Russell's Morayshire Register, and Elgin & Forres Directory, for 1844
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e. 2-Ul.c>^ ? /^ ) Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2010 witli funding from National Library of Scotland'orayshi1850dire RUSSELL'S MORAYSHIEE REGISTER AND ELGIN AND FORKES DIRECTORY, FOR 1 8 5 0. DEDICATED (BY SPECIAL PERMISSION) TO THEl RIGHT HON. THE EARL" OF FIFE. ELGIN : PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY ALEX. RUSSELL, COURANT OFFICE, AND SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. Pnce Is. 6d. Bound in Cloth. !lAURisTM~clSTL?l USRARYACCESSluN] • INDEX TO THE CONTENTS. PART I.—GENERAL ALMANACK. Arebbishops of England ....56 Measures, Imperial Standard. ..42 Assessed Taxes ...45 Monies, Foreign and Colonial.. 32 Bank Holidays - 10 Palaces, Hereditary Keepers. ..73 Banks and Banking Com[> inies 47 Parliaments, Imperial • — 70 Banks & Branches in Scotland 47 Peerage, Scottish 75 Bill Card for 1850 52 Peers. Scottish Representative 59 Bishops of England... 57 Peers, Irish Representative ....59 British Empire, Extent and Peers. Officers of the House.. ..60 Population of 54 Peeresses in their own Right. ..60 British Ministry 55 Prelates, Irish Representative 60 Cattle, Rule :or Weighing 43 Railway Communication 75 Chronicle and Obituiry, Royal Famil.' 64 1848-9 79-80 Salaries and Expenses, Table Clironological Cycles 10 for calculating 3S Commons, House of , ..60 Savings Bank, National Secu- Commons, Officers of the rity.. ...46 House of .70 Scotland, Extent, &c.... ' 46 Corn, Duties on 42 Scotland, Judges and Officers. ..71 Courts of Jus iciary, Exche- Scotland, Officers of State in. ..73 quer, Session and Teinds 77 Scotland, Population, Lords- Distance Table of Places in Lieutenant, and Sheriffs 71 Elginshi e 9 Scotland, Summary of the Po- Eclipses of the Sun and Moon 10 pulation in 1821, 1831, and European States, Population, 1841 ......72 and Reigning Sovereigns 54 Scotland, Universities of... ...... 73 Excise Duties 43 Scotland, View of the Progres- Fail's in Scotland 23 sive Population of.. 72 Fairs in North of England 37 Scottish Acres, Table for con- Fast Days... 53 verting, into Imperial.. 42 Ferries , 78 Scottish Revenue Departments 70 Fiars Prices in Scotland ..39 Stage Coaches.,..,..,. 76 Government Depar ments— Stamp and Legacy Duties ..44 Admiralty, Board of Trade, Steam Vessels, . .,,... 77 Customs, Exchequer, Trea- Terms in Elgin ,....c..„" 9 sury, &c 55 Terms in Scotland...... 9 Hay, Rule for Weighing ..43 Terms in England..,. 9 Higti Water at Leith.., 10 United States, Population and Lords, House of. ,,55 President of..... 54 Mails, Arrival and Delivery. ...76 Weather Table.... ..,, 41 — —— . 6 PART II.—COUNTY OF MORAY. Assessments 97 Morayshire Railway Coy 103 Agricultural Society of Forresl02 Members of Parliament for Baronets connected with the County and Burghs 112 County ....112 Population 82 County of Moray 81 Procurators 86 Commissioners of Supply 83 Parliamentary Constituency... 9 Court, Justice of Peace 86 Prison Board » 99 — Sheriff 86 Police Board lOO — Small Debt 87 Property and Income Tax 106 — Criminal 87 Presbyteries of Estab. Chur ..107 — Registration ...88 — of Free Church. .,108 Electors of County 88-96 — of United Pres.... 109 Findhorn Bridge Trust 101 Peers connected with County...40 Grain Tables 104 Roads, Turnpike 97 Horticultural Society 106 — Commutation 98 .Justices of Peace 85 Road Money Assessment 98 Lieutenancy 82 Rural Police 100 Liquid Measure Table 105 Sheriff Officers , 86 Morayphire Farmer Club 102 Spey Bridge Trust 101 Mox'ayshire Insurance Coy.. ..103' PART III.—PAROCHIAL STATISTICS. Alves.SParish of— . 112 Elgin, Parish of 132 — Parochial Board .113 — Parochial Board , 135 Abernethy, Parish of— .114 — Population 132 P. — Parochial Board 114 — Ministers, &c. 133 Bellie, Parish of— • .115 — Mortifications, &c. 133 — ParochialSBoard . 117 — Free Church Minis- Birnie. Parish of . .119 ters and Elders 135 •— Parochial Board . 119 — United Presbyterian, Boharm, Parish of— . -120 Congregationrl, — Parochial Board .121 Episcopal, Baptist, Burghead, • . .127 and Roman Catholic — Directory . .129 do. 136 •7 Dallas. Parish of— . • 121 Fochabers . 115 — Par chial Board . 121 — Directory , 118 Drainie. Parish of . .122 Forres. Parish of 137 — Parochial Board . 122 — Parochial Board 138 Duthil, Parish of— . 125 — Population , 137 — Parochial Board . 125 — Free. United Presby- Duffu, Parish of— . .126 terian, Congregational, — Parochial Board . 126 and Episcopal Church 138 Dyke, Parish of— . .130 Findhorn . 140 — Parochial Bo ird . 130 — Directory 141 Edinkil ie.l^Parish of .131 Garmouth . , 151 — Parochial Board . 131 — Directory 153 . — —. Hopeman . • .129 RothieJaurchus, Parish of . 125 . 145 Inveraven Parochial Board 155 ! RafFord, do. Kinloss, Parish of— . .139 — Parochial Board 146 — Parochial Board . 139 Rothes, Parish of 146 Kingston . i. 151 — Parochial Board 147 — Directory . .153 — Directory 148 Knockando, P rish of . , 142 Speymouth, Parish of . 150 ~ Parochial Board . 143 — Parochial|Board 151 Lossiemouth . .122 St Andrevvs-Lhanbrjd, Pa- — Directory . , .123 rish of 149 Parish of .144 — Parochial^Board 150 Newspynie. , — Parochial Board . 144 Urquhart, Parish of 154 Pluscardea Church . 137 — Parochial Board 155 PART IV.—BURGH OF ELGIN. .165 Academy , . Magistrates . .160 Association, Literary . l78 Ministers . • .179 Auctioneers . .187 Mason Lodge, Trinity . l79 • Burgb Property . l6o • Kilmolymock l79 Burgess and Guild Brethren l61 Medical Practitioners . 186 Bequests, Educational . l66 Member of Parliament . 157 Bank, Savings' . .175 Markets . .187 Bank Agents . .184 Newspapers . .181 Courts. Burgh and Guild . l61 Odd-Fellows' Lodge . .180 Charities and Mortifications 161 Population . » 157 Coaches . 183 Folic Establishment . 180 Carriers 183 Petty Customs . .181 Chemists and Druggists . 186 Post Office . - .182 Corn Merchants . 186 Public Offices . .184 Cith-dral . 187 Reading Room . .186 Electors 157 Register Office, Servants l86 J Elgin Institution 69 School, Trades . .168 Fine Art Agents , . 186 — Infant . .170 Gray's Hospital . 170 Society, Ladies . , .174 Guildi-y Fund . 171 — .Ladies Benevolent . 174 — Mortifications 172 — Bible . .177 Gas Light Company 176 — Missionary . .178 Harbour Co., Lossiemouth . 176 — Scientific . .177 Hotels and Principal Inns . 186 — Edin. Morayshire Insurance Agents . 185 Auxiliary Mechanics . 188 Inland Revenue i 121 Shambles Mails . .162 Institute, • Mechanics . 179 Town Council . .160 Lunatic Asylum . 171 Trades Incorporations • 173 Library, Circulating . 181 Town Criers . .187 Library, Law 186 Valuators . -186 Library, Mechanics' . 180 VVatei-* Company . 177 Light-House, Covesea 176 PART v.—DIRECTORY. Directory . 183-201 . for Elgin | Directory for Bishopmill 201 PART VL—BURGH OF FORRES. Academ? . 208 Mason Lodge, St Lawrence 213 Association, Working Men's 212 — St John's 214 — Literary Periodical Member of Parliament 203 Beading 212 Medical Practitioners . 216 Auctioneer . 217 Markets . , 218 Burgh Property . 205 Mechanics' Institute and Burgess Dues . 205 Library . 211 Bequests, Charitable 206 Newspapers 212 Bank. Savings 212 Police oard 210 Bank Agents 215 Population 203 Courts, Burgh and Guild 205 Petty Customs 214 — Justice of Peace 209 Post Office 217 — Sheriff Small Debt 210 Public Offices 215 Club, Literary Debating 212 Register Offices 217 — Trafalgar . 213 Schools, Ladies, &c. 209 — Newspaper 212 Society, Friendly 210 Coaches 217 — Bible 210 Carriers . , 217 — Religious Tract 211 Chi-mists and Druggists 216 — Female . 211 Corn Merchants 216 — Auxiliary Morayshire Electors 203 Mechanics . 211 Fine Art Agents 214 — Total Abstinence .212 Guildry Society . 210 Shambles Mails . .215 Gas Light Company . 213 Town Council, &c. .205 Hotels and Principal Inns 216 Town Crier . .215 Insurance Agents 2U Water Company . .213 Ministers 208 Writers .... 216 iVIagistrates and Council 205 Woollen Manufactory . 217 Mortifications 206 PART VII.-DIRECTORY. Directory for Forres ...... 213-225 PART VIIL-ADVERTISING LIST. .. PART II. GENERAL ALMANAC. DISTANCE TABLE OF PLACES IN ELGINSHIRE. Elgin Aviemore Aviemore. Ballindalloch BalUndalloch. Boat-of-Bridge Boat-of-Bridge. Burghead Burghead. Carr-Bridge Carr-Bridge. Craigellachie (Lower) Craigellachie (Lower). Do. (Upper) Do. (Upper). Dufftown Dufftown. Findhorn Findhorn. Fochabers Fochabers. Forres Forres. Garmouth Garmouth. Grantown Grantown. Hopeman 1016 Hopeman. Keith 2.9 8 Keith. Lossiemouth 1614 22 [Lossiemouth. Rothes 22,10 2212 12ll5iRoth6S, Extreme length of Elginshire from Upper Craigellachie to Lossiemouth, 58J miles. Extreme breadth from Fochabers to Dyke, 26 miles. Extent of Elginshire in imperial acres, 302,093. Elgin, the county town, is 177 miles north of Edinburgh. Population of county in 1841, was 35,0,12. Inhabited houses, 1854. TERMS IN SCOTLAND. TERMS IN ENGLAND. Candlemas Feb. 2 N. S. 14 O. S. Lady Day March 25 Whitsunday May 15 , . 27 . Midsummer .June 24 Lammas. Aug. 1 . 13 . Michaelmas Day .Sept. 29 Martinmas Nov. 11 .. 23 . Christmas Dec. 25 In Elgin, the 26th May is the Wliitsunday, and the 22d November the Martinm'!* term. When a term-day falls on a Sunday, the following Monday is considered as the term. ; 10 ECLIPSES OP THE SUN IN 1850. February 12. An annular eclipse of the Sun, invisible in Europe.—The eclipse .39° begins on the earth generally at 3h. 26m. m. , in long. 22' E. of Greenwich, and lat. 11° 21' S., and ends on the earth generally at 9h.33ni. m., in long. 126° 37' E. of Greenwich, and lat. 14° 50' N. It is visible at tlie Cape of Good Hope and all Southern Africa, Madagascar, the South of Arabia, Hindostan, China, the East Indian