”DINNER WITH MUGABE” (UDDRAG) I litteraturens magt, Zimbabwe – et mönsterland UDDRAG AF HEIDI HOLLAND: "DINNER WITH MUGABE". PENGUIN BOOKS 2008 ”Dinner with Mugabe” er en skildring af Robert Mugabes liv. Heidi Holland har besøgt flere af hans gamle bekendte, venner og fami- liemedlemmer for at få belyst, hvordan Zimbabwe er kørt af spo- ret, og hvilken rolle Mugabe spiller. Efter hvert interview analyse- rer hun dette med tre psykologer, og finder på den måde frem til sine fortolkninger af mennesket Mugabe. I dette uddrag interview- er hun Robert Mugabe. Have you changed over the past 30 years? 'Yes, physically I have. I've grown old and bald. But the ideas and principles remain. I haven't changed at all.' Do you worry about repercussions in the international justice system in respect of Gukurahundi (the campaign of beatings, arson and mass murder deliberately targeted at the civilian population and conducted by Mugabe's personal militia)? Mugabe waved his hands dismissively and sighed in exaspera- tion. It's just political. It's just politics that people try to gain out of it. Gukurahundi - as it happened - what was it? You had a party with a guerrilla force that wanted to reverse democracy in this country. And action was taken. And, yes, there might have been excesses, on both sides. True, it's not the fact that there was Gukurahundi which is wrong. It's the fact that there have 33 11 45 40 been excesses that have caused some people to suffer. But lektiehjæ
[email protected] we'd have to start with the excesses of Ian Smith - and the www.od.dk/undervisning colonialists, the British, who were still in charge - because lots of people disappeared; lots of people died.