Browsing and with Ensembl

Ensembl Workshop University of Cambridge 3rd September 2013

Denise Carvalho-Silva Ensembl Outreach


This workshop is based on Ensembl release 72 (June 2013).

1) Presentation slides

The pdf file of the talks presented in this workshop is available in the link below:

2) Course booklet

A digital copy of this course booklet can be found below:

3) Answers

The answers to the exercises in this course booklet can be found below:



OVERVIEW ...... 4



EXERCISES ...... 38

BROWSER ...... 38

BIOMART ...... 41

VARIATION ...... 48


REGULATION ...... 52




Getting started with Ensembl at

Ensembl provides genes and other annotation such as regulatory regions, conserved base pairs across species, and sequence variations. The Ensembl set is based on and mRNA evidence in UniProtKB and NCBI RefSeq databases, along with manual annotation from the VEGA/Havana group. All the data are freely available and can be accessed via the web browser at Perl programmers can directly access Ensembl databases through an Application Programming Interfaces (Perl APIs). Gene sequences can be downloaded from the Ensembl browser itself, or through the use of the BioMart web interface, which can extract information from the Ensembl databases without the need for programming knowledge! A sister browser at is set up to access non-chordates, namely , , fungi, metazoa, and ).


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Points covered: • Why do we need browsers? • An introduction to the Ensembl browser Check our video tutorial! • How data can be accessed in Ensembl ? • An overview of Ensembl tools EnsemblHelpdesk

The Ensembl Genome browser Introduction to BioMart


Ensembl is a joint project between the EBI (European Institute) and the Sanger Institute that annotates chordate genomes (i.e. vertebrates and closely related with a notochord, such as sea squirt). Gene sets from model (e.g. yeast, fruitfly and worm are also imported for comparative analysis by the Ensembl team. Most annotation is updated every two months, leading to increasing Ensembl versions (such as version 73), however the gene sets are determined less frequently.

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Figure 1: The Region in detail view: Protein alignments and other tracks.

Click on the cog wheel icon to add more data track to Ensembl views. Alternatively, you may want to click on the Configure this page button instead at the left hand side.

The vast amount of information associated with genomic sequences demands a way to organise and access that information. This is where genome browsers come in. Ensembl strives to display many layers of genome annotation into a simplified view for the ease of the user. Figure 1 above shows the Region in detail page for the BRCA2 gene in human. The example shows blocks of reflecting conservation scores of sequence identity on a level across 36 species. Conserved regions are displayed as dark blocks that represent local regions of alignment.

5 Also in this figure alignments from the UniProtKB have been added to the genomic location of the human BRCA2 gene. Filled yellow blocks show where these UniProtKB proteins align to the genome, and gaps in the alignment are shown as empty yellow blocks. Note, in this case, the UniProtKB proteins support most of the shown in the Ensembl BRCA2-001 and BRCA2-201 transcripts.

Both Ensembl and Vega (Havana) transcripts are portrayed as exons (boxes) and introns (connecting lines). Filled boxes show coding sequence and empty boxes reflect untranslated regions (UTRs). This Region in detail view is useful for comparing Ensembl gene models with current proteins, mRNAs and ESTs from other databases, such as NCBI RefSeq, ENA, Unigene and UniProtKB. Everything in this view is aligned to the genome.

Figure 2: The Region in detail view: 1000 genomes tracks

The Region in detail view can be configured (using the Configure this page button) to show regulatory features, sequence variation, and more! For example, click on dbSNP under the Variation menu and turn on the sequence variants (dbSNP and all other sources) at the right side of this page. Save and close. Back to the Region in detail view, click on the sequence variation of interest. A pop-up box will show you a few variation properties such as rs number, alleles, type, and others. Click on the rs properties link to take you to an information page for the genetic variation, including links to population frequencies, if available. You can do the same for regulatory features as well.

An index page is provided for each species with information about the source of the genomic , a (if available), and a link to past sites on our archive. The picture below shows the Ensembl homepage for human. Links to the human

6 karyotype, to the previous human assembly and a summary of gene and genome information are found in this index page.

News Search

Information Links to and statistics example features in Ensembl

Ensembl devotes separate pages and views in the browser to display a variety of information types, using a tabbed structure. The three main entry points in Ensembl are the Location tab, Gene tab and Transcript tab. We have also the species tab, variation tab and regulation tab.

Species tab Gene tab Variation tab

Location tab Transcript Regulation tab tab

You can for example change the species of interest in the species tab, view a chromosomal region in the Location tab (also known as Region in detail), visualise gene trees in the Gene tab, browse the cDNA sequence alongside the protein translation in the transcript pages, look for genotype information in the variation tab and get details by cell line for regulatory features. You can also perform a similarity search against any species in Ensembl by using our BlastView, which offers access to both BLAST and BLAT programs.

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Let’s take a look at the homepage at

Links to the taxa- specific sites

Link back to Ensembl


8 Click on the different taxa to see their homepages. Each of them is colour-coded:

Protists Fungi Metazoa Plants Bacteria

You can navigate most of the taxa in the same way as you would with Ensembl, but Ensembl Bacteria has a large number of genomes, so needs slightly different methods. Let’s look at it in more detail.

9 Search for Search for a gene a species Information on Ensembl Bacteria

There’s no full species list for bacteria as it would be hard to navigate with the number of species. To find a species, start to type the species name into the species search box. A drop down list will appear with possible species.

For example, to find a substrain of Clostridium difficile type in Clostridium d.

The drop down contains various strains of Clostridium difficile. Let’s choose Clostridium difficile 630. This will take us to another species homepage, where we can explore various features.


Retrieving Data from Ensembl

BioMart is a web-interface that can extract information from the Ensembl databases and present the user with a table of information without the need for programming. It can be used to output sequences or tables of genes along with gene positions ( and base pair locations), single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), homologues, and other annotation in HTML, text, or Microsoft Excel format. BioMart can also translate one type of ID to another, identify genes associated with an InterPro domains or (GO) terms, export gene expression data and lots more.

Ensembl uses MySQL relational databases to store its information. A comprehensive set of Application Programme Interfaces (APIs) serve as a middle-layer between underlying database schemes and more specific application programmes. The API aims to encapsulate the database layout by providing efficient high-level access to data tables and isolate applications from data layout changes.

11 Synopsis- what can I do with Ensembl?

• View genes with other annotation along the chromosome; • View alternative transcripts (i.e. splice variants) for a given gene; • Explore homologues and phylogenetic trees across more than 65 chordate species for any gene; • Compare whole genome alignments and conserved regions across species; • View microarray sequences that match to Ensembl genes; • View ESTs, clones, mRNA and proteins for any chromosomal region; • Examine single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for a gene or chromosomal region; • View SNPs across strains (rat, mouse) and human populations; • View positions and sequence of mRNAs and proteins that align with an Ensembl genes; • Display your own data on the Ensembl browser; • Use BLAST or BLAT against any Ensembl genome; • Export sequence or create a table of gene information with BioMart; • Use the Variant Effect Predictor; • Share Ensembl views with your colleagues and collaborators.

12 Need more help?

Check Ensembl documentation

Watch video tutorials on YouTube

View the FAQs

Try some exercises

Read some publications

Go to our online course

Stay in touch!

 Email the team with comments or questions at [email protected]

 View the Ensembl blog

 Follow us on Twitter @ensembl

 Sign up to a mailing list

Further reading

Flicek, P. et al. Ensembl 2013 Nucleic Acids Res. Advanced Access (Database Issue)

Ensembl Methods Series

Xosé M. Fernández-Suárez and Michael K. Schuster Using the Ensembl Genome Server to Browse Genomic Sequence Data. UNIT 1.15 in Current Protocols in Bioinformatics, Jun 2010.

Giulietta M Spudich and Xosé M Fernández-Suárez Touring Ensembl: A practical guide to genome browsing. BMC Genomics 2010, 11:295 (11 May 2010)


The instructor will guide you through the website using the human ESPN gene. This gene encodes a multifunctional -bundling protein with a major role in mediating sensory transduction in various mechanosensory and chemosensory cells. Mutations in this gene are associated with deafness ( gene)

The following points will be addressed during the walkthrough: • The Location tab and genomic location related links: o How do I zoom out to change the gene focus? o How to add a track (e.g. protein alignments, variation data)? • The Gene tab and gene related links: o Can I view the genomic sequence of my gene with its variations? o How to find orthologues and paralogues? • The Transcript tab and transcript related links: o What is the protein sequence? o What proteins and mRNAs are found in other databases? • Exporting a sequence and running BLAT

Go to and click on the human icon to open the human home page.

Type ESPN into the search bar and click the Go button.


Click on Gene and Human to find the hits.

One gene matches the query (ESPN) in human. Links to the Gene tab (from the HGNC official name and Ensembl gene ID), Location tab and Variation table are provided.

Link to the Location tab

Let’s view the genomic region in which this gene and its transcript are located by clicking on the 1:6484848-6521430 link. The Location tab should open.

This Location tab in Ensembl is also known as Region in detail view. There is a help video on this page at

15 Haplotypes Chromosome and patches bands

Chromosome overview ESPN and neighbouring genes Scrollable

1Mb view

Change the Zoom in focus to and out another region or gene

ESPN transcript s

The ‘Region in detail’ page is made up of three images.

The first image shows an overview of chromosome where the human ESPN gene has been mapped. In this image, you can see G banding pattern of the chromosome as well as the regions that correspond to the patches and haplotypes of the human chromosome 1. There is a help video on patches and haplotypes that can be found in the link below:;id=372

The second image shows a 1Mb region around the ESPN gene. This view allows scrolling back and forth along the chromosome. This view can also be configurable/customised.


Scrolling buttons Region of interest

Blocks represent

genes. See the legend for details on the colours.

Scroll along the chromosome by clicking and dragging within the image. As you do this, you’ll see the image below grey out and two blue buttons appear. Clicking on Update this image will jump the lower image to the region central to the scrollable image. If you want to go back to where you started, click on Reset scrollable image.

You can also drag out and jump to a region. Either hold down the key shift and drag in the image, or click on the Drag/Select button to change the action of your mouse click, and drag out a box.

Click on the X to close the pop-up menu.

17 The third and final image is a detailed and highly configurable view of the region.

You can edit what you see on this page by clicking on the blue Configure this page menu at the left or click on the cog wheel in the bottom image.

This will open a menu that allows you to change the image and looks like the image below:

Configuration tabs Search for tracks

Data track categories

Data track information

Data track names

Turn tracks on/off and change style

Let’s add some tracks to this image, such as: • Human proteins – Labels

• dbSNP variants – Normal

• 1000 Genomes – AMR – Collapsed

18 Now click on the tick in the top left hand to SAVE and close the menu with the newly added configuration. Alternatively, click anywhere outside of the menu.

We can also change the way the tracks appear by hovering over the track name, then the cog wheel to open a menu.

The data tracks can be displayed on different styles. For more details, have a look at our FAQ:

Have a look at the changes in the Location tab (or Region in detail view). Click and drag tracks to reorder them, if it helps with comparing the data.

Human protein alignments

dbSNPs 1000 variants Genomes – AMR

19 Now that you’ve got the view how you want it, you might like to show this image to a colleague or collaborator. Click on the Share this page button to generate a link and you can email the link. They will see exactly the same view as you, including all the tracks you have added. These links contain the Ensembl release number, so if a new release or even assembly comes out, your link will just take you to the archive site for the release it was made on.

To return to the default view, go to Configure this page and select Reset configuration at the bottom of the menu. You can also reset the track order.

Now that you have got the view how you want it, you might like to show something you have found to a colleague or collaborator. Click on the Share this page button to generate a link. Email the link to someone else, so that they can see the same view as you, including all the tracks you have added. These links contain the Ensembl release number, so if a new release or even assembly comes out, your link will just take you to the archive site for the release it was made on.

20 Let’s now explore the Gene tab and walk through some of the links in the left hand navigation column.

Click ‘Show transcript table’ to view all transcripts for the ESPN gene

ESPN-001 transcript. Click for info Forward- stranded transcripts Blue bar is the genome Reverse stranded transcripts

21 How can we view the genomic sequence of the ESPN gene?

Click Sequence at the left of the page.

Most recent assembly GRCh37 = hg19

Click Sequence

Page-specific help

Upstream sequence

Exon of an overlapping gene


Click on the button to view page-specific help.

The help pages also provide links to Frequently Asked Questions, a Glossary, Video Tutorials, and a form to Contact HelpDesk.

22 The sequence is shown in FASTA format. Take a look at the FASTA header:

base pair end chromosome Name of the

assembly base pair start forward strand

(reverse is -1)

Exons are highlighted within the genomic sequence. Variations can be added with the Configure this page link found at the left. Click on it now.

Show variations

Turn on line numbers

Once you have selected the new display options (in this example, Show variations and Line numbering) click at the top right of the image (circled in red above). Links to the variation tab

23 Scroll down to the second coding exon (peach background, red text) and click on the yellow highlighted R towards the right hand side of the second row of the exon. ‘R’ is the IUPAC letter code for a G/A change and the yellow colour indicates that it is a missense mutation. Click on the IUPAC letter code on the sequence to open up pop-up window with additional information and link to the rs number. Alternatively, click on one of the links (e.g. 4126: rs145666801) at the right of the view to open the Variation tab.

The icons show you what information is available for this variant. Click on Genes and regulation, or follow the link at the left.

This variant is found in the ESPN gene, it is upstream to HES2 and downstream to the miRNA MIR4252. The Regulatory consequences table shows Ensembl regulatory features and motifs at the variant position that may be involved in gene regulation. For rs145666801,

24 there is one regulatory feature mapped (ENSR00000529713) for different cell types. This data comes from the Regulatory Build.

Let’s go back to the Gene summary view by simply clicking on the Gene tab.

To view all the sequence variations in this , click the Variation table link at the left of the gene tab.

The table is divided into consequence types.


You can also view the consequence types as an ontology tree. Click on Switch to tree view at the right hand side to change the view from the table to the tree format.

Click on Show to expand a detailed table for any of the consequence types available in both table and tree views of the Variation table.

26 Let’s now look at the Expression information available for our gene. Click on Expression in the left-hand menu.

Hover over the column titles for a pop-up definition.

Is ESPN annotated in Ensembl found in other databases?

Click on External references in left-hand menu for a list of entries from other databases such as UniProt-KB and .

To compare the alignment for the different ESPN transcripts, click on Transcript comparison in the left-hand menu.

27 You now need to choose the transcripts you would like to compare: click on the Select transcripts button.

Click on the + to add transcripts one by one

Select transcripts by type (e.g. Protein coding, Processed transcript, etc)

Select all protein-coding transcripts, then save and close the menu.

Legend Gene sequence

Transcript sequences

Let’s now explore some Comparative Genomics views, which compare multiple species.

Click on Gene tree (image), which will display the current gene in the context of a phylogenetic tree used to determine orthologues and paralogues.


Click the Orthologues link at the left of this page to view homologues detected by this tree. Note the links under Compare.

29 Let’s now explore one splice isoform in the Transcript tab. Click on Show transcript table to view all the 10 transcripts (splice variants) annotated for the human ESPN gene.

Click on the ID for the first one, ESPN-001 (ENST00000377828).

You are now in the Transcript tab for ESPN-001. The left hand navigation column provides several options for the transcript ESPN- 001. Click on the Exons link, circled in the image below.

Click Exons Green: flanking sequence

Black: coding Purple: sequence UTR Blue: Intron sequence


You may want to change the display (to show more flanking sequence or to show full introns, for example). In order to do so, click on Configure this page and change the display options accordingly.

If you would like to export the sequence, including the colours, click

. A Rich Text Format document will be generated that can be opened in word processor, such as MS Word.

Now click on the cDNA link to see the spliced transcript sequence.


UnTranslated Regions (UTRs) are highlighted in yellow, codons are highlighted in light yellow, and exon sequence is shown in black or blue letters to show exon divides. Sequence variants are represented by highlighted nucleotides and clickable IUPAC codes are above the sequence.

32 Next, follow the General identifiers link at the left. This page shows data from other resources, such as HGNC, RefSeq, CCDS, EntrezGene, OMIM, UniProtKB, and others, that match to the Ensembl transcript and protein.

Links to current matches to this Ensembl ESPN transcript in other databases

33 Now, click on Ontology table to see GO terms from the Gene Ontology consortium (

Click on the to see a guide to the three-letter Evidence codes.

Click on Protein summary to view domains from , PROSITE, Superfamily, InterPro, and more.

Ensembl ESPN protein

Protein domains

Sequence variants

Clicking on Domains & features shows a table of this information.


Our last task is to export genomic sequence and perform a similarity search using Ensembl BlastView. To export a sequence, click on the Export data option, select the default parameters (e.g. Fasta sequence as output) and click Next then HTML.

This is a snapshot what you will see in your browser:


To use this sequence for similarity searches, you can select the header and a few lines of the nucleotide sequence and then copy it on the clipboard. Click on the BLAST/BLAT link in the bar at the top of the main Ensembl homepage. Paste the sequence into the appropriate box and select BLAT as the search algorithm.

Click Run.


Best hit

Karyotype with hits

Click to view in Location tab

36 Follow links to an alignment [A], genomic sequence [G] and the corresponding Location View [C] (to C (see) the hit!).

Clicking on [C] should reveal the BLAT hit in Region in detail view (or Location tab):

Click on the red bar for the score, %ID, and other BLAST/BLAT values.

Export Image for your lab notebook or publications, or Share it with your colleagues and collaborators!





Exercise 1 – Exploring a gene in human

(a) Find the human F9 (coagulation factor IX) gene. On which chromosome and which strand of the genome is this gene located? How many transcripts (splice variants) have been annotated for it?

(b) What is the longest transcript? How long is the protein it encodes? Has this transcript been annotated automatically (by Ensembl) or manually (by Havana)? How many exons does it have? Are there exons completely or partially untranslated?

(c) Have a look at the external references for ENST00000218099. What is the function of F9?

(d) Is it possible to monitor expression of ENST00000218099 with the ILLUMINA HumanWG_6_V2 microarray? If so, can it also be used to monitor expression of the other two transcripts?

(e) In which part (i.e. the N-terminal or C-terminal half) of the protein encoded by ENST00000218099 does its peptidase activity reside? Does the protein contain any transmembrane domains?

(f) Have missense variants been discovered for the protein encoded by ENST00000218099?

(g) If you have yourself a gene of interest, explore what information Ensembl displays about it!

38 ______

Exercise 2 – Exploring a region in human

(a) Go to the region from bp 32,448,000 to 33,198,000 on human chromosome 13. On which cytogenetic band is this region located? How many contigs make up this portion of the assembly (contigs are contiguous stretches of DNA sequence that have been assembled solely based on direct sequencing information)?

(b) Zoom in on the BRCA2 gene.

(c) Are there any tilepath clones (i.e. BAC clones upon which the current genomic assembly was based) that contain the complete BRCA2 gene?

(d) Add the track with RefSeq gene models. Has RefSeq annotated the BRCA2 gene? If so, how many transcripts have been annotated? Do they differ from the Ensembl transcripts?

(e) Save a picture of the main panel in .png format.

(f) Export the genomic sequence of the region you are looking at in FASTA format.

(g) Delete all tracks you have added to the Location tab.


Exercise 3 – Mouse assembly, orthology and protein domains a) What is the latest assembly of the mouse genome in Ensembl? When was it produced? What is the total number of non-coding genes in the current release? Can you find the previous assembly of the mouse genome (i.e. NCBIM37)? b) Find the Samd3 gene in mouse. How many orthologues for this gene have been annotated in other rodents in Ensembl? What is the location of the ortholog gene in rat? Can you find the alignment between the mouse protein and the rat counterpart?

39 c) What is the protein sequence for ENSMUST00000060716? Are there any domains or features present in the amino acid sequence? Can you download this information as a table?


Exercise 4 – Choose your favourite gene or genome of interest

Use Ensembl to find the specific information related to your gene or species of choice.



Follow these instructions to guide yourself through BioMart and answer the following query:

You have three questions about this set of human genes: ESPN, MYH9, USH1C, CHD7, CISD2, THRB, DFNB31

Note: These are HGNC gene symbols.

1) What are the EntrezGene IDs for these genes?

2) Are there associated functions from the GO (gene ontology) project that might help describe their function?

3) What are their cDNA sequences?

Step 1: Click on BioMart in the top header of a page to go to:

NOTE: These answers were determined using BioMart Ensembl 72.

STEP 2: Choose Ensembl Genes 71 as the primary database.

STEP 3: Choose Homo sapiens genes as the dataset.

41 STEP 4: Click Filters at the left. Expand the GENE panel.

STEP 5: In ID List Limit, paste in your gene symbols. Change the heading to read HGNC symbol(s).

STEP 6: Click Count to see BioMart is reading 8 genes out of 62,252 possible H. sapiens genes (this number includes ncRNA genes) (note that CHD7 has an Ensembl copy and an LRG copy (, hence 8 counts for 7 HGNC genes).

42 STEP 7: Click on Attributes to select output options (i.e. GO terms)

STEP 8: Expand the EXTERNAL panel.

STEP 9: Scroll down to select EntrezGene ID (to answer question 1)

STEP 10: Also select HGNC symbol to see the input gene symbols we started with.

STEP 11: Scroll back up to select GO term fields (to answer question 2)

STEP 12: Click Results.

43 Why are there multiple rows for one gene ID? Look at the first few rows of your results table.

STEP 13: Click Attributes again

STEP 14: Select Sequences at the top, then expand SEQUENCES and choose the option cDNA sequences (to answer question 3).

STEP 15: Expand Header Information to select the Associated Gene Name

44 STEP 16: Click Results to see the cDNA sequences in FASTA format.

STEP 17: Change View 10 rows to View All rows so that you see the full table.

Note: Pop-up blocking must be switched off in your browser.

Note: you can use the Go button to export a file.

What did you learn about the human genes in this exercise? Could you get these results using the Ensembl browser? Would it take longer?

For more details on BioMart, have a look at these publications:

Smedley, D. et al. BioMart – biological queries made easy BMC Genomics 2009 Jan 14;10:22

Kinsella, R.J. et al. Ensembl BioMarts: a hub for data retrieval across taxonomic space. Database (Oxford) 2011:bar030


Exercise 1

Retrieve the sequences of all mouse genes that are located on chromosome 17, that are protein coding and that encode for proteins containing transmembrane domains. Do a count after selection of each filter to check the number of genes remaining in your dataset. Export the results of the protein sequences (FASTA) as Compressed web file and get them notified to you by email. ______

Exercise 2

BioMart is a very handy tool when you want to map between different databases. The following is a list of 19 accession numbers from the UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot database ( of human proteins that are supposedly involved in the sensory perception of pain (

Q99608, P34913, P28482, P28223, Q96LB1, P10997, P01210, P25929, P17481, P43681, P29460, Q9HC23, P20366, Q9Y2W7, Q99572, Q99571, Q00535, P01138, P17787

Generate a list that shows, to which Ensembl Gene IDs and to which HGNC symbols, these UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot accession numbers map. Also include the gene description.


Exercise 3

In the paper ‘Discovery of novel biomarkers by microarray analysis of peripheral blood mononuclear cell gene expression in benzene- exposed workers’ (Forrest et al. Environ Health Perspect. 2005 June; 113(6): 801–807) the effect of benzene exposure on peripheral blood mononuclear cell gene expression in a population of shoe factory workers with well-characterized occupational exposures was examined using microarrays. The microarray used was the Affymetrix U133A/B GeneChip (also called ‘U133 plus 2’). The top 25 probe sets up-regulated by benzene exposure were:

46 207630_s_at, 221840_at, 219228_at, 204924_at 227613_at, 223454_at, 228962_at, 214696_at, 210732_s_at, 212371_at, 225390_s_at, 227645_at, 226652_at, 221641_s_at, 202055_at, 226743_at, 228393_s_at, 225120_at, 218515_at, 202224_at, 200614_at, 212014_x_at, 223461_at, 209835_x_at, 213315_x_at

(a) Generate a list of the genes to which these probe sets map. Include the Ensembl Gene ID, name and description as well as the probe set name.

(b) As a first step towards analysing them for possible regulatory features they have in common, retrieve the 250 bp upstream of the transcripts of these genes. Include the Ensembl Gene and Transcript ID, name and description in the sequence header.

(c) In order to be able to study these human genes in mouse, generate a list of the human genes and their mouse orthologues. Include the Ensembl Gene ID for both the human and mouse genes and the type in your list.

(d) Generate the same list as in (c), but now also include the name and description of both the human and mouse genes. As the name and description of the mouse genes are not available as attributes in the Ensembl human genes dataset, you have to add the Ensembl mouse genes as a second dataset.


Exercise 4

Design your own query! ______


Exercise 1 – Exploring a sequence variant in human

The NPC1 (Niemann-Pick disease, type C1) gene encodes a protein that is thought to be involved in the intracellular transport of cholesterol. One of the variants in this gene, ‘H215R’ or ‘c.644A>G’, has been identified as a genetic risk factor for obesity.

(a) Find the NPC1 gene for human. Go to the ‘Variation table’ page. What is the dbSNP accession number (rs number) for the H215R variant (tip: Choose to show the ‘missense variants’. Why is that?)?

(b) Is the consequence type of the variant missense for all transcripts that have been annotated for the NPC1 gene?

(c) Why are its alleles in Ensembl given as T/C and not as A/G, like in dbSNP ( and most literature (‘c.644A>G’)?

(d) Why does Ensembl put the T allele first (T/C)?

(e) Is there ethnic variability in the frequency of the C allele?

(f) In which paper is the association between the variant and obesity described?

(g) According to the data imported from dbSNP, T is the ancestral allele of this variant. Ancestral alleles in dbSNP are based on a comparison between human and chimp. Does the sequence at the position of the variant in the other primates, i.e. gorilla, orangutan, macaque and marmoset, confirm that T is indeed the ancestral allele?


Exercise 2 – Exploring a SNP in mouse

Madsen et al. in the paper ‘Altered metabolic signature in pre- diabetic NOD mice’ (PloS One. 2012; 7(4): e35445) have described several regulatory and coding SNPs, some of them in genes residing

48 within the previously defined insulin dependent diabetes (IDD) regions. The authors describe that one of the identified SNPs in the murine Xdh gene (rs29522348) would lead to an amino acid substitution and could be damaging as predicted as by SIFT ( a) Which chromosome and coordinates in the SNP located? b) What is the HGVS recommendation nomenclature for this SNP? c) Why does Ensembl put the C allele first (C/T)? d) Are there differences between the genotypes reported in NOD/LTJ and BALB/cByJ?


Exercise 3 – Variant Effect Predictor

An analysis of 5,000 patients from a British cohort has identified few variants associated with lung cancer: chr 15, genomic coordinate 78889339, alleles G/A, forward strand chr 22, genomic coordinate 30332586, alleles T/C, forward strand chr 6, genomic coordinate 31721033, alleles G/A, forward strand chr 5, genomic coordinate 1260624, alleles G/A, forward strand chr 17, genomic coordinate 63554591, alleles A/G, forward strand chr 5, genomic coordinate 1254510, alleles C/T, forward strand

Use the VEP tool to answer the following: a) in which genes and transcripts do these variants map to? b) what are the consequence terms for these variants? c) are there deleterious variants according to SIFT/PolyPhen? Are those two predictions always in agreement with each other?



Exercise 1 - Orthologues, paralogues and gene trees for the human IL2 gene. a) How many orthologues are predicted for this gene in Ensembl? b) Is there a pairwise genomic alignment between mouse and human? Is there a gene for both species in this region?


Exercise 2 – Synteny

ENSG00000224389 is the Ensembl gene ID for complement component 4B (Chido blood group) in human. Complement component 4 is a protein involved in the complement system and its produced by a gene located on the human MHC region on chromosome 6. a) Go to the Location tab of ENSG00000224389. Are there any syntenic regions in mouse for this genomic region in human? If so, which murine share synteny with human chromosome 6? Which chromosome seems to contain the MHC loci in mouse from this synteny view? b) Stay in the Synteny view. Is there a homologue in mouse for ENSG00000224389? Are there more genes in this syntenic block downstream to ENSG00000224389 with homologues in mouse? c) Try to search for the official HGNC symbol, C4B, instead of ENSG00000224389. Why do we have some many different results?


Exercise 4 – Whole genome alignments a) Find the Ensembl CIITA (class II, major histocompatibility complex, transactivator) gene for human and go to the Location tab.

50 b) Turn on the BLASTz/LASTz alignment tracks for chimp, mouse and pig and the Translated BLAT alignment tracks for zebrafish. Does the degree of conservation between human and the various other species reflect their evolutionary relationship? Which parts of the CIITA gene seem to be the most conserved? Did you expect this? c) Have a look at the Conservation regions tracks for the set of 36 mammals and the set of 20 vertebrates. Do these tracks confirm what you already saw in the tracks with pairwise genomic alignment data? d) Retrieve the genomic alignment for a constrained element. Highlight the bases that match in >75% of the species in the alignment.


Exercise 1 – Regulatory build: the STX7 gene in human a) Find the Location tab for the STX7 gene. Are there regulatory features in this gene region? If so, where in the gene do they appear? b) Turn on the Segmentation features for HUVEC, HeLa-S3, and HepG2 cell types. Do any of these cells show non-gene associated regulatory features in the STX7 region? c) Add supporting data based on DNase1-Seq and FAIRE experiments that indicate regions of open chromatin for HeLa-S3 cells. Are there sites enriched for marks of open chromatin at the 5’ end of STX7 of these cells? d) Add histone modification supporting data for the same cell type as above (e.g. HeLa-S3). Which ones are present at the 5’ end of STX7? e) Is there any data to support methylated CpG sites in this region (5’ end) of STX7 in B-cells? f) Create a Share link for this display. Email it to yourself then open the link.

Exercise 2 – Regulatory build: the MHC region in human

The HLA-DRB1 and HLA-DQA1 genes are part of the human major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC-II) region and are located about 44 kb from each other on chromosome 6. In the paper ‘The human major histocompatibility complex class II HLA-DRB1 and HLA-DQA1 genes are separated by a CTCF-binding enhancer-blocking element’ (Majumder et al. J Biol Chem. 2006 Jul 7;281(27):18435-43) a region of high acetylation located in the intergenic sequences between HLA-DRB1 and HLA-DQA1 is described. This region, termed XL9, coincided with sequences that bound the insulator protein CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF). Majumder et al. hypothesize that the XL9 region may have evolved to separate the transcriptional units of the HLA-DR and HLA-DQ genes.


(a) Go to the region from bp 32,540,000 to 32,620,000 on human chromosome 6

(b) Is there a regulatory feature annotated in the intergenic region between the HLA-DRB1 and HLA-DQA1 genes that has CTCF binding data as (part of) its core evidence?

(c) Has CTCF binding been detected at this position in all cell types analysed?

(d) Is the region showing CTCF binding also a region of high acetylation as found by Majumder et al.?

(e) Is the CTCF binding region reflected in the regulatory segmentation tracks?


Exercise 3 – Variation Effect Predictor & ENCODE data hub

The thrombocytopenia with absent radii (TAR) syndrome is characterised by a reduction in the number of platelets and the absence of the radius bone in the forearm ( Recently it was found that TAR syndrome is caused by deficiency in one of the four subunits of the exon-junction complex (EJC), that performs essential RNA processing tasks (Compound inheritance of a low-frequency regulatory SNP and a rare null mutation in exon-junction complex subunit RBM8A causes TAR syndrome. Albers CA et al. Nat Genet. 2012 Feb 26;44(4):435-9, S1-2.). This subunit is encoded by the RBM8A gene.

(a) Go to the human RBM8A gene and identify its longest annotated transcript.

In the above study it was found that compound inheritance of a deletion on 1q21.1 and a G/A variant at position 1:145,507,646 or a G/C variant at position 1:145,507,765 explained most TAR cases studied. The additional cases had the G/A variant in combination with either a T/TAGCG variant at position 1:145,508,476 or a C/T variant at position 1:145,509,173 instead of the 1q21.1 deletion.


(b) What is the effect of the above four variants on the longest RBM8A transcript? Has any of them already been annotated in Ensembl? Have a look at the variants on the ‘Region in detail’ page.

According to Albers et al., histone modification and FAIRE-seq data from the ENCODE Project indicate that the 5’UTR and intronic variant are localised to potential active regulatory elements.

(c) Verify the above claim using the data from the ENCODE data hub ( ata_jan2011/hub.txt). Have a look at e.g. H3K27Ac (which is thought to be a mark of active enhancers) and FAIRE (a mark of open chromatin) data.



Here is a list of databases and projects you will come across in these exercises. Projects include many species, unless otherwise noted.

Other help:

The Ensembl Glossary:

Ensembl FAQs:


EMBL-Bank, GenBank and DDBJ – They contain nucleic acid sequences deposited by submitters, such as wet-lab biologists and gene sequencing projects. These three databases are synchronised with each other every day, so the same sequences should be found in all of them.

CCDS – Coding sequences that are agreed upon by Ensembl, Havana, UCSC and NCBI (human and mouse).

NCBI Entrez Gene – NCBI’s gene collection.

NCBI RefSeq – NCBI’s collection of ‘reference sequences’. It includes genomic DNA, mRNAs and proteins. NM represents ‘Known mRNA’ (e.g. NM_005476) and NP (e.g. NP_005467) are ‘Known proteins’.

UniProtKB – the “Protein knowledgebase” is a comprehensive set of protein sequences. It is divided into two parts: Swiss-Prot and TrEMBL

UniProt Swiss-Prot – the manually annotated, reviewed protein sequence set in the UniProtKB. High quality.

UniProt TrEMBL – the automatically annotated, unreviewed set of protein sequences (EMBL-Bank translated). Varying quality.

55 VEGA – Vertebrate Genome Annotation database providing a selection of manually-curated genes, transcripts, and proteins (human, mouse, zebrafish, gorilla, wallaby, pig, chimpanzee and dog).

HAVANA – Human and Vertebrate Analysis and annotation group at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. It’s the main contributor to the manual annotation presented in VEGA.


HGNC – HUGO Committee, a project assigning a unique name and symbol to every human gene.

ZFIN – The Zebrafish Model Database (Zebrafish International Resource Center).

MGI – Mouse Genome Informatics


InterPro – A collection of domains, motifs, and other protein signatures. Protein signature records are extensive, and combine information from individual projects such as UniProt, along with other databases such as SMART, PFAM and PROSITE.

PFAM – A collection of protein families

PROSITE – A collection of protein domains, families, and functional sites.

SMART – A collection of evolutionarily conserved protein domains.


NCBI dbSNP – A collection of sequence polymorphisms; mainly single nucleotide polymorphisms, along with insertion-deletions.

NCBI OMIM – Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man – a resource showing phenotypes and diseases related to genes (human).


1) Find out in which tissue types there is methylation 10bp upstream and downstream of this SNP: rs4405231.

2) The human vanin 3 (VNN3) gene has fifteen splice isoforms in Ensembl. • Are there RNA-Seq models for the human VNN3 gene? • In which tissue types is the intron evidence the greatest?

3) You are interested in sequences that may be involved in gene regulation in the VNN3 locus, specifically in blood and vein walls. Visualise and save the following configuration (set of tracks) for region in detail. • Segmentation Tracks (Regulation) for HUVEC (Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial) cells • Reg. Feats. HUVEC • MeDIP-chip Whole Blood • Histone modifications and factor binding sites in HUVEC cells.

4) Draw the variants on the gene sequence for the human VNN3 gene. Can you find population frequencies for one of the variants?

5) You have a list of BAC-ends to the human insulin receptor (INSR) gene, and you’d like to display them on the browser. Upload this BED file (of BAC-end positions) and display it in region in detail: e.bed To customise this region, can you … • Show the clone names on the display? • Compare your Bed track directly with the constrained elements for 35 eutherian mammals, and the INSR transcripts (including a bit of upstream/downstream region) by reordering the tracks? • Turn off unwanted tracks, and export this as an image? 6) Show all histone modifications and binding sites in NHEK cells (Normal Human Epidermal Keratinocytes) for the

57 human LOR gene. (Answer: in release 71, you should find H3K27me3, H2K4me2, H3K4me3 sites, but no TF binding sites in this region).

7) The SNP rs7903146 in the human TCF7L2 gene has been reported to be highly associated with Type 2 diabetes. Can you find this association in Ensembl? Is there any P value?

8) How long is the transcript (cDNA) for Mouse Brca2-201? Export this transcript sequence.

9) Use the VEP (online) to find out if there are SNPs known in dbSNP for the following alleles in Mouse: • A/C Chromosome 5, base pair position 151,338,910 • C/A Chromosome 5, bp 151,342,027 If there is a gene known to be affected by these SNPs, what is the gene name?

10) For the Zebrafish ins gene, which transcript and protein were used to determine the gene tree? View the cDNA comparison of the Zebrafish gene with Coelacanth.