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Natural Ecology and Management Ecology and Management Publications

1-2004 Impacts of Management Activities on Selected Hardwood Quality Attributes: A Review Bruce E. Cutter University of Missouri

Mark V. Coggeshall University of Missouri

John E. Phelps Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Douglas D. Stokke Iowa State University, [email protected]

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Abstract Hardwoods are increasingly being viewed as an important raw material component of the forest products industry, and this has spurred awareness of the impact of forest management on and wood quality. The impacts of various forest management activities on tree and wood quality in hardwoods are presented from the standpoint of the activities themselves rather than that of the wood properties. These silvicultural activities include genetic manipulation, intensive culture, fertilization and/or , , , weed control, and prescribed fire. A broad literature cited section is included as an aid to future scientists.

Keywords Hardwoods, wood quality, forest management,

Disciplines Forest Management | Forest Sciences | Natural Resources Management and Policy

Comments This article is published as Cutter, Bruce E., Mark V. Coggeshall, John E. Phelps, and Douglas D. Stokke. "Impacts of forest management activities on selected hardwood wood quality attributes: a review." Wood and fiber science 36, no. 1 (2007): 84-97. Posted with permission.

This article is available at Iowa State University Digital Repository: https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/nrem_pubs/268 IMPACTS OF FOREST MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES ON SELECTED HARDWOOD WOOD QUALITY ATTRIBUTES: A REVIEW Bruce E. Cutter*² Professor of University of Missouri±Columbia 203 ABNR Columbia, MO 65211 Mark V. Coggeshall Research Analyst MU Center for University of Missouri±Columbia Columbia, MO 65211 John E. Phelps² Professor of Forestry Southern Illinois University Carbondale, IL 62901

and Douglas D. Stokke² Assistant Professor Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management Iowa State University Ames, IA 50011 (Received December 2002)

ABSTRACT Hardwoods are increasingly being viewed as an important raw material component of the forest products industry, and this has spurred awareness of the impact of forest management on tree and wood quality. The impacts of various forest management activities on tree and wood quality in hard- are presented from the standpoint of the activities themselves rather than that of the wood properties. These silvicultural activities include genetic manipulation, intensive culture, fertilization and/or irrigation, pruning, thinning, weed control, and prescribed ®re. A broad literature cited section is included as an aid to future scientists. Keywords: Hardwoods, wood quality, forest management, silviculture.

In the past several decades, considerable at- virens (D. Don) Endl.). However, the same tention has been devoted to measuring, manip- level of attention has not been paid to hard- ulating, and improving wood quality in several woods except perhaps for Populus and Euca- softwoods, notably Douglas-®r (Pseudotsuga lyptus on a global scale. At one time, the Unit- menziesii (Mirb.) Franco), the southern pines ed States Forest Service North Central Forest (Pinus spp.), and redwood (Sequoia semper- Experiment Station had a major research effort in wood quality of ®ne hardwoods (white ash, white oak, and black walnut), but this was * Corresponding author: Of®ce (573) 882-2744, e-mail: [email protected]. dropped in a reorganization. Purdue Univer- ² Member SWST. sity is now the home of the Hardwood Tree

Wood and Fiber Science, 36(1), 2004, pp. 84±97 ᭧ 2004 by the Society of Wood Science and Technology Cutter et al.ÐHARDWOOD QUALITY RELATED TO FOREST MANAGEMENT 85

Improvement and Regeneration Center the National Design Speci®cation (Blanken- (HTIRC), a relatively new effort focusing on horn et al. 1999). genetic improvement of ®ne hardwoods The efforts in wood quality manipulation (Woeste and Michler 2000). The HTIRC is a can be broadly de®ned as whatever actions the partnership among state, federal, and private landowner undertakes that in¯uence the organizations and agencies. growth of the and/or the stand. In for- The increased emphasis being placed on estry, this falls under the broad aegis of sil- hardwood utilization requires that we focus on viculture. Silviculture is both an art and a sci- improving all aspects of hardwood growth and ence and has been de®ned as the art of apply- utilization. Luppold et al. (2002) noted that ing science to control quality (Ny- hardwood roundwood consumption has been 2002). This includes no action as well increasing since the 1960s in all regions of the since, as we will see, failure to control weeds United States. In this paper we review efforts or to remove diseased trees or to thin will in- in wood quality improvement and manipula- ¯uence the growth of the stand just as much tion in (primarily) North American hard- as overt action does. One of the problems in woods. While the majority of the research cit- looking at the effects of forest management ed in this paper is post-1970, there were sev- activities on tree and wood quality is that all eral pioneering studies predating this that de- too often tree growth (diameter and/or height) serve special notice. These include the efforts is assumed to be a proxy for wood quality and of Benson H. Paul, USDA Forest Service Sil- speci®c measures of wood quality are left un- viculturist (Paul 1929 through 1963). measured. A study of the literature indicated that the WOOD QUALITY body of knowledge is lacking in many areas. Wood quality is measured by several param- While there have been many examples of eters whose importance varies from end-user guidebooks discussing hardwood stand man- to end-user. Briggs and Smith (1986) indicated agementÐUSDA General Technical Report that wood quality ``is a measure of aptness of NC-38 by Schlesinger and Funk (1977) or UK wood for a given use.'' Larson (1969) views Forestry Commission Handbook Number 9 by wood quality as a concept and further indi- Kerr and Evans (1993) as examplesÐfew, if cates that any, of these discuss wood quality. The index in Johnson et al.'s recent book on oak ecology . . . wood quality encompasses the whole of the wood, and silviculture lists neither tree nor wood and when certain characteristics are segregated for mea- quality (Johnson et al. 2002). There are some surement or evaluation, it must be recognized that the noteworthy exceptions to this, however. In the evaluation is arbitrary and the segregation arti®cial. Fourth Black Walnut Symposium, Phelps The characteristics or parameters Larson re- (1989) addressed the tree growth-wood quality ferred to might include cell length, density or relationship from the wood properties per- speci®c gravity, growth rate, earlywood-late- spective. Cutter et al. (1997) reviewed the im- wood ratio, heartwood color, etc. They may pact of management activities on walnut also include such items as grade where growth and wood quality in the Fifth Black hardwood lumber is to be cut into smaller Walnut Symposium. Zhang et al. (1997) or- pieces to be remanufactured into furniture (as ganized a workshop on timber management an example). Until recently, strength had usu- and wood quality/end product value. Nepveu ally not been a concern in hardwood utiliza- (1999) led a workshop on modeling the rela- tion since the majority of the wood had been tionships between silviculture and wood qual- used for decorative veneers and furniture. Re- ity. cent research has resulted in the inclusion of In wood utilization texts, three general aspen, yellow-poplar, red oak, and maples in sources of variation in wood and wood prop- 86 WOOD AND FIBER SCIENCE, JANUARY 2004, V. 36(1) erties are listed: genetics, tree (cambial) age, munication). These efforts have been geared and environment (Panshin and de Zeeuw towards improved ®ber production for 1980; Bowyer et al. 2003). Environmental fac- and paper usage and continue today. In recent tors are typically thought of as climate, years, willows (Salix spp.) have also received fertility, moisture, photoperiod, etc. However, considerable attention because of their in- forest management activities undertaken by creased growth potential (Volk et al. 2001) as the landowner constitute an environmental im- has river birch (Betula nigra L.) (Hicks et al. pact as well. Typical or traditional forest man- 1975). agement activitiesÐe.g., silvicultural activi- When it comes to using hardwood for tiesÐmight include thinning, pruning, fertil- something other than a ®ber or source, ization, irrigation, etc. Atypical activities the efforts and results have been more modest. might include mechanical agitation by shakers Farmer (1972) indicated that there were tree to hurry nut drop such as is common in har- improvement efforts underway in yellow birch vesting English walnuts or pecans (Reid (Betula alleghaniensis Britton), northern red 1993). Another atypical management activity oak (Quercus rubra L.), sugar maple (Acer might be agroforestry alleycropping where al- saccharum Marsh.), sweetgum (Liquidambar leyways are used for rowcrops and grazing styraci¯ua L.), white ash (Fraxinus americana lanes (Garrett et al. 1991). L.), sycamore (Platanus occidentalis L.), and This paper is somewhat unusual in that we yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.) address primarily the effects of forest manage- Many of these early efforts were geared to- ment activities on hardwood tree and wood wards improvement in height and diameter quality rather than looking at speci®c wood growth and not necessarily wood quality pa- quality measures. By no means should this pa- rameters per se (Farmer et al. 1983). per be considered a complete and exhaustive In Europe, there have been several studies compilation. We recognize that some citations aimed at genetic improvement and breeding will be overlooked. We will begin by brie¯y programs primarily in oaks and birches (Ne- reviewing some of the literature on the other pveu 1976, 1982; Nepveu et al. 1978; Sesbou two sources of wood quality variationÐge- and Nepveu 1978). Nepveu (1984) indicated netics and tree age. that there was a high broad-sense heritability in several oaks (Quercus petraea (Matt)

GENETICS Liebl., Quercus robur L. and Q. rubra L.) for wood basic density, intermediate heritability One of the glaring areas where noticeable for volumetric change, and low or insigni®cant effort has been lacking has been in the area of heritability for growth and shrinkage anisot- genetic improvement of hardwood quality. ropy. Nepveu and Velling (1983) looked at ge- The establishment of the Hardwood Tree Im- netic variability in Betula pendula and found provement and Regeneration Center will ad- that there was suf®cient variation that selec- dress some of this. Several years ago there tion for increased wood basic density was pos- were efforts to improve sugar content in sugar sible. Guilley et al. (1999) found that there maple for better syrup production (Kriebel was some degree of genetic control over spiral 1967; Kriebel and Gabriel 1969). There has grain in Q. petraea. There has been some been considerable effort expended in poplar work done with evaluating genetic variation in improvement by both the government and pri- Indian (Tectona grandis) as well (Var- vate industry beginning with Stout and Schrei- ghese et al. 2000) ner in the 1930s (Farmer 1972; Schreiner The one species where there have been con- 1959, 1971; Smith 1967; Stout and Schreiner certed efforts in North America is eastern 1933) and continuing with private industry black walnut (Juglans nigra L.). Considerable such as MeadWestvaco (Robison private com- time and effort have been expended over the Cutter et al.ÐHARDWOOD QUALITY RELATED TO FOREST MANAGEMENT 87 years in black walnut tree improvement pro- 1999; Geyer et al. 2000). In most tree species, grams with modest results (Beineke 1985; Bey the early years of growth produce wood that 1973; Chenowerth 1995; Rink 1987; Rink and is variously termed ``immature wood'' or ``ju- Phelps 1989; Rink et al. 1994a, b). Most of venile wood'' (Panshin and de Zeeuw 1980, the work has been aimed at improving either Haygreen and Bowyer 1996). This wood has growth and form or at increasing nut yield also been referred to as ``crown-formed (Garrett et al. 1994; Jones et al. 1995). Rink wood'' since it is associated with the live et al. (1994a) evaluated wood quality in a thin- crown section of the tree stem. Typically, this ning of -grown walnut and found wood is characterized by shorter cells, steeper that selection for timber growth showed mod- S2 cell-wall micro®bril angles, and altered est genetic advantage. Rink (1987) has also chemical composition. As a result of these found low heritability for heartwood color in changes, some physical and mechanical prop- black walnut suggesting that environmental erties are altered as wellÐincreased shrinkage, and/or management factors play a signi®cant decreased density, decreased strength. Walnut role in determining this important wood qual- does not appear to be an exception. Cutter and ity parameter. Woeste (2002) evaluated a 35- Garrett (1993) found that ®ber length was in- year-old walnut progeny test and found that creasing from pith to bark in a study of 15- there was signi®cant opportunity for gain for year-old from an agroforestry plan- heartwood area. tation. Zhang et al. (1993, 1994a, b) looked at Chen et al. (1995) examined knots, pin density variation in European oaks and were knots, and pin knot clusters in black walnut able to develop regression equations that re- boards cut from logs obtained from a precom- lated wood density and shrinkage to cambial mercial thinning of a walnut-agroforestry age and ring width. plantation. They found no advantage over se- lection for either nut or timber characteristics FERTILIZATION AND/OR IRRIGATION with respect to knots, pin knots, or pin knot clusters. They suggested that retention of sup- As a rule, fertilization and irrigation in- pressed buds was controlled by environmental crease ring width (Klem 1968). In hardwoods, factors, not genetics. most of this increase seems to occur in the While not actual genetic manipulation, there latewood. Murphey et al. (1973b) found that were early efforts to produce ®gured walnut red oak latewood growth increased signi®- by grafting (Lamb 1940). Walters (1951) re- cantly as a result of fertilization/irrigation with ported that trees grafted had more ®gure in the sewage ef¯uent. This resulted in an overall in- outer section of the stem then the inner sec- crease in speci®c gravity. Mitchell (1971) tion. There have also been attempts to graft found a slight increase in speci®c gravity fol- for birdseye grain in sugar maple, again with lowing fertilization. Insofar as improving the limited success (Kriebel and Gabriel 1969). growth and vigor of the trees, it is dif®cult to say that either of these practices would be det- rimental to tree and/or wood quality. Certain- TREE AGE ly, based on the results from other species, one Tree age has become increasingly important could infer that the results would likely be fa- with the emphasis on short-rotation forestry vorable (Murphey et al. 1973a, b; Scowcroft that surfaced during the 1970s. Again much of and Stein 1986). When fertilization is specif- the emphasis has been either for ®ber produc- ically discussed, it is usually with respect to tion (see Blankenhorn et al. 1988, 1992a, b; the effect on nut yield (Jones et al. 1995). Holt and Murphey 1978; Murphey et al. 1979 There have been several studies conducted for example) or energy crops (Geyer where nutrient levels were altered or con- 1981; Geyer and Walawender 1994, 1997, trolled to determine what if any effect nutri- 88 WOOD AND FIBER SCIENCE, JANUARY 2004, V. 36(1) tion had on wood anatomy and or quality. that pruning is a deliberate wounding of the Foulger and Hacskaylo (1968) found that po- tree, regardless of the desirability of the end tassium-de®cient Populus deltoides Bartr. result. The general recommendation that may seedlings had shorter, narrower ®bers and nar- be made is that pruning should be done at an rower ring widths in their lower stems and early age and limited to small-diameter narrower vessel elements in the upper stems. branches (say less than 1-inch diameter). Early Foulger et al. (1971, 1972) stated that more pruning will allow the production of the max- information on speci®c nutrients was neces- imum amount of clear wood. sary. Cutter and Murphey (1978), Murphey While pruning is frequently done to correct and McAdoo (1969), and Murphey et al. a misshapen stem, Reeves (1984) found that (1962) all found that depriving seedling or the tree will try to correct this on its own, and, cuttings of adequate potassium resulted in if left alone, will do a very good job. The time higher wood speci®c gravity. of year that pruning occurs has been shown to play a role in both wound healing and scar- GRAZING ring. Armstrong et al. (1981) and Smith While grazing is not what many people con- (1980) found that fall pruning/wounding pro- sider a recommended forest management prac- duced more scarring and discoloration in wal- tice, many times cattle are grazed in or nuts than did late winter±early spring pruning. . Some agencies explicitly recom- Studies by Clark and several of his co-workers mend against grazing (Hershey 1991; Wil- indicated that pruning, while stimulating liams 1933). However, in many areas of the growth, sometimes produced undesirable re- United States, forest grazing of cattle is a com- sults including epicormic branching (Clark mon practice (Lundgren et al. 1983). Much of 1955, 1961; Clark and Seidel 1961). Indeed, the evidence cited against grazing appears to even 25 years following pruning, the pruning be either anecdotal or based on uncontrolled wounds had not healed on some stems in one grazing of not only cattle, but hogs, sheep, study (Shigo et al. 1978, 1979). Shigo and his goats, etc. and is related to soil erosion and watershed degradation (Patric and Helvey numerous co-workers noted that dark bands of 1986). Cutter et al. (1996) found that con- discolored heartwood were associated with trolled grazing with cattle had no in¯uence on pruning wounds. If the production of clear, tree grade in slash pine. Lehmkuler et al. uniform color wood is the desired result, this (1998) indicted that controlled grazing of cat- is clearly undesirable. tle was not harmful to walnut over the short Minckler (1967) indicated that pruning and run. The emphasis in both studies was on con- thinning could improve stem quality in white trol of the duration, intensity, and timing of oak, but no direct measure of wood quality the grazing. was examined. Dwyer and Lowell (1988) and Lowell and Dwyer (1988) showed that, while PRUNING pruning may appear to improve log grade and Pruning is done for several reasons includ- therefore lumber quality, the time and effort ing the production of a clear stem, corrective may not be economically worthwhile over the pruning for tree form, and (in agroforestry al- rotation cycle. This was a study of black and leycropping regimes) removal of low branches scarlet oak (Quercus velutina Lam. and Q. that might impede the access of agricultural coccinea Muench, respectively) growing on an equipment. While there have been numerous upland site in the Missouri Ozarks. DeBell et studies showing the proper way to prune to al. (2002) found that pruning had no signi®- minimize bole damage (Armstrong et al. 1981; cant impact on wood quality in nine-year old Shigo et al. 1978), it is important to remember Populus stems. Cutter et al.ÐHARDWOOD QUALITY RELATED TO FOREST MANAGEMENT 89

THINNING (1963) recommended that management prac- tices producing conditions similar to those Typically, thinning is thought of as removal where open-grown walnut occurs be followed. of poorly formed trees, low vigor trees, dis- On the other hand, Landt and Phares (1973) eased trees, etc. From a traditional forest man- suggested that open-grown walnut would tend agement standpoint, thinning is either pre- to be forked and limby while forest-grown commercial (i.e. the cut trees are left on the walnut would have a straight, clear stem. Ac- ground) or commercial (the removed trees are cording to them, the forest-grown stems would large enough for product recoveryÐalso have a dark-colored heartwood with a narrow known as harvesting or ). In either sapwood band while open-grown trees would event, the result is increased and nutrient have lighter heartwood and wider sapwood availability for the residual stand. In some in- rings. stances, there have been reports of increased Phelps and Chen (1989) found thatÐwhile levels of limb-related defects associated with plantation-grown black walnut grew fasterÐ heavily thinned hardwood stands (Sonderman lumber quality was lower in logs from the 1986). It is well recognized that thinned stands plantation-grown trees. They attributed this to have a tendency towards epicormic branch the presence of numerous knots in the boards. proliferation. In another study, gum spots were Phelps and Workman (1992) compared vessel found in the wood of black cherry (Prunus element area in naturally-grown walnut serotina Ehrh.) following a partial harvest against plantation-grown walnut trees. They (Rexrode and Smith 1990). There has also found that the faster-growing plantation trees been some indication in the literature that thin- had wider growth rings, which in turn have nings increased the tendency towards sun wider latewood zones. This results in a reduc- scald and frost cracks in certain climates, al- tion in vessel area in the cross-section, which though mechanical injury from equipment results in poorer wood texture. On the other could not be ruled out (Phelps 1976). hand, stand management favors a more uni- It should be obvious that there is some dam- form wood texture. age to the residual stand as a result of thin- Phelps and Chen (1991) examined wood nings. The damage can occur either from the and drying properties in white oak (Quercus falling trees damaging limbs or stems of the alba L.) lumber from thinned and unthinned residual stand or basal damage from skidding, stands. They found that tree size had a greater orÐmore insidiousÐroot damage from soil in¯uence on lumber grade than any other var- compaction, which may translate to stem dam- iable. There were no signi®cant differences in age. amounts of heartwood, speci®c gravity, and Cutter et al. (1991) indicated that there was board width shrinkage. There was a signi®cant a differential response to thinning between difference in thickness shrinkage between black oak and scarlet oak in the Missouri thinned and unthinned wood. Ozarks. The black oak responded immediately Other literature suggests that trees growing to the release, while the scarlet oaks lagged in a crowded stand may have greater height: some six to seven years behind. diameter ratios. In a study of the effect of Paul (1943) reported that open-grown black stand density, Holbrook and Putz (1989) found walnut had higher density than did forest- that sweetgum (Liquidambar styraci¯ua L.), grown walnut. Open-grown was de®ned at which like walnut is a light-demanding tree, that time as ``trees growing singly or in small apparently allocated more wood to height scattered groups in pastures and relatively growth than to diameter when grown in dense open farm woodlots.'' This might be analo- stands. gous to stand densities seen in many agrofor- Zhang et al. (1993) studied wood density in estry con®gurations. In a latter paper, Paul two European oaks (Q. petraea (Matt) Liebl. 90 WOOD AND FIBER SCIENCE, JANUARY 2004, V. 36(1) and Q. robur L.) and developed a model that lihood of basal scarring which is of most in- allowed prediction of wood density based on terest to the forest products community. cambial age and ring width. They suggested that application of (what they termed) dynam- WEED CONTROL ic silviculture might result in denser and more This could also be termed ``competing veg- uniform oak than did conventional silvicul- etation control'' since, under some scenarios, ture. the competing vegetation that landowners Bragg et al. (1997) suggested that manage- need to control may be rowcrops or other tree ment activitiesÐsuch as thinningÐmay re- species. Numerous papers have shown that duce the occurrence of ``birdseye'' ®gure in vegetation control during establishment phases sugar maple. of walnut stands is necessary for optimum growth response (Schlesinger and Van Sam- PRESCRIBED FIRE OR beek 1986; Van Sambeek et al. 1989). What While wild®re is not a management tool, many do not realize is that the competition for prescribed ®re isÐand it is becoming more available nutrients and water continues once common in some areas (Van Lear 2000). In the tree is into the sapling or pole stage. If the either event, ®re may impact tree growth and competing vegetation is other trees, be they therefore wood quality. In a prescription (or walnut or some other species, then vegetation prescribed) ®re, the impact on tree growth and control is termed thinning. If the competing wood quality may be minimized by proper vegetation is an annual (such as corn or soy- burning techniques. Wendel and Smith (1986) beans) or a perennial (such as clover or les- indicated that a single prescribed ®re in a cen- pideza), then the tree line may need to be kept tral Appalachian oak-hickory stand resulted in vegetation-free in order for the tree to suc- a major reduction in butt log quality. The basal cessfully compete for water and nutrients. This scars that result from ®re damage are the result could be done through either chemical or me- of the cambium being heated for a known chanical means (Jones et al. 1990). Cutter and length of time to a lethal temperatureÐtypi- Garrett (1993) indicated that declining growth cally cited as 60ЊC (140ЊF) for 30 s or 64ЊC in an agroforestry plantation on an exceptional ϭ ϩ (147ЊF) for instantaneous cambial death site (SI 90 ) was coincident with conver- (Brown and Davis 1973). Obviously this is a sion of the alleyways to a perennial cover function of bark thickness as well and many crop. SI refers to , commonly de®ned hardwood species are (relatively) thin-barked. as the height of the dominant and co-dominant Paulsell (1957) noted that post oak (Quercus trees at age 50. stellata Wangenh.) and hickory (Carya spp.) had thicker bark than more desirable species OTHER ASPECTS OF WOOD QUALITY and therefore were more resistant to basal By focusing this review on the impacts of scarring. Many times the scar is only part way management on tree and wood quality, we around the tree because of fuel loadings and have neglected some important hardwood wind currents (Hare 1965; Gill 1973). Loomis quality issues. One that immediately comes to (1973, 1977) and Wendel and Smith (1986) mind is tension wood and its development indicated that the chance of tree mortality was (Scur®eld 1973). Tension wood in hardwoods a function of tree diameter as well. In the case has been the subject of numerous studies (Is- of wild®res, the damage may include complete ebrands and Bensend 1972; Isebrands and Par- destruction of the tree. There is some indica- ham 1974; Schumann and Pillow 1969, for ex- tion in the ®re literature (Van Lear and Wald- ample). In many species, the amount of ten- rop 1989, for example) that seasonal timing of sion wood present in a stem has been linked the ®re may have a major impact on the like- directly to the degree of lean in a tree while Cutter et al.ÐHARDWOOD QUALITY RELATED TO FOREST MANAGEMENT 91 in other species, tension wood develops re- yond. As a closing note, the literature section gardless of lean (Reeves 1984). In either of this paper is labeled as a ``Partial Bibliog- event, tension wood is not considered a desir- raphy.'' We recognize that not all references able trait in many products! on the broad subject we have attempted to re- Color has been examined in a number of view will be included in this section. By the studies to attempt to describe the quality of same token, many of the references listed in wood from that perspective. Wood color is an this section are not cited in this paper but are elusive trait, primarily because the importance included to facilitate future use. The relative of it (from a quality standpoint) varies from ease of searching electronic databases and ac- species to species and from market to market cessing online journals has on one hand sim- (Bistline 1981; Blomgren 1965). There are pli®ed but has also complicated it. How- differences within a species as well. Anecdot- ever, we have attempted to include a broad ally, there are reputed to be black walnut buy- cross-section of new as well as older literature ers who claim that walnut from certain regions to facilitate the efforts of future researchers. has a reddish hue in color and is therefore less desirable. As previously noted, Rink (1987) PARTIAL BIBLIOGRAPHY suggested that environmental/management ARMSTRONG, J. E., W. H. KEARBY, AND E. A. MCGINNES, factors play a signi®cant role in determining JR. 1979. Anatomical response and recovery of twigs of this important wood quality parameter. Juglans nigra following oviposition injury in¯icted by In the early 1990s, Phelps and colleagues the Two-spotted Treehopper, Enchenopa biontata. Wood Fiber 11:29±37. conducted a series of studies to evaluate the ,A.L.SHIGO,D.T.FUNK, AND E. A. MCGINNES, potential for using color-measuring instru- JR., AND D. E. SMITH. 1981. A macroscopic and micro- ments in matching colors in white oak panels scopic study of compartmentalization and wound clo- destined for the kitchen door market. The col- sure after mechanical wounding of black walnut trees. or value for lightness (L*) was found to be the Wood Fiber 13:275±291. BEINEKE, W. F. 1985. Characteristics of Purdue Universi- most in¯uential in determining color separa- ty's patented black walnut trees. Purdue University Co- tion between dimension parts in a door panel operative Extension Service FNR-115. West Lafayette, (Phelps et al. 1994). Little difference was IN. 7 pp. found within individual panel parts, leading to BENDTSEN, B. A. 1978. Properties of wood from improved the observation that very few measurements and intensively managed trees. Forest Prod. J. 28(10): 61±72. per part were necessary. In a subsequent study BEY, C. F. 1973. Growth of black walnut trees in eight (Stokke et al. 1995), the distribution of light- midwestern statesÐA provenance test. 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