Dear Artists, I Hope the Following List Will Inspire You and Enhance Your Appreciation of Our Diversity and Not Overwhelm You
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Dear Artists, I hope the following list will inspire you and enhance your appreciation of our diversity and not overwhelm you. Simply select a sampling of species which you believe will illustrate the particular biome (s) you have chosen. What criteria were used to choose these plants and animals? Characteristic species. Keystone species. Cool, beautiful or quite unique to the area. Interesting plant-animal relationship. Species in BOLD are definitely characteristic, but do not feel obligated to include all of them. (S) indicates they are portrayed on biome signs at the Highlands Center. Please remember copyright violations may result in disqualification from the competition. If an illustration can be recognized as derived from someone else's photograph or artwork, it is illegal unless it is in the public domain or if permission from the source person was obtained. Wishing you many hours of painting pleasure. Joan Dukes Some sites and ways to find images not needing copyright permission*: Google (enter the name of the plant or animal) settings (up above) Advanced search scroll down to usage rights Click not filtered by license Click free to use or share Click Advanced Search Google (enter the name of the plant or animal) images tools usage rights labeled for reuse or labeled for reuse with modification *Be aware some sites show many species that are totally unrelated to the one you googled. Go figure! (It is safe to use any photos taken by Sue Smith.) Joan Dukes has many photos of plants and animals in the Central AZ Highlands. If she has what you are looking for, you are free to use it. (call 928 445-8485) VERTICAL PAINTING : Forest of Ponderosa Pine- Doug Fir- White Oak Ponderosa Pine (S) Ponderosa snag (old, dead pondy for acorn woodpeckers, pygmy nuthatch) Fallen ponderosa log for Carpenter ants Alligator Juniper Emory Oak &/or White Oak underneath the ponderosas Gambel Oak (S) and Blackcherry in drainage areas Symphoricarpos oreophilus - mountain snowberry Specific flower (forb) species below: Asclepias tuberosa - butterfly milkweed C i r s i u m a r i z o n i c u m - Arizona thistle Commelina dianthifolia - birdbill dayflower Geranium caespitosum - pineywoods geranium Heuchera rubescens - p i n k a l u m r o o t Ipomopsis aggregata - scarlet gilia Penstemon palmeri - Palmer's penstemon Penstemon virgatus - upright blue beardtongue Viguiera dentata - toothleaf goldeneye Solidago velutina - threenerve goldenrod Mule Deer Tassel-eared Squirrel (S) Black Bear (love acorns) Big Brown Bat Long eared myotis bat Long legged myotis bat Southwestern myotis bat Acorn woodpecker (S) Pinyon Jay Common raven Turkey vulture Painted red start Red-faced Warbler (S) Western Bluebird Northern Goshawk Spotted Owl (on sign) Stellar's Jay Pygmy Nuthatch Arizona Black Rattlesnake Sonoran king snake (S) Greater Short Horned Lizard Sphinx moth Two tailed swallow tail (S) Painted Lady Butterfly (Phil McNally recs:) Carpenter ants on dead logs Harvester Ants (S) eaten by short horned lizard Subterranean termites Pine white Pine sawyer Pleasing fungus beetle (pretty blue with black spots; eats fungus on ponderosas) Flat-headed borer Rhinocerus beetle Hercules beetle Lady beetle (Ladybug) HORIZONTAL PAINTING : A stream or a pond creating a riparian area in surrounding Woodland and Chaparral.) Riparian In washes: (show some evidence of a willow) Willow: Coyote Willow, Arroyo Willow (S) and /or Red Willow (S) Fremont Cottonwood Riparian Flowers: Arizona Rose (pretty pink): Rosa woodsii var. ultramontana - Woods' rose na Symphoricarpos oreophilus - mountain snowberry Aconitum columbianum - Columbian monkshood Aquilegia chrysantha - golden columbine Claytonia perfoliata - miner's lettuce Cosmos parviflorus - southwestern cosmos Epilobium canum - hummingbird trumpet Oenothera elata - Hooker's evening primrose Potentilla thurberi - scarlet cinquefoil Rudbeckia laciniata - cutleaf coneflower Veronica anagallis - a q u a t i c a - water speedwell Viola canadensis - Canadian white viol et Ranunculus cymbalaria - alkali buttercup (copy & pas t e ) Mountain lion (drinking from Creek?) Javelina Gray Fox Arizona Gray Squirrel Ringtail cat Western Red Bat Raccoon (on sign) (hunting in creek) River Otter Bald Eagle (flying overhead?) Great Blue Heron Double crested cormorant Mallard American Coot Northern shoveler Bufflehead Wood duck (Granite Creek) Canvasback Great horned owl Black Hawk Common raven Turkey vulture Bridled titmouse (S) Canyon wren (S) Summer Tanager Bullock's Oriole Yellow Warbler Sonora Mud Turtle Terrestrial garter snake Canyon Treefrog (favorite of our campers, found on boulders near Lynx Creek) Red spotted purple butterfly Grand Western Floodplain Cicada (S) (Phil McNally recs:) Two-tailed Swallowtail Western Tiger Swallowtail Sycamore sphinx (Mirabilis grandiflora/longneck 4:00) Viceroy Water strider Diving beetles Tiger beetles Dragonflies and damselfies Katydids Woodland (Pinyon Pine-Utah Juniper-) Pinyon Pine (S) Utah Juniper Arctostaphylos pringlei - yellowleaf manzanita Arctostaphylos pungens - pointleaf manzanita Wright Silk Tassel or in chap? Skyrocket Gilia? (flowers for a hummer) Antelope milkweed (food for Monarch) Longneck 4:00/mirabilis longiflora (Food for Sphinx moth) Gray Fox (S) Porcupine Bobcat Cottontail rabbit (prey of Fox, Bobcat, Pocket gophers Pinyon Jay (S) Western bluebird (Mt bluebird S) Gray Vireo Greater short horned lizard Plateau striped whiptail lizard (S) Gopher Snake (S) Tarantula (S) Monarch butterfly Sphinx moth Phil McNally suggestions: Hercules beetle Rhinocerus beetle Juniper hairstreak Paracotalpa puncticollis – scarab Moon-marked skipper Darkling beetles Chaparral Manzanita (S) Arctostaphylos pringlei - yellowleaf manzanita Arctostaphylos pungens - pointleaf manzanita Shrub/Scrub Oak (S) Mt. Mahogany Prickly Pear Cactus (nice flowers for pollinators) Three leaf sumac (S) Hollyleaf buckthorn Purshia stansburiana - Mexican cliffrose Species Detail Woody, Cacti, Succule nt Coyote Peccary (S) Striped Skunk Rock Squirrel White-throated Woodrat (S)) Eastern Cottontail Anna’s hummingbird (likes Manzanita flowers) Western Scrub Jay Black-chinned Sparrow Spotted Towhee (S) Fox Sparrow Crissal thrasher (S) Plateau (fence) lizard Greater short horned lizard (S) main diet of ants Phil McNally suggestions: Preying mantid Brown elfin Litocala sexmaculata Hyalophora Gloveri silkmoth Black Osmia bees Syphid/hover flies Harvester Ants (S) Sleepy duskywing .