A New Tower and a New Chief for County Parks Cop Gets His Badge, Bandage L
^ 7io Code Your Want Ad is Easy To Place-1 Just Phone 686-7700 An Official i For The Borough Of Mountainside VOL, 10 NO. y, Second List! Postage MOUNTAINSIDE, N.J. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1968 ublllliftd Iflili Ihuriiia, iiy 1 rumor P u t< ! I 1 ll! II y C O 111 . Sut.it. 15 Cents Per Copy Paid 81 Maufiloiniid., N.J. } NO- P,,l,,,i.fU-. k'ndl, Mn,i,,ln!.H..ic, N.J. O?O'JJ ',', TfOfl, A new tower and a new chief for county parks Cop gets his badge, bandage L. i I Me ml i, wisi j dii ilui i'ltrulm in Wil li mi Mdci nt the Mount un HIL Polite I3e piiiniLiu will nut soun fuijjei. It bi_j, in i- i il iv of jilidiiL"! wnh his, i cin^l iti mtiit IF i pin nlrn in in the Mount iin^idL di_p irtnicnt. s nl> io turn into a day of •- ldnt, •", WIILII j frt i> icticknt landed him m the luispir il \iLnitliiif tu Ins Wife, the 2d->eir uld pilinlman wjn di lllinj; a hull, in hi IUIHL it d Mn inc ive., I anwoud, to m-i ill an air Lundiutincr, The drill slipped, pier^td hie left 1L^ juiji ibu%c the i nee, brukt iff ind rc- m lined embcddi d In hib flesh, Mrs, Aldi-r ud that thi. bi oken pan w f- ^u deeply em bixidtd chit jll thai could bi_ setn wj a hulc it the puint ot entry. \ldtr wjr taken lo Muhlenburg Hospital.
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