Area Residents Oppose Union County Deer Bow Hunt Work Begins On

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Area Residents Oppose Union County Deer Bow Hunt Work Begins On Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, September 20, 2018 OUR 128th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 38-2018 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. ONE DOLLAR Work Begins on Temporary Ice Rink Despite Opposition By SARAH McGRAIL town. to be heard over heavy rain as she told Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Mr. Anderson will absorb most of the crowd of more than 40 people, WESTFIELD — Work has started the costs of installation, as well as “The council has voted on this and on the installation of a full-size ice carrying out improvement work to approved it. We have signed a lease rink on a basketball court next to the build sidewalks and improve the and we should now work together to Gumbert Park baseball field despite nearby picnic area. address any remaining concerns.” opposition from nearby residents. A walk-through presentation of the Residents of the streets surround- The Westfield Town Council voted, site by Mr. Anderson and Town Ad- ing the basketball court expressed 6 to 3, to allow the temporary rink to ministrator Jim Gildea was organized concern about increased traffic and be installed, and be used by both local on Wednesday to allay the fears of a inadequate parking, the impact of hockey teams and recreational skat- substantial impact on the local com- noise and light on their quality of life, ers, on a trial basis. munity. child safety on the roads and damage The lease agreement to install the Mayor Shelley Brindle also at- to trees, amongst other things. rink, located near South Chestnut tended the presentation and was con- Susan Levy, of the Gumbert Park Street, is with Ken Anderson, owner fronted by angry residents expressing Neighborhood Coalition, said, “We of Union Sports Arena on Route 22, their opposition to the scheme. don’t disapprove of an ice rink in who will share any profits with the Mayor Brindle was forced to shout Westfield; we disapprove of an ice rink in this location. You are wedging a commercial hockey rink into a very small location that cannot support what you are looking to do here. “It feels as though this has been ram-rodded down our throats. It is Courtesy Mary Ann McGann, Westfield Public Schools amazing to me how so many projects GO BLUE DEVILS!...Westfield Police and school officials join together to display Blue Devil decals on more than 20 police in Westfield, like Tamaques Park (turf vehicles, in support of student-athletes. Pictured, from left to right, are: Westfield High School (WHS) Assistant Principal field), are taking years to move for- James DeSarno, School Resource Officer Ricardo Johnson, Officer Timothy Donovan, Detective Sergeant Nicole Stivale, Detective Lieutenant Jason Carter, WHS School Resource Officer Elizabeth Savnik, Officer William Kleeman, WHS ward and yet, in the blink of an eye, Principal Derrick Nelson, Superintendent Margaret Dolan, WHS Athletic Director Sandra Mamary, Acting Police Chief this has been voted on.” Christopher Battiloro, Officer Fortunato Riga and Officer Joseph Habeiche. Ms. Levy accused the town of be- ing “cavalier” in violating its own zoning ordinances regarding height of buildings, as well as lighting and Area Residents Oppose noise. The plans for the ice rink show the intention to erect a tent, which will be 40 feet at its highest point, over the Union County Deer Bow Hunt rink to reduce light and noise, and to By PAUL J. PEYTON Westfield Leader, the fall bow runs ing to be impacted for the hunting install temporary changing rooms, Specially Written for The Westfield Leader from October 1 through December season that has now been amplified bathrooms and a dumpster, as well as COUNTY — A number of resi- 31, Monday through Friday. Parks from 10 or 12 days to...120 days.” a tent to house a Zamboni that resur- dents last Thursday spoke before the included will be the Watchung Reser- She said she is worried about children Christina M. Hinke for The Westfield Leader faces the ice. Union County Freeholder Board of vation, Lenape Park, Ash Brook Res- and animals being injured from the PREPARATIONS...Sidewalks are being prepared on South Chestnut Street and Mr. Anderson said, “We’ve made their opposition to this fall’s deer ervation, Oak Ridge Park, Passaic use of the “razor-sharp” bows. picnic tables were removed at Gumbert Park as part of the preparation for the numerous adjustments to our plan in bow hunt in county parks. The pro- River Park, Hawk Rise Sanctuary and temporary ice rink in Westfield. “I’m just wondering if this is an an effort to try to accommodate people gram is in addition to the shotgun Linden Municipal Landfill. The win- overkill. I don’t understand why it who oppose the rink. I am also heart- hunt to be held January to March. The ter bow hunt season runs from Janu- has to be so immense,” she said. “I’m Traffic Impact Testimony ened by the much larger, but less shotgun hunt has been part of the ary 1 through February 16, 2019, and just wondering, is this program really vocal, group of supporters, who are county deer management plan since includes Passaic River Park, Cushing right for our county and is it right for the families constantly letting me the early 1990s. Road Detention Basin and Elizabeth our parks.” Heard for Hartz’s 905 Apts. CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 As previously reported by The River Park. Union County Parks and Recre- The shotgun season runs January 7 ation Director Ron Zuber responded By CHRISTINA M. HINKE an elementary school is located north through March 1, 2019 and encom- that, “We are not hunting every day of Specially Written for The Westfield Leader of the site. passes Watchung Reservation, Lenape those 100 days,” noting the 100 days CRANFORD — Traffic in and out Mayor Hannen asked about how Warby Parker Approved Park, Nomahegan Park, Ash Brook is put in place in order to acquire the of 750 Walnut Avenue, a parcel owned the change in vehicular patterns would Reservation, Oak Ridge Park, Hawk hunting permit. by Hartz Mountain Industries, LLC, impact traffic in the vicinity of the Rise Sanctuary and Linden Munici- Freeholder Angel Estrada said “it is projected to see 447 vehicles com- nearby Walnut Avenue School. For Central Ave. Space pal Landfill. is just not feasible” that a crossbow ing in and out of the property during The Langan traffic study showed By MICHAEL BONACCORSO tions often cannot be located by the The latest deer hunt counts showed hunt will be held over 100 days, not- the peak morning hour of 7:30 to 8:30 more traffic flow (with a residential Specially Written for The Westfield Leader customer or have expired at the time 68 per square mile in the Watchung ing that weather and fall foliage will a.m., said Hartz’s traffic engineer, use) towards the north on Walnut WESTFIELD — The first Warby of purchase, Mr. Morin said. Two Reservation, 182 per square mile impact the days hunts will actually Karl Pehnke of Langan Engineering, Avenue, which would mean vehicles Parker retailer to be established in optometrists will be located within around Lenape and Nomahegan take place. at last Wednesday’s planning board would be driving towards the school New Jersey was approved to be lo- the store, stated Mr. Morin. Parks, 90 per square mile around Ash Mr. Zuber said the hunt will not be meeting. into the downtown, Mr. Pehnke said. cated at 126 Central Avenue by the Mr. Morin said Warby will not Brook Reservation and Oak Ridge conducted “anywhere near play- The Hartz application is scheduled Adding a shuttle to and from the board of adjustment at last market its establishment as an optom- Park, 53 per square mile in Hawk grounds (or) trails” and that profes- to continue on Wednesday, October train station in the downtown could Wednesday’s board meeting. etry facility or medical practice. How- Rise Sanctuary and the Linden Mu- sional marksmen certified by state 17. The planning board bumped Hartz reduce the traffic further, Mr. Pehnke Warby Parker is a prescription eye- ever, he said the practicing optom- nicipal Landfill, 183 per square mile instructors will be used. He said hunt- from the October 3 meeting, due to a said. glass and sunglasses brand headquar- etrists are an “active part” of the in and around the Cushing Road De- ers will not be out during the morning conflict with another application to “It’s not going to help with the kids tered in New York City with locations company’s business model. tention Basin, and 260 deer per square hours or during weekends. be heard that night. in the school,” Mayor Hannen said. in 28 states. Warby Parker Retail, Inc. Sherry Cronin, executive director mile in Elizabeth River Park in Hill- “I think the misconception is that Mr. Pehnke said the amount of traf- The plan also calls for the addition was approved to renovate the first floor, of the Downtown Westfield Corpora- side. people are running through the woods fic would be similar to what has oc- of another driveway, and moving the allowing professional services on all tion, the management entity of the At last week’s meeting, Kathy with bows and arrows, and that is not curred on the site during its commer- location of the driveways. The pro- three floors, including eye-accessory downtown Special Improvement Dis- Shelus of Fanwood said she is “very true,” Mr. Zuber explained. “It would cial use, but that the traffic patterns posed driveways are placed to inter- sales and optometry examinations.
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