foundation, a curator of the Fraternity A H istory of the 814thTankDestroyer Bat­ Laughing Dog archive and memorabilia, to appropriately talion 1942-1945 Dick Lochte (Tulane, Eta '55) di play so much more of Pi Kappa Alpha's by Calvi n C. Boykin, Jr. (Reconnai ance treasures. Company) T he F reshman Year, Making t he Most of Funding fora pecial ection di playing the College Donated by Bill Goodwin (Ohio State, Alpha Rho '40) memorabilia of our Fraternity's founders was Dr. Larry Lun ford provided through the generosity of immedi­ (Tennessee-Knoxville, Zeta '7 1) Photograph and storie contributed by Bill Goodwin ate-past International PresidentAndy Morse, in honoroflnternational Hi torian Dr. Jerome V. Reel, Jr.

SEPTEMBER 1996 33 The Oak Trust

. The Ed ucational Foundation 's pl anned *Francis J. Pallischeck (Iowa State, grft recognition society, th e Oak Trust, Alpha Phi '38) continued to find igni ficant favor a mon o Edward A. Pease (Indiana, Delta Xi alumni and friend ofthe Foundation. "' '7 1) Deferred g ift as et in excess of William Porter ~7 50 , 000 were added to thi s program dur­ mg the 1995 -96 fi scal year, bringing total Robert A. Reddin (Tennessee-Marlin, planned gifts on record to nea rl y four mil­ Epsilon Sigma '71) li on dollars. * Roy D. Hickman (New Mexico, Beta * Quentin L. Richard (Nebraska, A pl anned gift to th e Pi Kappa Alpha Delta '22) Gamma Beta '29) & Gail Richard Zajic Edu ca ti onal Foundation of $ 10,000 or * Augustu Hill (Vanderbilt, Sigma '25) more, funded through a bequest, trust, or Howard C. Hinig (Western Re erve, Beta Michael S. Risk (iowa State, Alpha grft of life in suranc e, qualifies one for Epsilon '34) Phi '70) membership in th e Oak Trust. George H. Roach, Jr. (San Diego Jay J. Hinkhouse (iowa State, Alpha Phi !ember of th e Oak Trust include: State, Della Kappa '78) '57) Mark A. Robertson (So uthern D. Mark Ander on (Wofford, u '76) R. Craig Hoenshell (Nebraska-Omaha, Delta Chi '63) Methodist, Beta Zeta '82) David A. Bagwell (Oklahoma Slate, Scott A. Russell (Kansas, Beta Gamma Chi '62) C. Richard Jackson (Tennessee-Knox­ ville, Zeta '63) Gamma '85) * Vernon Baxter (Western Reserve, Beta Robert A. Schluter (North western, Epsilon '2 5) Matthew J. Kavanagh (Southern Methodist, Beta Zeta '54) Gamma Rho '84) * Cepha and Rose Brainerd (New York, Steven S. Schumburg (North ern Iowa, Alpha Upsilon '12) Douglas J. Kiersey (Wes tern Michigan, Epsilon Psi '87) Th eta Zeta '87) Jo eph R. Brown (Kansas, Beta William N. LaForge (Delta State, Zeta Co l. Kermit J. Silverwood (Kansas Ga mma '50) '21) Beta '69) Stare, Alpha Om ega William M. Byrne (iowa State, Alpha Kenneth W. Simonds (East Tennessee Phi '62) Robert R. Lind (Kansas State, Alpha Om ega '49) State, Epsilon Zeta '55) William A. Cardinal, Jr. (Wayne State, John L. Lisher (In diana, Delta Xi '71 ) A. Frank Smith (Florida, Alpha Eta Delta Nu '92) '66) Ri chard E. Charlton, lll (A uburn, Wallace G. Long, Ill (Memphis, Delta Zeta '67) Kenneth L. Sprengel (Bowling Green Ups ilon '61) State, Delta Beta '45) Robert N. Cox (So utheast Mis ouri * Lewi s E. Magee (Southern Methodist, Beta Zeta '30) * Benjamin F. Stradley (Missouri­ tate, Epsilon Iota '64) Columbia, Alpha Nu '21) Michael L. Dever (Cincinnati, Alpha Joseph D. Mason, Ill (Wisco nsin, Beta Xi '88) * Reuel C. (Trinity, Epsilon Alpha '53) Xi '61) and Anita W. Stratton Charl e L. Dow (A labama, Gamma * Glenn M. McCaslin (Missouri, Alpha Nu '47) Joseph F. Thomas (Carnegie Mellon, Alpha '64) Beta Sigma '34) David H. Dyson (A uburn, Upsilon Dani el F. McGehee (Southeast Missouri State, Epsilon lora '63) Thomas C. Tillar (Virginia Polytech­ '72) nic Institute, Epsilon '7 J) * Ross L. Edwards (N. Ge01gia allege, Richard A. McKinney (A ngelo State, Eta Epsilon '71) Thomas W. Wade, Jr. (Tennessee­ pi '3 0) Knoxville, Zeta '53) W. Bram Govaar , II (A rizona, Gary E. Menchhofer (Cincinnati, Alpha Xi '65) John L. Walker (Missouri-Co lumbia, Gamma Delta '66) Alpha Nu '65) Patrick W. Halloran, HI (Nebraska­ Andrew D. Morton (Mmy land, Delta Psi '88) Thomas L. Wilkinso n (Weber State, Ornaha, Delta Chi '61) Eta Th eta '7 1) Thomas J. Handler (fllinois, Beta Eta F. Anderson Morse (William and Mary, Gamma '76) John Michael Williams (Oklahoma '74) State, Gamma Chi '68) Patri ck F. Haynes (A rkansas State, Raymond L. Orians (Memphis, Delta Zeta '66) T. Morga n Woodward (Texa , Beta Mu Delta Th eta ' 1) '49) Burton H. Harres, Jr. (So utheast Nichola J. Orphan (Cincinnati, Alpha Xi Mi souri tare, Epsilon Iota '7 I) '65) *Deceased

34 SEPTEMBER 1996 Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foundation Directory

The following li t hews position held dur­ Phillip E. Goodman ing 1995-1996: (Missouri-Columbia, Alpha u '45) Executive Director ...... Patrick F. Hayne Board ofTrustees William . LaForge (Delta State, Zeta Beta (Arkan a · tate. Delta Theta · ' I) '69) Pre ident ...... Joseph R. Brown Director ofAnnual Giving ...... (Kansas, Beta Gamma '50) Richard A. McKinney hri topher I. Peter (Angelo State, Eta Epsilon '7 1) (Clem on, Alpha Eta '8 ) President-Elect ...... Gary E. Menchhofer (Cincinnati, Alpha Xi '65) Controller ...... Patricia Holling worth

Immediate Past President ...... Trustees Emeriti Admini trative A i tanr ...... Judy Bruno Dr. Thomas C. Tillar, Jr. (Virginia Tech, Epsilon '7 I) Garth C. Grissom(Kansa , Alpha Omega '49)

Treasurer ...... Thoma W. Wade, Jr. Richard F. Ogle Endowment Fund Commission (Ten nessee, Zeta '53) (A labama, GammaAipha '61) Chairman ...... W. Bram Govaar , II Secretary ...... W. Bram Govaars, rr William R. ester(Cincinnati, Alpha Xi '47) (Arizona, Gamma Delta '66) (Ari::ona, Gamma Delta '66) Commissioners: Trustees Staff R. Craig Hoen hell Lynn T. Mulherin (Nebraska-Omaha, Delta Chi '63) (Creighton, Theta Lambda '78) Executive Vice Pre ident ...... Raymond L. Orians Thomas Wilkin on Marvin Dennis (!1/inois, Beta Eta '56) (Memphis, Delta Zeta '66) (Weber State, Eta Theta '71)

Sabre and Key Honor Society Receives First Class of Inductees

On August II , 1996, at the Educational Jeremy D. Bi dorf, Delta u Chapter Vincent C. Marconi, Alpha Eta Chapter Foundation's Luncheon at the 1996 Interna­ (Wayne State University) (University ofFlorida) tional Convention, the inaugural class of in­ Brian W. Blomgren, Alpha Delta Chapter StevenA. Martin, Gamma Omicron ductees into the Sabre and Key Honor So­ (Georgia Institute ofTechnology) Chapter (Ohio University) ciety wa recognized. Thirty undergraduate Jacob L. Brann, Alpha Kappa hapter Taylor C. Ma covitz, Theta Mu Chapter member were selected for the 1996 class to (University ofMissouri- Rolla) (University ofMassachusetts -Amherst) recognize the outstanding efforts they have made a cholar in the classroom and lead­ Mukang Cho, Beta Theta Chapter (Cornell Ryan T. Merrell, Theta Pi Chapter ( Unil•er­ ers in their chapter and on their campus. Sev­ University) sity ofAlabama- Huntsville) eral of the 30 new members were in atten­ Anthony F. da Silva, Iota Omega Chapter Jeffrey S. Montgomery. Beta Tau Chapter dance. (University ofWestern Ontario) (University ofMichigan) The Sabre and Key Honor Society recog­ Jame F. Fiechtl, Alpha Kappa Chapter Jaime Palmer, Theta Xi Chapter (East Texas nizes Pi Kappa Alpha's outstanding under­ (University ofMissouri- Rolla) State University) graduate members who have displayed excel­ Brian K. Friedman, Iota Lambda Chapter Michael Sloan, Beta Theta Chapter lence in cholastic achievement, leadership (Columbia University) (Cornell University) and ervice to the Fraternity and community. Brad E. Hogerheide, Zeta Alpha Chapter Jame M. Rhodes, Ep ilon Lambda Chapter Sabre and Key Honor ociety members must (GM! Engineering & Management (Murray State University) meet minimum requirement of no less than a 3.5 Grade PointAverage, or equivalent, and Institute) Brian L. Russell , Epsilon Zeta Chapter be in the top I 0% oftheir class. Ansley A. Hunt, Gamma Alpha Chapter (East Tennessee State University) Li ted below are the 1996 Sabre and Key (University ofAlabama) Ashley D. Tison, Kappa Kappa Chapter Honor Society inductees: Bradley J. Lightfoot. Delta Rho Chapter (University ofNorth Carolina- Charlotte) (Linfield College) Charles C. Watson, Epsilon igma Chapter Steven Z. Antone, Beta Tau Chapter Michael E. Lockwood, Iota Delta Chapter (University ofTenne see- Martin) (University ofMichigan) (Rose-Hulman In stitute a/Technology) Chri tianA. Weideman, Beta Alpha Chapter Scott M. Bailey, Kappa Eta Chapter ( ew Daron F. Lundeen, Alpha P i Chapter (Pennsylvania Srare University) Mexico Stare University) (Rutgers University)

SEPTEMBER 1996 35 ANNUAL M EMBERSHIP DRIVE Help ensure the destiny of Pi Kappa Alpha!

The name speaks for itself!

Remember all the plans you made when you were an undergraduate to help Pi Kappa Alpha be the best fraternity in the country by giving back through your fi nancial support? Well , here's your chance! Annual gifts, each and every year, to the Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foundati on's annual giving drive, through the PIKE FUND, enable th e Foundati on to underwrite the fo llowing scholarship and leadership programs.

Officers Leadership Academy I Chapter Presidents Confe rence I 16 Regional Leadership Confe rences Student Loan Program I More than 100 Academi c and Leadership Scholarships

And remember, gifts to the Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foundation are tax deductible!

The more we all help in the development of our undergraduate members, the better our more than 200 chapters and colonies across the coun try will become. As a result, Pi Kappa Alpha Internati onal Fraternity will continue to be the undi sputed leader in the fraternity world. But we can't fulfill our mi ssion without your help ! Please join thousands of other loyal alumni and student donors by making your gift to the 1996-97 PIKE FUND TODAY!

Alumni making gifts of $50 or more to the Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foundation's 1996-97 PIKE FUND will receive special gift. A beautiful, hard bound copy of the Fraternity's official history, The Oak, autographed by the author and International Historian Dr. Jerome V. Reel, Jr., will be yours absolutely free!*


For more information, p lease contact: Christopher M. Peters, Director of Annual Giving 8347 West Range Cove, Memphis, TN 38125 901-748-1948

*Gifts must be received between Ju ly 1, 1996 and June 30, 1997 to qualify. Please allow eight weeks for delivery.

------~ Clip and return with your contribution. ------Pike Fund '96-97 Annual Membership Drive 48th Year

0 Yes! I've enclosed my TAX-DEDUCTIBLE gift of$. ______to the Foundation's PIKE FUND.

0 $100-$249 Century Club Name

0 $250-$499 Loyalty Club Address City/State/Zip 0 $500+ Presidents Club Payment Meth od: O Or $ 0 Check 0 Visa 0 Mastercard 0 Amex You can increase your gift Account Number Exp. Date ______by enclosing your company 's matching gift f orm with your contribution. Signature Please return this form with your check or credit card information to: Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foundation, 8347 West Range Cove, Memphis, TN 38125 PI KAPPA ALPHA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION 1995-96 DONOR ROLL

Annual Giving Clubs: Century Club: $100-$200 (CC) Loyalty Club: $250 - $499 (LC) President's Club: $500+ (PC)

Lifetime Giving Societies: Shield & Diamond Society: $1 ,000 - $2,499 (SD) Sabre & Key Society: $10,000 - $24,999 (SK) Lily of the Valley Society: $2,500- $4,999 (LV) Junior Founders Society: $25,000- $49,999 (JF) Gamet and Gold Society: $5 ,000- 9,999 (GG) Founders Society: $50,000- $99,999 (FS) 1868 Society: $1 00,000+

Consecutive Giving Levels: t Donors who have made consecutive gifts between the last 5 and I 0 years t Donors who have made consecutive gifts for more than the last 10 years

Donations recognized were given between July 1, 1995 and June 30, 1996. Those gifts received after June 30, 1996 will be recognized as part of the 1996-97 annual report in the September 1997 issue of Shield & Diamond. The trustees and staff of the Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foundation thank every loyal contributor. Your support directly benefits our undergraduate and graduate student brothers.

Donors with an asterisk (*) by their names designated at least one gift to a specific chapter endowment. Many of these donors also gave unrestricted gifts to the annual fund.

Donors with PP by their names are undergraduate members of th e phi phi kappa alpha club.

Total chapter giving information was calculated f or chapters with five or more donors only.

Alumni on record totals include all living alumni with good or lost addresses.

AlphaChapt., Joseph E. Martin '40 DeHa Chapter I Gary C. Caylor'S. Thomas J. Polter '31 ThOmas C. Wleker Jr '41 CC SO James A. Pickens '63 University of VIrginia Wiltlam J. McDaniel Jr. '60 CC Blrmlnghem Southern College John J. Cotcolough Ill '78 CC James A. Puckett '47 SO Eric H. Worrall '68 Kenneth M. Prltchen '61 Alumni on Record: 875 Robert M. McFarland IV '59 Alumni on Record: 436 James G. Comella 71 Raymond M. Reed '37 CC Bradley Scott Smith '82 Percsnt Who Gave: 4.34" John Kelly McGuirt '82 PercentWhoGavs: 1.61 " Ira E. Cook Jr. '49 Donald A. Richardson '57 Theta Chapter James H Smith '54 AmountTheyGave: $1,700.00 John F. McNair Ill '44 LC LV Amount They Gave: $400.00 leo James Cooper Jr. '90 Terrell E. Romuo '68 CC Rhodes College Charles W. Sommardahl Jr. '89 Harold Joseph Barren Jr. '58 Roben Sean Miller '84 Joe N. Blair '43 William G. Cooper Ill '69 Charles E. Saylor Jr. '75 A fumnl on RfiCOfd: 521 Phillp Dawson Spessard '89 Waldo F. Beebe '45 Dan Nedlemlas '93 M. McCoy Gibbs '43 CC Michael R. Corn '67 George Kenneth Sch011 '34 Percent Who Gave: 5.57" Wi1tlam K. Tracy '39 A. G. Bigelow '39 Unwood l. Parker Ill '52 Robert J. lerer '63 CC Ben M. Davidson '67 CC James M. Sheppard '52 Amount They Gave: $4,060.86 John H. Waters 111 '56 Claude C. Cross '54 Michael Wray Pearce '89 Charles A. Rogers Jr. '36 John E. Davidson '56 Franklin L Smith '54 I Charles H. Baker '46 SO Robert w. Woltz '68 George F. Davis '48 Watter M. Price '61 CC SO Edwin S. Sands Jr. '56 Scott C. Denley '70 Gordon E. Smith '35 Ike C. Barnett Jr. '47 Carl H. Farfss '59 Thomas G. Ouanlebaum '62 CC Victor l. Thompson '60 Hugh A. Dodds Jr. '56 Alan 0 . Sneed '68 CC Charles M. Crump '31 Kllppa Chapter Richard H. Feurue '38 Kellh Edward Riddle '79 G. Swif1WJIIIamsJr. '50 John A. Drumheller '46 CC Jack B. Stewart '38 Jack T. Cunningham '55 CC SO Transylvania Univer sity William Price Hall '80 l arry 0 . Scof1 '62 Bruce Charfes Dunlap '62 William David Stewart '54 CC SO J. Aroold Drennen '64 Alumni on Record: 645 William Jaffrey Hanner '74 Thomas A. Slana ·so Epsilon Chapter I John l. Ferrell '55 Timothy 0 . Sullivan '54 John C. Edmunds '73 Percent Who Gave: 2.02% Rodger K. Harrigel '68 Royal E. Walther Jr. '54 VIrginia Polytectmlc Institute r Floyd Senter Flippin '78 John P. Tallalerro Jr. '89 Wrtltam A Ellis Ill '60 Amount They Gave: $390.00 Tobin M. Hunsinger '84 Alumni on Record: 696 Donald C. Franklin '49 CC Charles H. Tarrant '55 Clarence J. Farret1 '67 Edward B. Annen Ill '65 J. Thornton Kirby '84 CC Gemme Chapter Percent Who Gave: 3.88" William N. Frazier II '59 LC SO James Edward Tate Jr. 'i'B Wrlllam W. Haley '46 I Carl B. Oelabar '56 Brai'ICh P. l awson '72 College of William And Mary Amount They Gave: $ 1,720.00 David J. HarXness '31 William H. Taylor Sr. '51 CC Christopher R. Hell '84 Clifford T. Elgin '65 Preston P. l ee '43 Alumnl on RecorrJ: 1058 Eugene Scott Banks '77 James T. Hash '46 John A. Thomas '58 CC Jason Paul Hood '84 CC Joseph Allen Eskridge Ill '91 William D. l ewis Jr. '41 Percent Who Gave: 4.06" Scon Allen Burk '90 Wasty A. Hawkins '71 Glenn Kevin Thompson '78 Da~ l d l. Jolly Jr. '42 SO I Richard J. MM:haels '59 SO William P, Uneweaver'67 Amount They Gave: $6,275.00 Eugene L Campbell Jr. 7 1 Joe M. Haynes '56 Wrlllam M. Van Cleave '47 CC John J. lux '53 CC SK Chester J. Myers '56 Edward A. Lowman '43 Scon P. Ayers '68 John Thomas Carman '83 CC I George Herman Heins Ill '79 CC Thomas W. Wade Jr. '53 PC JF Reinholds. Matheson '30 Chrlsllan K. Nielsen "59 Robert c . Lyday '40 John Robert Boberg Jr. '62 Francis Hall Chaney II '76 CC SO Paul Clifton Hell on Jr. '85 Thomas Wrlton Wade 111 '91 Wallace H. Mayton 111 '68 I Roberti. Schick '62 Scot David MacGillivray '86 CC Thomas E. Burke '49 W. ThomasCiarti.Jr. '73 CCLV Geoffrey E. Hemmrlch '64 SO Joseph A. Wanek '61 James M. McKnight Jr. '64 Timothy Paul Sprague '87 Bruce F. MacKenzie '88 Robert M. Byrne '69 Harold E. Downing '73 Thomas G. Henry Jr. '49 Neill M. Watson Ill '50 Roland Clayton Marchant '86 CC Harry S Stephenson '54 John B. McKenney Ill '73 Adam Anthony Camptllo '89 Andrew Morrison Feinstein '88 William B. Henry '49 Fred Samuel Wheeler '82 I Joseph Leroy Ott '76 PC SK Wilbur A. Tincher Jr. '45 J. Kent McNeil '63 Carlton J. Casey '31 Robert Adkerson Gann '83 Charles F. Herd '42 Robert B. White '48 CC Michael D. Pearigen '75 I Russell R. Wilson '59 HughS. Meredith '36 Roy Randolph Charles '28 PC SK John Charles Gawne Jr. '85 Joe G. Higgs '43 Charles M. Williams Sr. '51 SO I Clrllord E. RICh '88 James M. Woolery '21 Paul Martin Meurer '84 Wayne C. Coakley '60 Dennis Craig Grubbs '76 Oa'lfd E. Hill '73 CC Joe 8 . Wilson '65 Wllllam A. Robinson Ill '78 John R. Morris J r. '35 I Waverly M. Cole '48 CCLV Michael l ucas Heath '79 George A. Hill '73 CC l V H. Gordon Wynn Jr. '86 trt A. Russum '40 CC SO MuChapter Hoyt C. Murray '72 Timoth y Cullen Olrglns '85 Richard A. Hilliard '91 Howard N. Hinds '51 SO Casimir Zabinski Jr. '59 Stephan Charles Sharp '80 CC Ptesby1erlan College G. Louts Oleyar Jr. '47 CC Russell H. Eckles '45 Michael John KosciuskO '84 Cyrus T. Hooper '71 Gregory J. deRopp '59 Charles W. Shaw '65 Alumni on Record: 805 Robert A. Price '68 I Thomas E. Fauts ·eo I Thomas C. Lamonica '71 Charles A. Houston Jr. '63 Dale M. Steinmeyer '68 Percent WhO Gave: 3.35" Robert 0 . uner '46 J. Winston Read '71 John P. Feaster '40 Rober1 M. l ewis '84 Douglas Elliot Hurt Jr. '85 Eta Chapter Amount They Gave: $1 ,325 00 Jack A. Riggs '37 Todd Patrick Federicl'87 Jon Oerriclt Nelson '80 I Charles A. Jackson '63 PC l V Tulane Uni versity I Roy E. Watts '22 Eugene G. Beckman '22 CC Arnoldl.Welner71 Tuclter G. Bedinger '47 lance Stephen Sapera '83 Marcus N. Gewinner '60 I William Michael Pursell '80 Peter 0 . Janney '70 Alumnfon RecorrJ: 917 Jeffi.Wrttiamslll '68 Michael P. Sapourn 75 Martinl. GreerrwoodJr. '49 G. Kennerly Robey '71 James Eric Kline '89 Percent Who Gave: 3.27" W•lllam M. Blume Jr. '68 Richard B. Sloan '32 Robert l ouis Guillen '82 Elmer 0 . Rodes Jr. '72 Gene Knoefel '59 Amount They Gave: $1 ,564.00 Hollis l. Cate '50 Shirley H. Smith Jr. '40 CC Frank F. Hyre Ill '75 Stephen Howell Sewell Ill '79 Thomas H. l andrum '45 Douglas l. Allen '83 Iota Chapter I Nelson J. Char1es '54 Edgar M. Ashwor1h Jr. '48 Hampden-Sydney College Robert Wayne Oaoghtry Jr. '85 Jelfrey Eugene Stein '77 Thomas J. Johnson Jr. '49 CC Chester J. Sheffield '71 CC Robert H. l ewis '37 CC Claude J. Aucoin Jr. '62 CC SO Alumni on Record: BOJ Wlltlam H. Gauldin Jr. '39 larry K. Tate '63 A. Mark Jones '76 JohnT. Sunon Jr. '7 1 Hal G. Littleford Jr. '47 John N. Giover Sr. '66 Gerald B. T}ollat '49 CC DanJeffryJordanger '81 Timothy Taylor Swecker '81 David B. litton '58 Mike M. Bearden '51 Percent Who Gave: 3.8"' Aoben F. Buesfnger '74 Amount They Gave: $1 ,002.00 W•Uiam M. Hagood '57 Oscar vonBredow '76 David Reid Kendall '76 Thomas C. Tillar Jr. '71 PC SK Randall A. linon '72 Brian B. Kent '52 Charles l. Walstrom '71 Cecil C. loyd Jr. '47 Cameron Scott Cardozo '84 I Charles P. Blackley '29 cc so I Andrew A. Hamilton 111 '89 William J. Cone '55 CC SO Numa P. Bradner '51 James C. Hawrtt '52 CC Bete Chapter Robert L. Kersman '58 Eugene 0 . Wright 72 Thomas Everelle Magette '76 Wrlllam S. Cross '64 Brannon Terrell Brewer '87 Robert R. Hill '55 Davidson College Jonathan l ayton '88 Jack F Marlow '69 CC I Wrtllam F. Fan! '48CC SO John M. Brit! Jr. '53 Marl< Alan Horine '85 Alumni011 Record: 1014 Walter A. Leyland Jr. '56 Zeta Chapter l awrence A. Maroon "67 Antt'IOny Danlellalegglo '89 Winiam T. Butler Jr. '59 John D. Knort Jr. '55 Percent WOO Gave: 3.06'-" Thomas P. l oughran '72 University of TenneaaH Samuel A. Mars Ill '70 Pecobio C. Impastato '48 Stanley G. Cline 111 '43 James R. lord '53 Amount They Gave: $2,000.00 Benjamin F. lowe Jr. '8 1 Alumnlon Record: 15t8 Charles R. Marshall '54 Paul E. T. Jensen '43 John W. Crandall '54 Harry G. McDonnold '58 Chartes W. Akers Sr. '37 John R. McCarthy '62 Percent Who Gave: 7.31 " Milton l. McDonald '38 CC Thomas N. Kennedy '68 Gary Helm Darden '89 Kevin Charles Mellor '87 John M. Akers '27 LC SO F. Anderson Morse '76 PC SK Amount They Gave: $9,879.00 Robert J. Mc0ougal '71 Wrl!lam B. Lemann '57 WrUiam C. Ferguson '75 Thomas H. Mrlton '70 LC James W. D. Atchison '57 CC GeorgeS. O'Neill '51 I Omar E. Bacon Jr. '56 CC Fred Thomas McKee '86 Roger M. long '56 Calvm G. Greear '36 RichardT. Moore '39 John Southern Au stin Ill '84 James D. Peace '73 Rance Deslonde Barnes '90 John J. Michels '53 CC Alvin M. Maher Jr. '-49 CC Walter l. Grubb Jr. '54 Marvin Cecil Newman '78 James G. Baker Jr. '73 Allred F. Riner '38 Philip W. Barnhart '43 Charles C. Milam '53 CC I Markham 0 . Oswald '73 CC Philip B. Hereford '74 James H. Patterson '43 David Robert Barkley '78 Kenneth E. Scolt '46 CC SO Eldrld V. Bauch '47 CC Howard N. Miller Jr. '34 William C. Owen Jr. '41 Wrllram Henry Hubbard '35 OonaJd E. Rickett '54 Frederidt 0 . Benton '52 CC Stephen K. Smith Jr. '66 CC SO J. lawrence Beach '55 Wrlltam J. Monln '54 CC Jerome V. Reel Jr. '57 CCLV Cary A. Huner '38 Scon Samuel Rutledge '87 Donald Roy Bergsma Jr. '85 Wrlllam F. Swartz Jr. '71 Hugh T. Bennett Jr. '29 Thomas D. Monroe '52 James H. Rich Jr. '57 CC SO Edgar F. Jessee '39 Walter B. Todd '36 Lester 0 . Coltrane Ill '37 CC James N. Teass '49 George B. Bishop '55 Charles A. Muse '46 I I Charles E. Novel '59 CC John T. Roberts '40 David l. Johnson '64 Blake l. Walls '49 William F. Dunbar IV '78 CC James c . Thomson Jr. '55 Roger J. Bradley Jr. '53 CC SO Kenneth A. Rolfs '51 Mark A. Johnson '80 FrederickS. Whisenhunt '45 CC Frank David Haas 77 CC Timothy Gail her Torma '86 Howard B. Bnzendine '57 Allred E. Ogden, MD '43 CC I leonardJ Sapera '61 Paul J. landalc:heJr. '90 J. Butch Woodward '57 CC SO Frank E. Hanshaw Jr. '50 John A. Tracy '59 Hugh W. Broome 111 '55 I OavldJ. Peterson '74 Mark 0 . Scharre '72 Gordon B. Marshall '49 Henry H. Harris Jr. '29 Aobert W. Tyson Jr. '51 Verner C. Brownlie '37 David B. Phillips '74 Andrew M. Vandertlool '74 James E. Bruce '46 CC Donald L Phillips '65 Kristopher 0 . Schtacter '91 Russell G. McAllister Jr. '60 Stephen M. Huntley J r .· ~ t Henry T, Phillips '30 Maurice A. Theriot Jr. '-48 John M. Mrller '56 Kenneth Andrew Kirtt '76 Anthony P. Wagener Jr. '36 Barry W. Bundrant '63 James B. Poner · ~3 Guyton H. Walkins '42 CC l V Shirley E. Mullens '30 Gray N. l ewis '55 Nathan B. Carter Jr. '57 CC I

SEPTEMBER 1996 37 Anderson J Orr '46 Harry E. Crawford '57 Chad Bronson Hensley '91 Mark Andrew Thadler '93 PP t Cyr1l J. Porter Jr. '40 CC Edwatd A. Davis Jr. '68 Donald C. Hooper '73 Richard K. Thomas 70 John A. Ouenelle '39 OtiS C. Edwards Jr. '30 CC William K. Huntley '68 Witliam C. Thomas Jr. '37 Benjamin 0 . Reams Jr. '64 CC SO Peter J. Fagan '76 L. Randolph Isley '60 CC SO Kennelh B. TorbeH '67 CC TOPlOCHAPTERS Mark A. Alves '73 James C. Fowler '75 James T. Johnson '43 CC Walter M. Turner'41 Dean Sessamen '42 Owen M. Goude locke Jr. '64 Joseph C. Johnson '51 Aumbo ugh C. Tweed '38 by Total Number ofA nnual Fund Donors Stanley A. Sheppard '58 CC SO Louis Blake Gutierrez '85 t Eugene M. Langley Jr. '58 t• James E. Wallace '36 Stanley A. Sheppard '90 LC Charles H. Ingraham Jr. '64 Thomas T. l as!Her '50 Jason Avery Wozniak '91 David Frank Smith '53 CC SO Floyd Joseph Joffrion Jr. '79 RobertS. Lollis '71 CC William M . Wrigley '94 PP Jon OouglasSmlth '57 James McDowell Ill '93 PP Leake G. Lovin Jr. '46 t Milo W. Zidek '54 CC Zeta (University ofTennessee-Knoxville) ...... Ill JosephS. Stowe '58 Lovick P. McLane '55 Patrick H. Morgan '40 1 Robert L Swlll '49 SO 1 AobertT. Means '43CC WiHiam Wells Neal Jr. '84 Alpha Theta Chap ter George S. Thagard '38 Vernon S. Melancon '61 CC S O OowV. Perry Sr. '53 Wnt VIrginia University Eta Omicron (Northeast Louisiana University) ...... 89 John B. Tucker Jr. '66 Paul H . Moore '94 l ance Edward Pollock '90 CC Afumnlon Record: 1102 John B. Wood Jr. '63 Donald E. Oswald '70 Albert E. M. Remmey '36 Percent Who Gave : 3.27% Alpha Xi (University of Cincinnati) ...... 86 Robert D. Word Jr. '52 Mark Lee Padgett '81 Wtlllam A. Richardson '70 Amount They Gave: $1 ,350.00 James W. Parish '48 Steven 0 . Schuster '70 Andre w A. Barrett '58 CC SO Alpha Delta (Georgia Institute a/Technology) ...... 80 Psi Chapter James C. Phelps '49 Arthur A. Scott Jr. '54 MaHhew J. Beaulieu '87 North Georgia College Thomas H. B. Rankin Jr. '58 John B. Steen Jr. '47 Wllllam E. Beckers '55 Alpha Eta (Un iversity ofF lorida) ...... 79 Alumni on Record: 59 Louis Joseph Scavone '85 CC Berthold G . Stumberg Jr. '42 Charles 0 . Brennan '65 Percent Who Gave: 3.39% G. Carl Shipp ·sa LC l V John B. Taylor '56 FrankS. Cashman '58 Eta Epsi lon 73 Ross L. Edwards '30 PC JF Timothy L. Sorrells '6 t Douglas Dale WyriCk '88 Scott John Catherwood '92 (Angelo State University) ...... John B. EIIJs J r. '31 CC J. G . StulbJr.'35 Robert L Cochrane '50 t' Mark Robert Tobey '90 Alpha Zeta Chapter Gus1aws H. Crumpacker Jr. '36 Alpha Kappa (Un iversity ofMissouri- Rolla) ...... 68 Omega Chapter Robert F. Tobey '61 University ol Arbnsaa Gary E. Earp '65 University of Kentucky William F. Umstaedter '48 Afumnl on Record: 1408 Michael Glenn Elkins '79 Gamma Tau (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) ...... 67 Alumni on Record: 1222 Michael L Vincent '94 LC Percent Who Gave: 2.27% Thomas M. Freeman '57 Percent Who Gave: 3.52% t Michael William Ware '79 Amount They Gave: $ 1,379.00 RlchardW. Held '6t Alpha Omega (Kansas State University) ...... 67 Amount They Gave: $2,499.78 J. Michael Wilson '66 Byron A. Adams '61 John J. Hibbs '55 Robert J. Allen 11 '88 Charles R. Wolf Jr. '39 Edward S. Allen '52 i George W . Hopkins '37 SO Beta Eta (University ofIlli nois) ...... 65 Jeffrey L Ashley '86 John C. Ashley Jr. '39 1' Philip J. lapalucci Jr. '83 Kevin John Baer '83 CC Alpha Delta Chapter Henry T. Aylor '46 James F. Kast Jr. '48 George E. Barker '41 Georgia Tech University Michael G. Capoot '67 Keith S. Kennedy '63 Henry C. Basten '67 Alumni on Record: I 154 Toby Shane Cranston '92 Russell \/. KillleJr. '49 David Paut Bonn '90 Petcent Who Gave: 6.93% MaHhew l ane Crider '90 Douglas J. Ladlsh '62 Martin Andrew Bowling '89 Amount They Gave: .$3,639.86 i George H. Cullins '44 Arthur V. Lallone '73 William L. Bruckart '39 l. Wayne Adams '72 Jack A. Gardner '51 CC David Douglas Lewis '82 SO Nu Chapt er Bruce W . Locke '48 t Steven R. Winkler '74 Charles R. Burton '4 1 CC l V Steven J. Asip '74 Harry L. G riffin '37 JamesM. Martin '4 1 Wollard College i Linwood C. Matthews Jr. '50 CC Norman C. Young Jr. '49 1:' Stuart G. Carpenter '50 i Maunce Deal Atwell Ill '77 Glenn R. Hammons '44 Dallas G . McGinnis '75 Alumm on Record: 627 so ; JoeL. Craig '48 Harold R. Baker '36 John B. Jones '67 Robert L. Morris '69 Percem Who Gave: 3. t 4% Kevin M. McCarthy '82 Tau Chapter • Stephen Auslln Day '86 Victor J . R. Baran '40 Wllllam H. Mann '58 SO John A. Parsons '66 CC A moun/ They Gave: $1 ,200.80 t EdwardH. McNewJr. '70 University of Nor1h Carolina James W . Ewing '25 David R. Bare '63 Joe L Matlock '43 Terrence l. Parsons '68 D. Mark Anderson '76 LC AndrewJ. MeoniJr. '47 Afumm on Record; 1071 John H. Ewing Jr. '30 Edward W. Sercegeay '47 Robert H. McGill '60 David R. Pollitt '68 Doyce w. AriaU Jr. '56 Clarence A. Otto Jr. '47 Petcent Who Gave: 4.67% Michael Robert Farrar '82 Kenneth Richard Bienstock '91 William N. Meadows '66 Richard L. Rawlings '63 CC SO James Clowney Brice Ill '83 R. Forest Persons '49 Amount They Gave: S2.615.0D Alexander R. Innes '53 LC SO Carey H. Brown '64 CC Roger C. Mears J r. '46 John J. Russell '62 James E. Brogdon Jr. '71 James S. Phillips 'SO CC • W . Ben Atwater Jr. '70 Jeffrey Scotllsaacs '90 JamesG. Buck'72 George P. Newberry '89 Robert C. Sanders '70 Basford B. Bryson Jr. '56 James R. Pond Sr. '47 John M. Barnhardt '56 J. Scott Judy '90 John 0 . Bullard '42 Otis L. Parham Sr. '42 Joseph Page Scali ·so Kenneth Hubert Buffington '61 Thomas C. Rennie Jr. '72CC Marshall M. Blythe Jr '82 James S. Judy '59 LC SO Pierce E. Cantretl Jr. '67 Joseph W . Park '54 Michael T. Shook '77 leland E. Burch '58 W. Christian Sizemore '57 James W. Bradley '79 Dennis James Keenan '87 Kevin Todd Chunn '89 Allan Wayne Ranson '78 Perry Scott Tarr '47 Michaell. Chewning Sr . '62 Steven G . Switzer '69 H. Harrison Braxlon Jr. '55 CC t James E. Knight '65LC SO Arthur H. Clephane Jr. '64 John M. Rhoads Jr. '47 CC David R. Vaughn '60 Randolph S. Clark '78 Jack F. Wenzel '55 Bynum A. Brown '49 CC SO WilliamS. latta '69 Paul Nelson Cote '84 Malcolm Maier Robinson '51 Frederick J. W eihl '60 Hamp!on W. Collins Ill '73 Michael w. West '34 Winlam M. Calvert '52 1: Thomas J. lee '57 Jetlerson Finis Davis '86 Randy M. Robinson '89 Ronald D. Wilson '67 James C. Crawford til '74 i Richard C. Whilehead '47 Daniel L Clpran '86 LC Robert Dale leonard 11 '94 PP Harry N. Edmondson '51 Blake W. Schultz '46 S O Clifton B. Crosland '55 Charles F. WillShire '50 Roger M. Cobb '85 Matthew Charles lucas '86 Lee A. Ferber '60 CC George J. Stevenson '43 Alpha Iota Chapter Gray Thomas Culbreath '82 CC t NormanB. WoodJr.'46 Lenox G . Cooper Jr. '55 Samuel M. McElroy '40 William J. Forsythe '37 William H . Stovall 111 '69 Millsap• College Henry F. Floyd '67 CC Reginald V. Wood '68 Robert George Culp IV '89 Allred E. McGregor '59 Albert F. Gandy '52 CC S O Christopher C. Tennison '91 Alumnl on Record: 1080 Allen Henley Jr. '51 Geors;~e Stuart Woodson '33 SO t• PhllipN. OalyJr.'71 David L McGuire '63 CC Mark Alan Glass '86 Don Walker '66 CC Percent Who Gave: 4.44% Robert E. Osbon '55 Carl F. Woost Jr. '37 1: A. Winfield Daniels Jr. '44 i Thomas B Parry '35 Nigel K. Glover 73 louie W. Waller '43 CC Amount They Gave: $ 1,890.00 Mark C. Payne '92 Thomas Michael Woytow1cz '75 Aanda11Carl 0 ay'78 William Paul Perdue '62 Robert A. Hamblen '56 Robert J. Wiseman '30 CC SO Richard J . Aubert Jr. '68 CC Thomas B. Reeves Jr. '63 Donald B. Douglas '75 Alan E. Sawyer '69 W11liam S. HaNin '66 Tommie Gurvis Wood '90 w. E. Ayres '49 CC so t Rodney M . Stalheim '64 PI Chapter Allred l. Dyson Jr. '48 Scotty Ray Sears '86 t Thomas T . Hinton '69CCSD Leslie H. Bear '66 t• Jerry Strealer '56 Washington & Lee University t Jonas A. Futrell Jr. '50 CC David A. Shearer '64 Jon H. Holbrook '65 Alpha Eta Chapter Edwin G . Brent '37 Atumni on Record: 782 JullanW. Hamrick'48 t Gerald T. Slivers '57 CC Charles E. Holman Sr. '51 University of Florida Cari J. 8ush '66 XI Chapter Percenr Who Gave: 2.30% f" John H. Kerr Ill '56 C111ton B. Sobel '67 John 0 . Holmes '61 Alumni on Record: 2 174 Beverly G. Butler '53 University of South Carolina Amount TheyGalfe: S835.00 William D. lackey '56 CC Thomas E. Spra gens Jr. '57 CC JesseS. Howell Jr. '54 Percent Who Gave: 3.63% Charles M . Butler '47 S O Alumni on Record: 961 StuartS. Bailey '47 CC SO 1:" George A. L1ttle Jr. ' 31 so L. Thomas !sal '70 CC Amount They Gave: S3,585.00 James E, Calloway Jr. '42 Percent Who Gave: 4.99% William J . Berry '46 • Howard M. lwingston Jr. '73 t' George R. Sloll '47 John E. Jones Sr. '42 Ira B. Adams '50 Michael William Dale '94 Amounr They Gave: $ t, 720.00 Richard F. Dunlap Jr. '67 James B. Malcolm '57 • Harry S. Traynor '32 SO Robert K. Khoury '67 CC Richard Scott Adcock '92 Lee Edward Dempsey '8 1 Hiram Charles Allen Jr. '77 George E. Eagle '51 CC 1 William J Marsh '45 Arlyn N. Wagner '62 Michael Gilbert Kilgore '80 Paul James Alben '76 Wl!liam H. Dodge '62 Timothy Del Baldwin '77 Allen Ray Gillespie '92 Harry l. McDowell '34 t' James L. Webb '62 CC Roy ' Butch" landers Jr. '63 t George J. Albright Jr. '50 Harry W. Dowling '56 Tracy A . Bayliss '65 Robert A. Hite '41 Roscoe Drake McM111an Jr. 'J 1 CC Clarke T. Welsh Ill '68 George L Lane Jr. '42 Phillip K. Armbruster '68 Mark 8 . Eppes '73 A. Ray Behtes '50 Robert L Hopkins Jr. '48 Evan Nick M1ller '82 CC Bob c. Whitaker ·ss PhilipE. Laney '55 J . Alden Saker Jr. '78 James E. Finley '57 James Gregory Bell '82 Justin Thomas Ki ng '92 t' GeorgeJ. M1ller '45 1 David w. Young '27 Raben L. lord '64 G. Max Barnes '68 J. Scott Hardy Jr. '68 CC Curtis 0 . Brown '87 John R. Kremer Jr. '50 • JohnT. Newton'74 Robert N. MacDonald '54 Felix A. Bartolomei '93 PP Raymond e. Hester '62 Edward J. Burke Ill '65 Gerald M. Lively '36 Henry B. Patterson '53 Alpha Alpha Chapter t Charles E. Madden '57 E. Dixie Beggs '27 CC L v Adam B. Hillman Jr. '55 ThOmas H . Conaty '67 * James A. Otllgnon '43 John L. Pecora '41 Duke University RoyD. Malac '75 Jack W . Behn 70 William H. Holland Jr. '50 Charles H. Cushman, Jr. '43 Francis P. Rasberry Jr. '67 CC 0 Yates Poteat '48 Alumni onRecord: 1150 Frank W. Manly '42 ; Charles A . Beus '36 so A. Hollingsworth Jr. '43 t Wesley l. Daniels '54 Werner1 J. Schuler Jr. '52 Robert W. Powell'69 CC Percent Who Gave: 3.39% Peter H. Margilofl '81 CC Wayne F. Betts '5 1 Daniel A. Ladner '65 Fred U. Davis Jr. '63 Park B. Sm11h '48 CC AltonA PnceJr. '71 CC Amount They Gave: $1 ,950.00 Terry N. McAdoo '68 Rodney W . Bryson II '95 PP John Alan Lange '90 James J . Denoon '66 t WilhamF. StoneJr.'65 Robert Lane Purcell '76 Er1c Milo Albert '91 John Richard McMillen '89 i Robert 0 . Campbell '46 Robert Eason Leake '65 Donald Davidson Easson Jr. ·so Richard B. Taylor '48 Whit C. PuNIS Jr '40 Henry C. Alexander Jr. '44 CC John R. McWalers '54 David Bellamy Corey '79 Earl T. Lewis '48 Parker Evau ·ss Gregg Clive Vanorden '82 Michael M . Richardson '70 Robert P. Barnetl '41 CC SO Harold A. Montague '4 1 Ernest A. Cox 111 '81 Franklin R. Mansfield '49 Marcellus S. Gabryelskl '67 John Anderson Wells 111 '79 James S. Ru ssell Ill '72 Byron 8. Block '56 James Fleming Morris '57 Walter L Crews '4 1 CC Kevin McClure '73 Maxwell Brandl Gillespie '81 Jon D. Simonson '72 RichardS. Buddington '61 Sean Patrick Mullane '86 CC Raymond C. Cuttle '83 David B. McDaniel '62 W1lliam Edward Goode '85 Sigma Chapter John B. S1mpson Jr. '43 Bradley Carris '89 Paul Jetlrey Nunn '80 James M. Degen '59 William C. McKie Jr. '68 George 0 . Hallman '57 CC Vanderbilt University Moyer G. Smhh '60 Carrel M. Caudill '39 Frederick J. Osborne Jr. '55 Johnathan Deutsch '89 Harold D. Miller Jr. '55 CC Edward 0 . Harrill'54 Alumni on Record: 1 187 Allen 0. Steele '33 Russell Braden Copeland '91 James B. Outman '64 Cameron OezluHan '93 t Richard L. Miller '46 CC lrv1 ne H. Hendricks '58 Percent Who Gave: 4.04% Bradley Thomas Sl1 pp '77 AlbertS. Dodd Jr. '32 Chrlslopher 0 . Pappas '75 Sean David Fenniman '92 PP Lamar K. Mitchell '95 PP William J. Hill Jr. "64 Amount They Gave: S I ,952.00 Howard Bryan Sutton Jr. '50 Ronald D. Ertley '52 Donald 0 . Parish '51 Untoo Eugene Floyd 111 '42 Louis J. Navarro '39 t A Clilf Holler '61 CC John T. Allen Jr. '56 Steve Edward Sytz '87 B. Troy Ferguson Jr. '37 Harry Passmore Ill '53 CC Michael E. Gaff 70 Max B. Ostner J r. '62 CC SO John C. Houser '58 t Frank A. Benson '63 Robert Brown Taylor '25 Paul A. Guden '62 CC Hubert Patterson '4 1 Oliver W . Grillin '43 Jason S. Otis '95 PP Rolle E. Hughes Ill '65 M1llard B. Bethel '31 Stephen Wh1tney Thenot '79 Chnstie G . Harris '50 CC Samuel Jeffrey Pittman '82 James N. Guy Jr. '65 Leslie J. Page Jr. '52 William A. Humphlett Jr. '31 CUlton 8. Briley Jr. '59 CC Breu Voncannon Watson '89 CC Joseph A. Hedgpeth '60 T. Neal Pringle '68 CC l eonard F. Hinds Jr. '47 CC Michael A. Parnell '69 Edward F. Johnson Jr. '64 Robert W. Bruce '47 CC William l. W1lson Jr. '67 Ralph M. Howse '49 Richard Harvey Purser '79 Henry l. Holbrook '43 Don A. Pearson '48 James L. Johnson '35 H. King BuHermore 111 '63 CC Raye P. Wood1n Ill '67 Myron C. Hulen '61 George Allan Aay '7 1 George Holden Jr. '43 Charles E. Phllllp s '60 W111iam 8 . Jones '60 Kevin Michael Connor '82 Hugo B. K1mball '53 Charles A. Redding Ill '72 Albert C. Hoppe '64 William E. RleckenJr. '50 Don M. Knight '66 Stephen 0 . Cragon '47 Upsi lon Chapt er James S. Kitterman Jr. '63 F. Paul Reitz '64 Richard Earl Hornsby '93 PP Victor M. Roby '35 Urlet M. Lovelace '54 CC W1 lllam Caldwell Crosswy '74 Auburn Uni versity Peter Arthur Kottke '93 Gregory B. Robertson '82 Hjalma E. Johnson '58 CC S O James E . Sandusky '64 Brian A. Luddy '67 Christopher H. Oav1s '89 Alumnion Record: 1679 Joseph A. Upe '64 cc Dwayne Uoyd Sanders '78 t' James C. Johnson '74 Paul A. SheHleld '36 t V1ncent Paul Mooney '78 t W. Lipscomb Davis Ill '76 Percent Who Gave. 2.92% Edward L Mason '32 Ralph Clifton Scott '85 CC t Glenn I. Jones '45 Vardaman K. Smith Jr. '50 CC SO Edgar E. Owens Jr. '56 Samuel A. Dodson Jr. '37 Amount They Gave: $3,275.00 Fre d A. McNeer Jr. '47 Allan Boyd Simpson '68 CC t' James W. Kersey '66 CC SO Louis Drake W alsh '88 Robert C. Padowicz '64 Donald M Duh '40 t Robert E. Adams '52 Donald T. McRae '59 Richard W . Small '60 DanS. Koeppel '94 PP Robert c. Watts '45 t' RonnieO. Palmer '67CC Theo J. Emison Jr. '62 Frank P Barrow Jr. '48 Gordon 8 . Meyer '55 M. Russell Smith Jr. '71 Oavid L. Marcus '79 Charles 0 . Williams '61 * Elder Franklin Penny '45 John D. Fitzgerald '63 W Stanley Blackburn '70 John V. Mickey '67 t Dale K. Snead '65 Marcell J. Maseman Ill '94 PP ; Parham W . Williams '58 John L Potter '58 John W . Frazier '31 A. Plait Boyd Jr '29 CC William N. Momgomery '41 Andrew GarreH Sneed '88 CC David l. Mays Sr. '71 Terry G . Winstead '70 Michael Ingram Rogers '80 JohnW. Frltz '73 Benjamin Payton Bussey '80 Wilham C. Moore '58 James R. Snyder '57 1" Edward D. McDade '40 CC William C. WoHord '36 Marlln K. Rosefleld Jr. '57 Alan H. Fruin '61 Robert 8. Cater Jr. '41 ; E. Thomas Newb1U '70 CC S O Warren S. Stovall '61 CC John H. McKnight '58 t Joseph 8 . Ruth tll '49 Daniel C Geddie '56 t Donald H. Clay '44 Wallace B. Olson Jr. '37 CC James S. Thompson Jr. '66 Matthew Boiet Meister '83 Alpha Kappa Chapter David H. Sheer "67 Thomas M. Graves '55 Eugene C. Cook '62 Jack Barron Perk1ns '9 1 James A. Thorne '68 Christian C. Mertins Jr. '44 CC Unlvert~l1y of Missouri-Rolla Ned Oderra Small '76 Paul A. Green Jr. '47 Malcolm C. Davenport Jr. '42 CC t James l. Pollok '66 James M. Townsend Jr. '34 Corey John M iller '93 PP Alumni on Record: 835 James e. Stephen '43 John H. Hewetson Jr. '74 so James A. Rob1n s 111 '46 John Duke Tramontanls '75 W. Kurt Miller HI '86 Percent Who Gave: 8. 14" Philip 8 . Thorman '66 John F. Howell '52 Robert w. Oees '37 1 Thomas J. Scah1ll Jr. '45 Edwin A. Wahlen Jr. '67 CC SO William G . Meller '53 Amount They Gave: $2,965.00 Thomas M. Turner '65 leland C. Keller '62 James J . Dow '48 CC Kenneth A. Shapiro '75 Joseph P. Wauen '56 John M , Morgan '39 LC t' Timothy Earl Al len '84 CC Russell Wilson Vereen '84 Robert H . lawrence Jr. '62 ; David H. Dyson '72 LC LV t Robert F. Sherertz '44 David P. Whiteside '39 William Edwin Moss Jr. '81 Pierre M. Aubuchon '45 Christopher Vlahoptus '80 CC Charles R. Long '46 Harold L Eskew '51 Charles l Tmkham '53 Terrell H. Yon Jr. '46CC Mlctlael William Mullins 79 Alan Dale Bess '84 t l arry R. Wlnn '61 Marcus I. MacDougall '72 Paul B. F1elds '61 t Charles W. Treat '48 James E. Young Ill 'SO Brian C. Murray '93 PP Daniel E. Boyce '69 Frank H. Mason lll '55 William l. Fleming '71 JohnL. Vogel '44 t' Carroii M . Nai1 Jr.'52 Scott S. Boyd '73 Omicron Chapter TimR Mlles'56 1 Ray A Hester '59 CC SO Roben 0 , Wilhs '70 Alpha Epsilon Chapter James B. Newman '57 Raben A. Brenneclce '70 University ol Richmond Todd Bruce Newell'87 CC Charles F. Holleman '58 CC Nor1h Carolina State University • John E. Olson '56 Myron 0 . Bruns '59 Alumm on Record: 920 Fletcher R. Norris '54 Andrew P Hornsby 111 '86 Alpha Beta Chapter Alumni on Record: 903 • Gregory Steven Palmer '88 Collins M. Burton '38 CC Percent Who Gave: 3.59" w. Hamilton Parks 11 '42LC SO William Michael House '65 Centenary College Percent Who Gave: 3.88% i Philip W . Petrozella '68 1 Ethan Andrew Chamberlain '75 CC Amounr They Gave: $1 ,530.00 Wilham F. Pierce 111 '55 James L. Howard '48 Alumni on Record: 32 Amount They Gave: S I ,620.00 t' Neil G . Powell Sr. '46 i . Richard G . Chapman '66 CC Jay 0 . Bond Jr '47 Willlam F. Polk Jr. '58 B1bb B Huffstutler '54 Percent Who Gave: 3.13% Frederick C. Ayers '53 LC i . F Dana Powers '53 CC SO i Douglas N. Christensen '40 t Junius Wesley Boykin '35 Tretlou J. Pond Jr '59 Walter 0 HulloJr. '53 f Nicholas A. Delatla '47 Richard W. Baker 111 '88 ' Xavier Juan Pujol '87 CC Jellrey L. Costellla ·as CC Bradford F Burnett "66 Pat B. Powers '47 Alfred H . Jackson Jr '33 Charles C. Basselt '54 Watson Ramsay Jr. '37 John 0 . Cummings Jr. '70 William J Cash Jr, '36 James A. Shackleford Ill '56 Gaston v . Jones Jr. '46 CC Alpha Gamma Chapter Mark C. Burgin '92 Lawrence Aennell '65 Seal! Anthony Davis '94 PP Hubert W . CharltonJr. '47 R. Carter Simonds '71 Robert G . Jones '55 Louisiana State University Robert 8 . Coleman Jr. '36 SO t' Charles M . Rou '42 Powell A. Dennie '37 CC SO Arthur L Clark Jr '57 Richard A. Sobel Jr. '57 Wilham E. l eslie '57 Alumni on Record: lOS Jonathan P. Cook '84 Earl M. Scarborough '45 MarkS. Dolecld ·73 t Jetlery W . Congdon '79 t L. Bradley Stanford '53 Michael Russ long '87 CC Per~nl Who Gave. 4.96% Wilham S. Edwards '73 John A. Schlrard Jr. '26 SO Oavld A. Erman 70 Allen W. Flannagan Jr. '41 CC SO Boyd W . Tarpley '33 Ernest L McCarty Ill '75 Amount They Gave: $2,000,00 t Richard Thomas Fielding '88 J. Richard Sewell '53 1 Thomas Wade Fennessey '75 t Warren L. Flannagan '49 CC FrancisV. Tilley '53 William B McGehee '36 Robert H Abbott 111 '66 Luke Carrol Fisher 76 A. Frank Smith '66 LC SK James Francis Flechtl '93 PP WallaceG. Harrls'67 Winston F Tipton '37 PhiU1pMemll'66 Malcolm EvellenAndryJr. 76 JohnS. Flowe Jr. '36 i ' Norman 8 . Smith '37 leroy W. Fuller '42 Harry G Lea '63 John B Walker Jr. '52 1 E . Len MitChell '70 CC Robert Lee Blackwell '88 Jetlrey V. Goodman '63 Charles M. Squires 11 '89 Robert Cart Girvan '89 Wilham N. Leary '82 CC Thaddeus T Wert '80 Stephen P Monon Sr. '55 Jared Wayne Campo '76 t William R. Greene '54 John G . Stlmls '58 Gary L Gollhofer '75 t Erie E Wilkinson '32 John T Mosley '67 Kerry J Chauvin '65 B Scott Harton '79 Bruce E. Telander '54 W111Jam Louis Hallerberg '59

38 SEPTEMBER 1996 Eugene E. Hammann '39 Scoll Alan Beyerl '82 Gary M Spm'IQer ·57 Robert L. Hanna '40 CC t' Marlt RobertBraun '76CC Richard G Stuart '47 Glenn Steven Hetl '80 t' James 0 . Burnside Jr '38 James F Tel\ef 59 Mark Herald Heleln '87 Donald A. Busslck '52 Ma~ Thomas Tilsley '76 John H. Herder '48 Sleven J. Byrne 65 Alch1rd A. Tope '90 Why Give to the Pi Kappa Alpha Gary A. Holland '61 t ' Craig Richard Campbe/1 '81 CC Joseph A. Volz '58 James A Hunt '45 CC OouglasJ. Carr71 Charles L. Wallace 53 Phll1p AnthOny Jozwiak '88 Douglas AnthOny Ceresia '93 t Arthur A Weber '38 Educational Foundation? AlanA Kamp '61 William Chppmger Jr. '63 Edmund C. Weber Ill ·st Fernando F. K1elh0rn '84 Seamus F. Cof'ICagh '86 CC t Daniel B wnanon '60 W1lllam A Kruger '56 SO i Charles W. Crause '58 Ralph Winkler '57 CC Daniel H. Kruvand '66 Walter K Dickson '38 James A. Woodard '57 CC Charl e J. "Jerry" Fehlig (Clemson University, Eta Allen Paul Ku llniewlcz '73 Kenyon E Donohew '65 CC Robert N. Wrtght '51 CC Edward P. Kyburz '47 Leonard T Eschbach 77 James B. Zimmerman '70 Alpha '88) is a currently assi tant ice president ofCom­ Richard J. Laschober '69 Fred W. Fangmann '60 CC John C. Latzer '57 CC SO t' V. Bailey Flemming '47 Alpha Omicron Chaplar mercial Lending and Bu in e s Development for The Steven Dale McHenry '78 Curtis Lee Frailey '85 CC Southwestern University MarkT. MIIIer'75 Robert E. Geauque '35 Alumnlon Record. 916 Anchor Bank in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. George L. Mhsch '37 Leonard W. Goad1n '64 Petcent WhO Gave: 4 15" Michael David Moline '79 David Wayne Gordon 'SC Amount They Gave: $2,785.35 He was a ked recently about hi participation a a do­ Donak! Dean Montgomery '46 ThOmas Kirby Greteman '83 CC Gerald A. Abel'61 Scon Allen Musgrave '89 Peter M. Hagan '51 Gustavo Barbero '94 PP nor to the Pi KappaA ipha Educati onal Fo undation, which Caner z. Njus '69 William L. Hancock '72 Alan Minturn Calcote '86 t Stephen Douglas Nussbaum '86 Ronald D. Hicks '64 Timothy Charles Crouch 77 he has supported generou ly ince hi s graduation fro m MarkK. Post'74 ThomasJ Hollingshead '48 Em1llo George Cruz Jr '92 Alfred R. Powell '58 William Bryan Hunt '83 Oavtd S Davis 73 Clemson. J erry Fchlig VIrgil L. Powell '52 CC SO Robert A. Hussman '38 William G. Falr'60LC LV William A Rea '36 t OaleT. KirllnJr.'61 CC Jose· Pablo Garcia '52 t Raymond T. Ruenheck '47 t' W. Bfen1 Kyto'57CCSO Ralph E. Hamme '3 1 Arthur Rene Ayler '56 CC t J. Martin Horn Lambert '57 RobertS Heaslet '94 PP Why do you give to th e Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foundation ? Robert J. Scanlon '70 t Dennis C. Lane '66 Richard W Hesler '48 Char1es W. Schuman '52 t Robert Edward Malecek '82 James F. Hotubec '57 J. Roger Scnvner ·so Robert H. McHaney 'St FrankL. lvey 111'95 PC SO PP Nathan Michael Seyer '94 PP William D. McHaney '60 Leighton P. Kelly '65 l fee l that Pi Kappa Alpha improves the quali ty of a young man's coll ege Shawn Nell Stanery '88 Colin A. P. McNease '58 OC Nell Dean Kirkpatrick '78 Bradley Mark StewarJ '88 Ryan Andrew McP1ke '91 GeraldS. Kurio '61 experi ence. Therefore, I give to help support undergraduate brothers" ho need W1lllam C. ThOroughman '68 George D. Peters '58 Michael Scott Lade ·as CC James Lesley Vasher '84 Donald Patrick Rebman '85 CC David L. Leggett '94 PP and deserve the assistance. Donald B. Wemert '74 Gregory M. Rebman 111 '83 CC Floyd F. McSpadden '67 Robert M. White '57 LC Leo J. Rush '47 James E. Morrison 11 '84 CC Benjamin Paul Winter '78 Shawn Thomas Saale '85 JosephS. Mundy '63 CC David Garth Winter '76 Phlllip P. Scaglia '84 PC SO T Craig Nauert '73 CC How has Pi Kappa Alpha affected your life? Lester H. Winter '57 Timothy A. Schwelghaf1 '64 t TrumanJ. Odlorne '63 t Robert V. Wotl '48 SO Gordon C. Smith '60 Richard A. Plnger '65 Charles W. Yocom '71 Gordon W. Stellens '56 SO David Austin Rex Jr, '87 Loyd M. Stephens '60 Michael G. Rossman 70 Obviously, the friendships that we establi h as brothers ofPi KappaAipha Alphl lambdl Chapter Wauen 0 . Stephens '62 C. Drew Sanders '55 Georgetown College Donald W. Stephenson '48 Jonathan A. Schmidt '95 PP become a lasting and important part of our lives. Additionall y, Pi Kappa Al­ Alumni on Record: 778 Mark Robert Sweeney '81 Thomas A. Singletary '95 PP Percent Who Gave: 3.47" Joshua Dotson Turnbull '93 PP Jimmy R. Snoga '49 pha helped prepare me for li fe in the "real world" through experience uch Amoum They Gave: $885.00 Edgar B. Vandiver Ill '57 CC SO James T. Stanton '94 PP Ed Bennen Bartels '81 t' Steven Scon VIncent '83 CC Thomas J. Stovalllll '66 as ru sh, membership educati on, and committee work . I fee l that many of the Elvm K. Brakebill '48 • W1lllam Todd Wahl '88 CC i Robert Edward Thomas '76 t Donald B. Cawthorne '28 CC John L. Walker '65 PC l V Lloyd M. Tittle Ill '53 social skills learned and practi ced throughout the Pi KappaAipha undergradu­ WilHam C. Flndt Jr. '41 Arthur A. Weber '42 Van Oraylon Valentine '56 Charles 0 . Gauspohl '61 CC Charles Kevin Wilson '81 William Monroe Walker '85 ate years are critical to one's success in whatever career they may choo e. Oav1d J. Gilkey '60 i Donald CUlton Wolff '76 t William A. Wiemers '55 Horace T. Hambrick '47 Jeremy D. woods '94 PP Hugh M. Haycralt '57 Alpha XI Ch1ptar Oanl. Hurt '69 University of Cincinnati Alphs PI Chapter Wo uld you encourage other undergraduate broth ers to give to the Educational Floyd J, lson '54 Alumnfon Record: 1226 Semtord Unlv•rslty Raben W. Kohl '70 Percent Who Gave: 7.01% Alumni on Record: 850 Foundation? Richard 0 . McAtee '67 Amount They Gave: $5,210.33 Percent Who Gave: 2 94% Joe P. McMillin Jr. '85 i Stephen F. Apple '52 Amount They Gave: $955.00 Charles W Mldklll'57 t' FrankC. ArnettJr. '61 CC t Lee Burton Allen '77 Douglas Jess Moncriel '92 Harold J. Bauer Jr. '56 Gerald A. Anderson II '87 CC Yes, I fee l that it is an opportunity to give something back to the Fraterni ty Jimmie L. Noe '59 Uncoin Allen Beckner '79 CC John D Chandler Sr.'« CC SK MIChael Allen Nahsger '89 t' Roger A. B11tmann '51 William H. Coles Jr. '53 that gave me so much and at the same time support coll eges and un iversities f Rodney M. NOifiS '36 James 0 . Black '55 Cecil W, Gayler '37 Allan M. Parrent'49 Eric Thomas Black1ord '90 t Robert H. Givens '30 across the country through the positive impact that our undergraduate broth­ David K. Pemberton '64 Christopher M. Bohn '93 CC Tullia Hollis '54 William A. Schild '48 Robert E. Boling '48 Brent Alden King '82 ers have on their campuses and communities. Kent M. Shawver '78 Talmage B. Booth Jr. '37 Clyde M. King Jr. '56 Raymond L. Shellon '47 Eugene L. Box '48 John Barton Long '69 Joe B. Snel/ '68 f' George C. Brecht'56 W LeWIS Lowe '68 EdwardS. Wllson '29 Roger E. Brown '58 LC SO Phil Hudson Neal ll/ '83 CC Do you plan to continue giving to th e Educational Fo undation throughout your Jack R. Wlttkamp '48 Richard L Challln '55 James H. Pesnell'59 Hays K. Wolll '67 Dennis A. Cleeler '65 CC SO William G Reynolds '62 alumnus years? C. Thomas Cllhon '26 LC SO Paul V. Richter '66 Alpha Mu Chapter Bruno V. D'Ag ostlno '63 CC SO Eldridge W. RoarXJr. '52 Univeralty of Georgia BenjamlnW. Oavis'49 William B. Ro se Jr. '81 AlumnlonRecord: 1549 t' Forrest E. OeVol '47 David W. Sharp '48 Yes, I feel that it is an investment in the future success of Pi Kappa Alpha. Percem Who Gave 2.65% James Arthur Dechant '83 Caynor Allen Smith Jr. '78 Amount They Gave: $1 ,395 00 John A. Olnkelaker '68 H. Robert Snow Jr. '38 Walter C. Angel '47 CC Robert W. Dorsey '52 CC SO Alan W. Speaker '72 James A. Atria '60 M1chael F. Evers '59 Paul A. Trumbo Jr. '48 Why is alumni support so important to the Educational Foundation ? Kermit F. Bates Jr. '56 CC t Bra dley Scott Farrenkopl '82 Charles W. Venable '74 James D. Benefield Jr. '49 Donald C. Funke '51 James Timothy Wallace '86 Robert G. Bibbings '48 1' Lee M. Gentry '70 Ira L Wes\ Jr. '57 John L Bridges '66 Wayne C. Gllsdorf '54 Without the support of Pi KappaAlpha 's alumni, the Fraterni ty, its alu mni Stacey Alan Champion '82 t ' Thomas G. Greer '64 Alpha Rho Ch1pter Volney Judson Cissna Jr. '38 t Chester L Grove '36 CC SO Ohio State University and undergraduates cannot continue to enjoy the success that we all share. JohnS. Clements Jr. '5 t t John W. Hansen '47 CC Alumni on Record: 792 Macon G. Core 111 '49 Douglas L Hoge '39 Percent Who Gave: 5.93% Therefore, alumni support, fi nancial or otherwise is important not onl y to the William A Crider Jr. '60 CC lilburn H. Horton Jr. '54 CC SO Amount They Gave: $2,306.00 Marc W1lllam Cromie '89 WtiUam M. Jordan '61 John Ad en Barlow '61 Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foundation but to the Fraternity as a whole. Braswell 0 . Deen Jr. '46 Michael F. Kahsar '63 Norman E. Brague '71 Michael Glenn Ouvall '83 Sean Paul Kelley '86 Robert W. Brown Jr. '64 WilliamS. Hardman '68 t' S. Tad La sonczyk '59 Gregory L. C Crane '65 Michael A. Harrington Jr. '89 Joseph L. Lawson '51 CC SO John M. Cunningham '51 Leon A. Htlburn '53 David M. Lee '60 Robert W. Cyester '35 LC SO Andrew J, Hill Jr. '49 Wlf\Ston K. Uppen '55 t: David W. Edward '30 CC SO Andrew J. H1ll?1 Michael L. Marker '64 David W1lson Furry '84 Ron Fresne '81 Alpha Upsilon Chspter Delmar C. Hudson Jr. '49 Larry Conrad Marshall Jr. '89 Atchard T. Gamble '48 ' Karl H. Weaner '29 CC SO f. Don E. Kosovac '53 Kenneth P Gnadt '43 Wilham H. Kuphaldt 44 New York University Edward M. Hughes '71 Donald W. Martin '38 Gary A. Gieser '62 LV • Mac A. Webb '73 Eric Gunderson ·as AlumnlonRecord 109 Howard B. James '37 Ralph J. McCrate '50 Harry T. Hance Jr '40 SO t ' Charles H. Welshe1mer '48 CC SO Robert Sterling L1pp ·as Walter G Hann1 '68 Percent Who Gave 0 92% Lee F. Jarklns '42 t Gary E. MenchhOter '65 CC SK Charles A. Harrington '64 Robert B Whytal'68 Michael K Marsden '69 t Hal A Harmon '38 Harry A. Decker "30 Marion P Johnson '53 Glenn C. M1ller '46 James L Hatchett '47 Douglas Edward W1lnelm '81 John A McConnell '54 CC Leland W. Jonas '63 Pondelee A. Leo lis '4 7 CC SO Jellrey John Mdler '86 John Cox Hatfield '84 John Hunter W1lson '51 Robert L McGuire '30 LC A1chard M Lambert '63 Alphs Phi Chapter William C. Lewis '58 Mallhew Moorman '87 Charles M. Hebble '25 t Oavtd A. Younger 55 Oavld L More '33 NiCk P. leRoy '90 Ronald A. Mulll '49 Iowa S\1te University RobertM. Lu ckle '71 Daniel B. Morrow '56 Ben L. Jones '60 Stephen Dan LeWis '71 CC JeH C Rohwer '91 CC Alummon Record I 109 Daniel J. McCune '67 Kevin David Mosley '80 CC Jerry 0 . Le e '55 CC SO Alpha Sigma Chlpler Gordon E Marlor '53 Pttrcent Who Gave 4 42% J. Clill McCurry '69 R1chard E. Musto '67 Clarence W. Longbrake '51 University ol Calllomla·Berkeley Karl E. Satlerlleld '47 Russell L. Marler '50 CC MIChael Dale Stump '80 Amount They Gave $3,065.00 M. Corbitt M1zeU '65 William F, Needham '68 CC A1chard J. Luckay ·so CC Alumm on Record. 786 Scon Cannon ~4111er 66 CC Thomas Turnbull Jr. '47 Lon P Akerberg ·sa Harry Rogers Muse Ill '76 f • Michael Timothy Nelhe1sel '68 Edward A. Madson '60 Percant Who Gave. 4 20% L. t Jose J. Nava 88 Lawrence A Anderson '39 Neal C. Peavy '56 CC t W1 11/am A. Nester Jr. '47 CC SK Raben F. Mathis '63 Amount Th ey Gave $2.264 00 Dav1d W. Whlteneck '60 Byron A Nowe/171 CC Paul J Bakken '63 James T Peeples '71 i' Nicholas J. Orphan '65 CCLV Kenneth E. McHone '94 Justin F Barber Jr. '45 Chester T. ZJnn '26 CC Bnan Nunall '86 Atchard D. Blythe '53 James E. Purce/1'63 Richard C. Paxlon '70 Larry S. McVey '55 t Ronald W. Berryhtll '42 t James V Olson '67 Chart as F. Cnunglo 40 Thomas H. RogersJr '40 William G. P1e ttfer '62 Todd Michael Medley '82 t' Ru sseii T Btgelow 51 CCLV Alph1 Tsu Ch1ptar V1ncent C Rampton 71 Gtegory I Cot11ngton 55 CC SO Gerald B Sawyer Jr '47 t Wtlliam G. Quinlan '55 Buan Phillip Nesler '80 John A Bowman '42 Universily ol Ulah FredencltJ. Shelfteld '43 CC t Cec1l A. Simpson Jr. '58 DonaldS. Ralston '62 William M. Phillips '37 t Kenneth S Caldwell'46 CC SO Alumm on Record 1n 5 Michael W. Storrs '67 Larry Crabb '67 CC SO James A. Crozier 50 Danny Terry Smith '76 Richard c . Rechtln '47 t 0avidW. P1erson '71 W1lliam G Corey Jr. '49 Percenr Who Gave 2.20" t Larry L Stowe '60 Amount They GtJve $2,555 00 G Troman Draper 55 CC i James C. Trapnell Jr. '49 Lewis H. Reid '41 James Michael Rlsh '82 Bruce Crane ·so Richard K. Strong '70 JohnAibertG1ardJr. ·a4 John H West Jr. '33 Edward C. Aiedmger '62 t Frank A. Robison '37 Phlllp A Crane Jr. '45 CC Davtd E. Adams '39 Jack E Thomas '30 CC Larry M. Wheeler '53 Scott WilHam Robbins '92 Harold A. Aohr '46 t Ronald S. Ouer '52 Robert F Barnes '44 CC John R Thorderson 57 PC Arvon V. Glaser 63 Larry Dean Grant '7 1 CC Thomas H. Ru ssell '60 CC t' Leland F. Roy '34 Nell A Evensen '47 CC Rulon L Bradshaw '52 t Charles C. Thorstensen '28 John M. Hasek '40 Alpha Nu Chapter Michael J. Ryan '58 Scott Barry Rub 1n '88 Matthew Henry Ferrarts 7 8 W1111am C. Ctulders '68 CC Glen C Tuckett '50 Jay J H1nkhouse M 0 . '78 PC SO Unlvar•lty of Missouri-Columbia William J. Schaben Jr. '56 i' Robert E. Ruppel '52 Harry L Fledderm'inJr. '47CC t M11!0n C. Clegg '52 CC Dick 0 . Wetzel, MD '42 Donald E. H ~.~ghes '62 Alumni onRecord· 1290 Phillip Owen Schnell'9t Fredric Scull Jr. '31 i Donald Clark G1les ·39 CC SO Stephen A Covey '50 LC Douglas L Wyler '62 Percent Who Gave: 4 73" Nicholas S. Shelor '57 PC GG Theodore E. Sliwa '43 t' Paul A Gray Jr '48 Rodney w. Dedcer ·so Craig C. Jensen 72 Amount They Gave: $4,791 .00 Stuart B. Shuster '58 Robert G. Stein '54 Arthur B Groos '30 KeVIn Deesmg '7 4 T Carroll L Johnson ·31 CC SO t Charles A. Allmon '62 CC SO Chnstopher J. Slbtla '88 Thomas Davts Sydnor II '84 CC Cur1 1s C. H19Qins 55 t Clinton M Omwoodey '21 Cary 0. Johnson '67 • John 0 . Andreas '66 CC Clarence L. Smith Jr. '54 SO Kenneth 0 Trimmer '35 CC Thomas A Holmes 52 George G. Ernstrom '52 t W111iam A. Kellstrom ·so CC SO Theodore P Bauer '67 Glenn L Sm1th '48 SO t Arthur B. Van Gundy '38 SO Glocondo F Jacuzz1 '41 CC LV Andrew Clayton F1ke '71 t Clttford A. Mann '67 CC SO James Douglas Beck '90 t · Robert L. Spencer '58 James Francis Washko '80 Edward L Johnson '39 KeVIn Joseph Fttzpatnck '76 Patrick Joseph Marsnall "78

SEPTEMBER 1996 39 ... Hofrl:er P Snutn ·22 CC SO Thomas J HA""'-' E.sq 7 4 PC CM W ~"30 .MM__E ...... won.,. K. s:..nn '51 LV I ~ .. Hic~Nt'2i J.mes G Sbnson '49 I Etnar A. "-Ising '22 CC SO F,_.W JMg« 'U c,.... 0 WilbOn '35 cc TOPlOCHAPTERS Raben H Symons '47 CC SO s~an e. Hept• .,., F,_.. '- .botM:h 'to RuctrJ Whr-. ... I Stever Prk:e Truler "85 t• John A. H8fbolshelln« '50 CC I Harold E. McCann '35 CC Jim w Wollard '7 1 in Total Annual Fund Dollars Contributed Winston Milium Tnpp 111 '81 larry 0 Hos1.U.r 55 Ernest H. Picket '" _.. He nry \I TucbrJr. '34CC Edmond K. lrpl 54 I Geolgel. Trigg '.t2CC .. I _ by Alumni and Students with a minimum of 10 gifts WilliamO Turner '49 t' Pl'lohplao..lohnlort '82 H.otdl.Welcft"31 __ E J&mesWilsort '54CC Kevtn E Ka.smat 72 CC DonUt W WmbMy "3A CC AolufMI Ol't AKord. JOO Bob Alan Witrtong '89 JamesM. Koftve« 81 EftwtnC W\ndJt 43 ~ WJ'roQfte_ • " " Willam L Woooy 68 TereneeC Koritz 82 ...... , ..,._,.,O...R.-IID I Waller H Wult Jr 84 Ec:twara P. Ungetoe~c:t 70 _ John A. Acolaa '50 Zeta (University of Tennessee-Kno:xville) ...... $9,879 Wd:liam J. Utd'ltletcl '89 Untnrafty of, .... c WiaMt Bentz Jt. '31 Beta o.n.Chlopter Chnstoprw G. lubKII. ·aa AA.Imn;OI11fKotff rar Joel l Cateni11'71SO Beta Eta (University ofl/linois) ...... $9,848 UniYetelty Of ...... leo Nofm•n M luees '50 Perc«JrWhoa.~ 2~ lolof1onA.Conen't5 /llumnl on RttCOrd: 1080 JamesT . Mant~ ' 6 1 Amount TMy O.W.: $2,250 00 o. ... w. o.-. Sr. ·so Gamma (College ofWilliam and Mmy) ...... $6,275 PfHtent wtJo Gave: 2. 5~ St8V'8n Ma~n '88 Warren C Balr '4t Mumiy B Ool'mlln '12 Amount They Gave. $ 1,490 00 G. H. Morgan '30 CC SO Dan.el A. '83 JohnS. Oowtln '&I I Robefll. Batber '65 CC Willlarn P ,.umtord 11 '41 CC SO I SyOney....,.Bauet" 7 e Oevid E Eelman '73 CC Delta Xi {Indiana University) ...... $5,935 I James l. Chambers '65 CC Charles A. MusH:k '62 Willa&m S...., Bokl1 '80 Joi'W'IC. Ekhd 'l3 Roland L Clark '35 Jeltery Robert Port., 7 8 John w. cary '35 JoMFrMOeF.,Jr '78 Gamma Xi (Washington State University) ...... $5,880 Carlos M CreAmer '33 CC John Tho~Ms Powren '83 ~V . Ctwnault 'S5 Pete~N Filfis '70 Cohn Louls Cunnmgham '93 Kent E. Reeves 72 CC I HughE Chesni.SttJr '31 Joel T err; Fneci.Md 7 .t Alpha Omega (Kansas State University) ...... $5 705 I Frederidl J 015que '50 Oona.ld N. Rexroad '50 Daniel A. Chnt., '49 CC Jllfome B. Go1c1MrQ 7 4 Ne1l 0 Frum n '57 Paul G. Rumore '66 Rlchlrd W. Chote '59 Ric:MniJ. ....ulp7 4 I John VIncent Garofalo '82 Robert Andt.-Sal:lego '64 I RottinF C~ ' 40 Jerome H Herman 71 LC LV Gamma Delta (University ofAri zona) ...... $5,433 Frank H. Grubbs '47 nmmothy J. SdJwartz '71 James W. Cr11wtey '4$ JoupnC Hea III '.CICC William P. Hvley Jr. '48LC SO Mictlael Patrick Shannon '91 David S. Crockan '36 CC CI\IIWMf Hurd '10 Alpha Xi (University ofCin cinnati) ...... $5,2 10 Robert E t·hll '55 EdW ard J . Strasm• '56 Michael O.nks ·eo MAlvin EdWard Kahn '54 S P Johnson 111 '51 CC SO Jamn M. Swanson '57 t" Midlaei M. Oitto '58 -llYozoy "50 Andrew R. Uoyd '44 I Glen Thorson '58 OanJet R. Orl"ter 7 3 Enc: H. Mcwgens•n '11 Iota Mu (Southern 1//inois University) ...... $4,791 I Ralph E. Loken '29 SO MIChael T. Tokarz '68 CC SO I Harvey K. Fahr.m"'*' '58 _...,...,. JohnC. Marshan '4 1 John C. Turner '52 OiividO Gll6otylll '71 ...... ,...... Gamma Alpha (Uni versity ofAlabama ) ...... $4,656 Wiltiam E. Michael '57 Chnslophef W. Watvoord '86 Weldon W. Hammond Jr. '58CC Oon&ld A NMeon '42 Kenneth W. Moore Jr. '47 I' leslie A. wan '30 CC SO Steven Fred Kany ·n I ar.n J. Ormond '74 cc so Vk:torV. MyersJr.'46 Robert W. Weise '40 Joe T. Hudson Jr. '81 Bti.ICII C . Aot:lertlon'82 Ted H. Pate ' 18 Ronald F WilSOn '62 Robert C P. Jactt.on '39 CC Jo-K. -"23CC I Theodore H. Pate Jr. '48 Roger L Wolzeskl '50 Fredrick A. Jenkins Jr, '54 LC l V I Rld\.lnll.t. Sctlorr72 Davkt D. Rathgeber '72 CC Donald Dean Woodward '48 William N. Koa nek '55 DonaldA. Sdnl:lef '47 Joe W. Roberts '55 CC John P, Woodyard 72 Arnold E luatge '53 CC SO Mkneel K. s.n&nik 72 Thomas J. McDonald '50 Kelly Bryce Ctalr '79 t Jack 0 . Neilson '46 LC GG Eric P. Serna '70 Rober1 J. Wyllie '48 Raymond J. M11rett '48 StuartH Slegei 'U James l Metsa '57 CC SO Gaty c . cress '7" John F. Plan Jr. '45 Tony W. Shaw '59 Sherman L Vacher '63 FrankJ. M1kesk11 Jr. '56 Bore Sl\a '10 CC Robert J . Mercutal '72 Stephen E. cress '72 ; Ollverl. PoppenbergJr. '81 CC David Smlth'72 I Gerald H. Zimmerman '29 PC LV Stephen A.. Millet' '68 Ntowhn W. StoiYifti 'U Roger E Mott '62 t Cratg E. Cole '77 A~T Powell '39 Robert J Stamm '39 Gary l. Nelon '69 RiChard L Suuman '81 CC SO Dan(el JOhn Nemmers 7 5 Donald F Co• '51 CC Edwatd J Pr•tchard Jr. '42 RiChard N. Sweetland '40 Bela Theta ChapC., Brian B. Newberry '64 CC LMO W.met '77 Thomas J. Neuscheter '65 1 James J. Cram '40 SO t Melvin Donald Au '57 CC SO David P. W111iams '66 ComeiiUntver.lty James P. Ohver '55 I James R. Welsh '49 Donald 0 . Nichols '59 J Rodney Russel\ '38 Ah.Jmni onRecord: 991 M. Harman Panon '48 ...,..,_ ... James W. Croloot74 Etmlr E Paulson '32 John C. Davisson '70 Martin Joseph SchlOss '76 Beta Epsilon Chaplet Percent Who Gave: 1.61 " I Vema 0. Phll tpS '48 CC Todc:IJ. Wlnenec* 72 Donald Duane Peeler 7 8 James J Dodson '55 Arthur l . Simmers Jr. '42 W811em R"'rv• Unlwralty Amounl They Go~ve : $740.00 C. lane PtiQ•II '79 Bruce A. Wo1t1on 71 PC SO Richard E. Peterson '48 John H Oomeny '48 Donald T. SUtzer '67 Alumnl onReoord: 189 Elliot Anhur Baines Jr. '75 Frank A. AMCI '48 RalphJ YoungJf.'SI Kurt Allan Risk '77 Kenneth G. Eberl '67 Craig Steven Trueblood '79 CC Percent Who Go~ve : 3. 70" Joseph M. Battaglia '67 I Ronald G. RoMn '59 George E. ZubnXIJt. '37 Ma:. B. Robinson '59 lvor J. Evans '6 1 CC John W. Useller '72 Amount They Gave: $345.00 I Alan I. Becker '65 Herblr1 Mike Shlaner Jr. '46 Thomas E Robinson '49 I Michael W. Farrell '72 Frank C. Vlossak '38 G. Ronald Dobler '55 Arthur E. Burlord '49 Neill B. Wlllsdorf '57 .... Rho~ Douglas G Rockne '69 Timothy G80fge Fotzge~ld '82 Robert W. Walsh Jr. '54 Francis W. Olech '52 W111iam F. Floyd '42 SO John W. Ward '85 1 Wilham Batker Ross '53 George A. Fredr1cklon '48 t Roger N. While '38 I Walter Poesse '32 James T. Hegenbarth '56CC David 1. Wilhelm '41 cc Alumni on Recorrl· 5I RobertJ Rouc:labvsh '61 DonnW Gresso 'S9 Robert H. W1ll1son '67 Richard E. Schneider '49 Duane T. Heineman '54 RaDun T. Wilson 111 '6 1 c--P.wnt .wao a.~ l.i'K Rlchard W. Schetm '66 f' Garth C Gnssom '49 PC Sl< Douglas Keener Wotl '80 I John M. Scoll '36 CC SO I ChaJ1esHorvathJr. '78 T. Morgan Woodwlltd '49 CC SO I LeonardW. Young'22 Henry G. Schmidt '31 CC SO • AobertF. Ha\1 '47SO t OuentmE Wood '42CCSO George J. Vespranl Jt. '56 BurtonJ. Kloster '51 CC Ronillld Dean Sheetz '53 Ronald N Haney '55 CC t Joseph F. Vokoun '48 Glenn law '80 a.ta Hu Chapter -~~e ... James Sldtes '51 Roy S. Harvey '42 CC SO Bet• Bele Chllptlf I John J . Mangan '61 CC SO ar.aort State Unt.,.,...ty camog-....._ Harold A. Sullivan '58 CC SO Untvenlty Of WIShlngton Bela Zeta Chllpl•r Vincent M. Napoliello · ~ Alumni on Record 732 Alumni on R«:ardc- 924 Jarotd M Hayden '61 Bruce D. Thatcher '56 CC l V f Steven Stawar1 Heck '88 Alumm on Record: 619 Southam Melhodlst Unlveratty Randall W. Reyer '37 SO P~nl Who Gil~ 3.4.2% Petc.nt Who a.... : oi,OQ% James W Upham '58 R. James Henderson '57 CC P8fcent Who Gslo'e: 4,04'" llfumnl on Record: 1002 William E. Rob1nell '66 /!mount They Ga.-.: II, 100.00 /!mount r,.,a.... . $1,835.00 Rudy Lee Van Hemert Sr '54 David B Hlnderllter '59 Amount They Gave: $870.00 Percenl Who Gave: 4.09% John H. Smhh '58 lloyd M. Campbe\1 '57 I John l . Blg.. y '47 James S Weldon '50 Marlo. H. Hulings '42CC LV t Gary J. Au sman '57 Amount They Gave: 12.905.00 Ron W. Wilcox '47 SO Edward A. Cope '52 Clition P. Boutn '33 Gary A. Wicklund '60 CC SO John C. Hume '50 Rodney lawrence Birdsell '79 I Charles A. Abbotl '33 Scon C. Edwards '83 David I B, '68 1 l Eat\ Youtzy '39 t Aa!ptl D. Johnson '54 Robert H. Briggs '59 Floyd E. Bloom '55CC Beta Iota Chapl., Michael Andrew Fomcrook '85 Roo.tld!. A. OICICN '58 J Hugt!Ztke'70 Rober1 P Johnson 72 CC SO Ralph l . Byron '56 SO Thomas M. Brown '74 CC BeloHCollege Fred N. O.eden '66 B. RoyErtalt'lt Ted E. Kelley '62 William B. Chace '29 Martin B. Burlison '53 Alu mni on Record: 301 Jeffrey E. Harder '72 Robin Steward E11.non '85 Alpha Chi Chapter David E. Kimble 74 Brantley P. Oav1S , MD '48 James W. Campbell '60 CC Percent Who G~ve: 1,66% Michael Neal Hutchins '85 Thomas P. F"ldanc. '"SO SyrecuM Unlvenlty Mark James l

40 SEPTEMBER 1996 Paul W. Schwartc '95 PP Bela Pal Chapter Wdllam Bram Govaars It 66 CC JF Wtlham A. GolclstMh ·s1 CC Mark Oavkl Surprenant '92 PP lilerC*Untveratty Robert C. Hardmg "28 Henry B Guynes Jr '61 Phlltp A. Ven!Ufa '68 Alumni on Record. SO Matthew Roy Harelson 78 Jack H. Harper Jr '49 Brian Todd Weiss '93 PP P•rctH~t Who G~ve : 6.00" Warwicil: J. Hayes 111 '66 CC Joseph Harz Ill '38 TOPlOCHAPTERS Robert Bradford Whany '93 PP t John A. Callaway '33 OLiff C Hearon '69lC Calvln THull '52 Samuel L Ch11es '36 MartJn P. Houseman '52 CalvlnT. HuUJt 7 6 by Average Annual Fund Donation Bete Upsilon Chapter f AObertP. Auff '29 Gregory M l cha~ Kilroy '88 CC S' Rodger l. Joknson '67 CC SO Unlveratty ot ~o,.do Northrop Hardy Kirk Ill '88 ~ Abraham W. Kan is '60 CC SO minimum of10 gifts Alumni on RM:Ord: 980 S.tll Omet• Chapter Marek Boyd Kon:eniowskJ '91 Frank A. Kraus '58 CC Percent WhO Gave: 2.55" Lombard College Seth Allen Lansky '81 CC Chadwick w Lee 93 PP Amount They Gave: 11,835.00 Alumni on Record: 48 Stephen E. lyders '64 M1Chae1 0 Mars '70 f Rlchllfd A. Bender '61 CC P~flf WhO Gave: 2.08" Jason Spirro Mannos '89 CC Aobe rt W. Ma ~hburnJr _ 60 Delta Xi (Indiana University) ...... $ 164.8 6 RobertW. Blalr '35CC Harold A. Mulllner '24 Mtchael Margolin '92 S. JayMcOuffie '41 Duane P. Coleman '55 Chester J. McCanhy '44 CC Joseph A Oglesby Jr 57 William R. Condon'41 Gamma Alphll Chapt., Douglas E. McMaster '75 CC t · Ben B. Olswanger Jr '66 Delta Kappa (San Diego State Uni versity) .. ... $ 146.00 Robert L Daywtn '53 Unlveratty or Alabama Vance Miller '66 PC LV f David Raspet '59 Craig Jason Fetzer '91 Alumni on RM:Ord: 1 r 78 Thomas B. Morgan '44 CC RIChard lee Shaner '93 PP Beta Eta (Uni versity oflllinois) ...... $ 144.82 Erwin E. Grimes '44 Perunl Who G1ve: 4,5" Mlchaet V. Mulchay '61 PC Paul Russell SniDer -aa ChriSiopher Hanson '66 Amount ThfiY Gave: $4,656.00 Williard 0 . Newberry '29 t Chanes Stapleton Jr. 63 Ryder Thomas Hanley '89 CC James C. Ashbee Jr. '60 Cart Pluc:hinona 7 8 Edwin A Stebbins Ill '68 Gamma Pst (Louisiana Polytechnic Institute) $ 13 1.54 William Hasetmlre Jr. '58 David Andrew Bertanl'67 t Dennis R, Preger '66 ThomasH. SuuteJr. '60 Earl C. Maddox Jr. '41 CC Charles E. Binion Sr. '24lC Charles B. RhOd es '24 so Henry G. Vlck Jr. '64 Theta (Rhode College) ...... $ 13 1.00 Charles E. Matheson '55 Charles E. Binion Jr. '47 LC Jim Davis Roslund '76 CC ThomasJ. Walker '47 t Keith Dale Meakins '51 CC J. Ronald Boyd '66 Mid'laellee Schoon '69 RobertA. WaJIJr '74 CC Gamma (Co llege ofWilliam and Mmy ) ...... $ 130.73 Guy A. Millard Jr. '36 CC John Andrew Caddell '28 CC l V Charles C. Stuan '66 lC SO f Charles T. Webb '66 Alan F. Nles '43 CC SO Thomas A. Caddell'55 CC AlchardW. Stubbs Jr 72 George S. Wilkes '61 James Edward Nigh '92 Robert C. F. Carlson '36 CC Eugene A. Trask '36 Joseph E. Wilson Jr '42 Zeta Beta (Delta State University) ...... $ 11 8.96 David L. Olson '59 t Richard C. Carter Jr. '47 Fred G. VICkers '24 Frank B. Wylie Jr. '34CC SO WilHam J. Roberts Jr. '40 CC James E. Clark '38LC Robert c . Wells '47 cc James Burland Youl'lg Jr '87 Gamma Delta (University ofAri zona) ...... $ 102.5 1 Donald G. Shirk '50 Harold N. Colvin '57 Glenn Michael Williams '76 Walter W. Smith '32 CC James H. Crawford Jr. '47 Gary Dean Wonacott '65 CC Gamma Iota Chapter Wayne L Smith '39 Jess Labert Drummond '66 John J. Zakrajsek Jr. '61 Untv•ralty of Mlsalulppl Delta Psi (University ofMmyland) ...... $ 10 1.2 1 John 0 . Turner '32 CC SO Stanley N. Duncan '65 Alumnf onRec:ord: 1367 Brian lee Winkelbauer '88 Harry A. Foster '85 Gamma Epsilon Chapter Percent Who Gave: 2.63" Zeta Eta (Un iversity ofArkansa s-Little Rock) 88 .94 FtedericX J. Yankocy '50 CC SO Conrad M. Fowler Sr. '38 Utah State Unlveralty Amount They Gave: S 1,685 00 Darren Scot! Zimbelman '88 William W. Ganen '45 Alumnion Record: 1491 JohnE. Aidridge '31 Thomas M. Green '65 Percent Who Gavs: 1.48" Tyee McCorkle Buntin '57 S.ta Phi Chlipt•r Porter H. Grimes '41 Amount They Gave: $725.00 John B. Collier '69 Purdue UnlveraUy Glenn 0 . Hall '26 CC Floyd C. Bishop '46 Glen H. Davidson '60 Alumnl onR8COfd: 1458 Edward C. Harris '54 James S. Burruss '74 CC Huben J. Davidson Jr '66 CC Percent Who Gave: 5.01" Todd David Harris '66 Reoel Ctarl< '54 Richard J. Desporte Jr '77 Jet1rey Robert Angle '60 Gamma PI Chapter Amount They Gave: 13,625,00 Maxwell C. Hodson '40 Franklyn A. Coleman '40 Rowland W. Faust '47 t GeraldS. Bell '66 James B Glasa '70 Unlversl1y or Oregon John A. Alexander Jr. '55 Jason Lowery Ingram '87 Earl 0 . Crozier '56 Frank M. Freeman Jr. '58 Siephen Mtchael Buck '80 George W Goldsberry '42 Alumni 011 Record 625 Steve C. Hasktns '64 James Wendell Barr II '63 SO Thomas s. Jackson '35 SO Tracy l . Dutson '66 Ftank Kneeland Gammlll '61 Hugh G. Bunertteld '62 CC Percent Who Gave 4 48" Kenneth G. Bassler '65 CC Edward C. Jones '74 Tlmothy W. Healy '57 Newton G. Gttl '64 Edwald M Callahan '75 CC David James Henn '83 AmoumTheyGa11e; S/,52000 John H. Beaty '27 V. Brewstet Jones '64 louis 8. Hoggan '56 Hardy M. Graham '30 CC SO Hector J. Chartraln '41 Wtlham Arthur Hooper '32 Frank H Atkinson 65 Mer11n G. Bell '58 Stephen B. Kn1ghl '64 t Bradley Kirk Jardine '9t t' Richard N. Graham '66 CC SO Arthur B. Clark '58 John A. Horn '66 Benjamin F Banon '48 Robert l. Berger '49 S' Joseph Mlc:hael land '61 Sidney D. Jensen '53 t Thomas Graham Jr. '69 Ronald R Clark '54 James Parker Johnson '80 CC James Grieve Barton '78 t Geoffrey C. Bolil'lg '67 • John H. lary, Sr. '29 CC SO John A. lamb '60 Joseph C. Hartley Jr '6 I Harold F. Cumer '32 Eugene F Kk:ha '58 Joa!E Bruner'94 William E. Burel '59 Jon Clartt McCain '84 Sterling Bryant larson '59 Aubrey E. Henson Jr. '73 Duane Marl< Foster '90 Keith A. Kramer 67 Mlchaell Connolly '94 PP Robert E. Casey '65 John W. McNair Jr. '74 John H. Payne '63 Perry Vandorn Hood '81 James J Gonlchon '36 Daniel Royce Krantt '83 Johnny Deblock '78 laurence C. Church '29 PC LV Thurman G. Melson Jr. '35 Gary M. Peterson '56 Samuel M Keith '66 Bruce 0 . Hanley '53 CC SO GlenG. L..angdonJr '55CC James Austin Emman '94 PP Jerome l. Clral '36 SO T. Frank Morrlng '42 Steven M. Racker '76 Thomas E. Maley '69 Earl l. Hanson '62 Ktn.: Douglas Lent eo WtiUam E. Florine 66 John R. Dabaslnskas '55 SO John Trussell Murdock '62 CC SO Clyde J. Reaveley '56 t Delila A. Mardis Jr. '47CC SO Alan Dole Hewilt '75 t Phillip Malcolm Ughty '38 PC JF John R G!lbertson '42 Jaffrey H. Davies '66 CC f William 0 . Pardue '46 Etdrow Reeve '36 CC Berlon M. Mauldin '67 Paul w. Hobbs '29 t" Michael Joseph Mathy '60 LC Steven 0 Glaser ' 6<1 Robert Walker Depret '77 Thomas V. Pittman '36 LC Carlos K. Rigby '56 RobertV. Miller'57 Adoll U. Honkala '39 Ross D Mcivor '73 CC Charles W. Glenn Jr '49 Jerry E. Doherty '60 James W. Powell Jr. '77 A. Allan Thomas '37 Samuel J. Nid'lolas Jr '58 David MIChael Keltl '78 Davrdl.Mtns '43 Harlan A. Heyden '54 Doyle D. Dunshee '89 f Ray E. Price '45 s o. Wayne Thornock '47 Scot! Morris Prewtll '66 Scot! Manhew Lincoln '61 CC Done! Gunnarius Nelson '65 CC t Charles Blake Manning '78 CC Mark Douglas Evans '60 Thomas E. Rast '42LC JF Byron l. Turner '43 Robert T. Ragan '57 CC Douglass W Maclean '60 Michael W Nelson '76 CC Phltlp H. Marquts '60 Robert C. Ferry '79 CC James V. Rives Ill '64LC Glen A. Ward '57 CC Michael Dean Reece '63 Richard A Martin '54 Gregory S. Nylander '66 ThOmasO Martin '47CC Scott M. Fitch '58 Roy F. Roddam '53 S Melton E. Rhodes Jr. '57 RichardS. Pike '56 ~ Robert B Pal!on '43 Richard A. Morgan '65 William A. Fleming '4 I W. F. Sanders '61 Zeta Chapter Alvin Craig Sartin '76 Roger A. SansouCie '60 W11tlam E Phtlhps '32 t" Uewellyn B Moses '40 LC SO Gary Edgar Rhoades '64 CC Jan M. Freeman '62 Wayne B. Smhh Sr. '33 CC SO Wlnenbllrg Unlver~lty Wt lllam M. Shoemaker Jr '61 Joseph Alan Solloway '86 John Daniel Motena '78 Paul E. Gelset '42 SO RobertS. Stephens '62 Alumni on Record: 452 Patrick D. Smith '44 Mlc:hael C. Welsel '67 Howard W. Salqulst '31 Beldon E Owens Jr '49 Harvey A. Gerry '75 James H. Strickland '50 Psrcent Who Gave: 1 55" Rodney Faser Tttplen Jr '61 Dean Grayson Young '85 CC Tom J. Sauve '73 CC Kermit M Paulson '34 Michael H. Gill '56 CC John J. SulhvanJr. '57 Amount They Gave: $135.00 Everette G. Truly Jr. '38 t Kenton M. Young '55 Paul F. Schmall '58 Wtlllam E. Pjerson '36 CC SO Steve M. GUilg '67 Sam W. Taylor '53 t Robert Amandus Donerer '30 ByrdJ. Trussell Jr. '46 WtUlam G Zimmerman Jr 53 Scon CraJg Stewart '65 PC Donald A W. Piper Jl 64 Robert J. Grabowskl '46 J. Russell Tetry '47 larry E. Firestine '60 Wtlliam T. Trusty '31 t Douglas G Thomas '63 CC Eric George Runge 9.t nmothy Brian Groves '77 CC SO Herbert Holden Thomas '32 Calder A. Gtbson 11 '51 Robert C. Wilkerson '58 Gamma Nu Chapter Martin W. Thompson '63 Ntle Richard Runge '94 John C. Hampton Jr. '49 Charles W. Wakefleld '43 Edward J. Klenke Jr. '72 Edwin G . Willis '57 University of lowt t Re x M. Walker '50 LC SO John M. Schaefer '31 Robert B. Harwood '53 Gregory K. Wilson '71 PC SO Roger L. Ludlow '51 Wllltam G. WrlghtJr '49 Alumnf on Record. 1042 John A Wiess '49 SO Melvin J Schwartz '57 Edward A. Woll '29 t Harry W. Hawke '46 James M. Wood Jr. '44 CC Conrad C. Manern '50 Percenr Who Gave: 4 03" Mlctlael Nell Stone '77 Michele P. Yake 66 David K. Hedden '40 A1chard D. Risner '55 Gamma Kappa Chapter Amount They Gave: $1 ,89500 t Steven l Tindell '66 SO *" Kenneth E Zigler '45 CC Ralph R. Hofmann '66 SO Gamme B.ta Chapt•r llont ant~ Stat• Unlv•rslty • John D. Adams '51 Michael Gilbert lem '64 Unlver.tty ol Nebraska Gamma Eta Chapter Alumni on Record: 943 Samuel Ctef Anderson '77 Gamma Rho Chspt•r Gamma Omicron Chept•r Robert George James '82 Alumni on Record: 144 University of Southern California Petcent Who Gave: 2. 76" Palttck James Bttd '82 ~orthwes t•rn Unlveralty Ohio Unlv•rslty t Richard A. Justice '58 Percen/WhoGave: 13. 16% Alumni on Record: 711 Amounl They Gave: $ 1,308.29 larry 0 Coon '66 Afumnf on Record: 846 Alumni on Record. 787 John C. Kaiser '56 LC Amount They Gave: $1 ,000.00 Percent Who Gave: 4.64" Delbert l. Ballard '50 Phillip M. Covington '51 Percent WhO Gave: 5.~0" Percent Who Gave· 6 23% Richard A. Killwt:1rth '62 Woodrow l. Berge '33 Amount They Gave: S 1,980.00 Curtis E. Bradoury '81 Mlchael l CurtiS '67 Amount They Gave: S2. 153.00 Amount They Gave $2,750.00 Michael Kovalow '45 CC t Robert L. Boumann, Esq. '67 RiChard E. Blankenburg '56 Bruce Buer '73 Richard E. Deighton '52 Henry J. BoesCh Jr '46 CC James Gregory Altosmls '92 David P. Krause '65 Kenneth E. Chapman '34 CC Raymond P. Btadford '46 Harry A. Cosgtttle '40 James A. Donahey '48 John H Burneson '44 Dav1d V Aiken '63 CC John W. Krause '63 Richard K. Decker '33 James D. Brier '43 CC Robert Adam Culliton '65 CC Kenneth P Erickson '61 t David A Carlson '56 Raymond J. Aslk '60 larry Joseph Lautner '75 Wilber E. Elmelund '24 John W. Cadenhead Jr. '47 Horace W. Driver '47 Kirk Charles Gallup '61 John M Damas '66 CC SO tA tchaeiH Baker '71 Scon Leslie lods '82 William W. Fager '36 t Edgar A. Chavarria '46 James A. Edson '60 Jack D. Graber '70 EdwardW DennstaeatJr. '40CC Norman F. Banfield '50 lC SO Thomas l . Maddox '66 Richard 0 . Fischer '34 Kar1lell Enockson '61 William H. Forsythe '40 Ronald F. Hedglin '62 LV t Ellery M. Ewald '55 Carl A. Baughman '53 Steven Charles Mathy '79 PC SK Francis R. Hanna '34 Thomas W. Fry '66 ; George R. Geary Jr. '48 CC SO Craig D Hensley '72 John Raymond Fahrmeler '84 William T. Bonds '58 CC Henry E. Manica Jr. '63 f Howard F. Hawt:~rth '35 Jonathan V. Gaule '65 CC Ray E. Giebel '51 Leo A Hoegh '29 so John C . Fischer '60 Douglas l. Brown '65 SO Richard Earl McGIII'86 JohnV. Hendry '67 DonaldS. Gtll'43 Joseph A. Horrall '51 Randy E. HoH '63 Kelly A Grant Jr. '48 CC Wtl liam A. Bryan 6 I CC SO Mld'lael A. McNamara '64 CC SO t Chnstlan E. Kingery '71 t JackS. Green '45 Leigh Johnson '54 CC Breit A Hollenbeck '73 Howard Btandon Guest78 CC Cltllord w Cnbbs '61 James E. Morehouse '64 CC James A. lettier '36 Jeremy Edward Grimes '93 James R. Johnston '59 t Donald l. Huston '48 Ronald H. Han '55 John C DICkson Jr '39 CC Wi11Jam A. Morgan '52 Glyndon l. Lynde '35 Randall Scott Hardm II '94 PP Richard M. Jokl '66 Eugene B. Johnson '48 Robert l. Hoyt '60 Gary A Doennger '61 t Paul H. Notlke '42 Howard M. Nelson '26 PC SO Robert H. Harnar Jr. '48 CC leonard C. larsen Jr. '49 Chllord C larson '58 CC James W Jordan Jr. '62 James R. Ferry '33 CC Raymond J. Norris Sr. '62 Francis E. Wilson '27 t" JohnW. Hein'50LCLV Tony Napper '81 Btuce l. Markham '1 1 Kenneth K. Knleflm '52 John A. Freeland '73 Donald J. Orr '58 E. lynn Hester '46 Conrad A. Olson '51 Marvin S. McClaran '34 SO Russell V. Kohr '39 James Harold Fuller '69 John H. Ptgman 'B

SEPTEMBER 1996 41 Matk Anthony OICello '89 Bobby w. Heard · ~ 6 CC so Delta Theta Chaplet' Jason Scon Holl•s '93 PP Steve Oonole '90 ; Harry E. Healh Jr. '38 CC Arkansas St•te University Derek lnkol '95 PP t Ronald J Elltng '38 Robert A. Jackson '67 Alumnfon Recofd: 1138 Jonah lock '95 PP Thomas J. Fisher '82 CC Mark W1iham Jacob '74 Percent Who Gave: 3.25% James K. McCaslin, Jr. '63 Ralph W Friedi'IOier '52 t William A. Kavanaugh '38 1868 Society Amount They Gave: $2.654.22 GOfdon Ryan McCloskey '94 PP W. ArthurGeorge '41 SO John H. McDonald '39 SO Roy E. Adkins '48 Robert H McCormiCk Jr. '66 Samuel Haddad '47 CC James F Ormond '47 Bennie A. Allen Jr. '77 WilliamW. McGraw ' SO George M Hawker '46 SO Joel M. Owens '64 John A. Bobango 7 4 PC SO Anhur A1ee Mellen 11 '57 CC Willard A Hoel Jr. 58 SK t Robert G. Patterson '39 The 1868 Society comprises those brothers whose Rober1 F. Branch '94 PP John B. Morrow '67 Wllh s M, Kelly '47 William D. Penn1ngton '63 Anthony Bryce Brewer '93 PP Charles K. Murray Jr. '94 PP Wilham S Kirby Jr. '48 CC Alvin W. Roberts '62 cumulative li fe time gifts total $100 ,000+. William A. Burnett '55 Eric A. Oehms '94 PP David A KOndiS '77 CC Paulo H. Rocha '84 Joseph A. Chandler '82 Bobby F. Oglesby '56 Howard H. Kuhns Jr. '43 Mark W. Sesow '73 Roger Ursey Colbert '79 Dwight A. Pardue Jr. '95 PP Donald M. Ladley '54 Chad J . Steward '36 Melvin E. Dawson '70 Billy J , Pujol '52 Barry John Layton '78 William H. Vogle '66lC GG T. Wayne Oeen '71 Ron Savell '95 PP Ronald B. Livingston Sr. '48 LC Steven Scan Wes1 '87 Vernon W. Baxter, Beta Epsilon '25 Sam A. Elardo '65 Edmund J. Schlegel J1 . '61 so Daniel Arthur Z•emann '76 CC David Wayne Grissom '80 CC Dale W. Stewart '62 Donald C. MacDonald '54 J. David Hale '74 Joseph A. Stoessel Jr. '67 Scoll A. Mahdlk '92 Gamma Phi Chapter Augustus B. Hill, Sigma '25 MarkS. Harriman '71 CC Casey Owen Swllt '94 PP CariJ. McCuldy'47 Wake Forest University Patrick F. Haynes '81 CC Michael Davld Ward '92 PP Ronald M. Mentel '54 Alumm on R9COrd: 904 SteveS. Jones '79 John B. Wimbish '56 CC t' Robert E. M1ld '42 Percent Who Gave: 2.77% Victor H. Kays '51 CC SO Steven J. de Grulter '94 PP ; Robert A. Nagel '45 Amount They Gave: $814,86 Oscar C. Sandberg Jr. , Beta Beta' 49 John Mark King '81 CC Joseph G Nyehay 75 CC ' Chnstopher C. Bradley '89 Bryan Howard lane '86 Deft• Nu Chapter John M. Petersen '49 CC Dahal E. Bumgardner '45 CC Donald Edward larson '85 CC Wayne State University John V. Petro '65 Robert H. Caldwell'59 Russell A. Moores '53 Alumni on Record: 649 Blaise Polentes '83 Curtis Cortez Coleman Ill '79 Glen Allen Pearson '87 Percent Who Gave: 7 4" Nicholas D. Pranls '54 t Boyd F. CoiHer Sr. '59 William Steven Perkins '89 CC Amoun/ They Gave: $1 ,763.00 Robert Rae '87 Preston Emmen Corbell '76 David Wayne Pinyon ·so cc t James C. Addy '65lC SO Chester W. Atley '62 Jeffrey M. Ferezan '74 Albert 0 . Farnum '52 Delta Gamma Chapter Della Zeta Chapter Robert L Pollard '67 Pierre L Arend '54 Clair H. R1tey '63 t Michael T. Gallagher '75 Albert W. Franklin Jr. '49 Miami University-Ohio University of Memphis William V. Pruen '50 Robert l. Armstrong '50 Brian Slegal '88 CC Geoffrey D. Gilbertson '86 Charles C. Franklin '37 Alumnion Record: !249 Alumnion Record: 1045 Frank E. Raines '69 Timothy A. Blalobrzeskl '66 Frank Sioll '88 Arthur L Gilliam Jr. '51 l ester C. Gilman 111 '81 Percent Who Gav9: 4% Percent Who Gave: 5.45% Slephen C. Reynolds '67 Brian G. Balash '94 PP W1lllam Ralph Skidmo1e '77 Andrew Richard Hano '91 John Walter Green '77 Amount They Gave: $3.278.75 Amount They Gave: $4,136 31 Randy Wayne Roebuck '80 Joseph P. Bulat '66 t' F1 ed B. T1ed lnnlck '36 Andrew Houslon Kahn '76 Barnard W. Grier '52 Justin Mark Alexander '91 Ronald 5 . Alford '60 Aaron Douglas Seel '92 Robert F. Bunn '61 • Thomas Joseph Vater '78 PC SO Lau rie W. ledl01d '51 Carlos Eduardo Gutierrez '84 John 0 . Amos II '59 CC Ronald J. Averwater '56 George B. Sigler '61 CC t Kenneth E. Chamberlin '62 t Robert M. Verklin '42 l uther E. l edfordJr. '56 Andrew Courtney Hauck Ill '76 CC Robert Eugene Andrews Jr. '79 Thomas E. Boggs '66 CC William J. Stanley '85 John A. Clark '55 Howard L Walther '42 t James W. Martin '59 Harry Hinckley Jr. '47 CC SO t Leo C. Bartels '45 CC SO James E. Brimm '64 Randy Joe Tankersley '76 CC Kelly Patrick Coffey '88 Raymond Brandon Wusllch '78 CC Thomas E. McCabe '76 CC ChrlstianW. Kelly '91 Kenneth Alfred Boerger '77 Byron 8. Carson Jr. '68 lC Je1ry C. Thomas '61 Allen M. Craig '73 t Harold C. McDowell '69 t Louis G. King '39 CC SO Bruce D. Brown '64 CC Jason Bowden Chandler '91 Brant Allen Tomlinson '87 Danny J. Crudo '81 Gamma Tau Chapter Glenn B. Miller '72 Mlchaei E. lavin '69 ; Eugene L Buck '51 SO Richard l. Childers '60 John Michael Williams '89 Michael E. Cytkowski '68 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute James A. Rogers 111 '60 t Frederick E. McNally '51 CC SO Bruce W. Comings '54 CC Sam H. Cole ·eo Jamison Woods '92 Robert C. Davis '50 Alumni on Record: 945 Joseph W. Seid!e '68 Charles C. Papy 11 17 1 Weller T. Cozad '48 Edward J. Conrad Jr. '61 CC Craig Richard Deland '89 Percen/ Who Gave: 7.09% John D. Thomas '55 W1 11iam W. Rawls '48 Gordon B. Ehrman Ill '74 t Charles A. Dando '47 Della Iota Chapter Edward Martin Oepaz '84 Amounl They Gave: $3,230.00 Melton E. Valentine Jr. '65 Ray M. Shaw '50 CC Donald M. Embler '64 t' Robert D. Oiene!l '61 Marshall University Francts M. Durham '50 Glen H. Abplanalp '35 SO C. Dwight West Ill '79 l eon D. Slepow '48 CC SO Donald L Erb '49 Ha~ ry E. Dillman '59 Alumni on Record: 988 MarkC. Dziatczak '91 Edgar H Berg '35 James Fisher White '76 Wade Hampton Smith Jr. '90 Ronald H. Fanning '55 PC LV Richard D. Edwards '65 Percent Who Gave: 2.94% Gary Norman Felly Jr. '90 Dale Allen Berta '82 RobertW. Yelton '61 Robert H. Starr '39 Waller C. Frank '56 Carl Richard Elliott '81 Amount They Gave: $ 1,760.00 Stephen J. Ferrier '70 Steven Bluso '73 Nickolas J. Stlckeler ·so J. O. Grauer'75 Conn Oewin Ellis '84 K.A. Ammar, Jr. '81 MIChael A. Anck '80 t' Glenna Brown '51 CC Gamma Chi Chapter Ronald G. Stone '69 CC SO Raymond J. Gregory '64 leslie W. Evans '61 CC Kaleel A. Am mar Jr. '53 William I. Gatn '73 James Edward Carey '78 Oklahoma Stale University Joseph G. Sukle '72 David Michael Grodhaus '78 Barry A. Fischer '65 Edward E. Brumfield Jr. '51 Gregg l . Glowack.i '70 John Harold CeNeny '83 Alumni on Recotd: 1003 Roger P. Thompson'74 Walter A. Haines Jr. '47 James E. Fowler '52 CC Thomas A. Damron '53 Steven J. Gold '74 Jonathan James Chizlck '91 Percent Who Gave: 3.49" A. Earl Welbaum '51 CC SO Robert N. Herschelman '50 t' Wilham E. Freeman Jr. '51lCSD RiChard M. Davenport '61 Herbert J . Harlton '63 GeorgeS. Chflstopher '67 Amount They Gave: $2,241 ,50 John J. Wright '61 James E. Hiestand '58 Harry T. Gideon Sr. '57 Ernest H. Ern '60 CC SO James Anthony Hentschel74 t Alden l. Clark Jr. '51 leonard Aleman '46 CC Sl even Zamkov '70 CC Russell W. H11t '69 Franklin Cooper Hall '90 Edward J. Evans II '65 CC SO John D. Hershey '54 John Albert CQC()(Xia '9 1 Sleffan Gregory Anderson '88 t ' Jack E. Horrell '70 CC l V James Brenl Harbert '83 T10y l. Goodson '84 CC Ma1k F Janusch '67 John P. Cole '75 CC David A. Bagwell '62 Delta Alpha Chapter t Donald L Howell II '70 Gary A. Harder '63 Benjamin W. Hate Jr. '65lC SO Oen1s F. Jodls '58 Terrance J. Cole '83 CC Karl G. Bovee '89 CC George Washington University Harold W. Jasper '49 SO Michael A. Harder '69 Jack A. Holt '68 Douglas A. Johnson '68 Warren A. Cornell '4 1 John lindsey Brandon '8 1 Alumni on Record: 398 Joshua E. Kaufmann '88 Terry W. Hendnx '70 Charles M. Kesmodel Jr. '56 Don H. Jumlsco '51 t Albert G. Cowell '64 Thomas M. Campbell '52 Percem Who Gave: 4.27% Raymond C. Kley '51 Wilham J. Herring Jr. '67 David L Klevan '67 Slephen J. Kinzey '85 t' Brian D. 0 111o n '61 CC Jerry P. Carman '50 Amounl They Gave: $889.92 Thomas Jude larsen '92 Michael Eugene Hollman '82 Edward H. Maier '66 CC SO Gary MaNin Malburg '88 Timothy Edward Donnelly ·as CC B. Paul Choate Ill '72 VIlas F. Adams '55 Donald Olen Unk '78 t AlbertO. Hollingsworth Jr. '61 CC t Frank E. Mauhews Jr. '59 Christopher Marin '71 Sacheveret a. Etdrid '80 Eric Jason Fiscus '90 t FrankW. Bauers Jr.'SO Peter A. Usella '72 LV Joseph Edward Molhsh '87 Ronald F. May '61 Steve n Emery Farkas '77 Scotl Byron Grunewald '84 Robert A. Chambreau '4 1 CC Richard l. loveland '49 CC Robert W. Holman '51 Edward H. Nunnally Jr. '50 Donald V. Mickus '67 George C. Gatje '49 t lawrence Dean Heckman '65 t James N. Cradlln '43 SO John C. Masters 75 Gary J. Howell '63 Donald Eric Racer '92 PP Donald M. Pata '92 John HaroldGertsen 'BO Johnny Charles Hilger '85 William C. Dunning '52 CC Phillip George Odella '92 Harold Clark Jackson '68 Gregory S. Rash '79 CC Carl M. Pesta '56 EdwardJ. HaUer '40 Holden Todd Hi!Ue '84 CC SO t Andrew F. Freeman '41 Harlan A. Patterson '52 t Kenneth T. Jackson '58 William F. Richmond Jr. '66 Craig Eric Salyers '89 A. Ted Hart '63 Ernest B. Johnson '39 Ernest W. Fry '47 t James A. Peeling 'H PC LV Edward J. l azarus '55 Jan B. Rife '59 SO Mark Thomas Sawkln '92 Donald Husmann '49 Matthew Mark Merlino '87 Allan Hall '47 SO Robert J. Power '51 Harold I. Mansfield Ill '57 Glenn 0 . Ryburn Jr. '55 Robert L SCheib '61 CartA. Jentzen '56 AlchardJ. Messer '63 Rober! Kadijevic '92 Jason T. Rusk '75 Allan C. McAdams '60 t William A . SeacnstJr. '55 CC Michael Derrick Suchy '89 PP James A. Kelly '53 t Stephen C. Mills '63 CC Fra nk C. Kley Jr. '46 Daniel James Ryan '92 CC Michael G. McK1nnon '53 Jamie Dean Swanagan '88 Mark Allen Sylvesler '87 Marc Lee Lamson '89 Roy E. Myrick '51 CC t Hugh 1. Martin '47 SO t l owell A. Shook '53 William N. Morris Jr. '53 CC Robert G. Thorne '66 Joseph A. Valenllne '95 PP David M. layton '50 Donald A. O'Nesky '56 Donald P. Milburn '59 Robert A. Smith '73 Phillip T. Moss '53 Jack H. Walton '70 Albert F. Vandenbergh, Jr. '65 ;· Rober! S. Leer '47 Joe A. Oldham '47 Charles H. Orr '42 Jack F. Southard '58 Charles A. Mullins '64 GeorgeS. Wardell'62 Klr1 J. Vener '61 t Ronald W. K. leong '88 Robert G. Oltmanns '47 Robert T. Ramsay '49 Brian Robert Spitz '87 Mark Hughes Neet '82 John D. Ware '60 Dennis M. Welvaert '68 Charles A. Light '66 Franklin John Oxsen '76 Harry P. Rietman '47 Jackl.Starkey '52 Cornelius M. Nevill Jr. '61 W11Ham H. We1nfurtner '49 CC Herman H. Weng '61 Stephen Jordan L•ttle ·as t Edwa1d J. Pugh '65 Fredertc k C. Slevenson '4 1 CC SO John Steven Slaudt '78 CC Raymond l. Orians '66 PC GG WilHam A. Wortham II '59 Mark B. Lyon '54 Frank G. Rea '40 CC James S. Toolhman '41 Mark A. Stratis '69 Paul J . Penczner '94 CC Delta XI Chapter John Keyser McFarland '89 t Jack W. Reynolds '47 Richard Duncan Trimpe '76 Robert W. Petty '65 l C SO Delta Kappa Chapter Indiana University Brian E. McManus '58 Kevin Wayne Rigsby '82 CC Delta Beta Chapter Jerry T. Walker '51 lewis Pittman '53 San Diego State University Alumni on R9COrd: 862 l eonard E. M1ller '61 Rodger 0 . Riney '64 Bowling Green State University t Robert W. Walker '54 Henry K. Rice '70 Alumni on Record: 946 Percent Who Gave: 3.71 " t Paul D. Montl'84 CC J. lewie Sanderson '39 Alumni on Record: 1 172 James E. Wanner '49 CC Michael Sidney Sctlll '95 PP Percent Who Gave: 1.80% Amoum They Gave: $5,935.00 Rolf H. Ochsner '43 Sinclair Short '61 CC Percenl Who Gave: 4.27% Kennelh A . Wtlford '85 Richard A. Sowards '88 Amount They Gave: $2,920.00 William G. Ahlfeld '74 cc Jelf PediC1 nl '83 CC Shane Stephen Sullivan '93 PP Amounl They Gave: $ 1, 41 0.00 Richard W. Yackey '47 t David C. Stewart '48 Joseph Andrew Brown '82 CC Paul leonard Arentsen '92 lawrence Peregrim '76 Raymond P. Tate '49CC Richard L Albaugh '47 Wyalt A. Stewart Ill '61 Thomas Martin Caldwell '78 CC Raymond Andrew Barclay '84 ; Clarence A. Peters '47 Elbert T. Tennelly Jr. '48 John Alexander '79 Della Delta Chapter Edgar 5 . Troller Jr. '58 Jellrey A. Clark '67 Jelfrey Robert Bell '79 James W. Pollack '60 O. JackWallln '39 t Donald E. Alleman '48 Florida Soulhern College David A. Van Hoozer '63 Gerald G. Farrell ·so Robert T. Bodkm '65 Daniel George Proulx '77 John Michael Wlt!iams '68 PC LV JohnC. Baker '42 Alumni on Record: 758 James Donald Vandevuurst '87 Richard W. Frllzenkoner '50 A. Jerry Conklin '65 Richard J. Retch '45 Shad Duane Williams '90 Robert C. Baker '54 Percem Who Gave: 3.03" Robert G. Wallace '50 Henry G. Habel Jr. '50 Joseph G. Downing '70 William F. P. Reid Ill '64 Thomas F. Baldassari '59 Amount They Ga ve: 51 ,610.00 BobT. Williams '52CC lV R1chard P. Kale '52 CC Brian A. Oubrlnsky '87 Atl E. Saldl '74 Gamma Psi Chapter John A. Bar1ter '53 Robert K. Agnew '65 Robert Lours Wilson '67 Francis M. UndermanJr. '54 PC Matthew Steven Fedor '93 CC Stuart L Schlackman '71 louisiana Tech Unlverslty W1lham G. Blnggell'71 Stuart L Anderson '54 Robert A. Young Jr. '55 so t' James J . Hall '50 CC t Waller J. Schob Jr. '53 CC SO Alumnfon Recard: 1121 Thomas P. Bishop '68 larry l. Beeler '62 James Jay Marty '79 Daniel P. Higgins '73 t' Benson G. Scall '42 CC SO Percent Who Gave: 2.32% James A. Colley '64 Robert l ee Buck '56 Delta Eta Chapter William A. Pirie '53 t' Johnl.Usher'71 PCJF Richard P. Shaw '43 Amount They Gave: $3,420.00 Thomas M. Delaney '59 Philip E. Denu Jr. '48 CC University of Delaware Rober1 Dean Ritter '50 John T. luros Jr. '68 Jay M. Slegel '86 Gene Barham '56 CC Douglas M. Delater '74 L Robert Dillon '66 Alumni on Record: 675 t George H. Roach Jr. '57 PC SK Scott 0 . MacDonald '66 Robert A. Sprau '59 John t. Beard '47 Howard M. Delk '51 George E. Fletcher '49 CC Percent Who Gave: 5. 19% Raymond Joseph Sereni ·so Thomas M. Meyer '67 Robert V. Tatanian '81 Michael Stephen Bloom Sr. '65 l arry J . Foran '56 Aaron G. Grall Jr. '75 Amoum They Gave: $ 1.510.68 Brad Howard Shuman '76 John A. Mohr '65 CC SO E. Oa)'lon Thome '52 James F. Cole Jr. '54 J. Bruce Gasaway '58 John W. Houston '62 Rober1 C. Barr '66 Mtchael Stgler '80 CC Derrlck. John Niemann '89 Joseph Francts Toman ·as cc John C. Duren Jr. '61 Gera ld B. Harms '46 Rodney L lincoln '68 Robert E. Bebon '62 ; Manvel VeniUfa '58 CC Barry A. Pachctarz '90 Glenn Oona! Treffelsen '75 Elhon A. Edwards '45 GaryF. Heldt '75 Hobart l eslie Manley Ill '77 Morgan Benson '71 William J. Wilson '50 t Edward A . Pease '71 PC JF David Jacques Uynendaete '88 John W. Edwards '55 t T. William Hess '54 CC Aober1 A. M artin '59 CC Jason Bergey '91 JackE. Schaal'70 t Dean B. Vanos1rand '47 William S. Files Jr. '63 CC George E. Higgins '49 Robert L. Mclendon Jr. '56 CC SO Marc Jay Bernstein '75 CC Della lambda Chapter Jeffrey A. Schmahl '86 Douglas Jude Ventimiglia '80 H1ram Herbert Fisher Ill '72 CC James E. Holler '59 SO Michael Wilham Moran '89 W. Brooks Bigelow '61 Florida State University Steven J. Schnetder 7 4 Paler E. Viemelster '47 Kenneth Paul Flower '92 Edward W. Hutchman '6 1 Ray C. Nathurst '60 CC SO David Charles Bowsher '78 Alumnfon Record: 1343 OavldJ. Scruby'71 CC t ' L. Arthur Walton Jr. '43 Kenny Richard Harter '83 Edward L lbbolson '58 Paul V. Peuriloy '47 Edward W. Carr II '68 Percent Who Gave: 1.04% Robert E. Shoemaker '69 PC GG • Mark Jelfrey Weisman '75 Bobby Brown H1n1on '57 Don D. Irwin '56 S. l estle Plr1te '69 David Anthony Cillo '81 A moun/ Th8y Gave: $545.00 Wil!lam F. Shortz71 Chrlslopher W. Wiggin '88 leonard A. Kennedy '44 Donald A. Kehr '54 Timothy C. Scobie '59 Stephen Philip Consid•ne ·as Lawless J . Barrienlos Jr. '81 CC Gerald l . Spore '50 Jason John Windsor '89 Mcleroy King '58 Carl Koch Jr. '42 t Davis A. Smith '48 Robert L. Cornwet1 '53 Richard A. Boyd '69 Charles Elmer Taylor Jr. '74 CC Warren F. Witzig '39 CC Thomas E. Maxwell '50 PC GG t Albert A. Ksiazk '61 James F. Slahl '60 PC SO William E. Downham Jr. '59 CC Roger a. Cole '71 CC Peter A. Tenhula '84 David Baker Wood 111 '84 Fred H. May Jr. '48 CC Jelfrey L lake '65 l arry E. Stahl '67 Walter J. Durham Jr. '48 Charles B. Funk '66 Dennis W. VanhOulen '70 Robert Edward Ziemba Jr. '83 Thurman A. McClellan '54 CC Arthur E. lange '42 linton A . Taylor Jr. '58 CC Charles S. Joanedls '49 David D. Giordano '65 Alan Flint Wise '76 CC Jack J . Mertens '57 Anthony J. Unz '70 CC SO William P. Whltsett '49 Daniel J. Kelsh '82 William Edward Gregory 77 Joseph Eric Wright '80 Gamma Upsilon Chapter Mark Edward Mu sselwhhe '86 Richard K. lucas '60 Christopher A. Klttila '83 Michael A. Harrison '66 David Bradley Yount '81 University of Tulsa Wilbur H. Sanders Sr. '40 t Richard L Mason '60 Della Epsilon Chapter Cleve Usecki '89 Robert T, Labruto '54 Alumni on R9COrd · 794 l arry G. Smith '71 Donald C. McFadyen '56 Univ. of Tennessee-ChaHanooga Wilham C. McClay '57 Carmine J. Monteleone '55 Delta Omicron Chapter Percent WhO Gave: 4.28% Kevin Todd Tanner '90 A. Joseph McNamara '59 Alumni on Record. 597 James l. Neal '48 Harry L Orwig '66 Drake Unlveralty Amount They Gave: $1 ,940.00 William Waller Jr. '44 I. William M1ller '42 Percent Who Gave: 1. 68" Phll1p l. Phlthps '66 Gary E. Prescol1 7 2 Alumni on Record: 713 Jetfrey P. Adams ' 73 Hugh B. Walmsley '65 Paul E. MUter Jr. '52 CC Amoum TheyGavt~ : $580.00 John A. Roland tU '55 Joseph M. Shelley '73 Percenl Who Gave: 3.51 " Charles D. Ainsworth Jr. '68 Harry E. Welch '43 Gerald E. Moodt70 George C. Broome Jr. '48 Thomas D. Runnels Esq. '67 Steven Randall Walker ·a 1 Amount They Gave.· $2,222.00 t James H Baker '39 t CharlesJ. WylyJr. '53lCGG Thomas Pendery ·sa James EdW ard Gullee Jr. '83 Fraoos J. Sarapvlskl '50 William Walter Wright Jr. 7 8 • Todd Adams '91 Brent Harlan Bingham ·as Dennis L Recker '66 Herbert Walter Kaiser 111 '84 Andrew J. Scari '48 t Jeffrey Paul Ad1x '86 Edward L B•mMgham Jr. '36 Gamma Omega Chapter Harold L Saltz '60 lance Charles Landin '88 W. Brad Scl'11egel '69 CC SO Delta Mu Chapler HaNey Bally '65 Robert B. Chapman'37 University of Miami William H. Savage Jr. '67 t Douglas A. Meye1 '51 Andrew Champion Shawl'83 Unlverslly of Southern Mississippi Jason Fr&dettck Benepe '88 Wilham W. Crump '46 Alumni on Record: 1200 John J. Sayles '51 R1chard Andrew Milne Jr. '85 William T. Southam '65 Alumni on Record: 856 Nicholas Collettl75 Cameron M Cunningham '65 Percem Who Gave: 2.83" Ross Douglas Shira '77 Paler F Moore '52 CC Waller C. Timm Ill '54 Percem Who Gave: 3 OS" Kev1n Wesley Congdon '92 t Jellry M D1mon 73 Amount They Gave. $ 1,780.00 f David R. Sick.les '68 Jenks C. Parker '59lC l V Robert Pierce k '75 Amount They Gave: $1 .0 10.00 Gary Thomas Doble '61 Sidney G. Dunagan '62 CC MiChael James Anderson '8 1 Cart J. Smith '62 Herbert H. Towers '48 Aober1 Mlchael Tracy '86 CC Gene A. B1shop Jr. '95 PP Herbert T Oouerer '63 CC Jack J . Francis '49 CC SO t Charles C. Baake '38 CC SO Robert E. Smith '46 ; John M. Tracy '75 f J. Samuel Walker '65 John Curtis Burks '94 PP Donald L DunCan '53lC SO M11ton B. Grove '37 Richard G. Bol!mg '44 Emery Westfall '49 Frank Thomas Williams '87 James SIUart Carlson '94 PP Terry J. Eaton '58 A/chard E. Grove '44 Christopher J. Carlisle '89 CC Witham Bruce Westfall 7 2 Charles l . Will '58 Jason Scan Dean '94 PP Richard D. Eyestone '65 Douglas Charles Hague '87 Garland L Clayton '49 ; John D. Wilhelm '42 GeorgeV. WoodUI '48 Johnny E. Elster '85 CC James J . Fox '65 James C. Hamllton '47 f Victor H. Coleman '40 Fred C. Williams '51 William A. Zehner Jr. '66 John T. Eller Jr. ·so t Thomas Todd Hamilton '84 Charles F. Hardt '64 CC Henry W. Delling '47 CC W• IHam E. Wilson '59 Michael G. Goodwin '75 CC John E. H1rth '73 PC t Hamlett S Harmon '36 Keith L Doyle '46 Jonathan G. Harless '94 PP Peter G. Kampas '51

42 SEPTEMBER 1996 Roger G. Mogle '67 Deft. Chi Cheplef LltryW 0 Naal"7'3 Jwry A Rose so David A. Osborne '50 CC SO Unlverahyof~ Darrel P Pmce 56 Gecwge B St\llw 61. Ronald E Roark 70 PC l V Alumnfon R9COfd: 713 1 Robert I Taylor Ill -se GeotgeW TaylorJr 73 f Gary A. Aogaliner "6g PMcent Who Ga.,.; 4 35" Founders Society GsryT T~1·se Roy u Taylor Ill '70 Michael G . Aowrl'81 Amount They Gave $2,193 00 AJChard J Walia 70 CC James Todd Thomason 89 CC larry A. Augg '63 Louis M. Anderaan '52 Jetlr8)' M T'hurllon 82 Daryll Thoma50n 50 Corey S. Anderson "93 EpUion Theta Chspler Fon-estL Wade 'B3 Rudolph D. Trebels '70CC Roger Bel10w5 75 The Founders Society compri es th ose whose cumul ative Colorado Sts1e UNftf&Hy t John A Weathtol'fy 68 Richard W. Trost '56 SO Oonakt J. Chase '52 AJumnlortRecon:J 584 James A Weawr ·se f Constantine Vlaasls '54 Donald E. Clark Ill '85 lifetime gifts total $50,000-$99,999. Percent Who 3 77% T&fT)'Alan Weavw 66 John P. Connell78 Amount TheyGiv• $1 ,03600 Delle PI Chaplet James L Costello '69 1 Jonatnan RayBaldeuan '87 Epsilon Uu Ch•pter s.n JoM Slate University KrlstJan David Eder8f '92 PP o Jason Lee Berman "88 ESit Carotin• University Alumni on R.cord: 700 Lyle E. Franzen '59 Cat1 L Braun 62 Alumi'IIOII Record 439 Percent Who G.a ve· 2% LH Alan Gaul76 Lucille S. Beeson, Friend James A Brlertey 61 PtJrC«tt wr.o a• ..- 3 ·~ Amount They Gave: $740.00 t Stephen G. Gidley '61 Russell EriC Bruce ·93 AmOUIIt The-y Give $730 00 Donald F. Adams '62 CC Wrtuam Andrew Harrahrll '91 PP Roy D. Hickman, Beta Delta '22 Aooen Raymond Coon Jr 83 Anthony C Andujar Jr 89 f Carl F. Bauer '58 Thomas A. Helllgso '66 Oan1el Wayne Corah '83 CC r Wrnard Kent Baker 58 CC SD Frederic!( Bohmfalk '56 R. Craig Hoenshell '63 PC FS ThomasJonn Doyle Jr 91 Stephen J Chnsuan 86 CC Dennis M. Brent '67 Ralph H. Kef! I Jr. '56 CC SO R. Craig Hoenshell, Delta Chi '63 David C Fullerton 61 Peter Allen Dtblaso '86 Alfonso A. Corral 'SS Max C. Kennedy '5-4 James Fradenck Hazen 83 CC t C . B . OodsonJr. 6.t Walter A. Gadsby '56 Thomas J. larson Jr. '74 Bruce P Johnson 70 Robert W Foreman 63 CC Mlchaell. Gordon '84 Ronald S. lawton 70 Harold L. Jones, Delta '44 M1chael DaVId Kathman "8.4 W Ke1th Hoobs 59 David Groover '82 John E. Lemen '69 1 James A Me1n1nger -56 Thomas E1t101Ho lmbeck 88 Donald E. Kemp '53 Raymond J. Maxwell '52 t Hans Walter OslerhOuat 56 CC Unwood C Johnson '58 Paul c . Ugda '54 Waller R. Nabity '52 Lewis E. Magee, Beta Zeta '30 so Mclemore B lancaster 58 Mike A. Nydam '86 Gary Dean Penlsten '52 CC l V Paui F Ai8s '7 1 James B MacNelti 'SS Arthur A. Pasquine1li 'S7 Lee R. Per1tlns ·sa Michael James Robinson '85 Jacob R Parrott Jr. 58 Jerry L Stalon '67 Lynn N. Peterson '65 MIChael v Schonebaum 85 Charles E Pugh '58 l oren D. Yolk '68 CC fo Charles D. Plat! '52 CC SO Bryon John Thomas ·57 CC ThOmas A. Rrggan '60 George M. Reid II '52 Robert Paul Thompson '83 f W1lham P Steed 66 O.Ha Rho Chapter Rodney L. Roenfeldt '64 CC SO Donald W. Kornack 53 Ronald Calvert Smllh '53 Mrc hael John Zukowski -9t CurtiS M Wertm-.g '83 llnfleldCoU-oe Rodney S. Smith '55 CC SO Dale K. Kruse '60 John K. Sosnowy '61 CC GG f JohnK Zrebe\171 Epsilon Nu Ch•pter .Aiumnr on Record: 586 Robert F. Sioneburner '60 Hugh M. McAlear '6 t Scott Howard Slorm '78 Epsilon Zeta Chspler nmothy w Zubracn "84 Georgia State University Percent Who Ga.,.: 2.05" Warren C. Tlahrt '55 Charles F. Moya '56 Thomas J, Turner '67 PC SK E... l TennesH8 State University .Alumni on Record' 696 .A moun I They Gave: $525.00 Lawrence W. Uhl '75 Robert E. Muir '53 Dalton M. Vaughan '60 .AJumn1 on Record: 688 Epsilon tote Chapter Percent Who G•ve 9 02"'1. f Donald P. BHry 'SO Eric A. Noelke '74 Gary E Welch '59 SK Pe1cent Who Gave · 4 07" Southeast Mis1ourl State University Amount They Gave $989 87 o Wllliam M. Fager '52 Delta Pel CMplet" Roger P. Orklntz '62 * Jess W. West 'SS Amounl ThsyGave. $925 00 Alumni on RtK:Ord' 883 Ne11 Allen Aaronson 79 John R. Hakanson '62 University of Marytend Raymond W. Seeleldt '54 Steve C. Wilson '73 CC Edward A. Andre 68 Percenl Who Gave 3 96" Rober1 W BankS 66 CC Frederick 8 . Hammermann '62 Alumni on Record: 774 Rober1 Aoyd Vance '86 Paul H. Woods "53 C Blalo:e Bassett '87 Amounr They Gave $2,535 00 W1lham Michael Becker 84 f Chester L Hasseibrlnk '64 Percenl Who Gave: 3.23" Robert W. Vedder '67 Thomas Houston Bayless II '78 lawrence M Adams '87 Gleason Ray Benford Jr, 84 Andreas Hauer '65 CC Amount They Gave. $2,935.00 Albert A. Vollrath '6t Epsilon Delta Chapter James H Belcher '62 Jell Dean Allison '80 Wrlllam 0 Brrtton 54 Greg Thomas Jasperson 7 8 1 Edmond W. Bastek '52 lloyd G. Wardley '71 University of Nor1h Texas Jeffrey Wr lllam Bondy 87 Stephen C Baker '70 Canas Alber1o Campos 86 Mflton E. Krueger '51 CC Marlo: Fletcher Blnnlon '89 Arnold W. Wull '59 Alumnf on Record: 645 Peter James Butz1ger '84 Oavrd G Beeson '66 CC Mrc.hael Parker Dalley '90 Ronald E. lenker '74 Frank H. Carman Jr. '55 Pe1cen1 Who Gave 1.09" Aoben Wade Cantler '8 1 James A Cary 67 t Don A Donaldson '67 CC t Bryce W. Mercier '75 Charles R. Clar1t '66 LC Ep•llon Gemma Ch•pter Amount They Gave $420 00 Timothy W Clary II '70 Joel DaVId Cavaness 80 Mrehael A McClain '72 Kirk W. Smith '66 Phillip C. Cooke '68 CC Taus Tech University Scott Bowden Atha '83 M1chael Br1an Daley "91 Robert H Cole Jr. '71 CC ~ James F. Mcl endon '69 CC SO Wes Truesdale '52 David Alan Crow '72 PC SO Alumnlon Record: 1242 Gary C. Dunlap '70 CC Rodney G Emm&r1 '9t Robert N Cox '64 PC SO Steven 0 Mitchell '70 Ronald F. Culp '68 Percent Who Gave: 3. "' Terry A. Faris '68 John W Fore Jr. 68 George V. Deweese '63 Paul 0 Mobley Jr '63 Delta Sigma Chapter Thomas M. Ferraro '67 Amount They Gave: 53. 139.66 Michael Scott Grandrnettl '82 CC Edw1n T. Greninger '64 Thomas Marttn Fischer '82 1 Wrlllam T Parr '60 CC B,..dley University Richard F. Harrington '75 Thomas M. Arbuckle '8t Jason Bennettladewlg '92 Bruce W Hurley '58 Lloyd L. Ford '63 Robert W Reavis Jr '66 .Aiumnf on Record: 748 Raymond R. Hear Ill '69 CC Waller Alhson Baen '83 Fred T. Maxwell Sr. '61 CC Jerry 0 Jones '71 John Paul Ft~se lla '88 Michael Wayne Robinson '79 Percent WhO-Gave : 3.88" Rober1 Anthony Hobson '90 Nelson H. Balldo '92 Raney E. TaqulnoJr. '63 Randall David Lrghl 81 James Mart in Gleason 83 Mrchael L. Scheuerman '68 Amount They Gave: $1 ,673.00 Paul R. Jaeck Jr. '52 CC SO Stephen Charles BerXen brle '8t Joseph 0 . Mahoney '64 Larry J. Hammontree '67 Todd Michael Smith 87 JetfreyAonis72 luther l. Knlght '68 Don Ed Boteler '76 Epsilon Epsilon Chapter Charles Bradley Mrlls '79 Burton H Harres Jr '7t PC SO Ralph W Stephens II '76 Ryan M. Bosco '86 John S. Koodtlch '66 Brett Thomas Broyles '90 University of Toledo Paul 0 . Moorl eghen 68 Chester B Hayes 59 Stephen l Whrten '66 Paul W1lliam Bre"ner '65 Robert K. Marshall '52 J. Scott Campbell '74 Afumnf on Record: 553 t Paul Edgar Pnce '74 * James Robert Hull II '76 HamlOn B. Wrll1ams 111 '72 Donald A. Campbell '56 Christopher M: Mar1s '79 James E. Capa '53 Percenl Who Gavi: 5.24" Donald M. Reid '62 Kenneth H. Humphreys '63 George B. Williamson '65 CC Orville H. Cannedy '50 James J. McMahon Ill '75 R. Don Cash '62 CC SO Amount They Gave: 5 1.530.00 Thomas A Rockwell '80 Melvin C. Kasten '65 CC David C. Cole '67 Geolfrey W. Miller '76 LC SO Tommy G Cheney '67 Barton H. Bay '55 t Charles E Shockley 58 so Vrto c Mangogna ·s5 Epsilon XI Ch•pter lawrence J. Cullen '67 DonaldS. Mortimer '52 Paul E. Dacus '88 Michael A. Beattie '82 Talben 0 Spencer '59 Wrlham A. Marsh II '69 Cue Western Auerve University Blake E. Devitt '66 CC James E. Ripple Jr. '54 Brlly Ira Dippel Jr. '79 James V. Benschoter Sf '56 Melvin A Sword Jr '66 Terry W. Ma.xwell '67 A lumni onRfiCOrrJ · 534 Burton W. Doty '50 Robert Marc Senko '89 CC Matthew Thomas Doyle '77 Ronald A. Born '69 Robert E. Tentler Jr '84 George Kazvsht New '84 Ptucent Who Gave: 3. 75% lawrence Garber '63 Thomas C. Shaner '66 CC T1mothy D. Eyssen '54 Gregory E. Bowlus '76 W1 lham W Underwood Jr. "90 t John R Reimann '67 AmountTheyGave $1 ,283.00 George F. Gee '51 LC LV Kenneth E. Snowden '82 Russell H. Folk '67 CC Kenneth A. Crosley '91 1 Stanley P Wr lliams '68 CC SO Mark Stephen Rutledge '81 CC Q _ Olrver Binford 60 Jason Gonder '91 James B. Taylor '52 Daniel L. lee Hamil '8 I Thomas A. Ounlfon '68 John Michael Wood '84 Leonard G. Saul Jr. '73 leon William Blazey Jr. '60 CC GaryGryna '85 Brian R. Van Alta '66 R. Rodney Hays '68 Clarence A. Gartl Jr. '55 Bradley Scott Seabaugh '85 Mark Andrew Canton '81 CC Shannon James Hill '85 Jesse L Henderson '6 I CC f Arthur M. Gelger '56 Epsilon Eta Chapter John Bnan Shelton '87 Thomas A Donohue 87 CC Robert C. Hultgren '62 CC O.lte Omega Chaplet Joseph 0 . Henderson '58 David N. Gltlmore '56 SO University of Houston John Stanley Shelton '90 Jelfery A. Emlg '61 CC SO Bruce I. Jones '76 High Polnl University Brandon Ellis lden '86 CC Michael John Goddard '89 Alumnt on Record 640 K Don Staller '58 John M Forgac "68 CC Robert Henry Koerner '65 Alumni on Record: 515 Bill F. Jones '68 Robert M. Grotf '64 Percen/ Who Gave 3 13,. f Rober1 J. Tremaneth '65 Edward M. Gall '69 John A. Lyrla '62 CC Percent WhO Gave: 4.47% Jrmmy Joe Lovelace Jr. '82 t Thomas R. Hadley '62 Amount They Gave $740 00 Brian Ar1 hur Tumer '79 Aoben F Gleason ·so Willard S. Norton '56 Am ount They Gave: S 1,1 05.00 t Lanny J. Maedgen '58 John A. Hage '63 SO Daniel G. Bellow '70 Timothy Wa yne Underwood '77 1 KartGoet1ng '60CC Glenn 0 , Pusch 'SO Ellis E. Baker Jr. '93 CC Kevin Roy Marsh '93 PP Wrlllam 0 . Henrlon '66 LoydK. Braffen '57 CariW Ward '64 Frederick J Goeschet'64 Roger H. Schonewlse '62 Earl G. Barbour Jr. '54 John P. McWilliams '58 Ralph C. Heuerman '55 Sieve Broom '94 PP Oavta John Wesltlch '78 Dirk E. Hullenbach M.D. '60 Henry N. Schroeder '53 CC SO Robert W. Barrett '53 Amos l. Mills '56 James Lee Hollingsworth '90 CC Gerald V Cossey '73 CC 1 Jellrey A Katz.'72 David M. Summers 'SO CC Roy A. Bevan '54 Neal A. Montgomery '53 Donald H. Klotz Jr. '55 PC LV Gregory Bnan Cox '94 PP Epsilon Kappa Chapter John Kolb '82 Brent E. Taylor '72 Kenneth E. Crutchlield Jr. '90 CC Michael Ray Moore '80 Brian P. Koevenrg '75 CC t Harold F. Cunningham Jr 67 Lamar University Wrlllam F Ktaehng '63 Dirk Thome '85 Kenneth E. Crutchlleld Sr. '93 CC Gregory Soott Moms '86 CC Brian Ohver Kraus '86 J. P. Dansby '56 Alumm on Record: 625 AntonJ Landlllt '6B Oainius Vatlukenas '67 CC SO Frank A. Finley Jr. '54 Millon 0 . Newell '53 Allan G. Kuntz "6 3 Gary FranCis Oevlm 76 Percen/ Who Gave 4.64" Oavrd R. M1ller '69 Pete Stanly Wlerzba '82 William T. Guy '58 John Joseph Palkowskl '77 James W. Olen '55 Bryan L. Fitzgerald '58 Amount They Gave: 51 ,299.88 i Charles P Mueller '66 CC Wray Philip Wilmington '76 Richard l. Hensdale '53 John Edward Pesano "89 Richard H. Parthemer '58 JohnHardy '89 ~ Michael E. Aldredge '60 LC SO Dennis W Potts '60 Lawrence P. Wooding '66 John Starr Hrgglns '84 John F. Pruitt '63 Paul Donald Ridener '68 Walter Irwin Holt Ill '80 Mlchael l. Broussard ·95 PP Dean Scott Repar '87 Stuart M. Hoyt Jr. '64 Stephen C. Rackets '67 CC Danny L Rokicki '88 Bobby L Jones '71 Frank J Cavaliere 88 1 Richard C. Rrccardi '66 Della Tau Chapter Thomas S. Kester '6t Benjamin K. Rodgers Jr. '59 Henry Hunter Sears Jr '78 Ronnie A. Lohr '63 Jeremy S Colley ·95 PP Arizona Slale Untver1lty Gerald L Kyle '61 Todd Whin Ross '89 Lawson Eric Stone "82 OavrdS. Mclver Jr '71 t James C Cropper '79 Epsilon Omicron Chapter Alumnf on Record: 982 Stephen M. laney '66 Kelly Bryan Smlih '81 Sanford Taylor Jr. '55 Tuong T Nguyen '94 PP Timothy L Dubose '79 Stephen F. Au•lln Slate University Pe1cem Who Gave: 2.04" Frank K. Littrell Jr. '54 Joseph R. Oyer 65 Alumni on Record: 920 Amount They Gave: 51 ,015.00 E. L. "Mack" Mackintosh '58 CC W. Robert Dyer Jr '63 CC Percent Who Gave. 0 76" Richard C. Allen Jr. '74 CC Harold E. McDaniel '59 Christopher J Fontenot '95 PP Amount They Gave: $230 00 Charles Stanley Ougnolle '76 William P. Pappas Jr. '70 Roy·Wmston Frederick '91 Joseph H Argue Ill '68 fo Robert L. Francis '67 CC Jack F. Parks '54 Brandon l Grantham ·gs PP Wrtham J. Cole '70 Douglas A. Freeth '65 Richard M. Spiker '67 Ross J. Hebert'71 1 Stephen P Colhns '67 Manln Rettig Frenctl '62 CC l ester Frank Stevens '93 CC Stephen Ward Hockett 91 Marv1n A Cour1ner ·s9 Fred A. Hales '56 Gerald A. Sutton '72 Junior Founders Society RObert Wayne Jones '76 Agustin Roland Martmez: "89 James L. Hanson '67 JamesT. Van Horn '75 John Labo1de '84 Jerry A Thompson ·so Robert P. Jacobsen '60 Danny Lynn Lebaron '84 Arvel Wireman '94 PP Bradlord W. Kahla '70 Epsilon Alpha Chapter Dennis S Lene· "95 PP Joseph Matthew Nawtoek\ '83 Trlntty College The Junior Founders Society compri ses th ose whose Ryan Edward Lopez '94 PP Epsilon PI Chapter Jelfrey T. Perry '85 Alumni on Record: 540 cumulative lifetime gifts total $25,000-$49,999. Stanley Benson Majors '91 Sam Houlton Stele University Robert J. Plel '68 CC Percent Who Gave: 3.52% Michael D Matheny '58 Alumni on Record 605 John H. Rhodes '66 Amount They Gave: $756.00 Mrchaet R McCroskey "65 Percent Who Gave· 1.32% Thomas M. Slmplot '80 David M. Angelica '68 Johnny Charles Mrhctt '86 Amount They Gave. 5275.00 Eric Jerome Splrtas '85 Richard John Barone Jr. '81 Michael L. Dever, Alpha Xi '6 1 George 0 Rountree 56 Georgo A Etllon Jr 72 t • James E. Vaughn "62 CC S. Woodrutf Bentley '58 CC Byron P Rush1ng '61 Dudley C . Lat1mer '66 Ronald G. Wasem ·so Harry Jacob Cohen '91 Douglas K Shannon '66 Homer K . Lowrance '61 Leonard Watson '79 James M. G. Cropsey '77 Ross L. Edward s, Psi '30 Bryan K. Skinner '88 David Dean Perry '82 George B. Watt Ill "75 James S. Emmell '63 Shannon 0 Smrth '95 PP John W Pru!lt '69 David Alter Wolf '79 CC Kir1t Alexander Goldman William Bram Govaars II , Gamma Delta '66 Wrlham B Stuessy '62 CC l V r Henry R Scanlan -s7 t Michael Grossman '62 Ted Randal Walker '77 CC Ray A Ward ·st Delle Uplllon Chepler Stephen H. Haarstlck '60 Thomas E. Husselman, Delta Gamma '49 Ridley Dale Wehmeyer '79 Stetson University Caleb R. Howard A. Everette James Tau ' 57 Epsilon Lambda Chapter Alumni on Record: 589 Igor I. lslamolt '53 CC SO Jr. , Murray State University Epsilon Rho Chapler Percent Who Gave: 1.87" Russell Z. Johnston Jr, '54 Ph ill ip Malcolm Lighty, Gamma Xi ' 38 Alumnl onRecord 1186 Idaho State University Amount They Gave: 5425.00 Theodore J. Kowalski '68 Percent Who Gave: 2 45% Atumm on Record· 98 Greg Doyle Barley '80 Richard J. Poniatowski '67 John L. Li sher, Delta Xi '7 1 Amount They Gave· $92000 Percent Who Gave 510". * Donald Wayne Blum '77 Fred E. Schalteggor '61 Dan W Anderson 69 CC Amount They Gave 5210.00 S. J. Oavls Jr. '51 Marc L Sherman '72 Thomas Allred Brockman '78 f Darrow H Ankrum 61 CC SO Wllliam E. Oewar '81 Kenneth A. Welsburger '54 Ri chard F. Ogle, GammaAlpha '6 1 Ernest H Brumbaugh 66 Ronald E Blake Jr. '6t Jonathon Howard Glugover '86 James L. Woodoock '62 Edward A. Pease, Delta Xi ' 7 1 Kerry Games Camp '77 John B Brown '62 William l. Kahle '61 Albert Edward Zug 79 Jerry 0 Castleman '92 David v S. Klrkpatnck '6 1 John E Couhoff '73 V1ctor w. Ramey '66 Jerry K. Kem '55 Thomas E. Rast, Gamma Alpha '42 Robert W. Koslow '77 Epsilon Bets Chapter Arvin 0 . Ctallon '59 Stephen E. Douglass 67 Epsilon Sigma Chapter Thomas Owen Matlhews '73 CC Val~ralso Unlveralty Lee H. Slater, Beta Chi '25 George W. Maxwell '65 Alummon Record: 1032 Ernesl A Grbson 63 Unlvarslty of Tennessee-Mar11n Lee Edward Scheler '8 t Percenl Who Gave: 2.03" Benj amin Stradley, Alpha Nu '2 1 1 Mrc.hael R Grrard '62 Alummon Record· 814 Amount They Gave: $560.00 F. Kenneth C. Goodman '73 Percent Who Gave 6.02% Delle Phi Chapter Mark F. Atbertin '56 Larry J. Van Fossen, Alpha Xi ' 56 Keith Bradlord Graves '84 Amount They Gave $2,510.00 Colorado School of Mine• Michael Earl Bor1on '79 Kelth Wayne Harned 87 t Vernon E. Akins '74 Alumnf on Record: 96 David E. Caston '62 James Monroe Hams '86 • larry Alexander '66 Thomas W. Wade Jr. , Zeta ' 53 Robert Cfalg A!Wlll '86 Percent Who Gave: 2.08" Larry A. Eberhardt 'S6 Phillips. Hazle 71 Gerald J Baker 73 James A. Uhrlaub '51 Roger G. Fuelster '60 Gerald J. Yac habach, Alpha Eta ' 57 David G. Moses 70 Alan 0 . Zunket '60 Ronald Gnau '60 CC W1l ham C. Moses '92 Billy w Beasley '72 Philip M. Goebel '57 W1lham L Quigley '68 Chnstopher E Bell '89 Lynn C Bow1Jn '69 ~ Harlan E. Kallholl '56 Roben W Rodgers '65

SEPTEMBER 1996 43 Tommy Wayne Bryant '89 Vernon Sheppard '74 Jelfrey Todd Hornaday '81 CC Gregory Barton Stantz '93 Mark EtlloU Cary '91 Craig E. Thomson '64 Franklin A. Kelley 77 t James E . Thomas Jr. '7SCCSO James A Corder '61 CC MIChael L. Vanhuis '67 Gerald l. Kiser '68 CC James A Crews '68 CC Kirk Daniel W1ley '83 CC Jesse A. Lankford Jr. '67 Zeta Upsilon Chapter Jason Bryan Danner '92 CC Sabre & Key Society Gerald W Matheny '67 Concord l eland0aVIs78 Epsilon Omega Chapter Chartes M. Neufeld '67 Alumni on Record.· 236 Oewlll H1ll Day 76 East Cent,.! University Alley J. Oakley Jr. '67 PerCfJf'lt Who Gave. 2 9~ George Alan Oemen179 Afumnl onRecord· 516 W. Gene Powell '67 CC Amount They Gave· SISS.OO J. SCQII Famn '63LC SO PercentWhoGa.,e: 1.16" The Sabre & Key Society comprises those whose t William M Ross '68 John Brennan '72 MIChael Wayne FitZgerald '80 Amount They Gave: $14500 Russell Cory Saxon '86 t Danny Ray Farley '77 Maury Edward Ford '88 t RobenJ. Clrka '71 cumulative lifetime gifts total $10 ,000-$24,999 . John W1lliam Slmma Jr. '87 David T Harrison '70 Schley J. Ftazer '63 Marvin Roy Ewy '64 Robert K. Thompson '71 t Ronald A. l ane '69 Chris Brooks Fuller '84 Jerry D. Peay '63 i Gerald A. Wagoner '69 Howard l. McNeal Jr. '69 Thomas R Fuller '65 James David Pterce '78 John Alexander Yarber '91 Frederick M. Merchant Jr. '74 J. leonard Garland '69 William M. Renner '95 PP Jerry Wayne Askew, Tau '73 James D. Sovine '69 David Hays Graham '69 l V leon Smith '63 Zeta Omicron Ct'lapter James F. Harrison '67 ArthurS. Bowes, Beta Phi ' 22 Calltomla State Unlvarslty· Zeta Phi Chapllr William l. Holstun Jr. '65 CC Zeta Alpha Chapter Northridge Unlv•rslty of Mlu ouri-St. Louis Martin K. Jacobus 72 CC GMI-Englneering & Management Susan G. Chaikin, Friend Alumnf on Record: 623 Alumni on Record: 413 Robert Keith Kirby '84 lnstflute Percent Who Gave: 2.25" Percem Who Gave· 3.8"' William M. Maloan '68 Alumni on Record: 752 John D. Chandler Sr. , Alpha Pi '44 Amount TheyGa .. e: $695.00 Amounl T1leyGa1'6: $579.00 Charles A. Maness 73 Percent Who Gave: 5.72% David Alan Eliason '8 t Brian James Bannon '80 M1chael A McAdoo M.D. '69 Amount They Gave: $2,495.00 Roy Randolph Charles, Gamma '28 Steven David Garren '84 Robert E. Butter '69 t Roberl A McCalla 77 t Robert E. Anderson '68 Gregory M. Grassl '70 Derek Allan Galyon '9 1 Terry w. McCreight '65 • Craig Scott Beutler '89 LC Wilbert E. , Sigma '42 Gordon E. Hall'67 Christopher M. Gund '87 f D Michael Moss '61 t David J. Brace '65 Barry Harrts Hinden '68 Michael J. Hendel '72 David A. Otrver '63 R1chard A. Crocketl '63 Thad Cochran, Gamma Iota '56 Gary S. HitSCh '67 Kevtn Joseph Hupp '84 Wilham C. Penn '61 Phlltp R. Dickey '63 CC Christopher latham '67 John A. Kolb '69 CC Phllhp E. P1nlon 71 Robert J. DoCherty '73 CC SO Ann 0. Daniels, Friend Brian J. Manning '73 CC Robert W. May '70 Roland T Pope '65 Chnstopher J. Dougherty '89 Michael A. Mohacsl EIT '88 Dennis M. O'Connor 72 Robert A. Reddin '71 PC GG Donald F. Durham '70 Marvin D. Dennis, Beta Eta ' 56 David Brian Salter '78 CC Steven Henry Plesbergen '75 John R Reese Jr. '67 t Jerry B. Eberly '73 J1m A. Sumner. Jr. '67 Raymond M. Schmidt Ill '93 CC Allen Joey R•ggs '88 Merton 0 Emery Jr. '75 George Denton, Alpha Nu '42 Brent Edward Vatlens Esq. 73 Patrick Allen Tuley '8-4 Kenneth B. Roberts '63 Donald J. Finney Jr. '91 CC Scotl 0 . Willens '74 CC Gary Joseph Vlen '76 Samuel lours Sinclair Jr. '88 Jeremy Lawrence Frazier '91 William H. Dial, Alpha Eta '27 i Mark Vmcent Zeolla ·eo Michael A. Walter '69 Mark Clements Stripling 76 CC Geoffrey F. Gega '73 Jim Joseph Wels '79 Roberl A. Thompson '70 Scot1 Edward Gerlach '89 CC Garth C. Grissom, Alpha Omega '49 Zeta PI Chaptar Gary Wesselschmldt '77 Harold S. Waggener. Jr. '63 Christopher G. Goegan '87 CC University of South Florida Robert Charles Wagner '78 t Philip B. Hart Jr. '67 Willard R. Hoe! Jr., Gamma Sigma ' 58 Alumni on Recgrd: 635 Zat• Chi Chapter Jason Keck West '85 Brian David Hass '89 Percent Who Gave: 3 94" Southwest Mlasourl State Philip H. White '61 Carl l awrence Heln '85 Keith Joseph Ketchman, Alpha Eta '74 Amount They Gave: $1,004.68 University Ronald M. Wolfe '67 James l. Hunt '65 CC RIChard Todd Barren '86 Alumni on Record: 569 Arthur Levoy Hurley '70 William N. LaForge, Zeta Beta '69 Bruce A. Benne« '70 Percent Who Ga.,e: 2.99" Epsilon Tau Chapter Donald M. Hutchinson '74 t Robert John Berganlni '84 Amount They Gave: SS15.00 Eastern New Mulco Unh1erslty t Garyl.Jordan'71 CCSO James S. Long Jr., Delta Sigma '72 M. Brent Blanner '68 CC William B. Gerstung Jr. '74 Alumni on Record: 396 Ke1th Alan larson '88 Shawn Michael Brannagan '82 CC Kevin Joe Green '76 Percem Wflo Ga.,e. 0.76% William H. Uchty '63 Stanley F. Love, Delta Iota '51 f Oahal 0 . Bumgardner Jr. '79 Aober1 W Greenlee '73 Tom E. Frasier '68 CC Mark Dennis Locher '90 Rodney 0 . Clymer '68 Robert V. l ane '69 t Henry H. Hahn '62 Garrett Loode '63 John J. Lux, Theta '53 Thomas Cureton '70 Gary C. Lentz 7 1 William lee Stockton 79 Robert W. Luecke! 70 SO Terry Craig Dodge '75 Mk:tlael G. Lundgren '82 John E. Mahoney '63 CC Steven Charles Mathy, Beta Phi '79 Wiltlam H. Dudley '68 James Dalton Moyer Jr. '85 Epsilon Upsilon Chapter John A. Mardosa '63 Robert Daniel Eddy '87 Craig S. N1ederstadt '74 Gannon University Kenneth H. Oberholtzer '70 John P. McGovem, AiphaAipha '40 f Stephen A. Howze '69 John Edward Oo•lvy '89 Alumni on Record: 55 I Thomas William Pasche '82 t' Charles Wayne King '84 Don Kelley Ross '80 Percent Who Ga.,e: 3.99" Randall W. Ponik '70 Gary E. Menchhofer, Alpha Xi '65 t Steven l. MaCkler '69 Mark E. Schmecldlng '83 Amount They Gave $609.00 Robert W. Ranka '63 CC • David Wayne Magann '92 CC SteveS. Schmidt '74 John W. Albersladt '73 David A. Rutter '63 F. Anderson Morse, Gamma '76 MiChael J. Mason '90 Rodney Charles Soffner '88 Benjamin J. Bastow '94 lynn F. Saunders '63 C. Aaron Moore '89 Dabney K. Tolson Jr. '70 Russell Andrew Beyer '91 Kurt David Smith '86 LC William R. Nester Jr. , Alpha Xi '47 Erik William Neugaard '86 AndrewP. Waddell '91 Shawn Jeffrey Clerkin '82 Gary Melvin Sowden Jr. '88 louis Oav1d Orehek '80 Randal Joseph Waddell '79 t John A. Davis HI '75 David C. Strayer 72 CC Joseph Leroy Ott, Theta ' 76 Troy Elliott Pressley '84 James Harfield Wilson '81 Patrick C. Dombrowski '73 Jellrey lee Swords '78 CC Richard A. Raymond '87 Kenneth A. Grier '67 Albert Valdez '63 Quentin L. Richard, Gamma Beta '29 Eliot Brooks Rosen '78 Zet• Psi Chapt•r John B. Griltlth '67 Edward A. Vaughan '68 Frederieilt W. Seelig '68 Nicholls State University Kevin Gerard Hartley '76 Steve 0 . Vesperman '64 George H. Roach Jr. , Delta Kappa ' 57 Henry Addison Tobin '83 Alumnf on Record: 249 ManhewJ. Hauser '75 Clifford l. Wheeler Ill '74 William Via '72 Percent Who Ga.,e: 0.80% Donald l. Heald '73 A. Frank Smith, Alpha Eta '66 Casey John Rowe '87 Robert C. Howden '87 Zeta Beta Chapter Zeta Rho Chapter t Charles A. Swift '69 John Michael Hurley '80 Delta State University Thomas C. Tillar Jr. , Epsilon ' 71 University of North Dakota Joseph James '69 Alumni on Record: 655 Alumni on Record: 409 Zeta Omega Chapter Jakob l ester lawson '9t CC Percent Who Gave: 3.05% Thomas J. Turner, Epsilon Gamma '67 Percent Who Ga.,e: 2.20% University or Louisiana t ' ThomasJ. Mclnt1re '62 Amount They Gave: $2,855.00 Amount TheyGa.,e: $260.00 Alumni on Record: 212 t Frederick M. Mlaczynskl '73 Marx Harris Blake '84 Gary E. Welch, Epsilon Gamma '59 l awrence M. Akers '72 Percent Who Ga.,e: 2.36" t John H. Pmkowsk• '66 Mark Thomas Brasfield '84 Paul Oav1d Antonenko '89 Amount They Geve: $435.00 Peter W. Reyburn '64 Roy Cedric Byars Jr. '90 Mrs. Thomas L. Williams, Friend Sidney Claire Bjorlle '70 Roger J. Cook '74 Brian S. Tyrrell '70 Charles w. Cote lit '71 t Thomas B. Cruden '68 Edward F. Hartman Ill '69 LC SO Robert c. Wharton '79 John M. Curlee 70 Thomas E. Kielel '68 t Eric Date Jensen Jr. '86 CC Thomas J. Wozniak '64 T. Steve Cwik1el Jr. '66 Ronnie A. M1ller "73 Arthur C. l eblanc Jr. '70 Wilham F. Greenleal '73 Paul 0 . Aomanlek '69 George V. Sauzer '70 Epsilon Phi Chapter Charles P Hamer '95 PP John Aoberl Welsch '78 University of Central Arkansas Charles T, Kelly '95 PP Larry 0 . Wonder '70 Et• Alpha Chaptar Gary A. Frye '69 WilHam F. Sleep '71 Alumni on Record· 956 t ' WilUam N. laForge '69 PC SK James Derek Whltlen '80 Clemson University Dale A. Helton '86 Rodney J. Unruh '73 Percent Who Gsve: 0.84" Ae.: S. lyon '70 Zeta Sigma Chapter Alumni on Record: 826 Henry Hahn Huber Jr. '88 Amount They Gave: $445 00 Robert 0 . Newton '73 Zeta Lambda Chapter Florlda lnslllute of Technology Percenl Who Gave. 3.8"' Garnett A. llndle Jr. '68 Zeta lola Chapter 1 Ralph D. Behrens '63 SO Robert A. Aumtelt '72 Adrian College Alumni on Record: 455 Amount They Gave: $2, I 15.00 Craig A. long '79 Old Dominion University f Carl E. Forsberg '63 Frank W. Sistare '66 AlumnfonRecord: 154 Percent Who Gave: 2.86" • Rhett A. Atk1ns '72 Stephen Ray Matlin '85 Kelly Authlord Hughes Jr. '71 CC t" Robert E. Stribling Jr. 75 Alumnf on Record: 39 I Percent Who Gave: 3.25% Amount They Gave: $545.00 Bryan Taylor Blackwood '89 CC James l. Ollar '66 Percent Who Gave: 4.09% Duane C. Nisbett '66 lawrence E. Toney Jr. '71 Amount They Gave: $150.00 James Alan Chapman '90 Cameron Grant Boggs '89 ' James J. Spalding Jr. '70 Amount They Gave: $440.00 Thomas A. Opitz '73 CharlesJ. Turner'75 Georg e A. Bliss II '67 Brent A. Doyle '69 Terence Park Bull '77 Steven l. Turner '70 LC C. Max Bartholomew, Jr. '69 larry Dean Parker '89 leslie Jamison Van Vutpen '88 t Thaine W. Grams '66 Richard H. Ouckwor1h '92 f W. Kirk Crawford '79 CC Kenneth A. Wallace Jr. '65 Gregory Bason '95 PP Eric Lee Schlchtl '84 Chester N. Willis '73 A. John P. Mershon '66 Daniel Eugene Heiss '76 Clark Evan Curry '77 Steven 0 . Broderick '95 PP Don Weaver '77 Chandler P. Worloy Jr. '66 Thomas H. Meyer '66 Theodore W. Kapustka '77 Matthew Patrick Dey '89 CC Zeta Zeta Chapter Joseph Patrick Byrne '83 Michael A. Reed '71 James Arthur Michaud '84 Jellrey Owen Duckworth '8-4 Southwestern Oklahoma State Darren A. Cole '95 PP Epsllon Chi Chapter Zeta Gamma Chapter George J. Morstalt Ill '68 CC SO Andrew J. Falatok '74LC University Cary Glenn Etheridge '69 Pittsburg State University Eastern Illinoi s University Zeta Mu Chapter James J. Ogan '68 Charles Jerome Fehllg Jr. '88 Alumm on Record: 299 RiChard A. Farrell '95 PP Alumni on RetXJrd: 538 Alumnf on Record: 800 University of Idaho Stephen Aazlk '88 Amos G. Green Jr. '71 CC Percent Who Ga.,e: 1.34% Jeffrey J. Gilday '95 PP Percent Who Gave: 2.04" Percenl Who Gave: 2.50% Alumni on Record: 474 Darius Sldebotham '94 PP Joseph Edward Guy '76 Max Shane Boothe '85 Jay A. Kossman '67 Amount They Gave: $560.00 Amount TheyGa.,e: $880.00 Percem Who Gave: r .69% Henry A. Stuven '68 W. Christopher Hodge '91 David A. Browning '65 Raymond M. l owery '69 t W•lllam H. Baker Ill '65 David W. Artz '72 Amount They Gave: $335.00 Kurt Gerard Vondebur '78 Gregg Carter Johnson '83 Steven T. Hood '72 Donald J. Musacchio '70 • Robert C. Balderston '67 CC Robert Bielenberg 73 t M•chael C. Brechan '66 SO Ralph Henry Webber Jr. '88 CC David Paul Ken! '8t R1chard D. Rolison '65 James T. RitCh Jr. '66 Robert W. Enge/'69 M1chael Scott Carlson '88 CC MiChael L Brown '84 Robert E KoCh '71 Hugh A. Staples '66 Dan A. Goodyear '91 Oav1d G. Evans '67 Thomas A. Cunningham '66 Zela Tau Chapter Roy Alan Ma}ors '77 Zeta Eta Chapter G•lbert H. Sturtevant Jr. '67 Harry W. Hinckley '64 Gregory James Felles '76 Stephen Lenard Dunn '89 E.. t em Kentucky Unlversl1y George G. Matthews Jr. '70 University of Ar19rt Cornwell '85 Neil McMillion '91 Joseph Collin Bond• 76 Percent Who Gave· 1.4 1" James Ohanesian '69 Herm an Henry Kltngelholer '83 i Alan E. Peters '64 Carl T. Cox '67 John J. Meak '70 ThomasJ. Brady 111 '75 Amount They Gave: $545.00 Rudolph F Perhalla '78 CC James MIChael Ltster '87 Rodney B Eckard '67 John B. Moreland 111 "74 Richard Comer '87 • • Brantz Everen Batey '93 CC James Herbert Pieper '67 Jack E. loman '64 Zeta Epsilon Chapter Carl E. Elliott '67 Robert M Niemeyer '69 Thomas A Oatl((il '70 larry J. Davisson '66 M1cha&l Chartes R•chards 7 8 i Arthur A Nash Jr '68 LC l V We stern Kentucky University Thomas Jellrey Felthaus '77 f Daniel Gene Osbome '88 Paul A. Flynn '87 Richard A. Durand '68 CC Clayton L Snyder '66 Norman F _Pfe•ler '63 Alumni on Record: 543 Steve A. Foster '72 Witnam A. Owings '74 ThOmas J. Frain Jr. '77 Robert H. Fairey Jr. 7 0 Terrel G. Stanton '66 James Michael Py1 1tk '87 Percent Who Gave; 2.2J % t Dennis A. Fox '69 Duane W, Parsons Jr. '71 CC Gerard M Gerlach Jr. '70 Barry l. Gurley '85 Gary Wayne Stevenson '66 Charles Allen Rudnick '89 Amounl They Gave .· $585.00 Chad Thomas G1mbert '83 Donald Bruce Prmdle '81 John J. Grillos '70 Jimmy W. Kramer '68 Vaughn Edward Stewart '71 Alan Anthony Rygiel '84 CC A. Bruce Calvin '78 ThomasW. GrahamJr. '67 Gregory K. Aa~tden '70 Paul Ippolito IV '87 Ted Gene Loveridge '85 John Albert Tilmann '69 CC larry L SchOonmaker '63 Barry L Carroll '67 Kenneth Earl Hills '84 Raymond l. SparnonJr. 70 Thomas Benjamin Konopackl '75 Harry J. lucas Jr. '65 t Dennis Michael Trester '69

44 SEPTEMBER 1996 MK:haei D Korp '75 Eta Kappa Chepl., Cory S McCora 95 PP St•"en Scan Schumbutg 87 PC LV James M. Merendino '89 Unlver.Hy ol Alabama South Wlll•am &ake Monroe 93 Roon!Y P WeiS 84 Frank Paolantonio 73 Alumni on Record 219 Donald Andrew a Nesky Jr 89 Michael H Rosene 89 Pttrcent Who Gavtt: J 43" Jeremy Joseph Osten '93 PP Theta Eta Chapter Joseph C. SantoUquldo 7 0 Perry Ra Inman 7 8LC Garnet & Gold Society Walton C Parltet Jt 73lC Loyo..,.Uarymount Unlvlf'Sity David J. Sllll!ngt '85 a Robert W Kttnyon '78 Gerald Pru n 73 CC Altlm n~ onR«:otrt 368 Thomas C. Walsh 7 0 James Anthony Stone '90 Wdbam Hugh Ross Jr 79 P81C1H1t Who Gnre 2 ;ool'\. ChriS1opher White '87 Stash Jeremy Vener '90 CC The Garnet & Gold Society comprises tho e who e Howard MICNet ScNck 84 Amount Jlt.ey Gil.. $430 00 LeoJ. Zanaiii 7 S Jonathan Schu!ing PP t N!Cho4as F Dattern 76 Eta Mu Chapter cumulative lifetime gifts total $5,000-$9,999. f Tommy lee Sll.aggs 83 Thomas Dempsey 84 Ete Delta CN.pter Armatrong State Collev• Marcus Damtan Slaven 88 Steven C Ehr&nspergtW 82 IIMNChuMttslnstHute or Alumnl on Rtteerd; 143 Chid Frsnkhn Stan-y '9t RIChard Jay Gardner 76CC Pttrcent Who Gave 3 5" DIHek 0 Thomhtll 95 PP PetndtA GnUif'l 81 Alumni on Recotd. 92 Amount They Gsvtt: $1 6000 C. Ross Anderson, Alpha Tau ' 57 Ch.arkls DaVId Wilson 79 PautAJ~en 85 Pen:.nt Who G•~ · 2. 17% LarryJ. Babln '71 James K Wil50n '9• PP Scan Edwara M .er 88 ·--Phltlp S. Blackman 7 0 Jim Brotherton Jr. '7 1 Clinton D. Anderson, Upsilon ' 48 Sean M Wilson ·95 PP OaVldM OBnen 80 lawrence E. Klein '70 Glenn Jones '72 Charles Gregory WOOCJI

SEPTEMBER 1996 45 Bran Michael Higgins '93 PP DouglasJ. Egan '87 David Kramer '79 Erec John Flugerald '91 Samuel Thor Lutgring '9 1 Arthur Russell HiCkson '87 Kenlland Ray Marshall '86 Lily of the Valley Society Rodney Scott McDougalle '92 PP Theta Omega Chapter Todd Joseph McGinnis '81 Unlvetslty ol Calllornla·Davis Rodney McNelly '79 CC Alumni on Record: 279 Timothy Wayne Noblitt '84 Percent Who Gave: 1.43% The Lily of the Va ll ey Society comprises those whose Jeffrey D. Osborne '79 Steven RIChard Brown '85 Robert Richard Pease '79 James Talbot Easterbrook '89 cumulative lifetime gifts total $2,500-$4,999. Alfred Cart Perone Jr. '78 Kevin Edward Honey '89 Paul Thomas Pfaff '80 Brian Michael Oard '85 CC Brian Andrew Pickerel '94 PP Rob Alan Pickett '92 Iota Alpha Chapter Jeffrey M. Abraham, Delt a Tau ' 72 George T. Lewis Jr. , Zeta '32 Davkl Allen Pittman '80 University of Wyoming Jon Cecll Russeii 'BS Alumni on Record: 285 Donald J. Anderson, Beta Phi '68 George M. Luhn, Beta Mu '20 James Hubert Skillman '79 Percent Who Gave: 3.86% Robert Lee Slavens Jr. '82 Amount They Gave: $460.00 Joseph D. Batson, Beta Sigma '54 Larry Wayne Lunsford, Zeta '7 1 Richard Darin Smith '84 CC Ralph P. Cardinal '86 CC Rodney lynn Smith '86 CC William Lee Davies '90 Raymond A. Baur Jr. , Alpha Nu '46 James F. McDonald, Delta Iota ' 59 William A. Taylor '86 Pecer Lindus Gels '90 Christopher J. Theobald '95 Kevin Ross Kelly '89 CC E. Dixie Beggs, Alpha Eta '27 Dani el F. McGehee, Epsilon Iota ' 63 Robert Scon Thomas '88 Christopher T. Lorenzen '86 George Morton Walker Jr. 79 Jeffrey C. Read '86 Howard H. Bell , Alpha Nu '46 John F. McNair III, Beta '44 Stephen Michael Walker '88 Von Allred Rhea '86 Darren C. Young '83LC SO Chad Eric Rit ner '91 Joe D. Bennett, Gamma Theta '47 Charl es Dean McNeal, Alpha Omega ' 3 1 Patrick Edward Rowley '91 Theta PI Chapter Kelly Everett Steeves '90 Russell T. Bigelow, Alpha Sigma '5 1 PaulL. Meaders Jr. , Alpha '50 University of Alabam•Huntsvllle Anthony David Watt '88 Alumni on Record: 233 Richard L. Blatt , Beta Eta '59 Vance Miller, Gamma Delta ' 66 Percent Who Gave: 3.86% Iota Beta Chapter Amount They Gave: Sl 75.00 California State University-Fresno Robert E. Blount Sr. , Alpha Iota '25 William Stacey Moore Ill, Alpha Epsilon '88 Christopher L. Coffey 79 Alumni on Record: 170 Edwin Allen Crowder '88 Percent Who Gave: 4. 12% James 0. Bowen Jr., Beta Sigma ' 43 Bert F. Munro, Alpha Eta '46 Paul N. Galloway '80 Amount They Gave: S310.00 Stephen Han '92 t Randal David Hergenroeder '87 Austin R. Brunelli, Beta Rho '25 Arthur R. Nash Jr. , Epsilon Psi '68 Gene A. Hartsfield Ill '89 • Lawrence James Lakeotes '93 CC Gary Charles Norris '90 Jeffrey Pal Markarian '86 Charl es R. Burton, Omega ' 41 Nicholas J. Orphan, Alpha Xi ' 65 Kenneth Neal Porter II ·go Thomas Franklyn Markarian '92 Marl< 0 . Smith '79 Dave O'Brien '91 John Andrew Caddell , Gamma Alpha ' 28 Jenks C. Parker, Delta Epsilon '59 Glenn Scott Thomas '79 Jason Eric Rooker '89 Scott Ryan Tomamichel '86 Laurence C. Chu rch, Beta Phi '29 James A. Peeling, Delta Gamma '47 Theta Rho Chapter Northern Arltona University Iota Gamma Chapter Michael R. Clancy Jr. , Delta Beta '58 Gary Dean Peni sten, Delta Chi '52 Alumni on Record: 354 University ol Nebraska-Kearney PercentWhoGave: 1. 13% Alumni on Record: 171 Thomas R. Clark, Delta Nu '67 Duncan J. Powers, Gamma Eta ' 27 Douglas Charles Hosey '83 CC Percenl Who Gave: 5.26% Steven Forbes McAllister '92 Amount They Gave: 5180.00 W. Thomas Clark Jr. , Epsilon '73 Steven A. Raben, Alpha Omicron '59 t John MicheaJ Mette '9l Michael Lee Hultman '92 PP • William Andrew Wasserman '89 Craig Johrlng '92 PP Waverl y M. Cole, Gamma '48 Jerome V. Reel Jr. , Eta '57 Eric W. Krelle '95 PP Theta Sigma Chapter Mickey A. Mcl aughlin '95 PP Steven Howard Cox, Alpha Phi '83 Toney G. Reynolds, Delta Theta '52 Winthrop University Daniel M. Napoli '95 PP Alumni on Record: 305 Robert Vaughn Plock '87 Thomas H. Davis, Gamma Delta '38 Kenneth E. Rice, Alpha Omega '42 Percent Who Gave: 3.28% Ronald J. Schulte '95 PP Amounr TheyGav6: S444.00 Troy Matthew Stempek '87 Dehaven Develin , Beta Pi '2 1 Ronald E. Roark, Delta Omicron '70 • Almon Bartow Barfield '91 Todd Allen Westebuhr '88 Richard A. Carter '95 PP I. Douglas Dunipace, Gamma Delta '58 Leo P. Rock Jr., Alpha Eta '57 Jeffrey Scott Dumpert '92 Iota Della Chapter Shane N, Duncan '94 PP Rose-Hulman Institute ol David H. Dyson, Upsilon '72 Ri chard L. Russell , Beta Phi '56 Chrtstlan K. l emmonds '94 PP Technology Christopher J. Uenemann '92 CC Alumni on Record: 198 Wi lliam G. Fair, Alpha Omicron '60 Paul Alan Rya n, Gamma Nu ' 78 Joel Nathan Manning '87 CC Percem WhO Gave: 18. 18% Jefrey Michael Meletio '91 Amount They Gave: $1 ,345.00 Ronald H. Fanning, Delta Gamma ' 55 Gary A. Sallquist, Delta Chi '57 Robert F. Palmer 11 1'92 ' Clay A. Armstrong '90 CC Martin Joseph Werley '93 PP Travis Dolm Beltz '92 Thomas A. Feaster, Alpha Eta '3 1 Lawrence Sanford, Alpha Epsilon '47 David Anthony Borzillo '92 Theta Tau Chapter Gary D. Burgess '95 James D. Felton, Beta Alpha ' 12 David B. Sayle, Zeta Beta '69 California State University· Dan Alien Carney '92 Sacramento Sean Daniel Chambers '90 Harl and W. Fowler Jr. , Delta Delta '48 Steven Scott Schumburg, Theta Zeta '87 Alumni on Record: 377 Anth ony Brian Decker '88 Percent Who Gav6: 1.33% Richard Paul Ditteon '88 George F. Gee, Delta Sigma '5 1 Don W. Shaw, Gamma Eta ' 42 Amount They Gave: S150.00 Thomas Stephen Doerr '88 CC Anthony Agretla '86 Bryan Cordell Dully '90 Gary A. Gieser, Alpha Rho '62 G. Carl Shipp, Alpha Gamma '68 Mark David Antonini '85 Michael Lulz Fagg '68 MarkJohnCook '87 William Richard Fleming '94 PP Phillip E. Goodman, Alpha Nu '45 Kermit James Si lve rwood, Alpha Omega ' 27 Wilham F. McClure Ill '83 Joseph Wi11iam Galles '89 David Joseph Whittington '82 Warren Scott Garelss '92 David Hays Graham, Epsil on Sigma '69 Allen H. B. Smith, Alpha Gamma '33 Christopher J . Hintz '92 Theta Upsilon Chapter Jason Ryan Jeffnes '90 Patrick W. Halloran lll, Delta Chi '62 Daniel W. Smith, Friend Tennessee Tech Unlverslly Troy David Kabrlch '88 Alumni on Record: 254 John E. Kimmel '95 Thomas J. Handler, Beta Eta '74 Timothy Stanley Sotos, Beta Pi '67 Percent Who Gave: 4.33% Matt K. Likes '93 Amount They Gave: $565.00 Lee Parker Lucas '94 PP Robert L. Hanlin, Alpha Delta ' 54 Maurice P. S. Spearman, Beta Mu ' 25 Frank Ernest Akaiwa '81 CC James Daniel Mann ' 94 John Douglas Cooper Ill '87 CC Paul Edward Marken '88 Ewing Hass, Gamma Eta '29 Chri stopher D. Spinell a, Delta Tau '79 Dale C. Deocales Jr. '94 PP Jeffrey S. Markwardt '93 Stephen Allen Dickens '86 CC Robert McFarlan Jr. '88 CC Ronald F. Hedglin, Gamma Nu '62 John D. Steely, Beta Eta '22 Samuel Michael Far a '81 CC Michael Dennis McGonagle '88 Trenl McCullough '85 Brian Andrew Meister '88 John W. Hein, Gamma Eta '50 Eldo H. Stonecipher, Beta Phi ' 29 Chadwick Lee McDougle '85 Myles Masuo Nakamura '68 CC Christopher F. Plott '90 Neil Benjamin Pelroff '88 L. Luton Henson, Beta Zeta '30 William B. Stuessy, Epsilon Kappa ' 62 David Paul Schaller '81 James Lothar Ray '88 R1chard Wayne Tucker '86 Timothy James Riley '94 PP Jerome H. Herman, Beta Pi '79 Bruce D. Thatcher, Alpha Phi ' 56 Louis Franklin Turbeville '81 David William Smlth '89 David William Thomas '88 Harold D. Herndon, Beta Gamma ' 22 Joseph F. Thomas, Beta Sigma '34 Thela Phi Chapter Vincenl Ocampo Valenzuela '94 Wichlla Stal e University pp Michael R. Herron, Epsilon Zeta ' 63 Joseph J. Turner Jr., Eta Alpha '70 Alumnf on Record: 165 Julian Francis Waldby '9 1 Percent Who Gave· 5.45% Paul Dean Walker II '88 George A. Hill, Zeta '73 Cedric Vogel , Alpha Xi '26 Amount They Gave: S720.00 Ned Robert Zimmer '89 Michael Duncan Atey '84 CC Roy E. Hofer, Beta Phi '54 John L. Wa lker, Alpha Nu '65 Larry Wayne Decker '82 CC Iota Epsilon Chapter Enc Brandon Drowatzky '85 Universit y of California-l ong Beach Albert D. Hollingsworth Jr. , Delta Zeta '6 1 Charl es I. Wa ll , Beta Gamma ' 25 Lee Michael Fisher '85 Alumni on Record: 14/ Matthew Alan Fulghum '85 Percent Who Gave: /. 42% Jack E. Horrell , Delta Gamma '70 Guyton H. Watkins, Eta '42 Cart Leon Harris '82 CC Brian Garth David '92 Kenneth Wayne Hole '84 Adam Jeffrey Kaae '88 Mark H. Hulings, Alpha Omega ' 42 Charl es H. Waynick, Beta Upsilon ' 33 Anthony Stephen Lask '82 Stanley D. Longholer '86 CC Iota Zeta Chapter Christopher J. lnglot, Beta Phi ' 79 Andrew M. Weaver, Alpha Tau '74 Randolph Macon College Theta Chi Chapter AlumnTon Reoord: I 17 Charles R. Jackson, Zeta '63 Eston V. Whelchel, Delta Epsilon '48 VIllanova University Percent Who Gave: 4.27% Alumni on Record: 328 Amount They Gave: S I 45.00 George A. Jacoby, Alpha Lambda ' 21 William J. Wie land, Gamma Eta '30 Percent Who Gave: 3.35% Kenneth Byron Daub Ill '89 Amount They Gave: $390.00 Andrew Branon Gibson '88 Giocondo F. Jacuzzi, Alpha Sigma '41 Thomas L. Wilkinson, Eta Theta '7 1 Timothy John Desantis '88 t StuartS. Jordan '89 Bruce John Engelbreeht '86 Edward Cecil King '91 Thomas D. James, Gamma Psi '55 Bob T. Williams, Delta Zeta '52 Kevin Fortney '91 CC Thomas S McCaJUe Ill '90 Steven C. Giuliano '88 Fredrick R. Jenkins Jr., Beta Mu ' 54 Chip H. Williams, Beta Kappa '88 John S. Harrobin '87 Iota Eta Chapter Frederic Joseph Hueber '88 University of Nevada-Reno Donald H. Klotz Jr., Epsil on Epsilon '55 Jerry D. Williams, Beta Omicron '58 Thomas C. Karney '88 AlumnionRecord .· 126 Gregg WilHam Nelsen '88 Percent WhoGave: 1.59% William R. Knappenberger, Alpha N u ' I 0 John Michael Williams, Gamma Chi '68 Patrick Niro '87 Scott Edward Carver '90 Bl11 Sheahan '87 Kenneth Daniel P erra~tt '92 Joseph C. LaPine, Alpha Tau '74 Robert Clifford Willi amson, Gamma Lambda '65 Daniel K. Weeden '87 Iot a Theta Chapte, Robert E. Lambert Jr., Upsi lon ' 22 David T. Wilson Jr. , Gamma Iota '6 1 Theta Psi Chapter Calllornla Polyta<: hnlc·S•n Luis Chapman University Obispo John L. Layton, Alpha Eta '5 1 Gai l R. Zajic, Friend Alumni on Record: 187 Alumni on Record: 175 Percent Who Gave: 2.67% Perc9nt Who Ga ve: 2 29% Gerald H. Zimmerm an, Beta Eta ' 29 Amount They Gave: S200.00 Brian Edward Bosso '93 PP t Gregory Edward Beran '85 Patrick Michael Malone '92 Casey Robert Dunn '85 Matthew Thomas Marten '91

46 SEPTEMB ER 1996 George Andrew Stetz '90 lot• Sigma Chlpter Kappa Gamml Chapter J•m•• U.dlson Unlveralty Aorlda lnternatlon•l University lot• lot• Ch•pter AlumnlonRecon:J 103 AfumnlonRecord 37 Ulchlg•n St•t• Unlver•lty Pet~m WhO Gave 2 91 " Perctlnt Who Gave 54 t ~ Portrait of an Undergraduate Donor Numnl on R9CCtd 220 Jo5hua Michael Black '93 • Kurt Diener "94 CC Perr;tmt Who Gave I 8~ Cary lee loser '92 JaVIer I. Rodnguez 9-t John Z Ferguson '89 Spyndon P Sk.Jados '94 CC R1ck Patridt Krugh '91 Kepp• O.llll Chapter Vlran Gunvant Parag '92 tote Tau Chapter Northeastern University Adams Rodger (Northeast Loui iana, Eta Omicron Michael Joseph Pittel '90 John a Hopkins Unlverelty Alumm on Record: 41 Numnl onRIICOtd. 74 Percent WhO Gave 14 63" '94) is a currently a junior marketing major at orthea t lot• Kepp• Ch•pter Percent Who Gav• 4 05" Amount TheyGawt StOO.OO Unlveralty ol C•lllomla-S.nta • Evan Barren Crook '93 CC James M Denham 94 PP Loui iana Uni er ity. He ha er ed Eta Omicron Chap­ B•rb•re Sean Foster H1nners ·93 Danlel P McManus '95 PP Alumni on RliCOfd I 77 • Joshua M. Usman ·93 CC Troy Shlpley ·95 PP ter a public relation chairman, account payable trea­ Pt~rcent Who Gave 2.26t. Adam Sinal ·95 PP M1chael F Corcoran '89 Iota Upsilon Ch1p1er James Smllh '95 PP surer, ru h chairman, and as i tant pledge trainer. He i Evan Cyhanluk '91 Georgia Southern University Michael E. Toole '94 PP Hap Harrl50n Deneen '90 Alumnr on Record 75 also a member of the ortheast Loui iana Uni er ity Eric leo VanDer Valk '90 LC Percent WhO Gal'e 6 67" Keppl Epsilon Chapter Amount TheyGal'e $505.00 Rockhurat Collage " Sound offoday Band", Pi igma Ep ilon Marketing Fra­ lot• Lambde Ch•pter Stewart M Applbaum '93 AlumnfonReccrd 19 Columbll Unlveralty S Truen Cathy '95LC Percent Who Gave 10 53" ternity, and carrie a 3. 15 grade point a erage. Alumnl onRecord 122 Robert Allen De Rojas '93 CC W1 lliam J. O'Bnen ·94 PP Percenr Who Gave 0.82% Dwayne Allen Willler '93 Michael T Voge1·94 PP He was a ked recently about his participation a a do­ • Ryan Richard Mossman '91 Chnstopher P. Welch '93 CC Kappa Zet• Ch•pler nor to the Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foundati on at the lot• Mu Ch1pter loll Chi Chapter University of Louisville Southern lllinola Unlverally Unlveralty of Connecticut N umnl on RIICOrd 33 phi phi kappa alpha club level. Alvmni on Record 115 Alumni on Record 51 Petcent Who Gave 3 03" Percent Who G•ve 3.43" Percent Who Gave. 33 33" David J . Erickson '95 PP Amount They Gave $330.00 Amount They Gave S3t0.00 Michael N, Echevarria '95 PP Dennis Michael Barnes '94 PP Kappa Lambda Chapter What inspired you to give to th e Pi Kappa Alpha Educational Foundation as Karl Stephen Forgeron '93 Wilham J. Bigelow '94 PP Western Illinois Unlversll y James levold Green '93 CC Corey J, Burke '94 PP Alumnl onRecord· 1 a member ofth e phi phi kappa alpha club? Jellrey Pate McCord '91 Salvatore F. DePina Jr. '91 Percent Who Gave· 100% Chad Alan Tuneberg '90 Scott J. C- Eichenberg '94 Scot c Latek '96 PP Steven Wayne Wascher '90 CC Craig Allen Fournier '94 PP James B Toland '96 PP Thomas J. Frey '94 PP J realized that by givi ng to thephi phi kappa alpha club I would not only be Iota Nu Chapter Alan C. Green '94 PP Meine Colony Saint loula Unlveralty Michael Hancock '94 PP University ol Maine helping my chapter, but brother in all Pike chapter to more full y realize the Alumni on R9COrd: 96 Emanuel Hatzlkostas '94 PP Michael Tullis Percent Who Gave. 5 21 " James A Kelly 111 '94 PP fraternity experience. The phi phi kappa alpha club enable the Educati onal Amounr TheyG~v• : $150.00 Keith Lundgren '94 PP UNLVColony Todd Bernard Buss '90 Eric Oh '95 PP University of Nevada, Las Vegas Foundation to underwrite conferences and programs making them financially Allen J. Kopp '90 W11Uam T Russell Ill '94 PP Patnck T. C. Smith Andrew Baslt Nallar '90 Chnstopher P. Schm1dt '95 PP assessable to brother who might otherw i e not be able to attend . Marlowe Philip Valdeabella '91 Abhlnav D. Sood '94 PP Friends MarX C. Wahle '90 Michael F. Stark '94 PP Ott & Associates LC Iota XI Ch•ptar tot• Omega Ch•pter Judyl.Bruno Ho w ha Pi Kappa Alpha affected your life? Unlverslly of Chlc•go University of Western Ont•rlo Susan G Cha1k1n PC SK Alumni on Record: 53 Alumni on Record 51 Jason Crow Percent Who Gave; 1,89" Percent Who Gave: 7.84" Darren Davbenspeck Jason Robert Zajac '91 CC Derek Grech '94 PP Gwen DeShazo Pike has been one of the bet, if not the best experi ence of my life. The Mark Hannam '95 PP Ford/Anderson PC SO Iota Omicron Chapter Sean M. O'Hagan '94 PP Alpha Rho Foundation PC fraternity ha opened many doors for me both in the loca l community and on Santa Clara Unlvaralty Anthony F da Silva '94 PP B11 an Hickman Alumnl onRecord· 114 H Lynn Jones CC the NLU campu . In addition, Pike ha given me brother for a lifetime. Percent Who Gave .· 3.51 " Kappa Alpha Chapter James laRose Chnstopher A Bj or11: '92 Illinois State University laurence Sports Enterprises CC Harry Ermolan '91 Alumni on R9COrd. 91 lindsay L lytle CC • Manhew J. Powers '91 Percent WhO Gave: 7.69" Phi Mu FoundatJon CC Would you encourage other undergraduate brothers to give to the Educational Kenneth l. Turner '91 Amount They Gave: $262.00 Pollack lnc. LC Clint E. Bartman '94 PP Midwest Reg1on leadership Foundation? Iota PI Chapter Dav1d G Bresnahan '95 PP Conterence University ot C•tllornla-los Kelly J. Ham1ll '94 PP Danlei W. Smlth LV Angeles Anthony W Midthun '94 CC Patricia Stalnaker A/umnl onRecord 142 Jeffrey A. Schlee '95 PP Mrs. Thomas l. Williams PC SK Ye s, of course, l wi ll encourage other undergraduate brothers to give to the PercentWhoGave: 141" Oustrn M. Sullivan '94 PP Byron l. Wilson PC Tyler Hines '95 PP Todd A. Young '94 phi phi kappa alpha club. JeffJay Hsu '91 Kappa Beta Chapter lot• Rho Chapter Princeton University St. Joseph's University Afumnr on Record 39 Do you plan to continue giving to th e Educational Foundation throughout your Alumn1 on R9COrd.· I I 7 PercentWhoGave 256" PercentWhoGave: 1.71 " • Jason K. Baxter '94 alumnus years? Martin Michael Durney '91 Louis Joseph Tranchitella '91 Yes, not only to the ducational Foundati on but to my local alumni asso­ ciation and chapter as well. cpcpK

SEPTEMBER 1996 47 t

Anthony Bryce Brewer '93 Eric D. Tanner '95 Martin Joseph Werley '93 John C. Taylor '94 Delta Iota Chapter Clllton D. rrtus ·95 Theta Upsilon Chapter Marshall University Hugh H Wallace '94 Tennessee Tech University Donation Analysis by Initiation Year Donald Eric Racer '92 Chns L Webster '95 Dale C. Daocales Jr. '94 Scott w. Yancey '95 Delta Mu Chapter Iota Gamma Chapter Initiation Total lnitYr Total # Total # Average University of Southern Missi ssippi Eta Omicron Chapter Unlv. ol Nebraska-Kearney Yea r Giving of Gifts of Donors Gift Size Gene A Bishop Jr. '95 Northeast Louisiana University Michael lee Hutlman '92 JohnCurtiS Burks '94 Brian K Alexander '95 Craig Johring '92 James Stuan Carlson '94 Matthew R1chard Altha9e '93 Eric W. Krelle '95 Jason Scott Dean '94 Joseph M. Avery '96 Mickey A. Mclaughlin '95 1918 ...... $25.00 ...... 1 ...... 1 ··················· $25.00 Jonathan G Harless '94 Andrew R. Aycock. '96 Daniel M. Napoli '95 1921 ...... $35.00 ...... 2 ...... 2 ...... $17.50 Jason Scott Hollis '93 Ronald C. Barringer '96 Ronald J. Schulte '95 Dereklnkol '95 Thomas C. BeCkley '96 1922 ...... $550.00 ...... 6 ...... 6 ...... $91 .67 Jonah lock '95 Chnstopher S. Berry '94 Iota Delta Chapter 1923 ...... $125.00 ...... 2 ...... 2 ...... $62.50 Gordon Ryan McCloskey '94 Brian Michael Berst '91 Rose-Hulman Institute ol Charles K. Murray Jr, '94 Jonathon P. Bordelon '93 Technology 1924 ...... $455.00 ...... 8 ...... 6 ...... $56.88 Eric A Oehms '94 Brandon Andre' Breaut '93 William Richard Fleming '94 Dwight A. Pardue Jr. '95 Daniel C. Broussard '95 LeePa1k&rlucas'94 1925 ...... $240.00 ...... 6 ...... 6 ...... $40.00 Ron Sa'lell '95 William B. Brown '95 Timothy James A1ley '94 1926 ...... $490.00 ...... 4 ...... 4 ...... $122.50 Casey Owen Sw1lt '94 Jamie Michael Bryant '94 Vincent Ocampo Valenzuela '94 Michael David Ward '92 William K. Bryant '92 1927 ...... $680.00 ...... 9 ...... 9 ...... $75.56 Ste ... en J de Gru1ter '94 Bryan A. Cage '94 Iota Theta Chapter Jimmy Ray Carty Callender '93 California Polytechnic-San l uis 1928 ...... $2,975.00 ...... 15 ...... 11 ...... $198.33 Delta Nu Chapter KyteW. Ciark '96 Obispo 1929 ...... $2,405.00 ...... 24 ...... 23 ...... $100.21 Wayne State University W1lham A. Cooper Ill '95 Brian Edward Bosso '93 Brian G. Bolash '94 Wesley D. Cralton '94 1930 ...... $14,137.85 ...... 30 ...... 23 ...... $471 .26 Michael Derrldc Suchy '89 Kevin J. Cragar '95 Iota Mu Chapter 1931 ...... $1 ,175.00 ...... 27 ...... 25 ...... $43.52 Joseph A Va lentine '95 Shelton Z. Crooks '94 Southern Illinois University Heath E. Cunningham '94 M1chael N. Echevarria '95 1932 ...... $965.00 ...... 19 ...... 18 ...... $50.79 Delta Chi Chapter l ouis C. Cunis Jr. '96 1933 ...... $835.00 ...... 17 ...... 16 ...... $49.12 University of Nebraska-Omaha Trent H Duncan '96 Iota PI Chapter Krlstian David Ederer '92 Ron J. Dupuis '95 University ol California-Los 1934 ...... $1 ,260.00 ...... 22 ...... 19 ...... $57.27 William Andrew Harrahill'91 Andrew H. E'lans '96 Angeles David Falloon '93 TylerH!nes '95 1935 ...... $1,581 .00 ...... 31 ...... 30 ...... $51 .00 Epsilon Gamma Chapter Jacob Gregory Fontenot '94 1936 ...... $1 ,790.00 ...... 42 ...... 39 ...... $42.62 Texas Tech University Chad A. Frankowicz '96 Iota Chi Chapter Kev1n Roy Marsh '93 Ethan Alan Frederick '94 University ot Connecticut 1937 ...... $2,065.00 ...... 49 ...... 47 ...... $42.14 Michael B. Gilbert '95 Dennis Michael Barnes '94 1938 ...... $4,171.62 ...... 41 ...... 40 ...... $101 .75 Epsilon Eta Chapter Christopher S. Golden '96 Wilham J. Bigelow '94 University ol Houston Darren A. Gomez '95 Corey J. Burke '94 1939 ...... $2,128.00 ...... 52 ...... 47 ...... $40.92 Steve Broom '94 Edward A. Greer '95 Craig Allen Fournier '94 Gregory Brian Cot '94 Jeried H. Hairgrove '96 Thomas J. Frey '94 1940 ...... $1 ,960.00 ...... 41 ...... 39 ...... $47.80 Tuong T. Nguyen '94 Thomas s . Hall '94 Alan C. Green '94 1941 ...... $2,320.00 ...... 46 ...... 45 ...... $50.43 Casey V. Hannigan '96 M1chael Hancock '94 Epsilon Kappa Chapter Ty Howard Hull '92 Emanuel Hatzikostas '94 1942 ...... $3,260.00 ...... 60 ...... 56 ...... $54.33 lamar University Aandelll. lies '95 James A. Kelly 111 '94 Michael L Broussard '95 Todd W. Jeansonne '95 Keith Lundgren '94 1943 ...... $2,099.00 ...... 48 ...... 46 ...... $43.73 Jeremy S Coffey '95 Sam J. Jungina Jr. '95 ErlcOh '95 1944 ...... $1 ,785.00 ...... 31 ...... 30 ...... $57.58 Christopher J. Fontenot'95 Kyle C. Keeler '92 Wilham T. Ausselllll '94 Brandon L Grantham '95 Michael Scottlamperez '93 Christopher P. Schmidt '95 1945 ...... $1 ,695.00 ...... 35 ...... 34 ...... $48.43 DennisS lene''95 Ronald Leazer Ill '95 Abhlnav D. Sood '94 1946 ...... $3,054.50 ...... 61 ...... 58 ...... $50.07 Ryan Edward lopez '94 William C. Mitchell '95 Michael F. Stark '94 Shannon D. Smith '95 Regg1e A. Morgan '93 1947 ...... $6,240.00 ...... 115 ...... 107 ...... $54.26 Clint l. Nokes '95 lola Omega Chapter Epsilon Omicron Chapter Joey R. Nugent '96 University of Western Ontario 1948 ...... $4,775.00 ...... 107 ...... 101 ...... $44.63 Stephen F. Austin State University John D. Osborne '92 Derek Grech '94 1949 ...... $6,683.50 ...... 96 ...... 90 ...... $69.62 Arvel Wireman '94 Kevin l. Pesnell '95 Mark Hannam '95 Ashley 1. Powers '94 Sean M. O'Hagan '94 1950 ...... $7,924.50 ...... 105 ...... 96 ...... $75.47 Epsilon Omega Chapter M1tchelin D. Reppond '96 Anthony F. da Silva '94 1951 ...... $4,674.00 ...... 86 ...... 80 ...... $54.35 East Central Unl'lerslty Preston C. Reynolds '96 W1ll lam M. Renner '95 BradE. Rhynehan'95 Kappa Alpha Chapter 1952 ...... $4,075.00 ...... 84 ...... 79 ...... $48.51 Michael Aaron Richmond '93 Illinois State University Zeta Beta Chapter Win A. Rodgers '94 Clint E. Bartman '94 1953 ...... $8,248.00 ...... 95 ...... 77 ...... $86.82 Delta State University Lance Rogers '95 Da'lld G. Bresnahan '95 1954 ...... $4,763.00 101 ...... 97 ...... $47.16 Charles P. Hamer '95 Paul F. Rogers '95 Kelly J. Hamlll'94 Charles T. Kelly '95 James M. Sanches '95 JetlreyA. Schlee '95 1955 ...... $5,324.00 ...... 105 ...... 101 ...... $50.70 Andrew J. Scahill '95 Dustin M. Sulhvan '94 1956 ...... $9,470.00 ...... 112 ...... 109 ...... $84.55 Zeta Eta Chapter Michaell. Self '95 University of Arkansaa·lf«le Rock Kevin Andrew Shipp '94 Kappa Della Chapter 1957 ...... $7,015.00 ...... 91 ...... 83 ...... $77.09 Matthew H Bnghton '94 Douglas A. Shi'IOr '96 Northeastern University Quentin Ellery May '93 Christopher T. Sitton '94 James M. Denham '94 1958 ...... $5,153.00 ...... 106 ...... 103 ...... $48.61 Darren S. Wallace '94 John W. Smith '95 Daniel P. McManus '95 1959 ...... $4,345.00 ...... 82 ...... 81 ...... $52.99 Chad B. Spruell '95 Troy Shipley '95 Zeta Iota Chapter Grady M. Stlmits '95 Adam Sinel '95 1960 ...... $5,706.00 ...... 107 ...... 99 ...... $53.33 Old Domini on University Henry M1chael Stotts Jr. '93 James Smith '95 1961 ...... $5,993.00 ...... 114 ...... 109 ...... $52.57 Gregory A. Bason '95 Aaron Talmage Stout 11 '93 MIChael E. Toole '94 Steven D. Broderick '95 George Marshal Talton IV '93 1962 ...... $4,025.00 ...... 88 ...... 83 ...... $45.74 Darren A. Cole '95 Tony Jason Tass1n '94 Kappa Epsilon Chapter Richard A Farrell '95 Chad Daniel Terra '93 Rockhurst College 1963 ...... $6,410.00 ...... 109 ...... 106 ...... $58.81 JetlreyJ. Gllday '95 James Warner Touchet '93 William J. O'Br1en '94 1964 ...... $4,640.00 ...... 102 ...... 92 ...... $45.49 Jason M. Townley '95 MIChael T. Vogel'94 Zeta Sigma Chapter Troy lee Tremaine '94 1965 ...... $6,595.43 ...... 118 ...... 111 ...... $55.89 Florida Institute ol Technology Jason l. Turnage '96 Kappa Zeta Chapter 1966 ...... $8,361 .51 ...... 138 ...... 127 ...... $60.59 Darius Sldebotham '94 BrianC. Weems '95 University of louisville Michael C. W1chelns '93 David J. Erickson '95 1967 ...... $6,633.00 ...... 148 ...... 132 ...... $44.82 Zeta Tau Chapter Jonathan Aaron Young '94 Eastern Kentucky University Kappa Lambda Chapter 1968 ...... $8,206.36 ...... 146 ...... 133 ...... $56.21 Mark A, Hamblin '94 Eta Upsilon Chapter Western Illinois University 1969 ...... $7,975.00 ...... 105 ...... 93 ...... $75.95 University ol Texes-Arllngton Scot C latek '96 Eta Epsilon Chapter Scott Edward Garrett '93 James B. Toland '96 1970 ...... $5,960.00 ...... 124 ...... 118 ...... $48.06 Angelo State University AlexHarMins 1971 ...... $11 ,270.00 ...... 117 ...... 106 ...... $96.32 Steven W. Adkison '94 Michael John Krzysiak '87 Maine Colony Jelfrey P Ayers '95 Cory S. McCord '95 University ol Maine 1972 ...... $4,855.72 ...... 90 ...... 85 ...... $53.95 James C. Baker '94 Jeremy Joseph Osten '93 Michael Tullis Eric C. Banon '95 Jonathan Sch1lllng 1973 ...... $4,540.00 ...... 97 ...... 93 ...... $46.80 Kevin Don Banon '93 Derek D. Thornhill '95 UNLVColony 1974 ...... $5,140.93 ...... 89 ...... 85 ...... $57.76 DouglasS Beebe '95 James K. Wilson '94 Unlverslly of Nevada, las Vega s Pa t r~ck S Brody '95 Sean M. Wilson '95 Patnck T. C. Smilh 1975 ...... $3,440.00 ...... 83 ...... 79 ...... $41.45 Bernabe Braden Canlas '93 Michael Jay Yakubovsky '93 1976 ...... $8,765.80 ...... 88 ...... 81 ...... $99.61 Dav1d H. Clayson '95 Ste..,en S Collier '95 Eta Phi Chapter 1977 ...... $3,489.77 ...... 81 ...... 75 ...... $43.08 Myron N. Cook '94 University of Central Florida Antonio J. Delgado '95 John Edward Statlord IV '91 1978 ...... $6,625.00 ...... 100 ...... 95 ...... $66.25 Jelfrey l. Federspiel '93 Derek L Witherspoon '94 1979 ...... $4,864.00 ...... 99 ...... 91 ...... $49.13 Bradford L Fly '95 M1chae1 D. Graham '95 Theta Beta Chapter 1980 ...... $4,432.03 ...... 103 ...... 88 ...... $43.03 Shawn l. Hallford '94 Un iversity of Montevallo Bucky G. Hasty '95 Roy Brandon Barnhlll '93 1981 ...... $5,177.28 ...... 108 ...... 89 ...... $47.94 Jasonl.Hasty '94 Brian J. Bateh '95 1982 ...... $4,630.00 ...... 94 ...... 82 ...... $49.26 Clint D. Havlns '94 Timothy D. Hickman '95 Theta Kappa Chapter 1983 ...... $4,130.66 ...... 84 ...... 73 ...... $49.17 George C. Humphreys '93 Indiana University Southeast 1984 ...... $6,010.00 ...... 113 ...... 104 ...... $53.19 Caleb W Kattner '95 Ryan l. Chanley '94 Jaytand D. Keeney '95 1985 ...... $5,321.54 ...... 111 ...... 100 ...... $47.94 Curt1s V Kothmann '94 Theta lambda Chapter Mark E. Mashburn '95 Creighton Uni versity 1986 ...... $4,631.07 ...... 100 ...... 90 ...... $46.31 Allan 0 . Meese y '95 Dav1d P Case '95 1987 ...... $4,136.51 ...... 94 ...... 89 ...... $44.01 M1chae1 D. Mitchell, Jr '94 M1chael Lubeley '94 1988 ...... $4,409.90 ...... 122 ...... 114 ...... $36.15 Gabr1el A. Morano '94 Donald J. Sat1roH '93 To join the ~K:a Roland D. Moreno '95 Scot! A. Swanson '93 1989 ...... $4,925.00 ...... 114 ...... 109 ...... $43.20 Roben Cunfs Nethery ·go club, please Daniel D Nonhcutt '95 Theta Omicron Chapter 1990 ...... $3,513.84 ...... 86 ...... 78 ...... $40.86 Damtn D. Pelhuar/'95 Indiana State University contact the Cory A. Pett1t '94 Kenneth D. '92 1991 ...... $3,037.62 ...... 99 ...... 91 ...... $30.68 Matthew H Sage '92 Brett Michael H1ggins '93 Educational 1992 ...... $2,310.84 ...... 81 ...... 76 ...... $28.53 Geoffrey Lev1 Scott '93 Rodney Scon McDougalle '92 1993 ...... $3,196.00 ...... 92 ...... 88 ...... $34.74 M1chael G Seefeldt '95 Brian Andrew Pickerel '94 Foundation here BUt Cooper Sellers '92 1994 ...... $2,973.00 ...... 134 ...... 128 ...... $22.19 Blaine W. Shelton '94 Theta Sigma Chapter at the Memorial Oaryl P. Shields '94 Winthrop University 1995 ...... $3,272.00 ...... 123 ...... 118 ...... $26.60 lance C. Sims '95 Richard A Car1er '95 Headquarters at Oa11 id l. Stone '95 Shane N. Duncan '94 1996 ...... $325.00 ...... 20 ...... 20 ...... $16.25 Todd Mathew Stranahan '90 Christ1an K. Lemmonds '94 901 -748-1948.

48 SEPTEMBER 1996 A True Judge ofCharacter


by Allen W. Groves (Stetso11 U11 iversity, Delta Upsifo11 '79)

n June 23, 1996, Pi Kappa Alpha lost next ational Con ention, which included one of its finest brothers with the pa s­ key tructural reform in the Fraternity' go - Oing offormer ational President Elbert erning body, change which International Hi - Parr Tuttle, one month shy of hi 99th birth­ torian Jerry Reel ha characterized a " mo­ day. Perhaps no single member of Pi Kappa mentou "for Pi Kappa Alpha. Alpha had so great an impact upon both the Fra­ rt would be at the 1933 Troutdale a tiona! ternity and the nation. The significance of hi s onvention, however, that Tuttle would lea e achievements - and the loss with hi s passing hi most significant mark on the Fraternity. r­ -are enormous. ri vi ng in olorado for the Con ention, Tuttle Tuttle's pi votal role in the Fraternity's earl y had by now learned that hi concern over the years is well recounted in Th e Oak, Dr. Jerry Fraternity' fina nces were indeed va lid. A one Reel's (Tulan e, Eta '57) hi story of Pi Kappa of the nation ' fir t lawyer to specialize in Alpha. An initiate of Beta Theta Chapter at taxation i sue (the federal income tax wa a Cornell Uni versity in May 19 16, Tuttle was relatively recent event), Tuttle wa intimately one of the founding members of that chapter, familiar with the legal and ethi cal requirement then among Pi Kappa Alpha's few outposts in of ound bookkeeping. An inve tigation which the northern United State .As an undergradu­ wa began after the Paris meeting had revealed ate member, Tuttle attended the Fraternity's that RobertAdger mythe was retaining for hi 1917 National Convention in Jacksonvi ll e, per onal use certain urn paid by th e Frater­ Florida, later serving as SMC of Beta Theta, ni ty fo r maintenance of the national office. editor-i n-chief of the Corn ell Daily Sun, and A lthough Tuttle be li eved that " th e work president of both the senior class and the At the 1929 ational Convention in Memphis, [Smythe] wa doing a the head of the ational Corn ell Student Council. Tennessee, Tuttle was elected Grand Princeps, Office of the Fraternity could not ha ve been Upon graduation, Tuttle served briefly in the the Fraternity's highest office. com pen ated for by the amount which ended Army Air Service, and then began work as a up in hi s per onal account," heal o felt trongly reporter for the New York Evening Sun, the that the highest legal and ethical principle Army and Navy Journal, and the American tiona! Convention in Atlanta, and in 1927 was mu t be adhered to by all national officers of Legion Weekly. In 1921 , he returned to Cornell elected the Fraternity's Grand Chancellor, a the Fraternity. Accordingly, Tuttle approached to enter law school, where he di stingui shed post he would hold until 1929. Junior Founder Dr. Howard Bel !Arbuckle, and himself as editor-in-chief of the Cornell Law It was during his term a Grand Chancellor enli ted hi a si tance in bringi ng about the Quarterly, and was honored with the Board­ that Tuttle first came to fearthat certain finan­ difficult but necessary change in the Frater­ man Scholarship and the Order of the Coif. cial irregularities were occurring in the nity's hi ghest leadership. After receiving his law degree from Cornell Fraternity's management, fears which would Tuttle's own recoll ections of these event , in 1923, Tuttle and hi s wife, the former Sara have extraordinary consequence for Pi Kappa recounted in an oral hi story provi ded to Dr. Sutherland, moved toAtlanta, Georgia, where Alpha in the years ahead. Tuttle's concern Reel during the 1980s, best capture the di ffi­ they would reside for most of their over 75 were first raised when he learned that the three culty of hi task, a well as the strength of years of marriage. Establishing a law practice senior members of the a tiona! Fraternity ­ Tuttle's character and will: with hi s brother-in-law, it was during hi s earl y Grand Princeps John R. Perez, Grand Secre­ "Although I do not remember all the detail , years inAtlanta thatTuttle would leave hi s last­ taJy J. Lorton Francis, and Grand Treasurer it was at Troutdale ... that the change in set up, ing mark on Pi Kappa Alpha. RobertA. Smythe- had met in Paris, France, taking from Bobby mythe complete control at Fraternity expense. Although Tuttle wou ld over the affairs of the Fraternity, to run them later recall that this Pari meeting"caused the as he saw fit, occurred. It in olved everal rai ing of a few eyebrows" at the ti me, none leepless ni ght for all of u and it fell to my pon arriving in Atlanta as a young law­ among the more junior officer ofPi KappaAl­ lot to undertake to per uade him to relinqui h U yer, one ofTuttle's first tasks was to pay pba " felt that he was in a position to challenge gracefully the power that he had thu far held, his respects to the Fraternity's legendary Jun­ the actions ofs uch knowledgeable elder ofthe since he wa thought by all active members ior Founder and then-Grand Treasurer, Rob­ Fraternity." throughout the country to be really the father ert Adger Smythe, as well as Smythe' a si - At the 1929 a tiona! Convention in Mem­ of the Fraternity. In accomplishing thi I had tant Robert M. Mcfarland, with whom he phis, Tennes ee, Tuttle wa elected Grand Prin­ the great help of an honored former nominal formed a li fetime friend hip. Tuttle quickly ceps, the Fraternity' hi ghest office. He began head of the Fraternity, Dr. Arbuckle of became active in the local Atlanta a lumni to undertake a complete revision of Pi Kappa Davi d on College .... I pointed out to [ mythe] club, assisted in the planning of the 1926 Na- Alpha's constitution fo r submission to the that he wa at the height of hi s affection in

SEPTEMBER 1996 49 the mind of the Fraternity and refused as long as so many that in order to start a sound or­ young men whom he knew gani zation for ensuing years ... and loved, including hi s son it would be wise for him to give and nephew, were serving in up the active management of active combat. During action the Fraterni ty's affairs and be in the Pacific theater, Tuttle honored by an election to the took part in the invasion of position of H onorary Life Guam, Leyte Gulf, and President. ... He fin all y acqui­ Okinawa, suffering multiple esced. The Constitution was wounds in hand-to-hand ac­ amend ed, the new officers were tion. As a result of hi s heroic elected, and Brother Smythe service, Tuttle was awarded retired from the active manage­ the Purple Heart with Oak Leaf ment of the Fra-ternity's af­ Clusters, the Bronze Star, and fai rs." the Legion of Merit, and ulti­ Dr. Arbuckle himself would mately rose to the rank of later recall that the 1933 Con­ Brigadier-General. venti on "was a trying ordeal to Following the war, Tuttle me on account of the revelations returned toAtlanta, but in 1953 made concerning th e acti ons of was asked by President Dwight one of my old friends." Yet Eisenhower to serve as Gen­ through Tuttle's integrity and eral Counsel for the U.S. Trea­ The Supreme Council is assembled in this rare photo from the 1933 Troutdale sury Department. His career firm convictions, as well as the Convention. Tuttle is seated fourth from left; to his left are Robert Adger Smythe having apparently reached its support ofDr. Arbuckle and oth­ and Howard Bell Arbuckle. ers, the Fraternity withstood extraordinary apex, Tuttle was this trying ordeal and emerged from Troutdale lawyer. Spending his own money to represent honored with Pi Kappa Alpha's 1954 Distin­ with new leadership and a new management an indigent man who had been convicted with­ guished Achievement Award. However, un­ structure designed to carry Pi Kappa Alpha out being informed of his right to have coun­ known to both Tuttle and the Fraternity, his into the years of growth which lay ahead. sel present to assist him at trial, Tuttle per­ most lasting career achievements were yet to By 1936, Tuttle was ready to step down as suaded the Supreme Court that the Constitu­ occur. the Fraternity's national head. His reforms tion guarantees citizens accused of felonies were being implemented and the Fraternity's an absolute right to assistance of counsel. finances had now improved, and Tuttle thus With the outbreak of World War II, Tuttle inform ed the nominating committee at the left hi s law practice in Atlanta to enlist in the n 1954, President Eisenhower asked Tuttle 1936 New Orleans Convention that he would Army, ri sing to command a field artillery bat­ I to accept appointment to the United States not stand for reelection. However, on the day talion ofthe 77th Infantry Division.Although Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, which that the nominating committee was to report, offered a non-combat staff position, Tuttle at that time was the federal appellate bench an undergraduate delegate took the Convention with responsibility for Florida, Georgia, Ala­ flo or and announced that "All we active del­ bama, Mississippi, Louisiana andTexas. Blind egates to the Convention have decided that we Although offered a non-combat staff position to the turmoil which was soon to come, Tuttle wantBrotherTuttle as our national president." during World War II, Tuttle refused as long as remarked to a friend that he wa s "going home Tuttle was unanimously reelected national so many young men whom he knew and loved, to retire on the Fifth Circuit." When hi s friend president, and agreed to serve for an additional including his son and nephew, were serving in reminded him that the Supreme Court had just active combat. two years in order to complete hi s reforms. issued its decision in Brown v. Board of Edu­ Had Tuttle's career simply ended at this cation, striking down the"separate but equal" point, his revered place in the Fraternity's his­ doctrine and ordering an end to racial segre­ tory would be secure. Yet as the curtain closed gation of public schools, Tuttle remarked that o n Troutdale in 1933, Tuttle's service as a dis­ it would be oflittle moment, since he was con­ tinguished alumnus was on ly beginning. fident the Southern states would "fall in line" and do the ri ght thing. Instead, at age 57, Judge Tuttle walked into a political and judicial frrestorm. Political lead­ hroughout the 193 0s, Tuttle established ers were openly urging their constituents to Thi s reputation as a lawyer committed to defy federal law, and many federal and state upholding the principle of law in several no­ trial court judges refused to enforce theBrown table cases. For example, in 193 1, as a mem­ decision and other civil rights rulings. Yet ber of the Georgia National Guard, Tuttle Judge Tuttle persevered, reversing recalcitrant helped save an accused black man from lynch­ lower court judges and entering emergency ing by an angry mob, later agreeing to serve orders to block unlawful treatment of black as the man's lawyer. In 1933, Tuttle took on citizens. His notable rulings included requir­ the case of another black man who had been ing Mississippi to petmit bl ack citizens to vote, sentenced to 18 years of hard labor for sim­ ordering the first black student admitted to the ply distributing literature calling for an end University ofMississippi, and blocking a lower to segregati on. Tuttle ultimately convinced court's order which would have pen:nitted the the Supreme Court that the statute under expulsion of over I ,000 black Alabama hi gh whi ch the man was convicted was unconsti­ school students arrested for civil rights dem­ tuti onal. Later, in 1934, Tuttle arguedJohnson onstrations. v. Zerbst, hi s mo t signifi cant victory as a Judge Tuttle's extraordinary achievements

50 SEPTEMBER 1996 during the civil ri ghts era are well chronicled fort to gi e effect to the right to ote, and the in Jack Bass' book, Unlikely Heroes, which conflict over di mantling the Jim row y - also chroni cles the high price Tuttl e occasion­ tern of public egregation." ally paid fo r hi s-adherence to the rule of law. imilarly, hi longtime friend and ol­ Yet although often facing o tracism from the league, Judge John Minor i dom, ha writ­ local community and selected peers, as well ten that Judge Tuttle\ a "hea ily endowed a abusive telephone call interspersed with with con cience ... which told him what wa threats of phys ical violence, he and a few other right and no per onal con equence wayed Southern fe deral j udges ultimately preva il ed him from hi duty a he aw it." through sheer fo rce of character and will. For Yet the true e ence of Judge Tuttle' ex­ hi s extraordinary record of adherence to prin­ traordinary integrity may be t be g leaned cipl e in the face of adversity, Judge Tuttle was from hi own word . peaking to a group of awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom Emory Univer ity tudent everal year ago, by President Carter in 198 1 and the Edward Judge Tuttle offered the following admoni­ J. Devitt Distingui shed Service to Justice tion: Award in 1989, and in 1990, the E leventh "The profes io nal man i in e ence one Circuit Court of Appeals bu ild ing in Atl anta who pro ides ervice. He has no good to sell, was renamed in hi s honor. no land to ti ll. His onl y as et i him elf. It turn s Writing about Judge Tuttle and three of his out that there i no right price fo r ervice, for equall y courageou peers on the old Fifth Cir­ what i a share of a man worth? If he doe not cuit appeals court, Supreme Court Justice contain the quality of integrity, he i worth­ Sandra Day O'Connor has observed that: Ies . If he does, he is priceless. The value is " It is cause fo r both celebrati on and shame either nothing or it is infinite." that these judges had to sacrifice so much A true man of integrity, Brother Elbert Parr merely to perfo rm their duty. We can now cel­ Tuttle ha left a legacy for Pi KappaAipha and ebrate their courage, yet still feel shame that For his extraordinary record of adherence to the nation which will stand the test of time. simple principles of equali ty were so stead­ principle in the face of adversity, Judge Tuttle He hall be mi ed very much indeed. fastl y resisted. The dedication of the e judges was awarde d the Preside ntia l Medal of Freedom by President Carter in 1981 and the to the Constitution shaped nearl y every sig­ Edward J. Devitt Distinguished Ser vice to Allen W Groves is a partner with Glas , nificant event in the struggle for civil ri ghts: Justice Award in 1989, and in 1990, th e McCullough, Sherrill & Harrold in Atlanta, Geor­ the battles over desegregati on of the State Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals building in gia, and served as executive director ofth e Frater­ Universiti es and local school systems, the ef- Atlanta was renamed in his honor. nity from 1984-87. PI KAPPA ALPHA OFFICIAL JEWELRY

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through proper nutrition and exercise. Ruprecht has been working towards competing in the The r~ Tronman in Hawa ii . Gamma Delta Chapter Atlanta Area University ofA rizona Robert Schimmel '67 is an art consultant with AlumniAssociation Sierra Gall eries in Caesar's Casino in Lake Ta hoe. He and hi s wife, Sherry, have two daugh­ Annual Officers Brothers, Gamma Delta has come a long ters. way since we graduated. We have a new Cocktail Reception house and the new brothers have done an ARIZONA STATE excell ent job of keeping up th e strong Pi ke tradition. Thu rsday, November 7, 1996 Joey Barnes '87 was named regional sa les di ­ Homecoming rector of the year fo r 1995 and was named to the 5: 30 - 7:30 p.m. is November 16th thi s year, and 1 have Sales Hall of Fame fo r Laboratory Corporati on Capita l City Club-Brookhaven purchased a block of 30 seats fo r anyone of America. who is coming to join in the activities. There will be great acti vities and plenty ARKANSAS For more information, call: of fri ends you have not seen in quite a Scott Hall whi le, plus many new brothers with Michael W. Penney '77 received his degree in (770) 924-1111 whom we can get acquainted. Please call May 1996 from th e University ofA rkansas Col­ me if you would like to sit with your lege of Medi cine and will start hi s surgery resi­ brothers at the game. dency at Va nderbi lt Uni versi ty on July I, 1996. PiKA Alumni new to Atlanta Chris Stocks He and his wife, Jenni fer, had a son, Alexander are especially welcome! (800) 733-6079 or Clark, born March 27, 1996. (602) 381-6444 direct. Allen W. Ranson '78 is a seni or manager with nounce the birth of their son, Cull en Mason, on DeLoitte & To uche of Little Rock in their tax June 26, 1996. practi ce. ALABAMA ARKANSAS STATE Cary Bonner '91 has returned to Waco, Texas, as Scott L. Brown '83 was promoted to distri ct a youth minister for First Baptist Church ofWaco. sales manager with the John H. Harl and Com­ Dannie L. Daughhetee '92 married RobinAnn He spent two years in Ethiopia forthe Peace Corps, pany inAtlanta, Georgia. He and hi s wife , Deni se, Pollard on December 16, 1995, in Proctor, Arkan­ helping to furn ish electricity to an outlying village, ann ounce th e birth of th eir son, William Gri ffi n, sas. Adi sAdeba. on March 20, 1996. Mark McDonald '80 and hi s wife, Robin, an­ R. Scott Fritz '85 and hi s wife, Jennifer, announce Glenn Eliott '35 is chai rman of two scholarship nounce the birth of a daughter, Meridith Elise, on th e birth ofthei rdaughter, Dan non Christine, on committees, one for hi s church and one for vet­ November 5, 1995, w ho j o in s her brother, November26, 1995. erans. He is a member of a group called Pearl Mitchel. McDonald is a sales representative with Harbor Survivors, and has worked fo r the estab­ Authentic Press in Arlington, Texas. Christopher R. Haworth '87 and hi s wife, li shment of a Pearl Harbor monument in Wash­ Sharon, have a son, James Prenti ss, born Novem­ ington, D.C. Peter M. O'Connor, Jr. '91 is employed by Mu­ ber 14, 1994. tual of Omaha. He has been an agent fo r three ALABAMA-BIRMINGHAM years and train s other agents for his di strict. BOWLING GREEN STATE Thomas E. Taylor '76 and hi s wife , Li z, an­ AUBURN nounce the birth of their son, Peyton Rutledge, Stephen G. Daley '86 opened an office for the on December 6, 1995. firm, Edward Jones Investments in Grandview Aaron N. Bacus '92 works fo r Merri ll Lynch in Heights/Columbus, Ohio. He was elected trea­ Jacksonville, Florida. Creed Wh ite '79 was promoted to area manager surer of Grandview/Marble C li ff Chamber of at Pi cker Intern ati onal, a medical diagnosti c Commerce and appointed to the board oftmst­ John M. Suddeth, Jr. '81 and hi s wife, Eliza­ imaging company. He lives in Birmingham, and ees for Northwest Counseling Services in Co­ beth , announce the birth oftheir son, John Mixon, his area wi ll includeAiabama, Mississippi, Te n­ lumbus, Ohio. nessee and Ark ansas. lll. They li ve in Fort Myers, Florida, where he works as a trust portfo lio manager with Sun Trust Bank. Donald C. McFadyen '56 was promoted to sec­ ALABAMA-HUNTSVILLE retary of the Board offmstees for the Fern andina Beach, Florida, Police and Fire Pension Board . Kirk L. Riggs '92 graduated from the Air Force AUSTIN PEAY Officers ' Trai ning School on March 15, 1996, and BRADLEY is now attending undergraduate space and mis­ John A. Blackburn '92 is a case manager em­ sil e trai ning at Va ndenberg Air Force Base in ployed at Harriett Cohn Mental Health Center in Cali fornia . Clarksville, Tennessee. Stephen H. Kukta '85 married Gretchen Wang on October 28, 1995. He is working as a corpo­ ARIZONA James Vinson '82 has been promoted to a vice rate attorney/fin ancial analyst in Reno, Nevada. president fo r Nautica Footware, a di vision of Devon Bream '88 resigned as the national sales Genesco, Inc. He has been with th e company for Robert T. Niederhauser '82 has accepted a po­ director of fTC to begin a busi ness venture in nine years and was most recently a director of sition with Mustang Tractor and Equipment Southern California with two fraternity brothers. product development. Company in the power systems division as en­ gine sales manager. He and hi s wife, Jennife r, Herb Ruprecht '86 has begun a busin ess in fi t­ BAYLOR have two sons, Madi son Chase and Devi n Trent. ness and health with his broth er Greg. The mi s­ They will be relocating from Peori a, Illinois, to sion of the business is to promote well ness John H. Bennett '86 and hi s wife, Loryn, an- Houston, Texas.


Gary Alegre '88 graduated from Tufts Univer­ Ee sity School of Medicine and wi ll begin hi s fir t Epsilon Theta Chapter year residency in ortliopedi c surgery at the U.C. Colorado State University CARNEGIE-ME LLON r 1 Medical Center in Sacramento. And re w Bordick '90 ' a Attention Epsil on Theta lumni! Richard J . Armstrong '90 received his juris promoted to lieutenant junior The Colorado tate Univer ity Pike doctor degree from Ari zona tate' Coll ege of grade in the are proud to announce their Law on May 9, 1996. He is a fir t li eutenant in May. the U.S. Marine Corps. Annual Alumni GolfTournament CALIFORNIA-NORTHRIDGE co-sponsored by Anheuser-Busch. Proceeds going toward Cystic Fibrosis. CENTRAL FLORIDA Greg Eberhardt '80 and hi wife, Camdon, wel­ comed th eir new daughter, Kend all Clark, born Saturday, October 12, 1996 RobertLane '89i ana i tantgolfprofe ional April24, 1996, who joins her sister Brynne. Greg South ridge Golf Cour e at the Maroon reek tub in A pen, olorado. is a real estate portfolio manager for Metropoli­ To urnament begin s at 8:00 a.m. tan Life in Los Angele . Cost per player : $75 Kevin T. Sweeney '89 wa promoted to vice president/branch manager for Barnett Bank in t. Mark E. Lauren '78 became a firefighter with For more information, contact Peter burg, Florida, and i working on hi M.B. . Carmel Hi ghl ands Fire District and received state Alumni News & otes Hotline He and hi wife, Mary LaRue, bought a home in (3 03) 784-5898 certification as an E.M.T. "Old orthea t" in t. Peter burg. Derek Getto (970) 224-4278 Jerry Niehaus '70 ha s retired from the LosAn­ geles Police Department 's Anti-Terrorist divi- Continued on page 54

ing out many of the larger ve nues in the a year later The Flood wa in demand and Southeast as a headliner act. their first major recording wa in the Pikes on CD Where I Wanna Be was produced by Dan works. One Million Miles i a blend of Hodgin of M-80 Management G ro up. the simplicity of small town Waukesha, Hodgin has been called "the clo est thing to WI, (a surpri ingly mu ical town that holds Where I Wauna Be a Star Maker in the Carolinas" - he had a the birth of such arti ts as Les Paul , Steve Cravin' Melon big part in the early success of Hootie and Miller and BoDean ) and the influences Seedless Records the Blowfish. With the success of the CD of the Minneapoli and Chicago mu ic and Hodgin's management advice, Cravin ' scenes. Catchy lyrics speak to audience Where I WannaBe, the first Melon recently signed a multi-album deal without taking advantage of the generic full length CD released by with Mercury Records. " my life is so hard" routine that seems to Cravin' Melon, is quickly be­ With the record deal in hand Cravin' Melon have devoured the coll ege music scene. [lj Lead guitarist Joe Egla , Ryan Rappi on coming the most sought after seems destined to keep the Carolina music retail and radio release in the Southeast train rolling right along. bass and Brad Richter joining with rhythm from an independent band. The band has For a copy of Where I Wanna Be write to guitar mix with Seidel to create a raw, already sold 20,000 copies of the CD. Seedless records at I 0 I North St., Taylors, dry cutting ound that is simply entertain ­ When you li sten to the electrified-acous­ SC 29687, or visit their Web Page at http:// ing. "Spend Some Time" and "One Mil­ tic sound of this New South rock band li on Mile " are prime examples of the this comes as no surprise. The sound bands li ghter side and musical ability. conjures up an image of Hootie and the The Flood wi ll begin recording their Blowfish jamming with R.E.M. One Million Miles second CD, due out in December '96, later this fall. In the meantime the group is em­ The group blends its fresh southern T he Flood barking on a midwest tour beginning early sound with the soulful vocals of lead Buckshot M usic Augu t. There is no doubt that the per­ singer Doug Jones (Clemson University, One Million Miles is the de­ sonality of the band comes through in live Eta Alpha '85). Jones' talented voice can but album for this band out of perfmmances wh ich makes them a favor­ range from wistful to downright gruff, all Waukesha, Wisconsin. The ite of the coll ege aged crowd. The Flood in the same song. He combines with the Flood has stormed the music ha traveled the country playing univer­ backing vocals of guitarist Jimbo scene in the midwest, acquiring a loyal fo l­ sity events and greek functions and i look­ Chapman to forn1 an infectious harn1ony. lowing in Milwaukee, Minneapolis and Chi­ ing forward to a busy schedule of shows Some of the best melodies come from the cago. In October 1995 they toured with The in the coming year. The growing popular­ popular tracks "Sweet Tea" and "Blos­ Violent Femmes and later opened for Alannis ity of The Flood leaves no doubt that the som". Morrissette in Minneapolis. Their three cur­ future i bright for th ese hometown hero . The band was formed in 1993 when rent releases, "Letters to Home" , "One Mil­ Informati on on tour date and booking Jones and bass player J .J. Bowers li on Miles" and "Today Milwaukee" receive can be obtain ed by writing The Flood, P.O. (Clemson University, Eta Alpha '89), then consistent airplay in Minneapolis and Mil­ Box 1544, Waukesha, WI 53 187. Copie playing in a band called Doghouse, met waukee. of One Million Miles are avai lable, $ 10 Chapman and drummer Rick Reames, Lead singer, songwriter and drummer. Bill plu $2 shipping and handling. who were in another band. Cravin' Melon Seidel (University of Minnesota, Beta Chi has been rapidly building a fan ba e, sell- '92) assembled the band in 1992. Less than


CHAPMAN Andrew Costello '88 graduated from the chool South Florida Alumni of Medicine and i now doing re idency in emer­ Adam J. Riffe '92 is a tax accountant for Le ley, gency medicine. Thoma , chwarz, and Postma, Inc. in ewport I f you 're intere ted in fo rming an Beach, California. Jerry D. Drucker '91 is a commerc ial banking a lumni association fo r the purpose of as ociate at unTru t Bank, living in Atlanta. CLEMSON a s i ting w ith a hou ing proj ect for Kappa Gamma C hapte r Wiley H. Fields, Jr. '69 has returned to hi s home in Pa lm Springs, Cali fornia, after working in at F lorida Internationa l U niversity J. Rene Josey '78 ha been named interim U . . France and Switzerl and with an internati onal ac­ attorney fo r South Carolina. The interim pro - in M ia mi, please contact: counting firm for two years. ecutor i appointed by the state's fe deral judge . Paul Wi nke lj ohn Josey graduated from Clemson in 1982 and from (305) 256-6817 Steven E. Gurdin '87, a graduate oftheAlbany the University of South Caro lina law school in Law School, i a fir t-year as ociate at Ardiff & 1985. He was a law clerk fo r U.S. District Judge Morse PC practi cing in the areas of domesti c re­ C. Weston Houck fro m 1985-87. lati on and general civil litigation. EAST CAROLINA COLORADO Todd Gates '91 lives in Boston and i an a o­ Jeremy L. Findlay '92 is working as a building ciate with Signal Industries. Jorgan K. Andrews '91 joined the diplomati c supe rintendent fo r Pro pect Homes in Rich­ corp of the U.S. State Department in June 1995 mond, Virgi nia. Charles B. Gillespie '54, an orthopedi c urgeon and works in Moscow, Russia. He previou ly with theAlbany, Georgia, Orthopedic Center, has practi ced corporate law in San Francisco. Bruce Lau '86 and hi s wife, Kathy, and son, been appointed to the volunteer faculty o f the Chri stopher, live in Rogers, Arkansas, where he Mercer University School of Medic in e. is a captain in the corporate aviati on department Dan Culberson '60, Boulder author, editor and at Wa l-Mart tore , In c. pub! is her, finished an article reque ted by the Jeffrey F. Gordon '80, a trial attorney, is a part­ Rocky Mountain Skeptics with the unwieldy ti tl e ner in the firm of Broad and Casse l in West Palm EAST TEXAS STATE Beach, Florida. He and hi s wife, Gay, have three of"The 'Touch' of the Decades", or"How to Hit chi ldren. the Government up fo r Grant Money without Chris Campbell '94 mar­ Physicall y Coming into Contact". ri ed Rachel Lykke on Janu­ David M. Green '82, a major in the U. S. Air a ry 6, 1996. Campbe ll Force at Travis Medica l Center, and his wife, COLORADO STATE served as IMC fo r Theta Xi Sandra, live in Vacavi ll e, Ca li fornia, with their and Interfraternity Counc il two children, Justin and Melanie. Steve Husner '94 has been tran ferred from President. Chi cago to LosAngeles with Nati onsWayTran - Tommy Hahm '88 is in a general surgery resi­ port ervice. dency at Emory. Craig Darden '81 and hi s wife announce the birth of their daughter, Madison Mari e, on Janu­ Rick Taylor '90 is a regional manager fo r Tel­ Michael Hellstrom '80 is an otolaryngologist ary 6, 1996. Darden has ex panded hi s insurance Tron Technologie in Daytona Beach, Florida, practi c in g in Anderson, South Carolina. He ha agency, whi ch he has owned and operated for the along with Pi ke brother, Brian Dawson. two son . Ia t nine years. Julio J. Hernandez '83 g raduated with a n CORNELL EASTERN ILLINOIS M.B.A. from Harvard Business Schoo l in June 1995, and the n spe nt n ine weeks traveling Robert J. Forness '84 and hi wi fe, Lindsay, Jeff D. Owens '86 wa promoted to genera l through SoutheastA sia, Australia, ew Zealand, a long with the ir chi ldren, Keri and Brian, are li v­ manager o fWM CI/W HQQ/WZ Y Radio in a ndTahiti . He now works as a management Co n­ ing in London, England, where he is head o f stra­ Mattoon, Illinois. sultant for Andersen Consulting, and maintains tegic planning fo r Sphere Drake, PLC. an equity position in Total Research Repl ace­ EASTERN KENTUCKY ment, Inc., a company he started in coll ege. CREIGHTON Brian S. Lindsay '87 resigned hi positi on as a senior claims repre e ntati ve wi th Allstate in Jamie Jacobs '87 is enrolled in a one-year MBA Jason Hilliard '92 is the owner and executive program at Emory University, after workin g in director of ylva n Learning Center in O maha, January 1996, and i now in hi s first year oflaw school at the niversity of Kentucky. Europe for two year . ebraska. EMORY E. Parke Kallen berg '78, a marketing manager DELAWARE for Environmental Care, has started a new busi­ Jeffrey M. Bloom '82, an attorney in Ri ve rVale, ness with his wife, Bonnie, call ed F inders Keep­ John M. MacKnight '84 has completed a pri­ New Je rsey, opene d hi s second o ffice in er . mary care sports medicine fellowship at the Uni ­ Hackensack. He announces the birth of hi s sec­ versity of orth Carolina in C hapel Hi ll. He has ond child. Chris Lao '88 is in his second year at Mount accepted a po ition on the facul ty at the ni ver- Sinai School of Medicine in ewYork. ity ofVirgi nia as an assi tant professor of c lini ­ Val jean B. Brookshaw,Jr. '91 has joined Invest­ cal internal medicin e. ment Coun elors ofAlabama. He and hi s wife li ve WilliamS. Leach '77 i a partner in Red Leach in Birmingham. & Son l n urance. He and his wife , Debbie, have DUKE three children. Edward J. Brown '88 i an assi tant regiona l marketin g manager for ike. Matt Levy '90 i in hi third year o f Boston Mike Davitt '90 married Michell e Goldenberg University's JD/MBA program. · onAugust 12, 1995. He graduated from the ni­ William E. Cannon, Jr. '71 i trea urer of the ver ity ofVirginia chool of Law in May 1996, tate bar in Georgia and i practici ng law at hi AndrewW. Littauer '74 is director of managed and i an as ociate with the firm of Jone , Day, firm inA lbany. He and hi wife , Dawn Shannon, care fo r the Virgi ni a division of Columbia/ HCA Ream & Pogue in Dall a . have two children. Healthcare Corp. in Richmond.


Rick A. Mars '81 and his wife,Aiison, welcomed ington, ew York, recently vi ited Emory, the FLORIDA SOUTHERN a new on in December 1995.A dentist with Den­ Pike Hou e andAtla nra. While there, he met with tal Care Group in o rth Miami Beach, Mar SteveWinter '81 , Larry Stoumen '82, and both Michael A. Carter '92 married ancy Kal na on opened a second practice in January in Pembroke their familie . o ember I , 1995, with 13 of hi Delt a Delta Pine , Florida. brother pre ent. He work a a retai l upport Matthew R. Wilson '92 i an analyst in corpo­ analy t at Publix uperM arket in Lakeland, Jeffrey D. Meyer '85 and hi wife, Debbie, an­ rate fin ance at Cha e Manhattan Bank in ew Fl orida. nounce the birth of their on, Chad, born in Sep­ York. tember 1995. Meyer, an attorney with Beneseh, FRANCIS MARION Friedlander in Columbu , Ohio, authored the FLORIDA book, Legal Briefs. Murry B. Howle, Jr. '87 and hi wi fe , ami li e, Harvey Oyer '88, chapter advisor fo r Alpha Eta, announce the birth of theirdaughter. ara Grace, Whit Mims '87 graduated from the C-Chapel is a student at the University of Fl orida's ollege on February 7, 1996. Hill School ofMedicine in May 1995, and started of Law. his residency in otolaryngology at the Bowman GANNON Gray School of Medicine. John P. Mooney, Jr. '87 i attached to the trike Fighter Squadron VFA-27 and ha been cho en Edward A. Hemler '88and hi wife, Donna, an­ Davis Ratner '90 work for the Multiple Scle­ for the Navy's Topgun Weapons School in March nounce th e birth of their on, Brady Michael, on rosis Society ofAmerica in Boston. 1997. May 3 I, 1996.

Allen Reichstrin '85 married Lisa Emert in Feb­ John M. Morgan '39 retired in 1990, after prac­ Eric M. Stevens '90 wa promoted from pro­ ruary 1995. He is the founder of Mortgage Ex­ ticing 40 year in an ford, Florida as an obste­ gram coordinator for Greater Ea t Tennes ee to press, lnc., one of the largest brokerage firm In trician/gynecologist. di trict director of Indianapoli s, Indiana. Palm Beach County.

George R. Salem '72 is a partner atAkin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer& Feld LLP inWa hington, D.C. He served as solicitor ofthe U.S. Department of ball quad in the Olympics. He had a 3- Labor, enforcing law that regulate the work 0 record in three tarts during the Olym­ place. Salem is a member of the bar in Georgia, pics. Hi three wins were the most of Florida and Wa hington, D. C. any USA pitcher. His third victory came in the bronze medal game against ica­ Vincent E. Scarlatos '87 married Susy Rhodes ragua. in October 1994. He is an attorney with the law The coaches set the rotation so that firm of Taylor, Lawless & Singer in Sarasota, Grei inger would pitch the gold medal Florida. game, should the team make it that far. The popular beliefwa that uba would be in the Gold medal game and Ronald S. Schonwetter '76 is an a sociate pro­ Greisinger had the be t start again t fes or of geriatri c medi ci ne at the Uni versity of Cuba in the pre-season, pitching seven South Florida Coll ege ofMedicine and serve a innings, allowing one run on five hit medical directorofHospice ofH ill sborough, Inc. (he left the game with the core tied). He and hi s wife, Rita, have three chi ldren. Unfortunately for Grei inger, team USA wa up et by Japan o he never Mitch Siegan '88 is doing an anesthesia re i­ got the chance to face Cuba again. Re­ dency at Harvard. gardless, Grei inger pitched a superb game to clinch the bronze medal for the Kenneth J. Smondrowski '88 is an assistant USA. In pre-season O lympic tune up golf professional at Huntingdon Valley Country games Greisinger was a perfect 6-0 in Club in orri town, Penn ylvania, and working 7 start , giving him a total of 9 win toward member hip in the P.G.A. ofAmeri ca. He and 0 losse as a member of the U A married Rebecca Kell er in ovember 1994. ba eball team. In addition to posting the best overall record, Greisinger lead all Robert Sternthal '89 graduated from Temple pitchers in strikeouts. Law School in July 1996. He is working as a fed­ This past college season, he was the eral prosecutor for the Securities & Exchange ace of the University of Virginia staff. Commi ion in ewYork City. He was chosen 6th overall by the De­ troit Tigers in the 1996 entry draft. A Kenneth H. Thomas '65 wrote that " Fraternity of yet, he i ti II un igned. Alex Tammert, a member of the has meant life-long friendship and memories. Southern Methodist University track Being active in the hou e corporation is also a and field team, is among the premiere way fo r me to keep up with the younger genera­ hot putters in the world and po sibly ti on." Thomas is a hi stori an with the Department Pikes Go For The Gold the best to ever come from Estonia. Tammert of atural Resources in Atlanta. al o throw the di cu , in which event he com­ As the World's top athlete gathered in At­ peted for his home country in his first Olym­ Alfred H. Underwood, Jr. '51 is a denti tin M i­ lanta for the 1996 Summer Olympic Game , pic . Tammert had an impressive showing, ami, Florida, and serves as first vice commander Seth Greisinger (Virginia, Alpha '95) and placing eleventh in his group with a throw of in American Legion Post 29 and plays clarinet AleksanderTammert (Southern Methodist, Beta l 93-8. This wa good enough to place him 25th in the orth Miami Communi ty Band. Zeta '95) sought Olympic gold. Greisinger was out of 40 men competing. a right handed pitcher for the USA baseball Tammert plans to be back in the Olympics Mike Werther '92 is a trading assistant at J.P. team and Tammert threw the di cus for his home in the 2000 Summer Game in Sydney, Au - Morgan ecurities, In c. in ewYork City. country of E toni a. tralia. With four more years of competition Greisinger was one of seven college pitch­ under his belt he will be poised for a run at ers to make an appearance for the USA base- Olympic Gold. Matthew C. Wilkoff '79, who lives in Port Wash-


GEORGIA SOUTHERN rna ter' degree at Harvard niver ity Divinity after tudying at the Uni er ity of lllinoi and chool in eptember, after graduating from High i no\ a foreign exchange tudent and mone Stewart Applbaum '93 is working for IBM in Point with a B. . in religion and philo ophy, market dealer with u tralia ' bigge t bank , tl ant a. magna cum laude. We rpac. He i till training hard, hoping one day to repre ent hi country in rugby. HIGH POINT ILLINOIS

Keith Anderson '93 will be starting work on hi s Jeremy Rolleston '92 has returned to Austra lia

Pikes Carry Olympic Flame

he Olympic torch sig­ he was chosen from thou­ ni fies th e irrepressibl e ands of applica nt to be one pi rit of the Ol ympi c o f 51 Community Hero move ment. It stand fo r all torchbearers in the Bay area. th at i good an d ri ght in our Metzger was ecstati c over wo rl d. When the torch li ghts hi s participati on in the Relay. the ca ldron at Olympic Sta­ "As an av id sports fan and dium, fo r a g lori ous two regular athl ete, I wa trul y week. , the countri es of the hocked that this was happen­ world set as ide th eir differ­ in g to me," Metzger aid . ences and di sagreements and "The Olympi cs represent people of all races and cul­ something trul y pecial in our tmes come togeth er to ce l­ wo rld ... ! see the Ol ympic ebrate the ultimate in human Fl ame repre enting every­ athletic achi evement. Prior to thing th e World needs to its arri va l at Olympi c Sta­ make thi s a better pl ace .. . l dium, th e torch was rela yed think carrying thi s torch i aro un d th e nited State so the greatest honor of my life." th at as many Ameri can as Keith Metzger carries the torch across the Pacific Coast Hi ghway As if delivering th e torch po ibl e co uld see thi s sy m­ headed for the Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. to Atlanta was not enough, bol of peace and exce ll ence. Pikes also kept th e bea rers Pi Kappa Alpha played an and viewers cool along the important part in thi s relay, from start to in Seoul , South Korea; the 1992 Summer wa y. Billy Co llar (Clemson, Eta Alpha fi ni sh. Ga mes in Barce lona, Spain; the 1992 Winter '90) drove th e entire Olympic torch Re­ The torch arri ved in Lo Ange les from Games in Albertvill e, France; and the 1994 lay route ju t ahead of the torchbear­ Greece onApril 27, 1996. From that point Winte r Games in Lillehammer, orway. ers, di spen ing Coca-Co la and goodwill on, until it made its way into th e hand of Pikes we re also invo lved in the legwork of to th e hundreds of th ousa nds of smil ­ Muhamm ad Ali at the opening ceremo­ the Ol ympic torch Relay. Many Pikes carried ing faces wa iting to catch a glimp e of nies on Jul y 19, th e torch was th e respon­ the torch through their communities. One such th e Olympi c Flame. Coll ar was wo rk­ sibi lity of Jeffrey C. Cravens (Kansas, Pi ke is Keith Metzger (Ca lifornia-Santa Bar­ ing a successful job in Atlanta when a Beta Gamma '82) . Cravens, senior man­ bara. Iota Kappa '9 0) . Unbeknownst to fri end as ked him i fhe knew anyone who ager of the 1996 Olympic torch Relay and Metzger, a good fri end sent a letter to ACOG mi ght be interested in driving a truck a member of the Atl anta Committee for and th e United Way touting Metzger's signifi­ for Coca-Cola (torch Relay sponso r) the th e Olympi c Ga mes (AC OG ), was th e cant community service wo rk in the San Fran­ entire Relay route. Instead of suggest­ chie f orga ni zer of th e relay. He was re- cisco Bay area. In February of 1996 Metzger ing a fri end , Co ll ar jumped at the op­ pon ibl e for coordinating the entire re­ received a letter from the United Wa y saying portunity to tour the country and see lay. encompass in g 42 states Ameri ca at it best. and coverin g 15,000 miles in Billy Coll ar di splays the torch he lead ac ross Ameri ca. Co ll ar and hi co-worker 84 day . The 1996 Olympi c wo rked 12 to 14 hour days torc h Relay was th e most in­ selling Cokes off a fl at bed vo h cd ever as approx i­ trail er ri g to massive crowds. mately I 0,000 people ca rri ed Proceeds from th e sa le went th e to rch within two hours of to local chariti es where th e 90% of th e U.S. populati on. torch was passing through. The torch averaged 182 Eve ryone Collar met was up­ miles per day and was th e beat and enthusias ti c. Sa id center of countless commu­ Co ll ar, " It' a bi g parade ev­ ni ty fe tiv ities along th e way. ery day." Cravens \\'as an idea l ca n­ Many other Pikes were didate for uch a task . He Community Hero torchbear­ joined ACOG in 1994 after ers. If you we re one, pl ea e ix years as a me mber of th e se nd us your name and where nited States Olymp ic Co m­ yo u carried th e torch. Sh ield mittee ( OC). He played an & Diamond wi ll pri nt a com­ active ro le in U OC ac tivi ties pl ete li sting in the December at the 19 8 ummer Ga mes issue.



Doug Yates '88 ha accepted the po ition ofreim­ Charles A. Barrere, Jr. '90 Paul B. Mu rphy, J r. '79 ha bursementanaly tin the medical affairs department is a weather foreca ter for been named pre ident of ofHumanaofLouisville, Kentucky. WBRZ/Channel 2 ews. He outhwe t Bank ofTe a . He is married to Jeanne-Marie and hi wife, Janice, li e in IOWA Meier. Houston\ ith their three chil­ dren, Catherine, Trey and Christopher L. Holloway MARYLAND Robert. '91 married Jill Ki ewiet on eptember 23, 1995. They Frederick J . Scully '84 took the position of re­ MISSOURI li ve in Toledo, Ohio, where he search assistant at the Urban Institute in Wa h­ is an industrial engineer for ington, D.C., a think tank which inve tigate the Jason S. Alexander '90 ha been promoted to General Motors. ocial and economic problems confronting the enior cu tomer training con ultant in the com­ nation, a well as government policies and pub­ puter system divi ion of the Reynold IOWA STATE lic and private programs designed to all eviate Reynold ompany in Minneapoli , Minne ota. them. Steve Ganch '85 and hi s w ife, Lisa, li ve in Chi ­ Douglas A. Ceresia '93 is a ale repre entative cago, where he i employed by LaSall e Partner Brian VanAtta '66 has been promoted to plant for Erne t & Julio Gallo Wine wi th Paramount of Chi cago as a project manager with their de­ manager of Flint Truck Assembly, General Mo­ Liquor Company in t. Loui . velopment management group. tors Truck Group, which builds full- ize van and crew cab pick-up truck , employing 4,000. Andrew S . Mestman '93 graduated with a po­ JOHNS HOPKINS litical ciencedegree in December 1995, and ha MASSACHUSETTS been accepted into the fa ll c las of Thoma Randy M. Becker '93 i attending medical Jefferson chool of Law in an Di ego. school at St. George' Uni versity School of Craig Fink '91 , formerly th e ports information Medicine in Grenada. When not in chool, he is director at the United tate Merchant Marine MISSOURI-ROLLA continuing research in lung transplantation in the Academy in King Point, ew York, has been division ofcardiothoracic surgery at the Uni ver­ named assistant director ofpubli c relation at the Antonio" Jon" S . Dimalanta, Jr. '90 ha joined sity of o rth Carolina at Chapel Hill. aismeth Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. Z-Tech Companie , Inc., a director of human re ources, being re pon ible for benefit admin­ KANSAS MIAMI istration, ca e management, record keeping, pub­ li c relations, adverti ing and legal i ues. Steve Cole '84and hi s wife, Vicky, announce the Ronald E. Lis '67, a commander in the U .. Dimalanta earned hi rna terofscience degree in birth ofthei rdaughter, Cory Jill , on June 6, 1996. avy, has been transferred to orfolk, Virginia, indu trial and organi zati onal p ychology from Cole practices law in Kansas City. to assume command of the Atlantic Fleet career outhwe t Mi souri tate Univer ity. He and his infonnation team. wife, Angela Renee, li ve in pringfield. KANSAS STATE MICHIGAN STATE Thomas A. Polcyn '88 i a patent and trademark Donald R. Dicken '61 has been named president attorney with the firm of Howell & Haferkamp, ofAmerican Video Gla Company, a new joint Scott Wilson '90 has been promoted to field u­ L.C. in t. Loui . venture of Sony and ComingAsahi . pervi or with Mosby Publishing in Jacksonvill e, Florida. Wilson married Stacey Byi ngton, with MISSOURI-ST. LOUIS Allan Silverwood '77 has received a promotion hi s little brother Vince Frillicci '92 as best man. w ith Anheuser Busch that w il l take him from Fell ow Pikes from Michigan State attending the Gary J . Vien '76 was promoted to corporate di­ Williamsburg to St. Louis to become coordi na­ ceremony were Jason Sielof '92, Pat Kernan '91 rectorofHuman Resources for ix Flags Theme tor of all computer services at nine Anheuser andJake Kaberle '91 . Co111inued on page 58 Busch breweries.


Alpha Epsilon Classes of '37, '38, '39 Enjoy Reunion at North Carolina State

During the recent Alumni Reunion There being no formal program after weekend at North Carolina State Univer­ dinner, each brother was asked to tell his sity, held May 2-3, 1996, seven members story from graduation up to the present, ofA lpha Epsilon from days gone by gath­ including information on children grand­ ered for a cocktail hour and dinner. With children, employment, war service, etc. A one exception, these brothers had not seen could be expected, all the narratives were each other for many years, some for more quite intere ting, and were frequently in­ than 60 years! A can be imagined, the terrupted by laughter and piercing ques­ tall tales and reminiscing went on untii the tions from the group. John Meaux '92 married Christy Shanley on late hours. Most were accompanied by This great experience will be long re­ March 30, 1996. The be t man wa hi s life long their wives, none of whom had ever met membered by all present. Another such friend, Jason Black (Beta Pi '90). Groomsmen each other. The ages of the brothers ranged gathering will take place next year, ifpos­ were Mitch Rossi '93, James Mills '93 and from 76 to 80, and all were veteran of ible, for Alpha Epsilon alumni. David Nelson '94. Many other Lamar brother military service in World War II. attended the celebration.


MURRAY STATE Duane Foster '92 is in the . . Marine orp . He flies the Lockheed KC 130 Hercule Aircraft ro Keith B. Graves '84 announce the birth of his out of Corpus Chri ti , Texas. Gamma Omicron Chapter daughter, Emily Alexandra, on April 9, 1996. Eric Fralich '87 i there taurant managerofthe Ohio University NEBRASKA-OMAHA Four ea ons in Boston, Ma achu etts. He and hi wife, Eva, live in orthAndover. The Gamma Omicron Herbert Wehner '67 is on an international as­ Alumni Association ignment with Xerox Corporation, Xerox China Craig Hartigan '91 has transferred to the Wash­ Ltd. He i the global accounts manager, and i ington, D.C. area, where he i the vice pre ident is having it eleventh annual meeting in living in Hong Kong. and regional director for the Putnam lnve tment Firm. Athens, Ohio NEW HAMPSHIRE October 18-20, 1996 Jim Highet '61 i now a igned state ide in Bu f­ falo, ew York , with hi wife, orie. They had Joseph Aco race '60 has completed hi term of been living in Thailand for everal year . We are celebrating the constructi on of office as the chairman of the ew Hampshire the first phase of our new chapter State Liquor Commission and is enjoyi ng active house, with a formal Andrew Macleod '89 works for Harvard Uni­ retirement in Manchester. ve r ity in the business ofleasing commercial and Open House residentia l real e tate, whi le obtai ning hi Hugh Butterfield '63 1ives in Bossier City, Loui­ master's degree from Harvard. aturday, October 19, 1996 siana, after retiring as a colonel in the Air Force 2:00p.m.- 4:00p.m. after 28 years of active service. Roland Murray '85 and hi s wife, Donna, an­ nounce the birth of their son, Alexander in o­ All alumni are cordially invited! Andrew Cioffi '81 is an atto rn ey in Raleigh, vember 1995. Murray is the director of orth orth Carolina. He has three sons. American ale fo r Trotter lnc. They li e in Well esley, Massachusetts. Mark Crotty '75 is working fort he Gi llette Com­ Park , Inc. in Par ippany, ew Jersey. Vien and pany as a division manager. He li ves in orth NORTH CAROLINA STATE hi s wife, Mary Paula, are also pleased to an­ Andover, Massachusett . nounce the birth of their daughter, Laura Eli za­ Jeffrey G. Vaughan '85 i an investment advi­ beth, on eptember 13, 1995,joining her sister, sor with Legg Mason in Charlotte. He and his Kathryn MaryAnne. Mike Donovan '88 is an account manager fo r wife, Emily, announce the birth of th ei r daugh­ Reynolds & Reynolds. He lives in South Ea ton, ter, Rachel Lynn, on May 14, 1996. MONTANA STATE Massachusetts. NORTH TEXAS Greg Taylor ' 87 is the David Dumais '85 lives in Salem, Massachu­ founder and president of the setts, where he is a ales representative withAstra Brian Anderson '80 is the owner of Sovereign board of directors of Health Pharm aceuticals. Financial, a fin ancial services firm erving the Promotion Organizatio n in Dalla -Ft. Worth metroplex and the Denton area. Eugene, Oregon. He obtained Kevin Forrest '89 is a captain in the U.S. Air a second degree from orth­ Force. He lives in Swainsboro, Georgia, with hi s Craig LoSasso '91 is working a a firefighter/ west Christian Coll ege in managerial leadership. wife, Shellie. paramedi c for the McKinney Fire Department, located just north of Dallas. He lives in Pl ano.


J . Patrick Davis '90 is th e security consultant USC Alumni Return to the Red Castle for Masada Security Systems in the Oklahoma City office. This year, the Pikes from the classes of Herb Brow n ' 38, who relived his 1942 1939 through 1949 came hom e to the wedding day w hen Mabelle Hammer­ NORTHERN KENTUCKY fabled 'Red Castle" close to the USC cam ­ strom walked down the stately curving pus. staircase to say " I do". Brown now recruits Ted G. Pappas '82 has a private pediatric prac­ The reunion was held at the tum-of­ promising students for USC. ti ce in Highl and Heights, Kentu cky. He serves as the-century andstone mansion, built by Over lunch on the veranda, PiKAs and the president of KU Biology Alumni Club, and lumber tycoon Thoma Stimson, and to­ their wives reminisced as a pianist played was named to serve on the Uni ve rsity's alumni day home to a group of nuns. " Chattanooga C hoo-Choo" and "Senti­ board. The 30-room house at the corner of m enta l Journey". Each room held a dams and Figu eroa in Los Angeles was memory, from the catacombs to the Nathan Smith '89 was appointed to KU's bought by Pi Kappa Alpha in 1940 for Ivanhoe-like tower. a lumni affairs board. He serve on the Uni versity' athleti cs board and was appointed 20,000. A lumni of that era remember At day's end, g uests moved inside, last year by th e Govern or to serve on the Com­ partie in " the catacomb ",a maze of dun­ w h ere reunion c h ai rman Vincent monwealth of Kentucky's Council on Hi gher geon-like rooms below street level. In McDonough ' 43, retired from General Educati on. 1948, the house was purcha ed for the use Electric and living in Ventura, said what of the Si ters of St. Joseph ofCarandolet. other were thinking: "The last time I stood OHIO bout 40 brother came to the reunion, here was 48 years ago .. . younger, smarter, the fir t time the nun had opened the man­ full of aspirations." Alan D. Darnell '67 is president ofAdd Benefits, ion to uch an outside event. The alumni Inc., an employee benefit consulting firm . He wa donated proceeds from the reunion to the Excerpted ji-om the LA Times elected to the board of uncoa t Epilep y er­ i ter · retirement fund. By Beverly Beyeffe vice and th e board of director of uncoast Memories fl ooded back to alumni like Epilepsy Association. He i al o a volunteer for The Clearwater Free Clinic and The Gateway


helterofCiearwater. He and wife, Pat, are in the SAINT LOUIS process of adopting a little girl from China. News of Marlowe P. Valdeabella '91 i a management Kevin Vance '87 and hi s wife, Jodi, announce con ultant at Ernst & Young LLP in Ballwin, the birth of their econd on,Aiexander, on May Mi ouri. Bygone Days 13 , 1996.Vance has been promoted to the admin­ istration of the Summit Upper School in Cincin­ SAMFORD nati , Ohio, and was named 1995 Young Educa­ 100 YEAR Aco ... ln it chapter letter tor of the Year by the Cincinnati Jaycees. to the Shield & Diamond, the p ilon Patrick E. Crow '71 ha been Chapter core pondent ' rite , •· ow elected to serve a three-year OHIO STATE that another year' ' ork lie before term on the board of directors us, let u re o lve to do thi work in David W. Furry '84 was hired as the executive of the Certifying Board of uch a tho roug h a nd con cientiou vice president of sale for Northern TitleAgency General Denti try. Crow re­ manner that we wi ll experience no in Rocky River, Ohio. ceived hi s D .M. D. degree ' ain regret ' next June. Then we wi ll from the University ofAlabama chool of Den­ have that sense of atisfaction that al­ Daniel E. Wetzel '89 married Angela ti stry in 1979. He became a rna ter of the Acad­ way come from the faithful perfor­ Rothlisberger on May 4, 1996. emy of General Denti try in 1987 and i a mem­ mance of duty." ber of the Alabama Dental Association, the OKLAHOMA American Dental Association, and theAcademy 75 YEAR Aco ... While Brother Charle of General Denti stry. C row lives in Decatur, Messer, Jr., warned PiKA again t the Chris Chapel '87 wa promoted to sales man­ where he practice cosmetic, reconstructive and dangers of ociali m o n their cam­ ager/bu iness manager for Anderson ew Com­ implant dentistry. He is also a member of the pu e and uggested that ociali t be pany in Dal las, Texas. Decatur Rotary Club and the Decatur Chamber given "an old-fashioned coat of tar and of Commerce. feather " and a ride "on a fence rail ," OLD DOMINION the editor encouraged a more reasoned JonT. Bruce '91 received his master's degree in approach. The editor sugge ts, " Let Matthew T. Towler '95 has accepted a position human resource development from Vanderbilt those who ... hear the wild and re o lu­ with the Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation de­ University in December 1995. He i now the partment at Chesapeake General Hospital in tion breeding word of the agitator but manageroftraining and development ervices for reflect that the most potent mean of Chesapeake, Virginia. He did hi s enior intern­ the Center for onprofit Management in ash­ ship with the hospital during his undergraduate depriving these word of their venom ville, Tennes ee. work and was offered the position immediately is pitying il ence and amu ed di re­ after graduation. gard. Repre s him, mob him and you SAM HOUSTON STATE lend to hi s word a vigor and piau I­ OREGON STATE bility that will attract a multitude to James C. McKenzie '87 is an inve tment rep­ hi banner." Brad Langford '88 is theownerofPapa Murphy resentative for Edward Jones Company in The Pi zza in Silve rdale, Washington. Woodlands, Texas, where he li ves with his wife, 50 Y EA R Aco... As veteran of World Michele. War II prepared to return to coll ege PRESBYTERIAN campuses and chapter hou es PiKAs SETON HALL convened for the Victory Con ention, Robert D. Spratlin '94 began full-time employ­ the Fraternity' fir t convention ince ment in the fa mily business, ational Consult­ David E. Villalona '85 married MaryYanuzzi on the onset of the war. tudent Delegate ing Program , a speciaiYel low Page advertising April13, 1996.They live in East Brunswick, ew Sidney Lanier of Beta Phi C hapter agency representing national and regional com­ Jersey. captured the purpose of the conven­ panies, located in Marietta, Georgia. tion and the Fraternity, saying, " ot SOUTH CAROLINA only does it (the convention] affect the PURDUE fraternity as a whole, but all of our Hiram C. Allen, Jr. '77 married Deborah Anne Ryan L. Polk '87 has been named as the finan­ fellowmen as we direct our chapter Tingle on March 30, 1996. They live in Apex, along the line of government and o­ cial planning & forecasting manager for Day North Carolina. Dream Publishing Company in Indianapolis, In­ cial action. We are preparing in our diana. men certain qualities and characteris­ Thomas C. Collins, Ill '84 and hi s wife, tics which will be carried into their Catherine, announce the birth of their daughter, ROSE-HULMAN future experi ence in the world, and Reed Lashley, on February 23 , 1996. Collins is what a world it would be built upon the creative director for DDB eedham in Dal­ Charles Larkin II '88 is employed with Allied the principles of fa ith, friendship, love ignal. He and his wife, Manah, were married on las. and truth!" August 6, 1995. SOUTH FLORIDA 25YEAR Aco ... ABC EWS visited the Bill Schomer '90 married Cassandra Lynn Pikes at Gamma Rho h a pter a t JeffTaylor '88 is in management with outhTrust Jungblut in the fal l of 1995. He has been named orthwestern as part of a tudy of col­ the production engineer at Mal linckrodtVeteri­ Bank in Tampa, Florida. lege fraternities. ews correspondent nary in Terre Haute, Indiana, after ~ompletmg a Jim Kincaid said, " We wanted to ee SOUTHEAST MISSOURI STATE rna ter's degree in organic chemistry at OhiO Pi Kappa Alpha becau e it i an ex­ tate University. p e riment in community li vi n g ." Daren Love '88 moved to Cape Girardeau, Mis­ Kincaid predicted that their tudy ST. JOSEPH'S souri , with hi s wife, Heather, to begin a new job would how that the coll ege fraternity at Southeast Hospital as a critical care registered was " not dy ing, but is imply chang­ Pat Burns '93 has been promoted to head nurse. greenskeepe r at the BaJa Country C lub in ing its shape." Phi ladelphia, Pennsylvania. Continued on page 60


SOUTHERN ILLINOIS Guide. heck out H20 Polo on the World ide Web at Brad Howard '90 i the a i tant uperintendent EA of golf at Troon orth in cottsdale, Arizona. Attention TULANE

SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI Epsilon Alpha Alumni! John E. Bryer, Ill '79 wa promoted to regional operation manager for Chubb & on, Inc., an in­ Paul F. Stanton '87 married hannon Rice in Pike Homecoming 1996 urance company in incinnati. ew Orlean on July 28, 1995. He i employed Approaches! at Campo orporate Headquarter in Covington, VALPARAISO Loui iana as the merchandi ing coordinator. On ovember I & 2, The Connecticut Pike lumni A ociation ha planned a Randy Gehl '89 graduated STETSON fun and exciting weekend for alumni of with honor from t. Louis the Epsilon Alpha Chapter. Homecoming Univer ity chool of Medi­ Roger N. Swanger '83 is the chief financial of­ repre ent the bigge t gathering of Pike cine in May 1996, and began ficer for Water Equipment ervice in ara ota, alumni all year and a time for bonding in hi re idency training in radi­ Florida. He i proud to announce the birth of hi the finest of Pi Kappa Alpha traditions. ology at the niver ity oNir­ on, Peter on ha e, on October I, 1995. The chedule include : ginia in July 1996. He and hi wife, been married for four year . TENNESSEE-KNOXVILLE Friday, Nove mber 1: Opening Ceremonie at 8:00 p.m. VANDERBILT Troy B. Hodges '88 has been promoted to zone Alumni Celebration & Pong Tourna­ manager of international ales for haw Indus­ me nt Scott B.Tittle '91 ha joined the staff of theRe­ trie in ia . Brothers may write to him at 3 t. publican ational Platform committee inWa h­ Martin' Drive #03-02, ingapore 257990. Saturday, November 2: ington, D. C., having previou ly erved a a leg­ i lative correspondent on the taff ofCongre - John K. Pratt '84and hi wife, Martie, announce Pancake Breakfa t man Mark ouder [R- ]. the birth of their daughter, arah Elizabeth, on Annual Alumni Meeting - I 0:00 a.m. May 9, 1996. he joins her big brother, John Lunch during halftime VIRGINIA TECH Thoma . of the football game Dance the nig ht away! TEXAS A&M David A. Barnes '82 and hi wife announce the birth oftheirson, BenjaminArthur, onAugu t 30, Come see your old college buddies. Re­ 1995. He joins his three i ters, Emily, arah, and Robert Buford, Ill '88 graduated from the Uni­ member th e good time you had at 94 Caroline. Barnes is manager of orwe t Mort­ versity of Denver College of Law in 1995 and Vernon treet. We si ncerely hope you gage in Winchester, Virginia. pas ed theTexa bar thi year. He is now attend­ make the familiar trip to Hartford, Con­ ing the Univer ity ofTexa graduate chool. necticut and join u at Pike Homecom­ ing 1996. Lance F. Grenevicki '87 marriedAmy Bridger on April 13 , 1996, in Richmond, Virginia. They Todd C. Eyre '88 is a field engineer for J.A. Jone live in Kan as City, Mi ouri, where Greve icki Construction Company, where he is building a For more information, contact: i a fourth year resident in oral and maxillofacial power plant in Vancouver, Wa hington. urgery. Alumnus Loren tra nd '87 Keith W. Patterson '88 has been promoted to 23 Lee Terrace Paul Wirt '84 was promoted tomilitarycon true­ Arlington, MA 02174-5509 second vice president of inve tments for lion project manager at Fort Bragg's Directorate mithBarney in Houston, Texas. (6 17) 643-2388 ofPublicWorks. Hi daughter, Madi on icple, E-mail : pike wa bornonJune7, 1995. TRINITY WEST GEORGIA Matthew Cini '93 began work Nick Maglio '90 i working in the area ofbusi­ a a regional coordinator for ne s litigation at the law firm ofYurko & Perry Michael Fraker '88 announces the birth of hi the campaign to reelect U .. in Bo ton. daughter, Hayden, on April 26, 1995. ongre sman am Gejden on in Connecticut. Alex Paidas '87 and Loren Strand '87, co­ John J. McCarthy, Jr. '83 is inve tment vice founders of H20 Polo, have been cho en to pub­ president with J. . Bradford & Co. inAipharetta, lish the 1996 nited tares Water Polo Media Georgia. Harry Cohen '91 ha been promoted to sy tern con ultant at ew England Mutual Life. He ha been involved wi th de igning and implementing the accounting y tern change needed a a re­ Alumni Notes in the December sult of ew England Mutual's merger with MET Life. oheni al opur uinghi MBAatBentley ollege.

David Copland '88 graduated from Bo ton ni­ er ity chool of Law and ha joined a Ia\ firm W&DLtiONIJ in hicago, lllinoi . Deadline for materials to be ubmitted for the December 1996 i ue of Shield & Diamond will be October 15 , 1996. Photographs will be returned only when accompanied by a self add res ed Scott Gerlen '87 graduated in May 1996 from Boalt Hall chool of Law at the Uni er ity of stamped envelope. For information on advertising in the Shield & Diamond, please contact the alifornia at Berkeley. He i employed a an a - editor at Pi Kappa Memorial Headquarter , 8347 West Range Cove, Memphi , T 38125. i tant at Furth, Fahrner & Ma on in an Fran­ Telephone (90 I) 748-1868 Facsimile (90 I) 748-3100 E-mail pka@wsp ci co.


WESTVIRGINIA Charles J.Stasko '68 i a eniorclient represen­ Pet er ndrew, who join hi brother. ·lichael tative with CIG A Group In urance. He i mar­ tan ley. Jeffrey Evich '85 married Maureen ewbrough ried to Patricia Fairchild, an d they live in Tampa, Fl orida. on June 22, 1996.They live in Ellicott City, Mary­ WOFFORD land . WESTERN MICHIGAN John R. Gillen, Ill '91 received hi master' de­ John C. Ph illips '93 i a fir t year tudent at the gree from Texas Chri tian Univer ity in May Peter A. Lindquist '77 ha been promoted to niver ity of outh arolina chool of La~ . 1996, after erving as a graduate assistant and enior vice pre ident, trea urer and chief finan­ a i tant swimming coach for th e pa t two year . cial officer at Dental etwork of America in William H.Willimon '65. u chapter ad i or. i He ha accepted a job with oftview, Inc. as a Oakbroo k Terrace, Illinois. He and hi wife, the dean of the hapel and a profe or at Duke sa les representa tive in Lyndhurst, ew Jersey. Karen, announce the recent birth of their on , ni ersity.

D I R E C T 0 R Y


Beginning in the March 1997 issue, the meet the allotted space pu rchased by the + Logo clip art can be included in th e ad for Shielr:! & Diamond will dedicate up to one advertiser. a one-time extra fee of $1 0 per logo. page for directory advertising . This space Photographs will not be included. will allow alumni to advertise their bus iness + All directory ad information must be products and/or services to fellow PiKAs. received by the submission deadli ne for If you are interested in directory The aim is to help alumni promote their th e intended issue (January 15 for March ; advertising please call the Editor at businesses and learn more about what other April 15 for June; July 15 for Septem ber; {901 ) 748-1868, or submit materials for PiKAs are doing. The Internati onal Fraternity and October 15 for December). the March issue by January 15, 1997. will also use this space to advertise any special promotional offers to the member­ + Ad s sent on disc must be formatted for Ask us about including your ad ship. The guidelines for directory advertising IBM compatible system. on our Web page! will be as follows : The following is the directory advertising rate schedule: + All ads are subject to the approval of the editor. Generally, all ads must comply with Issue Cost Circulation (aj;!j;!rox.) Pi Kappa Alpha Standards and be in good March $75 per column inch* 65,000 taste. June $75 pe r column inch 65,000 + Ads will be included on a first come first serve basis. Once the page is filled for September $100 per column inch 119,000 the issue, su bsequent ads will take pri ority for the next issue. December $75 per column inch 65,000

+ Ad s are subject to editing, particularly to * The page will include three columns. A single column is 2 !.4 inches wide.

,------, Limited Edition Bound Volumes ofShield & Diamond Available

Bo und volumes of the Shield & Diamond, including the copies from June 1994-June 1996, wi ll be available for delivery next spring . Hard­ bound in garnet, and personalized with your name stamped in gold, only 175 of this limited edition , beautifully bound volume will be circulated. To res erve your copy now, pl ease send this coupon , along with you r check for $30, made payable to Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity, to : Bound Volume, 8347 West Range Cove, Memphis, TN 38125.

0 Here is my check for $30, made payable to Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. Send me my personalized bound volume of the June 1994-June 1996 copies of the Shield & Diamond! I understand they will be delivered in Spring 1997. If I am not among the first 175 to order, my check will be returned.


ADDRESS ------





Rush is the lifeblood of all Pi Kappa Alpha chapters. If you know a young man who can both contribute to a chapter and develop himself through th e Pi Kappq Alpha experience, we encourage you to fill out this form and send it to the rush coordinator at the Memorial Headquar­ ters, who will see that it is forwarded to th e appropriate chapte1: We strongly encourage you to recommend legacies, as th e consideration of sons, brothers, nephews and grandsons is an important aspect of th e Pi Kappa Alpha recruitment process.

Attach additional sheet if necessary D This is a legacy recommendation!

Rushee's name ------

Home address ______

School addre s ______

Home phone ______School phone------

Co ll ege att ending------Class D Sophomore D Freshman

Father's name------Fraternity affi li ation?------

Mother' name ------orority affiliation ? ------

Relative in Pi Kappa Alpha

Rushee's hi gh school ------

I understand thai this is only a recommendation, and membership selection into Pi Kappa Alpha is a decision wh ich rests entirely with the individual chapte1:

Signed ______Your chapter & year of initiation

Your addres

Mail to : Rush Coordinator, Pi Kappa Alpha Memorial Headquarters, 8347 West Range Cove, Memphis, TN 38125 Tell Us What's New! D New Address D Birth

D New Job D Death YEAR INITIATED D Promotion D Other Please attach mailing label if available.

Name Address ______

City/State/Zip ------Home Phone------Here 's my alumni news:------

Please send a separate sheet if necessary. Ph otos will be returned only when accompanied by a self addressed, stamped envelope. Send Notes to: SHIELD & DIAMOND ALUMNI NOTES, 8347 WEST RANGE COVE, MEMPHIS, TN 38125

62 SEPTEMBER 1996 Chapter Eternal

Walton E. Bobo ful self-employed architect until hi death. "He returned to Purdue and graduated with (Emory, Beta Kappa '26) Frazier was in trumental in e tabli hing a degree in fore try. He met me (Peggy) at the Iota Iota Chapter at Michigan tate ni­ Purdue in 1956, then went on a U 0 tour to Walton E. Bobo, former pre ident and ver ity. He served as the founder and presi­ Germany with the Purdue band, and lept owner ofRay-0-Lite Southeast, In c. died on dent of the Spartan Hou ing orporation, wa under the Eiffel Tower the night the Algeri­ August 7, 1996. Mr. Bobo, 88, di ed fro m heart an interim chapter advisor, designed the reno­ an were treet fighting in Pari . After gradu­ failure at Emory University Ho pita!. vations of the chapter hou e, and provided ating, he took a ' real ' job at Johns Manville While attending Emory, he was a member hours of courageou leadership to the new and tried to be a company man - no way. He of the glee club and pl ayed violin and clari ­ chapter. He was twice named Outstanding worked at Karne Mu ic as a teacher and net in the school orchestra. He earned a de­ Alumnu of the Year by Iota Iota, an award salesman, and hi fir t gig were with the Jim gree in busines administration and sub e­ which will now permanently bear hi name. Matchen Polka Band.' quently worked as a profe ional singer. In Frazier's contribution have touched the live "Jim got the idea of putting me (no-talent the 1930s, he had a radio program on WSB of hundred of young men through Iota Iota. Peg) in the Di xie bands in tead ofhiring other and sang all kinds of ongs, according to hi Hi s selfless assistance in housing, finance, girl for the leg , o of cour e, l mi led and wife, Mary. and chapter management has stamped a po i­ miled. We played many wonderful gig , Mr. Bobo oversaw the manufacturing and tive legacy for every future member of the Di xie, Hawaiian, Rock & Roll, ociety, Eth­ distribution of fiberglass and aluminum aw­ chapter. nic. ariety wa hi forte. During the infa­ nings at Ray-0-Lite. " He was one of the in­ Frazier i su rvived by one daughter, Bette mou '6 Democratic Convention with all the novators of the early awning that we used to Gene (Daniel) Sturm of Streamwood, Illinois, riots and tear ga and Humphrey's band make in '50s," said Eri c Larsen, vice presi­ one on, Victor R. Frazier of Cheney, Wash­ wagon, and being locked in the Conrad Hilton dent of Ray-0-Lite Southeast. ington, one brother, idney G. Frazier of Ft. for their own safety, the WG Bozo Band After retiring and selling the company in Meyers, Florida, long-time friend Eli zabeth group talked Jim into making an act for Bozo, 1975, Mr. Bobo spent much of hi s free time " Betty" Simmons of East Lansing, and four and the upershow grew from that first per­ playing golf at the Druid Hills Country Club grandchildren. Hi s contributions and legacy formance." and sing ing in the enior adult choir at wi ll not be fo rgotten. "The ideas flowed, and it became more and Briarcliff Baptist Church. more complex and pectacular. We traveled Surviving in addition to hi wife are two everywhere in the U . . and Canada, and th e children, W. Earl Bobo of Stone Mountain and girl joined our act in the bicentennial years, Penny DeHann of Lilburn, seven grandchil­ with their tap danci ng and Candy on flute and dren and six great grandchildren. Tammy with the big tuba. During th e e year , we worked with and met so many wonderful people, Donald O'Connor, Loretta Lynn, Liberace and Merv Griffin - just never quite Robert Eugene Frazier James Gross got a call from the Johnny Car on how." (llfinois, Beta Eta '50) (Purdue, Beta Phi '51)

Robert Eugene " Gene" Frazier entered James Gros died on Jul y 7, 1996, as a Inslee Maurice Johnson Chapter Eternal on July 24, 1996, at the age result of a fa ll down a flight of stairs. He i (Georgia, Alpha Mu '3 0) of 66. He was born and rai ed in Greeley, survived by hi s wife, Peggy, and their two Colorado, before attending th e Uni ver ity of daughters, Candy and Tammy. Hi wife has lnslee Maurice John on, attorney at law, Illinois in 1948. He received hi s degree in given us a glimp e of his colorful life: died June 23, 1996 in hi home with family architecture in 1953, and served as an Army " When Jim was six, he was teaching steel at the age of 84. first lieutenant at Fort Gordon, Georgia. He guitar to several people. He started in show He served the legal profession for over 50 would later relocate to Denver and begin hi biz when he was 7 year old, working with a years. family and career as an architect. In 1965, group call ' The Old Timer ' playing steel Born in Alma, Georgia, Mr. Jo hn on he again moved, this time to East Lansing, guitar. In hi teens, he was a hady graduated from the University of Georgia Michigan. He worked for two private con­ Acre Ranch and worked with many of the Law chool, Omicron Delra Kappa. He then struction and architecture firms before em­ big-name country and western performer . moved to Atlanta to practi ce law, after being barking on a long career with the State of He was known as The Ba hful Blond, because admitted to the Georgia Bar in 1935. He Michigan, including the position of manager he blushed when the girl creamed for him. served as national vice pre ident of Pi Kappa of the production service section. Follow­ He worked for WLS Barn Dance every Sat­ Alpha Fraternity from 1953-1956. He served ing hi s retirement in 199 1, he was a success- urday ni ght for years, putting himsel fthrough in the American Red Cro during World War coll ege. He got to know all the country and II . Mr. Johnson subsequently established the western stars of the day, George Gobel, Atlanta law firm of John on and Ward, where Homer & Jethro, Gene Autry, Lulabell & he practiced corporate law for over 40 year . Corrections & Amplifications Scotty, Red Blanchard, and many more. Just He was a member of the Atlanta and when he got a recording contract, Uncle am American Bar A ociation as well a the As- In th e obituary printed in the June 1996 issue call ed. In uniform, he wa on the Arlene ociation of Trial Lawyers of America, the of Shield & Diamond, we failed to mention Francis Show several time before being ent Georgia Trial Lawyers Association, and the to Japan with the Army. He hated the Army, the chapter and initiation date of William P. American Judiciary Society. Mr. Johnson wa but no one ever had a better deal. He put on a founding member of Trinity Presbyterian Tolley. Brother Tolley was ini ti ated at Alpha show with Harry Blackstone, Jr. for the Church and an ordained officer for Trinity. Chi Chapter at yracuse Uni versi ty in 1919. Army bigwig all over Japan. The entertain­ He i survived by his wife, Betti, and hi Shield & Diamond regrets the omission. ment element kept him from being sent to two daughter , Jenny John on and Mar ha Korea." Johnson Shewanown.

SEPTEMBER 1996 63 He married Betty L. Hardor in 1946; he Pa o Hi gh School in 1920. After a year at the Daniel 0 . Potter later married Anne Schlack in 1979, and they Univer ity of Cali forn ia- Berkeley, he trans­ (Oregon, Gamma Pi '43) settled in Portland. After her death in 1987, ferred to the Uni ver ity of Arizona where he Mr. Potter moved to Hillsboro and then to received a bachelor's degree in journalism in Daniel 0 . Potter, former Washington Forest Grove. 1925. While at the Uni ver ity of Arizona, he County admini trator and general manager of He was a pa t director of the Oregon Fi­ was editor of the yearbook, pre ident of the the county's Unified Sewerage Agency, died nance Officers As ociation, the Oregon As­ senior class, and a fou nding member of July 12, 1996, in hi Forest Grove, Oregon sociation of City Fi nance Officers and the Gamma Delta Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha. He home. He wa 73. Oregon secti on of International City Manag­ did a year of po t-graduate work at Colum­ Mr. Potter helped everal Washington er Associati on, which he also served as vice bia University in ewYork and worked for a County governments and agencies, as well president. He was a former trustee of the short while as a reporter for the New York as the city of Wil onvi ll e, cope with rapid orthwest Public Power Association, direc­ Tim es. growth during his more than three decades tor of the Oregon chapter of the American He married Florine Pinson in 1926, and in government. He began hi career with the Society of Public Administration, chairman they moved to Tucson, Arizona, where city of Eugene, where he served a a si tant of the Oregon section of the National Asso­ Vickers worked for the daily paper, and later city recorder, assistant finance officer and ciation of County Administrators and former to Rocky Ford, Colorado, where he was the a istant city manager fro m 1948 to 196 1. pre ident of the Forest Grove Rotary Club. owner and publisher of the Rocky Ford Demo­ After erving as Fore t Grove city man­ Survivors include sons, Daniel F. of Port­ crat. They lived for a short while in Fort ager from 1961 to 1970, he began working land and Steven M. of Forest Grove, daugh­ Worth, Texas, and then moved to California. as general manager for Wa hington County ' ters, Anne L. of Portland and Susan E. of Lake Vickers was engaged in orange ranching in Unified Sewerage Agency. He later erved as Oswego, and four grandchildren. the San Fernando Valley from 1934 to 1942. admini trator for Washington County and He served in the Army Air Corps in World admini trator for Wilsonville before retiring War II as an intelli gence officer, stationed in in 1986. Italy. He attained the rank of major. Born September II , 1922 in Heppner, Mr. Frederick Glen Vickers Upon his di scharge from the Army in Potter was raised and educated in Prinevi lle. (Arizona, Gamma Delta '24) 1945, he and hi s family moved to the Mesilla He earned a political science degree from the Valley, where he was engaged in farming, and University of Oregon in 1947 and did further Frederi ck Glen Vickers di ed on May 20, at one time owned a prize herd of Aberdeen tudie at U.O. in political science and soci­ 1996, after a brief illness. Vickers was born Angus show cattle. o logy. in December, 190 I in Jerome, Territory of He is survived by hi daughter, Ann Byrd, He erved in the U.S . Navy during World Arizona. During hi s childhood, he attended two grandchildren, and four great grandchil­ War II and later was a li eutenant in the U.S. schools in Telluride, Colorado ; Calgary, dren. Navy Reserve. Canada and El Paso. He graduated from El

ALPHA (Virgin ia) ALPHA IOTA (M illsaps) Schertz, DonaldJ. '43, Houston , TX 1/25/96 DELTA ZETA (Memph is) Anderson. Dan1el Virden '26, Holmes Beach. fl G1bson, Tom G '46, Dalles, TX Luton, Joe B. '54, 9/ 8/ 95 4/ 6 •96 BETA KAPPA (Emory) Edwards, Henry B. '4B, Powhatan, VA ALPHA KAPPA (M issouri- Rolla) Turner, William Taylor '20, Atlan ta, GA 6/ 96 DELTA NU (Wayne State) Walsh, Dr. Charles M, Ill '39, Mobile. Al 12 1. 95 NaliOns, George Owen '32, Apple Volley, CA Shah, Samir '93, Royal Oak, Ml6/ 96 12 2B 95 BETA LAMBDA (Was hington University) GAMMA (Will iam & Mary) Heimburger, Roy W. '30, Boca Raton, fl 1/ 31 / 96 EPSILON ALPHA (Trin ity) Irwin, Henry B '4B, Portland. OR 4/ 6; 96 ALPHA LAMBDA (Georgetown) Knewitz, Ralph W. '26, laCombe, LA Kelly, Thomas M. '59, Bryn Mawr, PA Green, Tom Havens '34, 6/ 1/ 96 ZETA (Tennessee-Knoxvill e) Thurmon, Wilham Peyton '36, louiSville, KY 11 / BETA SIGMA (Carnegie-Mellon) ETA SIGMA (West Georg ia) Bortleu, R1chord S '65, Atlanta, GA 6 15 95 2B/ 95 Ertell, B. Roy '3 9, Naples, fl3/ 2 96 Rogers, Potr~ckAion '93. Douglasville, GA 1/ 14; 96 Evans, Sylvester Hassell '37, Knoxville. TN 2 6 96 Womack, James Br1on '92, Mor~etto, GA 4/2 6/ 96 long, leon '4B, Knoxville, TN 2 12 96 ALPHA MU (Georg ia) BETA PHI (Purdue) Porter, James B '43 2 96 Kennedy, John D. '49, Chapel H1ll, NC 2119/ 96 Qumty, Joseph E. '47, Cathedral City, CA 3/ 4/ 96 THETA AlPHA (North Alabama) DaviS, M1choel T '94, florence, Al2/ 23!96 KAPPA (Transylvan ia) ALPHA NU (M issouri-Columbia) GAMMA ALPHA (Alab ama ) Edmonds, Charles Donald '2 B, Columb1o, SC Jecklm, Arthur C,Jr'30, Stlouis, MO Ehou, Glenn '35, Sylacauga, Al8/96 IOTA ALPHA (East Carolina) 12. 1 95 McKoy, Charles '40, Sylacauga, Al8/ 96 W1ebler, Dr.Jomes R. '87, Andover, MA Windley, H1hon A '2 7, Granville, OH 4 96 ALPHA OMICRON (Southwestern) Snell, Casbeer,Jr. '90, Solt loke City, UT 5 1 96 GAMMA IOTA (M ississippi) IOTA PHI(Montono) XI(Sout h Caro li na) Crouch, James Ruben '84, lnd1onopolis, IN 10/ 26 95 Shull, Pot '94, MISsoula, MT 4/ 96 Humphlett, Wilham R '31, Marietta, GA 11 5195 ALPHA SIGMA (Cal iforn ia-Berke ley) Babson, Aubrey E '26, Pac1f1c Grove, CA 3/ 7/ 96 GAMMA KAPPA (Montana State) OM ICRON (Rich mond) Martin, PaulL '2B, Glendale, CA 12 '22 95 Symonds, John W '32, Kalispell, MT 4 14/ 96 In Memoriam West, Michael W '34, R1chmond, VA 12, 21 95 Woll, Wendell I. '2 8, Glendale, CA 2/17/ 96 ALPHA OMEGA (Kansas State) Honor yo ur departed brothers and PI (Wa shing ton & lee) Emerson, Theodore f '35, Newport, OR 10/ 13/ 95 GAMMA MU (New Hampsh ire) fa mily members wi th a gift in the ir Burks, George E '27, louiSville, KY 5 25 95 Morgan, Patrick E '2B, Huntsville, Al 12/ 5/ 95 landry, Ronoldo A. '36, locon1o, NH 6/ 10/ 96 nome to the Pi Kappa Alpha Educa­ Carter, Selden B '5 1, Polm Harbor, fl4 5 96 Myers, ArthurW '47, Matteson, ll Walker, TJ. '79, Cambridge, MA 12,' 21 , 95 tional Foundation . Gifts may be re­ H1 ll, ThomosJ '51, Stanford, KY 11 26 95 stricted or unrestric ed. For more BETA ALPHA (Pennsylvan ia State) GAMMA NU (Iowa) inform ation on this meaningful way UPSI LON (Aub ur n) Gladmg, frank,Jr ' 17, Marllnsv1lle, VA 5!2B/ 96 Iverson, Maurice T. '29, Silve r Glade, MD 6/ 7/ 96 to remember your loved ones, con­ H felix Cochran '53, Atlonto, GA Rintz, Harry G '20, Blue Bell, PA 2, 7 96 tact: GAMMA SIGMA (Pittsburgh) OMEGA (Kent ucky) BETA GAMMA (Kansas) Motter, Bruce H '54, Cuyahoga falls, OH 4 ' 17 / 96 The Pi Kappa Alpha Auen, Eugene G. 'SO, Dover, DE 2 19 96 Oyler, Robert B '34, lawrence, KS 3 3. 96 Educational Foundation Tucker, Clifford G. '2 5, lexmgton, KY 6 5, 96 GAMMA OMEGA (M iam i) 8347 West Range Cove BETA ETA (Illi nois) losher,Judge Humes Tru1U '40, Tampa, fl6 22 96 Memph is, TN 38125 ALPHA EPS ILON (N orth Carolin a State) Mullins, Joe Barry '34, Haltlesburg, MS 6 '5 96 Telephone (901) 748-1948. Cardm1 , Br~an '94, fayeuev1lle, NC Nussbaum, Robert C '47, f01rbury, ll

64 SEPTEMBER 1996 Thi cap is constructed stonewashed olive twill with a khaki twill visor. Has a relaxed fit and features an adju table leather strap. #20-4032 $14.95

Made of lightweight cotton canva , rhi cap features an embroidered nKA Aag and an adju tabl e leather strap. Has a lower crown than the typical baseball cap. Relaxed fir. #20-4025 $18.95

The Game® Always a favorite, these adjustabl e caps feature embroi­ dered greek letters and Pi Kappa Alpha name. We offer a wh ite cap with garnet letters and a custom cap in garnet wirh gold letters. white cap with garnet letters #20-4700 $14.95 garnet cap with gold lette rs #20-4701 $14.95 D) Collegiate Cap Chapters: Custom ize The Cam This low profile, cotton rwill cap with your college or chapter ba eball cap feature our new designation embroidered in a "collegiate" embroidery design . choice of thread colors. an adju table srrap for Minimu m order of 36 cap . size firs all" convenience. Please allow 6 weeks for delivery. $16. #20-4736 $13.

E) Stonewash Greek Letter Cap 0 F) Varsity Cap Our ronewashed low profile, Thi low profile, cotton twill cotton twill baseball cap has baseball cap feawres our new rhar "broken-in" feel from the "va rsity" embroidery design in momem you pur ir on. Has an rhe Fraternity' co lor . Has an adjustable srrap for "o ne size aojustable pia ric trap for "one firs all " convenience. size fir all " convenience. $14.95 #20-4033 $14.95

G) Brushed Twill Cap - .. H) Fraternity Shield Cap This cap is constructed of a • ew for I 996, rhis cap i co n­ soft, brushed co rron , khaki srrucred of a soft, brushed cor­ C\vill wirh a black C\vill visor. ton , navy blue rwill and has an Features our new ova l, script adjustable leather trap. embroidery design and an Feature our original, embroi­ adjustable lea ther srrap. Has a dered stars and stripes low profile fir. design. Has a relaxed fir. #20-4036 $16 .95 #20-4031 $18.95 Official Necktie The official rie of Pi Kappa dyed a deep garner red and a Alpha i handcrafted by rhe rich old gold ro symbolize the Ben Silver Company, maker of color elecred by rhe founders fine English si lk ries. Ir would of rhe Fraternity. For 125 years, make a perfect gifr for gradua­ these colors have symbolized Pi tion or a birrhday celebration. Kappa Alpha's tradition of The de ign of the rie i excellence. reflective of the powerful bonds Feel the tradition, the honor of Pi Kappa Alpha's brother­ and the pride of Pi Kappa Alpha, hood. The repeating srripe par­ and show your rrue colors. rem keeps the idenrity and rra­ #20-9100 necktie $42.95 dirion of English "old school" #20-9101 bow tie $37 .95 ries. The silk rhreads have been

A) Athletic Grey Ringer New for 1996, our athletic grey ringer ree fea tures navy blue banding ar rhe coll ar and cuffs. The 100% cotton, heavy­ weight r-s hirr fea tures our oval design on rhe C) Polo Shirts fronr and subtle, greek Our polo shirrs are co nstructed letters on rhe back. of 100% cotton, pique knit Sizes: L, XL (XX.L add $2) fabr ic rhar has been treated to #20-2071 $14.25 re isr shrinkage. Our whear polo features an embroidered n KA coa r-of-a rms. The tri­ color polo has a forest green Fearures greek lerrers in ga rn er body wirh burgundy on the on a field of gold and foresr placket and navy blue ribbing E) Blanket Plaid Boxers green; rhe front, left chesr on the sleeves and collar. These plaid boxers are co n­ design uses rh e Fraterni ty's Sizes: L, XL (XX.L add $2) structed of long-wea rin g, badge. #20-2014 wheat $33.95 100 % co tton flannel. These izes: L, XL (XXL add $2) #20-2008 tri-color $33.95 spice brown , burgundy, navy #20-2064 $14.25 and forest green plaid boxers D) Golf Sport Towel fearure a smooth wai rband Our golf sporr rowel is co n­ and front fl y opening. structed of deluxe hemmed izes: M (32-34), L (36-38), F) Champion® Tackle-Twill velou r, measures 16" x 26," and XL (40-42) Sweatshirt includes a brass grommet. #20-5001 $14.95 Features garner & gold tackle­ #20-9711 $12.95 twill greek lerrer on a heavy­ we ight, Reve r e Weave®swear­ shirr. We recommend purchas­ of ing a size larger to compensate sturdy aluminum and is a great for any shrinkage. way ro show your Fraternity izes: L, XL (XX.L add 2) pride anywhe re you drive! #20-1724 $47.95 #20-9002 $9.00 E A R &

A) Champion Mesh Shorts These comforrable, 2-ply, I 00% nylon mesh horrs fearure an elas­ cic waistband wirh drawstring. izes: ~ (32-3 }, L (36-38), (40-42}, XXL (44-46) add $2) 700 $24.95

Our oxford jersey shorrs are con­ rrucred of I 00% corron F.ibric wirh a 6" in earn, elastic wai t­ band and a draw rring. We rec­ ommend purchasi ng a ize larger ro compensate for any shrinkage. izes: M (32-34), L ( 6-38}, XL (40-42) , XXL (44-46) (XXL add $2) C) Champion® Collegiate #20-6705 $21.95 Sweatshirt T he C h a mpi on <~> Co ll e,ate Sweatshirr fea tures et, Pl KAPPA ALPU rched rackle-rw ill I nng J I If It I I r t Feat ' res a subtly imprinted on a ri ch, wheat co red, 0 10\ coat-of-arms and rhe Reverse Weave"', heavyweight Fraterni ty's name. lmprimed I !-ounce wearshirr. Like all of n a hampion., 11 -o un ce, ou r Reverse Weave <~> wea rshirrs, cotron heavyweight, we recommend purchasing a Reverse Weave"' swea tshirt. size larger to compensate for Purchase a size larger ro co m­ any shrinkage. pensate for any shrinkage. Sizes: L, XL (XXL add $2) ize : L, XL (XXL add 2} #20-1725 $49.95 #20-1740 $41.95

E) Blackwatch Plaid Boxers F) Polar Fleece Jacket These boxers are constructed of by Timberline® lon g-wearing, I 00% co rron Perfect for an active lifestyle, fl annel and are comfortable this generously sized pu ll over against rhe skin ; have a smooth features a zippered co llar, waistband and from fl y open ing. side pockets, Lycra-bou nd izes: M (32-34}, L (36-38), cuffs and an elastic waist. XL (40-42) Has embroidered greek #20-5000 $14.95 ters on the left-chest. izes: L, XL (XXL add $4) #20-7005 $49 .95 G) Hooded Pullover by Charles River®

inner lining. I Champion® Open Bottom adjustable barrel Crew Shirt the wai dine and a is 93% cotton, heavyweight garment features set-in sleeves and an open bottom for a roomy pouch for co nvenient fit. This garmem will keep you ea y sro rage. warm and comfortable for any izes: L, XL (XXL add $3) arhleric performance! #20-7001 $43.95 ize : L, XL (XXL add 2) #20-1731 $33.95 Founders T-Shirt Features a graphic design using phorographs ofnKA's founding PI KAPPA ALPHA members and the University of ' ', Virginia; a lefr-chest coat-of­ :l' ~·Q~ nK \ arms design appears on the front. Sizes: L, XL (XXL add $2) #20-2080 $14.25 ' " Pride T-shirt T he Pi Kappa Alpha fl ag is fea­ mred on the back of this r-shirr with a classy left chest des ign on rhe front. Sizes: L, XL (XXL add $2) #20-2063 $14.25

Features rhe nKA badge with a bold background in ga rn er and gold; rhe fro m design repeats the badge on a burst of garner. Sizes: L, XL (XXL add $2) #20-2066 $14.25

Ca nadi an fl ags woven into greek letters on a natural r-shirr; rh e front design also - Buy any two t-shirrs for $26 ... Buy any three t-shirts for $36! - co mbin es the rwo fl ags. Sizes: L, XL (XXL add $2) *Please add $2.00 per XXL shin.* #20-2081 $14.25

M) "PIKES" Arch T-shirt ru res burgu ndy ba ndin g on rhe Features "PIKES" in a ga rner collar and sleeves. and go ld, full front arch Sizes: L, XL (XXL add $2.00) des ign. Im printed on an ash #20-2062 $14.25 grey r-s hi rr. Sizes: L, XL (XXL add $2) #20-2088 $14.25 •mw·

letics T-shirt {))...fainted Block T-Shirt Fi es a rurn -of- rh e-cemury Features bl ocks of color 111 !~ 2£50 of football players on an black and ga rn er with the j ox ford grey r-shirr. T he fro nt Fraternity's gree k letters. has a "Pikes" lefr-chesr logo in Imprinted on heavyweight, garner and bl ack. Imprinted pre-s hrunk, I OOo/o co tton on heavyweight, pre-shrunk, r-shirr fo r added co mfort and 100% cotton r-shirr. ... durabili ty. Sizes: L, XL (XXL add $2) Sizes: L, XL (XXL add $2) #20-2086 $14.25 4WW* #20-2085 $14.25