NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR AIR AND STREAM IMPROVEMENT DYNAMICS OF COARSE WOODY DEBRIS IN NORTH AMERICAN FORESTS: A LITERATURE REVIEW TECHNICAL BULLETIN NO. 877 MAY 2004 by Gregory Zimmerman, Ph.D. Lake Superior State University Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan Acknowledgments This review was prepared by Dr. Gregory Zimmerman of Lake Superior State University. Dr. T. Bently Wigley coordinated NCASI involvement. For more information about this research, contact: T. Bently Wigley, Ph.D. Alan Lucier, Ph.D. NCASI Senior Vice President P.O. Box 340362 NCASI Clemson, SC 29634-0362 P.O. Box 13318 864-656-0840 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-3318
[email protected] (919) 941-6403
[email protected] For information about NCASI publications, contact: Publications Coordinator NCASI P.O. Box 13318 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-3318 (919) 941-6400
[email protected] National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc. (NCASI). 2004. Dynamics of coarse woody debris in North American forests: A literature review. Technical Bulletin No. 877. Research Triangle Park, N.C.: National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc. © 2004 by the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc. serving the environmental research needs of the forest products industry since 1943 PRESIDENT’S NOTE In sustainable forestry programs, managers consider many ecosystem components when developing, implementing, and monitoring forest management activities. Even though snags, downed logs, and stumps have little economic value, they perform important ecological functions, and many species of vertebrate and invertebrate fauna are associated with this coarse woody debris (CWD). Because of the ecological importance of CWD, some state forestry agencies have promulgated guidance for minimum amounts to retain in harvested stands.