Th e Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity presents The 1997 Chapter Presidents Conference An Investment In Our Future! Since 1973, the Chapter Presidents Confe rence has educated the presidents of Pi Kappa Alpha's chapters on how to improve chapter perfo rmance by teaching them how to become effective leaders, whil e givi ng them the personal skills to be successful in li fe. A three-day leadership conference held every January for chapter presidents, this is by far the most in tensive leadershi p program Pi Kappa Alpha offers. Workshop high­ lights will include effective rushing, risk awareness, membership educati on and leader­ ship development. For an SMC attending the Chapter Presid ents Conference, there is onl y a nominal registration fee of $ 10, thanks to scholarships provided by the Educati onal Foundati on and Ri sk Awareness Foundati on. Presid ents are also responsible for travel and lodging. Chapters, house corporations and alumni associati ons are encouraged to help offset these costs to all ow every chapter president to attend. Enjoy the magic of Memph is and the hi storic surroundings of the Peabody Hotel at Pi Kappa Alpha's 1997 Chapter Presidents Confe rence. For more info rmati on, call the Pi Kappa Alpha Memori al Headquarters at (901 ) 748-1 868. The 1997 Chapter Presidents Conference January 9-12, 1997 The Peabody Hotel Memphis, Tennessee A program of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. LISTED ON THE NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES, THE PEABODY HOTEL FIRST OPENED IN 1869 AND WAS REBUILT ON THE CURRENT SITE IN 1925. FOR OVER A CENTURY, THE PEABODY HAS SET THE STANDARDS OF EXCELLENCE AND SERVED AS THE EPITOME OF HOSPITALITY FOR AN ENTIRE REGION. SIDELD&DWIOND FEATURES EXPA 10 : IVERS !TY OF THE PACIFIC CHARTERED A KAPPA U CHAPTER 5 A CELEBRATIO OF BROTHERHOOD THE I996 INTER ATIO AL CONVE TIO BY JEFREY M . MELETIO 6 1995-96 FRATER ITY A NUAL REPORT 10 1995 -96 1 TER ATIO ALALUMNIA OCIAT IO ANNUAL REPORT 28 1995-96 EDUCATIO AL FOUNDATIO A AL REPORT 30 ATRUEJUDGEOFCHARACTER JU DGE ELBERT PARR TUTTLE BY ALLEN W. GROVES 49 DEPARTMENTS UPDATE 4 DI RECTORY OF CHAPTER & CO LONIES 19 EDUCATIONAL FO U DATION DO OR ROLL 37 ALUM I OTES 52 EWS OF BYGO E DAYS 59 DIRECTORY ADVERTISI G 61 On the cover: Judge Elbert Parr Tuflle (Cornell, Beta Th eta '16) Ph oto by Louie Fa vorite; Th e Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Story on page 49. RUS H RECOMME DATIO 62 A bove photo: Th e International onvention afford alumni of eveiJ' generation CHAPTER ETERNAL 63 th e opportunity to celebrate brotherh ood. Educational Foundation President-Elect Th omas W Wade, J1: (Tennessee-Kn oxville, Zeta '53) and Educational Foundation Executive Director Patrick F Haynes (A rkansa State, Delta Th eta '8 1) share a moment behind th e podium at th e International Officer Banquet. Convention Photos by Louie Krueze1; Kansas City, Missouri. Story on page . VOLUME 107 / NUMBER 3 / SEPTEMBER 1996 Update- SHIELD& Consultants Hired for 1996-97 Year Execut ive Vice Preside nt Raymo nd L. MI C HAEL SHANE WAGNER (North Ori an announces the hiring of six new chap­ Carolina-Charlotte, Kappa Kappa '96) was ter consultant fo rthe 1996-97 academi c year: a fo und ing fa the r of the DWIOND Kappa Kappa chapter. Dur­ OF PI KAPPA ALPHA C ULLEN H ARROD (East Central, Epsi­ in g that time he served as lon Omega '93) held the positions of social Beta class president, assis­ Published by cha irman, rush cha irman, Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity tant pledge educator and in­ 8347West Range Cove vice president, and pre i­ stall ation chairman. Before Memphis,Tennes see 38 125 dent while an undergradu­ 90 1/748-1868 g raduati on he was named ate in Epsil on Omega chap­ Brother of the Year. Wagner Kevin E. Virta ter. He g ra dua ted fro m graduated in May 1996 with a bachelor of arts Editor ECU with a bachelor of sci­ in Engli sh and a minor in organi zati onal com­ Barbara E. Perkins ence degree in bi ology. On municati ons. On UNCC's campu , he was co­ Managing Editor campu , he was chi ef j us- r ordinator of the Specia l O ly mpic Ga mes AllenW. Groves ti ce of the ECU honor court, treasurer of the Jefrey M. Meletio student body, and president o f IFC. Also, team, debate team capta in, and headed the Co mributor Harrod was a member ofWho's Who Among UNC-Charlotte wil dli fe refuge. Prior to en­ Sarah B. Pittman Students, Ord er of Omega, and the ECU honor roll ing at UNC Charl otte, Shane served as an Communications Assistam society. in fa ntryman in the U nited States Marines Gwen DeShazo from 199 1- 1994. During this time he earned Heather L. Huffman Sandra H. Newsom RODNEY S. McDOUGALLE (Indiana several commendati ons and achi eved the rank Carol A. Patton State, Th eta Omicron '92) graduated in May of corpora l meritoriou ly. Proofreading 1996 with a degree in mar­ Staci A. Frilot keting with an emphasis on JOSEPH WELSH (Linfield, Delta Rho Circulation sa les a nd bus iness ma r­ '93) graduated from Linfield Coll ege in May Raymond L. Orians keting . Whi le a t ISU , 1996 with a bachelor of ci­ Executive Vice p,·esident McDouga ll e was a member ence degree in fi nance. On 1996-1998 Supreme Council of the foo tba ll a nd track campus he pl ayed on the team , American Market­ John MichaeiWilliams va rsity basketball team and President ing As ociati on, and Order was head coach of the j un­ Michael S. Risk of O mega. As a member of T heta Omi cron Vice President chapter, he served as president, vice president, ior va rsi ty ba ketball team. We lsh served as a coordina­ Wallace G. Long Ill ecretary, and pledge educator. The chapter Vice President awarded him the Outstanding Chapter Service tor for a leader hip and gov­ ernment camp fo r the Oregon Beaver Boy' Thomas J. Handler honor in 1995. Vice Presidem State. In the chapter he served a ru sh chair­ D. Mark Anderson EM IL PETE RS (So uthern Meth odist, man, secretary, treasurer, pledge educator and Vice President Beta Zeta '92) graduated in May 1996 with a presid ent. Caleb Howard bache lo r of bus iness ad­ Undergraduate Vice President mini stration in marketin g ERIC P. WULF (Iowa, Gamma u '92) and organi zatio nal behav­ ChrisWood served Gamma Nu Chapter as house manager, Undergraduate Vice President ior and poli cy. On campus, membe r of the rush com­ he was involved in SGA, H. King Buttermore Ill mittee, member hip educa­ Legal Counsel SM U Marketing Associa­ tor and vice pre ident. In tion, Spani sh Club, Catho- ~ MEMBER 1995 Wu lf received the IFC COLLEGE FRATERNITY EDITORS lie Campus M ini stri es, ._1 11 ASSOCIATION Ducks Unlimited, the va rsity footba ll team Brotherhood award and the S HIELD & DI AMOND (ISS 1 8750·7536) ts an ed uca ttonal and theAipha Sigma Delta Honor Society. As cha pte r 's Most Va lua ble JOurnal publi shed by the Pt KappaA lpha Fratcmuy, 834 7\Vcst Range ove. Memphts, TN quart erly tn Septe mbe r, December. an undergraduate, Peters served the chapter O ut-o f-Ho use Me mbe r March and June. Each me mber receives a copy ofthcShte ld & Dwmond Send correspondence to the sa me address Manu· as philanthropy chairman, fundrai ing chair­ award. He served the I FC as _ ...___, ...,. scnpts arc invttcd, butt he publisher wtl l not assume rcspons•­ bdtty for the return ofunsohcned materi al Change of address man, rush chairman and president. Jn 1995, a rush counselo r during fo rma l ru sh. Wu lf must be re ported promptly by SJV•ng full name, chapter, old and he was appointed to the 1nt emati onal Supreme graduated in May 1996 with a bachelor of arts ~d~·r:~~ ~~~ j ~;:r~::: ~ ~~~~caoK~~ ~~~~~a~::~ ~~=~~~~~·~~~~~ by P1 KappaAipha Fratem1ty.AII n gh1 s reserved Second Class Council as an undergraduate vice president. degree in political science. postage paid at Memphis, Tennessee and add1110nal ma 1h ng offices. POSTMA STER : Send address c tl anges to SHIEL D & DI AMOND, 8347 West Rance O\ie, Mcmptl1 S, T 38 125 The deadline for the December 1996 issue of Shield & Diamond will be Visit Pi Kappa Alpha On Line October 15, 1996. http://www.pka.com Material submitted after that da te cannot be included. PRJNTED I U.S.A. SHI ELD & DIAMON D, 8347 WEST RANGE COVE, MEMPHIS, TN 38 125 4 SE PT EMBER 1996 Burns Tower and Smith Gates are located at the entrance to the niversity of the Pacific. set, chartering was inevitable. The colony's of housing i an indication of their strength Expansion ultimate succes is a tribute to the internal on campus and evidence of the admini­ dedication to leadership and a motivation to stration' belief that Pi Kappa Alpha is here - leave a legacy at the University of the Pacific. to stay. After its formation in October of 1994, the The day of being a colony are gone. The University of the Pacific colony quickly made itself known on the Pa­ men of Pi KappaAlpha at Pacific have eamed cific campus. "Greek Week" provided a per­ their in tallation a Kappa u chapter.
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