Club Holding Its Own

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Club Holding Its Own Club Management February 2007 Publisher CMAA Editor Peter Sharp Phone: (02) 9643 2300 Mobile: 0410 140 036 Email: [email protected] Contributors Henri Lach, Katie Cincotta. Bill Clegg ACCM Allan Peter ACCM Danny Munk ACCM Advertising Manager Judy Rayner Federal President Federal Secretary Federal Executive Member Advertising Bookings (02) 9332 2363 & 9360 6177 Fax (02) 9361 5142 Correspondence The Editor, c/- Club Managers’ Association Australia 67-73 St. Hilliers Road Auburn NSW 2144 P.O Box 845 Auburn NSW 1835 Phone (02) 9643 2300 Fax (02) 9643 2400 David O’Neil ACCM Tim McAleer ACCM Terry Condon CCM Federal Executive Member Federal Executive Member Executive Officer CLUB MANAGERS’ ASSOCIATION AUSTRALIA OFFICE BEARERS Division G - Executive Officer Life Members Please address all business Great Lakes & Mid Terry Condon, CCM Federal President Harry Walker (decd.) North Coast Zone correspondence to Bill Clegg ACCM Administration Officer Norm Robinson (decd.) Roy Anderson ACCM the Federal Secretary Federal Secretary Gerry Sarlemyn Arthur Justice (decd.) Division H - Allan Peter ACCM Senior Industrial The Club Managers’ Association Australia Far North Coast Zone & Len Ewart (decd.) Relations Advocate Federal Executive North West State Zone Lou O’Neill (decd.) is registered as an industrial organisation Members Peter Cooper Brad Whittaker ACCM Peter Cameron (decd.) of employees in the terms of the Federal Danny Munk ACCM Education Manager Division I - Bob Harbutt (decd.) David O’Neil ACCM Ralph Kober, B.Ed. Workplace Relations Act, 1996, and The Tim McAleer ACCM Brisbane Zone Keith Nolan (decd.) Career Development Club Managers’ Association is a registered Pam Shelton ACCM Fred Chubb, CCM Federal Councillors Co-ordinator Trade Union in the terms of the New South Division A - Division J - (decd.) Illawarra Shoalhaven & Narell Harrison Wales Industrial Relations Act 1996. The City/Eastern Alan McDougall, MBE Suburbs Zone Far South Coast Zone Training Course CMAA is affiliated with the Australian (decd.) Les Clarke, ACCM Gary Wilbraham Administrator Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) and the Brad Jones, CCM Les Evennett Division B - Division K - CMA is affiliated to the NSW State Branch St George/Cronulla ACT Zone Estelle McDonald John Milne (decd.) of the ACTU, The Labor Council of NSW. Sutherland Zone Julie Evans Communication George Elliot, CCM Ian Todd ACCM Division L - Services Manager Peter Strachan, ACCM Registered Office Division C - Riverina Murray Zone & Peter Sharp Hans Sarlemyn, ACCM 67-73 St. Hilliers Road Manly/Northern Mid State Zone Accounts Officer Suburbs Zone Jim Henry, OAM, CCM Auburn NSW 2144 Dominic Connaughton ACCM Priscilla San Louis Mario Machado ACCM Terry Condon, CCM Division M - Receptionist Phone (02) 9643 2300 Division D - Lew Cooper Sunshine Coast Zone & Carol Quirke Fax (02) 9643 2400 Inner Western Barry Stevenson Central & Northern Qld. Zone Suburbs Zone Training & Venue Co- Greg Pickering, ACCM P.O.Box 845 Auburn NSW, 1835 Glen Cushion ACCM Chris Keen ACCM ordinator John Allan, ACCM Email - [email protected] Division E - Division N - Maria Hudson Nepean Zone Gold Coast Zone & Kerrie Treasure Allan Peter, ACCM Office Hours Michael Wiezel Ipswich Darling Downs Assistant Reception & Wayne Forrest, ACCM Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm Zone Peter Constance Division F - Venue Co-ordinator Seven day telephone answering service in Hunter Zone & Central Division O - Vivian Milkovitsch operation. Coast Zone Victoria Zone Stephen Byfield ACCM Grant Duffy ACCM “Club Management in Australia” is published monthly by Jim captioned. Those sent without prior arrangement cannot be returned unless accompanied by Henry on behalf of the Club Managers’ Association Australia. a stamped, self addressed envelope. Views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily All material is copyright and cannot be reproduced without the those of the Club Managers’ Association Australia. Although we do exercise the utmost cau- explicit permission of the Publisher or Editor. Editorial contribu- tion, we don’t accept responsibility for claims expressed in advertisements appearing in our tions relating to the club industry are welcome. Submitted copy issues. should be typed and double spaced. We don’t accept any re- Subscription rate is $55 a year. sponsibility for keeping and returning unsolicited material. Photographs submitted must be ISSN 0045-7205 SPONSORS OF THE CLUB MANAGERS CAREER DEVELOPMENT CENTRE Centre SPONSOR: THE LATEST TECHNOLOGY • Dynamic Paytables • LCD Monitor in the top box • Touch Screen Functionality • 7-Button Midtrim WITH 3 TOP PERFORMING GAMES D PER CK PAN RE SU BU LA TH IG CK B E B S R I V FA FA FA and introducing... For further information contact your Business Development Executive on 1800 150 432 or visit our website © 2007 Aristocrat Technologies Australia Pty Limited. Aristocrat, it’s all in the game, Player’s Choice-By Demand, Big Red, SuperBucks IV, Black Panther, Fa Fa Fa and the Aristocrat logo are trade marks or registered trade marks of Aristocrat Technologies Australia Pty Limited. NSW07AD01 NSW07AD01 PC By Demand CMA HN.in1 1 16/1/07 2:49:42 PM Club Management February 2007 It’s going to The national media “silly season” Steve Bracks CMAA Annual 2007 Conference AGM Hospitality Exposition & Charity Gala Awards Dinner – the Christmas-New Year period be bigger, is back at brighter and Meeting the Challenge where journalists scramble for any Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre the helm Darling Harbour, Sydney the best 3 & 4 April 2007 shred of licence to rehash, review in Victoria, yet when and fly kites about almost anything having led the the CMAA because mainstream news has all but ALP to a third dried up – raised its head on queue in Annual 2007 consecutive Sydney and with it came the “scandal” Conference, term in office about gaming machines in shopping AGM, with a decisive centres being built by clubs beside Hospitality 4372V_CMAA_DH Confrence Brochure1 1 28/11/06 3:24:04 PM clubs. Shock … horror … how could win in the November election. Exposition and Charity Gala Awards this be allowed to happen? The reality But it’s a new team of Ministers Dinner opens in early April. The Expo is that the law was moved in a raft along for the journey with a returns to the Sydney Convention of legislation - the Registered Clubs Cabinet shake-up that saw the and Exhibition Centre at Darling Amendment Bill 2006 – that the NSW demise of several frontbenchers Harbour on Tuesday and Wednesday, Minister for Gaming and Racing, Grant including former Gaming Minister April 3 and 4. Following on from the McBride, MP, introduced into the NSW John Pandazopoulos. Premier feedback and support of the CMAA Parliament on Tuesday, November Bracks has, perhaps, sought a membership, the 2007 Conference 14, before diversion in a fresh face with Program again will be “free” to the Christmas the appointment of new Gaming delegates. With the NSW State adjournment. CMA Minister DANIEL ANDREWS, who Election around the corner, ACTU Magazine Editor was one of six MPs promoted to Federal Secretary Greg Combet will PETER SHARP the front line. KATIE CINCOTTA deliver the Conference’s Keynote looks at the meets the new Minister on Address. ‘controversy’ on Page 43 Pages 38&39 Full story: Page 12 2$)2$/# +4)/ -$3*)$) 1 Ê",Ê-1 --1Ê, -1/-Ê -7ÊäÓÊÇÇÊxxxxÊÊ+ ÊäÇÊÎÎÈnÊÎ{ÓÓÊÊ6 ÊäÎÊn££Êxä ÜÜÜ°«>ÞÌiÀ`Ý°V°>Õ 0702 CMA HP KickGoal PDI.indd 1 www.cmaa.asn.au18/1/07 5:03:24 PM 100 systems installed in the fi rst 10 months! Flexi-Link releases the Series 11 system with: New MP Controller Commentated Attract Modes Multi Protocol New Themes (sample below) 2D / 3D Graphics Rotating 42 inch Plasma Screen Grand Prix Cash Telephone: + 61 2 8858 1000 email: [email protected] IG_CMA_Sept2006.indd 1 21/8/06 12:02:01 PM Club Management February 2007 All of the pieces coming together highest in professional development place for the Zones to play a stronger workshops and networking. role in the Association’s future direction. Elections for the CMAA Federal Through the Election process, the Executive and revised structure of the current Executive will stand united to Federal Council also will take place. ensure that the CMAA’s Strategic Plan, The post-election period needs to see which has been developed and put in the planned reforms implemented. place, achieves its goals. Central to these reforms is the greater All CMAA members are encouraged role that the Zones need to play in to take a more active role at Zone level providing stronger support to the and identify those that they want to members. represent them at Federal Council. By BILL CLEGG, ACCM, One thing that is readily identifiable In this February edition of CMA CMAA Federal President. across all Association Zones is the issues. Magazine, members will find a strong On the one hand, it’s the impact of presence of reports on activity and veryone at the Club Managers’ all issues - regardless of jurisdiction support in a handful of Zones. Association is looking forward to … on the other, the local issues that With CMA Magazine Editor Peter Eanother full and exciting year. a managers need to work through Sharp, now working with the CMAA The CMDA’s comprehensive and together. as Communications Services Manager, vastly expanded Training Calendar, It is with the local issues that Zone I encourage all Zones to establish which encompasses training in activity can be facilitated to support contact with Peter to better present metropolitan and regional centres, is each other when preparing for the the education programs, work, and again full of courses tailored for the challenging and rewarding times ahead. charitable support that is achieved in skills that managers need for the future. The CMAA Federal Executive is Association Zones across Australia.
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