Scotch Plains - Fanwood Times only Page 10 Thursday, November 19, 2015 The Westfield Leader and The Scotch Plains – Fanwood TIMES A Watchung Communications, Inc. Publication “Local Service at Highway Prices” APPLIANCE 70 Years in Westfield Elm Kitchen and Laundry Appliances, TV’s, Grills and A/C’s 908-233-0400 220 ELMER STREET Westfield, NJ 07090 Fanwood Bd. Approves Freeholders Okay Projects Sheds, Gets COAH Update For Cart Paths, Jail Food By CHRISTINA M. HINKE completed by PSE&G. By BRIAN TRUSDELL phase three renovations of the site. Specially Written for The Scotch Plains-Fanwood Times In another matter, Stan Slachetka Specially Written for The Scotch Plains-Fanwood Times Another million-dollar item was the FANWOOD — The planning board of the planning, architectural and en- ELIZABETH – The Union County $1.4 million for food services at the unanimously granted two exceptions gineering firm T&M Associates told Board of Chosen Freeholders autho- Union County Jail in Elizabeth with to lot coverage area limits, allowing a the board that a Superior Court should rized several million-dollar-plus spend- Aramark Correctional Services of At- pair of homeowners to install sheds review the borough’s affordable hous- ing initiatives at its November 12 meet- lanta. on their properties. ing plan by Tuesday, December 8. ing, including more than a $1 million to The board also gave its okay to the Dennis Dagounis of Oakwood Mr. Slachetka, a former chief of repave seven miles of cart paths at the Union County Improvement Author- Court was approved to build an 8-by- housing services and principle plan- Galloping Hill Golf Course in ity to issue $2.2 million in bonds for the 10-foot shed behind his home. ner for the New Jersey Council on Kenilworth. construction of “affordable” housing Zoning Officer Ray Sullivan said Affordable Housing (COAH), said County Parks and Recreation Direc- units in the Oakwood Plaza in Eliza- the shed put Mr. Dagounis 1 percent formal action by the borough would tor Ron Zuber explained that the beth. over the maximum coverage area. The occur in early 2016. $1,090,400 for the cart paths included A smaller project that would be paid home, in the northern corner of Fan- The Fair Share Housing Center in Photo courtesy of Brian Horton a subbase and was needed since the for out of forfeiture funds calls for wood, requires a minimum lot width Cherry Hill was the sole agency that THANK YOU…Councilman Dan Levine smiles as his council colleagues thank county leases golf carts that run on the $325,000 for the prosecutor’s office to of 75 feet. However, the property is did not accept the plan, Mr. Slachetka him for his service to the borough at the governing body meeting in Fanwood paths. purchase and install software from SHI about 10 feet narrower than that, board said. Monday. Mr. Levine is stepping down from council and this was his last regular “This isn’t just a skim coat,” Mr. of Somerset that would streamline pa- member David Blechinger said. “It is the primary antagonist for meeting with the group. Zuber said. perwork for criminal prosecutions. First “If the total width was 75 wide he most municipalities throughout the Several other projects involving Assistant Prosecutor Thomas Isenhour wouldn’t even be here,” he added state,” he said. “The borough has been county parks also were approved, in- explained at the board’s November 5 Bryan Minasian of 226 Tillotson proactive for providing for its obliga- Westfield to Pay $1 Mil. Plus cluding a $1.6-million contract with agenda meeting that the software would also was given the okay. Similar to tion under the Mount Laurel doctrine.” Applied Landscape Technologies of save countless hours of work required Mr Dagounis, the variance needed The New Jersey Supreme Court Montville, N.J., for an artificial turf to input arrest reports from the various was for exceeding the maximum by took jurisdiction from COAH in the To Settle False Arrest Case field at Mattano Park in Elizabeth. municipalities and the hours required less than 1 percent. This property was spring for approving the affordable By MEGAN K. SCOTT claims, “relating to unlawful entry The board also awarded a $453,500 for research with the current system. created by a minor subdivision ap- housing it mandated with its series of Specially Written for The Scotch Plains-Fanwood Times into the Rolnicks’ home, false ar- contract to T.R. Weniger Inc. of The software will allow the proved by the board over a decade decisions in 1975 and 1983 com- WESTFIELD — The Town of rest, maliciously making comments Piscataway to replace pedestrian prosecutor’s office to outfit each mu- ago, planning board member Jack monly known as the Mount Laurel Westfield will pay more than $1.1 to the press, which caused signifi- bridges in Green Brook Park in Plain- nicipal police department in the county Molenaar said. rulings. The New Jersey legislature million to settle a lawsuit stemming cant damage to their reputation and field and Rahway River Park in Rahway. to enter the required information into a He asked why the lot’s coverage created COAH in 1986 to enforce from a 2009 incident between the good name, among others,” the at- Another $347,789 contract was ap- computer from the beginning and the was at its maximum. affordable housing regulations. Westfield Police Department and torney for Ms. Sorrentino and proved with Dimilia Inc. of Montclair prosecutor’s office to build and main- Mr. Minasian said he moved there primarily Austin Rolnick and his Lawrence Rolnick, Donald DiGioia to rehabilitate the clay tennis courts in tain a case file throughout, thus elimi- in May 2014 and has not changed parents, Kimberly Sorrentino and of Mountainside, wrote in an e- Warinanco Park in Elizabeth and nating countless hours of work dupli- anything on the property. Lawrence Rolnick. mail. Roselle. cation. A patio that existed when Mr. Westfield will pay $1 million to “It was a hard long fight for our Two contracts were awarded in rela- Mr. Isenhour said it would require an Minasian purchased the property FW Recycle Kimberly Sorrentino and Lawrence clients to pursue their constitutional tion to the horse stables at Watchung estimated $40,000 per year to main- counts toward the lot coverage, Mr. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Rolnick; $100,000 to Austin rights,” Mr. DiGioia said. “They Reservation: a two-year agreement for tain, which also would come from for- Sullivan said, but it was never brought “When one is well into the ninth Rolnick and $55,000 to Austin were vigilant. They pursued this. I $150,000 with Brosh Goldgraber of feiture funds. before the board after the lot was decade of life, time gradually dimin- Rolnick’s friend, Ramon Martinez. pursued this and here we are. Elizabeth and his Professional Farrier In all, the board approved 68 resolu- subdivided. ishes, as one’s physical and mental The claims of Austin Rolnick and “So now with this settlement, our Services Inc. of Elizabeth for hoof care tions, including various congratulations T-Mobile and Sprint were given capabilities to continue to serve, but the Mr. Martinez were settled in me- clients feel they are finally com- and horseshoeing of the animals and and condolences to several individuals one-year extensions to remain on the desire to do so never declines nor the diation on October 19. Ms. pletely vindicated because they can another $89,600 with Country Feed and groups, in 45 minutes, voting unani- cell tower at 1 South Avenue. Greg pride and satisfaction you feel for be- Sorrentino’s and Lawrence allow the world to know that this and Grain LLC of Haskell, N.J., for mously 8-to-0 with Freeholder Sergio Meese, attorney for the applicants, ing one of the many dedicated Rolnick’s case was settled last week should not have happened.” horse feed. Granados absent, on all but one item, said the cellular companies are to people…,” he said. before U.S. Magistrate Leda Wettre. Westfield Town Administrator Two soil remediation contracts for on which Freeholder Alexander move to a cell tower at the PSE&G Following his speech, Mayor Mahr Their case was set to go to trial on James Gildea told The Scotch county properties, mostly for parks, Mirabella abstained. site on South Avenue, but there have was teary-eyed. Tuesday. December 15. Plains-Fanwood Times in an e-mail also were approved. been delays in the process. Councilman Dan Levine said his The $1-million settlement re- that the municipality had no com- The board okayed $350,275 for a He said the expectation is to move goodbyes to the council, as he sat at his leases Westfield, the Westfield Po- ment. contract with Matrix New World Engi- to the PSE&G site in the spring or fall last meeting, fulfilling his three-year lice Department, and the named The settlement stems from an in- neering of Florham Park for continued Downtown of next year, after the processes are term. He did not seek re-election. police officers from any and all cident two days before Christmas work at numerous facilities, including CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 when Westfield police responded the Ashbrook Country Club and the Mayor Kevin Glover said that the to the 500 block of Boulevard on a Union County maintenance yard in council sees the effort “as a multi- report of possibly intoxicated young Scotch Plains, Watchung Reservation phased project,” but added: “We need adults exiting a chartered bus from in Mountainside, Houdaille Quarry in to show some progress.” WE WE WE a holiday party in New York City.
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