Life of Flora Macdonald '
, da am. rim 112 noi a31 188000^673 12b UNIVERSITY G U E L P H ffl The Library RESTRD DA S14.M14 MS 1901 Macgregor , Alexander 1806-1 SSI The Life of Flora Macdonald ' i * Date due ' ^U^v^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 SK FLORA MACDONALD. FROM ALLAN RAMSAY'S PAINTING FROM LIFE, Admirers of FLORA MACDONALD are recommended to purchase Mr. Jolly's "FLORA MACDONALD IN UIST." Crown 8vo, boards, 1/6. New Edition just ready. By the Author of i4 Life of Flora Macdonald." 'HIGHLAND SUPERSTITIONS," by the Rev. ALEXANDER MACGREGOR, M.A. Demy 8vo, cloth, 2/- net. THE LIFE OF FLORA MACDONALD, Rev. ALEXANDER MACGREGOR, M.A. REV. ALEXANDER MACGREGOR, M.A. STIRLING: ENEAS MAC KAY, 43 MURRAY PLACE. London : Gibrings & Company, Limited. 1901. LIFE OF FLORA MACDONALD, WITH A LIFE OF THE AUTHOR, AND AN APPENDIX GIVING THE DESCENDANTS OF THE FAMOUS HEROINE BY ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, F.S.A. (Scot.), Author of "The Historical Tales and Legends of the Highlands," etc. ,\? «? \,< PRINTED BY MUNRO & JAMIESON, STIRLING. IHE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH CONTENTS. PAGE Preface vii Memoir of the Author ix Chapter I. From Sheriffmuir to Culloden I Chapter II. From Culloden to the Long Island II Chapter III. Flora's Family, Youth, and Education 26 Chapter IV. Flora and the Prince in the Long Island 48 Chapter V. Flora and the Prince in the Isle of Skye—From Kingsburgh to Portree S6 Chapter VI. Flora a state prisoner—From Skye to London and back 106 Chapter VII.
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