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[email protected] WITH OVER 30 YEARS SERVING THE ISLAND #"##SOMETHING FOR#$ EVERYONE%&%#'(( 22 Francis Street OPEN 7 DAYS Stornoway •# Insurance Services RMk Isle of Lewis Tues-Thursday 12pm-2.30pm 4.30-10.30pm Friday-Saturday: 12pm-3pm 4pm till late HS1 2NB •# Risk Management "7$Sunday: 12pm till#89#! late (open all day Sunday) ADVICE 24 South Beach Street, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis t: 01851 704949 # • Health & Safety YOU CAN Tel: 01851 700299 www.rmkgroup.co.uk TRUST EVENTS SECTION ONE - Page 2 www.hebevents.com 08/08/19 - 04/09/19 9: 61;6 A postcard from history! A :6<BCD ;E ;<6:9=F=<6:9= !"#$%"#&'(&') By Roz Macaskill postcard which went missing 59 years ago fi nally reached A its destination last week. The postcard was sent in 1960 from Inverness by Lilly Campbell butt was lost in transit before fi nally making its way to Nellie Mackenzie. Nellie says: “My maiden name was Nellie Gillies and we livedd at 1 Bells Road.