Marshall’s Mill Holbeck Design Statement Revised 8th August 2004 Prepared by... URBED with Bauman Llyons Architects Martin Stockley Associates and King Sturge For Igloo URBED 10 Little Lever Street MANCHESTER M1 1RF t. 0161 200 5500 f. 0161 237 3994 19 Store Street LONDON WC1E 7DH t. 0207 436 8050 f. 0207 436 8083
[email protected] Marshall’s Mill Holbeck Contents Introduction 1 3b Masterplanning structure 19 3c Masterplan form 21 PART 1: The Leeds context 2 3d Masterplan blocks 23 1a Leeds 3 3e Masterplan massing 24 1b The development of Leeds 5 3f. Masterplan townscape and Heritage 25 3g. Proposed Uses 26 PART 2: The Holbeck Urban Village Area 6 3h. Public Realm 27 2a The development of Holbeck 7 2b History of the Site 8 PART 4: Transport Strategy 28 2c The area today 11 4a. The curent situation 29 2c The area today (continued) 12 4b. Access strategy 31 2d Townscape Analysis 13 4c. Parking and servicing 33 2e Policy context 14 PART 5: Socially Responsible Investment 34 5a. Sustainable energy strategy 35 PART 3: Masterplan Development 16 5a. Daylight and overshadowing 37 3a Reconnecting Holbeck Urban Village 17 5b. Wind assessment 39 A report by URBED with Bauman Lyons, Martin Stockley Associates and King Sturge Introduction This design statement has been pro- The masterplan for Marshall’s duced in support of the outline planning Mill proposes a mixed-use, application for the Marshall’s Mill site dense urban quarter that can that is being submitted to Leeds City contribute positively to the Council by Igloo.